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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den psykiska hälsan bland gymnasieelever under covid-19-pandemin : En kvalitativ studie utifrån skolkuratorers perspektiv

Antonsson, Daniel, Bagheri, Gisoo January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine, based on school counselors’ experiences, the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of upper secondary school students. To examine this, six qualitative interviews were conducted with school counselors currently working in upper secondary school. The results showed that some students have problems maintaining routines in everyday life during the covid-19 pandemic. The school entails an automatic structure that has disappeared for the students in connection with distance education during the pandemic. Distance education and other restrictions in society have also meant that students have spent more time at home, which means that a safe and supportive family has become increasingly important. As a result of upper secondary school students spending more time at home and not meeting their classmates at school to the same degree as before the pandemic, some have also lost or impaired their relationships with friends. This in turn has according to the informants, contributed to increased loneliness and isolation. Mental problems such as stress, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and lack of motivation are common topics in the conversations between the school counselors and the students linked to the pandemic. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att utifrån skolkuratorers erfarenheter undersöka vilken påverkan covid-19-pandemin haft på gymnasieelevers psykiska hälsa. För att undersöka detta har sex kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med skolkuratorer verksamma inom gymnasieskolan. Resultatet visade på att vissa gymnasieelever fått problem med att upprätthålla rutiner i vardagen under covid-19-pandemin. Skolan medför en automatisk struktur som försvunnit för eleverna i samband med distansundervisning under pandemin. Distansundervisning och andra samhällsrestriktioner har också medfört att gymnasieleverna spenderat mer tid i hemmet vilket gör att en trygg och stöttande familj blivit allt viktigare. Som följd av att gymnasieelever spenderat mer tid hemma och inte träffat deras klasskamrater i skolan samma grad som före pandemin så har också en del elever tappat eller försämrat sina relationer till vänner. Detta har i sin tur enligt informanterna bidragit till en ökad ensamhet och isolering. Psykiska besvär som stress, ångest, sömnsvårigheter och motivationsbrist är vanligt förekommande ämnen i samtalen mellan skolkurator och eleverna kopplat till pandemin.

“Man får kämpa för att göra sin röst hörd och det är ju elevens röst jag försöker göra hörd” : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorns förebyggande arbete mot mobbning / ‘’You have to fight to make your voice heard, it's the student's voice I try to make heard’’ : A qualitative study of the school counselor's preventive work against bullying

Rujovic, Merima, Jonsson, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the study has been to investigate school counselors' preventive work against bullying in school and what opportunities and obstacles are found in their work. The study is based on seven qualitative interviews where the interviewees have varying backgrounds and experiences surrounding school counselor work. A constant throughout the study is that the school counselor is in a multiprofessional operation and is usually the only profession based in a psychosocial perspective. The school counselor’s tasks are characterized primarily by an overall responsibility for students’ wellbeing, as well as working to prevent bullying. As bullying can result in students performing worse as well as a risk for developing an antisocial behavior, the school counselor’s important preventive work follows. The preventive measures can be seen on a school, class and individual level, which creates a holistic perspective. Factors such as time and resources prevent the school counselor from practicing their knowledge in school, as well as limit their collaboration with other professions. Along this reasoning follows the interviewees’ similar opinions that the principal has a noticeable influence on counseling work and can increase or limit their ability to practice their knowledge. With the help of our theoretical templates we have a better understanding of our analysis, which has helped us understand the school counselor’s role in a multiprofessional operation.

”Jag som skolkurator kan i vilket fall se till att den eleven får en bra dag och att eleven vill komma tillbaka imorgon igen, trots att det hänt något skit den här dagen” : -En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers förebyggande arbete mot fenomenet mobbning. / “As a school counselor, I can in any case ensure that the student has a good day and that the student wants to come back tomorrow again, even though something bad has happened today.” : -A qualitative study on school counsellors' preventive work against the phenomenon of bullying.

Shemoun, Sabina, Engstrand, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Barn tillbringar under sin barndom mycket av sin tid i skolan. För att barnen ska kunna utbilda sig och lära sig att hantera vad det som krävs av dem, är det viktigt att skolmiljön är en trygg och säker plats att befinna sig i. Skolan är även en plats där barn med olika bakgrunder samlas och skillnaderna mellan eleverna kan få ojämlikheter, vilket bland annat kan leda till mobbning och kränkande behandling. I fall där sådant förekommer krävs det att skolan agerar, inte bara för att eleverna ska må bra men för att skolan enligt svensk lag är skyldiga till det. Syftet med denna uppsats är att fokusera skolkuratorns förebyggande arbetet mot kränkande behandling i skolor. Eftersom mobbning ständigt ökar är det viktigt att det pågår ett arbete för att förhindra det. Datainsamlingen har skett genom intervjuer och dessa har analyserats utifrån studiens syfte samt frågor. Studiens huvudsakliga slutsats resulterar i att mobbning behöver arbetas mot inom olika förebyggande åtgärder. / Children spend a lot of their time in school during their childhood. To be able to learn and manage what is required of them, it is important that the school is a safe place to be in with a good environment. The school is also a place where children from different backgrounds come together and the differences can make inequalities occur.  This can lead to bullying and offensive treatment. In these cases, it is required that the school acts, not only for the students to feel good but the school is also obliged to do that by the Swedish law. The aim with this essay is to focus on the school counselor’s prevention against offensive treatment in schools. Since bullying is on the rise, it is important that there is ongoing work to prevent it. Data collection has taken place through interviews and analyzed based on the purpose of the study and issues. The main conclusion that has been seen as an important inference is that bullying needs to work against different preventions.

Skolans roll vid nätmobbning : En kvalitativ studie om hur sju skolkuratorer beskriver samverkan och deras arbete mot nätmobbning / The school’s role in cyberbullying : A qualitative study about how seven school counsellors describe collaboration and their work against cyberbullying

Levander, Jacob, Roupé, Casandra January 2021 (has links)
Cyberbullying is a phenomenon that has negative impact on children’s and adolescents’ mental health and can be categorized as a potential mental health issue. Research suggests that school climate, the school’s unity and collaboration between school counsellors and personnel and the work with students and guardians is of importance in preventing and acting against cyberbullying. The aim of this study is to investigate how school counsellors on lower secondary schools describe their work with cyberbullying and how they speak about the collaboration with other professions within the school in their work against cyberbullying. The study’s theoretical frame is based on Danermark’s (2005) collaboration model and the collected material consists of seven semi-structured qualitative interviews with school counsellors which have been analysed thematically.  The results suggest that school personnel and guardians need to create knowledge and competence about social media and cyberbullying as it is a comprehensive problem that is constantly evolving. The importance of relationships with students is addressed for a successful work against cyberbullying where pedagogical staff are often described as having better relationships with students, which means that the school counsellors’ collaboration with other school personnel becomes important for detecting and resolving cyberbullying. The results of the study show that the school counsellors shed light on several factors that affect the collaborative work and how it takes place. The school counsellors emphasize the importance of collegial relationships to develop a favourable collaboration. Furthermore, school counsellors describe that different views in a pedagogically dominated school world creates challenges and make the collaboration work more complex. The results also show that the school as an organization should be characterized by an open discussion about cyberbullying. / Nätmobbning är ett fenomen som har en negativ inverkan på barn och ungdomars mentala hälsa och kan kategoriseras som en potentiell psykisk hälsofråga. Forskning visar att skolmiljö, skolans sammanhållning och samverkan mellan skolkuratorer och skolpersonal samt arbetet med elever och vårdnadshavare är av betydelse för att förebygga och åtgärda nätmobbning. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur skolkuratorer på högstadieskolor beskriver deras arbete kring nätmobbning i skolan samt hur de talar om samverkan mellan andra professioner inom skolan i deras arbete mot nätmobbning. Studien har en teoretisk utgångspunkt i Danermarks (2005) samverkansmodell och det insamlade materialet består av sju semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med skolkuratorer som har analyserats tematiskt. Studiens resultat synliggör att skolpersonal och vårdnadshavare behöver skapa kunskap och kompetens kring sociala medier och nätmobbningsproblematik då det är ett omfattade problem som ständigt utvecklas. Vikten av relationer till eleverna tas upp för ett lyckat arbete mot nätmobbning där pedagogisk personal ofta beskrivs ha godare relationer till eleverna vilket innebär att skolkuratorernas samverkan med annan skolpersonal blir betydelsefull för att upptäcka och åtgärda nätmobbning. I studiens resultat belyser skolkuratorerna flera faktorer hur samverkansarbetet mot nätmobbning påverkas och utspelar sig. Skolkuratorerna lyfter fram den kollegiala relationens betydelse för att utveckla en gynnsam samverkan.  Vidare beskriver vissa skolkuratorer att skilda synsätt i en pedagogiskt dominerad skolvärld skapar utmaningar och gör samverkansarbetet mer komplext. Resultatet visar också att skolan som organisation bör präglas av en öppen diskussion kring nätmobbning.

“Den som har mandat och definiera om man är utsatt för ett våld, är ju den som är utsatt” : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers förebyggande arbete med pojkars våld mot flickor / "The one who has the mandate to define whether one is exposed to violence, is the one who is exposed" : A qualitative study of school counselors 'preventive work with boys' violence against girls

Nilsson, Sanna, Karlsson, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
In order to reduce and prevent domestic violence, preventive work needs to begin at an early age. In previous research it is suggested that preventive work needs to begin as early as between grade six and eight. Recently, it has been discovered that many young people have a distorted view of what constitutes a healthy and equal relationship. In this interview study, six social workers employed as school counselors, employed in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades has participated. Central questions have investigated how and if they work preventively with boys' perceptions of violence, intimate relationships and sex. Through the interviews, it emerged that the school counselors' preventive work takes place in different ways. For example, they defined violence in different ways and the limits for what is supposed to constitute violence is interpreted differently. The preventive work turned out to consist of differences and similarities. For example, theme weeks, presence in open spaces and external lecturers were common elements in their preventive work. The differences could show up for example that they focused on different topics. To gain an understanding of the school counselor's preventive work with boys' violence against girls, this study has included the gender perspective. By looking at how their preventive work can be understood from the point of view of gender, it concluded that the school counselor's own gender perspective affects how they work. The study found that school counselors do work to prevent gender norms.

Samverkan – nyckeln till (handlings)frihet? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan inom grundskolan utifrån skolkuratorers perspektiv / Collaboration - Key to discretion? : A qualitative study of collaboration in compulsory school from the perspective of school social workers

Nilsson, Simone, Mölder, Kristiina January 2021 (has links)
Collaboration between different professions within the school is important for promoting students' health and knowledge goals. Research in the school area shows both promoting and hindering factors for interprofessional teams to work with health promotion and prevention work. It appears that collaboration between school social workers and other professionals is influenced by different knowledge backgrounds and approaches to definitions as well as solutions to problems, which have an impact on the collaboration work. The purpose of this study was to examine, from the perspective of school social workers, what the collaboration process within compulsory school looks like and how different professional perspectives emerge between school staff. Furthermore, we wanted to know what the collaboration process means for the school curative work. This study has been based on a qualitative method where seven semi-structured interviews with school social workers in two medium-sized municipalities have been conducted. The result shows that collaboration varies between different schools and professions. Conditions and obstacles can be related to both organizational conditions, professional similarities and differences as well as individual factors. Collaboration is important for the school social worker’s professional role, just as the school social worker’s room for maneuver is important for working to promote health and prevention and for taking a holistic perspective.

Skolkuratorers yrkesstress - kartläggning, konsekvenser och coping : En kvalitativ studie

Lindberg, Adrian January 2021 (has links)
Forskning visar att skolkuratorsyrket bär på stora risker för stressrelaterad ohälsa. Det viktiga yrket beskrivs i denna studie utifrån hur yrkesstress påverkar skolkuratorers välbefinnande, och i relation till hur stressutmaningarna kan hanteras. Studien har genom djupintervjuer av verksamma skolkuratorer försökt finna förståelse i deras yrkesverklighet. Deras upplevelser har tolkats utifrån krav-kontroll-stödmodellen och coping-strategier. Studien har analyserats med hjälp av den tematiska analysen, där sex centrala teman avseende stress och coping har presenterats. Resultatet visar en ständigt närvarande yrkesstress vars effekter har visat sig kunna ha negativ påverkan för välbefinnandet. Samtidigt visar även studien hur skolkuratorerna upplever stolthet i att hjälpa människor till ett bättre liv, vilket visat sig kunna öka välbefinnande. Studien redogör även för hur skolkuratorsyrket upplevs som ständigt ofärdigt, vilket leder till en känsla av otillräcklighet. Känslan visade sig utgöra en stor stressfaktor, där både kuratorerna själva och deras arbetsplats hantera stressutmaningen. Att aktivt använda coping-strategier har enligt studien tolkats vara av stor vikt utifrån kuratorsyrkets oförutsägbarhet. Vidare fann studien att skolkuratorer hanterar yrkesstress med hjälp av både emotionsfokuserad- och problemfokuserad coping. Resultatet visade dock att emotionsfokuserade coping-strategier utgjorde en något viktigare nyckel till stresshantering, då strategierna bidrog till motivation och styrka i relation till arbetsbelastningen. Sammanfattningsvis fördjupar studien förståelsen kring skolkuratorers yrkesstress och coping-strategiers roll.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : Skolkuratorers upplevelse av arbetet med hederskulturen / Honour related violence and oppression : School counselor’s experience of working with the culture of honour

Eldh Eliasson, Ann-Sofie, Wojén Qvick, Freja January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka skolors och skolkuratorers arbete med att uppmärksamma, förebygga och motverka hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Intervjuer genomfördes med sex skolkuratorer i en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Resultatet visade varierande erfarenheter gällande skolans arbete med och kunskap om problematiken. En stor del av skolkuratorerna beskrev en avsaknad av en handlingsplan och riktade insatser specifikt mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck medan ett fåtal beskrev ett mer utvecklat och inriktat arbete mot problematiken. Mänskliga rättigheter och barnkonventionen visade sig vara grundläggande beståndsdelar i det förebyggande och motverkande arbetet och att kunskap och relationen till eleven är av vikt för att kunna uppmärksamma och upptäcka problematiken. Samverkan, organisatoriska faktorer samt sociala konstruktioner ansågs påverka handlingsutrymmet och arbetet med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Resultatet visade även ett behov av ständig kompetensutveckling samt att det förebyggande och motverkande arbetet alltid måste utvecklas och uppdateras. / The aim of the study was to examine how schools and school counselors pay attention to, prevent and counteract honour related violence and oppression. Six school counselors were interviewed in a qualitative study. Results showed varying experiences regarding the school’s work with and knowledge of the problem. A majority described a lack of an action plan and specific interventions against honour related violence and oppression while a few described a focused work against the problem. Human rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child were fundamental components of the preventive and counteracting work and that knowledge and the relationship with the student are important to be able to pay attention to and identify the problem. Collaboration, organizational factors and social constructions affected the work and discretion. The results demonstrate a need for constant competence development and that preventive and counteracting work must always be developed and updated.

”Psykisk ohälsa hos elever kan minskas om skolan gör ett gott arbete” : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers arbete mot psykisk ohälsa

Bahnaneh, Beroulla January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka hinder skolkuratorer ställs inför när det gäller att förebygga psykisk ohälsa och vilka strategier de använder i arbetet med att ge stöd till eleverna i skolan. Syftet är även att undersöka hur samverkan mellan skolkuratorer och lärare ser ut när det gäller arbetet mot psykisk ohälsa. Studien är genomförd utifrån kvalitativ insamlingsmetod där jag genomför fem semistrukturerade intervjuer för att sedan granska resultatet utifrån en tematisk analys. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna som används är KASAM och systemteori. Resultatet visade att skolkuratorer möter hinder i form av tidsbrist, alltför stort fokus på åtgärdande arbete och lärarnas brister i kunskap om psykisk ohälsa och psykosociala perspektivet. Strategier som används är att lyssna, inte döma, relationsbyggandet med elever och validering och normalisering kring elevernas känslor. Resultatet visar även att fler skolkuratorer upplever samverkan som bristande på grund av kommunikationsbrist, lärarna prioriterar undervisning samt deras brister i kunskap om psykisk ohälsa och det psykosociala perspektivet. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what obstacles school counselors face when it comes to preventing mental illness and what strategies they use in the work of providing support to students in school. The purpose is also to investigate what collaboration between school counselors and teachers looks like when it comes to work against mental illness. The study is conducted based on qualitative collection method where I conduct five semi structured interviews and then review the results based on a thematic analysis. The theoretical basis of this study is KASAM and system theory. The results showed that school counselors face obstacles in the form of lack of time, too much focus on remedial work and teachers’ shortcomings in knowledge about mental illness and the psychosocial perspective. Strategies used are listening, not judging, building relationships with students, and validating and normalizing students’ emotions. The results also show that more school counselors perceive collaboration as lacking due to lack of communication, teachers prioritize teaching and their shortcomings in knowledge about mental illness and the psychosocial perspective.

Alla Helsingborgs barn är våra barn och vi ska ta hand om dem tillsammans

Johansson, Anna, Jönsson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how the school counselors experience their role in the school when it comes to working against bullying. We also wanted to examine how the cooperation works between school counselors and the rest of the school personnel. To obtain useful data for our analysis we used a qualitative method which includes six interviews with six school counselors from municipal and independent primary schools in Helsingborg. To deepen our knowledge even further we have included three theories which are the theory of profession, role theory and Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory.Since this study is based on interviews with school counselors that works in both municipal and independent primary schools, their experience of the preventive work has also been different. The school counselors that works in the municipal schools focus their preventive work through the anti-bullying program Olweus were they for example use surveys to measure the students wellbeing. The independent schools does not work after a specific program and thus has a larger action space to work with. The result of this study shows that the work against bullying varies from the different schools.The school counselors experience of their role in the work against bullying also varies where some of them felt that they have a significant role in the preventive work where others meant that the responsibility lays on the students mentors and teachers. Through this study cooperation has been a consistent theme where the informants believe that the cooperation between them, teachers and the students families is necessary to be able to do a good preventive work in the schools. The cooperation seems to work well in the school but there is parts of the work against bullying that needs clarification when it comes to accountability.

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