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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Échos sadiens dans la littérature contemporaine : énoncé d’une nouvelle économie politique / Sadean echoes in contemporary literature : statement of a new political economy

Steiner, Liza 28 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail interroge les points de convergence existant entre l’œuvre du Marquis de Sade et celle d’un corpus d’écrivains contemporains : Tony Duvert, Catherine Millet, Aldo Busi, Elfriede Jelinek, James Graham Ballard, Bret Easton Ellis, Don DeLillo et Nelly Arcan. En effet, l’hypothèse surgie de la scène sadienne alliant sexualité et économie trouve un écho dans la littérature contemporaine. Mais la structure sociale, libérale et individualiste, qui s’y trouve décrite, engage des protocoles de lecture différents. De la posture élitaire de libertins sadiens mettant en danger les fondements de la société, au nivellement démocratique impliquant un nouveau conformisme, se joue une mutation des rapports intersubjectifs. En nous livrant des personnages soumis à la tyrannie du consumérisme, les auteurs de ce corpus redéfinissent l’économie des passions et de la jouissance. De la numération des partenaires à une production sexuelle devenue production économique, notre corpus fait valoir le désir comme un analyseur social des nouveaux rapports de violence. Si les stratégies narratives de nos auteurs varient, les gestes d’écriture concourent tous à déjouer ce nouvel Éros mortifère. / This work studies the ground shared by the work of the Marquis de Sade and a corpus of works by contemporary writers : Tony Duvert, Catherine Millet, Aldo Busi, Elfriede Jelinek, James Graham Ballard, Bret Easton Ellis, Don DeLillo and Nelly Arcan. Sade’s hypothesis of a combination of sexuality and economy finds echoes in contemporary literature. But the social, liberal and individualistic structure which such literature describes entails different reading protocols. From the elitist posture of Sadian libertines, which endangers the society’s foundations, to democratic leveling, which involves a new conformism, we can see a mutation of the intersubjective relations in progress. The authors of this corpus redefine the economy of passion and the economy of enjoyment by presenting us with characters subjected to the tyranny of consumerism. From the enumeration of sexual partners to a sexual production turned into economic production, our corpus highlights desire as a mode of analysis of new violence within society. The authors in our corpus may not use the same narrative strategies, but their respective ways of writing all contribute to defeating this deadly new Eros.

La figure du posthumain : pour une approche transmédiale / The Posthuman figure : For a transmediale approach

Mérard, Aurélien 19 October 2018 (has links)
Ce travail s’attache à étudier les figures de la posthumanité en s’appuyant sur un corpus transmédial et transnational et à répondre à deux questions principales : Peut-on, au travers de la figure du posthumain, percer à jour les désirs et les angoisses de l'homme de ce millénaire encore naissant ? Comment l'expérience de pensée posthumaine, mise en mouvement par la fiction, questionne-t-elle la notion même d'humanité ? Dans un premier temps, il met en relief les liens existant entre la posthumanité et ce territoire homogène et récurrent dans le corpus, qu’on nommera à la suite d'Antonio Negri et Michael Hardt, l’Empire. Dans un second temps il s’intéresse à la plasticité du corps et de l’esprit posthumains, à la façon dont leurs multiples avatars se déploient à travers le temps ainsi qu’aux raisons qui sous-tendent cette extrême plasticité. Enfin, dans un dernier mouvement, il s’attelle à montrer que, loin de s’inscrire dans un imaginaire radicalement nouveau, le post-humain procède en fait du réagencement ou de la reconfiguration d’un imaginaire anthropologique déjà bien ancré dans l’inconscient collectif. / This work focus on the study of the posthuman figures. It is based on a transmedial and transnational corpus. It seeks to answer two key questions : can we expose, through the posthuman figure, the desires and the anguishes of this still rising millennium’s man ? How the posthuman thought experiment, set into motion by the fiction, challenge the very concept of humanity ? As a first step, this work emphasizes on the links that exist between posthumanity and this homogeneous and reccuring, in our fictions, territory that Antonio Negri and Micharl Hardt call Empire. Then, it’s interested in the plasticity of the posthuman bodies and minds, in the way that their numerous avatars expand through time as well as the reasons that underlie this extreme plasticity. Lastly, he tries to show that the posthuman do not fall into a dramatic new imagination, but that it proceeds, in fact, of the reordering or the reconfiguration of a anthropological imagination already well rooted in the collective unconscious.

Narrer une vie, dire la vérité ˸ la biofiction contemporaine / Narrating a life, telling the truth ˸ the contemporary biofiction / Narrare una vita, dire la verità ˸ la biofiction contemporanea

Mongelli, Marco 29 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’analyser un phénomène littéraire contemporain et transnational : la biofiction. La recherche associe une étude historique et littéraire de la pratique de la biographie, une analyse théorique dont elle est investie par la fiction, et une réflexion critique et comparative pour les textes spécifiques contemporains.Une taxinomie des nombreuses et différentes formes du biographique littéraire s’accompagne d’une description des poétiques spécifiques de la biofiction et d’une analyse de ses enjeux littéraires comme de ses implications extra-littéraires (historiques, sociologiques, philosophiques et même politiques) afin d’évaluer sa teneur épistémologique en tant que catégorie interprétative du réel.D'un point de vue méthodologique, le travail croise l’étude de l'évolution historique du genre biographique avec celle de la naissance et du développement de formes hybrides dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, en Occident : la combinaison de ces deux recherches (biographie et fiction) vise à retracer une généalogie spécifique pour ce nouveau genre (ou sous-genre) qu’est la biofiction, et ainsi à identifier des textes pionniers, qui anticipent une certaine poétique ou tension esthétique dominante dans la production contemporaine. De plus, cette recherche met en place une analyse comparative de ces textes selon différents critères textuels, à la lumière des instruments, en devenir constant, de la narratologie. En particulier, la thèse se concentre sur le concept de narrateur afin de pouvoir reconnaitre et étudier les différentes typologies de narrateur-biographe présents dans le texte. En interrogeant sa place et ses fonctions dans le texte, il est possible d’identifier les raisons de l’usage du biographique dans les récits contemporains et de vérifier de quelle manière il tente de dire une vérité précise sur un homme particulier.Comme en témoigne le titre de cette thèse, le nœud spécifique qui lie la narration d’une vie et l’énonciation d’une vérité à propos de cette vie représente le cœur de notre chantier de recherche, la clé avec laquelle analyser les œuvres dans leur spécificité et évaluer la façon de concevoir la reconstruction d’une identité et d’une mémoire individuelle et collective, publique et privée. / This thesis aims to analyse a contemporary and transnational literary phenomenon: biofiction. The dissertation combines a historical interest in the practice of biography, with a theoretical and analytical perspective for the way in which biographical accounts were invested by fiction, and a critical and comparative attention for specific contemporary texts. A taxonomy proposal of the many different forms of literary biographies is accompanied by the desire to describe the poetics of contemporary biofiction, its literary challenges and its extra-literary implications (historiographical, sociological, philosophical, political): the aim is to evaluate the epistemological and heuristic consistency of biofiction as an interpretative category of reality.From a methodological point of view, the analyses of the millennial evolution of the biographical is followed by the study of the birth and development of hybrid forms in the second half of the twentieth century, in the West, with the purpose of tracing a specific genealogy of the biofictional genre, taking into account the pioneering texts, those that anticipate a certain poetic or dominant aesthetic tension. Subsequently, the work proposes a comparative analysis of some contemporary texts, above all Italian and French, based on different textual criteria and through the tools of narratology. Firstly, the hybrid character, between document and invention, of biofiction (and therefore the coexistence of referential materials and fictional techniques) is evaluated; at the same time, special attention is given to the narrative voice: by questioning the place that it occupies within the story and analysing its function, it is possible to grasp the reasons for the use of biographical discourse in contemporary récits, and at the same time to verify how these kind of narratives try to say a precise and original truth about a particular man.As underlined by the title of the thesis, the specific connection that links the life narrative and the expression of a truth about that life is the heart of this research, the key to analysing biofictional works in their specificity and its ways of conceiving the reconstruction of a particular identity and of individual and collective, public and private memory. / Questa tesi intende analizzare un fenomeno letterario contemporaneo e transnazionale: la biofiction. Il lavoro combina un interesse storico per la pratica della biografia, uno teorico e analitico per la maniera con cui essa è stata investita dalla fiction, e uno critico e comparativo per i testi specifici contemporanei. Uno sforzo di tassonomia delle molte e diverse forme del biografico letterario si accompagna alla volontà di descrivere le poetiche particolari della biofiction contemporanea, le sue sfide letterarie e le sue implicazioni extra-letterarie (storiografiche, sociologiche, filosofiche, politiche): il fine è di valutare la consistenza epistemologica ed euristica della biofiction in quanto categoria interpretativa del reale.Da un punto di vista metodologico il lavoro incrocia lo studio dell’evoluzione millenaria del genere biografico con quello sulla nascita e lo sviluppo delle forme ibride nella seconda metà del XX secolo, in Occidente, con l’obiettivo di rintracciare una genealogia specifica del genere biofinzionale e di identificarne i testi pionieri, quelli che anticipano una determinata poetica o tensione estetica oggi dominante. In seguito, il lavoro propone un’analisi comparativa di alcuni testi contemporanei, soprattutto italiani e francesi, sulla base di criteri testuali diversi e attraverso gli strumenti della narratologia. In primo luogo, si è valutato il carattere ibrido, tra documento e invenzione, della biofiction (e quindi la coesistenza di materiali referenziali e di tecniche finzionali); allo stesso tempo, particolare rilevanza ha assunto il concetto di narratore: interrogando il posto che occupa nel racconto e analizzando la sua funzione è infatti possibile cogliere le ragioni dell’uso del biografico nei récits contemporanei, e insieme verificare in quale maniera essi cercano di dire una verità precisa e originale su un uomo particolare. Come testimonia il titolo della tesi, il nodo specifico che lega la narrazione di una vita e l’enunciazione di una verità a proposito di quella vita rappresenta il cuore della ricerca, la chiave con la quale analizzare le opere nella loro specificità e valutarne il modo di concepire la ricostruzione di un’identità particolare e di una memoria individuale e collettiva, pubblica e privata.

I Am an Author: Performing Authorship in Literary Culture

Greene, Justin R 01 January 2018 (has links)
Authorship is not merely an act of putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard; it is a social identity performance that includes the use of multiple media. Authors must be hyper- visible to cut through the dearth of information, entertainment options, and personae vying for attention in our supersaturated media environment. As they enter the literary world, writers consciously create characters and narratives around themselves, and through the consistent and believable enactment of these features, authors are born. In this dissertation, I analyze the performance of authorship in U.S. literary culture through an interdisciplinary framework. My work pulls from authorship studies, performance studies, celebrity/persona studies, and sociological studies of art to uncover how writers create and disseminate their authorial identities. The writers used in this project embody four types of authorial identity: Jonathan Franzen as the professional artist, David Foster Wallace as the Romantic genius, Tao Lin as the digital eccentric, and Roxane Gay as the Intersectional Feminist. These writers flirt with popular recognition, but they remain tied firmly to the serious, or in a Bourdieuvian sense, restricted area of cultural production. As my case studies progress, I highlight how print, audio/visual, and digital media are used or not used by these writers as sites for their performances. I claim that as writers develop their characters on such digital platforms as Twitter and Tumblr that they are more accepting of the validity of digital authorship. However, this acceptance is diminished by the dominant role print media have in the conceptions of authorship. The varying ways literary tradition, media, and celebrity intersect are brought to the forefront in these examples, shedding light on the need for larger conceptions of authorship in the literary world. My interpretation of authorship as social identity performance broadens a relatively restrictive and, in many ways, stagnant area, adding nuance to how literary culture actively works to maintain and dilute the value of one of its most prominent features.

Manuel Brunet i Solà (1889-1956). El periodisme d'idees al servei de la "veritat personal"

Montero Aulet, Francesc 28 October 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with the intellectual biography of the writer and journalist Manuel Brunet (Vic, 1889, Figueres, 1956). It reconstructs the life and professional studies of the author, and the most important facets of his literature and journalism. In addition, it examines his literary texts. A special emphasis has been placed on the study of journalistic production of Brunet and on the analysis of the professional profile of the author. Examination and assessment of its production has been accurate, including a classification of the items and a comparison of his journalistic style with that of other contemporary authors, both Catalan (Josep Pla and Joseph M. de Sagarra), French (Charles Maurras and Léon Daudet) and English (GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc). The latter part of the work analysises the condition of "victor won" of Manuel Brunet after the Spanish Civil War, and how this author is an example of a whole generation of conservative Catalan nationalist witers who lived a difficult situation after the conflict. / Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda la biografia intel•lectual de l’escriptor i periodista Manuel Brunet (Vic, 1889-Figueres 1956). Reconstrueix la trajectòria vital i professional de l’autor i estudia les facetes més rellevants de la seva producció literària i periodística. A més s’hi analitzen els seus textos literaris. S’ha posat especial èmfasi en l’estudi de la producció periodística de Brunet, així com en l’anàlisi del perfil professional de l’autor. L’examen i valoració de la seva producció ha estat detinguda, amb l’agrupació dels articles per àmbits temàtics i la comparació del seu estil amb el d’altres autors contemporanis, tant catalans (Josep Pla i Josep M. de Sagarra) com francesos (Charles Maurras i Léon Daudet) i anglesos (G. K. Chesterton i Hilaire Belloc). A l’última part del treball, s’aborda l’anàlisi de la condició de “vencedor vençut” de Manuel Brunet després de la guerra, i la forma com aquest autor és exemple de tota una generació d’escriptors catalanistes conservadors que van viure una situació complicada després del conflicte.

La mise en éclats de l’héritage chez Lydie Salvayre

Vaillancourt, Noémie 11 1900 (has links)
Très peu d’études ont été consacrées à l’œuvre de la romancière française Lydie Salvayre, dont le premier roman a paru en 1990. Il me semble pertinent de me pencher plus sérieusement sur son travail, qui manifeste une véritable exigence d’écriture. Un trait de l’œuvre de Salvayre m’intéresse plus spécifiquement : son rapport à l’héritage. J’envisage ce rapport à la fois dans la thématique, dans l’écriture et dans la forme de deux de ses romans, soient La Puissance des mouches (1995) et La Méthode Mila (2005). Dans chacun de ces deux romans, le narrateur a un rapport trouble à la fois avec son héritage familial et avec son héritage culturel, plus spécialement celui de la philosophie et de la satire classiques. Tiraillé entre le monde du quotidien (trivial) et le monde des idées (sublime), le personnage cherche une issue : il cherche comment vivre. Dans La Puissance des mouches, le narrateur voue une haine à son père et avoue un amour pour Pascal. Dans La Méthode Mila, il est déchiré entre sa mère sénile dont il a la charge et Descartes dont il est obsédé. J’étudierai comment se vit cette déchirure et comment le texte la travaille. La façon dont l’auteure met l’héritage en éclats — elle pastiche, bouscule, malmène, détourne les classiques — n’a rien du respect servile. Cette manière d’hériter, de rompre avec l’évidence d’une continuité avec le passé, pose une question essentielle : comment hériter aujourd’hui, et pourquoi ? / Few studies have examined the work of the French novelist Lydie Salvayre, whose first novel was published in 1990. It seems appropriate to look more seriously into her work, which shows a genuine demand of writing. One part of the work of Salvayre interests me more specifically: its relation to inheritance. I consider this relation in the themes, the writing and the form of her novels La Puissance des mouches (1995) and La Méthode Mila (2005). In each of these two novels, the narrator has a troubled relationship with both his family heritage and his cultural heritage, especially that of philosophy and classical satire. Torn between the everyday world (trivial) and the world of ideas (sublime), the character is looking for a way out: he wonders how to live. In La Puissance des mouches, the narrator is possessed with hatred for his father and confesses love for Pascal. In La Méthode Mila, he is torn between a senile mother at his charge and an obsession for Descartes. I will study how this breach is lived and how the text labors it. The way the author highlights the concept of legacy—it pastiche, shakes, bullies, away classics—leaves no amount of servile compliance. This way to inherit, to break with the evidence of continuity with the past, poses a fundamental question: how does one inherit today, and why?

Une littérature sous tension : poétique du fragmentaire dans l'oeuvre de Pierre Michon

Riva, Magali 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la poétique du fragmentaire dans trois ouvrages de Pierre Michon, soit "Trois auteurs", "Maîtres et serviteurs" et "Corps du roi". Plus qu’une préoccupation d’ordre formel, le fragmentaire y apparaît avant tout comme un champ de tensions, qui se manifeste à la fois sur le plan narratif, discursif et énonciatif. Une approche essentiellement poétique, à la jonction de la linguistique, de la rhétorique et de la narratologie, permet de réfléchir au fragmentaire dans ses effets, mais aussi dans ses affects. La recherche s’articule autour de trois grands axes : la généricité, la discontinuité et la représentation. Dans un premier temps, le fragmentaire est abordé par le prisme de la généricité, qui se traduit, dans l’œuvre de Michon, par une oscillation constante entre le biographique et le romanesque. La tension entre continuité et discontinuité est ensuite étudiée : marquée par les répétitions et variations, elle se manifeste à la fois sur le plan formel (le recueil) et stylistique (la syntaxe, les figures de style). Cette tension est également à comprendre sur le plan temporel, par une prédilection pour l’instant plutôt que pour la durée. Finalement, ce mémoire interroge la répercussion du fragmentaire sur la notion de représentation, qui subit alors un infléchissement : le récit n’est plus envisagé comme représentation, mais comme figuration, cette notion étant à comprendre à la fois comme posture énonciative et dans son rapport à l’image. La figuration est étudiée à partir des scènes romanesques essaimées dans les récits du corpus. / This thesis focuses on the poetics of the fragmentary in the work of Pierre Michon ("Trois auteurs", "Maîtres et serviteurs" and "Corps du roi"). More than a concern of a formal nature, the fragmentariness is first and foremost an area of tensions, revealed through narrative, discursive and enunciative schemes. A poetic approach, at the junction of linguistic, rhetoric and narratology, enables to reflect on the fragmentariness in its effects, but also in its affects. The research is structured around three axes : genericity, discontinuity and representation. The fragmentariness is first discussed through the lens of the genericity which, in the work of Michon, constantly oscillate between the biographical and the novelistic. The tension between continuity and discontinuity is then studied. Marked by repetitions and variations, this tension presents itself in the formal and stylistic forms. It is also to be understood on a temporal level, with a preference for instantaneity rather than for continuity. Finally, this thesis questions the impact of the fragmentariness on the notion of representation, which undergoes a reorientation : the story is no longer considered as a representation, but as a figuration, which is to be understood both as an enunciative position and in its relation to image. The figuration will be studied from the scenes punctuating Michon’s work.

The poetics and politics of liminality : new transcendentalism in contemporary American women's writing

O'Rourke, Teresa January 2017 (has links)
By setting the writings of Etel Adnan, Annie Dillard, Marilynne Robinson and Rebecca Solnit into dialogue with those of the New England Transcendentalists, this thesis proposes a New Transcendentalism that both reinvigorates and reimagines Transcendentalist thought for our increasingly intersectional and deterritorialized contemporary context. Drawing on key re-readings by Stanley Cavell, George Kateb and Branka Arsić, the project contributes towards the twenty-first-century shift in Transcendentalist scholarship which seeks to challenge the popular image of New England Transcendentalism as uncompromisingly individualist, abstract and ultimately the preserve of white male privilege. Moreover, in its identification and examination of an interrelated poetics and politics of liminality across these old and new Transcendentalist writings, the project also extends the scope of a more recent strain of Transcendentalist scholarship which emphasises the dialogical underpinnings of the nineteenth-century movement. The project comprises three central chapters, each of which situates New Transcendentalism within a series of vertical and lateral dialogues. The trajectory of my chapters follows the logic of Emerson s ever-widening circles , in that each takes a wider critical lens through which to explore the dialogical relationship between my four writers and the New England Transcendentalists. In Chapter 1 the focus is upon anthropological theories of liminality; in Chapter 2 upon feminist interventions within psychoanalysis; and in Chapter 3 upon the revisionary work of Post-West criticism. In keeping with the dialogical analogies that inform this project throughout, the relationship examined within this thesis between Adnan, Dillard, Robinson and Solnit and the nineteenth-century Transcendentalists is understood as itself reciprocal, in that it not only demonstrates how my four contemporary writers may be read productively in the light of their New England forebears, but also how those readings in turn invite us to reconsider our understanding of those earlier thinkers.

La traduction de l'essai poétique : domaine Français-Italien. / Translating the Poetical Essay : franco-Italian Domain

Celot, Alberto 31 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but l’analyse du discours de l’essai poétique et des moyens qui permettent sa traduction du français à l’italien. Elle s’articule en trois phases: - étude de l’essai poétique dans une perspective diachronique (son histoire et sa constitution en genre littéraire) et synchronique (sa forme) ;- analyse de ce qui rend l’essai poétique, tant du point de vue de l’auteur que du point de vue du lecteur ;- examen de la notion de traduction pragmatique et de traduction littéraire telles qu’elles sont proposées par la Théorie Interprétative de la traduction et l‘application de cette dernière aux traductions de deux essais de Predrag Matvejevitch. La démarche est moins prescriptive que descriptive : c’est la compréhension des mécanismes qui président à la construction et à la communication du sens qui est privilégiée. C’est de cette manière que l’on pourra percevoir les possibilités expressives du discours de l’essai et pénétrer un peu dans ce prodige qu’est la communication interlinguistique réalisée par le traducteur. / The purpose of my research is to study the poetical essay and the processes and conceptual tools specifically involved in the translation from French to Italian. The dissertation consists of three parts:- A study of the “poetical essay” from both a diachronic perspective (its historical emergence and success as an autonomous literary genre) and a synchronic standpoint (its form); - An analysis of what makes the essay “poetical” both from the author’s and the reader’s viewpoint.- An examination of the notions of “pragmatic translation” and “literary translation” as formulated in the Interpretive Theory of Translation and the application of the latter to the study of two selected poetical essays by Predrag Matvejević.My research is more concerned with description than with prescription. It primarily aims at understanding the mechanisms of construction and transmission of meaning. Hence it will be possible to grasp the expressive potentialities of the poetical essay, and to delve into the quintessence of inter-linguistic communication, as it takes place in translation.

Futebol e cultura de massa em Maracanã, adeus: onze contos de futebol: sociedade brasileira pós-64 / Soccer and mass culture in By,by, soccer - eleven football stories: Brazilian society post-64

Fernando Ferreira Mello 24 November 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a leitura sociocultural do Brasil pós-64 feita por Edilberto Coutinho através das narrativas do livro Maracanã, Adeus e, tendo como base os postulados mais recentes da Teoria da Literatura, procurar identificar as contribuições literárias, históricas, sociológicas e antropológicas deixadas pelo autor em sua narrativa. O estudo procurará demonstrar determinadas minúcias do comportamento do brasileiro e de sua sociedade pelo viés futebolístico, pensando o futebol como Esporte Nacional e elemento dessa cultura. Procurará também apresentar mecanismos de controle social e cultural exercidos durante esse período pelos governos militares e, principalmente, a maneira escolhida pelo escritor para apresentar esse poder. Esta pesquisa privilegia o estudo das técnicas contemporâneas de escrever e das possíveis inovações estilísticas introduzidas no conjunto dos contos e busca contextualizar a escolha do autor pelo conto enquanto gênero literário. E com todo rigor científico comprovar a importância de Edilberto Coutinho no cenário literário brasileiro / The present work proposes to analyse the reading sociocultural of Brazil post64 done by Edilberto Coutinho through the narratives of the book By, by Soccer and, having like a base the most recent postulates of the Theory of Literature, look for identify the literary contributions, historical, sociological and anthropological left by the author in his narrative. The study will look for to show determinate minúcias of the Brazilian and of his society by the soccer bias, thinking the soccer like National Sport and element of his culture. It will look for also present mechanisms of social and cultural control exerted during this period by military governments and, mainly, the way chosen by the writer to present this power. This investigation privilegia the study of the contemporary tachnicians to white and of the possible stylistic innovations entered in the group of the tales and research contextualise the election of the author by the tale while literary gender. And with all scientific rigour check the importance of Edilberto Coutinho in the literary stage Brazilian

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