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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu byt ve Žďáře nad Sázavou / Comparison of Selected Methods of Valuation of Apartment-type Real Estate in Žďár nad Sázavou

Úradníček, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis survey on juxtaposition single methods that the use for evaluation real property type flat. From methods exploited for evaluation avails administrative way evaluation, for assesment usual price will used method direct comparison. Confrontation flats will effected in locality Žďár nad Sázavou, subject evaluation will houses about sizes 2+1. Work includes description given to areas and maps in her situation in the marketplace with houses periods.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro bytové jednotky v typových domech v okrajových částech města Brna / Comparison of Selected Methods of Valuation of Flat Units in Standardized Houses on the Outskirts of Brno

Vovsová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the comparison of selected methods of apartment valuation in the location of Brno, in specific on the apartment - high-rise block. The theoretical part describes the basic notions connected with valuation, describes the methods of valuation and also the valuated locations itself. The practical part deals with the aparment valuation using these methods - the method according to price provision, specifically comparative technique, then the comparative method itself but not according to price provision and finally using the yield method for an assessment of the current price.

Jüdische Geschichte im Zeichen der Digitalisierung. Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme der fachwissenschaftlichen Angebote im Internet

Menny, Anna 08 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"Kristi blod" i Första Petrusbrevet : rening från synd?

Lund, Helena January 2021 (has links)
För nutida läsare av Nya Testamentet kan referenser till ”Kristi blod” upplevas som märkliga och rentav obehagliga – de flesta människor idag associerar ju blod till något negativt. I denna uppsats studeras två passager i Första Petrusbrevet som innehåller just motivet ”Kristi blod” – detta utanför en nattvardskontext. Utifrån den svenska översättningen och sekler av teologiska läror är det lätt att tänka att motivet anspelar på en försoningstanke kring rening och frigörande från synd. Men stämmer det verkligen? Uppsatsförfattaren utforskar både innebörden av ”Kristi blod” i dessa passager samt vilken funktion de har i Första Petrusbrevet som helhet. Analysen görs genom en historisk-kritisk metod inriktad på ordstudium utifrån den grekiska grundtexten, intertextualitet och metaforik. Bland annat kan författaren visa att ”Kristi blod” utgör en del av en argumentation som handlar om att adressaterna ska härda ut i den sociala utsatthet de upplever som kristna. Genom att följa Kristus i hans lidande kommer de även få del i hans förhärligande och uppståndelse. Förutom de kända referenserna i Första Petrusbrevet till bl.a. Jes 53 och Ps 34 kan författaren här även visa på en intertextualitet med Ps 89. Denna ger ytterligare en dimension av temat ”Herrens lidande tjänare” som finns i brevet samt förstärker argumentationen om en Kristus-identifikation för adressaterna. / For modern New Testament readers, references to “the blood of Christ” can be perceived as strange and even unpleasant, since most people today associate blood with something negative. In this bachelor’s thesis, two passages in the 1 Peter are studied, which contain the motif of "the blood of Christ" - this outside a communion context. Based on the Swedish Bible translation and centuries of theological teachings, it is easy to think that the motif alludes to atonement theory and an idea of ​​purification and liberation from sin. But is this really the matter? The author here explores both the meaning of "the blood of Christ" in these passages and what function they have in 1 Peter as a whole. The analysis is made through a historical-critical method focused on word study based on the Greek text, intertextuality and the many metaphors in the letter.  Among other things, the author can show that "the blood of Christ" is part of an argumentation that is about helping the addressees to endure the social vulnerability they experience as Christians in the Greek-Roman society. By following Christ in his suffering, they will also be able to take part in his glorification and resurrection. In addition to the well-known references in 1 Peter to e.g. Isaiah 53 and Psalm 34, the author can also point to an intertextuality with Psalm 89. This deepens the theme of "The Lord's suffering servant" in the letter and strengthens the idea of identification in Christ for the addressees.

Informační systém realitní kanceláře / Information System for Estate Agency

Dudík, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with the requirements analysis of the online content management system of real estate agency. The aim of the work is to suggest and implement this system. The emphasis is mainly on the possibility of data synchronization with Czech real estate servers. On the basis of the appreciation of several different methods used for the data exchange there are illustrated their benefits and disadvantages. Ascertained matter will be used for the proposal of the method of synchronization among real estate systems. System is built by using PHP 5 and MySQL, XML, XSLT, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML-RPC technologies.

Příprava a řízení stavební zakázky z pohledu investora / Construction Order Preparation and Management from Aspect of Investor

Vomočil, Filip Unknown Date (has links)
The principal objective of the thesis is to provide the reader with information related to the subject matter of preparation and management of a construction contract from the perspective of an investor. The task of the thesis is to desrcibe the process of the particular stages of life cycle of a certain construction contract from the point of view of an investor and to analyze the issues of environmental protection and its impact on the preparation of constructions. The required outcome of this thesis is the creation of respective documentation for management of a construction contract.

De heliga källornas värld : En fallstudie om källkulternas kontinuitet i Mellan- och Sydsverige / The world of the sacred springs : A case study on the continuity of the spring cults in central and southern Sweden

Lindström, Karin January 2024 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker källkulten i Mellan- och Sydsverige, där syftet är att ta reda på om en kultkontinuitet eller diskontinuitet finns. Studien utgörs av tre fallstudie bestående av tre heliga källor, Svinnegarns källa, Gödåkers brunn samt Flistad brunn. Utöver fallstudierna undersöks heliga källor ur ett historiskt, sakralt och folkloristiskt perspektiv för att ge förståelse för seder och trosuppfattningar som angår heliga källor i Sverige. Studien söker efter data föratt styrka kultkontinuitet i källkulten. Kultkontinuitet fungerar därför som ett ramverk genom uppsatsen. Med en komparativ metod, samt genom litteraturstudier, nådde uppsatsen slutsatsen att en kultkontinuitet finns i källkulten. Källkulten har genomgått flera förändringar över tid och den huvudsakliga faktorn som varit drivande i kultens utveckling är kristendomen och kyrkan. / This essay investigates the spring cult in central and southern Sweden, where the aim is to find out whether cult continuity or discontinuity exists. The study consists of three case studies covering three sacred springs, Svinnegarns spring, Gödåkers well and Flistad well. In addition to the case studies, sacred springs are examined from a historical, sacral, and folkloristic perspective to provide an understanding of customs and beliefs concerning holy springs in Sweden. The study searches for data to substantiate cult continuity in the spring cult. Cult continuity therefore serve as a framework throughout the essay. With a comparative method and literature studies, the essay reached a conclusion that cult continuity exists in the spring cult. The spring cult has undergone several changes over time and the main factor that has been driving the cult's development is Christianity and the church.

O instituto da incorporação de ações / Stock for stock exchange transactions

Ponczek, Daniel Kalansky 06 April 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objeto o estudo do instituto da incorporação de ações. Para tanto, será analisado, (i) no primeiro capítulo, o regime legal vigente e sua natureza jurídica, apresentando-se as diferenças em relação à operação de incorporação de sociedade, fazendo inclusive um contraste com o direito norte-americano; (ii) no segundo capítulo, a proteção dos acionistas minoritários em operações de incorporação de controlada e eventual impedimento de voto do acionista controlador, analisando-se os recentes pareceres de orientação emitidos pela CVM; (iii) no terceiro capítulo, o estudo do instituto do tag along e do fechamento de capital e necessidade de realização de oferta pública em operações de incorporação de ações que impliquem transferência de controle ou cancelamento de registro de companhia aberta, à luz das últimas operações realizadas no mercado; (iv) no quarto capítulo, a discussão dos principais precedentes nos quais a CVM decidiu impor restrições ou impedir a realização de operações de incorporação de ações por entender ter havido um tratamento não equitativo entre os acionistas minoritários e controladores, com o objetivo de demonstrar a alteração do comportamento do órgão regulador no decorrer dos anos / The present work aims the study of the stock-for-stock exchange transactions (incorporação de ações). For this purpose, it will be examined (i) in the first part, the current legal regime and legal nature, contemplating differences with the statutory merger (incorporação de sociedade), including a comparison with the US law, (ii) in the second part, the protection of minority shareholders in the context of parent-subsidiary mergers and possible exclusion from voting of the controlling shareholder, taking into account the recent opinions issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), (iii) in the third part, the study of the tag along rights and the regulation for delisting companies and the need to conduct a tender offer in stock-for-stock exchange transactions involving transfer of control or delisting of a publicly-held company in light of recent transactions, and (iv) in the fourth part, the discussion of the key precedents on which CVM has decided to impose restrictions or prevent the conduct of stock-for-stock transaction under the understanding that there was inequitable treatment of minority shareholders and controlling shareholders, in order to demonstrate the change of the CVMs understanding over the years.

O instituto da incorporação de ações / Stock for stock exchange transactions

Daniel Kalansky Ponczek 06 April 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objeto o estudo do instituto da incorporação de ações. Para tanto, será analisado, (i) no primeiro capítulo, o regime legal vigente e sua natureza jurídica, apresentando-se as diferenças em relação à operação de incorporação de sociedade, fazendo inclusive um contraste com o direito norte-americano; (ii) no segundo capítulo, a proteção dos acionistas minoritários em operações de incorporação de controlada e eventual impedimento de voto do acionista controlador, analisando-se os recentes pareceres de orientação emitidos pela CVM; (iii) no terceiro capítulo, o estudo do instituto do tag along e do fechamento de capital e necessidade de realização de oferta pública em operações de incorporação de ações que impliquem transferência de controle ou cancelamento de registro de companhia aberta, à luz das últimas operações realizadas no mercado; (iv) no quarto capítulo, a discussão dos principais precedentes nos quais a CVM decidiu impor restrições ou impedir a realização de operações de incorporação de ações por entender ter havido um tratamento não equitativo entre os acionistas minoritários e controladores, com o objetivo de demonstrar a alteração do comportamento do órgão regulador no decorrer dos anos / The present work aims the study of the stock-for-stock exchange transactions (incorporação de ações). For this purpose, it will be examined (i) in the first part, the current legal regime and legal nature, contemplating differences with the statutory merger (incorporação de sociedade), including a comparison with the US law, (ii) in the second part, the protection of minority shareholders in the context of parent-subsidiary mergers and possible exclusion from voting of the controlling shareholder, taking into account the recent opinions issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), (iii) in the third part, the study of the tag along rights and the regulation for delisting companies and the need to conduct a tender offer in stock-for-stock exchange transactions involving transfer of control or delisting of a publicly-held company in light of recent transactions, and (iv) in the fourth part, the discussion of the key precedents on which CVM has decided to impose restrictions or prevent the conduct of stock-for-stock transaction under the understanding that there was inequitable treatment of minority shareholders and controlling shareholders, in order to demonstrate the change of the CVMs understanding over the years.

Možnosti rozvoje aktivit pro volný čas mládeže ve věku 15-18 let a ukázky jejich realizace v Českých Budějovicích / The Possibilities of Development of Free-time Activities for the Youth at the Age of 15 - 18 and the Examples of Implementation Within České Budějovice

BENDA, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
This thesis concerns the posibiliies of development of free-time activities for the youth and gives examples of the implementation within České Budějovice. The thesis is devided into two parts {--} the first theoretical part describes the wide space of freee time and its significance in society, focuses on the specifics which are significant for the youth at the age of 15 {--} 18, their needs and activities in terms of free time. The second practical part analyses the offer of free-time activities for the youth in České Budějovice. The results of the research focusing on free time and the ways of its exploitation concerning the youth at the age of 15 {--} 18 in České Budějovice are introduced there.

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