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Tailoring the Magnetic Properties of Amorphous TbCo Nano FilmsDjurberg, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
The possibility to change magnetic anisotropy of amorphous TbCo films from out-of-plane to in-plane has been investigated. The effects of TbCo film's thickness and composition on the magnetic anisotropy were investigated together with the effects of growing the TbCo films on a SmCo seed layer. This was studied by sputtering TbCo films of composition Tb_xCo_(100-x) x=16,18,20,22 and 24, with thickness ranging between 2-20 nm, with and without the presence of a 20 nmSm_15Co_85 seed layer. All films were grown in a 130 mT magnetic in-plain field to imprint an in-plane anisotropy. The structure and composition of the films were examined with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray reflectivity, and Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. The magnetic properties of the films were studied with magneto-optic Kerr effect measurement, vibrating sample magnetometer, Kerr microscopy and magnetic force microscopy. The magneto-optic Kerr effect measurement showed that it was possible to change TbCo film's preferred magnetization direction from out-of-plane to in-plane by reducing the film thickness. The SmCo layer made it easier for theTbCo films to change preferred magnetization direction from out-of-plane to in-plane.
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Approximation of ab initio potentials of carbon nanomaterials with machine learningLundberg, Oscar, Bjersing, Oskar, Eriksson, Martin January 2017 (has links)
In this work potentials of carbon nanomaterials calculated with Density Functional Theory (DFT) are approximated using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Previous work in this field has focused on estimating potential energies of bulk structures. We investigate the possibility to approximate both the potential energies and the forces of periodic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and fullerenes. The results indicate that for test structures similar to those in the training set the ANN approximates the energies to within 270 meV/atom (< 3.7% error, RMSE 40 meV/atom) and the forces to within 7.5 eV/Å (< 73% error, RMSE 1.34 eV/Å) per atom compared with DFT calculations. Furthermore, we investigate how well the ANN approximates the potentials and forces in structures that are combinations of CNTs and fullerenes (capped CNTs) and find that the ANN generalizes the potential energies to within 100 meV/atom (< 1.1% error, RMSE 78 meV/atom) and the forces to within 6 eV/Å (< 60% error, RMSE 0.55 eV/Å) per atom. The ANN approximated potentials and forces are used to geometry optimize CNTs and we observe that the optimized periodic CNTs match DFT calculated structures and energies while the capped CNTs result in comparable energies but incorrect structures compared to DFT calculations. Considering geometry optimization performed with ANN on CNTs the errors lie within 170 meV/atom (< 1.8% error) with an RMSE of 20 meV/atom. For the geometry optimizations of the capped CNTs the errors are within 430 meV/atom (< 5.5% error) with an RMSE of 14 meV/atom. All results are compared with empirical potentials (ReaxFF) and we find that the ANN approximated potentials are more accurate than the best tested empirical potential. This work shows that machine learning may be used to approximate DFT calculations. However, for further applications our conclusion is that the error of the estimated forces must be reduced further. Finally, we investigate the computing time (number of core hours) required and find that the ANN is about two orders of magnitude faster than DFT and three to four orders of magnitude slower than ReaxFF. For the unseen data the ANN is still around 2 orders of magnitude quicker than the DFT but here it is around 4 order of magnitude slower than ReaxFF. / <p>Supervisors: Daniel Hedman and Fredrik Sandin</p> / F7042T - Project in Engineering Physics
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Motstånd mot en organisationsförändring. : En fallstudie om den nya polismyndigheten.Dahlstrand, Luna January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Manipulering as strategie in André P. Brink se Houd-den-bekBotha, Eleanor Anna 27 March 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Afrikaans) / It has already become a generally accepted platitude to assert that the political novel under the influence of French philosophers Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus has as its aim to explicitly manipulate the concrete reader towards a "desired" attitude. "Desired" then in the sense that the reader will be persuaded by means of literary strategies to accept that particular ideological viewpoint which is communicated by the text. Research done into the aspects of historicity of Houd-den-Bek by Andre P. Brink and as it is utilized by him in the manuscript and other investigations have revealed drastic deviations from the historical facts concerning the slave rebellion during 1825 in the Koue Bokkeveld. The novel employs this chain of events as the narrative. Deviations from the factual can be related to the abstract author's will to evoke from the reader a sympathetic or antipathetic response towards figures or groups. The investigation undertaken by H.P. van Coller (1988) also mainly covered the story aspects of the text. The discursive structure of the whole work (which has not yet been fully researched), especially in relation to the manipulating role of the abstract author as the supreme text internal force, is investigated as a segment of this research project. The nature of the literary communication, namely manipulation as text strategy, which is typical of the engaged text, has been criptically traced. In this investigation the emphasis has fallen on certain manipulation strategies which is typical of the engaged text and then particularly on the compositional level, the word level and the conceptual level. Both intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics have been noted in order to establish in what way the organizing force has manifested itself in this text. It has been established that a pragmatic maneuvering is present in the manipulative proceeds of this particular novel which is directed in a clearly persuasive way. i, Finally it has been established from the reaction of literary scholars, critics and readers that a communication process did take place, that the reader was confronted with a "new" ideology. The reception investigations of critics have been employed in order to establish if the persuasive proceeds, which have been built into the structure of the text, do fulfil their referential function with the intended reader/critic as reproductive reader. Was this then so effective that the reality in Houd-den-Bek could become an emotional guilt ridden stimulus not only to the intended reader, but also to the critic. In other words: has the abstract author managed to manipulate the critic and in so doing, has he managed to influence his objective jUdgement as well. The conclusion that has been arrived at amongst other things, is that the too obvious manipulation present in the novel adversely affects it. Manipulative techniques that have been used excessively become "automatic" as a result of being over-emphasized and they therefore lose their effect. The reality model in the text has only been able to persuade the reader/critic in a limited way to become critically aware
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Klassrummets väggar ur ett matematiskt perspektiv : Vad ser eleverna för material på väggarna i klassrummet / Classroom walls from a mathematical perspective : What materials du students see on the walls of a classroomMarklund, Stina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen var att ta reda på hur eleverna och läraren använder sig av det material som sitter uppe på väggarna i deras klassrum. Undersökningens syfte preciserades till tre frågeställningar varav den första synliggör lärarens val av det uppsatta materialet i klassrummet. Den andra frågeställningen behandlar vad eleverna beskriver att de ser för material på väggarna. Den sista frågeställningen berör hur eleverna och läraren beskriver att de använder sig av det uppsatta materialet på väggarna. För att undersöka detta genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med en lärare och fem utav lärarens elever. Resultatet visade att eleverna kom ihåg en del av det material som var uppsatt på väggarna i klassrummet och vid vissa tillfällen i undervisningen använder sig de flesta av eleverna det. Läraren försökte sätta upp material som är aktuellt för tillfället och sådant som eleverna kan vara i behov av att se och ta hjälp ifrån. Resultatet visade även att den fysiska miljön påverkar elevernas inlärning och att det är viktigt som lärare att noga tänka igenom utformningen av sitt klassrum.
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Två sammanfogningar i trä : En möjlighet för den demonterbara möbelnRundqvist, Alf January 2017 (has links)
Kunskapen och utvecklingen av komplicerade träsammansättningar har lettsav japanska hantverkare. Europa har också en gammal tradition avträfogningar, främst i husbyggnation med stolpverkskonstruktion.Denna uppsats belyser två avancerade sammanfogningar i trä, fyrsidigsvanhalssammansättning och raffinerad sned skarvsammansättning. Vanligtvisanvända i byggnadskonstruktioner men i detta examensarbete är de en del aven demonterbar sittmöbel. Den ledande japanska trätraditionens historiabeskrivs kortfattat. Den mest omfattande delen i uppsatsen redovisar en möjligtillverkningsprocess för vardera sammansättning med hjälp avträbearbetningsmaskiner. Tillvägagångssättet beskrivs i text och bild.Resultaten av tillverkningen tas upp i ett kapitel och visar att det är fulltmöjligt att framställa de två olika fogningarna maskinellt, i flera antal och medbibehållen precision.Avslutningsvis diskuteras uppkomna tankar och vikten av hållbarhet och estetik.
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"Den tredje pedagogen" : En studie av "Den tredje pedagogen" i en skogsliknande utomhusmiljö på en förskolaMasic, Amira January 2012 (has links)
I denna studie behandlas synliggörandet av den pedagogiska utomhusmiljö som ReggioEmiliafilosofins pedagogiska grundsyn tillskriver ett stort värde och benämner den "Den tredje pedagogen". Syftet med denna studie är att se hur barn rör sig i en skogsliknande utomhusmiljö på en förskola under sin fria lek. Att se hur barn rör sig i en välplanerad utomhusmiljö har också tillskrivits betydelse. Barnens meningsskapande och synliggörande av "Den tredje pedagogen", spelar stor roll här. Under mitt teoretiska perspektiv kopplar jag det sociokulturella perspektivet med "Grundad teori" och styrdokument för förskolan. Utgångspunkten ligger i Reggio Emilias förhållningssätt mot barn. I observationer används tekniska hjälpmedel och den metoden som används har sina grunder i "Grundad teori". Resultatet är sammanlänkat med analyserna av elva beskrivna observationer som delvis är tolkad utifrån mina tankar, belysningar, inspirationer och observationer. Resultaten visar att "Den tredje pedagogen" (utomhusmiljön) synliggör pedagogerna för barnen och barn synliggör "Den tredje pedagogen" för barn, men barn lyckas dock inte alltid synliggöra "Den tredje pedagogen" till pedagogerna på förskolan.
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”Vårt” och ”deras” kulturarv? Svensk kulturarvspolitik 1996–2009–2016Andersson, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
Svensk kulturarvspolitik arbetar utifrån visionen för kulturmiljöarbetet 2030 att ”alla, oavsett bakgrund, ska kunna göra anspråk på vårt gemensamma kulturarv”. Vad har föranlett till den här visionen och hur har det sett ut innan? Den här studien syftar till att undersöka hur och om retoriken i det talade språket och den skrivna texten uttrycker en exkluderande eller inkluderande syn på nationellt kulturarv kopplat till identitet. Hur har synen på nationellt kulturarv sett ut och finns det en ”vi” och ”den Andre”– struktur i diskursen? Källmaterialet består av tre olika kultur- och kulturarvspropositioner under åren 1996, 2009 och 2016. Det kompletteras med utvalda intervjuer och offentliga tal från tre olika kulturministrar under samma år: Marita Ulvskog, Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth och Alice Bah Kuhnke. Metoden för studien har varit kritisk diskursanalys hämtad från Norman Fairclough. Resultatet av undersökningen diskuteras med begrepp hämtade från postkolonial teori, främst Edward Said och Homi K. Bhabha. Sökord: kulturarv, ”den Andre”, kulturarvspolitik, identitet, postkolonial, kritisk diskursanalys, kulturminister, nationalism
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Band structures of topological crystalline insulators / Bandstrukturer för topologiska kristallina isolatorerEdvardsson, Elisabet January 2018 (has links)
Topological insulators and topological crystalline insulators are materials that have a bulk band structure that is gapped, but that also have toplogically protected non-gapped surface states. This implies that the bulk is insulating, but that the material can conduct electricity on some of its surfaces. The robustness of these surface states is a consequence of time-reversal symmetry, possibly in combination with invariance under other symmetries, like that of the crystal itself. In this thesis we review some of the basic theory for such materials. In particular we discuss how topological invariants can be derived for some specific systems. We then move on to do band structure calculations using the tight-binding method, with the aim to see the topologically protected surface states in a topological crystalline insulator. These calculations require the diagonalization of block tridiagonal matrices. We finish the thesis by studying the properties of such matrices in more detail and derive some results regarding the distribution and convergence of their eigenvalues.
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Rozdělování obchodních korporací / De-merger of companiesGrohoľová, Alžběta January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to describe the complex transaction that is de-merger. It outlines the legal process of divisions, accounting and tax procedures. From the legal point of view, the main emphasis is put on the decisive date and draft terms of division. The accounting part concentrates on valuation and deferred tax. There is also a brief characterization of corporate income tax regarding divisions. The last part of this thesis describes some examples from accounting practice and their analysis and comparison.
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