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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En växande väljargrupp : En kvantitativ studie av Sverigedemokraternas sympatisörer med utländsk och utomeuropeisk bakgrund

Moshfeghi Mohammadi, Marmar January 2023 (has links)
Senaste decennierna har Sverigedemokraternas (SD) väljarstöd ökat framgångsrikt, inte minst bland personer med utländsk, inklusive utomeuropeisk, bakgrund. SD:s väljare skiljer sig från övriga i valmanskåren med avseende på politiska attityder – förtroende för politiker, institutioner, nationalism, synen på invandring och placering på vänster-högerskalan – och sociala skiljelinjer – utbildningsnivå, inkomst och yrkestillhörighet. Personer med utländsk bakgrund är en växande väljargrupp i Sverige, även som SD-väljare och sympatisörer. Därför är syftet med uppsatsen att undersöka vad som utmärker SD-sympatisörer från andra partiers sympatisörer inom grupperna med utländsk och utomeuropeisk bakgrund med avseende på politiska attityder och socioekonomiska egenskaper. Detta har undersökts genom deskriptiv statistik och regressionsanalyser med data från den nationella SOM-undersökning 2021. Resultaten av bivariata regressionsanalyser visar att SD-sympatisörer med utländsk och utomeuropeisk bakgrund skiljer sig från andra partiers sympatisörer med samma bakgrund avseende graden av förtroende för politiker och myndigheter och ideologisk orientering. De är i högre grad för minskat antal flyktingar och tillhör gruppen arbetare. I multivariat regressionsanalys kvarstår de statistiskt signifikanta sambanden mellan förtroende för myndigheter, ideologisk orientering och yrkestillhörighet för gruppen med utländsk bakgrund. För den utomeuropeiska gruppen var sambanden inte längre signifikanta. Eftersom grupperna är underrepresenterade i forskning och väldigt heterogena behövs studier med tydligare differentiering i framtiden.

Synsätt, teman och strategier : några perspektiv på mångkulturella frågor i skolan i ett praktiknära projekt

Granstedt, Lena January 2010 (has links)
The chief aim of my thesis is to study and analyse how the multiculturalism of schools is reflected in research and reports in Sweden and in the way in which teachers talk about multicultural issues at school. Part of the work is done in the form of reflecting talks with two groups of teachers in two different schools on issues and situations taken from their own everyday experience. The talks are conducted over two years. One partial aim is therefore to study whether this working method can help teachers to develop their strategies with regard to multicultural issues at school. I describe how the talks develop over two years in an ethnically heterogeneous group of teachers in one of the schools, some areas related to multicultural issues in the school that the teachers find problematic, and how the talks to some extent influence the teachers’ choice of strategies in the school’s practice. Part of the work is an analysis of a talk from each group of teachers and their conceptions of “the immigrant pupil” and her/his parents are focused on. The analytical tool of interpretive repertoires is used to visualise patterns of common points of departure and values in the talks. Also part of the work is an analysis of how research and reports reflect the discourse on multicultural issues from 1980 to 2005. I emphasise some themes and how these change over time. Through the study, parts of the content of the discourse about the multicultural Swedish education are made visible. The discourse contains expressions of a focus on shortcomings and problems that are regarded as linked to pupils, parents and to some extent to teachers with foreign backgrounds. The discourse also contains expressions of seeing differences, chiefly between groups of pupils with foreign and ethnic Swedish backgrounds respectively. By focusing on differences and shortcomings a boundary is at the same time set up between “us” and “them”. The composition of teachers in Swedish schools is relatively homogeneous as regards ethnicity. When, in addition, it is many times teachers that have the responsibility and power to define what are seen as problems and to find solutions in schools’ practice, the problems and solutions are often defined from a majority perspective. It is also from a majority perspective that decisions are made about to what extent, to what degree and in what way minority perspectives should be represented in these contexts. It is a matter of who has the power to define themselves and the others and the others’ shortcomings.

Socialt medborgarskap och social delaktighet : Lokala upplevelser bland unga kvinnor och män med utländsk bakgrund

Jacobson Pettersson, Helene January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore how young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds experience social citizenship and social participation. How do they understand their social rights and duties? What are the possibilities and obstacles for their social participation? Based on the background of different studies in Sweden, that usually focus on conditions in bigger cities, this study discusses social citizenship among ethnic minority youth in the context of a middle-sized Swedish town. In contrast to research on ethnicity and youth in Sweden, that discuss social problems and social exclusion in terms of the deficient cultural, linguistic and social competence of the individuals, this study focuses on different kinds of resources and experiences of agency among young people from migrant backgrounds. Their experiences of active social citizenship and social participation fill also a gap in the contemporary research from the perspective of social inclusion. The theoretical framework is based on the concept of social citizenship as discussed by T. H. Marshall (1950), T. Bottomore (1992) and inspired by research on the subjective dimension of social citizenship conducted by R. Lister (1997, 2003, 2007). In order to grasp the subjective dimension of social citizenship, this thesis deals with differentiated expressions of universal social citizenship in terms of agency and participation in different areas of social life. Using a qualitative approach, seventeen people have been interviewed. The interviews have been analysed from an intersectional perspective where gender, age, marital status and longevity in Sweden appear to be concurrent categories. The results point towards tendencies of enclavisation among these young adults usually articulating experience of weak social bonding in relation to the Swedish majority population. Some informants refer to their expectations of living in bigger cities or a third country, and have plans to move as a strategy for better, more integrated and less discriminated conditions of future life. In sum, the central expectations of the interviewees on the improvement of their social citizenship conditions are the following: They want to be active citizens and are willing to contribute to the development of a more inclusive Swedish society. This thesis contributes to our current understanding of how young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds, experience social citizenship and social participation within the areas of: housing, education, labour-market, leisure and policy. / Denna rapport handlar om hur unga kvinnor och män med utländsk bakgrund i en medelstor svensk stad upplever social delaktighet. I fokus står vardagslivets sociala medborgarskap och hur människor förstår sina sociala rättigheter och skyldigheter och på vilket sätt detta påverkar deras medverkan i samhällslivet. Rapporten visar att de unga kvinnorna och männen har engagemang och uttrycker ansvarskänsla och vilja till social delaktighet i det svenska samhället. Samtidig upplever de inte alltid ett fullvärdigt socialt medborgarskap på grund av etnisk diskriminering. Helene Jacobson Pettersson är doktorand i socialt arbete vid Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och socialt arbete, Växjö universitet. Hon är anställd som universitetsadjunkt i socialt arbete vid Högskolan i Kalmar. Detta är hennes licentiatavhandling.

De talar av erfarenhet : uppfattningar om begreppen demokrati och diktatur hos vuxenelever med utländsk bakgrund

Hjelm, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>I have in this study examined, through qualitative interviews, how adults with foreign background that are pupils in adult education in Sweden, understand the concepts democracy and dictatorship. Their expressed understandings have been compared with their former life experiences as well as with the aim of the social studies to create a qualitative understanding of essential social concepts. My starting point is theories about the adult in leaning processes. It has been assumed that the adult interprets the world much through former life experiences. I have also relied on the idea that having a qualitative, more scientific, understanding of essential subjects is important for the adult as a member of society and participator in the on-going political debate. It should therefore be a central aim for educators in the social subjects within adult education to support a development of more qualified concept understandings among their pupils. In this study I have used the criterions of dr Roland Severin to define a qualified understanding of concepts. Such an understanding includes richness in meaning, structure, general description of cause and relation as well as the capacity to relate to different levels of abstraction. My conclusion is that the pupils in my study have very individual understandings of the concepts, especially the understandings of democracy. Their expressed understandings of dictatorship are in general less rich in meaning. I have found that their understandings are clearly influenced by former life experiences. In comparison to a qualitative understanding of concepts the pupils’ understandings both have strengths and weaknesses. The main strengths in their understandings lies in that they have structure and focus important meanings of the concepts. The pupils can also express their understandings in a concrete manner. The main weaknesses lay in that they lack sufficient meanings of the concepts to give them a exhaustive description. The pupils also tend to give more of concrete and less of general descriptions of the concepts. I have concluded that to support adult pupils in the development of more qualitative, and therefore more useful, social concepts educators should make use of the pupils’ collective experiences. By doing so more meanings of the essential concepts can be revealed and individual experiences can be connected to those of others to create generality in the pupils understandings.</p>

Socialt medborgarskap och social delaktighet : Lokala upplevelser bland unga kvinnor och män med utländsk bakgrund

Jacobson Pettersson, Helene January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to explore how young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds experience social citizenship and social participation. How do they understand their social rights and duties? What are the possibilities and obstacles for their social participation? Based on the background of different studies in Sweden, that usually focus on conditions in bigger cities, this study discusses social citizenship among ethnic minority youth in the context of a middle-sized Swedish town. In contrast to research on ethnicity and youth in Sweden, that discuss social problems and social exclusion in terms of the deficient cultural, linguistic and social competence of the individuals, this study focuses on different kinds of resources and experiences of agency among young people from migrant backgrounds. Their experiences of active social citizenship and social participation fill also a gap in the contemporary research from the perspective of social inclusion. The theoretical framework is based on the concept of social citizenship as discussed by T. H. Marshall (1950), T. Bottomore (1992) and inspired by research on the subjective dimension of social citizenship conducted by R. Lister (1997, 2003, 2007). In order to grasp the subjective dimension of social citizenship, this thesis deals with differentiated expressions of universal social citizenship in terms of agency and participation in different areas of social life. Using a qualitative approach, seventeen people have been interviewed. The interviews have been analysed from an intersectional perspective where gender, age, marital status and longevity in Sweden appear to be concurrent categories. The results point towards tendencies of enclavisation among these young adults usually articulating experience of weak social bonding in relation to the Swedish majority population. Some informants refer to their expectations of living in bigger cities or a third country, and have plans to move as a strategy for better, more integrated and less discriminated conditions of future life. In sum, the central expectations of the interviewees on the improvement of their social citizenship conditions are the following: They want to be active citizens and are willing to contribute to the development of a more inclusive Swedish society. This thesis contributes to our current understanding of how young adults from ethnic minority backgrounds, experience social citizenship and social participation within the areas of: housing, education, labour-market, leisure and policy.</p> / <p>Denna rapport handlar om hur unga kvinnor och män med utländsk bakgrund i en medelstor svensk stad upplever social delaktighet. I fokus står vardagslivets sociala medborgarskap och hur människor förstår sina sociala rättigheter och skyldigheter och på vilket sätt detta påverkar deras medverkan i samhällslivet. Rapporten visar att de unga kvinnorna och männen har engagemang och uttrycker ansvarskänsla och vilja till social delaktighet i det svenska samhället. Samtidig upplever de inte alltid ett fullvärdigt socialt medborgarskap på grund av etnisk diskriminering. Helene Jacobson Pettersson är doktorand i socialt arbete vid Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och socialt arbete, Växjö universitet. Hon är anställd som universitetsadjunkt i socialt arbete vid Högskolan i Kalmar. Detta är hennes licentiatavhandling.</p>

Ett fotbollsprojekt för flickor med utländsk bakgrund / A footballproject for girls with foreign background

Efraimsson, Ida, Hagström, Frida January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att genom kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer ta reda på hur flickor med utländsk bakgrund kan uppleva ett specifikt fotbollsprojekt som syftar till att öka deltagandet bland flickor med invandrarbakgrund. Syftet var även att undersöka vilken betydelse projektet kan ha för dem. Sex flickor med utländsk bakgrund som deltar i det specifika fotbollsprojektet ingick i studien. Av resultatet framkom att flickorna upplever att projektet har haft en stor betydelse för deras självuppfattning. Projektet har gett dem nya möjligheter att lära sig spela fotboll, träffa nya kompisar samt att vara mer fysiskt aktiva. Det framgår även att flickornas motivation till att spela fotboll har stärkts samt att denna ökning av motivation i kombination med den stärkta självuppfattningen kan ha resulterat i att flickorna börjat ta plats i andra arenor som rasterna i skolan och klassfotbollen. / The purpose of this study was to look into how girls with foreign backgrounds can experience a specific football projects that aims to increase the participation in sports among girls with foreign backgrounds. The intention was also to examine what meaning the project can have for these girls. The study was conducted with qualitative interviews and a total of six girls from the specific project participated. The result from the interviews was that the girls experiences that the project has affected their self-concept in a good direction. The football project has given them new opportunities to learn how to play football, meet new friends and to be physically active. Their motivation to play football has also increased .The increase of motivation in combination with the strengthen self-concept may have resulted in the girl feeling confident and motivated enough to participate more in the school breaks and the “class football”.

Som vilken svensk som helst : En studie kring hur personer med utländsk bakgrund figurerar i bildsatta artiklar i två lokaltidningar / As any Swede : A study about how people with foreign background appear in local newspapers

Bjerlöw, Matilda, Strömqvist, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Sweden is a multi cultural country, where almost twenty percent of the population come from another cultural background. This study examines to what extent people with a foreign origin appear in two local, Swedish newspapers, Barometern and Östra Småland, and what role they are given. Do they appear as foreigners or immigrants or do they figure as any Swede, irrespective of their origin background? We have made a review by studying pictures of people with a foreign origin, based on name and appearance. During the time period, March 1st – April 30 th 2010, there were 2206 articles with pictures of people where 189 of them did show people with a foreign origin. Although, only 22 of these persons occurred in their role as foreigner or immigrant, the remaining majority occurred due to personal character or competence. Thus, the origin background did not matter in the context.

De talar av erfarenhet : uppfattningar om begreppen demokrati och diktatur hos vuxenelever med utländsk bakgrund

Hjelm, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
I have in this study examined, through qualitative interviews, how adults with foreign background that are pupils in adult education in Sweden, understand the concepts democracy and dictatorship. Their expressed understandings have been compared with their former life experiences as well as with the aim of the social studies to create a qualitative understanding of essential social concepts. My starting point is theories about the adult in leaning processes. It has been assumed that the adult interprets the world much through former life experiences. I have also relied on the idea that having a qualitative, more scientific, understanding of essential subjects is important for the adult as a member of society and participator in the on-going political debate. It should therefore be a central aim for educators in the social subjects within adult education to support a development of more qualified concept understandings among their pupils. In this study I have used the criterions of dr Roland Severin to define a qualified understanding of concepts. Such an understanding includes richness in meaning, structure, general description of cause and relation as well as the capacity to relate to different levels of abstraction. My conclusion is that the pupils in my study have very individual understandings of the concepts, especially the understandings of democracy. Their expressed understandings of dictatorship are in general less rich in meaning. I have found that their understandings are clearly influenced by former life experiences. In comparison to a qualitative understanding of concepts the pupils’ understandings both have strengths and weaknesses. The main strengths in their understandings lies in that they have structure and focus important meanings of the concepts. The pupils can also express their understandings in a concrete manner. The main weaknesses lay in that they lack sufficient meanings of the concepts to give them a exhaustive description. The pupils also tend to give more of concrete and less of general descriptions of the concepts. I have concluded that to support adult pupils in the development of more qualitative, and therefore more useful, social concepts educators should make use of the pupils’ collective experiences. By doing so more meanings of the essential concepts can be revealed and individual experiences can be connected to those of others to create generality in the pupils understandings.

Lärare med utländsk bakgrund : Sju yrkeslivsberättelser om möten med nya skolsammanhang

Sandlund, Monica January 2010 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte är att öka kunskapen om lärare med utländsk bakgrund och deras möte med den svenska skolan genom deras berättelser. Studien har sin grund i ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv med förståelsen att mening skapas i interaktion med andra. Berättandet ses här som en handling och en dominerande uttrycksform för identitetsskapande. I avhandlingen lyfts sju lärare fram genom deras yrkeslivsberättelser om den svenska mångkulturella skolan. Studien är en longitudinell undersökning och empirin består av fjorton livsberättelseintervjuer som gjorts i två omgångar med ett till fyra års mellanrum. Med hjälp av livsberättelseansatsen som teoretisk och metodologisk utgångspunkt analyseras följande frågeställningar: Vilka yrkesethos framträder i lärarnas berättelser om möten och relationer i den svenska skolan? Vilka positioner intar och tillskrivs lärarna i sina berättelser? Hur gestaltas legitimitet i lärarnas berättelser? Resultatet diskuteras i relation till teorier och diskurser om skola, lärarprofession, mångkulturella/interkulturella intentioner samt sociala strukturer. Studien visar att lärarna gör identitetsframträdanden i sina berättelser gällande legitimitet. Detta sker genom konstruktion, dekonstruktion och rekonstruktion av yrkesethos. I avhandlingen framkommer indikationer på att det i skolan förutsätts att det är de utländska lärarna som ska anpassa sig efter rådande normer och att toleransen för alternativa förhållningssätt är begränsade. Lärarna positionerar sig i berättelserna genom att både acceptera och göra motstånd mot kraven på konformitet. / The aim of the dissertation is to contribute to an understanding of how immigrantteachers define and construct their identities in a new school context. The study isbased on a social constructional theory with the understanding that purpose iscreated through interaction with others. I see narratives as action and adominating form of expression for identity. In this thesis, seven immigrantteachers and their life stories about professional practices in the Swedishmulticultural education system are focused. The life story approach of studyingteachers´ practices has inspired analysis of the following issues: What kind ofprofessional identities do the teachers perform in their narratives about encountersand relationships in school? How do they position themselves in the stories andhow do others position them? How is legitimacy constructed in their stories?Conclusions from their professional life experiences are situated in Swedishschool contexts and are discussed together with theories and discourses aboutteaching as a profession, multicultural intentions, schools and social structures.The study shows diverse identity performances concerning legitimacy where theteachers perform different constructions, deconstructions, and reconstructions oftheir professional ethos. In the life stories, various positions of acceptance andresistance appear as answers to the demands of conformity.

Idioter väljer att sätta ord i våra munnar : En kvalitativ fokusgruppstudie om hur unga män med utländsk bakgrund från socioekonomiskt utsatta områden upplever massmedias rapportering

Adem, Jasmin, Khalaf, Linda Nidae January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om hur unga män med utländsk bakgrund bosatta i socioekonomisktutsatta områden upplever massmedia och dess föreställning gentemot området de bor i. Studien är kvalitativ genom fokusgruppsintervjuer och berör frågor om hur dessa unga mänmed utländsk bakgrund beskrivs, hur massmedia talar om socioekonomiskt utsatta områdensamt hur massmedia spelar en roll i rapporteringen av dessa ovanstående faktorer. Vi kom fram till att dessa unga män med utländsk bakgrund bosatta i socioekonomiskt utsattaområden upplever att massmedia målar upp och reproducerar en övervägande negativ bild avde och området de bor i. De talar mycket kring sina egna känslor och hur upplevelsernapåverkar dem samt hur de speglar sig i deras liv.

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