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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolbibliotekets uppdrag att stimulera elevers läsintresse : Läsa- en viktig del i människans liv / The school library's mission to stimulate students' interest in reading : Reading - an important part of human life

Vikström, John January 2022 (has links)
Results in international tests that measure primary school students' reading comprehension have indicated reduced results. It has raised discussions about how Swedish school libraries can increase students' reading comprehension, reading interest and literacy. Increased understanding of this could contribute to improve Swedish students' school results. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate whether the compulsory school library can contribute to stimulate students' interest in reading and developing their literacy. The method for conducting the study was based on data collection based on documents from government investigations into the work of the Swedish school library to develop school students' interest in reading, literacy and reading comprehension. Data analysis was carried out through thematization based on a theoretical model of reading in relation to democracy, narrative imagination, and creative reading. The result showed that the school library of the primary school can stimulate students' interest in reading and reading literacy through new and varied offerings of analogue and digital books, increased staffing of trained librarians, joint activities for reading aloud, campaigns and book voting, premises and equipment that benefits varied reading, generous opening hours with increased lending, closer collaboration between school libraries and schools and a more even distribution of resources between different school libraries. One conclusion was that all school libraries need to provide more adapted service for all students, regardless of differences in linguistic background, reading interest, reading literacy and geographical location in Sweden. It is a service that libraries need to provide in an increasingly digitalised society.

Digitala läroböcker - kvalitetssäkrat urval? : En studie av elevers och pedagogers erfarenheter av digitala läroböcker i åk 7-9 / Digital Textbooks - Quality Assured Selection? : A Study of Students and Educators´Experiences of Digital Textbooks in Year 7-9

Bergöö Ripell, Karin January 2021 (has links)
In this study, I dedicate my attention to a comparative study regarding digital textbooks in comparison to printed textbooks. My purpose is to find out how teachers and students in years 7-9 compulsory school, view the use of digital textbooks compared to printed textbooks in teachingand learning. The theoretical starting point of the study is Illeris (2015) three dimensions of learning; the content dimension, the driving force dimension and the interaction dimension. This means that learning always takes place on both an individual and a social level. I have chosen to conduct a qualitative study that will be the empirical basis in my research work. In spring 2021, I interviewed a small number of students, two students in grade 8, a boy and a girl, two students in grade 9, a boy and a girl, and two teachers, a man and a woman who teach Social Sciences in grades 8 and 9. Both students and teachers described that the advantage of the digital textbook was its availability and that it can be read in different formats and that it is updated continuously. Both teachers and students felt that it was easier to get deeper into a printed text than a digital text. The study showed that scrolling in the digital text disturbed the students’ reading, they got an inferior overview of the digital text compared to when they read a printed text. The study also shows that students need support in reading digital textbooks as they differ from printed texts. Educators need to provide students with strategies to increase deep reading in digital textbooks. Not only in the Swedish language but in all school subjects.

Digital eller traditionell läsning vid läsförståelse : En litteraturstudie om elevers läsförståelse på digitala och traditionella verktyg

Björn, Julia, Borg, Elin, Svensson, Clara January 2023 (has links)
Det observerade problemet var att det fanns brister i evidensen på om elevers läsförståelse påverkades av vilket medium de läste i. Litteraturstudiens syfte var därför att bidra med kunskap gällande digital och traditionell läsning vid läsförståelse och hur det kan komma att reflektera elevernas resultat. Syftet mynnade ut i frågeställningen: Vad påverkar elevernas prestationer i läsförståelse vid digital- och traditionell läsning? Efter att en utförlig analys av sju peer reviewed-artiklar som berörde elevers läsförståelse i digital och traditionell läsning genomförts, visade artiklarna olika resultat. I litteraturstudiens resultat presenterades fem olika teman som presenterade olika faktorer som påverkar elevernas läsförståelse mer än faktorn om de läser digitalt eller traditionellt. Slusatsen som drogs utifrån det var att det fanns andra och viktigare faktorer som påverkar elevers läsförståelse mer än i vilket medium de läser och genomför sin läsförståelse på. Vilket medförde att det för nyblivna och yrkesverksamma lärare var viktigt att uppmärksamma dessa faktorer då skolan rör sig mot en allt mer digitaliserad vardag. / The observed problem was that there were a gap in the evidence regarding whether students’ reading comprehension actually were affected by the medium in which they read. The aim of this study was to contribute with research on digital and traditional reading in relation to reading comprehension and how it reflects on students' results. The research question used was What affects students' accomplishments in reading comprehension in digital and traditional reading? After a thorough thematic analysis of seven peer reviewed articles that examined students reading comprehension in digital and traditional reading, the articles showed a variation of results. The study presents a result with five different themes that each represent different factors that affect students' accomplishments more than digital or traditional reading. The conclusion that were drawn were that there were other and more important factors that affect the reading comprehension than in which medium the reading was carried out. This entailed that it was important for newly graduated and active working teachers to pay attention to these factors as the school moves towards an increasingly digitized everyday life.

The Impact of the Lexile Framework on Standardized Literacy Proficiency Scores

Gaines, Julia L 01 January 2016 (has links)
Upon entering middle school, students within the study district in southeastern Tennessee had low literacy proficiency scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) for 3 consecutive years. Middle school administrators implemented a program called Lexile Framework (LF) into the literacy curriculum in 2011 to improve TCAP scores. However, the change in literacy scores had not been examined following the implementation of LF. The purpose of this quasi-experimental research study was to examine the differences in literacy scores on TCAP of students across the years of pre- and post-LF implementation into the curriculum (2009-2011 and 2012-2014). The theoretical framework for this research study was Vygotsky's social development theory used within the LF to create student-centered learning in order for students to construct new knowledge by making connections with their literacy experiences. With a convenience sample of 225 students, a repeated-measure analysis of variance determined if there was a significant change in the archived matched literacy TCAP scores before and after the implementation of LF. The multivariate tests indicated a significant (Wilk's Î? = .21, F (3, 222) = 276.85, p < .01) and linear effect (F (1, 224) = 709.75, p < .01) with partial eta squared (η2 = .76) of LF on literacy TCAP scores of students across the years of pre- and post-LF implementation. Positive social change implications include providing school administrators with research findings to inform district-wide decisions regarding the use of LF in the curricula in their middle schools. Increasing students' literacy TCAP scores may ultimately improve graduation rates for students.

”Det kommer säkert att bli mycket läsning på skärm i skolan framöver, men jag tycker nog inte att det är så bra” : En mixed method studie om elevers uppfattningar av traditionell och digital läsning / "There will certainly be a lot of reading on screen in school, but I don't think it's that good" : A mixed method study on students' perceptions of traditional and digital reading

Henriksson, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Vårt samhälle blir allt mer digitaliserat, vilket även leder till att skolan blir mer digitaliserad i form av bland annat digitala läromedel och att många elever har varsin dator eller surfplatta. En intressant aspekt är hur den digitala läsningen påverkar elevernas läsning och om det finns en skillnad mellan traditionell och digital läsning. Syftet med denna studie är därför att genom en mixed method undersöka vilka uppfattningar elever har om traditionell och digital läsning. Forskningsfrågorna handlar om vilket av traditionell och digital läsning eleverna använder sig av mest, vilket av de två sätten att läsa som de föredrar och slutligen vilka skillnader mellan traditionell och digital läsning de uppfattar. Detta har gjorts genom en mixed method där den kvalitativa delen i studien har inspirerats av fenomenologin. Studien bygger på en sekventiell design och har bearbetats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att det är fler elever som dagligen läser på en skärm än i en bok, men det var fler av eleverna som föredrar att läsa i en bok. De största skillnaderna de uppfattar handlar om läsupplevelsen, ögonen och om tillgängligheten. / Our society is becoming increasingly digitalized, which also means that school is becoming more digitalized in the form of, among other things, digital teaching materials and that many students have their own computer or tablet. An interesting question is whether digital reading affects students' reading abilities and whether there is a difference between traditional and digital reading. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate, through a mixed method, what perceptions students have about traditional and digital reading. The research questions are whether students mostly read traditionally or digitally, which of the two ways of reading they prefer and finally what differences between traditional and digital reading they perceive. This was done through a mixed method where the qualitative part of the study was inspired by the phenomenology. The study is based on a sequential design and has been processed through qualitative content analysis. The results showed that there are more students reading on a screen daily than in a book, but more of the students prefer to read in a book. The biggest differences they perceive are about the reading experience, the eyes, and the accessibility.

Läsundervisning och elevers läsförmåga i digitaliseringens fotspår : En kvalitativ studie om digitala verktyg och deras påverkan på läsundervisning och elevers läsförmåga / Reading teaching and student reading ability in the footsteps of the digitization : A qualitative study on digital tools and their impact on reading teaching and students' reading ability

Elovsson, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur lärare upplever de digitala verktygens intåg i skolan med avseende på läsundervisningen och på elevers läsförmåga. Den teori som är knuten till studien är, i relation till lärande och medierande verktyg, den sociokulturella teorin. Med hjälp av de digitala verktygen avses att, i enlighet med den proximala utvecklingszonen, stötta och vägleda eleverna framåt i sin utveckling. Den data som ligger till grund för studiens resultat har inhämtats via semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma lärare. Studiens resultat visar att de digitala verktygen kan skapa en variation i läsundervisningen som till följd av detta kan öka elevernas motivation för läsning. Resultatet påvisar även att lärarna som intervjuades, var oeniga vad gäller en försämring av elevers läsförmåga jämfört med tidigare. Det rådde dock en enighet beträffande elevers förminskade tålamod i fråga om att ta sig an större textmängder. / The aim of the study is to investigate how teachers perceive the digital tools' entry into the school regarding reading instruction and students' reading ability. The theory associated with the study is, in relation to learning and mediating tools, the sociocultural theory. Using the digital tools is intended, in accordance to the proximal development zone, to support and guide the students in their development. The data that form the basis for the study's results have been obtained through semi-structured interviews with active teachers. The study's results show that the digital tools can create a variation in reading instruction which, as a result, can increase students' motivation for reading. The result also shows that the teachers interviewed disagreed about a deterioration in pupils' reading ability compared to previous ones. There was, however, a consensus regarding the students' diminished patience regarding taking on larger amounts of text.

Digital läsning och läsförståelse : En systematisk litteraturstudie om elevers digitala läsning och behov av undervisning / Digital reading and reading comprehension. : A systematic literature study on students’ digital reading and needs for teaching.

Appert, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att studera vad aktuell forskning har kommit fram till om eventuella skillnader i läsförståelsen mellan traditionell och digital läsning och hur läsförståelsen hos grundskoleelever kan stödjas och utvecklas vid läsning på skärm. Materialet i studien bygger på 11 publikationer som tagits fram genom databassökning och manuell sökning via referenslistor. För att bearbeta och analysera resultatet gjordes en innehållsanalys. Studiens resultat är motstridiga avseende vilka skillnader som finns mellan läsförståelsen i traditionell och digital läsning. Det finns forskning som visar att läsförståelsen påverkas såväl positivt som negativt vid digital läsning, och det finns forskning som visar att det inte påverkar läsförståelsen om en text läses digitalt eller traditionellt. I studien framkommer också att de förmågor som krävs vid digital läsning är andra förutom de som krävs vid traditionell läsning. Studien visar även att när lärare inkluderar elevsamarbete i undervisningen påverkas elevers digitala läsförståelse positivt. Genomgången visar att forskning om hur lärare kan undervisa i att läsa och förstå digitala texter i klassrumssammanhang är otillräcklig, vilket pekar på ett fortsatt behov av forskning inom det området.

"På något sätt måste jag ju få i mig böckerna" : En jämförelse av varför ljudboksläsaren och den traditionella läsaren läser som de gör / ” I have to consume the books somehow” : A comparison of why the audiobook reader and the traditional reader read the way they do

Jennie, Larsson January 2023 (has links)
By exploring how people read, one can also discover how to promote reading. This master’s thesis explores the different reasons and ways in which audiobook readers and traditional readers read. The purpose is to see how the reading experience differs between traditional readers and audiobook readers, with the intention of support-ing reading promotion efforts. Interviews have been conducted with seven audiobook readers and five traditional readers. Regardless of the format, readers have varied reasons for reading and obtain various aspects from their reading experience. The interviewed participants read for entertainment, knowledge, personal insights, and anxi-ety relief regardless of the format. It was also not unusual for the participants themselves to have different goals for their reading depending on things like their mood and wellbeing. The audiobook readers chose the audiobook format for practical reasons, rather than aesthetic preferences. Some claimed to still prefer traditional reading, while some didn’t specify their preferred format. The traditional readers saw practical advantages with the audiobook format, but chose to continue reading in the traditional format due to aesthetic preferences or an inability to concentrate on the audiobook. Several readers from both groups also claimed that they didn’t like the performing narrator interpreting the book for them. With this in mind it is possible that the two formats would fit different kinds of reading experiences better. Interviewed participants from both groups multitasked while reading, though the traditional readers multi-tasking was more stationary than mobile. Both groups highlighted that the performing narrator has a crucial role in whether the audiobook was enjoyable. The traditional readers also considered aspects such as the font and the cover image important for their traditional reading. From this it is possible to draw the conclusion that the format does affect the reading experience.

書面閱讀與多媒體閱讀之比較--針對英文理解能力與策略運用 / Comparisons of paper and multimedia readings--EFL students' comperehension and strategies

曾俊傑, Zeng, Zun-Jie Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容:由於電腦科技的進步,多媒體光碟課體已應用在外語的學習;這種全新的媒體會不會直接或間接影響閱讀策略之使用,及閱讀理解之能力?是本研究所關心並感興趣的主題。 這個研究主要是觀察六十位以英語為外語學習目標的學生,他們在閱讀電腦光碟及閱讀書面時,如何使用閱讀策略?研究的方法包括出聲思考及實驗比較兩種方式。結果發現,使用資源型(resourcing)閱讀策略比傳統閱讀策略(local-meaning-getting, global-meaning-getting, monitoring/ regulatory reading strategies)來得多;但書面閱讀的閱讀理解能力表現卻比多媒體閱讀來得好。 所以,語言學習者不應該太仰賴那些不須自己花太多功夫,隨手可得的線上資源型閱讀策略;然而多媒體閱讀課體仍可以提供讀者很多相關背景知識來輔助他們閱讀。因此閱讀策略的教學應該列入語言教師的教學計畫裏,傳統閱讀策略的使用應該在閱讀中被視為一個很重要而且根本的元素,資源型閱讀策略是無法取代它們的。 透過這個研究,我們希望提供一些實證資料及有用的建議給語言學習者,讓他們利用電腦科技來成功地學習語言。 / Due to the advancement of computer technology, multimedia CD-ROM courseware is applied to foreign language learning. Will this brand-new media directly bring about an impact on reading strategies and indirectly make a contribution to reading comprehension? This is the main concern and interest of the study. The study investigated how 60 EFL students used reading strategies in CD-ROM and in printed context. The research methods included think-aloud protocol and experimental comparison approach. It was found that resourcing strategies are used more than the traditional reading strategies, that is, local-meaning-getting, gtobal-meaning-getting, and monitoring/ regulatory strategies. However, the reading comprehension performance in paper reading is better than that in multimedia reading. Thus, language. learners should be taught not to refer to on-line resourcing strategies too much without exercising efforts themselves, but they can take much background knowledge from reading courseware to facilitate their reading. The instruction of reading strategies should be included in the teaching programs of language teachers. Traditional reading strategies ought to be regarded as a fundamental element in reading and can not be replaced by resourcing strategies. Through this study, it is hoped that learning language with computer technology can bring a success to language learners by providing empirical data and useful suggestions.

The Impact of the Lexile Framework on Standardized Literacy Proficiency Scores

Gaines, Julia L 24 April 2016 (has links)
Upon entering middle school, students within the study district in southeastern Tennessee had low literacy proficiency scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) for 3 consecutive years. Middle school administrators implemented a program called Lexile Framework (LF) into the literacy curriculum in 2011 to improve TCAP scores. However, the change in literacy scores had not been examined following the implementation of LF. The purpose of this quasi-experimental research study was to examine the differences in literacy scores on TCAP of students across the years of pre- and post-LF implementation into the curriculum (2009-2011 and 2012-2014). The theoretical framework for this research study was Vygotsky’s social development theory used within the LF to create student-centered learning in order for students to construct new knowledge by making connections with their literacy experiences. With a convenience sample of 225 students, a repeated-measure analysis of variance determined if there was a significant change in the archived matched literacy TCAP scores before and after the implementation of LF. The multivariate tests indicated a significant (Wilk’s Λ = .21, F (3, 222) = 276.85, p < .01) and linear effect (F (1, 224) = 709.75, p < .01) with partial eta squared (η2 = .76) of LF on literacy TCAP scores of students across the years of pre- and post-LF implementation. Positive social change implications include providing school administrators with research findings to inform district-wide decisions regarding the use of LF in the curricula in their middle schools. Increasing students’ literacy TCAP scores may ultimately improve graduation rates for students.

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