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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preek as kunsvorm / The sermon as an art form

Preller, Willem Petrus Lubbe 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die inhoud en vorm van 'n preek is 'n eenheid. Beide aspekte vorm deel van die teologiese teorie van die prediking. In hierdie studie word daar teoreties besin oor 'n bepaalde vorm van prediking. Dit behels 'n ondersoek na die literere vorm waarin die boodskap gestruktureer en verwoord word. Die Skrif bevat 'n verskeidenheid literere vorme wat deur Bybelskrywers aangewend is om die intensie van die teks effektief te kommunikeer. Elk van hierdie vorme besit 'n eiendomlike kommunikatiewe aard. Die ontwikkeling van die moderne literatuurwetenskap sedert die tagtigerjare van die twintigste eeu het stukrag verleen aan die insig dat die Bybel ook as 'n versameling godsdienstige literatuur bestudeer kan word. Dit het meegebring dat die intensie van die teks van die Bybel op 'n teologies verantwoordbare wyse, met inagneming van die historiese verbande, beter begryp kan word deur die gebruikmaking van insigte uit ander literatuur. As sodanig word erkende literere kunsvorme wat naas die logies-analitiese ook die emotiewe betrek, aanvaar. Die resultaat van hierdie ondersoek dui aan dat die preek as kunsvorm geevalueer en in die moderne preekteorie geregverdig kan word. Die proses van transformasie wat die moderne hermeneutiese benadering kenmerk; die veranderde beleweniswereld en verstaanshorison van die huidige hoorders asook die eiesoortige aard van Bybelse literatuur is vanuit 'n kommunikatiewe aanname in 'n kunsvorm binne die moderne homiletiese teorie haalbaar. Die teorie orienteer binne die kommunikatiewe handelingsteorie as meta-teorie wat ingestel is op dialogiese kommunikasie wat betekenisgewing deur waarnemerbetrokkenheid bevorder en 'n bepaalde denkwyse by die hoorders tot gevolg het. Die tradisionele vorm van prediking, gekenmerk deur absolute dominasie van die rede en intellektualisme uit die modernistiese tydvak, het teen die einde van die tweede millennium in ernstige diskrediet gekom. Die radikale verandering in die samelewing deur die moderniseringsproses met gepaardgaande paradigma verskuiwinge dwing die homiletiek om teoreties te herbesin. In hierdie studie word die preek as kunsvorm afgebaken tot die verhalende preekvorm, konseptueel ontwikkel en teoreties omskryf asook geplaas binne die moderne homiletiese teorie as komponent wat daarby pas. Die resultaat is verkry deur 'n vergelykende studie van gemeenskaplike wesenstrekke wat voorkom by erkende kunsvorme in die moderne kunsteorie; die verhalende kunsvorm in die moderne literere teorie met spesifieke verwysing na die Afrikaanse roman asook die verhalende preekvorm in die moderne homiletiese teorie. Deur hierdie vorm van prediking in die moderne preekteorie op te neem, kan 'n sinvolle bydrae gemaak word om die Christelike boodskap deur oortuiging sander enige vorm van dwang te kommunikeer. / In a sermon form and content are one. Both aspects form part of the theological theory of preaching. This theoretical survey investigates one of the various literary forms through which the biblical writers attempted to communicate the intention of the biblical text in the most effective way. Each of these forms possesses a distinctive communicative character. The development of modern literary theory since the eighties of the twentieth century was a propulsive force leading to the conviction that the Bible was also a collection of religious literature. This conviction implied that the intention of the biblical text could be more clearly understood in a theological justified manner within the historical context by using insights gained from other literature. Acknowledged literary art forms adhering to the emotive as well as the logic-analytical are embraced as such. In this study the sermon as an art form is limited to narrative preaching, developed as a concept; theoretically described and placed within the modern homiletical theory as a suitable component. Results are obtained by means of a comparative study of mutual features that are distinctive to acknowledged art forms in the modern theory of art; narrative art forms in modern literature theory specifically in the modern Afrikaans novel, as well as the narrative form of preaching in the modern homiletical theory. The modern homiletical theory is orientated within the communicative acts theory as meta-theory focusing on dialogical communication which promotes meaning through the involvement of the observer. The conclusions reached indicate that the sermon as an art form can be evaluated and justified within the modem homiletical theory. Taken up in this theory, it can prove significant in communicating the Christian message to the listeners in a convincing rather than compulsive manner. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical theology)

Dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers liefde

Pretorius, Hendrik Erasmus Sterrenberg 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Wetenskap filosofiese en prakties teologiese posisionering word deur 'n postmoderne benadering bepaal. Met die doel van die studie naamlik, dekonstruksie van die teologiese diskoers, liefde, in die oog, volg 'n blik op kwalitatiewe navorsing. Sosiale konstruksie diskoers word as epistemologiese vertrekpunt bespreek. Metodologies het die keuse op 'n narratiewe benadering geval. Voortvloeiend hieruit volg die gebruik van metafore, eksternalisering en dekonstruksie van die gesprekke. Die doel van die studie vereis ook bestudering van verskeie sienings oor liefde. Die literatuurstudie word bespreek onder die volgende metafore, naamlik algemene sienings, 'n historiese oorsig en teologiese sienings. Die relevansie van die gekose inligting word weerspieel in die gesprekke. Met behulp van veelvuldige reflekterende gesprekke word saam met gesinne gekonstrueer aan 'n nuwe verstaan van liefde. / Both the Scientific Philosophical and the practical theological positioning are determined by a postmodemistic approach. Keeping in mind the aim of this study, namely the deconstruction of the theological discourse, iove, a view on qualitative research is given. A review of social construction discourse as epistemological starting point is given. Methodologically a narrative approach was used. Emanating from this follows the use of metaphors, externalization and deconstruction of the interviews. The aim of this study also demands the study of various views on love. The study is arranged under the following metaphors, namely general views, a historic review and theological views. The relevance of the chosen information is reflected in the interviews, and new understanding of love is constructed in collaboration with the families. / M.Th.(Practical theology)

Die begrafnisritueel in Eersterust se geloofsgemeenskap

Du Preez, Johannes Lodewickes Christoffel 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / As 'n gemeenskap is Eersterust 'n skepping van apartheid. Voor die Groepsgebiedewet (1950) het alle rassegroepe in Pretoria vermeng gewoon. Dit sou lei tot ondertrouery en kultuurvermenging - iets wat die geloofsgemeenskap van Eersterust se begrafnisritueel weerspieel. Die begrafnisritueel het nie in Eersterust ontstaan nie, maar is daar uitgebou - soos die toevoeging van die troosmaal na die begrafnis. Wat by 'n afsterwe in Eersterust opval, is die geweldige kollektiewe gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid vanaf afsterwe tot met die troosmaal. Daarna kom dit abrup tot 'n einde. Die fokus van die studie is drieledig. Eerstens word gekyk na die ontstaan van die begrafnisritueel. Daarna kom twee vrae aan die orde: Wat is die betekenis van die begrafnisritueel vir die geloofsgemeenskap? Watter invloed het die ritueel op treurendes binne die geloofsgemeenskap wat doodsverlies moet verwerk? Die eerste vraag weerspieel 'n gemeenskap se trots op wat binne 'n gegewe historiese en sos10- politieke situasie vermag kan word. Binne hul verhaal van swaarkry le die spore van 'n alternatiewe gemeenskapsverhaal met 'n sterk eskatologiese duiding. Die tweede vraag wek ambivalente gevoelens. Sommige medenavorsers voel die hulp aan die treurendes is hopeloos te min. Ander getuig weer van bystand aan treurendes na 'n afsterwe. Oor een aspek is daar eenstemmigheid: Die geloofsgemeenskap sal maniere moet vind om die bestaande pastorale sorg aan die treurendes nog beter te doen. Die sleutelkonsepte van die studie - soos uiteengesit in hoofstuk 2 - val in drie dele uiteen. Daar is begrippe eie aan die gekose epistemologie; begrippe eie aan die navorsingsonderwerp; asook eiesoortige taal- en woordgebruik. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Narratiewe pastorale terapie met broodwinners tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses

Gardiner, Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing is gerig op die aanwending van narratiewe pastorale terapie met breadwinners wat werksonsekerheid tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses ervaar. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en is gebaseer op narratiewe pastorale gesprekvoerlng esook die proses van meervoudige refleksie waardeur die navorsing gerig en aangepas word. As navorser was ek deelnemer in die proses van verandering waarin veralgemening genegeer is en die rol van persoonlike kennis beklemtoon is. Die terapie is gerig op proaktiewe optrede tydens die rasionaliseringsproses en is ten opsigte van elkeen van die deelnemers aangewend in pasmaakgesprekke waartydens hul unieke behoefles aandag geniet het. Deur die metode van eksternalisering is die invloed van werksonsekerheid op die deelnemers geeksploreer en is hulie aangemoedig om in 'n ander verhouding tot die probleem van werksonsekerheid le staan. Namate die deelnemers tydens hierdie proses belangrike skuiwe op die vlak van identiteit gemaak het, ken hulie die toekoms met nuwe hoop bejeen. / The research was directed at the application of narrative pastoral therapy with breadwinners experiencing job insecurity during a process of rationalisation. This qualitative study was based on narrative pastoral conversations as well as the process of multiple reflection through which the research was directed and adapted. As researcher, I was a participant in the process of change in which generalisations were negated and the role of personal knowledge emphasised. The therapy was directed at proactive action during the rationalisation process and was applied in respect of each of the participants in a customised conversation. The influence of job insecurity on the participants was explored through the method of externalisation and they were encouraged to adopt a new relationship to the problem of job insecurity. In the process, as each participant made important shifts on the level of identity, they wera able to view the future with new hope. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie (Pastorale Terapie))

Spiritualiteit as perspektief op adolessensie : 'n studie gerig op pastorale beraad

Grobler, Leon Pieter 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Adolessensie is die ontwikkelings- en oorgangsperiode tussen kindertyd en volwassenheid. Alhoewel adolessensie 'n bepaalde konflikkarakter het, kan dit nie kategories as 'n storm-en-drang probleemstadium tipeer word nie. Adolessensie is 'n positiewe stadium wat gekenmerk word deur groei en nuwe uitdagings. Adolessensie word gekenmerk deur ingrypende veranderinge met betrekking tot die terreine van die fisiologies-somatiese, kogni ti ewe, emosionele, identiteit, sosiale, morele en religieuse. 'n Multidimensionele perspektief is dus n vereiste met die oog op n verstaan en definiering van adolessensie. Om hierdie rede kan adolessensie vanuit 'n verskeidenheid van teoriee beskryf word. Hierdie biologiese, psigoanali tiese, psigososiale, antropologiese en ekologies-kontekstuele teoriee gee egter geen aandag aan 'n teologiese orientasie nie. Verder bied nie een van hierdie teoriee 'n perspektief wat die ontwikkelingsterreine tot 'n eenheid integreer nie. Die gevolg is dat daar nie 'n kernstruktuur is wat die verskillende ontwikkelingsveranderinge en ontwikkelingstake kan orden en 'n teologiese betekenis (semantiek) daaraan kan toeken nie. Binne die raamwerk van 'n prakties-teologiese orientasie word 'n Christelike spiritualiteit as teologiese perspektief op adolessensie beskou. Spiritualiteit is die mens se dinamiese respons op die transendente werklikheid. Vanuit 'n Bybelse antropologie word die mens beskou as 'n relasionele wese wat in die teenwoordigheid van God leef (die coram Deo beginsel). Die mens se totale lewe (ook die adolessent se ontwikkelingsveranderinge) word op God betrek. Spiritualiteit as semantiese struktuurkern funksioneer as geestelike lens wat 'n bepaalde fokus op die adolessent se ontwikkeling bied, en wat die verskillende ontwikkelingsprosesse tot 'n geiintegreerde geheel saamtrek. Deur spiritualiteit word adolessensie 'reframe' en as transendentteologiese roepingsterrein beskou. Die adolessent word geroep om die Skriftuurlik-evangeliese beginsels te internaliseer met betrekking tot eie ontwikkelingsprosesse. Die pastorale implikasie is dat die berader die proses waardeur 'n integrasie plaasvind tussen adolessente se spiri tualiteit en hul ontwikkelingsprosesse en probleemhantering, moet fasiliteer. Hierdie dinamika kan optimaal realiseer indien die berader binne die raamwerk van 'n relasie (as ontmoetingsgebeure) orienteer aan 'n epistemologie van deelname. In die beraadproses moet adolessente as verantwoordelike wesens beskou word wat betekenis aan eie ontwikkeling en probleme toeken. Verder moet pastorale beraad ook interdissipliner, ontwikkelingstoepaslik en ekosistemies gerig wees. / Adolescence is the developmental and tccansitional stage between childhood and adulthood. Although adolescence is marked by conflict, it should not be categorised as a problem period. It is a positive stage characterised by growth and challenging new processes. Adolescence is characterised by radical changes in the physiologicalsomatic, cognitive, emotional, identity, social, moral and religious spheres. A multidimensional perspective is therefore a prerequisite for understanding and defining adolescence. Adolescence can thus be described in terms of a wide range of theories. These biological, psychoanalytical, psychosocial, anthropological and ecological-contextual theories devote no attention to a theological orientation. None of the theories can offer an integrating and unifying perspective in regard to the developmental areas. The result is a lack of a centre of structure that has an ordering and theological meaning-qi ving (semantic) function with reference to the variety of developmental changes and tasks. Within the framework of a practical-theological orientation, a Christian spirituality is considered as theological perspective on adolescence. Spirituality is a person's dynamic response to the transcendent reality. A Biblical anthropology compels us to view human beings as relational beings who live in the presence of God (the coram Deo principle). Every aspect of a person's life (the adolescent's developmental changes included!) is implicated in this relationship with God. Spirituality as centre of semantic structure functions as a spiritual lens. It presents us with a particular focus on the development of the adolescent, and it integrates and unifies the developmental processes. By means of spirituality, adolescence is reframed and viewed as a transcendenttheological vocation. The adolescent is called to internalise the Biblicalevangelical principles with reference to his/her developmental processes. The pastoral implication is that the counsellor should facilitate the process through which adolescents integrate their spirituality with their development and management of problems. This dynamics can best be achieved within the framework of a relationship (personal encounter) in which the counsellor functions on the basis of an epistemology of participation. In the counselling process adolescents must be seen as responsible beings who can contribute meaning to their development and problems. Pastoral counselling should also be an interdisciplinary, developmentally appropriate and ecosystemic process. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Funksionering van 'n missionêre geloofsgemeenskap / Operation of a life-transforming congregation

Jansen van Vuuren, Dawid Schalk 05 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Die kerk maak nie meer 'n impak op die samelewing van ons tyd nie. Beide statistiek en die landsomstandighede bewys onteenseglik hierdie stelling. Die situasie in Suid-Afrika is so benard dat die kerk nie onbetrokke kan bly nie. Die kerk is egter self kragteloos en kwynend. Die rede waarom die kerk nie 'n impak maak op mense nie, is <lat die kerk sy roeping verloor het. 'n Kerk wat sy roeping verloor het, het ook sy identiteit verloor. Die roeping van die kerk word bespreek aan die hand van die Matteus-evangelie. Gehoorsaarnheid t.o.v. haar roeping vra dat die kerk 'n manier vind om gesekulariseerde mense te evangeliseer en assimileer. 'n Historiese blik op die kerk wys uit dat ons tans op die drumpel van die grootste transformasie staan wat die kerk die afgelope 1600 jaar beleef het. Ons geslag is geroep om die kerk van die volgende paradigma gestalte te laat kry. Aan die hand van die sosioloog, Parsons, word uitgewys dat die huidige struktuur van die kerk waardevorming teewerk. 'n Meer effektiewe inrigting word deur die teorie uitgewys. Die identiteit van die kerk en verhoudinge in die kerk meet baie ernstiger opgeneem word. Die tyd van die kerk as instituut is verby. Die kerk sal maksimum impak op mense buite die kerk he wanneer die kerugma, leiturgia, koinonia en diakonia gebalanseerd funksioneer. Drie prosesse moet op die missionere front van die geloofsgemeenskap in sinvolle samehang funksioneer ten einde gesekulariseerde mense te bereik. Dit is diens aan die gemeenskap, 'n dialoog-geleentheid, en 'n duidelik omlynde proses waardeur gewillige buitestaanders deel word van die huisgesin van die geloof en Koninkrykswaardes gevestig word. Die sentrale stelling van hierdie studie is dat 'n geloofsgemeenskap wat gesond en gebalanseerd funksioneer 'n positiewe transformerende invloed op mense uitoefen, wat ook na hulle waardes deurwerk. / The Church no longer has any significant impact on society. An analysis of the Church morally and statistically confirms this. The situation in South Africa is so critical, that the Church cannot afford to remain detached and uninvolved. An explanation for this lack of impact, is that the Church has lost its identity. Its loss of a sense of call and purpose is argued from the Gospel of Matthew. In order to rediscover its call, the Church must find a way to evangelise and assimilate secular people. A historical analysis reveals that the Church is on the brink of the greatest transformation in 1600 years. Our generation is called upon to shape the new Church paradigm. The present structure of the institutional Church nullifies the attempt to instil its moral values. Parson's sociological theory confirms this and proposes a more effective paradigm, where the identity of the Church and the importance of relationships are underscored. It is only when the Church balances kerugma, leiturgia, koinonia and diakonia that she effectively impacts on secular men and women. Three processes need to be held in tension in this evangelical endeavour of the faith community. These include ministry to the commtinity; an interactional dialogue; and a process of assimilation and value formation, culminating in a sense of belonging to the household of faith. The central thesis holds that a balanced and healthy community of faith, effects a positive transforming influence and leads to a change of values. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Proposed norms and standards for pastoral counsellors/therapists

Kriel, Aletha Catharina 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate recommendations regarding professional standards for training and registration in pastoral work. The aim is to obtain professional recognition for Pastoral Counsellors/Therapists by accreditation and recognition from a relevant professional council. The goal is also to formulate these standards in line with the processes of the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The following four forms of pastoral work were distinguished and discussed: Mutual care, Pastoral care, Pastoral counselling, and Pastoral therapy. The Accreditation Committee proposed the following sub-fields: Human and Social Studies (Field 07): Religious and ethical foundation of society (sub-field). Health Sciences and Social Services (Field 09): Promotive health and developmental services, Preventative health, Curative health, Rehabilitative services (sub-fields). Proposals was adopted for the following Pastoral Counselling/Therapy The purpose of this study was to investigate recommendations regarding professional standards for training and registration in pastoral work. The aim is to obtain professional recognition for Pastoral Counsellors/Therapists by accreditation and recognition from a relevant professional council. The goal is also to formulate these standards in line with the processes of the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The following four forms of pastoral work were distinguished and discussed: Mutual care, Pastoral care, Pastoral counselling, and Pastoral therapy. The Accreditation Committee proposed the following sub-fields: Human and Social Studies (Field 07): Religious and ethical foundation of society (sub-field). Health Sciences and Social Services (Field 09): Promotive health and developmental services, Preventative health, Curative health, Rehabilitative services (sub-fields). Proposals was adopted for the following Pastoral Counselling!Therapy qualifications: Certificate in Pastoral Counselling (Basic) Certificate in Pastoral Counselling (Post Basic), Certificate in Pastoral Counselling (Intermediate), Diploma and post graduate degrees in Pastoral Counselling (Advanced), Masters and Doctorate Degrees in Pastoral Counselling (Specialist). After narrow consultation the level descriptors were discussed and accepted. As all proposals this will still be open for changes. The following roles were described using the format of a Qualification based on Unit Standards. Unit Standards are linked to the proposed six "roles" which are seen as generic to all Pastoral Counselling practices: Maintain effective relational and communication competence, Apply and maintain professional work ethics, Plan and facilitate pastoral counselling process, Engage in an effective personal development process, Design and conduct course of treatment, Conduct research, The roles and applied competencies for the pastoral counselling/therapy specialised field were defined. These roles may be used to re-shape current qualifications, as well as to research and design new qualifications. They are intended as initial guidelines for providers. The following registered categories for pastoral counsellors/therapists were proposed by the accreditation committee and accepted by SAAP: Category 1: Basic level pastoral counsellor (NQF Level 2) Category 2: Post basic level pastoral counsellor (NQF level 3) Category 3: Intermediate level pastoral counsellor (NQF Level 4) Category 4: Advanced level pastoral therapist (NQF Level 5/6) Category 5: Specialist level pastoral therapist (NQF Level 7 /8) The following outcomes (unit standards) for Pastoral Counsellors/Therapists were identified: UNIT 1: Applying work ethics UNIT 2: Understanding pastoral counselling theory UNIT 3: Facilitating pastoral counselling skills UNIT 4: Conducting research UNIT 5: Developing self-knowledge Some of the recommendations were: It became necessary to have some form of regulation and/or even "control" to prevent the abuse of people who ostensibly suffer from mental illness. To establish professional standards for training in pastoral counselling and to obtain professional recognition for pastoral counsellors/therapists through accreditation and recognition from a relevant professional council. In doing this we should also come to an agreement on a proper set of work ethics. It was recommend that the level descriptors should be further elaborated through a careful analysis of the standards proposed, but that the process of moving from general to specific descriptors should be adopted in the absence of meaningful generic level descriptors. It was recommend that the proposed standards and qualifications should only be adopted once processes is established where an SGB has been established and registered with SAQA, and these standards and qualifications have been accepted by providers, professional Pastoral Counsellors/Therapists, professional associations, etc. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

Prediking aan die jeug in 'n eietydse situasie / Preaching to the youth in a contemporary situation

Van Wyk, Richard Peter 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Preaching is the proclamation of God's Word. This proclamation has an aim - the listeners of the Word. There was a dynamic change in the study field of the homilectics in the sense of a shifting from an one-sided kerugmatic approach to a dialogical approach. According to this approach the preacher no longer preaches without studying the recipients of the message. This model puts the emphasis on the preacher trying his utmost to get to know the contexts of his listeners. In the case of this thesis the contexts of the youth have been studied through the empirical research. During 1991 Prof. J.A. van den Ven and Prof H.J.C. Pieterse expected that there would be new problems awaiting the church in the new dispensation. They believed that, with the change in state and politics, the religious and moral values of the youth would be under pressure. Because, from now on, our children would be in the centre of values regarding ethnically and culturally integrated schools, they decided to launch a scientific study to determine whether their expectations were justified or not. In October 1991 they became partners in a project called: "Moral and Religious Values of the Youth of South Africa". The empirical study is a longitudinal study with a first data collection in 1995/1996, a second in 2000 and a third in 2005. The first collection of data was incorporated into this thesis. When preaching to the youth it is of utmost importance to take listeners (the youth) as strating point in the exegetical work, without neglecting the Biblical text. Practically speaking it is then necessary to pay attention to the following topics: (1) For the understanding and formulating of the message of the Scripture, modern critical hermeneutics are of the greatest importance. (2) A new practical theory for preaching to the youth is essential. In such a theory the following are important: generational differentiation, visual presentations, musical identification and relationship based preaching. (3) The dialogical communication theory is also of great importance and has dialogue before, during and after the preaching in mind. (4) The researcher proposes that the communication theory of Habermas should be dealt with as a means to help dispose of any generational conflict. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Mentorskap in Christelike Leierskapontwikkeling met spesifieke verwysing na ”Lewende Woord Bedieninge”

Scheffer, Cilliers Albertus 30 November 2004 (has links)
This study was undertaken in order to investigate mentoring as a dynamic factor in leadership development. Although the subject matter is broad, - this particular study focuses on mentoring in ”Living Word Ministries” as part of leadership development. Methodology consisted of a theoretical and qualitative interviewing process. During the informal interviews, ”Living Word Ministries” was used as target group to investigate mentoring, discipleship, development time line, succession and development of leaders. In conclusion this study unanimously identified the lack of mentoring as crucial factor in ”Living Word Ministries”. Mentoring and discipleship as two related concepts in leadership development need to be incorporated into ”Living Word Ministries” and the body of Christ. Discipleship can therefore be used as a conduit for the mentor to develop leadership abilities of the prospective leader. / Practical Theology / (M. Ed.(Practical Theology))

The problem of teaching twofold love: Christian education and a culture of peace in the Great Lakes Region

Kamuanga, Emmanuel Muamba 31 March 2008 (has links)
Practical theology has society as its horizon and should not be limited to a clerical paradigm because Christianity is not limited to a church but its horizon is the whole of society. In line with this understanding of practical theology, this study is a contribution to Christian education for a culture of peace in the Great Lakes region (the DRC, Rwanda and Burundi). Millions of people have been slaughtered in this region where Christianity is the main religion. The Church in this region has lost its credibility and is seen as contributing to a culture of violence through its church leaders and parishioners. This study focuses on the research question: Can teaching twofold love contribute to a culture of peace in the Great Lakes region? The thesis has empirically argued that the cause of turmoil in the Great Lakes region is the lack of twofold love, which has disguised itself in all evils known in the region, such as corruption, hegemony, predation, indirect rule, divide and rule, tribalism, fetishism, mass killings, prostitution, over-trust in modernism and breaking God's Ten Commandments, more than anything else. Humankind finds it difficult to love the neighbour like oneself and this lack of neighbourly love causes unrest in this region. The discussion in chapter three has empirically demonstrated through educational psychology that teaching is love of the learner. Therefore, an effective teacher should be able to give loving care to the learner's spiritual, physical and social needs, in a specific context. This is what Jesus did through verbal and behavioural media (Byrskog, 1994: 321). Such a liberationist teaching that should avoid pouring socially irrelevant knowledge on the learner is still an urgent need in the Great Lakes region. Christian education in this region has been learnt in a rote manner without educating Christians to be problem solvers. The fourth chapter makes practical suggestions on how to deal with the dilemmas of teaching Christian education in the region. Thus the study has empirically confirmed the research hypothesis that an effective teaching of twofold love can contribute to a culture of peace in the Great Lakes region. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

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