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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Veto under syriska inbördeskriget : En studie av Rysslands och Kinas argument för användningen av veto under syriska inbördeskriget 2011 till 2023

Köse, Helin January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to investigate and illustrate the justifications employed by Russia and China for their use of veto during the Syrian civil war from 2011 to 2023. Utilizing Aristotle's rhetorical triangle, which consists of logos, pathos, and ethos, the analysis is conducted through a directed qualitative content analysis method. The findings are systematically divided into two sections based on these rhetorical categories. The first section examines the most prevalent arguments presented by Russia, identifying their use of logos, pathos, and ethos across various thematic areas, and revealing a consistent rhetorical approach over time. The second section similarly analyzes the arguments put forth by China. The study concludes that the fundamental ideas and arguments of both Russia and China have remained relatively stable over the years. Furthermore, the analysis indicates a predominant use of logos by Russia, while China exhibits a more balanced distribution of the rhetorical categories.


葉長城, Yeh, Chang Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討1970年代末以降,智利、南韓與巴西三個新興市場國家,為何在面臨國際經濟自由化的相同政策挑戰時,會產生不同的短期政策回應。這些政策回應的差異最後更造成三國長期金改路徑的分歧。為解釋此研究問題,本研究整合國際與國內分析層次,就國際政策環境與國內政策過程及其產出兩部份,觀察制度否決點與政策關鍵行動者的互動,在長時間下對三國金融自由化改革造成的影響。 首先,本文根據三國金改在「步伐、範圍與程度」上的差異,建構三種不同長期金改路徑,即:「震盪-全面型改革」(shock-comprehensive reform)、「漸進-部分型改革」(gradual-partial reform)與「延緩-有限型改革」(delayed-limited reform)。這三種長期金改路徑的分歧,主要來自三國短期金改類型(即大幅改革、緩慢改革、無改革與改革倒退)變遷的累積。 其次,經由對三國進行個案導向的比較與貫時研究後,本研究除釐清三國長期金改路徑的演變轉折,也發現三國短期金改類型的變動,主要受到不同時期(1)政策關鍵行動者裡反對勢力否決力量的強弱,與(2)執政聯盟的政策取向係屬國家干預或市場導向,兩項因素組合變化的影響。 智利的個案研究結果顯示,1970-2000年智利的「震盪-全面型」金改,主要奠基於Pinochet軍政府,在1975-1989年成功開啟的大幅改革。1990-2000年,民主協定政府接替執政後,這種務實的新自由主義改革路線,透過憲政制度對威權勢力的保護設計,使民主協定政府因反對勢力否決力量強大,只能選擇繼續延續「Pinochet式」的經濟政策。 南韓的個案研究反映出南韓的「漸進-部份型」金改,主要係源自1980-1997年,執政聯盟內代表大財閥利益的韓國工業聯盟,對全面金融自由化的反對。該因素不僅使執政聯盟長期在國家干預與市場導向立場上反覆拉鋸,更導致南韓短期金改類型持續在大幅改革與大幅倒退間擺盪。1997年,南韓經歷嚴重金融危機衝擊,為原本「進退拉鋸」式的長期金改路徑帶來關鍵轉折的契機。 由於舊執政聯盟的結構,因政黨輪替瓦解,並由金大中總統主導的市場改革派控制,同時反對勢力否決力量轉弱,金大中政府因此能順利推動1998-2000年南韓金融體系的結構改革,最終促成過去「漸進-部份型」的長期金改路徑,出現重大轉變。 巴西的個案研究凸顯巴西的「延緩-有限型」金改,係源於政策取向與反對勢力否決力量兩因素,長期未出現發生大幅改革的條件組合。1961-1979年,反對勢力的否決力量由強轉弱,為推動大幅改革提供良好契機,但執政聯盟的政策取向多數時期卻為國家干預。 1985年以後,市場導向的政策取向逐漸在執政聯盟裡取得主導地位,但反對勢力否決力量反而在恢復民主體制後轉強。巴西推動改革的兩項重要條件未能配合,使其長期金改路徑始終無法脫離改革緩慢與延宕的狀態。迄Cardoso民主政府執政後,新自由主義的改革路線在執政聯盟裡取得主導地位,再加上反對勢力的否決力量相對轉弱,才促成巴西出現少見的大幅改革現象。 / The dissertation mainly explains why these three emerging markets, Chile, South Korea and Brazil, while facing the same challenge from the international economic liberalization since the late 1970s, have different short-term policy responses. These differences ultimately create the divergence among these three countries on the long-term financial liberalization reform. This research integrates the domestic and international level of analysis by focusing on two parts, the international policy environment and the domestic policy process and outcome, to observe the interaction between the institutional veto points and the key actors in policymaking and its impact on the financial liberalization reforms among three countries over time. First, this research constructs three typologies of long-term financial liberalization paths by their different reform “pace”, “scope” and “depth”. They are “shock-comprehensive reform”, “gradual-partial reform”, and “delayed-limited reform.” The divergence of these three long-term financial reforms is mainly accumulated by the change of three countries’ short-term type of reform (large reform, gradual reform, non reform and reform reversal) over time. Second, this research clarifies the evolution of the long-term financial liberalization paths of three countries by conducting comparative and longitudinal case-studies. It argues that the change of short-term type of reform is mainly influenced by two causes, i.e. the veto power of opponents among key actors in policymaking (weak or strong) and policy orientations of the ruling coalition (market-oriented or state intervention). The case of Chile shows that the “shock-comprehensive reform paths” during 1970-2000 is mainly based on the successful large financial reform of Pinochet regime from 1975 to 1989. The pro-Pinochet authoritarians checked the change of pragmatic neoliberal reform with the constitutional veto powers after the democratic Concertación government in office and kept Pinochet-style economic policies intact in the end. In South Korea case, the “gradual-partial reform paths” was from the big conglomerates’ (chaebols) opposition to the complete financial liberalization during 1980-1997. It brought the tug of war of ruling coalition’s policy orientation between market-oriented and state intervention, hence contributed to the oscillation of short-term financial liberalization reform types between large reform and reform reversal in South Korea. In 1997, the Asian financial crisis hit the economy of South Korea severely, and brought the turning point of the change of “gradual-partial reform path” in the past. The structure of old ruling coalition was collapsed due to the regime change and the takeover of President Kim Dae-jung, the market reform faction. While the veto power of opposition party was getting weaker, Kim Dae-jung administration was able to boost the structural reform of financial system in South Korean during 1998-2000, and ultimately contributed to the major change of “gradual-partial reform path”. In Brazil, the absence of the combination of policy orientation and veto power of opponents among key actors in policymaking, which may cause the large reform, was the main reason of its “delayed-limited reform”. During 1961-1979, the weakening opponents’ veto power opened the window of opportunity for the large reform, but failed due to the state-intervention policies adopted by the successive ruling coalitions most of time. After the advent of democratic era in 1985, the market-oriented policy was dominant in various democratic ruling coalitions. However, the strengthening veto power of opponents after the recovery of democratic regime became the obstacle of the actualization of reform policy. The mismatch of two causes which may contribute to the happening of large reform was not changed until Cardoso government in office. The neoliberal policy orientation of President Cardoso’s ruling coalition and the weakening veto power of opponents contributed to the rare large reform in the path of delayed and limited financial liberalization in Brazil.

Développement d’un dispositif expérimental dédié à la mesure des sections efficaces de capture et de fission de l’233u dans le domaine des résonances résolues / Development of an experimental set-up for the measurement of the neutron-induced fission and capture cross section of 233U in the resonance region

Companis, Iulia 09 December 2013 (has links)
233 U est le noyau fissile produit dans le cycle du combustible 232 T h/233 U qui a été proposé comme une alternative plus sûre et plus propre du cycle 238 U/239 P u. La connaissance précise de la section efficace de capture de neutrons de cet isotope est requise avec une haute précision pour la conception et le développement de réacteurs utilisant ce cycle du combustible. Les deux seuls jeux de données expérimentales fiables pour la section efficace de capture de l’233 U montrent des écarts important allant jusqu’à 20%. Ces différences peuvent être dues à desincertitudes systématiques associées à l'efficacité du détecteur, la correction du temps mort, la soustraction du bruit de fond et le phénomène d’empilement de signaux causé par la forteactivité α de l’échantillon. Un dispositif expérimental dédié a la mesure simultanée des sections efficaces de fission et de capture des noyaux fissiles radioactifs a été conçu, assemblé et optimiséau CENBG dans le cadre de ce travail. La mesure sera effectuée à l’installation de temps de vol de neutrons Gelina de l’IRMM, où les sections efficaces neutroniques peuvent être mesurées sur une large gamme d’énergie avec une haute résolution énergétique. Le détecteur de fission se compose d’une chambre à ionisation (CI) multi-plaque de haute efficacité. Les rayons γ produits dans les réactions de capture sont détectés par un ensemble de six scintillateurs C6 D6entourant la CI. Dans ces mesures, les rayons γ de la capture radiative sont masqués parle grand nombre de rayons γ de fission, ce qui représente le problème le plus délicat. Ces γ parasites doivent être soustraits par la détection des événements de fission avec une efficacité très bien connue (méthode de VETO). Une détermination précise de cette efficacité est assezdifficile. Dans ce travail, nous avons soigneusement étudié la méthode des neutrons prompts de fission pour la mesure de l'efficacité de la CI, apportant un éclairage nouveau sur la méthode, ce qui a permi d’obtenir une excellente précision sur l'efficacité de détection des fission d’une sourcede 252 Cf. Avec cette même source, plusieurs paramètres (pression du gaz, haute tension et la distance entre les électrodes) ont été étudiés afin de déterminer le comportement de la CI et detrouver le point de fonctionnement idéal : une bonne séparation énergétique entre les particulesα et les fragments de fission (FF) et une bonne résolution temporelle. Une bonne séparationα-FF a également été obtenue avec une cible d’233 U très radioactive. De plus, l’analyse deforme de signaux entre les rayons γ et les neutrons dans les détecteurs C6 D6 a été observée àGelina dans des conditions expérimentales réalistes. Pour conclure, le dispositif expérimentalet la méthode de VETO ont été soigneusement vérifiés et validés, ouvrant la voie à la mesure future des sections efficaces de capture et fission d’233 U . / 233U is the fissile nucleus produced in 232T h/233U fuel cycle which has been proposed as asafer and cleaner alternative to the 238U/239P u cycle. The accurate knowledge of the neutroncapture cross-section of this isotope is needed with high-precision for design and developmentof this fuel cycle. The only two reliable experimental data for the capture cross-section of233U show discrepancies up to 10%. These differences may be due to systematic uncertaintiesassociated with the detector efficiency, dead-time effects, background subtraction and signalpile-up caused by the α-activity of the sample. A special experimental set-up for simultaneousmeasurement of fission and capture cross sections of radioactive fissile nuclei was designed,assembled and optimized at CENBG in the frame of this work. The measurement will be per-formed at the Gelina neutron time-of-flight facility at IRMM, where neutron cross sectionscan be measured over a wide energy range with high energy resolution. The fission detectorconsists of a multi-plate high-efficiency ionization chamber (IC). The γ-rays produced in cap-ture reactions are detected by an array of six C6 D6 scintillators surrounding the IC. In thesemeasurements the radiative capture γ-rays are hidden in large background of fission γ-rays thatrepresents a challenging issue. The latter has then to be subtracted by detecting fission eventswith a very well known efficiency (VETO method). An accurate determination of this efficiencyis rather difficult. In this work we have thoroughly investigated the prompt-fission-neutronsmethod for the IC efficiency measurement, providing new insights on this method. Thanks tothis study the IC efficiency was determined with a very low uncertainty. Using a 252Cf source,several parameters (gas pressure, high voltage and the distance between the electrodes) havebeen studied to determine the behaviour of the IC in order to find the ideal operation point:a good energy separation between α-particles and fission fragments (FF) and a good timingresolution. A good α-FF separation has been obtained with a highly radioactive 233U target.Also, the pulse-shape discrimination between γ-rays and neutrons in the C6D6 detectors wasobserved at Gelina under realistic experimental conditions. To conclude, the experimentalset-up and the VETO method have been carefully checked and validated, opening the way tofuture measurements of the capture and fission cross sections of 233U.

La relation franco-américaine autour de la question irakienne : la contestation d'un mode occidental alternatif / The French-American relationship under the test of the War in Iraq : the challenge of an alternative Western model

Benmakhlouf, Julie 04 October 2014 (has links)
Le différend entre la France et les Etats-Unis sur le règlement de la question irakienne a provoqué une crise diplomatique majeure entre les deux pays, jugée par certains comme la plus sérieuse dans l’histoire des relations bilatérales. Le dossier irakien a cristallisé les positions diplomatiques des deux alliés et mis en lumière deux lectures d’une grande question internationale. Pour la France, il a été l’occasion de défendre des principes, de faire entendre sa voix et de partager sa vision d’un monde multipolaire fondé sur la quête d’un règlement pacifique des différends. Pour les Etats-Unis, cette question relevait d’un enjeu de sécurité nationale, dans une Amérique profondément traumatisée par les attentats de septembre 2001. La rupture franco-américaine a résulté de facteurs structurels anciens : la concurrence entre deux modèles politiques et diplomatiques qui se veulent universels et le déséquilibre entre une puissance française, déclinante, qui aspire à préserver ses sphères d’influence sur la scène internationale, et une puissance américaine, ascendante, devenue, depuis l’effondrement du bloc soviétique, l’unique superpuissance à la tête d’un monde unipolaire. L’affrontement bilatéral du printemps 2003 a ainsi révélé les caractères intrinsèques qui opposent la diplomatie française et la diplomatie américaine et dévoilé leur conception très éloignée qu’elles se faisaient du nouvel ordre mondial et de la place qu’elles aspirent à occuper sur l’échiquier international / The disagreement between France and the US over the Iraqi issue led to a serious diplomatic crisis between the two countries, considered by many analysts as the most serious one in the history of bilateral relations. The Iraqi case crystallized the diplomatic positions of both allies and revealed two different reads of this major international issue. For France, this case was the opportunity to defend its principles, to get itself heard by the rest of the world and to share its vision of a multipolar world, where disputes would be peacefully settled through international organizations. For the US, that issue fell under a matter of national security, in a country deeply traumatized by ‘9/11’. The split between thetwo countries resulted from historical structural causes : (i) the competition between two political and diplomatic models that present themselves as universal, and (ii) the imbalance between France’s declining power aspiring to preserve its spheres of influence over the world and America’s ascending power that has become, since the end of the Cold War, the only superpower. The bilateral confrontation of 2003 revealed the distinctive patterns of both French and American foreign policies and exposed their different views and models of the new world order, as well as their ambitions on the international scene

Genocide Prevention through Changing the United Nations Security Council Power of Veto

Butters, Michelle January 2007 (has links)
In 1948 the international community in reaction to the horrors of the holocaust sought to eradicate genocide forever by creating the 'Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide'. This Convention criminalised the preparation and act of genocide by international law, making all individuals accountable irrelevant of status or sovereignty. But the Convention has not been enough to deter the act of genocide from occurring again, and again, and again. Worst, the international community has been slow to react to cases of genocide. The problem with preventing and punishing genocide is hindered by the power and right of veto held by permanent members of the UNSC. The UNSC has been given the responsibility to maintain international peace and security and is the only entity that can mandate an intervention that overrides the principle of non-intervention. The aim of this thesis is to show that the veto has been a crucial factor in stopping the prevention of genocide, thus it is imperative that the veto change. This study argues that to effectively prevent and punish genocide the veto needs to be barred from use in cases of genocide. It looks at different cases since the Armenian genocide during WWI through to the Darfur genocide which is still in process. The case of Armenia is significant because for the first time, members of the international community were prepared to hold leaders of another state accountable for their treatment of their own citizens. However the collective will to bring justice to those accountable waned coming to an abrupt end in 1923. The holocaust followed in WWII; six million Jews died, and numerous other groups were targeted under the Nazi's serial genocide. The shock of the holocaust led to the Genocide Convention. But thirty years later during the Cold War, Cambodia became embroiled in a genocide perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge. The international community silently stood by. The USSR, China, and the US all had their reasons to stay out of Cambodia, from supporting a regime with a likeminded political ideology to war weariness from Vietnam. In the 1990s, genocides in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia and Kosovo) followed. The former was neglected by the US's unwillingness to be involved in another peacekeeping disaster. The two genocides in the former Yugoslavia were affected by Russia and China's reluctance to use military force even after the clear failure of serial negotiations. Finally, in 2003 Darfur became the latest tragedy of genocide. Again, Russia and China have been timid of calling the conflict genocide thus avoiding any affirmative action to stop it. These cases all show that where one state is unwilling to be involved in stopping genocide, their right and power to the veto stops or delays the international community from preventing and punishing genocide, regardless of whether the veto is used or merely seen as a threat. Therefore, for future prevention of genocide, the veto needs to be changed to prevent its use in times of genocide.

Les répercussions de la responsabilité de protéger sur le droit international public

Cardinal St-Onge, Stéphane 04 1900 (has links)
La responsabilité de protéger a été élaborée en 2001 par la Commission internationale de l’intervention et de la souveraineté des États. Le concept se voulait une réponse aux controverses suscitées par les interventions armées à des fins humanitaires menées dans les années 1990. Il cherchait à concilier l’intervention à des fins humanitaires et le principe de souveraineté afin d’assurer la protection universelle des populations civiles, notamment par les actions du Conseil de sécurité, tout en respectant les principes qui constituent les fondements de la société internationale basée sur la Charte des Nations Unies. Avec son entérinement par les 191 États membres des Nations Unies lors du Sommet mondial de 2005, la responsabilité de protéger est devenue un sujet incontournable du discours international. En 2011, la mise en œuvre de la responsabilité de protéger par le Conseil de sécurité durant la guerre civile en Libye et la crise postélectorale en Côte d’Ivoire a mis le concept au premier plan de l’actualité internationale. Notre mémoire cherche à déterminer les répercussions juridiques qu’a eues la responsabilité de protéger sur le principe de la souveraineté étatique et sur le fonctionnement institutionnel du Conseil de sécurité. / The Responsibility to Protect was elaborated in 2001 by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty following the controversies surrounding humanitarian interventions lead during the 1990s. The Responsibility to Protect aimed at reconciling intervention for human protection purposes and sovereignty in order to ensure the universal protection of civilian populations, notably through the Security Council, while respecting the principles constituting the foundation of the international society based on the Charter of the United Nations. Since its acceptance by the 191 Member States of the United Nations during the 2005 World Summit, the concept has become a subject of first importance at the international stage. The implementation of the Responsibility to Protect by the Security Council in 2011 during the Civil War in Libya and the post-electoral crisis in Ivory Coast has put the concept on the headlines of the international news. Our thesis aims at determining the juridical repercussions that the Responsibility to Protect had on the State Sovereignty principle and on the institutional functioning of the Security Council.

O revigoramento do poder legislativo: uma agenda para o século XXI / Reinforcement of the Legislative Power: an agenda for the 21st century

Cristiana De Santis Mendes de Farias Mello 13 September 2011 (has links)
O Legislativo é vital para o autogoverno coletivo e para a contenção do poder. Impõe-se revigorá-lo. Esta dissertação traz propostas para incrementar a legitimidade do Poder Legislativo que independem da reforma política. A primeira proposta consiste na correção de algumas práticas comprometedoras da atuação do Legislativo, quais sejam, a falta de apreciação do veto, a atual forma de elaboração e execução da lei orçamentária, o poder excessivo dos líderes e a tutela jurisdicional limitada do devido processo legislativo. A segunda proposta reside no fortalecimento das comissões temáticas, arenas mais adequadas do que o Plenário para desenvolver o potencial deliberativo do Parlamento. Esses órgãos fracionários podem empregar a avaliação de impacto, recurso que se destina a aprimorar a legislação. A terceira proposta corresponde à regulamentação do lobby. A institucionalização dessa atividade revela-se essencial para imprimir-lhe transparência, de modo a possibilitar o controle, e para minimizar o desequilíbrio no acesso aos tomadores de decisão. / The Legislative Branch is vital to collective self-government and to restrain power. It is necessary to reinvigorate it. This dissertation brings proposals to increase the legitimacy of the Legislative Branch that are independent from the political reform. The first proposal consists in correcting some practices that compromise the performance of the Legislative, which are, the lack of appreciation of veto, the current form of budget preparation and execution, the excessive power of the leaders and the limited jurisdictional review of the due process of law. The second proposal aims at the strengthening of the committees, which are arenas more adequate than the Plenary to develop the deliberative potential of the Parliament. These fractional organs can use the impact assessment, which is a tool intended to improve legislation. The third proposal corresponds to the regulation of lobbying. The institutionalization of this activity is essential to imprint transparency to the process so as to allow control and to minimize the imbalance in access to decision makers.

L'exécution des décisions de la Cour internationale de Justice : faiblesses et malentendus

Saint-Paul, Fritz Robert 12 1900 (has links)
L'une des critiques fondamentales adressée au droit international à partir du l6ème siècle tient à l'absence des voies d'exécution efficaces. Pour cette raison, les négateurs du droit intemational en contestent la juridicité. Le présent mémoire étudie l'ensemble des mesures qui tendent à l'exécution volontaire et forcée des décisions de la Cour internationale de Justice. Pour ce faire, il analyse principalement l'article 94 de la Charte des Nations Unies qui est le siège de la question y relative. Cette étude s'attache, en un premier temps, à l'examen du fondement de l'obligation d'exécution dans l'esprit du caractère consensuel de la justice internationale permanente. Dans ce cadre, elle se penche sur les conditions et conséquences de la saisine de la Cour et accorde une attention particulière aux applications pratiques. L'étude des affaires tranchées par la Cour permet de faire remarquer que la plupart de ses arrêts ont été respectés par les parties perdantes. Les cas d'exécution difficile nous enseignent à ne pas sous-estimer le rôle des négociations entre les parties ou l'action des tiers dans la phase post-juridictionnelle. Ensuite, elle met l'accent sur la voie d'exécution forcée prévue au deuxième paragraphe. En raison du pouvoir discrétionnaire que détient le Conseil de sécurité et des risques d'utilisation du droit de véto par l'un des membres permanents, ce mécanisme est d'une efficacité réduite. Dès lors, il est loisible au créditeur de la décision d'adopter des mesures compatibles avec le droit international pour contraindre l'État défaillant à y donner suite. Le rôle des organes de l'O.N.U. ou institutions internationales et l'impossibilité pour certains États d'adopter des contre-mesures amènent à conclure que ce degré d'efficacité réside dans le manque d'intégration de l'ordre juridique intemational. / One of the main criticisms addressed to international law from the 16th century denounces the weaknesses of its enforcement's mechanisms. For this reason, some positivist thinkers question its existence. This thesis studies complîance with decisions of the intemational Court of Justice. To do so, it examines mainly Article 94 of the United Nations Charter, which takes both their binding effect and their enforcement into account. On one hand, the obligation of execution in the spirit of a consenting justice has been analyzed. A special attention has been paid to the conditions under which a dispute is presented to the Court and the practice followed. This step helps understand the fundamental role of the parties or tierce in the post-judicative phase. On the other hand, emphasis has been placed on the legal framework for enforcement of the lntemational Court of Justice's decisions. The role of the Security Council of the United Nations under Article 94 (2) has been emphasized. Its action in a case of non-compliance with a final judgment or an order indicating provisional measures is uncertain because one of the five permanent members may use its power of veto. Other remaining possibilities such as the recourse either to some intemational institutions or to unilateral coercive measures may not be of a greater practical importance. This research concludes that the strengthening of the procedure under Aliicle 94 (2) is not an option for improvement as long as the international society is not sufficiently integrated. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit international (LL.M)"

O revigoramento do poder legislativo: uma agenda para o século XXI / Reinforcement of the Legislative Power: an agenda for the 21st century

Cristiana De Santis Mendes de Farias Mello 13 September 2011 (has links)
O Legislativo é vital para o autogoverno coletivo e para a contenção do poder. Impõe-se revigorá-lo. Esta dissertação traz propostas para incrementar a legitimidade do Poder Legislativo que independem da reforma política. A primeira proposta consiste na correção de algumas práticas comprometedoras da atuação do Legislativo, quais sejam, a falta de apreciação do veto, a atual forma de elaboração e execução da lei orçamentária, o poder excessivo dos líderes e a tutela jurisdicional limitada do devido processo legislativo. A segunda proposta reside no fortalecimento das comissões temáticas, arenas mais adequadas do que o Plenário para desenvolver o potencial deliberativo do Parlamento. Esses órgãos fracionários podem empregar a avaliação de impacto, recurso que se destina a aprimorar a legislação. A terceira proposta corresponde à regulamentação do lobby. A institucionalização dessa atividade revela-se essencial para imprimir-lhe transparência, de modo a possibilitar o controle, e para minimizar o desequilíbrio no acesso aos tomadores de decisão. / The Legislative Branch is vital to collective self-government and to restrain power. It is necessary to reinvigorate it. This dissertation brings proposals to increase the legitimacy of the Legislative Branch that are independent from the political reform. The first proposal consists in correcting some practices that compromise the performance of the Legislative, which are, the lack of appreciation of veto, the current form of budget preparation and execution, the excessive power of the leaders and the limited jurisdictional review of the due process of law. The second proposal aims at the strengthening of the committees, which are arenas more adequate than the Plenary to develop the deliberative potential of the Parliament. These fractional organs can use the impact assessment, which is a tool intended to improve legislation. The third proposal corresponds to the regulation of lobbying. The institutionalization of this activity is essential to imprint transparency to the process so as to allow control and to minimize the imbalance in access to decision makers.

Humanitarian Intervention as a Weapon : A qualitative study on the impact geo-strategic interests of veto powers has on the UN decisions to intervene in Libya, and the Non-intervention in Syria.

Mourtaday, Mohamed Malik January 2017 (has links)
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