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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tidsmässig effektivitet vid produktion av ett plagg i finstickad trikå

MATTSSON, ELISABETH January 2014 (has links)
Textilindustrin är en industri som ständigt växer och utvecklas. År 1995 introducerade det japanska företaget Shima Seiki den första maskinen med de tekniska egenskaperna, som gjorde det möjligt att producera ett trikåplagg med complete garment teknik. Denna introduktion revolutionerade tillverkningstekniken för dessa plagg. Denna studie har skrivits som ett examensarbete på kandidatnivå inom Textilingenjörsprogrammets avslutande del på Högskolan i Borås. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte var att undersöka vilket produktionssätt som var mest effektivt tidsmässigt vid produktion av ett plagg i finstickad trikå, ur ett supply chain perspektiv. Två olika tillverkningsmetoder valdes ut, konventionell och complete garment. Jämförelsen baserades på tidsbedömning av tillverkningsmetodernas supply chain som undersöktes med hjälp av en värdeflödesanalys. Plagget som valdes ut var en tröja, i finstickad trikå, och utifrån detta utfördes en litteraturstudie med fokus på olika produktionsmetoder och logistik. Med utgångspunkt i litteraturstudien upprättades två varianter av varuflöden till de olika tillverkningsmetoderna. En tidsstudie utfördes grundat på de två olika varuflödena, som baserades på egna studier i kombination med intervjuer av experter inom området. Sammanställning av tidsstudien och värdeflödesanalysen visade att det fanns för- och nackdelar med de båda tillverkningsmetoderna. En nackdel som framkom var non-value-added faktorerna väntetid och planering inför produktion, som visade sig vara svåra att undvika i de båda tillverkningsmetoderna. Fördelarna var att de non-value-added faktorerna i complete garment tillverkningens supply chain kunde kortas ner. Efter analys av vilka krav som ställdes, på non-value-added faktorerna för varuflödet hos respektive tillverkningsmetod, kunde slutsatsen dras att complete garment tillverkningens varuflöde är att föredra om man ville ha en snabb påfyllnad av varor till butik utan att ha varorna på lager. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Att ansöka om tilläggsbelopp : -en fråga om pedagogisk grundsyn / Apply for an additional amount : - a question of educational basic view?

Nikolaou, Dimitrios January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka om pedagoger i förskolan söker tilläggsbelopp för barn i behov av särskilt stöd på vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet enligt svensk skollag 2010:800 som berör all utbildningsverksamhet och alla som deltar inom utbildning och undervisningssammanhang. För att få svar på studiens frågeställningar har studien haft tillgång till ett underlag från två kommuner. Från den ena kommunen har underlag varit ansökningshandlingar, svar av enkät- och andra frågor samt pedagogiskt material från utbildningsnämndens enhet som arbetar med barn i behov av särskilt stöd för att stödja pedagogerna i sin kartläggning. Från den andra kommunen har underlaget varit en intervju med två personer med anknytning till en övergripande roll i pedagogisk ledning- en förskolechef och en t.f. biträdande utbildningschef som har arbetat som samordnare för barn och elevhälsa och handläggare för barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Undersökningen har använt sig av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. Studiens har använt sig av Bronfenbrenners ekologiska systemteori och resultatet redovisas i tre kategorier - barn i behov av särskilt stöd, vetenskapligt förhållningsätt och special-pedagogiska perspektiv. Resultatet visar att barn i behov av särskilt stöd är en fråga som grundar sig i vilken pedagogisk grundsyn som råder i makro, exo och mikrosystem. Otydlighet på makrosystemnivå främjar olika modeller för att möta barn i sitt lärande på exo systemnivå. Grundsynen på ett mikrosystem återspeglar den pedagogiska grundsynen på exosystemet som är ett resultat av de material och de processer som finns för att barn ska få sin rätt till stöd. Ett vetenskapligt förhållningsätt som använder sig av faktakunskaper kan förebygga tolkningen att det är barnen som är i behov av särskilt stöd då det istället kan vara verksamheten som är i behov av att höja sin kvalité.

Den kommunicerande forskaren : Forskares tankar kring och arbete med forskningskommunikation / The communicating scientist

Palmgren, Erik, Andersson, Kamala January 2010 (has links)
<p>As the western society gradually turns into a knowledge- and risk society, where science and scientific innovations increasingly both promise to save the world and destroy it, a shift in the relation between the scientific community and the rest of society has emerged. A shift from a top-down one-way transfer view regarding communication, to a dialogue-based interactive co-production model, where the public are part of setting the agenda for research and contribute to the knowledge production. Or at least in theory, in EU documents and in many different country's policy documents. In practical application however, one might have a hard time see the implementation of such model.</p><p>As a more comprehensive and dialogue-based science communication is depending on the possibility for scientist themselves to engage and fell the need to engage, we have focused on their thoughts.</p><p>In this thesis we have examined six scientists view on, and work with, science communication, as well as their perceived social and structural conditions. We have also examined action plans and strategy documents from three Swedish universities that in different ways mention science communication and interaction with the broader society. Finally we have compared the view on science communication that we have found in the documents with that of the scientists.</p><p>We have used qualitative interviews to gather information from the six scientists, who range from 30 to 60 years in age and come from different fields of study. For the documents we used a qualitative analyse, searching for different areas regarding science communication and interaction with society.</p><p>Our finding show that both the view of the scientist and that of the documents, regarding science communication, more resemble that of the older one-way transfer model, although some minor parts remind of a dialogue-based model.</p><p>All the scientists we have interviewed are positive to science communication, especially for its possibility to increase the knowledge in general society and set a ground for better decision making, and also to give legitimacy for both research and the decisions based on it.</p><p>Regarding their practical work with science communication, no one have fixed routines, and the time they spend differ greatly. It is mostly reactive in nature and consist of lectures, popular science articles, participation in interviews in media and conferences etcetera. Three of the scientists use, or are about to use, websites where they communicate their science.</p><p>Socially, most of the scientists both talk extensively with their colleagues about science communication and feel that they think it is important. When it comes to their superior or employer view on science communication most of the scientists don't feel that they act as if it is a subject of concern. Regarding to the academic world at large, they think it is both seen as something positive and sometimes negative. For example some scientists may see it as a positive and important work, while others see the science communication as being part of self promotion and a attempt to raise more funds for specific research. The scientists still feel principle encourage to work with science communication.</p><p>The structural conditions differ between the different scientists, and only one has had training in science communication, although three think they have the possibility to get training. All the scientist have possibility to get some help with their communication however. Two of the scientists felt that their conditions for working with science communication are sufficient, while others feel the need for more resources, time and natural environments for engagement.</p><p>In the action plans and strategy documents we found five interesting areas regarding science communication and engagement with the broader society. First of are their view on science communication and its positive effects. Here all the universities point at the importance of science communication for a sustainable development. They also focus on the benefit for the research in utilizing the knowledge and experience of the broader society. Secondly two of the universities give examples on how they work with science communication. Here they mention open lectures, seminars, study visits, among other. The third area focus on the education of scientist in science communication. Here KTH strongly emphasis the importance education for good leadership and communicative skills for scientists. Fourth, the need for better structural conditions is something that Södertörn stresses, both regarding funding, merits and different departments’ tasks regarding science communication. Last, the importance of business related education as a way of spreading knowledge is something that all the universities focus on.</p>

Vetenskapsteoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv på tidsgeografiska visualiseringsmodeller. -En fallstudie i samhällsvetenskaplig visualisering / Scientific and methodological perspectives on Time Geographical visualization models. -A case study in social science visualization techniques

Joanson, Henric January 2004 (has links)
<p> In the history of scientific visualization techniques there is a lack of social science practices and methodologies. The advent of modern computer graphics brought the use of visualizations into a whole new era, but even though the tools by which such modern visualizations are created become easier to access and use, the lack of social science researchers harvesting the benefits of such tools still remain. This ease of use, increase in power and accessibility plus the ever growing need within the natural sciences to augment the human senses has further complicated the relationship between scientific methodologies, validity, reliability and the use of visualization techniques. This relationship must be explored, demystified and understood in order to fully grasp the impact of visualization practices when incorporated into any given scientific method. Within the social sciences there is one example of a tradition that has since its conception carried within it a graphical notion and a visualization practice. Time geography, a theory/method from the field of human/cultural geography has at its core a set of visualization techniques that encapsulate the very framework of time geographical analysis. Since it has been an integral part of the method trough out its history, it provides the perfect example for the study of the relationship between graphical visualization techniques and methodological development. The essay uses time geography as a case to construct and try out a set of scientific and methodological perspectives on the use of modern visualization techniques in social science practices. It is not an attempt to critically deconstruct this relationship within time geography, rather it points to a possible approach to the study of visualization techniques and their impact/role in the development of social science practices.</p> / <p>Den vetenskapliga visualiserings historia visar en tydlig brist på exempel från samhällsvetenskapliga praktiker och metoder. Den moderna datorgrafikens utveckling har tagit den vetenskapliga visualiseringen till nya nivåer, men trots att verktygen för skapandet av moderna datorgrafiska visualiseringar blivit lättare att hantera och förfoga över lyser de samhällsvetenskapliga exemplen på adopterandet av dessa verktyg fortfarande med sin frånvaro. Vertygens ökande grad av användarvänlighet och kraft, samt de naturvetenskapliga traditionernas ständigt växande behov att gå bortom de mänskliga sinnenas begränsningar har gjort relationen mellan visualiseringstekniker och vetenskapliga metoder, dess reliabilitet och validitet ytterligare komplicerad. För atttill fullo förstå hur inkorporerandet av visuella praktiker och modeller påverkar en metods utveckling i övrigt måste denna relation utforskas och analyseras. Inom samhällsvetenskapen finns en tradition som sedan sin tillkomst burit med sig ett visuellt språk och en visualiseringspraktik. Tidsgeografin, en delvis kulturgeografisk tradition har i själva sitt kärnspråk en serie viusaliseringsmodeller vilka är central del av metodens analysverktyg. Tidsgeografin erbjuder därmed ett utmärkt exempel för studier av relationen mellan vetenskapliga visualiseringspraktiker och metodologisk utveckling. Uppsatsen använder tidsgeografins metod och historia som en fallstudie i ett försök att konstruera och pröva ett antal vetenskapsteoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv på användandet av vetenskaplig visualisering inom samhällsvetenskapen. Uppsatsen är inte ett försök att kritiskt dekonstruera tidsgeografin, snarare visar den på en möjlig väg att närma sig studiet av moderna visualiseringsteknikers påverkan/roll i samhällsvetenskaplig metodutveckling.</p>

Visual Scientific Communication : The Use of Graphics in Contemporary Doctoral Theses / Visuell akademisk kommunikation : Bruket av illustrationer i moderna doktorsavhandlingar

Steiner, Elisabet January 2008 (has links)
<p>Although we live in a society abundant with images, the subject of illustrations in scientific communication seems to have become a blind spot. The study of scientific communication is an interdisciplinary field, where written and visual language is studied separately from one another. The aim of this master thesis is to break with tradition and look at the use of illustrations, their form and frequency, in a random selection of Swedish contemporary doctoral theses to make an attempt to explain why some scholars do not use illustrations as much as others. The found graphics are discussed in their faculty and departmental context, and the aspects of page design, electronic availability, and publishing tradition are also included in this discussion. By looking at some activities surrounding the author of a doctoral thesis, such as writers’s manuals, computer graphic tools, and the role of librarians, proof was found to support a genre and activity theory, as described by Charles Bazerman. This study presents an overview of illustrations occurring in dissertations in a way that was not done before, opening up for further studies about the form and function of scientific illustrations as important carriers of information.</p> / <p>Fastän vi lever i ett samhälle som är översvämmat av bilder verkar vetenskapliga illustrationer vara ett ämne som förblivit ett slags blind punkt. Studierna av vetenskaplig kommunikation är ett interdisciplinärt område där det skrivna och visuella språket behandlas var för sig. Målet med denna D-uppsats är att bryta detta mönster och att undersöka bruket av illustrationer i en tillfälligt utvald samling svenska moderna avhandlingar för att se om det går att förklara varför en del forskare använder färre bilder än andra. De funna illustrationerna diskuteras i deras fakultets- och institutionssammanhang, och aspekterna sidutseende, elektronisk tillgång och utgivningssätt lyfts fram. Genom att titta på en del aktiviteter som omger författaren till en dissertation, som t.ex. skrivhandledningar, verktyg för datorgrafik och bibliotekariens roll, kunde bevis hittas för den genre- och aktivitetsteori som beskrivits av Charles Bazerman. Studien presenterar en översikt av förekommande illustrationer i doktorsavhandlingar som inte gjorts förut och öppnar vägen för nya studier om vetenskapliga bilders utseende och funktion som viktiga informationsbärare.</p>

Den kommunicerande forskaren : Forskares tankar kring och arbete med forskningskommunikation / The communicating scientist

Palmgren, Erik, Andersson, Kamala January 2010 (has links)
As the western society gradually turns into a knowledge- and risk society, where science and scientific innovations increasingly both promise to save the world and destroy it, a shift in the relation between the scientific community and the rest of society has emerged. A shift from a top-down one-way transfer view regarding communication, to a dialogue-based interactive co-production model, where the public are part of setting the agenda for research and contribute to the knowledge production. Or at least in theory, in EU documents and in many different country's policy documents. In practical application however, one might have a hard time see the implementation of such model. As a more comprehensive and dialogue-based science communication is depending on the possibility for scientist themselves to engage and fell the need to engage, we have focused on their thoughts. In this thesis we have examined six scientists view on, and work with, science communication, as well as their perceived social and structural conditions. We have also examined action plans and strategy documents from three Swedish universities that in different ways mention science communication and interaction with the broader society. Finally we have compared the view on science communication that we have found in the documents with that of the scientists. We have used qualitative interviews to gather information from the six scientists, who range from 30 to 60 years in age and come from different fields of study. For the documents we used a qualitative analyse, searching for different areas regarding science communication and interaction with society. Our finding show that both the view of the scientist and that of the documents, regarding science communication, more resemble that of the older one-way transfer model, although some minor parts remind of a dialogue-based model. All the scientists we have interviewed are positive to science communication, especially for its possibility to increase the knowledge in general society and set a ground for better decision making, and also to give legitimacy for both research and the decisions based on it. Regarding their practical work with science communication, no one have fixed routines, and the time they spend differ greatly. It is mostly reactive in nature and consist of lectures, popular science articles, participation in interviews in media and conferences etcetera. Three of the scientists use, or are about to use, websites where they communicate their science. Socially, most of the scientists both talk extensively with their colleagues about science communication and feel that they think it is important. When it comes to their superior or employer view on science communication most of the scientists don't feel that they act as if it is a subject of concern. Regarding to the academic world at large, they think it is both seen as something positive and sometimes negative. For example some scientists may see it as a positive and important work, while others see the science communication as being part of self promotion and a attempt to raise more funds for specific research. The scientists still feel principle encourage to work with science communication. The structural conditions differ between the different scientists, and only one has had training in science communication, although three think they have the possibility to get training. All the scientist have possibility to get some help with their communication however. Two of the scientists felt that their conditions for working with science communication are sufficient, while others feel the need for more resources, time and natural environments for engagement. In the action plans and strategy documents we found five interesting areas regarding science communication and engagement with the broader society. First of are their view on science communication and its positive effects. Here all the universities point at the importance of science communication for a sustainable development. They also focus on the benefit for the research in utilizing the knowledge and experience of the broader society. Secondly two of the universities give examples on how they work with science communication. Here they mention open lectures, seminars, study visits, among other. The third area focus on the education of scientist in science communication. Here KTH strongly emphasis the importance education for good leadership and communicative skills for scientists. Fourth, the need for better structural conditions is something that Södertörn stresses, both regarding funding, merits and different departments’ tasks regarding science communication. Last, the importance of business related education as a way of spreading knowledge is something that all the universities focus on.

Visual Scientific Communication : The Use of Graphics in Contemporary Doctoral Theses / Visuell akademisk kommunikation : Bruket av illustrationer i moderna doktorsavhandlingar

Steiner, Elisabet January 2008 (has links)
Although we live in a society abundant with images, the subject of illustrations in scientific communication seems to have become a blind spot. The study of scientific communication is an interdisciplinary field, where written and visual language is studied separately from one another. The aim of this master thesis is to break with tradition and look at the use of illustrations, their form and frequency, in a random selection of Swedish contemporary doctoral theses to make an attempt to explain why some scholars do not use illustrations as much as others. The found graphics are discussed in their faculty and departmental context, and the aspects of page design, electronic availability, and publishing tradition are also included in this discussion. By looking at some activities surrounding the author of a doctoral thesis, such as writers’s manuals, computer graphic tools, and the role of librarians, proof was found to support a genre and activity theory, as described by Charles Bazerman. This study presents an overview of illustrations occurring in dissertations in a way that was not done before, opening up for further studies about the form and function of scientific illustrations as important carriers of information. / Fastän vi lever i ett samhälle som är översvämmat av bilder verkar vetenskapliga illustrationer vara ett ämne som förblivit ett slags blind punkt. Studierna av vetenskaplig kommunikation är ett interdisciplinärt område där det skrivna och visuella språket behandlas var för sig. Målet med denna D-uppsats är att bryta detta mönster och att undersöka bruket av illustrationer i en tillfälligt utvald samling svenska moderna avhandlingar för att se om det går att förklara varför en del forskare använder färre bilder än andra. De funna illustrationerna diskuteras i deras fakultets- och institutionssammanhang, och aspekterna sidutseende, elektronisk tillgång och utgivningssätt lyfts fram. Genom att titta på en del aktiviteter som omger författaren till en dissertation, som t.ex. skrivhandledningar, verktyg för datorgrafik och bibliotekariens roll, kunde bevis hittas för den genre- och aktivitetsteori som beskrivits av Charles Bazerman. Studien presenterar en översikt av förekommande illustrationer i doktorsavhandlingar som inte gjorts förut och öppnar vägen för nya studier om vetenskapliga bilders utseende och funktion som viktiga informationsbärare.

Ska vila på vetenskaplig grund... : En studie om lärares förutsättningar för vidareutbildning / Based upon disciplinary foundation... : A study on teachers’ prerequisite for continuing professional development (CPD)

Tham, Jakob January 2013 (has links)
In Based upon disciplinary foundation... – A study on teachers’ prerequisite for continuing pro- fessional development (CPD) I have examined the prerequisites that teachers in Nacka have for CPD, due to the new school law that states that all teaching must be based upon disciplinary foundation and proven experience. According to a recently published governmental report, as well as international research, not only structural aspects like time and financial compensation are crucial to whether teachers continue their development. Encouragement from the principal and colleagues are also a contributing factor; and not to mention those factors combined. There is a world wide shared consensus among educational researchers claiming that one very important piece in creating a successful school is having a well-educated and updated staff. By embracing that idea, in our new school law, there must also exist a platform where that idea can be implemented. The aim of this study is to find out to what extent teachers in Nacka are given prerequisites for continuing professional development, in other words carry out their assignment according to the law. This study is based upon two questionnaires sent to all primary school teachers in Nacka and their principals. What are the structural prerequisites that teachers in Nacka are given for CPD? Does principals encourage their staff to further CPD? Are their any local or regional plans regarding CPD? Do the teachers’ and the principals’ respective views regarding prerequisites for CPD correlate? The study showed that even though teachers and principals had similar views of the different prerequisites, principals did rate their strategies more positive than teachers valued them. It turned out that only one principal had a plan for how to make his or her teachers to continue their development. Maybe the teachers were not aware of their prerequisites; perhaps the principals overrated their offers. But what was clearly shown is that there is a lack of communication between the teachers and principals.

Scholarly communication as a situated learning process for PhD students : an exploratory study about publishing as a community of practice / Vetenskaplig kommunikation som situerat lärande för doktorander : en utforskande studie om publicering som en lärandegemenskap

Wennström, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis aims to explore the practice of becoming a researcher and the learning process embedded in this activity by looking at the communicative practices of PhD students, within the context of academic publishing. It is likely that the way in which these soon-to-be researchers reason about the task of communication is related to their way of approaching their field of research as well as the lived world, which makes it relevant to explore further. The study was performed based two sets of data, first open-ended semi-structured interviews with eleven PhD students at Stockholm University, where they talk about their current situation, their motivations and goals and about how they plan to publish their dissertation. Secondly, an analysis of data about publications focusing on work by PhD students at Stockholm University between 2013–2016, and information about how the intended audience, i.e. the readers, have interacted with the published material. These two sets of data were analysed with the use of theories about personal epistemology, sociocultural learning and the rationality of actions. The study shows that the majority of the PhD students at Stockholm University publishes their research findings as scholarly articles in English. The conclusion is also that the publishing process can be understood as a pedagogical tool, as it provides a vehicle for the PhD students to immerse themselves in their community of practice. These findings suggest that it could be useful to further emphasise the publishing activity as a learning process that may lead to a deeper understanding of the role of the researcher in society. / Den här masteruppsatsen avser att utforska hur doktorander lär sig sitt framtida yrke, och hur de socialiseras till att bli forskare via de kommunikativa praktiker som de ägnar sig åt, dvs. akademisk publicering. Dessa kommunikativa praktiker torde vara kopplade till hur en forskare relaterar till sitt forskningsfält, men också sin omvärld, och företeelsen är därför intressant att ytterligare belysa. Studien är genomförd i två delar. Den första delen består av intervjumaterial från samtal med 11 doktorander vid Stockholms universitet. Den andra delen består av en analys av statistik om elektroniska publikationer av doktorander vid Stockholms universitet under perioden 2013–2016. Publikationerna sätts sedan i relation till data om hur läsekretsen har interagerat med publikationerna via olika media och citeringar. De två dataseten analyseras med hjälp av teorier om personlig epistemologi, sociokulturellt lärande och handlingsrationalitet. Slutsatserna är att de flesta doktorander vid Stockholms universitet väljer att publicera sig i vetenskapliga tidskrifter på engelska, och att dessa kommunikativa praktiker kan förstås som ett pedagogiskt verktyg när det gäller lärande om och förståelse för doktorandernas kontext eller gemenskap. Resultatet av studien indikerar att det kan vara meningsfullt att fokusera på publicering, eller liknande kommunikativa praktiker, som en användbar lärandeprocess när det gäller att förstå mer om forskarens roll i samhället.

När staten inte granskar : En kvalitativ studie om presentationen av texttyper i ämnesplaner och läroböcker för svenska i gymnasiet

Lingemyr, Jesper, Åberg, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
När lärare undervisar utgår de från en ämnesplan som innehåller information om de delar en kurs omfattar. Lärare tar ofta hjälp av olika läroböcker för att genomföra sin undervisning. Mellan åren 1938 och 1991 granskades läroböcker statligt innan de kom ut på marknaden. Efter 1991 sker granskning inte längre statligt utan det är upp till varje lärare att avgöra om en lärobok passar till undervisningen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur presentationen av texttyper från ämnesplanerna för svenska 1, svenska 2 och svenska 3 i tre serier med tryckta läroböcker överensstämmer med ämnesplanerna. Utgångspunkten är texttyperna argumenterande text, utredande text och text av vetenskaplig karaktär. De läroböcker som undersöks är serierna Svenska helt enkelt och Svenska impulser samt läroboken Människans texter. Språket. Studiens metod är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som undersöker hur läroböckerna explicit och implicit presenterar innehållet från ämnesplanerna. Resultatet visar att serien Svenska helt enkelt behandlar allt utvalt innehåll från ämnesplanerna medan serien Svenska impulser och läroboken Människans texter. Språket inte behandlar allt utvalt innehåll. Studien kommer fram till att läroboken kan användas som ett stöd i undervisningen men inte som enskilt underlag då det kan finnas innehåll från ämnesplanerna som inte behandlas i läroboken. / The practice of teaching usually starts with the syllabus which contains information about the content that should be taught in a course. Teachers often use textbooks in order to fulfill the course. Between the years 1938 and 1991 textbooks were reviewed by the Swedish government before entering the market. After 1991 reviewing textbooks is done by the teachers and they decide if the book fits their way of teaching. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the presentations of different genres of text in different textbooks correspond with the syllabus. The genres in focus are argumentative text, investigative text and academic text. The textbooks that are being reviewed are the series Svenska helt enkelt and Svenska impulser as well as the textbook Människans texter. Språket. The method used is a qualitative text analysis that analyzes how the selected textbooks explicitly and implicitly present the content from the syllabus. The results of the analysis show that the series Svenska helt enkelt treat all content from the syllabus while the series Svenska impulser and Människans texter. Språket does not treat all content. The conclusion is that textbooks can be used as support for teaching a course but they cannot be used as base for the course since there might be content from the syllabus that is not treated by the textbook.

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