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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Citizenship and Identity

Lawlor, Rachel A. January 2006 (has links)
This thesis argues that pluralism and diversity pose a more fundamental challenge to liberal constitutionalism than is sometimes recognised by liberal political theorists. While the challenges presented by moral pluralism at the philosophical level, and by cultural diversity at the socio-cultural level, have received a great deal of attention in recent political thought, the background within which these themes become salient has not always been fully acknowledged. What is new in the modern world is not so much diversity of lifestyles, but the disintegration of frameworks that traditionally provided an unproblematic basis for political authority. What this modern challenge forces us to confront then, is the idea that ‘the people’ who are subject to law, are also, as citizens, the ultimate source of political authority. I consider in detail the work of two contemporary political theorists who have provided among the most sustained and far-reaching attempts to respond to this challenge, Charles Taylor and Jürgen Habermas. Both make a significant contribution to responding to the contemporary situation of pluralism by taking on board the ‘dialogical’ nature of identity, and the role of the ‘people’ as the ultimate source of political power. However each places a heavy reliance on a privileged standpoint that may shield political judgement from the full implications of modern pluralism: Habermas, by appealing to ‘post-conventional morality’ and Taylor, by appealing to an incipient teleology.

Liberal multiculturalism and the challenge of religious diversity

De Luca, Roberto Joseph 10 February 2011 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates the recent academic consensus on liberal multiculturalism. I argue that this apparent consensus, by subsuming religious experience under the general category of culture, has rested upon undefended and contestable conceptions of modern religious life. In the liberal multicultural literature, cultures are primarily identified as sharing certain ethnic, linguistic, or geographic attributes, which is to say morally arbitrary particulars that can be defended without raising the possibility of conflict over metaphysical beliefs. In such theories, the possibility of conflict due to diverse religious principles or claims to the transcendent is either steadfastly ignored or, more typically, explained away as the expression of perverted religious faith. I argue that this conception of the relation between culture and religion fails to provide an account of liberal multiculturalism that is persuasive to religious believers on their own terms. To illustrate this failing, I begin with an examination of the Canadian policy of official multiculturalism and the constitutional design of Pierre Trudeau. I argue that the resistance of Québécois nationalists to liberal multiculturalism, as well as the conflict between the Québécois and minority religious groups within Quebec, has been animated by religious and quasi-religious claims to the transcendent. I maintain that to truly confront this basic problem of religious difference, one must articulate and defend the substantive visions of religious life that are implicit in liberal multicultural theory. To this end, I contrast the portrait of religious life and secularization that is implicit in Will Kymlicka’s liberal theory of minority rights with the recent account of modern religious life presented by Charles Taylor. I conclude by suggesting that Kymlicka’s and Taylor’s contrasting conceptions of religious difference—which are fundamentally at odds regarding the relation of the right to the good, and the diversity and nature of genuine religious belief—underline the extent to which liberal multicultural theory has reached an academic consensus only by ignoring the reality of religious diversity. / text

La construction de l’identité dans une société de la diversité. Critique du multiculturalisme de Kymlicka et de Taylor

Ono, Emiko Louise 08 1900 (has links)
Les sociétés modernes sont de plus en plus souvent confrontées aux enjeux de la diversité. Le multiculturalisme tente d’y apporter une réponse à travers un modèle de société basé sur une politique de la reconnaissance. Selon moi, l’argumentation des multiculturalistes repose sur leur conception de l’identité. C’est pourquoi, pour apporter une critique nouvelle de ce courant de pensée, j’analyse les écrits de ses principaux défenseurs, Will Kymlicka et Charles Taylor, en concentrant mon analyse sur ce qu’ils entendent par identité. Je soutiens que leur conception ne laisse pas assez de place au potentiel d’évolution et ne considère pas suffisamment l’importance et le pouvoir de la volonté individuelle dans la construction de l’identité. En m’appuyant sur l’étude d’autres auteurs, je souligne la nécessité de considérer les frontières entre le semblable et l’autre de manière plus souple et de reconnaître que la violence peut s’exercer par la création de différences entre les personnes. J’ai choisi la figure radicale de « l’homme sans qualités » de Robert Musil pour montrer comment un individu peut devenir autonome à travers un acte de destruction créatrice. Enfin, je conclus que l’État devrait favoriser ce processus, et permettre au sujet, qui est selon moi dénué d’une nature authentique, de penser son existence comme une expérience du possible. / Modern societies are increasingly confronted with the challenge of diversity. Defenders of multiculturalism responded with a model of society based on a politics of recognition. This model can be connected to a particular conception of identity. In order to make a new contribution to the critique of this approach, this work presents an analysis of the writings of two of the main proponents: Will Kymlicka and Charles Taylor. It does so by focusing on their conception of identity and argues that it does not leave enough room for change and fails to fully recognise the importance and the impact of personal will. The works of other authors are analysed in order to emphasize the need to view the boundaries between sameness and otherness in a more flexible fashion and to acknowledge that violence can attend the creation of differences between people. The figure of the “man without qualifies” portrayed by the novelist Robert Musil is offered as emblematic of how an individual can become autonomous through an act of creative destruction. Finally, it is concluded that the state should facilitate the creation of difference and this requires allowing citizens to conceive of their lives as an experience of the possible.

Recognition of Diversity: Charles Taylor's Educational Thought

Palma, Anthony 13 August 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on Charles Taylor’s educational thought with a view to understanding his contributions to the discipline of Philosophy of Education. No comprehensive study of Charles Taylor’s educational thought has been attempted. There is a single dissertation and a dozen or so published periodical articles that do take Taylor’s educational views into consideration, to be sure. Yet these studies, which limit themselves to Taylor’s account of the recognition and/or non-recognition of identity in multicultural societies, are insufficient on five accounts: i) they are indifferent to the historical nature of Taylor’s scholarly work; ii) they neglect the philosophical sources of his educational thought; iii) they fail to highlight the interconnections between the key educational themes he takes up; iv) they disregard his major critics and the dialectical tensions raised by these critics; and v) they are somewhat dated in that they do not consider his more recent scholarship. My dissertation seeks to fill these scholarly gaps. My thesis is that an inner logic is implicit in Charles Taylor’s educational thought. I argue that Taylor’s views on the modern condition, (i.e. in his readings of Descartes, Kant, Herder, and Hegel), are closely interwoven with his views on modern education, and that interconnected currents in the modern history of ideas elucidated by Taylor, (i.e. scientific rationality, exclusive humanism, and the ethics of authenticity), have contributed to the rise of, and the sensitivity toward, both the theory and the practice of the politics of recognition in contemporary educational institutions. I conclude that an education for culturally diverse minds and hearts, anchored in human, historical, and epistemological recognition, and democratically open to both immanence and transcendence, is the true calling of Taylor’s educational thought.

Vertus et limites de la critique communautarienne du libéralisme

Caron Lanteigne, Louis-Philippe 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de la critique communautarienne du libéralisme et se donne deux projets. D’abord, il s’agit de formuler une position de synthèse à partir des travaux des philosophes Charles Taylor, Michael Sandel, Alasdair MacIntyre et Michael Walzer. Cette synthèse s’articule autour de trois axes, soit ontologique, sociale et méthodologique. Le deuxième projet est d’évaluer cette position pour statuer sur son rapport au libéralisme, et, plus précisément, pour déterminer si elle est seulement une critique, une alternative, ou encore une variante à l’intérieur du libéralisme. Il est conclu que le communautarisme est réconciliable avec une certaine forme de libéralisme et que sa critique permet même de l’améliorer. / In this essay about the communitarian critique of liberalism I seek to reach two goals. First, it is to form a synthesis from the works of philosophers Charles Taylor, Michael Sandel, Alasdair MacIntyre and Michael Walzer. This synthesis is articulated through three axes: ontologicial, social and methodological. Building on this, my second objective is to assess its relation to liberalism. More specifically, I seek to determine whether communitarianism is merely a critique, an alternative or a variant of liberalism. My conclusion is that communitarianism is reconciliable with a certain form of liberalism and that its critique allows to improve it.

Ignatiansk spiritualitet i Svenska kyrkan / Ignatian spirituality in the Church of Sweden

Ejemyr, Cajsalisa January 2018 (has links)
Ignatius av Loyolas konkreta pedagogiska övningar attraherar samtidens kristna från olika samfund och i Svenska kyrkan växer intresset för den ignatianska spiritualiteten. Syftet med denna studie är att genom intervjuer, enkät och teori undersöka den ignatianska spiritualitetens framgång inom Svenska kyrkan i dag. Totalt 29 informanter har genom djupintervjuer och enkäter beskrivit sin ignatianska praktik. Informanterna i studien beskriver att den ignatianska spiritualiteten tar deras individuella erfarenheter i bruk. Detta samtidigt som syftet är att de ska förstå vad som är Guds vilja med livet. Informanterna upplever att den ignatianska spiritualiteten har gett dem möjlighet till en personlig gudsrelation samt gett dem nya pedagogiska metoder för att fördjupa sin tro och kunna se Gud i vardagen. Informanterna menar sig ha sökt en fördjupning av sin tro och att de funnit denna fördjupning genom den ignatianska spiritualiteten. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgörs av religionsfilosofen Charles Taylors teori om ”den subjektiva vändningen”, Linda Woodhead och Paul Heelas ”subjektiveringsteori” samt Karin Johannesons pastoralteologiska reflektion om andlig träning i en luthersk kontext. Taylor menar att kulturen i väst genomgått ett stort skifte som innebär att yttre auktoriteter förlorar i betydelse och den enskildes inre istället blir den främsta auktoritetskällan. Woodhead och Heelas subjektiveringsteori menar att människors immanenta gudstro växer i väst medan den transcendenta gudstron avtar och Johannesson presenterar tre viktiga kännetecken för andlig träning i en luthersk kontext. Hon menar att en sådan bör vara anti-individualistisk, ta sig uttryck i vardagen och sätta den fördjupade gudsrelationen i centrum I min studie blir Charles Taylors teori om den subjektiva vändningen synlig. Den ignatianska spiritualiteten talar till det personliga subjektet men förankrar praktiken i den kristna traditionen. Woodhead och Heelas subjektiveringsteori har jag funnit visst stöd för, men något som skiljer sig från teorin är att Gud som auktoritet inte förkastas. Ett intressant resultat som empirin visar är att informanterna uppskattar de auktoritära drag som spiritualiteten bär på. Studiens samlade bild av den ignatianska spiritualitetens funktion är i linje med Johannessons beskrivning av en anti-individualistisk andlighet, som tar sig uttryck i vardagen och som sätter den fördjupade gudsrelationen i centrum. Informanterna upplever att Ignatius pedagogiska metoder kan vara ett sätt att ge svenskkyrkliga handfast ledning i konsten att fördjupa sin tro på ett sätt som är i linje med luthersk teologi. Studien visar att metoderna fungerar väl i senmodernitetens subjektiva vändning utan att Gud som auktoritet överges.

Integration bortom det sekulära : En teoretisk undersökning av integrationsbegreppet / Integration beyond the secular : A theoretical study of the concept of integration

Söderberg, Per-Erik January 2017 (has links)
Undersökningen syftar till att utforska en postsekulär variant av integrationsbegreppet, genom att kritiskt granska aktuell forskning om integration. Detta genom ett explorativt begreppsstudium som primär metodologisk ansats, ett allmänt litteraturstudium som sekundär ansats, samt ett intersektionellt perspektiv som komplementär teoretisk ansats. Undersökningens postsekulära teoretiska ramverk utgörs av Zygmunt Baumans teori om flytande modernitet, Charles Taylors teori om den dialogiska funktionen, och Seyla Benhabibs teori om deliberativ demokrati. Undersökningen visar på fem centrala dimensioner av det postsekulära integrationsbegreppet; (i) mer än enbart religion, (ii) förändrade maktförhållanden och villkor, (iii) intersektionalitet, (iv) samtida aktivism, och slutligen (v) ideal och visioner. Den första dimensionen syftar till att problematisera den vetenskapliga debatten om postsekularitet, och påpeka dess ensidiga betoning på religion och religiositet i relation till sekulära samhällen. Den andra dimensionen syftar till att undersöka maktförhållanden och villkor, med grund i historiska, ekonomiska, sociala och globala faktorer. En tredje dimension belyser den mänskliga identitetens komplexitet och dess transformation, utifrån maktrelationer och tillhörighetskategorier. Den fjärde dimensionen som trädde fram accentuerade begrepp som deliberativ demokrati, omförhandling, försoning och solidaritet. Fokus lades främst på socialt engagemang och gräsrotsinitiativ som former av aktivism. Den femte och avslutande dimensionen anspelar på idealets och visionernas betydelse, och hur dessa träder fram i samtida sekulär kontext. Med grund i undersökningens resultat, är det möjligt att påvisa hur traditionella förståelser av integrationsbegreppet framträder som otillräckliga och kontraproduktiva i strävan efter jämlik och inkluderande integration. / The purpose of this study is to explore a postsecular alternative to the concept of integration, through a critical examination of current research on integration. This is achieved through an explorative conceptual study as the primary method, a general literature study as the subordinate method, and an intersectional perspective as a complementary theoretical approach. The postsecular theoretical framework of this thesis consists of Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of liquid modernity, Charles Taylor’s theory of the dialogical function, and Seyla Benhabib’s theory of deliberative democracy. The study presents five central features of the postsecular concept of integration as being; (i) more than just religion, (ii) change in power relations and conditions, (iii) intersectionality, (iv) contemporary activism, and lastly (v) ideals and visions. The first feature aims to scrutinize the scientific postsecular debate, and point out its one-sided emphasis on religion and religiosity in relation to secular societies. The second feature aims to examine power relations and conditions, constituted by historical, economic, social and global factors. A third feature illuminates the complexity and transformation of identity, with regards to power relations and categories of belonging. The fourth feature which appeared in the study emphasized concepts like deliberative democracy, renegotiation, reconciliation and solidarity. The focal point being social commitment and grassroots- levels of initiatives as forms of activism. The fifth and concluding feature refers to the significance of ideals and visions and how these appear in contemporary secular context. Based on this study, it is possible to claim how traditional understandings of the concept of integration appear inadequate and counterproductive in the endeavor of an equal and inclusive integration.

Att erkänna barnet som teologiskt subjekt : Childism, asymmetri och Axel Honneths erkännandeteori / To Recognize the Child as a Theological Subject : Childism, Asymmetry and Axel Honneth’s Theory on Recognition

Johansson, Katarina January 2021 (has links)
Questions concerning children's rights and children's place in society have been on the agenda for some decades now. Parallell to this movement questions about children's place in the bible, in the church and in systematic theology have entered the academical conversation. This paper attempts to find a method to investigate whether systematic theology as we know it, has the tools to address these new questions. Axel Honneth's theory on recognition will be important, since the three levels of recognitions he describes are designed to point out the difference between rights and solidarity, between formal recognition and the recognition that sprouts from genuine intrest in shared experience.  The thougths from Honneth are combined with John Wall's argumentation on seeing the child as a full humna being, as a subject. Risto Saarinen's discussion on asymmetrical relations, adds an important perspective. From these three theories, a method is formulated for putting the child in focus on the theological agenda. The gain is not only the recognition of a neglected group, measured to one third of humankind. The new viewpiont shreds its light upon questions important to all of us. The method is a systematic theological tool both useful for pointing out inconsistencies and to suggest solutions to the very same problems.  In the final discussion I show how this could be done by adressing the children's place in the postmodern family project, described by Katarina Westerlund, and children as liturgical leaders with the help of Karin Rubensson's thesis.

Conceptions of God and narratives of modernity : a hermeneutical interpretation of Charles Taylor's A Secular Age

Guyver, Jennifer January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Antropologická kritika liberalismu u Charlese Taylora / Charles Taylor's anthropological critique of liberalism

Boudal, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The thesis presents Charles Taylor's conception of liberalism where the negative concept of liberty is rooted in a positive moral ideal of authenticity. First of all, both the main motivations which led liberals to defend the pure negative concept of liberty and Taylor's claim that these motivations all depend on the atomistic ontology is examined. Later, this atomistic basis is refuted and Taylor's holistic approach is offered which relies mainly on concepts of the personal identity and of the so called strong evaluation. Following this, concept of authenticity is presented as the implicit ideal of modern identity. Authenticity is interpreted as a pluralistic moral ideal appreciating uniqueness although containing some general moral demands. The thesis also shows that such a concept of authenticity presupposes negative liberty. Finally, some political consequences of such a liberal theory are provided.

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