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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUIS ANTONIO MOREIRA SEABRA 23 November 2006 (has links)
[pt] Foi feito um estudo da linha de montagem de viaturas do Parque regional de Manutenção da Primeira Região Militar com o objetivo de propor o uso de uma ferramenta computacional que auxilie no planejamento da produção desta organização militar. Para isso, foi criado um modelo, composto de várias estações de trabalho, dispostas em linha e utilizou-se o software de simulação ARENA. Foram executadas análises de sensibilidades e ajustes no modelo, com o objetivo de ajustá-lo. Com os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que uso desta ferramenta computacional proporciona aos gestores desta OM de manutenção do Exército Brasileiro um melhor planejamento da produção anual e conseqüentemente um retorno mais rápido das viaturas às OM de origem. Foi feito, também, uma breve explanação sobre Logística Militar, Fases da Logística Militar, Níveis de Apoio Logístico, Função Logística Manutenção, Escalões de manutenção, Organização da Logística no EB, Teoria de Filas e Simulação. / [en] It was made a study of the assembly line of vehicles of the Regional Park of Maintenance of the First Military Área (PqRMnt/1) with the objective of proposing the use of a computation tool that aids in the planning of the production of this military organization. For that, a model was created, composed of several work stations (workshops), disposed in line and the software of simulation ARENA was used. Analyses of sensibilities and fittings were executed in the model, with the objective of adjusting him/it. With the obtained results, it was ended that use of this computation tool provides to the managers of this OM of maintenance of the Brazilian Army (EB) a better planning of the annual production and consequently a faster return of the vehicles to origin OM. It was done, also, an abbreviation explanation on Military Logistics, Phases of the Military Logistics, Levels of the Logistic Support, Functions Logistics of the Maintenance, Steps of Maintenance, Organization of the Logistics in EB, Theory of Queues and Simulation.


[pt] A assistência humanitária em casos de desastres vem desempenhando papel significativo nos estudos da logística atualmente. Neste cenário, onde a participação de militares brasileiros prestando este tipo de assistência tem sido cada vez mais marcante, cabe às instituições que compõem as Forças Armadas brasileiras revisar, documentar e analisar continuamente os processos e métodos quando atuando em assistência humanitária. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os obstáculos que a Marinha do Brasil encontrou e como foi sua atuação no campo logístico quando participou de ações humanitárias nos terremotos ocorridos no Haiti e no Chile, ambos no ano de 2010. A contribuição desta pesquisa é principalmente servir de fonte documental retratando como foi o apoio prestado pelos militares na época que os eventos ocorreram e a sistemática de abastecimento atualmente empregada pela Força, visando melhorar as decisões a serem tomadas na Marinha do Brasil, quando esta se deparar com casos semelhantes aos que aqui foram tratados. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada foi de abordagem qualitativa, com objetivo exploratório e descritivo, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica em conceitos presentes no ramo da logística e em doutrinas legais que regem a logística militar. O estudo de caso pautou-se em apresentar dois eventos e analisar a atuação da Marinha em cada um deles. A revisão e análise dos casos aqui tratados resulta no apoio a novos estudos que visem o aperfeiçoamento de processos e o melhor gerenciamento de cadeias logísticas que sejam capazes de aliviar o sofrimento humano por meio de operações humanitárias. / [en] Humanitarian assistance for disaster events has been playing a significant role in logistics studies nowadays. In this scenario, where the participation of Brazilian military personnel proving this type of assistance has been increasingly important, it is duty of the institutions that compose the Brazilian Armed Forces to continuously review, document and analyze the processes and methods when acting in humanitarian assistance. This dissertation aims to present the obstacles that the Brazilian Navy encountered and how it performed in the logistic field when it participated in humanitarian actions after the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, both in the year of 2010. The contribution of this research is mainly to serve as a documentary source, depicting the support provided by the military at the time the events occurred and the supply system currently employed by the Force, aiming to improve the decisions to be taken in the Brazilian Navy, when it faces similar cases in the future. The research methodology used was a qualitative approach, with an exploratory and descriptive objective, through a bibliographical research on concepts present in the logistics sector and in legal doctrines that govern the military logistics. The case study consisted in presenting two events and analyzing the Brazilian Navy s performance in each of them. The review and analysis of the cases discussed here results in support for further studies that aim the improvement of processes and the better managing of logistics chains that are capable of alleviating human suffering through humanitarian operations.

Optimisation des flux logistiques : vers une gestion avancée de la situation de crise / Optimization of logistics flows : towards an advanced crisis management supply chain

Kaddoussi, Aida 26 November 2012 (has links)
La logistique de gestion de crise fait de plus en plus parler d’elle. En effet, que ce soit au sujet de conflits géopolitiques ou de catastrophes naturelles, ou encore lorsqu’il s’agit d’urgences de proximité, on ne peut plus passer à côté de la gestion de crise pour faire face à des faits internationaux ou nationaux. La logistique de gestion de crise œuvre pour que les secours soient optimisés et que l’aide et le ravitaillement en nourriture, eau, médicaments, soit apportés rapidement aux zones sinistrées. Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse, dans le cadre d’une coopération avec le département logistique d’EADS, visent à apporter une réponse à ces défis. Nous présentons, dans ce contexte, des solutions basées sur une approche de modélisation, optimisation et simulation orientée agents de flux logistiques. Les problèmes de gestion de flux abordés nous ont permis d’étudier et développer trois volets d’investigation : un module d’aide au positionnement des zones logistiques qui permet de minimiser les distances entre les zones et d’optimiser leurs nombre et ce pour une meilleure circulation des flux, une approche innovante pour l’ordonnancement distribué des tâches de livraison qui permet d’apporter une solution à un problème de gestion des flux fortement distribué, et finalement un agent holonique qui permet de fournir une estimation de la consommation à venir d’un site logistique, en alliant l’expertise des logisticiens aux modèles à base de logique floue. Pour démontrer l’efficacité des approches utilisées, un démonstrateur baptisé OBAC (Optimisation à Base d’Agents Communicants) a été réalisé, intégrant toutes ces approches et applications militaires / Nowadays, crisis management logistics is facing new challenges. Indeed, geopolitical conflicts, natural disasters or emergencies can cause big damages and so require rapid and effective response. Due to their sudden occurrence, we are countering a high disturbances context: a Crisis Management Supply Chain (CMSC). Working in such an uncertain environment incites to be equipped with optimization and cooperation mechanisms assuring all the chain actors satisfaction, while acting in a collective way to reach a common objective: the crisis management.In this thesis, we focus on the definition of a modeling approach and an agent-based simulation of the Crisis Management Supply Chain. We propose a decision support system that deals with three problems: the optimal positioning of logistics zones to facilitate the flows circulation, an innovative method for solving a highly-distributed delivery scheduling problem, based on a multi-agent system, for the distribution of relief materials (food, water, clothes, etc.) to the areas affected by the disaster, and finally a need estimating agent to give an accurate forecast of resources’ consumption in the logistic zones. Blending the agent paradigm with the optimization technics helped reach our goals of implementing a large-scale decision support system. The simulation results highlight our contributions

Suitable ILS-processes : How suitable ILS-processes between FMV and their partners can be designed for materiel systems with high-turnover-rates / Anpassade ILS-processer : Hur anpassade ILS-processer mellan FMV och deras medparter kan designas för materielsystem med hög omsättning

Boork, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Swedish military logistics are in large part dependent on civilian business assets in the acquisition of certain materiel. Here are products with high commercial-turnover-rate, which for a military organization who want to be able to buy the same product years later makes it difficult. The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and their consultant partners frequently run into this problem in their support functions, specifically the integrated logistics support (ILS) process. By request of the FMV consultant partner Svekon, the main purpose of the study is to investigate the subject of Swedish logistics and general ILS processes. This with the goal of determining how suitable ILS-processes can be designed for materiel systems with high-turnover-rates. The study is divided into investigations of the ILS subject, the current process within FMV and its partners, and factors around Swedish defence-logistics that play a part in the process. Methods include interviewing personnel who work within two exemplified materiel areas, including FMV, Svekon, civilian contractors, and the users within the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF). Second is a literature study based on prior works and theories around ILS and Swedish logistics conduct, including models, guidelines, and factors that contribute to an efficient ILS-process. With the gathered material from both methods the major contributing factors and models are discussed and put into highlighting an ILS-framework to follow. The conclusion through a broader understanding of military logistics suggests that the term “logistics” and suitability of “efficiency” are in large part up to interpretation by the different actors, due to different underlying processes and goals. As such, the final contribution is a set of universal success factors that with the example of an applied ILS-framework for Svekon can be used by any ILS actor to construct a process according to their background. / Svensk militärlogistik är till stor del beroende av civila affärstillgångar vid anskaffning av viss materiel. Här finns produkter med hög kommersiell omsättningshastighet, vilket för en militär organisation som vill kunna köpa samma produkter år senare gör det svårt. Försvarets materielverk (FMV) och deras konsultparter upplever detta som ett problem i sina stödfunktioner, så kallat integrerat logistikstöd (ILS). På begäran av FMV:s konsultpart Svekon är huvudsyftet med studien att undersöka ämnet kring svensk logistik och allmänna ILS-processer. Detta med målet att avgöra hur anpassade ILS-processer kan utformas för materielsystem med hög omsättningshastighet. Studien är indelad i utredningar av ILS-ämnet, den nuvarande processen inom FMV och dess partners samt faktorer kring svensk försvarslogistik som påverkar processen. Metoder inkluderar intervjuer på personal som arbetar inom två av dessa materielområden, bland annat FMV, Svekon, civila företag, och brukarna inom Försvarsmakten (FM). Andra metoden är en litteraturstudie baserad på tidigare arbeten och teorier kring ILS och svenskt logistikbeteende, inklusive modeller, riktlinjer och faktorer som bidrar till en effektiv ILS-process. Med det insamlade materialet från båda metoderna diskuteras bidragande faktorer och modeller som sedan kan användas i ett applicerbart ILS-ramverk. Slutsatsen genom en bredare förståelse av militär logistik antyder att begreppen "logistik" och anpassning av "effektivitet" till stor del är upp till tolkning av de olika aktörerna, på grund av individuella bakomliggande processer och mål. Genom detta blir det slutliga bidraget en uppsättning av universella framgångsfaktorer som appliceras i ett tillämpat exempel på ILS-ramverk, baserat på Svekon som användare. Med faktorerna och de presenterade modellerna kan sedan vilken ILS-aktör som helst i processen utforma ett eget ramverk baserat på sin egen bakgrund.

Modeling and Simulation for Forward Arming and Refueling Points : Enhancing efficiency and Decision- making in Military Operations

Muurmans, Philip January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis explores the application of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) techniques in military operations involving Forward Arming and Refueling Points (FARP). FARPs play a crucial role in supporting aircraft operations by facilitating deep penetration into enemy territory and ensuring sustained presence in the Area of Operation (AOO). Due to the limited reach of aircraft, FARPs often become essential for accessing the AOO. Logistical units that are responsible for establishing FARPs, face the challenge of timely deployment, as joint air operations planning is complex and time-consuming. M&S is employed to enhance the efficiency of FARP planning processes for military helicopters.M&S allows for the testing of various solutions without the need for physical experiments, thereby enabling the exploration of different options during the planning phase of FARP operations. The Information Systems (IS) framework is utilized to create a theoretical knowledge base, forming the foundation for developing a M&S product tailored to the requirements of FARP operations.This master’s thesis utilizes the Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM) method to construct a model of FARP operations, while employing Monte Carlo Simulation to quantify associated risks and discrete event simulation to simulate the time aspects of such operations. The outcomes include a Python-based simulation program that interprets real-world map images, simulates FARP operations, and generates data such as helicopter fuel consumption and FARP survival probability.Although the simulation program has limited functionality, it demonstrates the potential of M&S to support decision-making processes for FARP commanders, which can enhance the overall efficiency of the FARP planning process. This is shown by a Spearman correlation test and Student's t-test, which revealed significant relationships among different elements of the model, reflecting the dynamics observed in real- world FARP operations. Further enhancements can be made to the simulation program by incorporating additional dynamic elements of the model.

Försörjning under anfall och försvar

Gustafsson, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
Research question - Which conditions are unique, regardless of time and space, for; supplying units in the defense of one's own territory, and supplying units in an invasion of another nation's territory? Purpose – This study aims to increase the understanding of the differences in logistical conditions for strategic supply, and to contribute to the relatively poorly explored research field of military logistics.  Design/methodology/approach – To answer the research question, the author conducted a structured, focused comparative study on three conflicts; The Finnish War, 1808-1809, Operation Barbarossa, 1941, Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003. Findings – None of the defending sides were properly prepared. The defenders lost resources to the attackers. The defender controlled the territory before the conflict, and had the opportunity to affect and prepare it. All attackers could choose time and theater of war. All attackers’ units were cut off from their supply source due to weather or climate situation. The attackers had the opportunity to obtain resources from the defenders. The distance between the attackers’ units and their rear supply source increased as the offensive continues.  Originality/value – This is the first study that attempts to identify general differences between supplying the defending and the attacking side during an invasion.

Public Private Business Models for Defence Acquisition : A Multiple Case Study of Defence Acquisition Projects in the UK

Ekström, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
Since the ending of the Cold War, the defence sector, particularly the areas of military logistics and defence acquisition, has been undergoing a comprehensive transformation. There are several factors that explain this transformation: changes in defence and security policies for nations and organisations; reductions in defence expenditure; participation in Peace Support Operations; Lessons Learned from these operations, especially in the area of logistics; revolutionary development in the area of Information and Communication Technology; emergence of novel Commercial Best Practises in the areas of business and business logistics; and changes in the legislation regarding the conduct of public procurement in Europe. In military logistics, the relatively easily described static supply and support chains of the Cold War Era, designed for military units that stood in preparedness, Just-in-Case, of full-scale military conflicts in Europe, are now being substituted for flexible, dynamic operational supply and support chains, designed for military units that are deployed on Peace Support Operations around the globe. Hence, new types of missions have to be provided for. As a consequence, new military concepts have to be considered; new technology is being implemented; and new Commercial Best Practises are being evaluated, adapted and adopted; in order to enhance performance and ensure Value-for-Money. In defence acquisition, the single Business Model of the Cold War Era, i.e. procurement of equipment, is being replaced by a spectrum of emerging Business Models, ranging from the traditional procurement of equipment, via acquisition of equipment and support, to acquisition of availability and capability, i.e. acquisition of performance. Consequently, new Commercial Best Practises are being evaluated, adapted and adopted; Commercial and Military-Off-The-Shelf products and services are being utilised; and Public Private Participation, Cooperation, and Partnerships are being investigated and initiated; in order to enhance performance and ensure Value-for-Money, while simultaneously mitigating operational risk in the supply and support chains. This licentiate thesis reports on a research project that was commissioned by FMV, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, and conducted in order to "study, analyse, and evaluate Business Models regarding how they can handle the new supply concept that a new logistical interface brings about, with a particular emphasis on the risk taking that is part of the business concept". This research purpose was used to formulate three Research Questions: • Research Question 1: How can a generic Business Model for a non-profit, governmental, Defence Procurement Agency be described? • Research Question 2: Which strengths and weaknesses do different Business Models have in the context of defence acquisition? • Research Question 3: Which risks are associated with different Business Models in the context of defence acquisition? Using constructs from: Business Model theory, Public Private Participation theory, defence acquisition theory and practise, and military logistics theory and practise; a generic Public Private Business Model for defence acquisition was developed. The generic model consists of numerous variables, which enables an array of possible configurations. The model was used in a multiple case study to describe and analyse four defence acquisition projects in the UK. The multiple case study demonstrated that the generic Public Private Business Model is useful in order to describe defence acquisition projects. The model has also demonstrated that it is useful in order to analyse acquisition projects, including performance and risk. The Public Private Business Model has demonstrated its usefulness by discovering internal and external misalignments. The internal misalignments are Business Model configurations where the different building blocks are working against each other. The research has revealed examples where the mitigation of operational risk in the supply and support chains creates new risks in other building blocks. An external misalignment occurs when a Business Model configuration works against the deal for which it was designed, or the strategy that it is intended to realise. The research has revealed examples where there is a risk that the Business Model configuration is detrimental to the overarching strategy, e.g. transferring risk to the private sector or incentivising industry to enhance performance. Hence, the Public Private Business Model ought to be useful to identify and eradicate negative patterns and to identify and reinforce positive patterns. The research has revealed three potential generic problems for Performance Based Contracts: a "definition problem" (i.e. what to measure); a "measurement problem" (i.e. when, where and how to measure); and a "comparison problem" (i.e. with what to compare). The research results demonstrate that it must be made explicit which dimensions of performance; e.g. speed, quality, cost, flexibility and dependability; that should be measured, and why others should be omitted. The research suggests that performance must be explicitly specified for any Performance Based Contract in order to avoid any unnecessary problems with interpretations. Furthermore, the research indicates that performance metrics must be explicitly described. In addition, the results emphasise the importance of having an established baseline, against which to compare the measurements of Key Performance Indicators.

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