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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'accès au juge en matière administrative au Vietnam / Access to justice for administrative matters in Vietnam

Vu Thi, Thuy Van 25 October 2013 (has links)
Il est fondamental, dans chaque système juridique, de pouvoir contester une décision prise par l'administration notamment dans un pays où celle-ci est omniprésente dans tous les domaines de la société. Dans la plupart des pays, cette contestation prend la forme d'un recours gracieux ou d'un recours juridictionnel. Jusqu'en 1996 au Vietnam, il existe seulement le recours gracieux devant l'Administration mais ce recours s'est révélé inefficace. Dès lors, l’ordonnance de 1996, suivi de deux amendements ont instauré pour la première fois le recours juridictionnel. Néanmoins, la compétence de la juridiction administrative demeure très restreinte, l’Administration conserve la compétence générale dans le règlement des conflits avec les administrés. Ainsi, le droit d'accès au juge n'est pas assuré car la plupart des requêtes introductives d’instance est rejetée faute de compétence du juge. Une récente loi en 2010 est de nouveau intervenu pour élargir la compétence de la juridiction administrative. Malgré la volonté du législateur, les nouvelles dispositions ne répondent pas encore à l'exigence de plus en plus forte de la société vietnamienne pour examiner des recours contre l’Administration devant un organe indépendant. Il est urgent de trouver un mécanisme qui permet d’assurer le droit d'accès au juge. Cette thèse aborde les problématiques relatives à l'introduction d'instance de premier ressort devant la juridiction administrative vietnamienne ; et à la lumière du droit français, elle apporte des propositions d’amélioration de la législation vietnamienne en la matière. / Contesting an administrative act is a fundamental right in every legal system. In Vietnam, it is possible to make an appeal for reconsideration but this process is not effective. Thus, in 1996, the Vietnamese legislator established, for the first time, a jurisdictional appeal. However, this appeal was very limited thereby rendering ineffective the right of access to administrative justice. The amendments of contentious rules in 1998 and 2006, and more recently the law on administrative procedures in 2010 (taken into effect as of 1st of July 2011) were issued with the aim of expanding the competence of administrative jurisdiction. Indeed, in the absence of the satisfaction of rules regarding competence and admissibility, the petition instituting proceedings can be rejected by the administrative judge. The right of access to justice is additionally prevented par gaps in the law on administrative procedures or the strict interpretations of the judge. Furthermore, the overlapping of rules may influence the rights of citizens. Although there are many administrative disputes, the new dispositions don’t meet the needs of Vietnamese society. This thesis addresses the issues regarding the registration of administrative lawsuits of Vietnam to give a vision to improve the law on administrative procedure in the light of the achievements of the French law.

L'évolution du droit international public et la notion de domaine de compétence nationale de l'Etat / The evolution of public international law and the notion of state's domestic jurisdiction

Thiam, Oumar 17 October 2014 (has links)
La notion de domaine de compétence nationale de l'État ou domaine réservé est envisagée par la majorité de la doctrine internationaliste comme renvoyant à une sphère de matières dans lesquelles l'État, parce que non tenu par des obligations juridiques internationales, jouit d'une liberté totale de décision et d'action. Or, les transformations de la société internationale depuis 1945 ont engendré une extension matérielle du droit international de telle sorte qu'il est aujourd'hui difficile de déterminer une matière où l'État n'est pas soumis à des règles internationales et où il jouit d'une liberté absolue. À ce titre, le domaine de compétence nationale doit être appréhendé non dans sa dimension matérielle, mais de manière fonctionnelle qui permet d'expliquer la persistance de cette notion dans droit international, mais aussi de mettre en exergue la singularité du phénomène étatique par rapport aux autres phénomènes de pouvoir tant à l'échelle nationale qu'internationale. Cette singularité de l'institution étatique fait que certaines fonctions comme celle de gouvernement à travers ses manifestations et implications, lui sont intrinsèquement rattachées de telle manière que, s'il se les prive ou s'il en est privé, il perd sa qualité d'État. Dans cette mesure, le domaine de compétence nationale apparaît comme un critère incompressible de sauvegarde de la souveraineté en tant qu'indépendance de l'État dans l'ordre international. / The notion of domestic jurisdiction of the State is considered by the majority of the internationalist doctrine as referring to a sphere of material in which the State, because not bound by international legal obligations, has a complete freedom of decision and action. However, changes in international society since 1945 have resulted in a material extension of international law so that it is now difficult to determine a matter in which the State is not subject to international rules and where it has absolute freedom. As such, the domestic jurisdiction must be understood not in its material dimension, but functional way that helps explain the persistence of this notion in international law, but also to highlight the uniqueness of the phenomenon of State in relation to the other phenomena of power both nationally and internationally. This peculiarity of the state institution is such that certain functions such as government through its manifestations and implications are intrinsically linked him so that if he does without them or if it is deprived of them, it loses its statehood. To this extent, the domestic jurisdiction appears as an incompressible criterion safeguarding sovereignty as that independence of the State in the international order.


PAULO LOUREIRO PHILBOIS 25 February 2013 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem por objeto analisar o guardião da Constituição no Brasil, partindo da análise das bases teóricas, da história do controle de constitucionalidade brasileiro e mesmo das críticas ao modelo consagrado na Constituição de 1988. Desse modo, o trabalho pretende investigar como o Supremo Tribunal Federal tornou-se o guardião da Constituição brasileira, bem como, através de análise jurisprudencial, o que a referida Corte extrai de tão relevante competência. / [en] This present study has the purpose is to analyze the guardian of the Constitution in Brazil, beginning with theoretical basis analyzis, from the history of brazilian constitutional control and even criticism of the established model in the Constitution of 1988. Thus, the study intention was to investigate how the Supreme Court became the guardian of the Brazilian Constitution, as well, by jurisprudential analysis, what referred Court extracts of such relevant competence.

Imunity státních představitelů vůči cizí trestní jurisdikci / Immunities of state officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction

Stachová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with immunities of state officials, from the high-ranking to less significant ones, from the criminal jurisdiction of a foreign state, and thus the question, if another state may exercise its jurisdiction over crimes perpetrated by state officials when the foreign state has power to punish such a crime. International law traditionally provides the highest protection to the head of state, but later evolved also the personal immunity of other senior officials, who act on the international level, that is head of government and minister for foreign affairs. In contrast to personal immunity, functional immunity protects all state officials, who perform an official act. The first chapter addresses the terms. It describes the terms immunity, its types and basic characteristics; the notion of state officials and foreign criminal jurisdiction. The second chapter engages in personal immunity (immunity ratione personae), its subjective, objective and temporal scope. The third chapter sheds light on the second type of immunity - the functional immunity (ratione materiae), apart from its scopes there are exceptions to functional immunity discussed. The fourth chapter provides with an overview of some significant cases connected to immunities of state officials. In the first subchapter you can...


JOSE GUILHERME BERMAN CORREA PINTO 12 November 2006 (has links)
[pt] O Judiciary Act, aprovado em 1925, tornou o writ of certiorari a principal forma de acesso à Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos da América. Como seu exame de admissibilidade, diferentemente dos recursos ordinários, é feito discricionariamente (ou seja, não é tido como um direito da parte), os membros daquele tribunal passaram a escolher as questões constitucionais que estariam a merecer sua consideração. Esta solução foi adotada como forma de amenizar a carga de trabalho dos Justices, responsáveis pela uniformização do direito federal aplicável em todo o país, e trouxe importantes conseqüências ao papel desempenhado por eles no sistema jurídico-político estadunidense. A análise do writ of certiorari constitui o objeto da primeira parte desta dissertação, cuja relevância justifica-se pela aprovação, no final de 2004, da Emenda Constitucional nº 45, que concedeu ao Supremo Tribunal Federal poder semelhante, consistente na possibilidade de rejeição de recursos extraordinários por ausência de repercussão geral das questões constitucionais ali discutidas. A análise das conseqüências da ampliação do escopo do writ of certiorari e das modificações que acarretou na atuação da Suprema Corte norte-americana destina-se a fornecer elementos concretos para que se possa ao menos tentar prever o impacto que a repercussão geral - ainda não regulamentada pelo legislador ordinário - poderá ter sobre o Supremo Tribunal Federal e sobre o recurso extraordinário. / [en] The Judiciary Act, adopted in 1925 in the United States of America, transformed the Writ of Certiorari into the main form of appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, as it enabled the examination of admissibility, as opposed to the mandatory appeal, to be performed discretionarily (i.e. examination is not deemed a right of the Party). Therefore, members of the U.S. Supreme Court now select which particular constitutional issues deserve their consideration. This solution, adopted as a way to minimize the workload of the Justices responsible for making uniform federal laws applicable throughout the U.S., brought significant consequences to the role played by those Justices in the American legal and political system. An analysis of the Writ of Certiorari is the object of the first part of this monograph. Its relevance is straightforwardly justified by the approval, in late 2004, of the Brazilian Constitutional Amendment no. 45, which grants our Federal Supreme Court a similar power, i.e. the chance to dismiss extraordinary legal remedies on account of the constitutional issues therein discussed lacking General Repercussion. Finally, an analysis of the writ of certiorari scope and of the relevant changes introduced in the U.S. Supreme Court´s routine attempts to put forward concrete elements toward an incipient anticipation of the impacts which General Repercussion should eventually produce on the Brazilian Supreme Court as well as on extraordinary legal remedies themselves. (Our regular legislators have not yet reviewed General Repercussion in detail, though.)

Trollspö och mirakelkur eller arbete som förändringsagent : Yrkesrollen som speciallärare i praktik och teori / Magic wand and miracle cure or work as a change agent : Professional role as a specailist education teacher in mathematics in practice and theory

Olofsson, Linda, Talic, Mirzeta January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa och analysera hur speciallärare med inriktning matematikutveckling och dess rektorer ser på speciallärarens roll och dess arbetsuppgifter i förhållande till examensordningen. Metodvalet vid genomförandet av studien var en kvalitativ metod i form av 10 intervjuer där 5 speciallärare med inriktning mot matematikutveckling och dess 5 rektorer medverkade. Urvalet av intervjupersonerna utgick från fem kriterier som användes för att skapa ett målinriktat urval. Resultatet analyserades sedan utifrån Abbotts professionsteori (1988) samt utifrån ett relationellt och kategoriskt perspektiv. Resultaten visar hur speciallärarnas främsta arbetsuppgifter är att bedriva undervisning samt anpassa lärmiljön. Ett område som de inte lyckats göra anspråk på i större utsträckning är utvecklingsarbetet. Det råder oklarheter hos lärare, ledning samt andra yrkesroller på skolorna kring speciallärarens uppdrag, därför kan uppdraget se olika ut och framgår därmed vara lokalt förhandlingsbart. Det som kan påvisas är att examensordningen inte är det som ligger till grund i utformningen av speciallärarens uppdrag och arbetsuppgifter. Studien visar att det är rektorns visioner för organisationen, kompetenser samt förmåga att styra som har den avgörande rollen för vilka förutsättningar och hinder för att genomföra uppdraget. Att specialläraren är en del i EHT framgår vara en viktig förutsättning, även att få tid till att genomföra kompetensutveckling samt samarbete med andra aktörer både i och utanför skolan. En ytterligare förutsättning framgår vara att specialläraren tillåts arbeta med det som de är anställda till att göra såsom undervisa, utreda och föra utvecklingsarbete och inte delges andra arbetsuppgifter på grund av organisationens plötsliga behov. / The purpose of the study is to elucidate and analyze how teachers with special education specialization in mathematics development and its principals look at the role of the special education teacher and its tasks in relation to the degree system. The method selection in the implementation of the study was a qualitative method in the form of 10 interviews in which 5 special education teachers with a focus on mathematics development and its 5 principals participated. The selection of the interviewees was based on five criteria that were used to create a targeted selection. The result was then analyzed based on Abbott's professional theory (1988) and from a relational and categorical perspective. The results show how the special education teachers main tasks are to conduct teaching and adapt the learning environment. One area that they have not succeeded in claiming to a greater extent is the development work. There are uncertainties among teachers, management and other professional roles at the schools concerning the special education teachers assignment, therefore the assignment may look different and thus appear to be locally negotiable. What can be demonstrated is that the degree order is not what forms the basis of the design of the special education teachers assignments and tasks. The study shows that it is the principal's visions for the organization, competencies and the ability to control which has the decisive role for what conditions and obstacles to the implementation of the assignment. The fact that the special education teacher is a part of student health framers appears to be an important prerequisite, also to have time to implement competence development and collaboration with other actors both inside and outside the school. An additional prerequisite is that the specialist teacher is allowed to work with what they are employed to do such as teaching, investigate and development work and not be served other tasks because of the organisation's sudden needs.

Droit de la responsabilité des états et arbitrage transnational CIRDI / Law of state responsability and ICSID transnational arbitration

Kane, Mouhamadou Madana 19 December 2012 (has links)
La prolifération des traités bilatéraux d'investissement a contribué, ces dernières années, à l'augmentation des litiges portés devant les tribunaux d'arbitrage du Centre International pour le Règlement des Différends relatifs aux Investissements (CIRDI). En effet, les clauses de règlement des différends contenus dans ces traités ont permis aux investisseurs étrangers de saisir directement les tribunaux CIRDI en cas de violation par l'État d'accueil de l'investissement des dispositions protectrices ou de traitement prévues dans ces traités. La présence de l'État au contentieux CIRDI fait que les litiges soumis aux tribunaux arbitraux portent par nature sur des questions de responsabilité. Dès lors, l'invocation par les arbitres des règles coutumières du droit de la responsabilité de l'État, telles que codifiées par la Commission du droit international, est quasi systématique. Au regard de la pratique arbitrale, cette thèse se veut un essai sur les interactions entre le droit de la responsabilité de l'État et l'arbitrage CIRDI sur le fondement des traités de protection, l'objectif final étant de parvenir à une conclusion sur l'existence ou non d'un sous-système de responsabilité de l' État sur le fondement des traités de protection des investissements. Pour ce faire, suivant la démarche de codification de la Commission du droit International, elle met l'accent sur l'influence des règles coutumières d'engagement de la responsabilité de l'État sur la pratique des tribunaux d'arbitrage du CIRDI fondée sur les traités de protection ; et, sous l'angle de la mise en œuvre et du contenu de la responsabilité étatique, elle aborde, à la lumière du droit international général, les aspects de compétence des tribunaux d'arbitrage du CIRDI, les éléments de recevabilité des réclamations des investisseurs étrangers, et les questions liées à la réparation du préjudice causé par l'État. / With the proliferation of Bilateral Investment Treaties, many disputes have in the recent years been brought before arbitral tribunals under the auspices of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). By virtue of dispute settlement clauses of such treaties, foreign investors are able to directly call upon the jurisdiction of ICSID in case of breach by the host State of its treaty-based protection and treatment obligations. Because of the State's involvement, ICSID disputes raise, by nature, issues of Sate Responsibility. Therefore, it is not surprising that ICSID arbitrators systematically rely on customary rules on State Responsibility as codified by the International Law Commission to form and motivate their opinions. The current thesis aims at assessing, in light of the arbitral practice, the interactions between the Law of State Responsibility and ICSID's treaty-based arbitration, with the objective to determine whether State responsibility under treaties is a self-contained regime. We have adopted the International Law Commission's codification approach to highlight, on one side, the influence of customary rules on engagement of State Responsibility on the practice of ICSID arbitral tribunals; and, on the other side, with regards to invocation and content of the State's responsibility, the relationships between general international law and salient aspects of the jurisdiction of ICSID tribunals, the admissibility of claims and the reparation of injury caused to the investor by the State.

Terrorisme et sociologie politique de l'International / Terrorism and sociology politic of the International

El Mossadak, Ahmed 03 April 2011 (has links)
Le Terrorisme est devenu le mal du système-monde moderne. Comment repenser l’acte du terrorisme est devenue une question pressante, surtout quand l’incompréhension est dominante sinon triomphante. D’où, la nécessité d’étudier l’acte terroriste, de le comprendre loin des idées reçues et des sentiers battus. La politique américaine a axé son ordre de priorité sur la guerre contre le terrorisme, au point d’élever la raison sécuritaire à un nouveau paradigme des relations internationales. Les politiques sécuritaires américaines ont entraîné dans la foulée une mise sous tutelle sans précédent des libertés publiques sur le territoire américain (USA Patriot Act, Projet Patriot Act II, Homeland Security Act, National Strategy of Security…) comme la mise en place d’un véritable état d’exception international: Camp Guantanamo, Abou Gharib, transferts extrajudiciaires des terroristes, prisons secrètes. Ce qui provoque des réactions de rejets et d’oppositions. En effet, si Les Etats de l’Union européenne n’ont pas adhéré du premier coup à la logique antiterroriste américaine, ils finiront par s’aligner sur la politique anti-terroriste américaine. Lemonde arabe est acculé et accusé comme étant le berceau du terrorismemondial,mais il s’avère en réalité, celui qui a plus subi dans les faits les aléas directs et indirects du terrorisme. C’est dans ce contexte que la plupart des pays arabes se sont inscrit tambours battant dans "la guerre contre le terrorisme" mais sans véritable adhésion réelle. Cette politique par contre est devenue un enjeu politique interne et externe. Le choix de "l’immobilisme", du "statuquo" et "l’absence d’initiative" de la part du monde arabe répondent aux contraintes d’être en même temps cible et au cœur de "la guerre contre le terrorisme". / Terrorism has become an illness of the modern World-System. How to rethink the act of terrorism has become an urgent question because it seems that the non understanding is dominant if not triumphant. Thus the necessity to see the terrorist act "included and overcame rather than felt with fantasy". The American policy has remobilized the world around the security objectives to intervene in the international policy. American security policies, based on the reinforcement of exceptional juridical legislation on global techniques of surveillance and on the military mobilization, have led to public liberties, with unprecedented tutoring (USA Patriot Act, Project Patriot Act, Homeland of security, National Strategy of Security) and the establishment of a real international exception state. Refractory to the American antiterrorist logic "war against terrorism", the European Union members have claimed before to be their allies: "we will fight terrorism by the law and in the frame of law". This logic has quickly made the allies adopt the American model. In reality, it is the Arab World that has suffered the consequences of terrorism. The events of the September 11, 2001 have thrown projectors on Islam as a source of terrorism although the Arabs and Muslims were the first targets of Islamic terrorism, and the first to suffer the consequences. One of the effects of this situation is the mitigated and ambiguous reaction of the Arab and Muslim opinions about the September attack. It is in this context that most of the ArabWorld has been inscribed in "War against terrorism" without almost any motivation but with a lot of hesitation because of the pressure made by the international coalition and especially the American one. Indeed to side this position presupposes a recurrent reality in the Arabs political and strategic choices. The choice of "immobilism" of the "statuquo" and "the absence of the initiative" answers to constraints to be at the same time a target and at the center of the "war against terrorism".

Holding States Responsible for National Corporates’ Extraterritorial Human Rights Violations: Possibility or Absurdity?

Johansson, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
Almost four decades have passed since the European Court of Human Rights introduced the concept of positive obligations. Positive obligations mean that the member states must take affirmative action in order to secure the rights and freedoms provided for by the European Convention on Human Rights. Since then, the scope of positive obligations has extended tremendously, and today all substantive rights generally contain positive obligations. The reason behind the development is to maintain the full effectiveness of human rights enforcement within the European context, and it has been enabled, inter alia, through dynamic interpretation and because the European Convention on Human Rights is considered a living instrument.  The fact that European companies operating transnationally, i.e. in a non-European context, sometimes through its commercial activities violates human rights has given rise to discussion in legal doctrine on whether the scope of positive obligations should be further extended so that the member states to the European Convention on Human Rights will incur state responsibility for national corporates’ extraterritorial human rights violations. Thus, the purpose of the thesis is to examine whether the European Court of Human Rights can and should proceed with such expansion. An expansion creates methodological and technical problems as it challenges the traditional notion of jurisdiction, however, it is not impossible. Whatever the European Court of Human Rights will decide to do, the thesis will provide arguments both for why home state responsibility for national corporates’ extraterritorial activities that violates human rights can and should be imposed, as well for why it is beyond its (the European Court of Human Rights) competence.

A justiciabilidade dos direitos sociais no Brasil: abordagem analítica, empírica e normativa

Saes, Wandimara Pereira dos Santos 15 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:27:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wandimara Pereira dos Santos Saes.pdf: 2151923 bytes, checksum: a91d8cac76bfeecba77140443cd1d885 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Concerning social rights justiciability we proceed to a triple approach analytical, empirical and normative - in its subjective dimension. On the analytical plan, we pursue to solidify the concept of justiciability and its relation to other concepts, as well as identify its nature, typology and content. On this plan we conclude that justiciability exists on the pre-process plan, but it is exerted on the process, being different from action right which is instrumental. Justiciability expresses demanding power of jurisdictional providence on right or judicially protected interest. On the empirical plan, we analyze the constitutional justice frame, natural center of protective jurisdiction of fundamental rights, including the social ones and the mechanisms of jurisdictional protection towards them either on individual dimension or transindividual dimension as their aptness and competence constitute the condition to justiciability. With this background, on one hand, we verify the constitutional guarantees to defend social rights, on its individual dimension, are not competent to accomplish the promised protection. We proceed to a critical analysis of judicial praxis and that denounce the current posture of autocontention of Brazilian jurisdiction. On normative plan, we demonstrate and remove the theoretical objections to understand the social rights justiciability, from what we deep in the various fundaments of this attribute. In general, we conclude that, on individual dimension, social rights are misinterpreted, badly guaranteed and badly provided. The deficit objects to the recognition of social rights full justiciability and to Social Justice solidification, put as the principal aim of Brazilian Republic. Its overcoming claims, simultaneously, the accurate exegesis of social rights, the reinforce and adaptation of its guarantees and, above all, Judicial System as protagonist in developing a new role in order to implement a Social State based on dignity of human person / Sobre a justiciabilidade dos direitos sociais se procede a uma tríplice abordagem analítica, empírica e normativa, em sua dimensão subjetiva. No plano analítico, busca-se firmar o conceito da justiciabilidade e a sua correlação com outros conceitos, bem como identificar a sua natureza, tipologia e conteúdo. Neste plano conclui-se, em suma, que a justiciabilidade existe no plano pré-processual, mas nele é exercido, distinguindo-se do direito de ação que lhe é instrumental. A justiciabilidade expressa o poder de exigibilidade da tutela jurisdicional sobre direito ou interesse juridicamente protegido. No plano empírico, analisa-se a configuração da justiça constitucional, sede natural da jurisdição protetora dos direitos fundamentais, neles incluídos os sociais e na pletora de mecanismos de proteção jurisdicional a eles vocacionados - seja em dimensão individual, seja em dimensão transindividual - visto que a aptidão e idoneidade destes constituem condição de exercício da sua justiciabilidade. Nessa ambiência, de um lado, apura-se que as garantias constitucionais para a defesa dos direitos sociais, em sua dimensão individual, não são idôneos para cumprir a sua prometida proteção. Procede-se à uma análise crítica da praxis judicial, que denuncia a atual postura de autocontenção da jurisdição brasileira. No plano normativo, passa-se a demonstrar e afastar as objeções teóricas à compreensão da justiciabilidade dos direitos sociais a partir do que se aprofunda nos inúmeros fundamentos desse atributo. De forma geral concluise que em sua dimensão individual, os direitos sociais são mal interpretados, mal garantidos e mal tutelados. O déficit constitui óbice ao reconhecimento da plena justiciabilidade dos direitos sociais e à concreção da Justiça Social, posta como objetivo maior da Republica Brasileira. A sua superação reclama, concomitantemente, a correta exegese dos direitos sociais, o reforço e adequação de suas garantias e, sobretudo, o protagonismo do Judiciário no desempenho do novo papel que lhe impõe a implementação do Estado Social fundado na dignidade da pessoa humana

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