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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Thoracoscore bodovni sistem u proceni operativnog rizika nakon anatomske i neanatomske resekcije pluća / Thoracoscore scoring system in evaluation of surgical risk following anatomic and non-anatomic lung resection

Mališanović Gorica 27 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Prema literaturnim podacima poslednjih godina velika pažnja je usmerena ka operativnom riziku i mortalitetu koji su postali najvažniji kriterijumi u ocenama rezultata rada hirur&scaron;kih ustanova, ali i svakog hirurga posebno. Zahvaljujući kompleksnom profilu pacijenata koji se podvrgavaju hirur&scaron;kim intervencijama, precizna procena operativnog rizika postaje sve teža. Predikcija ishoda intervencije u najvećoj meri zavisi od preoperativnih faktora rizika. Ipak, neminovno je da i faktori koji su vezani za samu operaciju u određenom stepenu utiču na ishod hirur&scaron;ke intervencije. Shodno tome, dobar model za procenu rizika treba da obuhvati faktore koji će imati najbolju prediktivnu vrednost. Thoracoscore je prvi bodovni sistem razvijen od strane Francuskog udruženja grudnih i vaskularinih hiruga. Zbog nedovoljne primene tokom poslednje decenije i nekonzistentnih rezultata nije do&scaron;lo do &scaron;irokog međunarodnog prihvatanja ovog modela i njegove rutinske upotrebe. Ova činjenica ukazuje na nedostake samog modela i potrebu za rekalibracijom u cilju postizanja bolje saglasnosti između predikcije operativnog rizika i kliničkog stanja bolesnika. Cilj rada je bio da se ustanovi realna vrednost Thoracoscore bodovnog sistema u proceni operativnog rizika i mortaliteta nakon anatomskih i neanatomskih resekcija pluća u na&scaron;im uslovima, i da se utvrdi prediktivna vrednost faktora rizika koji nisu obuhvaćeni Thoracoscore bodovnim sistemom na ishod grudno-hirur&scaron;kih operacija. Istraživanje je sprovedeno po tipu prospektivne kliničke studije i obuhvatilo je 957 bolesnika operisanih na Klinici za grudnu hirurgiju Instituta za plućne bolesti Vojvodine. Izvr&scaron;ene hirur&scaron;ke procedure bile su anatomske resekcije (lobektomija, bilobektomija, pneumonektomija, Sleeve resekcija, segmentektomija) i neanatomske resekcije pluća (Wedge resekcija i druge atipične resekcije). Thoracoscore je izračunat za svakog bolesnika na osnovu devet parametara: godine starosti, pol, ASA skor, dispnea skor, procena op&scaron;teg stanja bolesnika, dijagnostička grupa, hitnost operacije, vrsta operacije i broj komorbiditeta. S obzirom da prediktivna vrednost Thoracoscore bodovnog sistema u proceni operativnog rizika nije bila adekvatna realnom stanju, regresionom analizom je evaluiran značaj tri nova faktora: forsirani ekspiratorni volumen u prvoj sekundi (FEV1), reoperacija i hirur&scaron;ki pristup (torakotomija, video-asistirana torakoskopija &ndash; VATS). Nakon &scaron;to je univarijantnom analizom potvrđeno da su ovi faktori nezavisni prediktori operativnog ishoda, originalni Thoracoscore model je rekalibrisan. Multivarijantnom analizom putem logističke regresije izračunati su novi beta koeficijenti za originalnih devet faktora, kao i za tri nova, te je kreiran lokalni model za procenu operativnog rizika koji je prilagođen na&scaron;oj populaciji. Prosečna starosti bolesnika bila je 62 &plusmn; 7,52 godina. Većinu uzorka (60,7%) činili su pripadnici mu&scaron;kog pola. Najveći broj resekcija činile su lobektomije (61,4%). Malignitet je bio najučestalija indikacija za operaciju (90,3%). Najveći broj bolesnika imao je 1-2 komorbiditeta (64,3%). Prosečna stopa operativnog rizika na osnovu Thoracoscore-a (4,7% ) bila je veća je od stvarnog (2,9%) intrahospitalnog mortalita (p&lt;0,01). Ovaj model je pokazao zadovoljavajuće rezultate jedino u grupi niskog rizika. Predikcija mortaliteta lokalnim modelom za procenu operativnog rizika u grudnoj hirurgiji se, u statističkom smislu, ne razlikuje od stvarnog mortaliteta (p = NS). Thoracoscore ima dobru diskriminativnu moć, ali nezadovoljavajuću kalibrisanost. Shodno tome, Thoracoscore model se može koristiti za stratifikaciju rizika, ali ne i za predikciju mortaliteta. Za razliku, lokalni model je pokazao dobru diskriminaciju i kalibrisanost u na&scaron;im uslovima. Interni model za procenu rizika bi bio od velike koristi u svakodnevnom kliničkom radu, budući da bi oslikavao realno stanje populacije u kojoj je razvijen i vr&scaron;io preciznu predikciju operativnog rizika.</p> / <p>According to the literature data, over the past several years, great attention has been focused on operative risk and mortality which have become the most important criteria in evaluating the results from surgical departments and individual surgeons, as well. Because of complex profiles of patients undergoing surgical interventions, it is becoming more difficult to assess the risk precisely. Prediction of surgical outcomes mostly depends on the preoperative risk factors. However, factors related to the procedure itself effect the surgical outcome to a certain degree. Therefore, a good risk assessment model must contain factors which will have the best predictive value. Thoracoscore is the first scoring system developed by the French Association of Thoracic and Vascular Surgeons. Due to insufficient utilization over the past decade and inconsistent results, this model has not been widely accepted for routine use. This fact indicates that the model lacks certain aspects and needs to be recalibrated in order to achieve better concordance between the predicted operative risk and the clinical state of the patient. The aim of this study was to determine real value of Thoracoscore scoring system for estimation of operative risk and mortality following anatomic and non-anatomic lung resections in our settings, and to determine predictive value of factors not included in Thoracoscore on the outcome of thoracic surgeries. This prospective study included 957 patients who underwent lung resections at the Thoracic surgery clinic of Institute for Lung Diseases of Vojvodina. Performed surgical procedures were anatomic lung resections (lobectomy, bilobectomy, pneumonectomy, Sleeve resection, segmentectomy) and non-anatomic lung resections (Wedge resection and other atypical resections). Thoracoscore was calculated for each patient based on the following nine parameters: age, gender, ASA score, dyspnea score, performance status classification, diagnostic group, urgency of surgery, surgical procedure and number of comorbidities. Because predictive value of Thoracoscore did not correspond to the actual results, regression analysis was used to evaluate the significance of three new risk factors: forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), reoperation, and surgical approach (thoracotomy, video-assisted thoracoscopy &ndash; VATS). After univariate analysis confirmed that these three factors are independent predictors of operative risk, the original Thoracoscore model was recalibrated. With the use of multivariate analysis by logistic regression, new beta coefficients were calculated for the original nine parameters, as well as for the new three, and consequently a local model for surgical risk assessment that is adapted to our population was created. Average age of patients was 62 &plusmn; 7.52 years. Most of the patients were males (60.7%). Lobectomies constituted the largest number (61.4%) of performed surgeries. The most common indications for surgery were malignant causes (90.3%). Most frequently, patients had 1-2 comorbidities (64.3%). Mean operative risk based on Thoracoscore (4.7%) was greater than the actual intrahospital mortality (2.9%) (p&lt;0.01). This model had adequate results only in the low risk group of patients. Predicted mortality by the local model was not statistically different from the actual mortality (p = NS). Thoracoscore had good discriminative ability, but inadequate calibration. Because of this, Thoracoscore model can be used for risk stratification, but not for mortality prediction. On the other hand, local model showed good discrimination and calibration in our population. Therefore, an internal model for risk assessment would be of great use in everyday clinical practice because it would reflect the real state of the population in which it was developed, predicting the risk more precisely.</p>

Estudo longitudinal de pacientes portadores de cardiopatia reumática no Rio de Janeiro

Müller, Regina Elizabeth January 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-11-09T14:45:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license.txt: 1648 bytes, checksum: e095249ac7cacefbfe39684dfe45e706 (MD5) 000239.pdf: 1746615 bytes, checksum: b1538d716409c5efb4a08da0bc08f73d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Departamento de Ensino. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde da Criança e da Mulher. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Objetivo: avaliar a evolução clínica, morbidade e mortalidade de crianças e adolescentes portadores de cardiopatia reumática em acompanhamento ambulatorial num centro terciário. Material e Métodos: estudo descritivo observacional longitudinal de base hospitalar. Foi realizada análise de prontuários de pacientes com 3-18 anos, acompanhados por no mínimo 2 anos no ambulatório do Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia no Rio de Janeiro. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelos critérios de Jones e/ou exame ecocardiográfico com lesão reumática típica mitral e/ou aórtica. Banco de dados foi elaborado com o programa ACCESS 2000, e a análise estatística realizada com o programa EPI-INFO 2000. Foi considerado significativo o valor de α- 0,05. Resultados:139 prontuários foram incluídos no estudo. A mediana da idade no início do seguimento foi de 11 anos, 52,6% eram do sexo feminino. Quanto à forma de apresentação clínica 45,3% estavam no primeiro surto, 14,4% em recidiva e 40,3% na fase crônica. A mediana de idade dos pacientes crônicos e em recidiva era superior aos pacientes do primeiro surto de febre reumática (p-0,0001). O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 9,9 anos (2-21 anos). A lesão valvar predominante foi a insuficiência mitral (82,7%), seguida da insuficiência aórtica (55,9%) e da insuficiência mitro-aórtica em 45,3% dos casos. Houve redução importante dos percentuais de lesões valvares graves - tanto mitrais como aórticas - ao final do seguimento.Recidivas foram evidenciadas em 32,3%. Pacientes com profilaxia irregular ou sem profilaxia apresentaram a média do número total de surtos (2,4 surtos por paciente) superior a do grupo em profilaxia regular (1,4 surtos por paciente), com diferença entre os grupos estatisticamente significante (p-0,0009).A mortalidade foi de 4,3% (n=6) Todos os pacientes que evoluíram para óbito eram portadores de próteses valvares. O abandono de tratamento foi de 10,8%, sendo que 1,4% desses pacienteseram portadores de próteses mecânicas (n-=2). Procedimentos intervencionistas foram realizados em 45,3% dos pacientes - valvuloplastia por cateter balão em 2,9% e cirurgia cardíaca valvar em 42,4%. Reoperação foi necessária em 8,6% (2ª cirurgia) e 2,8% (3ª cirurgia). O procedimento mais realizado foi o implante de prótese mecânica mitral (31,3%), seguido por prótese mecânica aórtica (20,9%) e plastia mitral (18,6%). A endocardite infecciosa foi evidenciada em 8,6%, sendo a endocardite de prótese em 3,6%, responsável por 50% da mortalidade desta amostra, com letalidade de 25%. Outrascausas de mortalidade incluíram estenose grave de prótese biológica (n=1), estenose grave de prótese mecânica (n=1) e trombose de prótese biológica (n=1). / Objective: to investigate the outcome, mortality and morbidity of children and adolescents with rheumatic heart disease followed up in an outpatient care unit of a terciarie center. Methods– descriptive longitudinal observational study of an hospitalar based population. Medical file of patients – 3 to18 years old - with rheumatic heart disease, followed-up for at least 2 years from in the outpatient care unit of the National Cardiology Institute (InstitutoNacional de Cardiologia) in Rio de Janeiro were reviewed. Diagnosis were confirmed through medical file register of the revised Jones criteria for rheumatic fever and/or Doppler echocardiographic report of typical chronic mitral or aortic lesions. Database program ACCESS 2000, statistical analysis was performed using EPI-INFO 2000 software, with significant αvalue 0,05. Results–139 medical files were reviewed. Median age at the first visit to the service was 11 years, 52,5% were female. At the first exam, 45,3% presented with acute rheumatic fever- first attack, 14,4% recurrence; while 40,3% had chronic valvular lesions. Median age of the chronic and recurrent group was greater than median age of the first attack group (p-0,0001). Mean follow-up time was 9,9 years (2 to 21 years). Mitral regurgitation was the most common valvular lesion (82,7%), followed by aortic regurgitation (55,9%) and combined mitral and aortic regurgitation (45,3%). There was a significant percent decrease in severe valvular lesions - both mitral and aortic – at the end of follow-up period. Recurrences were present in 32,3% of cases. There was a significant difference (p-0,0009) between the mean rate of the total number of attacks of patients under irregular or no prophylaxis (2,4 attacks / patient) compared with patients under regular prophylaxis (1,4 attacks / patient). Mortality rate were 4,3% (n=6). All these patients that died had prosthesis. 10,8% were lost of follow-up - 1,4% of these patients had mechanical prostheses (n=2). 45,4% underwent valve procedures: 2,9% balloon dilatation and 42,4% valve surgery. Reoperation wererequired by 8,6% (2 nd surgery) and rereoperation by 2,8% (3 rd surgery). The most common surgical procedure was mitral valve replacement with mechanical prosthesesimplantation (31,3%), followed by aortic valve replacement with mechanical prostheses implantation (20,9%) and mitral valve repair (18,6%). A total of 8,6% presented with endocarditis - 3,6% had prosthetic valve endocarditis, that accounted for 50% mortality of this group, and for a letality rate of 25%.Another causes of death included severe bioprosthesis stenosis (n=1), severe mechanical prosthesis stenosis (n=1) and bioprosthesis valve trombosis (n=1).

Avaliação do impacto de mudanças técnicas introduzidas na operação de tromboendarterectomia pulmonar ao longo de 10 anos: estudo retrospectivo no InCor-HCFMUSP / Evaluation of the impact of technical changes introduced in the operation of pulmonary thromboendarterectomy over 10 years: retrospective study in InCor-HCFMUSP

Paula Gobi Scudeller 03 May 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A hipertensão pulmonar tromboembólica crônica (HPTEC) é uma doença vascular pulmonar progressiva, cuja incidência varia de 0,56% a 3,2% em indivíduos com embolia pulmonar aguda (EPA) recorrente. Apesar do avanço nas opções de tratamento para HPTEC, a tromboendarterectomia pulmonar (TEAP) continua sendo padrão ouro, levando a melhora hemodinâmica e aumento da sobrevida. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o impacto que mudanças técnicas intraoperatórias implementadas tiveram na evolução dos pacientes submetidos à TEAP em relação à morbimortalidade imediata e tardia, e também sobre o desenvolvimento do ato operatório. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo em portadores de HPTEC, submetidos à TEAP, no período de janeiro/2007 a maio/2016, divididos em 3 grupos, de acordo com intervenções implementadas. A 1ª intervenção consistiu em mudanças na circulação extracorpórea (CEC) e no tempo de parada circulatória total (PCT), e a 2ª intervenção incluiu alterações na CEC, técnicas anestésica e cirúrgica. A avaliação dos dados incluiu análise univariada para associações entre intervenções com variáveis de morbimortalidade e técnica operatória. O modelo de regressão multivariado foi aplicado para validar se as melhorias resultaram das intervenções implementadas. A análise de sobrevida foi feita por Kaplan-Meier. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 102 indivíduos, 62,8% mulheres, idade média de 49,1±14,8 anos, 65,7% estavam em classe funcional III-IV (NYHA). A avaliação hemodinâmica demonstrou hipertensão pulmonar importante, com valores médios elevados de pressão média na artéria pulmonar (PmAP; G1=52,9±14,45mmHg; G2=53,2±12,4mmHg; G3=53,3±12,5mmHg, p=0,992) e resistência vascular pulmonar (RVP; G1=828,4±295,13 dynas.s.cm-5; G2=838,9±428,4 dynas.s.cm-5; G3=969±417,3 dynas.s.cm-5, p=0,313). Os pacientes submetidos à TEAP mostraram aumento do tempo total de CEC entre os grupos (G1=192,3±39,4min; G2=251,7±33,4min; G3=298,2±40,2min, p < 0,001), como resultado da padronização dos tempos de esfriamento (G1=47,9±18,5min; G2=66,9±5,9min; G3=70,6±3,7min, p < 0,001), aquecimento (G1=66,8±17,7min; G2=87,2±8,1min; G3=107,7±23,5min, p < 0,001) e reperfusão (G1=25,5±7,6min; G2=20,7±8,4 min; G3=18,6±9,4min, p=0,007). A diminuição do número de operações com mais de 2 PCT (G1= 89%; G2= 60%; G3: 55%, p=0,002) foi decorrente do aumento da duração média de cada PCT (G1=15,5±2,9min; G2=17,8±1,7min; G3=19,2±2,0min, p < 0,001). Complicações pós-operatórias foram observadas em 88,5% dos pacientes, havendo redução significativa das complicações cirúrgicas (p=0,035), infecciosas (p=0,017) e neurológicas com sintomas permanentes (p=0,048) na comparação entre os 3 grupos. No seguimento após a alta, 85% estavam em classe funcional I-II (NYHA), sem melhora hemodinâmica significativa entre os grupos. Após a análise multivariada, o G3 apresentou 4,7 menos chances de complicação cirúrgica que G1 (p=0,034) e tempo de aquecimento menor que 83 minutos aumentou 4 vezes a chance de complicação infecciosa (p=0,002). A redução da mortalidade hospitalar e da sobrevida não foi significativa entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Em relação à morbimortalidade imediata e tardia, o impacto das intervenções foi evidenciado pela redução das complicações neurológicas com sintomas permanentes, complicações cirúrgicas e infecciosas. Em relação ao ato operatório, o impacto foi evidenciado pelo aumento dos tempos totais de CEC, de esfriamento, de aquecimento, tempo médio das PCT, redução nos números de PCT e no tempo total de reperfusão / INTRODUCTION: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a progressive pulmonary vascular disease which incidence varies from 0.56% to 3.2% in individuals with recurrent acute pulmonary embolism (APE). Despite advances in treatment options for CTEPH, pulmonary endarterectomy (PE) remains a gold standard, leading to hemodynamic improvement and increased survival. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the impact of intraoperative technical changes on the evolution of patients submitted to PE related to immediate and late morbimortality, as well as on the development of the operative procedure. METHODS: Retrospective study of patients with CTEPH, submitted to PE, between January 2007 and May 2016, divided into 3 groups, according to the implemented interventions. The first intervention consisted of changes in cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and total circulatory arrest time (CAT), and the second intervention included changes in CPB, anaesthetic and surgical techniques. The data analysis included a univariate analysis for associations between interventions with morbidity variables and operative technique. The multivariate regression model was applied to validate whether the improvements resulted from the interventions implemented. Survival analysis was performed using Kaplan-Meier. RESULTS: We evaluated 102 individuals, 62.8% were women, mean age was 49.1 ± 14.8 years, and 65.7% were in functional class III-IV (NYHA). The hemodynamic evaluation showed significant pulmonary hypertension, with mean values of mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP, G1 = 52.9 ± 14.45 mmHg, G2 = 53.2 ± 12.4 mmHg, G3 = 53.3 ± 12.5 mmHg, p = 0.992) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR, G1 = 828.4 ± 295.13 dynas.s.cm-5, G2 = 838.9 ± 428.4 dynas.s.cm-5, G3 = 969 ± 417.3 dynas.s.cm-5, p = 0.313). The patients submitted to PE showed an increase in the total CPB time between the groups (G1 = 192.3 ± 39.4min, G2 = 251.7 ± 33.4min, G3 = 298.2 ± 40.2min, p < 0.001), as a result of the standardization of cooling times (G1 = 47.9 ± 18.5min, G2 = 66.9 ± 5.9min, G3 = 70.6 ± 3.7min, p < 0.001), heating (G1 = 66.8 ± 17.7min, G2 = 87.2 ± 8.1min, G3 = 107.7 ± 23.5min, p < 0.001) and reperfusion (G1 = 25.5 ± 7.6min, G2 = 20.7 ± 8.4 min, G3 = 18.6 ± 9.4min, p = 0.007). The decrease in the number of operations with more than 2 CAT (G1 = 89%, G2 = 60%, G3: 55%, p = 0.002) was due to the increase in the average duration of each CAT (G1 = 15.5 ± 2, 9min, G2 = 17.8 ± 1.7min, G3 = 19.2 ± 2.0min, p < 0.001). Postoperative complications were observed in 88.5% of the patients, with a significant reduction in surgical (p = 0.035), infectious (p = 0.017) and neurological complications with permanent symptoms (p = 0.048) in the comparison between the three groups. In the post-discharge follow-up, 85% were in functional class I-II (NYHA), with no significant hemodynamic improvement between groups. After the multivariate analysis, G3 presented 4.7 less chance of surgical complication than G1 (p = 0.034) and warming time less than 83 minutes increased 4 times the chance of infectious complication (p = 0.002). The reduction in hospital mortality and survival was not significant between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding immediate and late morbimortality, the impact of interventions was evidenced by the reduction of neurological complications with permanent symptoms, surgical and infectious complications. Regarding the operative event, the impact was evidenced by the increase in total CPB, cooling, heating, mean CAT time, CAT reduction and total reperfusion time

Balão de contrapulsação intra-aórtico eletivo em pacientes de alto risco submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca: estudo prospectivo e randomizado / Elective intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a prospective and randomized study

Graziela dos Santos Rocha Ferreira 13 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O balão de contrapulsação intra-aórtico (BIA) é usado em uma variedade de contextos relacionados à disfunção miocárdica. Na cirurgia cardíaca, seu papel em desfechos clínicos é motivo de debate devido a resultados conflitantes de análises retrospectivas e limitações de recentes estudos prospectivos. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a eficácia e segurança do BIA eletivo na ocorrência de um desfecho composto de complicações clínicas incluindo mortalidade em pacientes de alto risco submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca de revascularização miocárdica (RM). Métodos: Estudo clínico prospectivo e randomizado realizado no Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram incluídos 181 pacientes adultos submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca de RM no período de abril de 2014 a junho de 2016, com um ou mais dos seguintes critérios: fração de ejeção menor ou igual a 40% e/ou EuroScore maior ou igual a 6. Os pacientes foram randomizados para uso do BIA logo após a indução anestésica ou para grupo controle. Após 24 horas do procedimento, o suporte com o balão intra-aórtico era suspenso se o paciente apresentasse índice cardíaco maior ou igual a 2,2 L/min/m2 com suporte inotrópico mínimo (dobutamina menor ou igual a 5 mcg/Kg/min) ou se o paciente apresentasse efeito colateral grave relacionado ao balão. O desfecho primário foi um composto de mortalidade e complicações graves em 30 dias após a cirurgia (choque cardiogênico, necessidade de reoperação, acidente vascular cerebral, insuficiência renal aguda, infecção de ferida esternal profunda e tempo de ventilação mecânica prolongada). Resultados: Dos pacientes incluídos no estudo, 90 foram alocados para a estratégia de uso do balão intra-aórtico eletivo e 91 para a estratégia controle. O desfecho primário foi observado em 47,8% do grupo BIA e em 46,2% do grupo controle (P=0,456). Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos BIA e controle respectivamente, em relação à ocorrência de óbito em 30 dias (14,4% vs 12,1%, P=0,600), choque cardiogênico (18,0% vs 18,9%, P=0,982), reoperação (3,4% vs 4,4%, P=1,000), tempo de ventilação mecânica prolongado (5,6% vs 7,7%, P=0,696), insuficiência renal aguda (22,2% vs 14,3%, P=0,123), acidente vascular cerebral (2,2% vs 2,2%, P=0,123) ou infecção de ferida operatória profunda (7,8% vs 14,3%, P=0,249). O tempo de uso de inotrópico foi significativamente maior no grupo BIA em comparação ao grupo controle (51 horas [32-94] vs 39 horas [25-66], P=0,007). O tempo de internação em UTI foi mais prolongado no grupo BIA comparado ao grupo controle (5 dias [3-8] vs 4 dias [3-6], P=0,035). O tempo de internação hospitalar foi semelhante entre os grupos (13 dias [9-18] vs 11 dias [8-17], P=0,302). Não houve diferença em relação a incidência de complicações relacionadas ao uso do BIA entre os dois grupos. Conclusão: A estratégia de uso do balão intra-aórtico eletivo em pacientes de alto risco submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica não reduziu o desfecho combinado de óbito e/ou complicações graves em 30 dias / Introduction: The intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) is used in a variety of clinical settings in which myocardial function is reduced. In cardiac surgery, its role on clinical outcomes is debated due to conflicting results of retrospective analysis and limitations of recent prospective studies. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of elective IABP use on outcomes in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled trial that evaluated 181 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass at the Heart Institute/University of Sao Paolo from 2014 April to 2016 June. Inclusion criteria were left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <= 40% and/or EuroSCORE>= 6. Eligible patients were randomly assigned, in a 1:1 ratio, to IABP group (n=90) or control group (n=91). Removal of IABP catheter was accomplished after 24 hours of the procedure under the following circumstances: cardiac index >= 2.2 L/min/m2 and dobutamine infusion dose <= 5 ?g/kg/min. The catheter was immediately removed if a severe adverse event related to the procedure was detected. The primary outcome was the composite endpoint of mortality and major morbidity in 30 days after cardiac surgery (cardiogenic shock, need for reoperation, stroke, acute renal failure, mediastinitis and prolonged mechanical ventilation ( > 24 hours). Results: The primary outcome was observed in 47,8% in the IABP group and 46,2% in the control group (P=0,456). There were no differences in the primary outcome: 30-day mortality (14,4% vs 12,1%, P=0,600), cardiogenic shock (18,0% vs 18,9%, P=0,982), need for reoperation (3,4% vs 4,4%, P=1,000), prolonged mechanical ventilation (5,6% vs 7,7%, P=0,696), acute renal failure (22,2% vs 14,3%, P=0,123), stroke (2,2% vs 2,2%, P=0,123) or mediastinitis (7,8% vs 14,3%, P=0,249). Patients from the IABP group had a greater duration of inotrope use (51 hours [32-94] vs 39 hours [25-66], P=0,007) and longer intensive care unit length of stay (five days [3-8] vs four days [3-6], P=0,035). The length of hospital stay was similar (13 days [9-18] vs 11 days [8-17], P=0,302). There were no differences on the incidence of complications related to the IABP use in both groups. Conclusions: The elective IABP use did not reduce 30-day major complications in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery

"Importância da ecocardiografia com contraste por microbolhas em imagem fundamental na avaliação de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica no período pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca" / Contrast echocardiography can save non-diagnostic exams in mechanically ventilated patients

Joicely Melo da Costa 27 March 2006 (has links)
Estudou-se pela ecocardiografia em imagem fundamental, 30 pacientes no período pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca que encontravam se sob ventilação mecânica. Analisou-se o índice de escore de delineamento endocárdico (IEDE), a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) pelo método de estimativa visual, e os fluxos transvalvares pelo Doppler espectral e mapeamento de fluxo em cores antes e após a administração de um contraste ecocardiográfico a base de microbolhas. O IEDE passou de 1,53±0,63 para 2,01±0,56 após o uso do contraste (p < 0.001) e a FEVE pôde ser estimada em 27 de 30 exames após o uso do mesmo. Houve uma mudança na quantificação da insuficiência mitral em 5 exames, no gradiente de pico transvalvar aórtico em 1 paciente e no gradiente transvalvar de pico tricúspide em 8 pacientes / We studied by echocardiography in fundamental imaging (FI), thirty mechanically ventilated post cardiac surgery patients. LV endocardial border delineation score index (EBDSI), estimated left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and color and spectral Doppler were analyzed before and after intravenous injection of ultrasound contrast. The use of contrast resulted in a significant increase in the number of well-delineated segments. EBDSI was 1.53±0.63, before contrast, increasing to 2.01±0.56 after it (p < 0.001). The LVEF could be evaluated in 27 of 30 exams after contrast. There was a change in the quantification of mitral regurgitation in 5 exams, in the aortic transvalvular peak gradient in 1 patient and measurement of peak flow velocity of tricuspid regurgitation in 8 patients

Estudo comparativo entre a ventilação mandatória intermitente sincronizada associada à ventilação com suporte pressórico e ventilação não invasiva em dois níveis pressóricos como métodos de supressão da ventilação mecânica no pós-operatório / Comparative study of sincrony intermitent mandatory ventilation associated to pressure support ventilation versus noninvasive positive pressure ventilation with bilevel, as an ventilatory weaning methods in cardiac surgery postoperative period

Célia Regina Lopes 09 December 2005 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A literatura tem postulado que a ventilação por pressão positiva não invasiva (VNI) pode facilitar o desmame de um grupo específico de pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a utilização da VNI como método alternativo na supressão da ventilação mecânica no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo prospectivo controlado e randomizado, foram estudados 100 pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio ou cirurgia valvar. Os pacientes foram admitidos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), sob ventilação mecânica e randomizados posteriormente em grupo estudo (n= 50), que utilizou VNI com dois níveis pressóricos após extubação, e grupo controle (n= 50), que utilizou a técnica convencional de supressão da ventilação mecânica. Foram analisados os tempos correspondentes à anestesia, cirurgia, circulação extracorpórea e ventilação mecânica na UTI. As variáveis gasométricas, hemodinâmicas e radiológicas foram avaliadas antes e após a extubação. RESULTADOS: Os grupos controle e estudo apresentaram comportamento semelhante quanto ao tempo de desmame ventilatório e as outras variáveis estudadas não apresentaram diferença estatística. A utilização da VNI por 30\' após a extubação, nos pacientes com atelectasias, promoveu diferença significativa na PaCO2 no grupo coronariano e na PaO2 no grupo submetido à cirurgia valvar. CONCLUSÃO: O tempo para supressão da ventilação mecânica foi similar nos grupos. Fatores extrísecos interferiram na evolução do desmame. O uso da VNI por 30 minutos após extubação apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante nas variáveis gasométricas em pacientes com atelectasias / INTRODUCTION: It was postulated that noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) could facilitate ventilatory weaning in specific patients. The aim was to compare NPPV as alternative ventilatory weaning method with a standard ventilatory weaning protocol in the immediate postoperative period of cardiac surgery. METHODS: One hundred consecutive patients submitted to coronary artery bypass grafting or valvar surgery were addmitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and mechanicanically ventilated. They were randomly assigned to a study group (n=50) wich use NPPV witn bilevel presssure in the airways and a control group (n=50) witch used the conventional weaning thecnique. The outcome measures were anestesie, surgery, cardiopulmonar bypass and mechanical ventilation time. Arterial blood gases, hemodynamics and chest X-rays were assessed pre and post extubation. RESULTS: Weaning times were similar in both groups, and no differences were found in the studied variables. There were statistic significance considering PaCO2 in coronary and PaO2 in valvar group using NPPV 30\' after extubation, when atelectasis was detected. CONCLUSION: The ventilatory weaning time was similar in both groups. Extrinsics factors had interfered in weaning evolution. NPPV use during 30\' after extubation had statistical significance in gasometric variables in patients with athelectasis

Análise morfométrica de neurônios de gânglios simpáticos torácicos de pacientes com e sem hiperidrose primária palmar / Morphometric analysis of thoracic sympathetic ganglion neurons of patients with and without primary palmar hyperhidrosis

Flavio Roberto Garbelini de Oliveira 12 December 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A hiperidrose primária consiste em uma sudorese excessiva em regiões limitadas do corpo. A simpatectomia torácica videotoracoscópica é um dos tratamentos propostos para a hiperidrose primária palmar, aliando alto sucesso terapêutico com baixo risco. A fisiopatologia da hiperidrose primária ainda não está totalmente esclarecida. Objetivos: Analisar as características morfométricas dos gânglios simpáticos torácicos (G3), removidos cirurgicamente de pacientes portadores de hiperidrose palmar. Como controle foram utilizados os gânglios simpáticos, removidos no mesmo nível (G3), de pacientes doadores de órgãos por morte encefálica, sabidamente sem hiperidrose. Foram estudadas a estereologia e a apoptose celular e as fibras do sistema colágeno /elastina da matriz extracelular. Métodos: Estudo transversal, no qual foram incluídos 40 gânglios simpáticos torácicos (G3) removidos do hemitórax esquerdo, provenientes de pacientes com hiperidrose palmar (Grupo I), submetidos à simpatectomia videotoracoscópica, e 14 gânglios simpáticos de pacientes controle sabidamente sem hiperidrose (Grupo II), removidos por esternotomia mediana. Resultados: Em relação ao sexo, a proporção de mulheres e homens foi de 30:10, no Grupo I, e 7:7 no Grupo II, com p = 0,103. A idade no Grupo I, variou de 10 a 42 anos, com uma média de 23,73 (+ 7,51) e no Grupo II variou de 17 a 68 anos, com uma média de 37,57 (+ 16,65) , apresentando um p = 0,009. A média das células ganglionares nos pacientes do Grupo I foi de 14,25 (+ 3,81) e no Grupo II foi de 10,65 (+ 4,93) com p = 0,007. A média das células ganglionares coradas pela caspase (apoptose) no Grupo I foi de 2,37 (+ 0,79) e no Grupo II foi de 0,77 (+ 0,28) com p < 0,001. A mediana da área de colágeno corada pelo Picrosírius no Grupo I foi de 0,80 IQ (0,08-1,87) e no Grupo II foi de 2,36 IQ (0,49-5,98) com p = 0,061. Conclusões: Os pacientes portadores de hiperidrose primária palmar apresentam um maior número de células ganglionares no gânglio simpático, em relação aos do grupo controle. Há um número maior de células ganglionares simpáticas em apoptose na hiperidrose. Os pacientes portadores de hiperidrose apresentam menos colágeno no gânglio simpático / Introduction: Primary hyperhidrosis consists of excessive sweating in small areas of the body. The video-assisted thoracic sympathectomy is one of the suggested treatments for primary palmar hyperhidrosis, which combines high therapeutic success with low risk. The pathophysiology of primary hyperhidrosis is not fully understood yet. Objectives: Analyzing the morphometric characteristics of the thoracic sympathetic ganglion (G3) surgically removed from patients with palmar hyperhidrosis. The sympathetic ganglion removed at the same level (G3) from patients who are organ donors after brain death and who did not have hyperhidrosis were used as control. Stereology and cellular apoptosis, as well as the fibers of the collagen/elastin system of the extracellular matrix were subjected to scrutiny. Methods: Cross-sectional study, which included 40 thoracic sympathetic ganglion (G3) removed from the left hemithorax of patients who have palmar hyperhidrosis (Group I) and underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic sympathectomy, and also 14 sympathetic ganglion from control patients who did not have hyperhidrosis (Group II), which were removed with median sternotomy. Results: In regards to gender , the proportion of women to men was 30:10 in Group I and 7:7 in Group II, with p = 0.103. The age Group I ranged from 10 to 42 years, with an average of 23.73 (+ 7.51) years and in Group II, from to 17 to 68 years, with an average of 37.57 (+ 16.65) years, with p = 0.009. The average of ganglion cells in Group I was 14.25 (+ 3.81) and in Group II, 10.65 (+ 4.93) with p = 0.007. The average ganglion cells stained by Caspase (apoptosis) in Group I was 2.37 (+0.79) and in Group II, 0.77 (+ 0.28) with p = 0.001. The median collagen area by Picrosirius in Group I was 0.80 IQ (0.08-1.87) and in Group II, 2.36 IQ (0.49-5.98) with p = 0.061. Conclusions: Patients with primary palmar hyperhidrosis have an increased number of ganglion cells in the sympathetic ganglion in comparison to the control group. There are a higher number of sympathetic ganglion cells in apoptosis in hyperhidrosis. Patients with hyperhidrosis have less collagen in sympathetic ganglion

Chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extra-corporelle et ses biomarqueurs : rôle du Growth / Différentiation Factor 15 (GDF 15) : études cliniques / Cardiac surgery associated to cardiopulmonary bypass and biomarkers : role of growth/differenctiation factor -15 : clinical studies

Kahli, Abdelkader 19 October 2016 (has links)
La circulation extracorporelle compte parmi les progrès techniques majeurs associés à la chirurgie cardiaque. Elle constitue aussi l’une des causes de complications principales car responsable d’une réponse inflammatoire généralisée qui résulte de la conjugaison des effets du stress oxydant et des cytokines libérés, contribuerait à la dysfonction multi-organe aboutissant aux complications myocardiques et rénales survenant au cours des périodes per- et postopératoires. La première partie de notre travail avait pour objectif d’explorer l’évolution des taux circulants du GDF-15, cytokine associée au stress oxydant et à l’inflammation, dans ce contexte de chirurgie cardiaque. Notre étude prospective a démontré pour la première fois que cette procédure est accompagnée de l’augmentation du GDF-15 dont les taux plasmatiques sont associés aux lésions postopératoires cardiaques et rénales.L’évaluation du risque opératoire repose sur un ensemble de scores dont le calcul est basé essentiellement sur des caractéristiques cliniques. Ces scores présentent toutefois un certaines limitations. Chez les patients « médicaux » atteints de pathologies cardiovasculaires la stratification du risque est définie en associant des caractéristiques cliniques à l’évaluation des taux circulants de biomarqueurs. L’objectif de cette seconde partie a donc été de mettre en évidence le pouvoir prédictif du GDF-15 en tant que biomarqueur circulant dans la survenue de complications rénales au cours de la chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC. Nous avons mis en évidence que les patients présentant des taux préopératoires élevés de GDF-15 sont à risque de développer une insuffisance rénale aigue postopératoire. / Ischemic cardiac diseases are the most frequent and deleterious pathologies leading to important cardiovascular-related mortality worldwide. One of the alternative therapies consists to treat these patients using cardiac surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass was developed to greatly improve this surgical procedure. However, some adverse effects can occur during cardiac surgery associated with cardiopulmonary bypass due to the inflammatory response. This phenomenon is the result of various mechanisms including oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines which lead to multi-organ failure and then to myocardial and renal injuries occurring during the peri- and post-operative periods.The first part of this work was designed to evaluate in the context of cardiac surgery the kinetics of plasma GDF-15 levels, an oxidative stress and inflammation related cytokine. Our prospective study demonstrated for the first time the kinetic increase in plasma GDF-15 levels which were associated to postoperative cardiac and renal injuries.Currently, operative risk evaluation is based on score calculation including clinical criteria. These risk scores present some limitations. Concerning other cardiac patients out of surgical fields, the risk assessment is defined using clinical parameters and biomarkers evaluation (cardiac troponin, BNP, Nt-proBNP). Thus, we aimed to determine whether pre-operative GDF-15 as plasma biomarker could help to identify patients at high risk of renal injuries. We found that patients with the highest pre-operative plasma GDF-15 levels are at risk for post-operative acute kidney injury.

Pathophysiological and Histomorphological Effects of One-Lung Ventilation in the Porcine Lung

Kozian, Alf January 2009 (has links)
Thoracic surgical procedures require partial or complete airway separation and the opportunity to exclude one lung from ventilation (one-lung ventilation, OLV). OLV is commonly associated with profound pathophysiological changes that may affect the postoperative outcome. It is injurious in terms of increased mechanical stress including alveolar cell stretch and overdistension, shear forces secondary to repeated tidal collapse and reopening of alveolar units and compression of alveolar vessels. Ventilation and perfusion distribution may thus be affected during and after OLV. The present studies investigated the influence of OLV on ventilation and perfusion distribution, on the gas/tissue distribution and on the lung histomorphology in a pig model of thoracic surgery. Anaesthetised and mechanically ventilated piglets were examined. The ventilation and perfusion distribution within the lungs was assessed by single photon emission computed tomography. Computed tomography was used to establish the effects of OLV on dependent lung gas/tissue distribution. The pulmonary histopathology of pigs undergoing OLV and thoracic surgery was compared with that of two-lung ventilation (TLV) and spontaneous breathing. OLV induced hyperperfusion and significant V/Q mismatch in the ventilated lung persistent in the postoperative course. It increased cyclic tidal recruitment that was associated with a persistent increase of gas content in the ventilated lung. OLV and thoracic surgery as well resulted in alveolar damage.  In the present model of OLV and thoracic surgery, alveolar recruitment manoeuvre (ARM) and protective ventilation approach using low tidal volume preserved the ventilated lung density distribution and did not aggravate cyclic recruitment of alveoli in the ventilated lung. In conclusion, the present model established significant alveolar damage in response to OLV and thoracic surgery. Lung injury could be related to the profound pathophysiological consequences of OLV including hyperperfusion, ventilation/perfusion mismatch and increased tidal recruitment of lung tissue in the dependent, ventilated lung.  These mechanisms may contribute to the increased susceptibility for respiratory complications in patients undergoing thoracic surgery. A protective approach including sufficient ARM, application of PEEP, and the use of lower tidal volumes may prevent the ventilated lung from deleterious consequences of OLV.

L'approche mini-invasive en chirurgie pédiatrique : de la révolution à l'évolution d'une nouvelle approche chirurgicale / The minimally invasive approach in pediatric surgery : from revolution to evolution of a new surgical approach

Lopez, Manuel 06 July 2015 (has links)
Dans ce travail, le concept d'approche mini-invasive est décrit dans sa globalité. Pour les chirurgiens pédiatres le concept a été analysé de manière systématique en répondant aux problématiques cliniques des patients dans tous les champs d'application. La somme de ce travail a le tour de force de répondre à toutes les grandes questions qui ont été posées lors des premiers temps de la coelioscopie pédiatrique, mais aussi de répondre, pour les plus récents, à des interrogations concernant les perspectives. Cette Thèse a donc pour objectif de développer l'évolution de la vidéochirurgie chez l'enfant et de mettre en valeur certaines applications que nous avons travaillées dans les différents domaines de la coelioscopie pédiatrique : tout d'abord dans la tolérance et la sécurité de la vidéochirurgie; puis ses applications en Chirurgie Digestive et Thoracique, en Rétropéritonéoscopie, en Oncologie et en Urologie ; mais aussi ses applications dans des techniques avancées de chirurgie néonatale ainsi que l'introduction de techniques encore moins invasives comme la chirurgie assistée par aimant ou des techniques non opératoires utilisées dans le traitement de certaines malformations de la paroi thoracique, en démontrant leurs bénéfices et leur efficacité / In this work, the concept of minimal invasive approach is described in its entirety. For pediatric surgeons, the concept was analyzed systematically meeting the clinical problems of patients in all fields of application. The result of this work is to answer all the big questions that were asked during the early days of the pediatric laparoscopy but also to respond to the latest questions about the perspectives. The goal of this thesis is to describe the evolution of laparoscopy in pediatric, and to report some applications. We have worked in several fields such as: Tolerance and safety of laparoscopy in advanced neonatal surgery, and its applications in Digestive Surgery, Thoracic, Retroperitoneoscopy, Oncology and Urology. This also introduces the use of less invasive techniques, such as magnet-assisted surgery of non-operative techniques in the correction on chest wall deformities, demonstrating their efficacity and efficiency

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