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Måluppfyllelse med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och KASAMAbraha Tekle, Alex, Gharibzadeh, Vahid January 2024 (has links)
It is a crucial factor to be able to design a strategy aimed at increasing and strengthening the efficiency of manufacturing industries. By establishing a goal based on strategic factors, it helps identify plans that are appropriate to achieve goal fulfillment. It is important to involve employees at an early stage, for instance in the planning phase of goal setting to ensure that the goal is met. The reason for this is to make employees feel engaged and motivated in their work. A case study has been conducted at a company that manufactures windows. The company had problems achieving their set production target. Both qualitative and quantitative methods have been used in the form of interviews and observations to get an overall understanding of the company. The purpose of this study is to investigate the problem of goal fulfillment in manufacturingcompanies using value stream mapping and SOC (Sense of Coherence). The theoretical framework includes theories on how companies can approach goal setting,including the concept that goals should be SMART. Emphasis on lean work and continuousimprovement should not only be placed on managers and management, but employees also need to understand and be able to apply these principles in their daily work. The theory of SOC (Sense of Coherence) and respect for people is also an important factor to consider and plays a crucial role. It helps workers feel engaged and thus more involved and motivated in their work. With the help of a value stream mapping, a detailed analysis can be conducted to identify opportunities for improvement. Based on interviews and observations, the results of this study show that there areunmotivated employees and a bottleneck that prevents the company from achieving its set production goals. The bottleneck must be utilized to maximum capacity and run continuously. To get employees more motivated and engaged, work needs to be done based on SOC (Sense of Coherence), that is, employees should find meaningfulness, manageableness, and a better understanding of their workplace. Involving employees in change initiatives and various decision-making processes is beneficial for companies in terms of achieving goals. / Det är en avgörande faktor att kunna utforma en strategi med syfte till att öka och stärka effektiviteten för tillverkningsindustrier. Genom att fastslå ett mål utifrån strategiska faktorer underlättar det till att kunna identifiera planer som är lämpliga för att förverkliga måluppfyllelsen. Det är viktigt att involvera medarbetarna i ett tidigt skede som i planeringsfasen av måluppsättningen för att säkerställa att målet som sätts, uppfylls. Anledningen till detta är för att medarbetarna ska känna sig engagerade och motiverade ideras arbete. En fallstudie har genomförts på ett företag som tillverkar fönster där de har haft problem medatt uppnå det uppsatta produktionsmålet. Det har använts både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder i form av intervjuer samt observationer för att få en helhetsbild av företaget. Syftet med studien är att undersöka problematiken kring måluppfyllelse inom tillverkandeföretag med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och KASAM. I den teoretiska referensramen tas teori upp om hur företag kan tänka kring när mål ska sättas, bland annat att målen ska vara SMARTA. Betoning kring lean arbete och ständiga förbättringar ska inte enbart vara kring chefer och ledning, utan medarbetare behöver även förstå och kunna tillämpa dessa faktorer i deras arbete. Teori om KASAM (känsla av sammanhang) och respekt för människor är en även en viktig faktor att ta hänsyn till och är en avgörande roll som lyfts. Det bidrar till att arbetarna känner sig engagerade och på så sätt mer delaktiga och motiverade i deras arbete. Med hjälp av en värdeflödsanalys kan en kartläggning göras på det som skall undersökas för att hitta förbättringsmöjligheter. Studiens resultat visar utifrån intervjuer och observationer att det finns omotiverade medarbetare och en flaskhals som hindrar företaget från att uppnå deras uppsatta produktionsmål. Flaskhalsen finns där och den måste utnyttjas till maxkapacitet och köras hela tiden. För att få medarbetare mer motiverade och engagerade behöver det arbetas utifrån KASAM, det vill säga att medarbetarna ska känna meningsfullhet, hanterbarhet samt begriplighet med deras arbete. Involvering av medarbetarna i förändringsarbete och kring olika beslut som tas är fördelaktigt för företag beträffande måluppfyllelse.
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”Här bland vänner” : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala samspelets betydelse för suicidprevention / ”Here among friends” : A qualitative study on the significance of social interaction for suicide preventionHauswald, Niklas, Hedin, Ulrika January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse för huruvida och i så fall hur Mind-Forum, en anonym stödplattform på internet, kan fungera förebyggande för suicidala individer. Genom att tillämpa en kvalitativ metod syftade vi till att undersöka den sociala interaktionens natur och funktion bland personer som själva beskriver sig som suicidala. Genom att använda teorier om den presuicidala processen, teorin om Känsla av Sammanhang (KASAM) och teorin om social responsivitet, avsåg vi att undersöka huruvida anonyma individer på Mind-Forum, genom social interaktion, kunde fungera som en förebyggande motvikt mot ett suicidförsök. Resultaten visade på att anonyma sociala interaktioner tycks fungera som förebyggande åtgärder mot suicid för individen. Social responsivitet visade sig vara en nyckelfaktor, eller åtminstone en bidragande faktor till något som indikerade ömsesidig vilja över att ta en digital konversation till ytterligare nivåer. / The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of whether and how Mind-Forum, an anonymous support internet platform, could function preventatively for suicidal individuals. Utilizing a qualitative approach, we aimed to examine the nature and function of social interactions among individuals who self-identify as suicidal. By employing theories of the presuicidal process, the Sense of Coherence (SOC) theory, and the theory of social responsivity, we intend to investigate whether anonymous individuals on Mind-Forum, through social interaction, can serve as a preventative counterweight against attempting suicide. The results showed that social interactions appear to act as suicide preventative for the individual since social responsiveness has been shown to be a key, or at least contributory factor, to something indicating mutual willingness to escalate a digital conversation into further levels.
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A High-Level Interface for Accelerating Spiking Neural Networks on the Edge with Heterogeneous Hardware : Enabling Rapid Prototyping of Training Algorithms and Topologies on Field-Programmable Gate ArraysEidlitz Rivera, Kaspar Oscarsson January 2024 (has links)
With the increasing use of machine learning by devices at the network's edge, a trend of moving computation from data centers to these devices is emerging. This shift imposes strict energy requirements on the algorithms used and the hardware on which they are implemented. Neuromorphic spiking neural networks (SNNs) and heterogeneous sytems on a chip (SoCs) are showing great potential for energy-efficient computing on the edge. This thesis describes the development of a high-level interface for accelerating SNNs on an FPGA–CPU SoC. The system is based on an existing open-source, low-level implementation, adapting it for a research-focused Python front-end. The developed interface provides a productive environment for exploring and evaluating SNN algorithms and topologies through compatibility with industry-standard tools for numerical computing, data analysis, and visualization, while still taking full advantage of FPGA-based hardware acceleration. The system is evaluated and showcased by analyzing the training of a small network to solve the XOR problem. As the project matures, future development could enable integration with commonly used machine learning libraries, further increasing it's potential.
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I skuggan av ungdomskärlek : En kvalitativ studie om våld i unga parrelationer, ur skolkuratorns perspektiv. / In the shadow of young love : A qualitative study on domestic violence in adolescents´ relationships, from the perspective of school counselors.Lönnborg, Matilda, Nyström, Annie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka skolkuratorers erfarenheter av våld i unga parrelationer, deras uppfattning av hur våldet ter sig samt hur de identifierar och arbetar stödjande i frågan. Data samlades in genom intervjuer med fem skolkuratorer i Mellansverige och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv och KASAM. Resultatet visade att ungdomar har bristande kunskap gällande våld i parrelationer, något som leder till att det sällan rapporteras. Till följd av okunskap hos ungdomarna är våldet svåridentifierat, ungdomar tenderar att förstora småsaker som kan leda till kontroll i relationen, medan de har svårt att identifiera och en tendens att nonchalera det våld som faktiskt förekommer. Kuratorerna arbetar preventivt och stödjande på olika sätt och deras egna intressen i frågan styr arbetet då de inte har något metodstöd för att arbeta preventivt, identifiera förekomst av våld eller stötta utsatta ungdomar. / The purpose of this study was to investigate high school counselors' experiences of domestic violence in adolescents' relationships and how they implement their knowledge of this subject in their daily work. The empirical data was collected through interviews with five school counselors in Sweden. The analysis was done by using the method thematic analysis and the theoretical perspectives consisted of the general systems theory and sense of coherence. Results revealed that domestic violence in adolescents' relationships rarely being reported. As a result of adolescents' ignorance regarding violence it's difficult to identify. Adolescents also tend to magnify behaviors amongst each other and neglect the violence that occurs due to their lack of knowledge. Results revealed that the school counselors' work methods seemed to depend on their own interest in the subject because they don´t have any evidence-based methodological support to identifying domestic violence and supporting students exposed to it.
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The Relationship between sense of coherence and emotional intelligence : the case of South African marine officersMcGuire, Amanda Louise 11 1900 (has links)
The study of people's capacity to remain healthy when exposed to constant
stressors has long been the focus of research. Stress resistance research has
focussed on the adaptive worth of successful coping strategies, certain personality
characteristics as well as social support. Two concepts which have gained
eminence as contributing to an individual's ability to deal effectively with life's
stressors are: (1) Sense of coherence; and (2) Emotional intelligence.
The aim of this study was to determine the possible relationship between sense of
coherence and emotional intelligence. A once-off cross-sectional survey design was
used. The sample population consisted of 54 South African marine officers serving in
the merchant navy. The SOC-29 and the BarOn Emotional Intelligence Inventory
(BarOn EQ-i) were used as measuring instruments. · Sense of coherence was
positively related to emotional intelligence. The results showed that there is a
correlation of large effect between total sense of coherence and total emotional
intelligence (r = 0,73) in marine officers. The results also showed that there are
correlations of large effect between the subscales of the SOC-29 and the BarOn EQi / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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Traitement des signaux et images en temps réel : "implantation de H.264 sur MPSoC"Messaoudi, Kamel 19 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est élaborée en cotutelle entre l’université Badji Mokhtar (Laboratoire LERICA) et l’université de bourgogne (Laboratoire LE2I, UMR CNRS 5158). Elle constitue une contribution à l’étude et l’implantation de l’encodeur H.264/AVC. Durent l’évolution des normes de compression vidéo, une réalité sure est vérifiée de plus en plus : avoir une bonne performance du processus de compression nécessite l’élaboration d’équipements beaucoup plus performants en termes de puissance de calcul, de flexibilité et de portabilité et ceci afin de répondre aux exigences des différents traitements et satisfaire au critère « Temps Réel ». Pour assurer un temps réel pour ce genre d’applications, une solution reste possible est l’utilisation des systèmes sur puce (SoC) ou bien des systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce (MPSoC) implantés sur des plateformes reconfigurables à base de circuit FPGA. L’objective de cette thèse consiste à l’étude et l’implantation des algorithmes de traitement des signaux et images et en particulier la norme H.264/AVC, et cela dans le but d’assurer un temps réel pour le cycle codage-décodage. Nous utilisons deux plateformes FPGA de Xilinx (ML501 et XUPV5). Dans la littérature, il existe déjà plusieurs implémentations du décodeur. Pour l’encodeur, malgré les efforts énormes réalisés, il reste toujours du travail pour l’optimisation des algorithmes et l’extraction des parallélismes possibles surtout avec une variété de profils et de niveaux de la norme H.264/AVC.Dans un premier temps de cette thèse, nous proposons une implantation matérielle d’un contrôleur mémoire spécialement pour l’encodeur H.264/AVC. Ce contrôleur est réalisé en ajoutant, au contrôleur mémoire DDR2 des deux plateformes de Xilinx, une couche intelligente capable de calculer les adresses et récupérer les données nécessaires pour les différents modules de traitement de l’encodeur. Ensuite, nous proposons des implantations matérielles (niveau RTL) des modules de traitement de l’encodeur H.264. Sur ces implantations, nous allons exploiter les deux principes de parallélisme et de pipelining autorisé par l’encodeur en vue de la grande dépendance inter-blocs. Nous avons ainsi proposé plusieurs améliorations et nouvelles techniques dans les modules de la chaine Intra et le filtre anti-blocs. A la fin de cette thèse, nous utilisons les modules réalisés en matériels pour la l’implantation Matérielle/logicielle de l’encodeur H.264/AVC. Des résultats de synthèse et de simulation, en utilisant les deux plateformes de Xilinx, sont montrés et comparés avec les autres implémentations existantes / This thesis has been carried out in joint supervision between the Badji Mokhtar University (LERICA Laboratory) and the University of Burgundy (LE2I laboratory, UMR CNRS 5158). It is a contribution to the study and implementation of the H.264/AVC encoder. The evolution in video coding standards have historically demanded stringent performances of the compression process, which imposes the development of platforms that perform much better in terms of computing power, flexibility and portability. Such demands are necessary to fulfill requirements of the different treatments and to meet "Real Time" processing constraints. In order to ensure real-time performances, a possible solution is to made use of systems on chip (SoC) or multiprocessor systems on chip (MPSoC) built on platforms based reconfigurable FPGAs. The objective of this thesis is the study and implementation of algorithms for signal and image processing (in particular the H.264/AVC standard); especial attention was given to provide real-time coding-decoding cycles. We use two FPGA platforms (ML501 and XUPV5 from Xilinx) to implement our architectures. In the literature, there are already several implementations of the decoder. For the encoder part, despite the enormous efforts made, work remains to optimize algorithms and extract the inherent parallelism of the architecture. This is especially true with a variety of profiles and levels of H.264/AVC. Initially, we proposed a hardware implementation of a memory controller specifically targeted to the H.264/AVC encoder. This controller is obtained by adding, to the DDR2 memory controller, an intelligent layer capable of calculating the addresses and to retrieve the necessary data for several of the processing modules of the encoder. Afterwards, we proposed hardware implementations (RTL) for the processing modules of the H.264 encoder. In these implementations, we made use of principles of parallelism and pipelining, taking into account the constraints imposed by the inter-block dependency in the encoder. We proposed several enhancements and new technologies in the channel Intra modules and the deblocking filter. At the end of this thesis, we use the modules implemented in hardware for implementing the H.264/AVC encoder in a hardware/software design. Synthesis and simulation results, using both platforms for Xilinx, are shown and compared with other existing implementations
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Contribution à la modélisation de l'Intégrité des alimentations dans les system-in-PackageBoguszewski, Guillaume 18 December 2009 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche intitulé " Contribution à la modélisation de l'Intégrité des Alimentations dans les System-in-Package", effectué chez NXP semi-conducteurs, se propose d'étudier l'intégrité des alimentations et des signaux dans un système complexe tel que le System-in-Package(SiP), les System-on-Chip(SoC) ou autres (PoP,...). C'est-à-dire la générations de perturbations électromagnétiques conduites dues à l'activité d'un système complexe sur son environnement d'intégration. Un bilan de puissance statique et dynamique permet de considérer l’influence de l’activité des fonctions numériques sur le système SiP. L’activité dynamique est représentée sous forme de profils canoniques caractérisés par la technologie de conception des fonctions logiques. Cette représentation en base tient compte du cadencement multi fréquentiel (ou multi-harmonique) du système. Un logiciel a été développé permettant d'extraire un profil d'activité numérique définit suivant la géométrie de la fonction, sa technologie et ses fréquences d'activation. Les fonctions analogiques et le réseau passif d'interconnexions sont modélisés au travers de fonctions de transfert et validés par une approche expérimentale (domaine fréquentiel et temporel) et en simulation. Cette analyse a permis de souligner les potentialités de la modélisation BBS (Broad Band Spice Model). Ceci a permis une modélisation multi-port globale de l'environnement d'intégration modélisé depuis le PCB jusqu’aux fonctions actives (PCB-Boitier-interconnexions-circuits). Les modèles extraits sont utilisables dans un environnement SPICE où l’ensemble du système est modélisé dans un environnement unique. La CO-MODÉLISATION et la CO-SIMULATION GLOBALES permettent la proposition de règles de conception et l’optimisation du découplage souligné par le potentiel du substrat de report PICS (Passive Integrating Component Substrate). / This thesis, performed in NXP Semiconductors, presents an analysis on POWER INTEGRITY and SIGNAL INTEGRITY in complex systems (System-in-Package SiP, System-on-Chip SoC, PoP, etc). This subject takes in account the propagation and its effects of conducted electromagnetic interferences due to digital activities in power distribution network. A statement of static and dynamic power consumption allows to consider effects of digital activities through a multi-clock and multi harmonic model based on technologies, clocks and geometries of a dedicated functions, blocks or dices. A global distributed CO-SIMULATION/CO-MODELISATION methodology for concurrent/simultaneous analysis of passif distribution network have been successfully applied to a full complex system. An original "power signature" concept is used to model high speed digital modules temporal and spatial distribution of their power switching activity for analog-mixed-digital co-simulations. Analysis of coupling effects at systems level have been studied through access ports with and without active SiP modules. The measured coupling is validated with predicted simulation results based on electromagnetic simulations and broad band SPICE extractions. Correlations are validated between observed spurs in presence of SiP active modules and the behavioral response (transfer function) of the active die multiport, and multi-port de-embedding analysis. The full model of complex system, available in SPICE environnement, allows to analyse propagation and its effects of conducted electromagnetic interferences on dices, functions and system of the SiP. Thanks to this work, it will possible to supply new design rules and optimize of decoupling capacities values. A dedicated software was elaborated to generate a quick digital activity model easy-to-implement in SPICE environment.
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The Relationship between sense of coherence and emotional intelligence : the case of South African marine officersMcGuire, Amanda Louise 11 1900 (has links)
The study of people's capacity to remain healthy when exposed to constant
stressors has long been the focus of research. Stress resistance research has
focussed on the adaptive worth of successful coping strategies, certain personality
characteristics as well as social support. Two concepts which have gained
eminence as contributing to an individual's ability to deal effectively with life's
stressors are: (1) Sense of coherence; and (2) Emotional intelligence.
The aim of this study was to determine the possible relationship between sense of
coherence and emotional intelligence. A once-off cross-sectional survey design was
used. The sample population consisted of 54 South African marine officers serving in
the merchant navy. The SOC-29 and the BarOn Emotional Intelligence Inventory
(BarOn EQ-i) were used as measuring instruments. · Sense of coherence was
positively related to emotional intelligence. The results showed that there is a
correlation of large effect between total sense of coherence and total emotional
intelligence (r = 0,73) in marine officers. The results also showed that there are
correlations of large effect between the subscales of the SOC-29 and the BarOn EQi / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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Conception d’une mémoire SRAM en tension sous le seuil pour des applications biomédicales et les nœuds de capteurs sans fils en technologies CMOS avancées / Solutions of subthreshold SRAM in ultra-wide-voltage range in advanced CMOS technologies for biomedical and wireless sensor applicationsFeki, Anis 29 May 2015 (has links)
L’émergence des circuits complexes numériques, ou System-On-Chip (SOC), pose notamment la problématique de la consommation énergétique. Parmi les blocs fonctionnels significatifs à ce titre, apparaissent les mémoires et en particulier les mémoires statiques (SRAM). La maîtrise de la consommation énergétique d’une mémoire SRAM inclue la capacité à rendre la mémoire fonctionnelle sous très faible tension d’alimentation, avec un objectif agressif de 300 mV (inférieur à la tension de seuil des transistors standard CMOS). Dans ce contexte, les travaux de thèse ont concerné la proposition d’un point mémoire SRAM suffisamment performant sous très faible tension d’alimentation et pour les nœuds technologiques avancés (CMOS bulk 28nm et FDSOI 28nm). Une analyse comparative des architectures proposées dans l’état de l’art a permis d’élaborer deux points mémoire à 10 transistors avec de très faibles impacts de courant de fuite. Outre une segmentation des ports de lecture, les propositions reposent sur l’utilisation de périphéries adaptées synchrones avec notamment une solution nouvelle de réplication, un amplificateur de lecture de données en mode tension et l’utilisation d’une polarisation dynamique arrière du caisson SOI (Body Bias). Des validations expérimentales s’appuient sur des circuits en technologies avancées. Enfin, une mémoire complète de 32kb (1024x32) a été soumise à fabrication en 28 FDSOI. Ce circuit embarque une solution de test (BIST) capable de fonctionner sous 300mV d’alimentation. Après une introduction générale, le 2ème chapitre du manuscrit décrit l’état de l’art. Le chapitre 3 présente les nouveaux points mémoire. Le 4ème chapitre décrit l’amplificateur de lecture avec la solution de réplication. Le chapitre 5 présente l’architecture d’une mémoire ultra basse tension ainsi que le circuit de test embarqué. Les travaux ont donné lieu au dépôt de 4 propositions de brevet, deux conférences internationales, un article de journal international est accepté et un autre vient d’être soumis. / Emergence of large Systems-On-Chip introduces the challenge of power management. Of the various embedded blocks, static random access memories (SRAM) constitute the angrier contributors to power consumption. Scaling down the power supply is one way to act positively on power consumption. One aggressive target is to enable the operation of SRAMs at Ultra-Low-Voltage, i.e. as low as 300 mV (lower than the threshold voltage of standard CMOS transistors). The present work concerned the proposal of SRAM bitcells able to operate at ULV and for advanced technology nodes (either CMOS bulk 28 nm or FDSOI 28 nm). The benchmarking of published architectures as state-of-the-art has led to propose two flavors of 10-transitor bitcells, solving the limitations due to leakage current and parasitic power consumption. Segmented read-ports have been used along with the required synchronous peripheral circuitry including original replica assistance, a dedicated unbalanced sense amplifier for ULV operation and dynamic forward back-biasing of SOI boxes. Experimental test chips are provided in previously mentioned technologies. A complete memory cut of 32 kbits (1024x32) has been designed with an embedded BIST block, able to operate at ULV. After a general introduction, the manuscript proposes the state-of-the-art in chapter two. The new 10T bitcells are presented in chapter 3. The sense amplifier along with the replica assistance is the core of chapter 4. The memory cut in FDSOI 28 nm is detailed in chapter 5. Results of the PhD have been disseminated with 4 patent proposals, 2 papers in international conferences, a first paper accepted in an international journal and a second but only submitted paper in an international journal.
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Man står handfallen inför att någon ska bli sjuk eller vara borta : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om hur smsanställning upplevs i en medelstor kommun / You stand helpless before that someone else is going to be sick or away : A quality interview study about how sms employment is interpreted in a medium sized county in SwedenAlalauri, Emil, Hagelroth, Edvin January 2020 (has links)
Fackliga organisationer menar på att tidsbegränsade anställningar har skapat fler osäkra jobb. Svenskt näringsliv menar däremot att de tidsbegränsade anställningarna inte har ökat någonting under de senaste 15 åren, vilket statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) bekräftar i en rapport. Rapporten visar att en viss minskning av de tidsbegränsade anställningarna har skett under andra kvartalet 2019 den visar dock också på att de tidsbegränsade anställningar som finns har blivit osäkrare än tidigare. Den här studien utfördes i Falun kommun och syftet med studien var att undersöka hur vikarier inom äldreomsorgen och LSS upplever deras arbetssituation som smsanställd och hur de upplever det sociala sammanhanget på arbetsplatsen. Vi undersökte även om deras anställningsform har inverkan på deras sociala liv utanför arbetet. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts i samband med studien. Studien använder sig utav en tematisk analys där fyra teman har identifierats: kritik, sammanhållning, privatliv och trygghet. Genom dessa teman så används tre teorier, Guy Standings teori om prekariatet, Antonovskys teori om KASAM och Karasek och Theorells modell om krav och kontroll. Studien har visat på att smsanställningen är en prekär anställning som kan leda till problem för den anställde. Men den visar också att om den anställde har skyddsnät i form av en annan inkomstkälla eller att personen har valt anställningen så kan den ge stor frihet och hjälpa till att lösa livspusslet. / The unions argue that temporary work has created more unsecure jobs. However, the Confederation of Swedish enterprise argue that temporary work has not increased during the last 15 years. This statistic is confirmed by Statistic Sweden (SCB) which shows a small decrease of temporary workers during the second quarter of 2019. The report shows that the number of temporary workers has not changed for a long time, however it shows that their employment has become even more unsecure. The study has been conducted in the city of Falun Sweden, whit the purpose of studying how temporary workers within the eldercare and disability sector in a medium sized city in Sweden see their employment as SMS- employees and if they feel cohesion in the workplace. The purpose was also to examine if the employment influences their social life. Seven semi structured interviews were conducted whit workers whit this type of employment within the sectors. The study is using a thematic analyse and has been divided into four themes: critic, private life, cohesion, and security. The themes are using three theories as well as previous studies to analyse the data. In the analysis of the recorded data, Guy Standings theory of the precariat, Antonvskys theory of KASAM and Karasek and Theorell’s model of requirement and control have been used. The study has shown that SMS- employment is indeed a precarious employment and can cause various problems for the employee. However, the study also shows that for people who have safety in form of another income and have chosen this employment, the employment can give an enormous freedom and help get a good amount of work balance.
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