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Investigating IT Compensation Management in Media Industry: A Case Study of Radio StationLi, Wei-De 08 July 2009 (has links)
With the coming of knowledge economy, competence of knowledge workers has become important human capital in organizations. Competence of knwoeldge workers contribute to organizations¡¦ competitiveness and performance. With the pervasion of information technology in all sorts of organizations, competence of IT professionals has become more and more critical. It is no difference in media industries. Digitalization and electronization are the trends in media industries in recent year. These trends further enhance the reliance of organizations on the competence of IT professionals.
Literature about compensation is aboundant, but few addresses IT compensation issues, let along IT compensation in media industries. Therefore, this research investigates into IT comepsantion issues in a leading radio station. Specifically, this research aims to understand: First, what are the factors impacting IT recruiting and IT compensation? What are the core competence of IT professionals in media firm?
Using case study approach, this research found professional skills and work experiences matter the most in recruiting, but may not reflect in compensation. This research also identified five types of competence which IT professionals should possess in media firm: professionalism, leadership, interpersonal skill, practical experience, and m motivation.
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Motivation to work : diffrences between managers and workersHägglund, Elna, Palmqvist, Sofie January 2006 (has links)
<p>While studying management we realised that most of the already existing theories discuss motivation to work from a general perspective. Therefore we found it interesting to investigate motivation on a deeper level.</p><p>"Motivation to work - differences between managers and workers"</p><p>The research questions for our thesis are, is there a difference in motivation between managers and workers? If so, what is the difference between the two? The purpose is to examine if a manager and a worker have shared understandings and common factors of what motivates them, or if certain characteristics can be distinguished. For our research we have chosen to use three companies operating within the financial sector in Sweden. Moreover, the chosen companies are located nearby which gives us the opportunity to visit them and to accomplish face to face conversations.</p><p>We have interviewed two persons at each company, whereby one has the position of a manager and the other has the position of a worker. Moreover, the method of our interviews are qualitative, mostly due to the fact that we wanted create a comfortable feeling for the interviewee and to so that we could get deep insight of what motivates that person.</p><p>We have studied old famous theories regarding motivation to work, we have also found more recent research about the subject. Especially in journals and financial databases, to get as updated information as possible. The theoretical framework has been useful to us in two ways, to get a foundation so that we could accomplish interviews with thought worthy questions. The second reason was to be able to interpret and analyse the collected material.</p><p>To a certain point we mention the similarities in motivation to work between a worker and a manager, however our main focus in our thesis are the differences. We have analysed the perspective of how they feel about their work and their possibility towards advancement. All our interviewees have a great interest for their work and the financial line of business, moreover, the managers are satisfied with their positions and the workers are satisfied at the moment but would like to advance in the future.</p><p>The most important interview questions in our study are, is it important for you to get rewards for your performance? What factors are motivating to you? The outcomes of our answers differ between the managers and the workers. Furthermore, we have used Herzberg, Vroom and other theories presented in our study to be able to strengthen our argument. Indeed, the more resent articles have been helpful to us while interpreting the collected material.</p><p>We have found answers to our research questions, there are differences in motivation to work between managers and workers. Money is a great motivator for the workers, and working climate, recognition and free time are the essential factors for the managers. We have also reached the conclusion that people always strive for more. In our case the workers want more tangible rewards and material benefits and on the contrary the managers desire non material factors as family and free time.</p>
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Det sociala samspelet - en förutsättning för lärande bemanning : En studie om upplevda lär- och utvecklingsmöjligheterHammargren, Sofie, Löfgren, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
Ett allt vanligare fenomen i dagens arbetsliv är inhyrning av personal. För många företag ses det som ett sätt att öka flexibiliteten och därmed minska osäkerheten i företaget, och för många människor ses det som en väg in i arbetsmarknaden. Men hur ser möjligheterna till lärande och utveckling ut för dessa individer? Syftet med denna studie har varit att belysa relationen bemanningskonsulter och deras lär- och utvecklingsmöjligheter i arbetet. För att belysa syftet utvecklades tre frågeställningar; ”Hur upplever bemanningskonsulten att lärande och utveckling sker på kundföretaget när denne är inhyrd?”; ”Hur upplever bemanningskonsulten att kundföretaget bidrar till lärande och utveckling på arbetsplatsen för denne?” samt ”Hur upplever bemanningskonsulten att bemanningsföretaget bidrar till lärande och utveckling för denne?”. Utifrån dessa granskades sedan tidigare forskning som gjorts på området bemanningskonsulter och arbetsplatslärande för att ge en bakgrundsförståelse. Därefter genomfördes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med bemanningskonsulter från två olika bemanningsföretag. Empirin från dessa intervjuer analyserades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med hjälp av Lave och Wengers teorier om situerat lärande och praktikgemenskaper. Resultatet diskuterades därefter i relation till den tidigare forskningen. Det visade att något som var viktigt i bemanningskonsulternas lärprocess var det sociala samspelet med kollegor, samt att delaktighet upplevdes som positivt för lärandet. Denna delaktighet såg dock olika ut i kundföretaget och bemanningsföretaget. Kundföretaget kunde erbjuda ett bemötande som var likvärdigt med övrig personal för att bidra till lärande och utveckling. Bemanningsföretaget kunde å andra sidan skapa möjligheter för lärande genom att fungera som en plattform mellan bemanningskonsulter samt ge förutsättning för utveckling genom att placera dem på utvecklande uppdrag. / An increasingly common phenomenon in today’s working life is the use of temporary workers. To many companies this is seen as a way to increase flexibility and thus reduce uncertainty in the company, and for many people it is seen as a way into the labour market. But what do the opportunities for learning and development look like for these individuals? The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between temporary agency workers and their learning and development opportunities in client companies. In order to highlight the purpose three questions were developed; “In what way do temporary agency workers perceive that learning and development take place at the client company when they are working there?”; “In what way do temporary agency workers perceive that the client company contributes to learning and development in the workplace for them?” And finally “In what way do temporary agency workers perceive that the temporary agency contributes to learning and development for them?”. After that previous research done in the field of temporary agency work and workplace learning was audited to provide a better understanding of the subject. This was followed by eight semi-structured interviews with temporary agency workers from two different temporary agencies. Empirical data from these interviews were then analyzed on the basis of a socio-cultural perspective, with the help of Lave and Wenger's theories of situated learning and communities of practice. The result has been discussed in relation to the previous research. It has shown that something that is important to temporary agency workers’ learning process is social interaction with colleagues, and that participation is seen as positive for learning. This participation was, however, different in the client company and the temporary agency. The client company could treat the temporary agency worker equally with other staff to contribute to learning and development. The temporary agency could, on the other hand, create learning opportunities by serving as a platform between temporary agency workers, as well as provide good conditions for development by placing them on challenging assignments.
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From worker to worker-owner : emotional labor in the cooperative workplaceSobering, Katherine Elizabeth 08 November 2012 (has links)
Many studies into emotional labor are constrained by a capitalist paradigm, where emotional labor is performed within corporate organizations with hierarchical divisions of labor. Using the case of Hotel BAUEN, this paper considers emotional labor in different organizational and relational context: a worker-owned and worker-recovered business in Argentina. Drawing on ethnographic observations in Hotel BAUEN, this paper shows how service work is structured in the cooperative hotel. Instead of doing emotional labor in the traditional “service triangle,” worker-owners provide services in a “cooperative dyad” without the oversight of a boss. This structural difference has both organizational and relational implications for the business. First, worker-owners provide a variety of services to a broad set of customers. Second, the processes of autogestión (self-management) rely on workers’ emotional labor to cultivate lateral workplace relations through self-management. Ultimately, within the cooperative service workplace, emotional labor functions differently than the literature would suggest. Rather than reproduce social inequalities, workers use emotional labor to generate capital and sustain an organization that seeks to reduce inequality. / text
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Brukarinflytande inom missbruksvården : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar och erfarenheter / User involvement within addiction treatment : A qualitative study of socialworkers perceptions and experiencesSchröder, Mimmi January 2015 (has links)
User involvement is generally regarded as something positive within social work, and is something social authorities in Sweden (as in many other countries) propagates for. This study aims to highlight social workers perceptions and experiences of user involvement within the specific context addiction treatment. A context where users individual status has proved needed to be strengthened. Five social workers, all working within Swedens national government-funded social service agency, are given a voice on the subject. By using semi-structured interviews, the results show how broad and ambiguous the concept of user involve-ment is, when the respondents is asked to define it. This found is supported by earlier studies results, in which researchers also declare the concept unclear. This studys result includes se-veral examples of what the social workers comprehend the involvement consists of in their daily work. The conditions for user involvement to take place in this study’s specifik practice, shows to be closely associated with factors such as the bureaucratic regime, organizational framework agreements and with assessments of the client in question knows its own good (on the basis that drugs affect the human cognitive system in different ways).
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Socialinio darbuotojo profesijos rinkimosi motyvai ir veiksniai / Choice reasons and factors of social worker professionSeliutaitė, Jurgita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo tema – būsimųjų socialinių darbuotojų profesijos rinkimosi motyvai ir veiksniai – pasirinkta neatsitiktinai, nes socialinis darbas atlieka svarbų vaidmenį visoje socialinėje sistemoje, kurio tiklsas – siekti teisingumo ir socialinės gerovės, turintiems problemų dėl skurdo, psichinės būsenos, užimtumo, patirto smurto ar nusikaltimų.
Socialinio darbuotojo ir socialinio pedagogo specialybės Lietuvoje gyvuoja nuo 1991 metų, todėl profesijos naujumas neabejotinai lemia nesusiformavusį profesinį identitetą ir drauge skatina didesnį visuomenės domėjimąsi šia profesine veikla. Per kelerius pastaruosius metus padaugėjo šios srities specialistus rengiančių universitetų, aukštųjų mokyklų ir kolegijų, kartu ir šias studijas besirenkančiųjų. Tai skatina giliau pažvelgti į šio reiškinio priežastis profesijos pasirinkimo motyvacijos aspektu, siekiant išsiaiškinti, kokie motyvai ir veiksniai pastūmėja individus pasirinkti socialinio darbuotojo arba socialinio pedagogo profesijas.
Atlikus Lietuvos bei užsienio mokslininkų darbų analizę paaiškėjo, kad profesijos pasirinkimas yra ilgas ir sudėtingas procesas, kurio kokybė priklauso nuo asmens savęs pažinimo, interesų, vertybių ir gebėjimų. Veiksniai, koreguojantys individo profesinį apsisprendimą, grupuotini į vidinius (besirenkančiojo asmeninės savybės, charakteris, temperamentas, intelektas, gebėjimai, pomėgiai ir pan.) bei išorinius (šeima, draugai, visuomenėje galiojančios stereotipinės nuostatos, ekonominė šalies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theme of this master job „Reasons and actions of choosing professions of future social worker“ is choosed especially, because this social job is playing important part in all social system, which purpose is reach for justice and for the social welfare of people, who has problem for poverty, state of mind, busyness, experience of violence or crimes.
Speciality of social worker and social pedagogue in Lithuania exist since 1991, therefore newnes of profession certainly determines unformed professional identity and jointly promote better society interest of this career. Over a span of several years number of universities, higher educational institutions and colleges, which are training people for this profession increased. This cause invites to further analyse reason of choosing profession as social worker and social pedagogue.
When the analys of Lithuanian and foreign scientists jobs had did, it emerged that choosing process of this profession is long and complicated, which quality depends on recognition of ourselves, interests, values and skills.
When person is choosing profession also is essential professional vocation and motivation.
With a view to see student‘s oponion to profession choosing reasons and actions was did test at Marijampolės, Panevėžio and Utenos colleges.
During research hypothesis was confirmed, that basic reasons of choosing social worker profession are address to human: it is wish to help, possibility take care of people, communicate and work with... [to full text]
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Socialinio darbuotojo poreikis stacionarioje gydymo įstaigoje / The need of a social workers for the stationary medical institutionKundrotienė, Rasuolė 03 July 2006 (has links)
Patients spend certain time at the stationary health care institutions depending on their illness and statinary profile, therefore professional social help is necessary both for the patients and for their family members. The function of the social worker as the specialist is to intensify adaptation abilities of a cured person to the environment, to renovate his relationship with community, helping him to integrale into sotiety and to stimulate more comprehensive social personality function.
Nowadays there are not a few medical institutions where the social problems of the patients are solved by medical workers themselves. This work requires a lot of additional time and special knowledge. It can cause some undergoing of medical work quality and quantity, and at the same time the social problems of the patients can be left unsolved. Making this research the main purpose was to find out the need of a social worker at the stationary health care institutions. The objects of the research were chosen from the stationary medical institutions of Alytus district where by random selection any physicians of these health care institutions and patients cured there at that time were questioned.
The survey of the problems was determined, the plan was made and the relevant research method was chosen using theoretical method refering to analised scientific literature and juristic base. By virture of the empirical methods the anonimous questionnaire was given to find out the need of a social... [to full text]
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Organizacijos mikroklimato įtaka asmens savijautai darbe / Impact of organizasion climate on well-being of a person at workTraynene, Olga 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės visuomenės žmogus neįsivaizduoja savo gyvenimo be darbo. Darbas yra žmogaus gyvenime esmė. Gera savijauta darbe, darbuotojų sauga ir sveikata negali būti charakterizuojama vien nelaimingų atsitikimų darbe ar profesinių ligų nebuvimu, bet ir gera fizine, moraline ir socialine savijauta, kuri pasiekiama gerinant darbo kokybę, atsižvelgiant į įvykusius pokyčius visuomenėje. Organizacijos klimatas ir darbuotojų savijauta yra tiesiogiai susiję.
Šio darbo tikslas - ištirti organizacijos mikroklimato įtaką asmens savijautai socialines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti organizacijos klimato sampratą bei darančius įtaką jam veiksnius.Pateikti asmens savijautos darbe teorinį pagrindimą; apibūdinti socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenį formuojant palankų mikroklimatą socialinėje institucijoje; ištirti ir apibendrinti organizacijos mikroklimatą ir asmens savijautą socialines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose; Parengti išvadas, rekomendacijas.
Darbo metodika, padėjusi išspręsti minėtus uždavinius, susideda iš mokslinės literatūros analizės (atlikta siekiant išsiaiškinti organizacijos mikroklimato ir darančių jam įtaką veiksnių mokslinį pagrindimą, darbuotojo savijautos sampratą, socialinio darbuotojo įtaką geram mikroklimatui formavimuoti); dokumentų analizės (atlikta siekiant išsiaiškinti socialinių darbuotojų funkcijas, jų veiklos aspektus nagrinėjamu klausimu; anketinės apklausos (socailines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose darbuotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A person of modern society cannot imagine his or her life without work. Work holds a central place in human life. Well-being, security and health of workers can be characterized not only by absence at work and professional diseases but also by improving quality of working conditions. It should be done taking into account changes of society, which have taken place. Climate of organization and well - being of workers are directly connected.
The purpose of this paper is to reveal the impact of organizational microclimate on well - being of a person at institutions providing social services. The objectives are: to analyze the concept of organizational climate and factors affecting; to give theoretical justification of personal well-being at work; to characterize the role of social worker forming favorable microclimate at institutions providing social services; to give conclusions.
Methodology of the paper, which helped to attain the above objectives, consist of analysis of scientific literature (it was done with a view to giving a scientific justification of organizational microclimate and factors influencing it. Also, the aim was to reveal the concept of well-being of workers and the influence of a social worker on forming a good microclimate); analysis of documents (it was done to show functions of social workers, the aspects of their activity concerning the relevant issue); questionnaire surveys (the surveys were carried out at institutions providing social services).
The... [to full text]
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Socialinio darbuotojo vaidmuo dirbant su vaikais, kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį / Social worker's activity while working with children whose parent are gone abroadSagulinaitė, Simona 13 January 2009 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – atskleisti socialinio darbuotojo veiklą, dirbant su vaikais, kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį. Analizuojama tema aktuali, nes pastaruoju metu ypač padaugėjo vaikų, kurių tėvai išvyksta uždarbiauti į svečias šalis, o jie yra paliekami giminių, o neretai ir visai svetimų žmonių globai, taip susidurdami su įvairiomis problemomis, todėl socialinis darbuotojas ir jo veikla yra pirmasis pagalbininkas padedant vaikui.
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojami LR socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro įsakymai, reglamentuojantys socialinio darbuotojo rengimo standartus, veiklą.Taip pat aptariama socialinio darbuotojo kompetencijos svarba darbui su klientu. Temos aktualumui pagrįsti atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, siekiant išanalizuoti socialinio darbuotojo požiūrį į vaikus, kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį, pagalbos galimybes, problemos aktualumą, bei socialinio darbuotojo veiklą dirbant su vaikais. Apklausoje dalyvavo socialiniai darbuotojai, dirbantys vaikų dienos centruose, seniūnijose, savivaldybėse, vaikų teisių apsaugos tarnybose. Nustatyta, jog didesnė dalis socialinių darbuotojų yra girdėją apie problemas su kuriomis susiduria vaikai, kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį. Taip pat paaiškėjo, kad didelė dalis socialinių darbuotojų mano, jog vaikams kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį reikalinga socialinio darbuotojo pagalba. Nustatyta, kad tik šiek tiek daugiau nei pusė apklaustūjų tiesiogiai dirba, arba yra dirbę su vaikais kurių tėvai išvykę dirbti į užsienį. Be to... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this diploma paper is to reveal the activity of the social worker while working with children whose parents are gone abroad to earn money and they are left to relatives‘care or sometimes even to little known familiars‘care. Being without their parents children face many various problems, that‘s why social worker can be the right person to help the child and solve the problems.
In this final diploma paper the Republic of Lithuania social care and work minister‘s orders regulating the training standarts and work of the social worker ar analysed. Moreover, the importance of the expertise of the social worker is discussed. To justify the topicality of this problem and to find out the solution of the problems that faces children whose parents are gone abroad, the quantitative survey was done.
Social workers - working in government, daily centers, department of children rights etc. took part in the survey. After the survey, was found that bigger part of the social workers heard about the problems that children whose parents are gone abroad face many problems. Also was proved, that social workers who took part in the survey agreed with the statement that children whose parents are gone abroad need social worker‘s help. Moreover, was found that just some more than half of respondents work with childrens whose parents are gone abroad. Finally, was proved that social workers gives too little attention to these children.
Trying to make... [to full text]
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Socialinio darbuotojo veikla dirbant su rizikos grupės paaugliais / Social educator’s activities and work with teenagers, who belongs to risk groupKačenauskaitė, Viktorija 28 December 2007 (has links)
Socialinio darbuotojo veikla dirbant su rizikos grupės paaugliais
Mokyklos nelankantys vaikai yra priskiriami ,,rizikos grupei”. Šiems vaikams reikalingas išskirtinis dėmesys, kadangi yra ,,neatsparūs” socialinės rizikos veiksniams, tad pagrindinis darbas su ,,rizikos grupės” paaugliais tenka socialiniam darbuotojui. Socialinis darbuotojas dirbdamas su šiais paaugliais susiduria su daugeliu priežasčių dėl kurių ,,rizikos grupės” nelanko mokyklos arba ,,bėga” iš pamokų, todėl tikslinga išsiaiškinti dėl kokių priežasčių ,,rizikos grupės” paaugliai nelanko mokyklos, kokią įtaką tyčinis pamokų praleidinėjimas turi šių paauglių elgsenai.
Remiantis socialinio pedagogo pareigine instrukcija, kurioje nurodoma, kad mokyklose gali dirbti ir socialiniai darbuotojai, šiame darbe labiau analizuosime būtent socialinio pedagogo darbą su mokyklos nelankančiais ,,rizikos grupės” mokiniais.
Taigi darbo tikslas - atskleisti 14-17 metų rizikos grupės paauglių interesų ir motyvacijos sąsajas ir nustatyti prevencijos poreikį šiame kontekste.
Tyrimas atskleidė kad kuo daugiau paauglys patiria neigiamos draugų įtakos, tuo labiau jis linkęs savo laisvalaikį praleisti lauke, būdamas su draugais, mažiau domėtis mokslais, blogiau elgtis pamokos metu bei susidurti su policijos pareigūnais nei paaugliai, kurie patiria mažesnę neigiamą draugų įtaką. Taip pat nustatyta, kad didžioji dalis socialinių pedagogų dirba prevencinį darbą su mokyklos nelankančiais ,,rizikos grupės” mokiniais. Šio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summary
Social educator’s activities and work with teenagers, who belongs to “risk group”
If teenagers do not attend the school, they are assigned to the “risk group”. The special attention is required to work with those teenagers, because they are “not resistant” in the social environment and that is main work for the social educator. During that work, this is handling by social educator, many different reasons shows up why teenagers do not attend the school or skip the lessons. And those reasons are very important to understand what kind of influence has this kind of behavior for teenagers moral.
According to social educator official position instructions, social educators could have the job in the traditional school and because of that this work will mainly analyze social educator’s work with “risk group” teenagers.
In others words, the main task of this work is to discover 14-17 years teenagers interests and motivations links and estimate and prevention demands in that contexts.
The analysis showdown that more negative influence the teenagers get from friends, more they are ready to spend theirs free time outside with friends, less care about lessons and school, more negative behavior during lessons, the chance to face with police is higher than teenagers who have less negative influence from friends. It is already clear, that main party of social educators works prevention work with “risk group” teenagers. They are using different methods in theirs work: ones make... [to full text]
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