Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DEFINITION"" "subject:"[enn] DEFINITION""
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Editing the independent, digital feature film, mosaicMcMillan, Matthew Christopher January 2007 (has links)
The production of the independent, digital feature film titled Mosaic was performed on a very low budget. The design and implementation of the post-production of the film required consideration of budgetary constraints, and solutions to these constraints that would still allow the creative freedom of the editor and the director. The technical design was based around digital filmmaking technology. The choice of this technology influenced how the editor was able to address aesthetic and technical challenges.
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Subjective definitions of substance abuse problems does age matter? /Bozzelli, Elizabeth Katherine. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.G.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Sociology and Gerontology, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-49).
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Νοσηρότητα μετά από ελαφρές κρανιοεγκεφαλικές κακώσειςΣπίνος, Παναγιώτης 28 February 2013 (has links)
Η συχνότητα εμφάνισης του μεταδιασεισικού συνδρόμου μετά από ελαφρές κρανιοεγκεφαλικές κακώσεις στις ανεπτυγμένες χώρες κυμαίνεται από 40% έως 80% κατά τις πρώτες εβδομάδες μετά τον τραυματισμό. Ωστόσο, σχεδόν το 50% των ασθενών αναφέρουν συμπτώματα έως και 3 μήνες μετά και το 10-15% από αυτούς για περισσότερο από ένα χρόνο. Οι ελαφρές κρανιοεγκεφαλικές κακώσεις και το μεταδιασεισικό σύνδρομο αποτελούν σοβαρό πρόβλημα δημόσιας υγείας, μιας και το ποσοστό επαγγελματικής ανικανότητας που οφείλεται σε αυτά εκτιμάται από 12% για 2 μήνες έως και 20% για 1 χρόνο, με τον αντίστοιχο οικονομικό και κοινωνικό αντίκτυπο. Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι να προσδιοριστούν τα χαρακτηριστικά και να εκτιμηθεί η συχνότητα εμφάνισης του μεταδιασεισικού συνδρόμου σε έναν ενήλικο ελληνικό πληθυσμό, ταυτόχρονα με την καταγραφή των δημογραφικών στοιχείων και των παραμέτρων που αφορούν αποκλειστικά στις ελαφρές κρανιοεγκεφαλικές κακώσεις στην ίδια πληθυσμιακή ομάδα.
Υλικό-Μέθοδοι: Η προοπτική αυτή μελέτη πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Πανεπιστημιακό Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Πατρών, στη Δυτική Ελλάδα. Η συλλογή των ασθενών με ελαφρά κρανιοεγκεφαλική κάκωση ξεκίνησε τον Μάιο του 2006 και ολοκληρώθηκε τον Μάιο του 2008. Πεντακόσιοι τριάντα εννέα ασθενείς με ελαφρές κρανιοεγκεφαλικές κεφαλής συμπεριλήφθηκαν με τυχαία διαλογή στην μελέτη. Συνολικά, 223 ασθενείς (223/539: 41,5%) (άνδρες 63% και γυναίκες 37%) πληρούσαν τα κριτήρια του "Colorado Medical Society Guidelines" για τον καθορισμό της διάσεισης, με μέση ηλικία τα 30 έτη (εύρος: 18.5-57.5). Η παρακολούθηση των ασθενών συνεχίστηκε μέσω τηλεφωνικών συνεντεύξεων στους 1, 3 και 6 μήνες μετα-τραυματικά, οπότε ρωτήθηκαν εάν εμφάνισαν οποιοδήποτε από τα κοινά μεταδιασεισικά συμπτώματα (ICD-10 κριτήρια).
Αποτελέσματα: Το ποσοστό του μεταδιασεισικού συνδρόμου στο τέλος του πρώτου, του τρίτου και του έκτου μήνα μετά τον τραυματισμό υπολογίστηκε σε 10,3%, 6%, και 0,9%, αντίστοιχα, δηλαδή 4-8 φορές μικρότερο σε σχέση με τις άλλες μελέτες. Το μεταδιασεισικό σύνδρομο βρέθηκε να είναι συχνότερο μεταξύ των γυναικών (17%) και μεταξύ των ατόμων με αιμορραγική διάθεση (26%), σε σύγκριση με τους άνδρες και τους ασθενείς χωρίς διαταραχές πήξεως, αντίστοιχα. Επιπλέον, το μεταδιασεισικό σύνδρομο παρατηρήθηκε σε υψηλότερα ποσοστά σε ανθρώπους που υπέστησαν επίθεση ή κακοποίηση, σε σύγκριση με άλλου είδους ατυχήματα καθώς και σε ασθενείς με μετατραυματική ανοσμία. .
Συμπεράσματα: Τα αποτελέσματά μας βρίσκονται σε αντίθεση με προηγούμενες μελέτες άλλων ανεπτυγμένων χωρών, όπου η συχνότητα εμφάνισης του μεταδιασεισικού συνδρόμου ήταν αξιοσημείωτα υψηλή. Οι πολιτιστικές διαφορές όσον αφορά στα προσδοκώμενα συμπτώματα μετά την κάκωση, οι διαφορές στο νομικό πλαίσιο και το ασφαλιστικό καθεστώς μεταξύ των χωρών και η έλλειψη αξίωσης αποζημίωσης, θα μπορούσαν να εξηγήσουν το χαμηλό ποσοστό των χρόνιων συμπτωμάτων στους Έλληνες.
Από όσο είμαστε σε θέση να γνωρίζουμε, αυτή είναι η πρώτη προοπτική μελέτη για τον καθορισμό της επίπτωσης του μεταδιασεισικού συνδρόμου σε Έλληνες ενήλικες και η πρώτη που καταγράφει δημογραφικά στοιχεία και παραμέτρους που να αφορούν αποκλειστικά στις ελαφρές κρανιοεγκεφαλικές κακώσεις.
Τα συμπεράσματα αυτά , εάν επιβεβαιωθούν από μεγαλύτερες σειρές, θα μπορούσαν να εγείρουν ερωτήματα , όπως π.χ. ποιοι ασθενείς πάσχουν πραγματικά και εάν θα μπορούσε να αποφευχθεί η απουσία τους από την εργασία, μιας και το κόστος της χαμένης παραγωγικότητας λόγω του μεταδιασεισικού συνδρόμου στις ανεπτυγμένες χώρες φαίνεται να είναι ιδιαίτερα υψηλό. / The prevalence of postconcussion syndrome following mild traumatic brain injury in developed countries varies from 40% to 80% during the first weeks after injury. However, as many as 50% of patients report symptoms for up to 3 months and 10-15% of them for more than a year. Mild head injuries and postconcussion syndrome represent a very serious public health issue, as estimates of occupational disability range from 12% at 2 months to 20% at 1 year, with severe concomitant social and financial impact. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics and estimate the prevalence of postconcussion syndrome in an adult Greek population and to reveal demographics and injury characteristics concerning exclusively mild head injuries in the same cohort.
Material-Methods: This prospective study was undertaken in the University Hospital of Patras in Western Greece. Recruitment of patients with mild traumatic brain injury began on May 2006 and finished on May 2008. Five hundred and thirty nine patients (539) with mild head injury were randomly recruited. Overall, 223 patients (223/539: 41,5%) (male 63% and female 37%) met the inclusion criteria of the ΄΄Colorado Medical Society Guidelines΄΄ for concussion, with median age 30 years (range: 18.5-57.5). The patients had a follow-up through telephone interviews at 1, 3 and 6 months post-injury and were asked about having any of the common postconcussion symptoms (ICD-10 criteria).
Results: The rate of postconcussion syndrome at the end of the first, third and sixth month post-injury, was estimated at 10.3%, 6%, and 0.9%, respectively, which was 4-8 time less than other studies. Postconcussion syndrome was found to be more frequent among women (17%) and among individuals with bleeding diathesis (26%), compared with men and patients without clotting disorders, respectively. In addition, postconcussion syndrome affected in higher rates people who sustained assaults in comparison with other types of accident and was also more frequent among patients with posttraumatic anosmia.
Conclusions: Our results are in contrast with previous studies in other developed countries, where the prevalence of the postconcussion syndrome was remarkably higher. The cultural differences regarding symptom expectation and the lack of compensation might explain the low rate of chronic symptoms in Greeks.
To our knowledge, this is the first prospective study to estimate the prevalence of postconcussion syndrome among Greek adults and also the first trial in recording demographics and injury characteristics concerning exclusively mild head injuries in the same cohort.
If further studies confirm our results in the future, reasonable queries could emerge, such as which patients really do suffer and whether their absence from work could have been avoided, as the cost of the lost productive work time after mild head injuries is extremely high.
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Formalizing biomedical concepts from textual definitionsTsatsaronis, George, Ma, Yue, Petrova, Alina, Kissa, Maria, Distel, Felix, Baader , Franz, Schroeder, Michael 04 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Ontologies play a major role in life sciences, enabling a number of applications, from new data integration to knowledge verification. SNOMED CT is a large medical ontology that is formally defined so that it ensures global consistency and support of complex reasoning tasks. Most biomedical ontologies and taxonomies on the other hand define concepts only textually, without the use of logic. Here, we investigate how to automatically generate formal concept definitions from textual ones. We develop a method that uses machine learning in combination with several types of lexical and semantic features and outputs formal definitions that follow the structure of SNOMED CT concept definitions.
We evaluate our method on three benchmarks and test both the underlying relation extraction component as well as the overall quality of output concept definitions. In addition, we provide an analysis on the following aspects: (1) How do definitions mined from the Web and literature differ from the ones mined from manually created definitions, e.g., MeSH? (2) How do different feature representations, e.g., the restrictions of relations’ domain and range, impact on the generated definition quality?, (3) How do different machine learning algorithms compare to each other for the task of formal definition generation?, and, (4) What is the influence of the learning data size to the task? We discuss all of these settings in detail and show that the suggested approach can achieve success rates of over 90%. In addition, the results show that the choice of corpora, lexical features, learning algorithm and data size do not impact the performance as strongly as semantic types do. Semantic types limit the domain and range of a predicted relation, and as long as relations’ domain and range pairs do not overlap, this information is most valuable in formalizing textual definitions.
The analysis presented in this manuscript implies that automated methods can provide a valuable contribution to the formalization of biomedical knowledge, thus paving the way for future applications that go beyond retrieval and into complex reasoning. The method is implemented and accessible to the public from: https://github.com/alifahsyamsiyah/learningDL.
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Semântica e uma ferramenta para o método SADTRibeiro, Adagenor Lobato January 1991 (has links)
A definição de requisitos tem sido reconhecida como uma das mais críticas e difíceis tarefas em engenharia de software. A necessidade de ferramentas de suporte é essencial. Nos dias de hoje, entre os vários métodos existentes para apoiar a fase de requisitos, destaca-se o SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques) devido a sua capacidade de representar modelos. Este trabalho estabelece semântica para o método SADT, baseando-se na inter-relação do método aos sistemas de fluxo de dados (redes, grafos e máquinas de fluxo). Faz-se, inicialmente, uma abordagem operacional para a semântica de seus construtos básicos e, posteriormente discute-se a possibilidade de executar especificações através de simulação. Uma ferramenta para suportar o método SADT foi projetada e construída e é apresentada. Ela foi definida a partir de um modelo, denotado por uma classe, através de uma sintaxe abstrata. Essa ferramenta foi implementada no ambiente PROSOFT, fornecendo para o usuário mais de quarenta operações de apoio a construção/manipulação de diagramas. O trabalho também apresenta a especificação formal em VDM - Vienna Development Method, da semântica dos principais construtos do método SADT, bem como uma proposição de execução de especificações através de simulação são ainda indicadas direções nas quais o trabalho pode ser estendido. / The definition of systems requirements has been known as one of the most critical and dificult tasks as far as the software engineering is concerned. The need support is essential. Nowadays, among the various methods devised to support the phase of requirements, a special emphasis is given to the SADT method (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques), due to its capability of representing models. This work set semantic for the SADT method, based primarily upon the interrelation of the method to the systems of dataflow (nets, graphs and dataflow machines). It deals with an approach of operational semantics to its basic constructs, and it will, afterwards, discuss the possibility of carry out specifications by simulation. A tool was built to support the SADT method, and it was defined by a model denoted by a class, through an abstract syntax. This tool was implemented in the PROSOFT environment, providing for the user, more than forty support operations for the construction /manipulation of diagrams. This work also presents the formal specification of the semantics of the main constructs of the SADT method in VDM - Vienna Development Method; as well as an execution proposal of specifications through simulation. Directions have been indicated concerning the extension of the research.
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What is the role of the art teacher in state-funded secondary schools in England?Page, Troy January 2017 (has links)
For many years, and particularly since the 1980s, the state has taken an interest in the curriculum of state-funded secondary schools. This interest has focused largely on utilitarian imperatives for employment and economic sustainability. A consequence of this utilitarian conception of state education is that art viewed, as a less useful subject within the curriculum, is threatened by this. Against an historic discourse about the nature of art itself and why it is taught and its value in society, the question of 'What is art'? and 'What is the role of the art teacher'? continue to defy a consensus that is useful to teachers. Concurrently, these important arguments have inevitably impinged on the practice of art teachers who find themselves distanced from cherished liberal and social imperatives, and confused about what is expected of them. This study looks at how these pervasive arguments make an impact on teachers who, although studied as artists and trained to teach art, now find themselves dubbed 'art and design' teachers as the requirements of the state and its increasingly utilitarian system exerts more control over their working lives. More than twice as many art graduates (3.4% of fine art graduates in 2016) enter teaching than design graduates (1.3% design graduates in 2016) (Logan and Prichard, 2016). A piece of qualitative research was completed with a combined sample of 23 teachers. Building on Efland's streams of influence underpinning the development of art education: Expressionist, Scientific Rationalist and Reconstructivist; and Hickman's rationales for art education: Social Utility, Personal Growth and Visual Literacy, a tentative theory is proposed and hypotheses explored. Some teachers questioned revealed sadness at a perceived reduction in time for lessons devoted to self-expression, art history, cultures, critical evaluation, experimentation, imagination, risk taking, and creativity. Some teachers felt deeply that they and their subject is misunderstood, undervalued and under threat. Many were not comfortable with a role that was at variance with the one they had been trained for. Some teachers suggested their role was no longer concerned with developing children's individual talents but had become too design-based, too predictable, too linear, and too concerned with measurable outcomes and results. Capturing the words of 23 teachers in interviews and surveys contributes to the literature and provides teachers, policy makers and future researchers with vital insights into what an art teacher is and why they teach art, and how this is at variance with National Curriculum aims. These insights are vital because the present lack of consensus about such fundamental arguments has contributed to a devaluing of art in the curriculum to a point where the future of art in state-funded secondary schools is no longer guaranteed.
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”Ska de driva företag allihop? Nej, det är ju inte det som är entreprenörskap för våra elever” : En kvalitativ studie, om hur några lärare beskriver entreprenörskap i utbildning, utifrån kontexten gymnasiesärskola. / “Are they all going to run businesses? No, that’s not entrepreneurship for our students”Grenander, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Globalization and transition from an industrial society to an information society have contributed to change the labour market. This means that other skills are required from employees and citizens, more than ever before, which explains the challenge that upper secondary school teachers are facing, trying to define what skills and abilities students with intellectual disability will need in the future. Entrepreneurship in education has been displayed by several participants in the education system, in response to how students can be prepared to match the demands of globalization and a changeable environment. However, it seems complicated to get a consensus about the concept and even the teaching methods, as entrepreneurship in education can be interpreted in different ways. The overall aim of the study is to explore the meanings of the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competences, based on some teachers' perspectives, in upper secondary education for pupils with intellectual disability. A further aim is to illustrate what opportunities and challenges that upper secondary school teachers describe, that work with entrepreneurship in education for pupils with intellectual disability, can imply. The study is qualitative, with didactics and entrepreneurship as theoretical starting points. Data has been collected through semi structured interviews and analyzed using content analysis. The result shows that the teachers mainly work on the basis of a broad definition of entrepreneurship, and confirm that there seems to be a confusion, about what entrepreneurship in education can mean. Entrepreneurship in education for pupils with intellectual disability appears as a relatively unexplored phenomenon, which highlights a need, as entrepreneurship is one of five perspectives that education in upper secondary school will be penetrated by. My study increases the knowledge, of how some teachers, perceive entrepreneurship in upper secondary education for pupils with intellectual disability and can be seen as a contribution of knowledge, to participants in the same area of context. Keywords Entrepreneurship, Broad perspective, upper secondary education for pupils with intellectual disability, interview study / Sammanfattning Globalisering och övergången från ett industrisamhälle till ett informationssamhälle, har bidragit till att arbetsmarknaden har förändras. Detta innebär att det krävs andra kompetenser, av arbetstagare och samhällsmedborgare nu, än det gjorde förr. Föregående aktualiserar den utmaning, som speciallärare/lärare på gymnasiesärskolan, ställs inför med hänsyn till att definiera vilka kunskaper och förmågor elever kommer att behöva i framtiden. Entreprenörskap i utbildning lyfts fram, av flera aktörer inom utbildningsväsendet, som svaret på hur elever kan förberedas för att matcha de krav som globalisering och en ombytlig miljö innebär. Dock, så verkar det komplicerat att få en samsyn kring begreppet och tillika då undervisningsmetoder, eftersom entreprenörskap i utbildning går att tolka på olika sätt. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att utforska innebörder av begreppen entreprenörskap och entreprenöriella kompetenser utifrån några lärares perspektiv på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program. Ytterligare ett syfte är att åskådliggöra de möjligheter och utmaningar, som gymnasiesärskolelärarna beskriver att arbete med entreprenörskap i utbildning kan innebära. Studien är kvalitativ, med didaktik och entreprenörskap som teoretiska utgångspunkter. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserats med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar, att lärarna främst arbetar utifrån en bred definition av entreprenörskap, samt bekräftar att det verkar råda en begreppsförvirring kring vad entreprenörskap i utbildning kan innebära. Entreprenörskap i utbildning, utifrån kontexten gymnasiesärskola, framstår som ett relativt obeforskat fenomen, vilket aktualiserar ett behov, eftersom entreprenörskap är ett av fem perspektiv som utbildningen i gymnasiesärskolan ska genomsyras av. Studien bidrar med kunskap, utifrån hur några lärare i gymnasiesärskolan, uppfattar entreprenörskap i utbildning, vilket kan ses som ett kunskapsbidrag till aktörer inom kontexten gymnasiesärskola. Nyckelord Entreprenörskap, Bred definition, gymnasiesärskola, intervjustudie
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Definitionen av insiderinformation : En utredning av den legala definitionen av begreppet ”insiderinformation” i artikel 7 MAR i ljuset av dess dubbla användningsområde / The Definition of Inside Information : An investigation of the legal definition of inside information in article 7 MAR in light of the dual use of the conceptRing Broman, Isak January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Project portfolio management: an analysis from the insurance industry IT areaPitorri, Fabio 30 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Pitorri (fpitorri@gmail.com) on 2015-02-09T18:15:59Z
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Thesis_Pitorri_20150203_vf4.pdf: 1565383 bytes, checksum: 99334ac5cbf8776e73858deac2d5be9c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2015-02-20T16:28:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Thesis_Pitorri_20150203_vf4.pdf: 1565383 bytes, checksum: 99334ac5cbf8776e73858deac2d5be9c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-02-23T17:35:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-10-30 / This paper aims to bring more information related to the critical question 'how IT areas of insurance companies are defining and delivering their strategic initiatives Portfolios?' and make conclusions based on the collected data. To reach these interpretations, it is composed of a theoretical investigation on the theme, a strategy delineation for the research methodology and a conclusion presentation based on the findings. In this last part, this study concluded that explored organization does not applied a sufficient number of best practices answering the critical question as 'the company is not mature on this subject'.
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Dos saberes da roça: entre plantas, memórias e palavras / Des savoirs de la campagne : parmi les plantes, les mémoires et les mots / Of the knowledge of the garden: between plants, memories and wordsJeronimo, Gabriela Guimarães [UNESP] 30 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Guimarães Jeronimo (gabriela.ggj@gmail.com) on 2018-11-01T01:11:12Z
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TESE - GABRIELA GUIMARÃES JERONIMO.pdf: 7867662 bytes, checksum: a82a338630b27b520a0f46577ce985bc (MD5) / Rejected by Aline Aparecida Matias null (alinematias@fclar.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo:
1) Ficha catalográfica: seu nome deve aparecer como está na Página de Rosto e na Folha de Aprovação. Sendo assim na entrada da ficha fica: Jeronimo, Gabriela Guimarães e no corpo da ficha Gabriela Guimarães Jeronimo.
2) Agradecimentos: De acordo com a PORTARIA CAPES n. 206, de 4 de setembro de 2018 (http://pesquisa.in.gov.br/imprensa/jsp/visualiza/index.jsp?data=05/09/2018&jornal=515&pagina=22), que dispõe sobre a obrigatoriedade de citação da CAPES, o agradecimento à agência de fomento deverá aparecer da seguinte forma: "O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Código de Financiamento 001".
Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-11-01T18:32:55Z (GMT) / Submitted by Gabriela Guimarães Jeronimo (gabriela.ggj@gmail.com) on 2018-11-01T19:29:11Z
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GABRIELA GUIMARÃES JERONIMO - TESE.pdf: 7859403 bytes, checksum: 9bbeff9ac4d7ed074203fdb02c6f853b (MD5) / Rejected by Aline Aparecida Matias null (alinematias@fclar.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo:
1) Agradecimentos: A frase deve ser exatamente a que aparece na Portaria n. 206, de 4 de setembro de 2018 (http://pesquisa.in.gov.br/imprensa/jsp/visualiza/index.jsp?data=05/09/2018&jornal=515&pagina=22), que dispõe sobre a obrigatoriedade de citação da CAPES, o agradecimento à agência de fomento deverá aparecer da seguinte forma: "O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Código de Financiamento 001".
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on 2018-11-01T19:49:54Z (GMT) / Submitted by Gabriela Guimarães Jeronimo (gabriela.ggj@gmail.com) on 2018-11-01T20:09:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Le concept de définition, ainsi que la relation entre les mots et les choses sont des thèmes discutés depuis longtemps, et ne sont pas encore complètement épuisés parmi les théoriciens qui se consacrent à les étudier. A partir de la Lexicologie et de son interface avec d'autres domaines du savoir, en particulier, la Lexicographie, l'Anthropologie, l'Histoire et la Sociologie, nous proposons de mener une recherche dont les objets d’enquête sont des types particuliers de définition employés oralement par les locuteurs au fur et à mesure qu’ils décrivent les éléments de la flore. Pour la constitution du corpus oral, il a fallu, d'abord, mener des recherches sur le terrain dans sept municipalités situées dans la région sud-est de l'État de Goiás. Nous avons interviewé deux femmes et deux hommes dans chaque localité, représentant le total de vingt-huit personnes, la majorité âgée de plus de soixante ans. En plus d'appartenir, quasiment, à la même génération, un autre point commun est le fait que leur histoire de vie est traversée par la relation avec la campagne avant et après l'exode rural qui a commencé dans les terres de Goiás en 1980. Notre objectif principal est d'analyser les procédures linguistiques utilisées par les dames et messieurs dans la constitution des définitions qui font référence aux plantes de la région. Plus précisément, ce travail propose : i) de comparer les définitions faites par nos interlocuteurs avec celles enregistrées dans la base de données du Dictionnaire Historique du Brésil (DHPB), qui se compose des textes et des documents les plus variés ; ii) discuter de la relation entre le lexique, la culture et la société à partir du corpus de recherche ; iii) souligner les différences entre les savoirs des personnes interviewées et le savoir basilaire des définitions enregistrées dans la base de données de la DHPB datée du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, et de la première décennie du XIXe siècle; iv) proposer une typologie définitionnelle qui réponde aux particularités du corpus oral. Le corpus est organisé sur la base de la proposition Begriffssystem (HALLIG ; WARTBURG, 1963), dans laquelle la séquence d'apparition des unités lexicales est basée sur la logique du locuteur, c'est-à-dire, la relation des sujets de la recherche avec les plantes est ce qui définit l’ordre dans lequel les unités lexicales sont disposées et non celle alphabétique. Quant aux procédures d'analyse, nous avons fait la comparaison entre les définitions extraites de la base de données du DHPB et celles extraites du corpus oral transcrit, où nous avons observé les similitudes dans l'utilisation des éléments paralexicographiques qui introduisent les processus de description; séparément, nous avons analysé certaines des unités lexicales qui ne sont pas enregistrées dans la base de données, afin de saisir les particularités et les subjectivités impliquées dans la construction des définitions formulées par nos interlocuteurs, les comprenant en tant que lieu où se matérialisent les savoirs et les mémoires des locuteurs qui, linguistiquement, les formulent. Enfin, sur la base des discussions théoriques que nous avons menées, notamment, Biderman (1984), Blinkstein (1938), Certeau (1998), Geertz (1997, 2008, 2009), Martin (1988), Mignolo, (2003), Murakawa (2005, 2014, 2016), Paula (2007), Pollak (1889), Rey-Debove (1984), Rey (1988), nous proposons une typologie définitionnelle qui puisse embrasser ces cas particuliers que nous appelons la « définition de seuil ». / O conceito de definição, bem como a relação entre as palavras e as coisas são temas discutidos há bastante tempo e, ainda assim, não são assuntos completamente esgotados entre os teóricos que dedicam-se a estudá-los. A partir da Lexicologia e sua interface com outros campos do saber, em especial, a Lexicografia, a Antropologia, a História e a Sociologia, propomo-nos realizar uma pesquisa cujo objeto de investigação são tipos peculiares de definição empregados oralmente pelos falantes ao descreverem elementos da flora. Para constituição do corpus oral foi necessário, primeiro, a realização da pesquisa de campo que ocorreu em sete municípios localizados na região sudeste do estado de Goiás. Entrevistamos duas mulheres e dois homens em cada lugar, somando um total de vinte e oito pessoas, a maioria com idade acima de sessenta anos. Além de pertencerem, praticamente, à mesma geração, outro ponto que têm em comum é o fato de suas histórias de vida estarem atravessadas pela relação com o campo antes e depois do êxodo rural que, nas terras goianas, iniciou-se em 1980. Nosso objetivo principal é analisar os procedimentos linguísticos utilizados pelas senhoras e senhores na constituição das definições referentes às plantas da região. Mais especificamente, este trabalho se propõe: i) comparar as definições realizadas pelos nossos interlocutores àquelas registradas no banco de dados do Dicionário Histórico do Português do Brasil (DHPB) que é constituído pelos mais variados textos e documentos; ii) discutir a relação entre léxico, cultura e sociedade a partir do corpus de pesquisa; iii) apontar diferenças entre os saberes dos entrevistados e o saber basilar das definições registradas no banco de dados do DHPB com datação localizada desde o século XVI até o XVIII, e o primeiro decênio do XIX; iv) propor uma tipologia definicional que atenda às particularidades do corpus oral. O corpus está organizado com base na proposta do Begriffssystem (HALLIG; WARTBURG, 1963), em que a sequência de aparição das unidades lexicais está pautada na lógica do falante, isto é, a relação dos sujeitos da pesquisa com as plantas é quem define a ordem em que as unidade lexicais estão dispostas e não a alfabética. Quanto os procedimentos de análise, fizemos a comparação entre as definições extraídas do banco de dados do DHPB e àquelas retiradas do corpus oral transcrito, onde observamos as semelhanças no uso dos elementos paralexicográficos que introduzem os processos de descrição; separadamente, analisamos algumas das unidades léxicas que não se encontram registradas no banco de dados, no intuito de apreender as particularidades e subjetividades envolvidas na construção das definições formuladas por nossos interlocutores, entendendo-as enquanto lugar onde se materializam os saberes e as memórias dos falantes que, linguisticamente, as formulam. Por fim, embasados pelas discussões teóricas que trouxemos, ao longo desse trabalho, especialmente, Biderman (1984), Blinkstein (1938), Certeau (1998), Geertz (1997, 2008, 2009), Martin (1988), Mignolo (2003), Murakawa (2005, 2014, 2016), Paula (2007), Pollak (1889),), Rey-Debove (1984), Rey (1988), propomos uma tipologia definicional que possa abarcar esses casos peculiares que chamamos de "definição liminar". / The concept of definition, as well as the relationship between words and things represent themes that have long been discussed, yet they are not completely exhausted among the theorists who devote themselves to studying them. From Lexicology and its interface with other fields of knowledge, in particular, Lexicography, Anthropology, History and Sociology, we propose to carry out a research whose object of investigation are peculiar types of definition used orally by the speakers in describing elements of the flora. For constitution of the oral corpus was necessary, first, the realization of field research that occurred in seven municipalities located in the southeast region of the state of Goiás. We interviewed two women and two men in each place, totaling twenty-eight people, most of them over the age of sixty. Besides belonging, practically, to the same generation, Another point they have in common is that their life histories are crossed by the relationship with the countryside before and after the rural exodus that began in the lands of Goias in 1980. Our main objective is to analyze the linguistic procedures used by the mistress and mister in the constitution of the definitions concerning the plants of the region. More specifically, this paper proposes: i ) compare the definitions made by our interlocutors with those registered in the database of the Brazilian Historical Dictionary (DHPB), which consists of the most varied texts and documents; ii ) discuss the relationship between lexicon, culture and society from the research corpus; iii) point out differences between the interviewees' knowledge and the basilar knowledge of the definitions recorded in the DHPB database with dating located from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, and the first decade of the nineteenth century; iv) propose a definitive typology that meets the particularities of the oral corpus. The corpus is organized based on the Begriffssystem proposal (HALLIG; WARTBURG, 1963), in which the sequence of appearance of the lexical units is based on the logic of the speaker, that is, the relation of the subjects of the research with the plants is who defines the order in which the lexical units are arranged and not the alphabetical one. Regarding the procedures of analysis, we compared the definitions extracted from the DHPB database and those extracted from the transcribed oral corpus, where we observe the similarities in the use of the paralexicographic elements that introduce the processes of description; separately, we analyze some of the lexical units that are not registered in the database, in order to apprehend the particularities and subjectivities involved in the construction of the definitions formulated by our interlocutors, understanding them as a place where the knowledge and memories of the speakers that linguistically formulate them materialize. Finally, based on the theoretical discussions that we have brought along this work, specially, Biderman (1984), Blinkstein (1938), Certeau (1998), Geertz (1997, 2008, 2009), Martin (1988), Mignolo , Murakawa (2005, 2014, 2016), Paula (2007), Pollak (1889), Rey-Debove (1984), Rey (1988), propose a definitional typology that can cover these peculiar cases that we call the "liminal definition". / PROEX 0487
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