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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Origins of Ethno/National Separatist Terrorism: A Cross-National Analysis of the Background Conditions of Terrorist Campaigns

Snell, Brandon Charles 10 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

<b>Inquiry into Additionality in the Solar Policy Framework</b>

Michael Liam Smith (18410295) 19 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">An inquiry into the additionality of the income tax credit program for solar purchasing in Ohio, where aggregation electric purchasing programs exist.</p><p dir="ltr">In the State of Ohio, a unique feature of the electric market regulatory landscape permits local governments to become energy suppliers to their residents and small businesses through programs known as community choice aggregation (CCA). Some of these programs guarantee 100% renewable electricity to all enrollees. Concurrently, the federal government offers an income tax credit (ITC) for the purchase of a solar array. When policy incentives are offered, it is important to ensure they impact their target audience to act in ways that would not be observed in the scenario without the tax incentive. This is known as “additionality.” In the context of carbon emissions reduction goals, individuals who claim the ITC while already having 100% renewable electricity would violate additionality. In other words, these renewable aggregation programs may crowd out the benefits of the ITC. This paper seeks to assess the additionality of the ITC in the context of Ohio’s CCA program. The actual additionality can depend on whether renewable energy is already being supplied to the site that constructs a solar array. Hence, we study the relationship between CCA and solar adoption probability to determine whether tax incentives are additional. Using non-parametric survival analysis, panel data methods, and post-estimation simulations, this paper seeks to discern if additionality is violated using the ITC in areas where a supply of renewable energy is already guaranteed. We find that aggregation programs increase the probability of solar adoption and that on average, in Ohio, roughly $0.44 of every dollar spent on the income tax credit is non-additional. This will help policymakers determine the efficacy of funds allocated to their respective programs.</p>


李鈞元, Lee Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
雖然人力資本在理論上的重要地位早已確立,但是,因為人力資本的衡量不易周延精確,使得其實證研究難有突破性的發展;所以,本論文嘗試透過具備個體基礎的理論架構,使用「人力運用調查」的原始資料進行實證分析,希望能進一步瞭解人力資本的性質、勞工流動的成因及這兩者如何影響個人的薪資與整體的成長。而在編排上,本論文則是由三篇可分割獨立的論文所組成。 第2章的重點是從同質人力資本的角度討論人力資本的衡量問題:基於薪資可以反映勞動生產力的概念,本章嘗試使用各個勞工與基礎勞工間推估預期薪資的比率做為代表人力品質之權數,以建構較完整的台灣人力資本指標;從成長會計分析及總合生產函數迴歸估計的實證結果來看,考量人力品質提升的勞動投入約可解釋18% 至35% 的經濟成長,遠高於實際工時的15%;惟近年來台灣人力品質的提升似乎逐漸減緩,不利於後續的經濟成長。 第3章的重點是使用多項式logit模型討論勞工的流動現象,而且其估計結果亦成為第4章必需的實證基礎:鑑於台灣的產業結構一再歷經巨幅的改變,本章將勞工是否異動視為共包括「不換工作」、「換工作但不換產業」及「換工作又換產業」三個選項的決策問題,並援引非巢式logit模型及巢式logit模型對其進行分析。從總括值迴歸係數的檢測來看,巢式模型與隨機效用理論是互不相容的,只有非巢式模型具有較完整堅固的個體基礎。 第4章的重點是從異質人力資本的角度討論產業特定型人力資本是否存在的問題:因為台灣現有的資料庫缺少產業年資等相關資料,所以,本章擬將重點置於轉換工作者,研究轉換產業是否會影響其現職前一般經驗與現職工資之間的關係,以間接分析產業特定型人力資本在台灣的存在性及重要性。從實證結果來看,一般而言,產業特定型人力資本也許並不是非常重要,但應該仍是存在的,亦即仍會對勞工在不同產業間的重新配置產生一定的影響。

An analysis of the USMC FITREP: contemporary or inflexible? / Analysis of the United States Marine Corps Fitness Reports

Jobst, Mark G., Palmer, Jeffrey 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The purpose of this thesis is threefold. Firstly, to attempt to provide validity for the two-sided matching process; secondly, analyze FITREP attributes to determine their suitability for a weighted criteria evaluation system and; thirdly, compare the USMC promotion and assignment process with contemporary human resource management practices. Using data from the USMC Officer Accession Career file (MCCOAC), a logit model is used to estimate the effects of TBS preference and other officer characteristics on retention to the seven year mark. Findings indicate that there was little difference in the probability of retention throughout most preference levels except for the bottom sixth. Using USMC FITREP data, an ordinary least squares model is used to estimate the effects of rank and MOS on FITREP scores across all attributes. Multiple comparison tests demonstrated that there are statistical differences at the 0.05 level between the means of the MOSs. Additionally, reporting creep is continuing across all attributes. Surveys were also conducted. The first survey indicated that USMC officers believe the FITREP attributes were not all equally important within, and across each MOS - although the USMC assesses them as such. The second survey indicated that the USMC promotion and assignment process can be strengthened through a clearly defined HRM plan that extends beyond 'faces' and 'places', and provides very clear links to the organizational strategy. Based on the findings it is recommended that the USMC review its HRM processes and conduct further analyses on the FITREP data for: (1) correlation, (2) longitudinal analysis as a predictor for success and, (3) relevance and relationship to MOS characteristics, position descriptions, and organizational strategy. / Major, Royal Australian Infantry Corps / Major, United States Marine Corps

Statistical properties of the liquidity and its influence on the volatility prediction / Statistical properties of the liquidity and its influence on the volatility prediction

Brandejs, David January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis concentrates on the influence of liquidity measures on the prediction of volatility and given the magic triangle phenomena subsequently on the expected return. Liquidity measures Amihud Illiquidity, Amivest Liquidity and Roll adjusted for high frequency data have been utilized. Dataset used for the modeling was consisting of 98 shares that were traded on S&P 100. The time range was from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2014. We have found out that the liquidity truly enters into the return-volatility relationship and influences these variables - the magic triangle interacts. However, contrary to our hypothesis, the model shows up that lower liquidity signifies lower realized risk. This inference has been suggested by all three models (3SLS, 2SLS and OLS). Furthermore, we have used the realized variance and bi-power variation to separate the jump. Our second hypothesis that lower liquidity signifies higher frequency of jumps was confirmed only for one of two liquidity proxies (Roll) included in the resulting logit FE model. Keywords liquidity, risk, volatility, expected return, magic triangle, price jumps, realized variance, bi-power variation, three-stage least squares model, logit, high-frequency data, S&P 100 Author's e-mail david.brandejs@seznam.cz Supervisor's e-mail...

Função da probabilidade da seleção do recurso (RSPF) na seleção de habitat usando modelos de escolha discreta / Resource of selection probability function (RSPF ) the habitat selection using discrete choice models (DCM)

Cardozo, Sandra Vergara 16 February 2009 (has links)
Em ecologia, o comportamento dos animais é freqüentemente estudado para entender melhor suas preferências por diferentes tipos de alimento e habitat. O presente trabalho esta relacionado a este tópico, dividindo-se em três capítulos. O primeiro capitulo refere-se à estimação da função da probabilidade da seleção de recurso (RSPF) comparado com um modelo de escolha discreta (DCM) com uma escolha, usando as estatísticas qui-quadrado para obter as estimativas. As melhores estimativas foram obtidas pelo método DCM com uma escolha. No entanto, os animais não fazem a sua seleção baseados apenas em uma escolha. Com RSPF, as estimativas de máxima verossimilhança, usadas pela regressão logística ainda não atingiram os objetivos, já que os animais têm mais de uma escolha. R e o software Minitab e a linguagem de programação Fortran foram usados para obter os resultados deste capítulo. No segundo capítulo discutimos mais a verossimilhança do primeiro capítulo. Uma nova verossimilhança para a RSPF é apresentada, a qual considera as unidades usadas e não usadas, e métodos de bootstrapping paramétrico e não paramétrico são usados para estudar o viés e a variância dos estimadores dos parâmetros, usando o programa FORTRAN para obter os resultados. No terceiro capítulo, a nova verossimilhança apresentada no capítulo 2 é usada com um modelo de escolha discreta, para resolver parte do problema apresentado no primeiro capítulo. A estrutura de encaixe é proposta para modelar a seleção de habitat de 28 corujas manchadas (Strix occidentalis), assim como a uma generalização do modelo logit encaixado, usando a maximização da utilidade aleatória e a RSPF aleatória. Métodos de otimização numérica, e o sistema computacional SAS, são usados para estimar os parâmetros de estrutura de encaixe. / In ecology, the behavior of animals is often studied to better understand their preferences for different types of habitat and food. The present work is concerned with this topic. It is divided into three chapters. The first concerns the estimation of a resource selection probability function (RSPF) compared with a discrete choice model (DCM) using chi-squared to obtain estimates. The best estimates were obtained by the DCM method. Nevertheless, animals were not selected based on choice alone. With RSPF, the maximum likelihood estimates used with the logistic regression still did not reach the objectives, since the animals have more than one choice. R and Minitab software and the FORTRAN programming language were used for the computations in this chapter. The second chapter discusses further the likelihood presented in the first chapter. A new likelihood for a RSPF is presented, which takes into account the units used and not used, and parametric and non-parametric bootstrapping are employed to study the bias and variance of parameter estimators, using a FORTRAN program for the calculations. In the third chapter, the new likelihood presented in chapter 2, with a discrete choice model is used to resolve a part of the problem presented in the first chapter. A nested structure is proposed for modelling selection by 28 spotted owls (Strix occidentalis) as well as a generalized nested logit model using random utility maximization and a random RSPF. Numerical optimization methods and the SAS system were employed to estimate the nested structural parameters.

土地價格對土地使用分區管制決策影響之研究 / Study of land price influence the descision making of zoning control

丁秀吟, Ding, Hsiu-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關土地使用分區管制與地價兩者間關係之研究,往往假設地價在實施規劃管制過程中呈中立性,且過去在探討土地使用分區管制與地價二者間關係之研究時,多著重在探討土地使用分區管制施行後對地價之影響上,對於土地使用分區管制決策是否受到土地市場中地價之影響,則僅在少數的研究中被探討。故本研究首先透過國內外相關文獻之回顧與分析,得知規劃管制決策者有時為求得最大之政治支持,有可能會以規劃管制為其尋求最大政治利益之工具,而扭曲規劃管制之原意,使得土地使用分區管制決策可能受到土地市場中地價之影響,然而地價於實際經濟社會中是否會影響土地使用分區管制決策,則有待進一步的探討與驗證。 是以本研究以公共選擇理論與消費者效用理論為基礎,透過台北縣市土地使用分區管制決策過程與內涵之探討,利用羅吉特(logit)迴歸分析模型,以台北市為實證範圍,並以其72至81年度之房地移轉買賣實際調查資料,進行分年橫斷面分析方式,求取選擇性偏誤訂正項後,再納入地價方程式中估計,以求地價函數一致性估計,據以逐年檢驗地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。再以台北市信義計畫區為個案分析之對象,檢視於現實社會中地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。 經由上述之實證與個案分析,得到以下之結論: 一、土地使用分區管制決策在執政者追求最大政治利益之假設下,將可能受到利益團體等相關者之壓力,而做出只利於少數人之土地使用分區管制決策。 二、土地使用分區管制決策可能會受土地市場中地價之影響。 三、地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響不穩定。 四、對土地使用分區管制決策時應有制度性之建立以審慎考量規劃管制之旨意。 / In the literatures, the study on. the relationship between land price and zoning control was assumed that land price is neutral. Moreover, the studies of land price and zoning control are more on the impact of land use control upon land price. The issue that impact of land prices upon the decision making of zoning control is rarely investigated. Based upon the theories of public choice and consumer's utility, this study discusses the process and content of zoning control decision-making. Then, by Logit model, the transaction data of property in Taipei City from 1983 to 1992 are employed to test the impact of land price upon the decision making of zoning control. Furthermore, a case study of Shin-I Planning District in Taipei City is analyzed so as to examine the impact of land price upon zoning control decision-making in the real operation. The major findings of this study are that, land price may affect the decision making of zoning control in the long term. However, the impact of land price upon the zoning control decision-making is unstable. Finally, based upon the public choice theory, the empirical results are discussed so as to apply the findings to the land policy.

The Effects of the Political-Legal Environment and Corporate Characteristics on Mergers and Acquisitions in India, 1991-2005

Ranganathan, Shilpa 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Emerging markets such as India have witnessed waves of domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions. This historical analysis, which consists of two parts, tests central tenets of resource dependence theory. The first part entails an analysis of the transition in public policy governing corporations between 1991 and 2005. The second part tests hypotheses derived from resource dependence theory relating to a firm’s decision to acquire. The analysis explores the factors that explain why firms engage in mergers and acquisitions by examining three specific policy periods (i.e., 1991-1996, 1997-2001 and 2002-2005). The findings from the historical analysis suggest that firms did not merely react to the conditions (i.e., constraints on capital) in their environment by undertaking merger and acquisition activity, but attempted to alter them as resource dependence theory suggests. Findings from the event history logit model also support resource dependence theory. Overall, the study shows that merger and acquisition activity increased during a period of intense deregulation (i.e., 1991-2005) brought about by the adoption of neo-liberal reforms, change to the multilayer subsidiary form, deregulation of the banking and financial sectors’ and reforms in foreign direct investment and equity markets. During this period of uncertainty, firms controlling more resources in terms of earnings, efficiency and number of subsidiaries were more likely to undertake acquisition activity as they have leverage in organization-environment relationships. The effect of number of subsidiaries on acquisition activity was the most consistent across policy periods’. This dissertation is organized in the following manner: Following the introductory chapter, Chapter II is a historical examination of the three policy periods and includes an analysis of the effect of the political-legal environment on mergers and acquisitions between 1991 and 2005. Chapter III reviews the propositions of resource dependence theory that pertain to organizational change and presents research hypotheses related to mergers and acquisitions. Chapter IV describes the data, measurement and methodology employed in the quantitative analysis. Chapter V presents the findings from the quantitative analysis and discusses the results. The concluding chapter (Chapter VI) includes a presentation of the theoretical findings and discussion of the limitations and scope of the study.

Ein simultanes Erzeugungs-, Verteilungs-, Aufteilungs- und Routenwahlmodell / A simultaneous Trip Generation, Distribution, Modal Split and Route Choice Model

Dugge, Birgit 08 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein simultanes Quell-, Ziel-, Verkehrsmittel- und Routenwahlmodell (Modell EVA-U) entwickelt, welches ein stochastisches Nutzergleichgewicht erreicht. Die Routenwahlmodelle der Verkehrsarten sind nicht mehr Teil der Umlegungsalgorithmen, sondern in das Nachfragemodell integriert. Dadurch ist eine konsistente Bewertung aller Alternativen (der Verkehrsarten) möglich. Das Simultanmodell EVA-U stellt eine Weiterentwicklung des Simultanmodells EVA von LOHSE dar. Das EVA-U-Modell ist den universalen Logit-Modellen zuzuordnen. Die Randsummenbedingungen der Verkehrsverteilung werden beachtet. Die Bewertung der Alternativen erfolgt mittels Generalisierter Kosten. Die Abhängigkeit von Routen wird berücksichtigt, ebenso die Tagesganglinie der Verkehrsnachfrage und die Fahrpläne des ÖV-Systems. Das Modell EVA-U erlaubt auch die Berücksichtigung von Routen intermodaler Verkehrsarten (z.B. P+R). Darüber hinaus ist die Integration eines Modells des ruhenden Verkehrs möglich. / In this thesis a simultaneous Trip Generation-, Distribution-, Modal-Split and Route Choice Model (modell EVA-U) is elaborated. The model tends to reach a stochastic user equilibrium. The route choice algorithms are not longer part of an assignment procedure but part of the demand model. A consistent assessment of properties of all transport systems is possible. The simultaneous model EVA-U is an advancement of the EVA-Model by Lohse. The model EVA-U is to be assigned to the generalised logit-models. All matrix constrains are taken into account. The assessment is effected by generalised costs. The dependence of routes is taken into account. Moreover, the integration of day time and the schedules of private transport lines is possible. Furthermore, it is possible to integrate a model of parked cars and circuits of inter-modal traffic forms (park and ride) in the Model EVA-U.

Investigating the Single Category Belief Problem in a Hybrid Product

Aziz, Salma 18 August 2011 (has links)
Existing research suggests that when consumers encounter hybrid products or boundary-spanning products with attributes belonging to multiple categories, consumers tend to generate inferences based on only a single product category. Reliance on a single category for inferencing is termed as the “single category belief problem” which has been regarded as a vital marketing challenge because it leads consumers to underestimate the true utility of a hybrid product as certain product attributes are ignored. Our objective was to explore whether single category beliefs manifest in consumer choice for a hybrid product when strategically placed within varying contexts. The research used discrete choice experiment (DCE) to test hypotheses. Our research confirms that the single category belief is evident in consumer choice. We also found that the context the hybrid product is placed within has a major influence on what consumers preferred the most. Depending on the context a hybrid product was seen in had significant influence on how consumers evaluated product attributes and made purchase decisions. The findings for this research may be very beneficial for marketers.

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