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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'internationalisation du contrôle des concentrations / Internationalization of merger control

Burnier da Silveira, Paulo 24 October 2011 (has links)
Les dernières décennies ont témoigné d’un important accroissement des concentrations transnationales dans le monde et d’une multiplication des systèmes de contrôle des concentrations. Alors que les enjeux économiques revêtent désormais une dimension internationale, les mécanismes juridiques de régulation demeurent cantonnés à une échelle nationale ou régionale. En effet, la soumission d’une même opération de concentration à différents régimes de contrôle engendre plusieurs problématiques juridiques, dont le risque d’être confronté à des décisions contradictoires ou incohérentes rendues par différentes autorités de la concurrence. Ceci dit, il nous semble que des mécanismes juridiques pour réguler les concentrations transnationales s’imposent. S’agissant d’une réalité au niveau européen, la « régionalisation » du droit de la concurrence apporte une aide précieuse à ces problématiques. Au niveau mondial, différentes approches de solution sont envisageables. Cette thèse soutient, à court terme, la convergence des règles et des pratiques, afin de réduire les inconvénients associés au contrôle des concentrations transnationales, accompagnée, à long terme, par l’adoption de certaines règles contraignantes au sein de l’OMC. / In the past decades, the number of transnational mergers worldwide has significantly increased. Merger control systems follow the same trend and have proliferated during this period. While economic issues are globalized, legal mechanisms remain national or regional. The notification of one single merger to different merger control systems raises several legal issues, in particular with respect to the risk of achievingcontradictory or incoherent decisions from different competition agencies. Thus, revised legal mechanisms are required in order to adequately regulate transnational mergers. A“regionalization” of merger control, as set by the European experience, offers useful insights towards proposals to deal with these issues. In a global perspective, several alternative approaches are possible. This thesis supports, on the short-term, a permanent convergence of rules and practices to reduce problems related to transnational merger control, followed, on the long-term, by the adoption of certain binding rules within the WTO.

The characterisation, implementation, monitoring and evolution of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS)

Shaik-Peremanov, Nareen 17 May 2012 (has links)
Diamonds have played a dual role in society since their discovery. On the one hand, they have brought smiles to the faces of many exhibiting love, beauty, wealth and brilliance. On the other hand, they have been at the heart of many conflicts. This juxtaposition has different impacts in usage. For those whom diamonds were a positively and morally accepted benefit, it did not present problems. Where diamonds spurned conflicts, it caused harm to lives and territories. Human rights abuses became the cause of international conflicts. Humanitarian interventions appeared on the United Nations Security Council agenda. The United Nations had to address the human rights abuses and had to confront the escalation of human rights abuses. Human rights abuses reached significant proportions forcing the application of humanitarian intervention mechanisms. Control of the diamond trade industry was fast becoming an item on many international peace keeping agendas. International organisations such as the World Trade Organisation, the International Criminal Court, the African Union, the European Union, the World Diamond Council and the United Nations have all tried to influence the diamond trade and its consequential impact upon human rights. These organisations are regulated by law, making them a preferred mechanism for establishing accountability for human rights abuse, arising from the illegal trade in rough diamonds and the maintenance of peace and security.Pressed by the United Nations and, De Beers; NGOs; the Partnership Africa Canada and Global Witness; the World Diamond Council; and many States initiated a formalised voluntary international certification scheme for the export and import of diamonds. Thisinternational certification scheme for the trade of rough diamonds became known as the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme has been hailed as a milestone in the diamond trade industry. Simultaneously, the Certification Scheme has been criticised for its inefficacy in regulating the legitimate trade of rough diamonds. Whether the Certification Scheme in its present form is suitable to address the crisis in the trade of rough diamonds is central to this study. Thus, the characterisation, monitoring, implementation and evolution of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme will be examined. / Jurisprudence / LLD

The conflict between free trade and public health measures : the role of science

Prevost, Marie Denise, 1971- 11 1900 (has links)
The needs of the free trade regime and governments' legitimate regulatory aims in the area of public health protection conflict. Government health measures create barriers to free trade and are thus disciplined by the trade regime. This conflict is addressed in the rules of the World Trade Organization, in the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. This Agreement uses science to mediate the conflict. The reason for the reliance on science is the view that it provides a neutral, universally-valid discipline and that thus the results of testing health measures for scientific validity would be acceptable to both parties in a dispute. This uncritical approach towards science is called into question. An analysis of the relevant science-based disciplines of the SPS Agreement and their interpretation in WTO dispute settlement shows the flaws in this system. A re-evaluation of the WTO rules governing health regulation is called for. / Law / LL.M.

Le recours à des mesures restrictives du commerce international par l’État canadien comme moyen de lutte contre le travail dangereux des enfants

Villanueva, Francisco 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le recours à des mesures restrictives du commerce par le Canada comme moyen de lutte contre le travail dangereux des enfants, dans un contexte de mise en œuvre de la responsabilité internationale d’un État en cas de non respect de la Convention de l’Organisation internationale du travail nº 182 sur les pires formes de travail des enfants. Bien que la capacité d’imposer des telles mesures se rapportant à des situations de travail dangereux des enfants soit analysée, essentiellement, du point de vue du droit de l’Organisation internationale du commerce (OMC), cette étude reste circonscrite à l’application de la Convention OIT 182. De plus, cette thèse veut fournir une analyse prospective de nature spéculative portant sur l’opportunité de recourir à de telles mesures en discutant de leurs éventuelles conséquences sur les enfants qu’on vise à protéger par ce moyen. La première partie de la thèse s’intéresse à la légalité d’éventuelles sanctions commerciales imposées par le Canada afin d’amener un pays membre de l’OMC dont il importe des produits à respecter la Convention OIT 182. La légalité de ces sanctions est abordée tant du point de vue du régime général du GATT que de celui des exceptions générales. Du point de vue du régime général, l’analyse porte notamment sur l’article III de cet accord relatif au principe du traitement national. Une fois constatée leur illicéité à l’égard de l’article III du GATT, seul l’article XX de cet accord peut être invoqué pour permettre le recours à ces mesures. Nous nous attardons plus particulièrement aux exceptions de l’article XX relatives à la protection de la moralité publique et à celle de la protection de la vie et de la santé humaine. La thèse aborde les conditions auxquelles est assujetti le recours aux exceptions de l’article XX retenues comme pertinentes, notamment celles de la « nécessité » des mesures et du respect des compétences étatiques. En outre, cette étude analyse les conditions d’application des mesures restrictives du commerce découlant du préambule de l’article XX. En ce qui concerne l’exception relative à la moralité publique, cette notion est discutée dans un contexte national spécifique, soit celui du Canada. La seconde partie de la thèse s’intéresse à l’opportunité de recourir à des mesures commerciales restrictives et leurs conséquences éventuelles sur les enfants dont la protection est recherchée. La démarche, qui est éminemment prospective, prend la forme d’une étude de cas portant sur un secteur productif qui n’a jamais connu dans les faits des sanctions commerciales, soit la production floricole en Équateur. Il s’agit d’un secteur caractérisé par la présence d’enfants en situation de travail dangereux impliqués dans la production de biens destinés à l’exportation. Notre recherche est de type exploratoire. De ce fait, elle ne vise pas à formuler des conclusions fermes quant aux effets des sanctions, mais plutôt à déceler les effets potentiellement bénéfiques ou nuisibles que les mesures restrictives du commerce pourraient avoir sur les enfants exploités, ainsi qu’à évaluer la contribution des sanctions commerciales à la solution du problème. / This thesis focuses on Canada’s use of restrictive trade measures to fight against hazardous child labour, in the context of the implementation of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (No. 182). Canada’s capacity to impose such measures in instances of hazardous child labour is analyzed primarily from the legal standpoint of the World Trade Organization (WTO), though the focus of this study is limited to the application of ILO Convention No. 182. In addition, this thesis aims to assess the appropriateness of such restrictive trade measures by discussing their potential consequences for working children. The first part of the thesis deals with the legality of prospective trade sanctions imposed by Canada to make a WTO trading partner comply with ILO Convention No. 182. The legality of these sanctions is discussed according to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) general rules as well as general exceptions. With regard to the general rules, our analysis focuses in particular on Article III, which pertains to national treatment. Once the illicitness of restrictive trade measures with respect to Article III of GATT is demonstrated, we turn to Article XX of this agreement as the only means to justify the measures. Specifically, we concentrate on the exceptions presented in Article XX related to the protection of public morals and the protection of life and human health. The notion of public morality is actualized within the Canadian national context. The thesis analyses the conditions limiting the use of Article XX’s relevant exceptions, including the "necessity" test and compliance with the rules of international law on state jurisdiction. Moreover, this study focuses on the rules related to the application of trade restrictive measures presented in Article XX’s chapeau. The second part of the thesis focuses on the appropriateness of using trade restrictions and their potential impact on the children whose protection is sought. The research consists in a case study on flower production in Ecuador, a sector characterized by the presence of children working under hazardous conditions and involved in producing goods for export. This sector has not yet been the target of commercial sanctions. Therefore, our research speculates on the effects of hypothetical sanctions and is exploratory in nature. The aim is not to reach firm conclusions about the effects of sanctions, but rather to identify the potentially beneficial or harmful effects that restrictive trade measures might have on exploited children, as well as to assess the potential contribution of such measures in solving the problem.

Teoria dos jogos e relações internacionais: estratégias da governança mercantil global. Uma análise da convenção das Nações Unidas para os contratos de compra e venda internacional de mercadorias à luz de sua vinculação ao Brasil / Game theory and International Relations: Strategies in Global Trade Governance. An analysis of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in light of its ratification by Brazil

Damiani, Gerson Denis Silvestre Duarte 08 August 2014 (has links)
A presente tese evidencia o estado da arte da Teoria Jogos nas Relações Internacionais, e analisa estratégias de negociação decorrentes de processos decisórios no âmbito comercial. Ao delimitar - em tempo e espaço - a trajetória da Governança Mercantil Global, confere-se posição de destaque à Convenção de Viena de 1980 (CISG), regime dotado de ampla legitimidade, concebido sob a égide das Nações Unidas e recém ratificado pelo Brasil. A análise do referido processo de vinculação dá-se a partir de instrumentos metodológicos conferidos pela Teoria dos Jogos, culminado com a apresentação dos limites do modelo e de alternativas viáveis para seu desenvolvimento. / The present thesis sheds light on contemporary game theoretical approaches in International Relations, in particular as they pertain to the role of strategy setting in cross-border trade. The study of Global Trade Governance leads to questions of regime legitimacy, culminating with the adoption of the 1980 United Nations Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), recently ratified by Brazil. The analysis of the aforementioned ratification process validates the threshold of game theory as its stands today, and proposes, on the other hand, viable alternatives for the development of the model.


賴宏宗 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究之議題,並非有關政治面或其他社會面所稱之杯葛,而是競爭法領域中之杯葛行為,主要為公平交易法第十九條第一款所規範之情形。 本文之研究目的,主要希望能對公平交易法第十九條第一項之構成要件、違法性、法律效果等數項議題,參考他國立法例及學說進行研究,並就實務處理進行分析檢討,以及提出管見之看法及建議。 本論文共分為七章。第一章為「緒論」,分為研究題目之說明、研究動機與目的、研究方法、研究範圍及限制,及研究架構等部分,旨在介紹論文的基本方向與架構。 第二章,則是討論「我國法對於杯葛行為之規範及相關內容」。於第一節中,首先進行杯葛行為之基本介紹,以使讀者瞭解本文所處理之客體為何,並且明瞭規範杯葛行為之目的。第二節之內容,是針對公平交易法第十九條第一款,為一全面性介紹。第三節,是就公平交易法第二十四條之適用可能,為一討論。第四節,則是討論民法部分於杯葛行為之適用可能及適用情形。 第三章,討論「美國法對於杯葛行為之規範及分析」。第一節之概說,乃為後述討論內容作一引言。第二節,是就規範杯葛行為之條文-休曼法第一條、聯邦貿易委員會法第五條,作一相關闡釋。第三節,是就美國判例,參考學者Hylton, Keith N.教授的見解,區分三個不同時期,介紹杯葛行為於實務之不同評價演變。第四節,則對本章之內容作一總結。 第四章介紹「德國法對於杯葛行為之規範及分析」。第一節之概說,乃為後述討論內容作一引言。第二節,是就限制競爭防止法第二十一條第一項(GWB §21Ⅰ)為相關闡述。第三節,是就不正競爭防止法第三條(UWG §3),其適用情形及相關內容進行分析。第四節,是就德國民法有關侵權行為之規定(BGB §823、§826),討論杯葛行為之適用情形。第五節,乃討論杯葛行為與憲法上言論自由保護其間之關係。 第五章乃在探討「杯葛行為於我國法制面及實務操作之爭議問題研究」。於第一節中,處理者乃杯葛行為之體系定位之問題。第二節,進行構成要件之細部問題分析;例如,發話人究否應具有一定市場力量?第三節,針對杯葛行為之違法性,分析是否存在進行杯葛行為之正當理由。第四節,旨在討論杯葛行為之法律效果問題。第五節,核心集中於公平會對於同業公會所發起之杯葛行為,究應以第十四條或第十九條第一款論斷為妥?第六節,主要在處理杯葛與其他概念之區別。第七節,則在處理公平交易法第十九條第一款與其他條文競合之問題。 第六章之內容為「實務重要案例之分析及檢討建議與結論」。此部分本文選擇較具重要性之公平會處分案,整理實務之看法及處理模式,並加以分析及檢討。 第七章則是進行「結論與建議」。本文將彙整前面各章之重點,針對本文關心之相關爭點及問題,提出拙見,以供參考。 / This thesis focus on the topic of boycotts issues in competition law, especially article 19 subparagraph 1 of the Fair Trade Law of Taiwan. There are 7 chapters in this study. In chapter 1, there is an introduction to this research such as the structure of this paper. Chapter 2 discusses the regulations about boycotts in Taiwan, including article 19 subparagraph 1 and article 24 of the Fair Trade Law and article 184 of the Civil Law. Besides, in this chapter there are essential introductions to boycotts, e.g. what purpose the party has. Chapter 3 observes how U.S. treats boycotts. According to the observance of professor Hylton, Keith N., the court used different standers to judge boycotts in various periods. This chapter will focus on what doctrine the court adopted to consider boycotts-rule of reason, or illegal per se? On the other hand, chapter 4 introduces rules of boycotts in Germany. There are several important parts: GWB §21Ⅰ, UWG §3, and BGB §823、§826. Besides, there is a point about the relation of boycotts and freedom of speech. Chapter 5 deals several problems of boycotts in Taiwan practices and Fair Trade Law. Besides the opponents of the articles, this chapter tried to solve problems such as should we consider market power of the party? Further more, there are comparisons about boycotts and other similar concepts or topics. Chapter 6 proceeds analysis about the cases in Taiwan practices, especially decisions of the Fair Trade Commission. In chapter 7 the author offered his opinions about some issues of boycotts.

Le recours à des mesures restrictives du commerce international par l’État canadien comme moyen de lutte contre le travail dangereux des enfants

Villanueva, Francisco 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le recours à des mesures restrictives du commerce par le Canada comme moyen de lutte contre le travail dangereux des enfants, dans un contexte de mise en œuvre de la responsabilité internationale d’un État en cas de non respect de la Convention de l’Organisation internationale du travail nº 182 sur les pires formes de travail des enfants. Bien que la capacité d’imposer des telles mesures se rapportant à des situations de travail dangereux des enfants soit analysée, essentiellement, du point de vue du droit de l’Organisation internationale du commerce (OMC), cette étude reste circonscrite à l’application de la Convention OIT 182. De plus, cette thèse veut fournir une analyse prospective de nature spéculative portant sur l’opportunité de recourir à de telles mesures en discutant de leurs éventuelles conséquences sur les enfants qu’on vise à protéger par ce moyen. La première partie de la thèse s’intéresse à la légalité d’éventuelles sanctions commerciales imposées par le Canada afin d’amener un pays membre de l’OMC dont il importe des produits à respecter la Convention OIT 182. La légalité de ces sanctions est abordée tant du point de vue du régime général du GATT que de celui des exceptions générales. Du point de vue du régime général, l’analyse porte notamment sur l’article III de cet accord relatif au principe du traitement national. Une fois constatée leur illicéité à l’égard de l’article III du GATT, seul l’article XX de cet accord peut être invoqué pour permettre le recours à ces mesures. Nous nous attardons plus particulièrement aux exceptions de l’article XX relatives à la protection de la moralité publique et à celle de la protection de la vie et de la santé humaine. La thèse aborde les conditions auxquelles est assujetti le recours aux exceptions de l’article XX retenues comme pertinentes, notamment celles de la « nécessité » des mesures et du respect des compétences étatiques. En outre, cette étude analyse les conditions d’application des mesures restrictives du commerce découlant du préambule de l’article XX. En ce qui concerne l’exception relative à la moralité publique, cette notion est discutée dans un contexte national spécifique, soit celui du Canada. La seconde partie de la thèse s’intéresse à l’opportunité de recourir à des mesures commerciales restrictives et leurs conséquences éventuelles sur les enfants dont la protection est recherchée. La démarche, qui est éminemment prospective, prend la forme d’une étude de cas portant sur un secteur productif qui n’a jamais connu dans les faits des sanctions commerciales, soit la production floricole en Équateur. Il s’agit d’un secteur caractérisé par la présence d’enfants en situation de travail dangereux impliqués dans la production de biens destinés à l’exportation. Notre recherche est de type exploratoire. De ce fait, elle ne vise pas à formuler des conclusions fermes quant aux effets des sanctions, mais plutôt à déceler les effets potentiellement bénéfiques ou nuisibles que les mesures restrictives du commerce pourraient avoir sur les enfants exploités, ainsi qu’à évaluer la contribution des sanctions commerciales à la solution du problème. / This thesis focuses on Canada’s use of restrictive trade measures to fight against hazardous child labour, in the context of the implementation of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (No. 182). Canada’s capacity to impose such measures in instances of hazardous child labour is analyzed primarily from the legal standpoint of the World Trade Organization (WTO), though the focus of this study is limited to the application of ILO Convention No. 182. In addition, this thesis aims to assess the appropriateness of such restrictive trade measures by discussing their potential consequences for working children. The first part of the thesis deals with the legality of prospective trade sanctions imposed by Canada to make a WTO trading partner comply with ILO Convention No. 182. The legality of these sanctions is discussed according to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) general rules as well as general exceptions. With regard to the general rules, our analysis focuses in particular on Article III, which pertains to national treatment. Once the illicitness of restrictive trade measures with respect to Article III of GATT is demonstrated, we turn to Article XX of this agreement as the only means to justify the measures. Specifically, we concentrate on the exceptions presented in Article XX related to the protection of public morals and the protection of life and human health. The notion of public morality is actualized within the Canadian national context. The thesis analyses the conditions limiting the use of Article XX’s relevant exceptions, including the "necessity" test and compliance with the rules of international law on state jurisdiction. Moreover, this study focuses on the rules related to the application of trade restrictive measures presented in Article XX’s chapeau. The second part of the thesis focuses on the appropriateness of using trade restrictions and their potential impact on the children whose protection is sought. The research consists in a case study on flower production in Ecuador, a sector characterized by the presence of children working under hazardous conditions and involved in producing goods for export. This sector has not yet been the target of commercial sanctions. Therefore, our research speculates on the effects of hypothetical sanctions and is exploratory in nature. The aim is not to reach firm conclusions about the effects of sanctions, but rather to identify the potentially beneficial or harmful effects that restrictive trade measures might have on exploited children, as well as to assess the potential contribution of such measures in solving the problem.

Teoria dos jogos e relações internacionais: estratégias da governança mercantil global. Uma análise da convenção das Nações Unidas para os contratos de compra e venda internacional de mercadorias à luz de sua vinculação ao Brasil / Game theory and International Relations: Strategies in Global Trade Governance. An analysis of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in light of its ratification by Brazil

Gerson Denis Silvestre Duarte Damiani 08 August 2014 (has links)
A presente tese evidencia o estado da arte da Teoria Jogos nas Relações Internacionais, e analisa estratégias de negociação decorrentes de processos decisórios no âmbito comercial. Ao delimitar - em tempo e espaço - a trajetória da Governança Mercantil Global, confere-se posição de destaque à Convenção de Viena de 1980 (CISG), regime dotado de ampla legitimidade, concebido sob a égide das Nações Unidas e recém ratificado pelo Brasil. A análise do referido processo de vinculação dá-se a partir de instrumentos metodológicos conferidos pela Teoria dos Jogos, culminado com a apresentação dos limites do modelo e de alternativas viáveis para seu desenvolvimento. / The present thesis sheds light on contemporary game theoretical approaches in International Relations, in particular as they pertain to the role of strategy setting in cross-border trade. The study of Global Trade Governance leads to questions of regime legitimacy, culminating with the adoption of the 1980 United Nations Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), recently ratified by Brazil. The analysis of the aforementioned ratification process validates the threshold of game theory as its stands today, and proposes, on the other hand, viable alternatives for the development of the model.

An investigation of quality and compliance of agricultural fresh produce sold in the Tshwane metropolis with the agricultural products standards act of South Africa

Chauke, N'wamhlaba Cynthia 12 1900 (has links)
The Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act 119 of 1990) of South Africa provides for the standardisation of quality norms for agricultural produce (DAFF, 2018). The purpose of this research was to investigate the quality and compliance of fresh produce sold in the Tshwane metropolis with the Agricultural Product Standards Act of South Africa. A cross-sectional study survey was conducted in six regions of Tshwane metropolis, in which 200 fresh produce vendors were randomly selected from various vending sites to analyse their level of knowledge regarding the Act. Furthermore, different fruits and vegetables were sampled from different vending sites and inspected for compliance with the Act.The vast majority (89%) of respondents did not know of the existence of the Act. Quite a small proportion of fruit (51.5 %) and vegetable (56 %) retailers indicated that their agricultural fruit products have been monitored. A large proportion of fruits (from 86% to 99.8%) and vegetables (from 85.4% to 97.5%) met all the various quality requirements. In general a fair proportion of fruits (58%) and vegetables (65%) complied highly with the Act in terms of quality. There was a significant positive correlation between monitoring by officials and the level of compliance. The Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries should make sure that farmers and street vendors of agricultural produce register their businesses and are trained on the interpretation of the provisions of the Agricultural Product Standards Act. This will allow them to be tracked and traced for proper development concerning matters related to the Act. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M.A. (Consumer Science)

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