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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydraulic press construction for fitting the bearings to the housing

Egüz, Izzettin Osman January 2008 (has links)
This report was written as a result of a Bachelor Degree Project, together with Swepart Transmission AB. The report contains the construction of a hydraulic press for the assembly operation. The project started with a new construction of a hydraulic press for the bearings’ assembly. The goal within the thesis work was to fit the three bearings to the housing by only one press motion. This operation should be very safety because of the sensitive tolerance at the bearings and housing. Construction of the cylinders, rams and bolster were the most important parts at this project because this parts’ functions are very important for this assembly. The next step of this thesis was to calculate the hydraulic press components’ parameters and then choose the suitable components. The focus was to choose more useful and reliable components. The hydraulic press was modeled in the CAD program Solid Works and 2D technical drawing was drawn in the Autocad. The frame material was chosen and the frame was analysised in the Solid Works.

The Application of Discrete-Event Simulation in Production : A case study in Volvo CE

Norouzilame, Farhad January 2012 (has links)
The fierce competition among the manufacturers all over the world as a result of globalisation and the dynamic atmosphere of the market has brought a new era to the production world. Shorter lead times, faster takt-times, variety of demand and products by customers, optimized inventory level, new rules and regulations legislated by governments and organizations plus efficiency of the supply chain are examples of challenges which urge companies to seek for any feasible tool which help can help to overcome the upcoming complex problems. Recent advancements in the IT world have caused emergence of contemporary methods and tools for companies to use when confronting intricate situations to be able to handle such incidents and stay competitive in the market. Today, more companies realize the significance of change in their production system. Discrete-event simulation is one of the virtual tools used more and more recently in different areas. It is undoubtedly one of the most functional tools which could be used for different purposes in such as: System learning System prediction Scenario planning   The application scope of discrete-event simulation is both in micro and macro levels as it can be used in a partial study of a specific process in a manufacturing company for optimization or in a higher level, to help a company to analyze its strategic plans by simulating them ahead of time. In the current study it has been tried to investigate the application and implementation of discrete-event simulation in production. For reaching that goal, the project has been divided into two main parts; first of all a discrete event simulation has been conducted regarding a real-world potential problem. Later, by gaining the experience from the first part plus doing research around discrete simulation, it has been tried to develop a framework for industrial companies to ease the use of discrete-event simulation project process in a standardized manner. A future prospective of the current project could be the implementation of the results and provided framework on further real-world cases and explore more innovative uses of discrete-event tool in industry. Obviously, discrete-event could be a great decision-making or analysis tool for production development if being used in the proper context. / Simulering är en verktyg  som möjliggör system analys billigt och lätt. När man ska simulera ett system så bygger man en model baserad på verklighet med en viss nivå of abstraktion, beroende på syftet av simuleringen. De företag som har komplicerade processer kan använda simulering som en beslutsstöd verktyg. Genom simulering av ett komplicerat system så kan man uppnå olika saker: Lära om systemet Förutsäga e systemets beteende Scenarioplanering När det gäller simulering så krävs två olika saker som har varit grunden för detta projektet; förmågor inom systemet som kan simuleras, kunskaper inom simuleringsteknik. Båda faktorer spelar stor roll för att ett simuleringprojekt blir framgångsrik. Simulering har bred applikation och kan användas i olika områden exempelvis flyg simulatorer mm. Produktion är ett område där finns potential av att utnyttja simulering framförallt ’discrete-event’ typ av simulering som för det mesta passar produktionsanalyser på grund av diskret natur av produktions verksamhet. Genom att simulera produktion eller tillverkningssystem kan man i en virtuell miljö prova kapacitet, flödet och mm. Detta projekt har haft som mål att skapa ett standardiserat arbetssätt för användning av simulering (med fokus på DES) i produktionsutveckling. Projektet har genomförts inom Volvo CE, i Härdverket i Eskilstuna. Dessutom, det beskriver om utmaningar som dyker upp när man utför ett simuleringsprojekt genom en analys av det genomförde projektet. / <p>The project has been done with cooperation of Volvo Construction Equipments</p>

Ergonomic Cabin Access : Utveckling av in- och ursteg till hög lastbilshytt

Arvidsson, Johan, Leidefeldt, Marcus, Unosson, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts av Johan Arvidsson, Marcus Leidefeldt och Tobias Unosson, studenter vid Innovations- och designingenjörsprogrammet vid Karlstads universitet. Arbetet omfattar 20 högskolepoäng varav 5 poäng är en fördjupning i ergonomi, semantik samt retorik och presentationsteknik. Projektet genomfördes under vårterminen 2006 och motsvarar 20 veckors heltidsstudier. Uppdragsgivare för examensarbetet var HAVD AB (Hedenberg Advanced Vehicle Design) som är ett produktutvecklingsföretag inom fordonsindustrin. Handledare var Ingemar Carlson från HAVD och Lennart Wihk från Karlstads universitet. Projektet utfördes även i samarbete med Volvo Lastvagnar AB. Uppdraget som studenterna erhöll gick ut på att förbättra och utveckla in- och ursteget på en Volvolastbil av modell FH. Målet med projektet var att bygga en fungerande prototyp av lösningen på en befintlig lastbil som kunde visas upp på examensutställningen i Karlstad den 30 Maj 2006. Studenterna fick inledningsvis en kort utbildning i projektledning som företaget anordnade i sina lokaler i Mölndal. I samband med detta fick gruppen ta del av en ny utvecklingsmetod som hade sina rötter i fordonsindustrin. Denna metod användes sedan under projektets gång som delades in i tre faser: idéfas, förstudiefas och genomförandefas. Mellan varje fas fanns en viktig punkt kallad grind då viktiga beslut fattades i samråd med företaget. Projektet resulterade i ett mekaniskt eldrivet steg på sidan av lastbilen som transporterar chauffören upp till sin hytt på ett snabbt och säkert sätt. Lösningen döptes till ECA, Ergonomic Cabin Accesss. Slutresultatet är framtaget med fokus på förarens ergonomi och har hög realiserbarhet då det består av befintliga komponenter. Kärnan i konstruktionen är en linjärenhet som omvandlar en roterande kraft till en linjär rörelse. Konstruktionen anpassades till Volvos FH-modell genom att placeras vid dagens befintliga tre steg, vid den så kallade instegslådan. Projektgruppen arbetade fram ritningar med förslag på konstruktion och infästning för detta koncept. En lista på tänkta komponenter med en ekonomisk kalkyl togs också fram. Slutresultatet presenterades hos HAVD i Mölndal och på Karlstad universitet i samband med examensutställningen den 30 maj 2006. Gruppen kunde dessvärre inte genomföra ett prototypbygge av ekonomiska skäl då uppdragsgivaren inte hade de resurser som krävdes. Examensarbetet ECA resulterade istället i ritningar, renderingar, animeringar och denna akademiska rapport. / This degree project was performed by students of the Innovation and design engineering programme on Karlstad University, Sweden. Group members have been Johan Arvidsson, Marcus Leidefeldt and Tobias Unosson. The degree project consisted of 20 weeks of work of which 5 was an individual study in literature. The project carried out during the spring of 2006. Assigner for the project was Hedenberg Advanced Vehicle Design, HAVD, who is a development company serving the vehicle industry and specializing in interior parts and trim. Contacts were Björn Hedenberg and Ingemar Carlson, HAVD. Examiner at Karlstad University was Lennart Wihk. The project was also collaboration together with VOLVO Truck Car Corp in Gothenburg. The task the students were given was to improve and develop a new solution for truck drivers, getting in and out of high trucks. A goal with the project was to build a functioning prototype on a VOLVO truck to be shown at the exhibit for degree projects in Karlstad, May 2006. In this project the students participated in a project management course given by HAVD in their facilities. The group toke part of a new development method originated from the vehicle industry. This method was used as a frame for the entire project and consisted of three phases, the idea phase, research phase and the realization phase. Between each phase of the project there was a point called a gate, in which important decisions were maid in the group together with HAVD. The project resulted in a mechanical lift, mounted onto the side of the truck transporting the driver safely up and down. The solution was named ECA, Ergonomic Cabin Access. Drawings for the concept and its mounting were completed along with an economic calculation. The final result is developed with focus on the driver ergonomics with a sensible construction using available components. The core in the construction is the so called linear motion drive. This device transforms a rotating force into a linear motion. The concept was adapted to fit a VOLVO truck by replacing the trucks previous three footsteps. The final concept was presented at HAVD and Karlstad University at the exhibit for degree projects, 30 May 2006. The concept could not however be built into a prototype due to financial reasons. The degree project ECA resulted in drawings, renderings, animations and this academic report.

Hydraulic press construction for fitting the bearings to the housing

Egüz, Izzettin Osman January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report was written as a result of a Bachelor Degree Project, together with Swepart Transmission AB. The report contains the construction of a hydraulic press for the assembly operation.</p><p>The project started with a new construction of a hydraulic press for the bearings’ assembly. The goal within the thesis work was to fit the three bearings to the housing by only one press motion. This operation should be very safety because of the sensitive tolerance at the bearings and housing. Construction of the cylinders, rams and bolster were the most important parts at this project because this parts’ functions are very important for this assembly.</p><p>The next step of this thesis was to calculate the hydraulic press components’ parameters and then choose the suitable components. The focus was to choose more useful and reliable components.</p><p>The hydraulic press was modeled in the CAD program Solid Works and 2D technical drawing was drawn in the Autocad. The frame material was chosen and the frame was analysised in the Solid Works.</p>

Steg mot Informationsvisualisering med Augmented Reality

Albihn, Hampus January 1900 (has links)
Som en del av forskningsprojektet Young Operator 2020 så syftar den här studien till att vara ett första steg mot en produkt, som med hjälp av av tekniken augmented reality ska vara en del av framtidens tillverkningsindustri. Studien utgår från kognitionsvetenskap och människa-datorinteraktion för att ha användaren och användarens interaktion med prototypen i fokus. Eftersom olika typer av användare kan behöva olika saker av ett system, kommer den här studien också att utgå från teorier om kompetensnivåer. Ett system som är användbart för exempelvis en novis behöver inte nödvändigtvis vara användbart för en expert. En prototyp har skapats som en del av ett annat projekt och den utgår från det arbetssätt som operatörer på Volvo GTO i Skövde har idag. Prototypen använder sig av augmented reality för att visualisera instruktioner. Det är tänkt att prototypen bland annat ska hjälpa noviser att närma sig expertanvändare. Ett kompetitivt användbarhetstest har gjorts där prototypen jämförts med nuvarande system på Volvo GTO. Resultatet av studien visar att prototypen i dagsläget inte kan anses vara användbar. Flera rekommendationer har dock presenterats som ett bidrag till vidareutveckling av prototypen. / Young Operator 2020

Safe Sleeping Position

Håkansson, Pontus, Knutsson, David January 2007 (has links)
Project Safe Sleeping Position (SSP) contains all parts in a product development phase. The project comprises the whole cycle from idea to a complete product where all aspects are included. The scope is to develop an innovative solution for a common known problem and work with all parts within the man-machine-way. The result is an inflatable product which secures a child in the correct way for the seatbelt to work properly in the rearseat of a car. Ergonomics, technical extent, usability, design, construction, product solutions and market potential are some of all parts witch the project includes. The targetgroup for the project is children 4 to 12 years old, but there is a great potential for a further development to provide a solution for adults. Signed project managers are commissioned by Volvo Car Corporation (VCC), a large car manufacturer with the whole world as the market. This sets requirements to the product to be adaptable to all markets without cutting down on usability. Except the assigner, the project comprises several partners, both companies, independent organizations and students at Halmstad University.

App enabling environment for Volvo CE platforms

Duff, Gerard January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of a Volvo CE Articulated Hauler’s Hydraulic Tank : Validation of a Finite-Element Model Taking the Fluid-Structure Interaction into Account

Janousek, Miroslav, Burnotte, Thibault January 2018 (has links)
This scientific work is dedicated to the study of the impact of vibrations on the Volvo A60 articulated hauler’s hydraulic tank taking fluid-structure interaction into account. In this work, a theoretical background is presented in order to give the reader a basic awareness of the given problem together with a detailed description of the methods used during the examination of the above mentioned hydraulic tank. To perform an analysis of the finite-element model, ANSYS software was used while ANSA and META were used as the pre- and post-processor. Matlab was used in order to compare the obtained data. As a result of the analysis, this work provides a simplified and yet accurate model and a description of some of the minor problems present in the original Volvo CE model. In order to solve those issues, solutions are proposed.

Turbo Heat Transfer Modeling for Control

Nordlöf, Anon, Lundqvist, John January 2018 (has links)
The demand for lower emission engines forces the car industry to build moreefficient engines. Turbocharged engines are on the rise, and better understandingof the heat transfer and efficiency of the turbocharger is needed to build better ones. A lot is known about the overall efficiency of the turbocharger, but not much is known about where the heat losses are located and how they interact with each other. This thesis presents a one dimensional model for heat exchange in the tur-bocharger and investigates how the heat flows from the hot exhaust gases to the cold intake air. Data is gathered by performing tests on a single scroll turbocharger in an engine test bench at Linköping University. The tests are focused on operating points where the air mass flow is low and neither the compressor nor the turbine works adiabatically. The results show that it is possible to estimate the heat flows together withthe efficiency of the turbine and compressor using only known parameters, elim-inating the need to add any new sensors to the engine.

"Mitt liv har varit Olofströmskt" : En undersökning kring finska arbetsmigranters val att permanent bosätta sig i bruksbyn Olofström / "My life has been Olofströmskt" : A study around Finnish worker migrants' choice to permanently settle in Olofström

Karlsson, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
After the second world war it became common for individuals in economically unstable countries to work migrate towards countries with better work opportunities. Common for this type of migration is that the individual only works for a few years before re-emigrating to their home country. In the town of Olofström in southern Sweden of the migrant workers an overwhelming majority instead chose to permanently settle. By examining the worker migration during the 60- and 70s in Olofström through archive studies and interviews with the individuals involved in the worker migration, this study aims to examine the push-pull-factors that were the basis for the individual's decision to permanently settle instead of re-emigrate. The study shows that it was partially a “lucky” coincidence that the surroundings of Olofström was very similar to the migrant workers home areas, but also that the municipality in Olofström was willing to spend enormous resources to develop their school system for the migrant workers' children played a big role. A well-built school system that gave the Finnish children an opportunity to receive a good education in both the foreign language and their mother tongue proved to be a bigger pull-factor than social acceptance was a push-factor.

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