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Teknikprogrammet på gymnasiet och få kvinnliga elever som söker : En studie om orsakerna till den låga andelen kvinnliga elever på teknikprogrammet / The Technology Programme at secondary school and few female students applying : An investigation of causes of the low percentage of female students at the Technology ProgramMoshi, Susan January 2017 (has links)
Denna undersökning syftar till att se vilka anledningar som finns till kvinnliga elevers val, eller snarare bortval av utbildning inom teknik, och vad som kan vara de bakomliggande faktorerna som bidrar till eller avgör att få kvinnliga elever väljer teknikprogrammet. Utbildningsvägar med tekniska inriktningar lockar fortfarande endast ett fåtal kvinnliga elever. Kvinnliga elever som går på teknikprogrammet och naturvetenskapsprogrammet har tillfrågats om vilka faktorer som påverkade dem vid deras gymnasieval. Studien har genomförts på tre gymnasieskolor inom Stockholms län (två kommunala skolor från olika kommuner och en fristående skola). Metoderna för studien var enkätundersökning till lärarna, gruppintervju med eleverna och enkätundersökning med frågor till kvinnliga elever på teknikprogrammet och naturvetenskapsprogrammet. Studien visar att hierarkiska strukturer i kulturella koder för programmen var framstående, såsom hur könsfördelningen ser ut på programmen. De kvinnliga eleverna på teknikprogrammet anser att öppet hus och föräldrarnas åsikter har påverkat deras val av teknikprogrammet. Teknikintresset har även visat sig avgörande liksom innehållsmässiga faktorer i högstadiets teknikundervisning, vilket har medfört att eleverna väljer bort teknikprogrammet. Studien påvisar ett troligt samband mellan lågt självförtroende inom teknik och de kvinnliga elevernas gymnasieval, eftersom de saknar tillit till sin egen förmåga inom teknik och anser att de saknar kunskap om vad teknik är. Av studien framkommer möjliga metoder för att utöka antalet kvinnliga elever på teknikprogrammet anordnande av öppet hus och förändring av den kulturella koden för teknikprogrammet genom att betona kvinnliga förebilder inom teknik. En annan möjlig väg till att minska segregerade gymnasieval till teknikprogrammet är att skapa nya inriktningar som passar kvinnliga elever på teknikprogrammet. / This survey aims to identify the reasons for female students' choices, or rather discontinuation of education in technology, and what are the main reasons affecting them in their selection that contribute to make female students choose or not choose the technology program in the upper secondary school selection process. Educational pathways with technical focus still attract only a few female students. The female students who are currently studying the technology program and the science program have been asked about the factors that influenced them in the upper secondary school choice process. The study has been conducted at three secondary schools in Stockholm county (two municipal schools from different municipalities and one free school). The methods of the study were a web questionnaire questions to the teachers, group interviews with the students and a web questionnaire questions to female students on the technology program and science program. The study shows that hierarchical structures in cultural codes for the programs were prominent, such as how gender distribution looks like at programs. The female students at the technology program consider that open-houses and parents' opinions have heavily in their decision process. Technical interest has also been crucial as well as substantial factors in upper level lower secondary school technical education, and thus students opt out the technology program. The survey shows the low ability beliefs have strong connection with female students' choices for their future education because they do not belief in their own ability in technology and they consider that they have lack knowledge about what technology is. Conclusion could be made that possible ways for increase the number of female students in the technology program through the open house, and the change of the cultural code of the technology program by emphasizing female role-models in technology world. Another possible way to avoid segregated upper secondary school program choices could create new specializations in the technology program to attract female students.
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Varför inte fler? : Kvinnliga elever på gymnasieskolans tekniska program - En undersökning kring gymnasievalet / Why so few? : Female students at Technology Programme in upper secondary school – A survey concerning the upper secondary school choice processNasca, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Rapporten baseras på en empirisk studie och en litteraturstudie. Syftet är att belysa några av de anledningar till att flickor och kvinnor utesluter tekniken och i synnerhet väljer bort den vid gymnasievalet. Vad påverkar de kvinnliga eleverna i deras val respektive bortval av teknikprogrammet? Denna studie söker elevperspektivet hos gymnasieungdomar som utfrågas om deras genomgångna gymnasieval och vilka faktorer som påverkade dem. Därigenom erhålls ett resultat i en avvikande synvinel till skillnad från studier där ungdomar utfrågas innan eller i samband med gymnasievalet i årskurs 9, i och med att gymnasieungdomarna är något mer mogna till reflektion över sina anledningar samt att de har mer insikt samtidigt som de har gymnasievalet i närbelägen dåtid. Den empiriska studien har utförts på en stor gymnasieskola i en av Sveriges storstadsregioner. Metoden för den empiriska studien var intervju och enkätfrågor till kvinnliga elever på teknikprogrammet och naturvetenskapsprogrammet samt lärare som undervisar dessa. Studien påvisar att de kvinnliga eleverna anser att existerandet av de mjukare inriktningarna på teknikprogrammet (exempelvis Design- och produktutveckling), öppet hus samt föräldrarnas åsikt utgör en stark påverkan på deras val av Teknikprogrammet. I nära samverkan med litteraturen gick dessa områden att sammanfoga till några koncilianta sammanhörande gebit. Hierarkiska strukturer i kulturella koder för de olika programmen var framstående. Återgivningen av tekniskt intresse tolkades också ha en avgörande betydelse liksom innehållsmässiga faktorer i teknikundervisningen på högstadiet. Även föräldrarnas direkta eller indirekta åsikt tros spela in. Studien påvisade ett troligt samband mellan föräldrars utbildning samt yrkesval och de kvinnliga elevernas gymnasieval. Av studien framkommer att eventuellt möjliga vägar till att undvika segregerade gymnasieval till teknikprogrammet exempelvis är att utöka antalet mjuka inriktningar på teknikprogrammet, fortsätta att medvetet arbeta för fler kvinnliga elever på teknikprogrammet på det öppna huset samt att försöka att medvetet skynda på förändringen av den kulturella koden för teknikprogrammet genom att bland annat föra fram och trycka på kvinnliga förebilder inom teknik, både moderna och historiska. / The report is based on both a survey and a literature study. The purpose is to highlight the reasons why girls and women exclude technology as such and, in particular, why they opt it out in the upper secondary school selection process. What do the female students consider to be the main reasons affecting them in their selection and discontinuation of the technology programs? This study searches for the pupil perspective of upper secondary school students. This gives a deviating result as opposed to studies that are conducted with pupiles in lower grades. The survey was conducted at a major secondary school in one of Sweden's metropolitan regions. The method of the survey was interviews and a web questionnaire addressing female students on the technology program and the science program as well as teachers who teach them both. The study shows that the existence of the softer specializations of the technology program (such as design and production development), open-houses and the parents' opinion weighed heavily in their decision process. In close collaboration with the literature, these areas joined up to some conciliatory related fields. Hierarchical structures in cultural codes for the various programs were prominent. The interpretation of the term technical interest was also crucial as well as substantial factors in upper level lower secondary school technical education. Even the parents' direct –as well as indirect opinions are important. The survey shows that parents' education and their existing career choices have strong connection with female students' choices for their future education. Conclusion could be made that possible ways to avoid segregated upper secondary school program choices could include setting up an increased number of "soft" specializations in the technology program, active work to attract female students during technology programs’ open-houses and speeding up change of the technology program cultural codes by, among other things, emphasizing the importance of both established and new female role-models in the technology world.
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The Dawn of Euro-English : Student and Teacher’s Knowledge and Opinion on Euro-English and the English Standards in Swedish Upper-Secondary SchoolSundfors, Irmelie January 2023 (has links)
Throughout the 1900s, the English subject has gone through massive change in the Swedish school system. The main focus has always been on the British standard, with the United Kingdom as the model for all who study English or educate students. In the past decades, the American standard has been increasingly popular amongst the younger generations which leads to a mismatch between the experiences in school versus the ones outside of school. In light of Brexit and a shift away from Britain, there is cause to believe that this will also impact the educational system. With Euro-English being discussed amongst English scholars, there is reason to believe in a trickle-down effect on young students and teachers as well. This study consists of a survey as well as semi- structured interviews to see what attitude students and teachers have towards British English, American English as well as Euro-English. It will also investigate what impact that may have on the education system as of now as well as the future if nothing changes or if there is no change in the curriculum. The results show growing interest in American English or variations such as Euro-English that are the result of mixture. The results also show teachers being hesitant towards Euro-English, but with an interest due to the value of English varieties overall. Furthermore, the results may be an indicator of an upcoming gap in the education system if Euro-English remains ignored.
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Datalogiskt tänkande på gymnasiet : En kartläggning inom kursen Programmering 1 / Computational thinking in upper secondary school : An overview within the course Programming 1Hultén Mattsson, Victor, Quick, Rafael January 2023 (has links)
Allt fler delar av samhållet digitaliseras och i och med detta ökar behovet av digital kompetens, bland annat inom programmering. Programmering som skolämne finns på gymnasienivå och kan antingen ingå inom ramen för ett program eller läsas som valbar kurs. Utgångspunkten för detta arbete är programmeringsundervisningen på gymnasiet, med särskilt fokus på kursen Programmering 1. Syftet med detta arbete är att kartlägga hur elevers arbetssätt vid lösning av en individuell uppgiftg i kursen Programmering 1 kan förstås utifrån ett antal förmågor inom datalogiskt tänkande. De förmågor inom datalogiskt tänkande som avses här är abstraktion, algoritsmiskt tänkande, dekompositionm, mönsterigenkänning och generalisering. För att samla in studiens data, som är kvalitativ, användes observationer och intervjuer. Totalt sett studerades åtta elever som gick årskurs 3 på teknikprogrammet på en gymnasieskola och som läste kursen Programmering 1 som en obligatorsik del av sitt program. Insamlade data analyserades genom att göra en tematisk analys. Den tematiska analysen resulterade i en tankekarta som visualiserar hur elevernas beteenden under uppgiftslösningen kan förstås utifrån förmågorna inom datalogiskt tänkande. Analysen visade att alla undersökta förmågor förekom i någon utsträckning, men att eleverna använde abstraktion och algoritmiskt tänkande i större utsträckning och med större säkerhet än dekomposition och mönsterigenkänning. / An increasing number of sectors in society are being digitalized, which in turn increases the need for digital skills, including programming. Programming is a subject in upper secondary school and can either be part of a program or taken as an elective course. The focus of this study is programming education in upper secondary school, specifically the course Programming 1. The purpose of this study is to map how students' approach to solving individual tasks in the Programming 1 course can be understood based on a set of abilities related to computational thinking. The computational thinking abilities considered here are abstraction, algorithmic thinking, decomposition, pattern recognition, and generalization. To gather qualiktative data for the study, observations and interviews were conducted. A total of eight students in their third year of the technology program at an upper secondary school, who were taking Programming 1 as a mandatory part of their program, were studied. The collected data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The thematic analysis resulted in a concept map that visualizes how students' behaviors during task-solving can be understood in terms of the abilities within computational thinking. The analysis revealed that all the examined abilities were present to some extent, but students utilized abstraction and algorithmic thinking to a greater extent and with more confidence compared to decomposition and pattern recognition.
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Hur lärare möjliggör elevers delaktighet och inflytande : Ur ett lärarperspektiv på gymnasiesärskolans individuella program / How teachers enable students participation and influence : From a teacher perspective in Special needs Upper Secondary SchoolCollberg, Pia January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to highlight some teachers’ perceptions of participation and influence for students at the individual program, in special needs upper secondary school. The three questions that has been used to deepen and clarify the aim of the study is; what expression and communication possibilities do students have according to the teachers? What strategies do the teachers have concerning making awareness of the curriculum goals for the student to increase their possibility for influence and participation? And what strategies do the teachers have concerning to strengthen the students possibilities for participation and influence and what level of participation do the students have according the teachers? The method that has been used in this study is qualitative interview and four respondents that work at the individual program, in Special Needs upper secondary school has been interviewed. Shiers (2001) five participation levels has been used as theoretical basis in the study. The result of the study shows that students at the individual program, in special needs upper secondary school has big difficulties whit being actively participated and to exert influence, as they lack well-developed communication abilities. The strategies the teachers have to increase the students’ participation and influence, describes by the respondents as easy choices and informal decision- making, and the level of participation that the students have, describes as developable. The result however shows that the they reach the minimum limit in Shiers participation levels and therefore also reaches the level that nations that have signed ´the UN Convention of Rights of the Child, must achieve. There were no major contradictions in the study’s research field and together with the result it shows a relative consistent in that young people in need of special aid do not have participation and influence at the level as other children their age. This study shows a great relevance for the profession of special teachers, as it shows that the students’ early need to be identified to increase their possibilities for communication, participation which leads to greater influence. / Syftet med denna studie är att belysa några lärares uppfattningar om delaktighet och inflytande för elever på gymnasiesärskolans individuella program. De tre frågeställningar som använts för att fördjupa och tydliggöra syftet är; Vilka uttrycks- och kommunikationsmöjligheter har eleverna enligt lärarna? Vilka strategier har lärarna i arbetet med att medvetandegöra läro- och kursplanemål för att öka elevernas nivå av delaktighet och inflytande? Och vilka strategier har lärarna i arbetet med att stärka eleverna möjlighet till delaktighet och inflytande och vilken nivå av delaktighet har eleverna enligt lärarna? Metoden som använts i studien är kvalitativ intervju och fyra respondenter som arbetar inom gymnasiesärskolans individuella program har intervjuats. Shiers (2001) fem delaktighetsnivåer har använts som teoretisk utgångspunkt i studien. Studiens resultat visar att elever på gymnasiesärskolans individuella program har stora svårigheter med att aktivt vara delaktiga och utöva inflytande då de i stor utsträckning saknar välutvecklade kommunikationsmöjligheter. De strategier lärarna har för att öka elevernas delaktighet och inflytande beskrivs av respondenterna som enklare val och informella beslut och den nivå av delaktighet eleverna har, beskrivs som utvecklingsbar. Dock visade resultatet att de nådde upp till minimigränsen i Shiers (2001) delaktighetsmodell och därför även når upp till den nivå som bör nås för de länder som signerat Barnkonventionen. Det framkom inga större motstridigheter i studiens forskningsfält och tillsammans med resultatet visar det på en relativ samstämmighet i att unga i behov av stöd inte har delaktighet och möjlighet till inflytande i samma utsträckning som andra unga i samma ålder. Denna studie visar dock på en stor relevans för specialläraryrket då den visar på att eleverna behöver kartläggas tidigt för att rätt stöd och metoder ska sättas in för att öka deras möjligheter till kommunikation, delaktighet och därmed ökat inflytande.
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Out-of-School English and the possible effect it has on Second Language Acquisition : - a study on how students with different backgrounds acquire the English language outside of schoolFallkvist, Anneli January 2016 (has links)
Second language acquisition is a field that has fascinated linguists for numerous years and is a topic that is very much connected to how English teachers in Sweden try to teach the English language to the students in their classrooms. In 2009 Sundqvist examined what possible effects extramural English could have on learners' oral proficiency and their vocabulary. In her study she found out that extramural English “is an independent variable and a possible path to progress in English” (Sundqvist, 2009, p. i). In 2014, three Swedish secondary- and upper secondary school teachers started a project for the Erasmus+. These three teachers tried to create better teaching conditions and to come up with new methods for teaching English. During their investigation they noticed that students who had only been in Sweden for four years or less, seemed to get less exposed to English in their spare time than native Swedish students, which created a disadvantage for them. Since the time when these two studies were carried out, the number of immigrants has increased drastically, which creates the need for further investigation within this area of second language acquisition. In this study, I therefore investigate how much and in what way students come in contact with the English language outside of school. I also examine if there are any differences between native Swedish students versus non-native Swedish students and if so, how this might affect the students and their grades in English. The study was conducted through the use of questionnaires and through observations of different teaching situations, including the participating teachers' methods and the participating students' reactions. The results show that there are differences between native- and non-native students when it comes to extramural English activities. The results also show that these differences seem to affect the students' grades in English, in favour of the native Swedish students. The native students tend to spend more time on extramural English activities, especially in connection to the Internet and computer games, than the non-native students. These results indicate that something needs to be done in order to compensate for the non-native students' disadvantage.
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Students' Perspectives on School-related Stress and the Role of the Student Health ServicesJerreholt, Josephine, Chaparro Martinez, Zoe January 2017 (has links)
This study explored the view of a small-scale group of upper secondary school seniors on school-related stress during their last school year in comparison to previous years. A qualitative research method was used and five students partook in semi-structured interviews with open-end questions. The study derived from the perspectives of two theoretical models that were selected due to their relevance; firstly, the Demand-Control Support model, and secondly, the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping. The results show that these upper secondary school seniors describe themselves as less stress than they perceived themselves to be in their second year. Regarding the stress-related effects experienced by these students, it was found that sleep deprivation and anger were the most problematic ones along with their tendencies to compare themselves to others. It was also found that the five participants perceived the school health servieces' work as insufficient in many ways. One of the most recurring suggestions, by the students, on how to improve it was to discuss stress and the availability of the school health services more openly.
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Att skapa framtid : En analys av interaktionen i studie- och yrkesvägledande samtal med unga i migration / Shaping a future : An analysis of interaction in career counselling conversations with young migrantsSundelin, Åsa January 2015 (has links)
This is an empirical study that aims to contribute to knowledge about the opportunities the career counselling conversation offers young migrants in shaping their future. Conversations play a central role in career counselling activities in Swedish schools; furthermore, the question of how the Swedish society promotes the inclusion of its immigrants has become an increasingly urgent issue. The study draws on a dialogical framework on interaction and meaning making and seeks to gain insight into how meaning about the future is formed in career counselling conversations. The following questions were formulated: How is the interaction between migrant students and their counsellors formed in counselling conversations? How can the interaction be understood in relation to the participants and their contexts? What seems to enable or constrain students’ meaning making about the future in these conversations? The study was conducted in an introductory course for newly arrived immigrants at the upper secondary level. Researcher followed a series of two career counselling conversations between five students and five counsellors, respectively. The empirical material comprises three parts: audio-recordings of conversations, observations of these conversations and audio-recorded interviews with counsellors and students. The students, three men and two women, have a non-European background and had been in Sweden between one and three years. All except one can be considered a refugee. The material was transcribed, and the conversations were analysed with the concepts of communicative projects and strategies. The conversations are the primary empirical material. The results show that the counsellors’ and the students’ communicative projects primarily are complementary. Both the counsellor and the conversations appear as crucial for students learning about Swedish opportunity structures and meaning making about the future. The analysis also elucidated interactional patterns and interplay that seem to constrain the students’ possibilities to shape a future with their own conditions within the conversations. The conversations focused on Swedish career opportunities and lacked a transnational perspective. Furthermore, the students’ migrant background was not made relevant in the conversations; hence, the conversations risk contributing to students’ stigmatisation. The counsellors’ methods also seem at risk of individualising issues related to institutional preconditions and structural constraints. However, the analysis also displayed how the counsellor can counteract these constraining effects. The result implicates, in alignment with other studies, that the responsibility for the students’ career processes cannot be put on counselling conversations alone; more comprehensive and integrated activities for career learning in the schools are necessary to provide immigrant students with reasonable possibilities for shaping a future. Moreover, the conclusion is drawn that counsellor’s conversation skills are important for the students meaning making about the future but that counsellors also must have, among other things, the ability to comprehend migrants’ feelings and existential issues regarding the future and, not least, knowledge about the conditions of migrants and the ability to both comprehend and actively recognize injustices and different expressions of power. There are seldom others advocating for the rights of migrants. / Vägledning mellan erkännande, rättvisa och skillnadsskapande
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Vems historia talar vi om? : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga elevers möjligheter att identifiera sig med den historieundervisning som sker i gymnasiet / Which history are we talking about? : An qualitative study if the female pupils can identify themselves with the history classes that they take part in the upper secondary schoolPalmér, Tommy January 2017 (has links)
This study is based on interviews and aims to shed some light upon the teaching of history in the swedish upper secondary school. Is it possible for the female pupils, to identify themself with the way it's presented? There's been different studies regarding how women are portrayed in the history books, are they there at all or are they forgotten? I interviewed eight female pupils to find out if they could indentify themself with the subject, and if not, what could we do as teacher to make it more relevant for them and easier to indentify themself with the subject? The results shows that most of them can't indentify themself with the subject, feeling that it's a mans world - nothing to do with them. At the same time they say that the subject can come in handy to know why certain things happend and to learn by our mistakes. In general the pupils told me that the subject was more interesting when the teacher shows and talks more about women. With that being said, they didn’t say that they wanted the different historical characters that are men gone, just that women should get the same attention. By knowing that the female pupils feels like this we could make the subject more relevant for them and easier to indentify themself with it.
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─ Nu kan fan inte Tobias klaga! : En studie av gymnasieelevers upplevelser av kamratrespons på medieproduktionerHaage, Susanna, Ramström, Anna Maria January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out more about upper secondary school students ́ experience of peer response to media productions, eg movies and digital stories. We also explored how they learn peer response, how they use it and how peer response affects students’ choice of content for the media productions that they produce. The methods that we have used is an unstructured lesson observation, combined with discussions in two focus groups with 1st and 2nd grade students enroled at the Arts program at a secondary school in a metropolitan area in Sweden. The results of the study show that students experience peer response as positive but emphasises the importance of the teachers’ attitude and expertise as essential both to the students learning process as well as to their experience of giving and receiving feedback from a fellow student. The students find it difficult to be completely honest when they give response to a friend. The teachers’ response always outweighs the response from a fellow student and the students in this study do not use the peer response to revise and improve their media productions. The study shows that the students do not adapt the content of their media productions due to the fact that classmates will assess the result. They perceive media productions as something per definition accessible to the public, that is, the products will be showcased in public, for example, published on the internet. The students relate to this fact as they select content to their media productions. / Syftet med denna studie har varit att ta reda på mer om gymnasieelevers upplevelser av kamratrespons på medieproduktioner, t.ex. filmer och digitala berättelser. Vi har också undersökt hur de lär sig kamratrespons, hur de använder sig av den och på vilket sätt kamratrespons påverkar elevernas val av innehåll till de medieproduktioner som de producerar. Metoderna som vi har använt oss av är en ostrukturerad lektionsobservation i kombination med diskussioner i två olika fokusgrupper med elever från årskurs 1 och 2 på det Estetiska programmet på en gymnasieskola i ett storstadsområde. Resultatet av studien visar att eleverna upplever kamratrespons som någonting positivt men framhåller att lärarens attityd och expertis är avgörande för såväl övning som upplevelsen av att ge och ta emot respons från en kamrat. Eleverna upplever att det är svårt att vara helt ärlig när de ger respons till en kamrat. Lärarens respons väger alltid tyngre än kamraters och eleverna i studien använder sig heller inte av kamraternas respons för att omarbeta och förbättra sina medieproduktioner. Studien visar att eleverna inte anpassar innehållet till sina medieproduktioner utifrån vetskapen om att klasskamraterna kommer att ge respons. Eleverna uppfattar medieproduktioner som per definition publika, d.v.s. produkter som kommer att visas upp offentligt, exempelvis publiceras på internet och detta faktum förhåller sig eleverna till när de väljer innehåll till sina medieproduktioner.
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