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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fallet “ASAP Rocky” : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av gestaltningen av kändisskap och våldsbrott i svensk nyhetsrapportering

Eld, Marika, Karlsson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
In the summer of 2019, ASAP Rocky, or Rakim Meyers as his real name is, was suspectedand later convicted of assault after a gig in Stockholm. The incident and the subsequent courtproceedings received a great deal of attention in the Swedish media.The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to examine the news coverage of the case "ASAPRocky" in the Swedish press. The research questions that were investigated were: How isASAP Rocky presented in news articles in Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet? What does the conformation of the role as a victim and perpetrator look like? How does the conformation change during the arrest? We conducted a qualitative content analysis using a question template based on four questions taken from media logic and framing theory. By examining the portrayal of the parties involved and roles as victims and perpetrators, we were able to distinguish that none of the roles are portrayed or lived up to the definition of the roles.One theme in the essay was that ASAP Rocky's celebrity status was in his favor. This theme is also demonstrated when ASAP is embodied in the empirical material.

Idrottssponsringens komplexitet : En studie om företags mål och föreningars attraktionskraft / The complexity of sports sponsorship : a study about companies’ goals and the attraction power of sports associations

Ruotsalainen, Sebastian, Westman, Rikard January 2023 (has links)
Idrottssponsring ses idag som ett legitimt marknadsföringsverktyg, och är någonting som företag spenderar allt mer pengar på. För idrottsföreningar är sponsorintäkter en viktig del i att bedriva sin verksamhet. Tidigare forskning inom området hanterar frågan främst ur ett företagsperspektiv, hur företag kan nå strategiska mål genom sponsring. Det finns däremot inte lika mycket forskning som hanterar frågan ur idrottsföreningarnas perspektiv, hur de bör arbeta för attattrahera sponsorer. Därför är syftet med studien att öka förståelsen kring hur idrottsföreningar kan arbeta för att bli så attraktiva som möjligt för sponsorer. Genom en kvalitativ studie där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med två företag och två idrottsföreningar ger studien svar på forskningsfrågan om vad företag vill uppnå genom sin sponsring och vad idrottsföreningars värdeerbjudande består av. Empirin analyserades genom en tematisk analys baserad på teman formulerade ur studiens teoretiska referensram. Studien visar att företag lägger stor vikt vid samhällsnytta som kan kombineras med exponering, att sponsorinvesteringar ger ett affärsvärde tillbaka till företaget samt att det finns en professionell organisation att samarbeta med. Dessa resultat, i kombination med empirin från idrottsföreningarna, utmynnade i följande praktiska rekommendationer. Idrottsföreningar bör fokusera på att optimera exponeringsytor som direkt kan kopplas till samhällsnyttiga projekt, prioritera affärsmässig kompentens inom organisationen för att skapa och bibehålla professionella relationer med företagspartners samt identifiera en tydlig profil att kommunicera utåt. Dessa slutsatser och rekommendationer kan vara till hjälp för idrottsföreningar som vill utveckla sin förmåga att attrahera sponsorer. / Sports sponsorship is seen today as a legitimate marketing tool and is something that companies spend more and more money on. For sports associations, sponsorship income is an important part of running their business. Previous research in the area deals with the issue primarily from a company perspective, how companies can achieve strategic goals through sponsorship. However, there is not as much research that deals with the issue from the sports associations' perspective, how they should work to attract sponsors. Therefore, the aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how sports associations can work to become as attractive as possible to sponsors. By conducting a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with two companies and two sports associations, the study answers the research question about what companies want to achieve with their sponsorship and what the sports associations' value offer consists of. The empirical material was analyzed with the help of a thematic analysis based on themes formulated from the studies' theoretical frame of reference. The study shows that companies attach great importance to social benefit that can be combined with exposure, that sponsorship investments should provide business value back to the company and that there is a professional organization to collaborate with. These results, combined with the empirical evidence from the sports associations, resulted in the following practical recommendations. Sports associations should concentrate on optimizing areas of exposure which can be directly linked to socially beneficial projects, prioritize business competences within the organization in order to create and maintain professional relationships with partners and finally, they should identify a clear profile to communicate externally. These conclusions and recommendations can be helpful for sports associations that want to develop their ability to attract sponsors.

"That’s what abusers do, not victims" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Johnny Depps fans kriskommunikation på sociala medier under rättegången Depp vs Heard. / "That’s what abusers do, not victims" : A qualitative content analysis of Johnny Depp's fans' crisis communication on social media during the Depp vs Heard trial.

Falk, Emelie, Olsson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
In the aftermath of #MeToo, Amber Heard chose to share her experiences of sexual abuse and violence in the relationship with Johnny Depp in an article. Depp denied the allegations and claimed that the accusations were fabricated and therefore chose to sue Heard for defamation. The defamation trial between the ex-spouses began in 2022 and received much attention since it was broadcast live to the public. The lawsuit quickly went viral on social media where Depp's fans constructed and spread favorable narratives on Depp's behalf in order to restore his reputation. The purpose of the study is to examine, from a gender perspective, how fans of a public figure crisis communicated on social media during an ongoing trial following accusations of intimate partner violence. This is achieved by a qualitative content analysis where posts published by Depp's fans during the trial are analyzed based on the theories of postfeminism and Image Repair Theory. The study concluded that both Depp and Heard are portrayed based on male and female attributes to relate to the roles of victim and perpetrator more clearly. Heard is blamed and mocked, while Depp is celebrated and respected. Furthermore, there are also narratives that connect to misogynistic ideas that are hidden by, for example, discussions about equality and can be seen as a backlash against feminist successes. / I efterdyningarna av #MeToo valde Amber Heard att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter av sexuella övergrepp och våld i förhållandet med Johnny Depp i en debattartikel. Depp förnekade anklagelserna och menade att de var fabricerade och valde därför att stämma Heard för förtal. Förtalsrättegången mellan de forna makarna inleddes 2022 och fick stor uppmärksamhet eftersom den livesändes inför allmänheten. Rättegången blev snabbt viral på sociala medier där Depps fans konstruerade och spred fördelaktiga narrativ å Depps vägnar i syfte att återupprätta hans rykte. Syftet med studien är att utifrån ett genusperspektiv undersöka hur fans till en offentlig person kriskommunicerat på sociala medier under en pågående rättegång efter anklagelser om våld i nära relation. Detta genomförs med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där inlägg publicerade av Depps fans under tiden för rättegången analyseras utifrån teorierna postfeminism och Image Repair Theory. Studiens resultat visade att både Depp och Heard porträtteras utifrån manliga och kvinnliga attribut för att tydligare anknyta till rollerna som offer och förövare. Heard blir skuldbelagd och hånad, medan Depp blir hyllad och respekterad. Vidare förekommer också narrativ som anknyter till kvinnofientliga idéer som döljs av exempelvis diskussioner om jämställdhet och kan ses som en motreaktion på feministiska framgångar.

One-to-One Marketing in Grocery Retailing

Gabel, Sebastian 28 June 2019 (has links)
In der akademischen Fachliteratur existieren kaum Forschungsergebnisse zu One-to-One-Marketing, die auf Anwendungen im Einzelhandel ausgerichtet sind. Zu den Hauptgründen zählen, dass Ansätze nicht auf die Größe typischer Einzelhandelsanwendungen skalieren und dass die Datenverfügbarkeit auf Händler und Marketing-Systemanbieter beschränkt ist. Die vorliegende Dissertation entwickelt neue deskriptive, prädiktive und präskriptive Modelle für automatisiertes Target Marketing, die auf Representation Learning und Deep Learning basieren, und untersucht deren Wirksamkeit in Praxisanwendungen. Im ersten Schritt zeigt die Arbeit, dass Representation Learning in der Lage ist, skalierbar Marktstrukturen zu analysieren. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz zur Visualisierung von Marktstrukturen ist vollständig automatisiert und existierenden Methoden überlegen. Die Arbeit entwickelt anschließend ein skalierbares, nichtparametrisches Modell, das Produktwahl auf Konsumentenebene für alle Produkte im Sortiment großer Einzelhändler vorhersagt. Das Deep Neural Network übertrifft die Vorhersagekraft existierender Benchmarks und auf Basis des Modells abgeleitete Coupons erzielen signifikant höhere Umsatzsteigerungen. Die Dissertation untersucht abschließend eine Coupon-Engine, die auf den entwickelten Modellen basiert. Der Vergleich personalisierter Werbeaktionen mit Massenmarketing belegt, dass One-to-One Marketing Einlösungsraten, Umsätze und Gewinne steigern kann. Eine Analyse der Kundenreaktionen auf personalisierte Coupons im Rahmen eines Kundenbindungsprogrammes zeigt, dass personalisiertes Marketing Systemnutzung erhöht. Dies illustriert, wie Target Marketing und Kundenbindungsprogramme effizient kombiniert werden können. Die vorliegende Dissertation ist somit sowohl für Forscher als auch für Praktiker relevant. Neben leistungsfähigeren Modellansätzen bietet diese Arbeit relevante Implikationen für effizientes Promotion-Management und One-to-One-Marketing im Einzelhandel. / Research on one-to-one marketing with a focus on retailing is scarce in academic literature. The two main reasons are that the target marketing approaches proposed by researchers do not scale to the size of typical retail applications and that data regarding one-to-one marketing remain locked within retailers and marketing solution providers. This dissertation develops new descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive marketing models for automated target marketing that are based on representation learning and deep learning and studies the models’ impact in real-life applications. First, this thesis shows that representation learning is capable of analyzing market structures at scale. The proposed approach to visualizing market structures is fully automated and superior to existing mapping methods that are based on the same input data. The thesis then proposes a scalable, nonparametric model that predicts product choice for the entire assortment of a large retailer. The deep neural network outperforms benchmark methods for predicting customer purchases. Coupon policies based on the proposed model lead to substantially higher revenue lifts than policies based on the benchmark models. The remainder of the thesis studies a real-time offer engine that is based on the proposed models. The comparison of personalized promotions to non-targeted promotions shows that one-to-one marketing increases redemption rates, revenues, and profits. A study of customer responses to personalized price promotions within the retailer’s loyalty program reveals that personalized marketing also increases loyalty program usage. This illustrates how targeted price promotions can be integrated smoothly into loyalty programs. In summary, this thesis is highly relevant for both researchers and practitioners. The new deep learning models facilitate more scalable and efficient one-to-one marketing. In addition, this research offers pertinent implications for promotion management and one-to-one marketing.

論現金逐出合併下少數股東之保護—以日本法為借鏡 / A study on protections for minority shareholders in cash-out mergers: in comparison with Japanese law

陳健豪, Chen, Chien Hao Unknown Date (has links)
自我國企業併購法容許以現金作為併購對價後,現金逐出合併即成為我國法制上適法之併購類型。惟現金逐出合併通常為控制股東利用股權優勢,以現金對價剝奪少數股東留存於併購後公司之手段,故控制股東是否濫用資本多數決侵害少數股東權益以獨占併購利益乃成為現金逐出合併上不可忽視之討論重點。 本文以比較日本法之觀點,針對專屬於併購之保護機制及公司法上既有之救濟機制進行比較分析,以釐清及了解現行制度於實際操作上是否確實能夠在現金逐出合併之實行過程中發揮保護少數股東之功能。討論範圍上,前者,包含「資訊揭露制度」與「股份收買請求權」;後者,包含「股東制止請求權」與「爭執併購決議效力之訴訟」。比較內容圍繞在此四項制度於解釋適用上之學說與實務觀點。 除保護機制之討論外,本文另從二階段收購之角度探討少數股東之權益侵害。討論範圍上,主要以與股份收買請求權具有密切關係之控制權溢價分配及公開收購壓迫性兩者作為討論之對象,並從日本法之比較分析觀點,探討是否可透過股份收買請求權使少數股東分享控制權溢價,及解決二階段收購下可能引發之壓迫性問題。 最後,本文針對現行制度提出檢討與建議。在保護機制部分,資訊揭露制度應補強揭露內容與強化非公開發行公司之保護,股份收買請求權應調整目前實務採用之計算方式,股東制止請求權與爭執決議效力之訴訟應作一體性之調整。至於二階段收購部分,則應容許少數股東可分享控制權溢價,並暫以股份收買請求權解決公開收購之壓迫性問題。

Kupní smlouva v soukromém právu / Contract of Sale in Private Law

Chvátalová, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT CHVÁTALOVÁ, Daniela: Contract of Sale in Private Law. [Dissertation thesis]. Charles University. Faculty of Law; Department of Civil Law. Tutor: prof. JUDr. Jan Dvořák, CSc., Head of Department of Civil Law, Vice-Dean for the Doctoral Study Programme and Rigorosum Procedure. Level of professional qualification: Ph.D., Praha: PF UK, 2015. Key words: Civil Code No. 40/1964 Sb. Commercial Code No. 53/1991 Sb. Civil Code No. 89/2012 Sb. Principles of civil law. Purchase. Dual regulation. Precontracting negotiations. Offer and acceptance of the offer. Contract of sale. Purchase of personal property. Purchase of real property. Subject of the contract. Superficies solo cedit. Construction is a part of the land. Hardship clause. Purchase price and manner for determining the purchase price. Commercial terms and conditions. Decrease in a purchase price. Unreasonable decrease in the purchase price Laesio enormis. Price clause. Delivery of goods. Seller's delay in delivery of goods. Transfer of title. Rights in case of defective performance. Quality, quantity, type, and package. Rebus sic stantibus clause. Contractual penalty. Cancellation of a contract of sale. Sale of a plant. Advance payment and retainer. Supranational projects. Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). Principles of European Contract Law...

L’offre-finale baseball : un mécanisme arbitral particulier et utile

Baroni, Anne-Gaelle 12 1900 (has links)
Cette étude aborde le sujet de l’arbitrage de l’offre-finale. L’étude vise tout d’abord à présenter la particularité de ce mécanisme arbitral au travers du prisme de l’arbitrage salarial pratiqué au baseball. Elle vise ensuite à promouvoir l’utilité de ce processus au sein de ce cadre sportif en proposant son emploi pour régler les litiges relatifs à la détermination du montant des indemnités de transferts des footballeurs professionnels européens. / The following is a case-study about final-offer arbitration. The first objective is to describe the uniqueness of this mechanism in the context of baseball salary-arbitration. The second is to promote the utility of this process, in the context of baseball salary-arbitration. For instance, it advocates for its use to determine appropriate fees to be paid for professional european soccer players transfers.

Centrum pro předškolní děti / Child care centre

Beranová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with newly emerging forms of public preschool education. The research objective was to describe and evaluate the Center for preschool children, to characterize and compare it with the system of education in nursery schools. Evaluate their contribution to society and educational effects. Monitor vision and expectations of parents. To identify the necessary information, I used methods of observation of the educational conditions, observation of the work educator, interview with a educator, interview with the head of the Center and questionnaire for parents.

Régulations microbiennes et rhizosphériques des cycles du carbone et de l'azote dans les systèmes de culture conventionnels et innovants / Microbial and rhizospheric regulations of carbon and nitrogen cycles in conventional and innovative cropping systems

Cros, Camille 15 February 2019 (has links)
La présence de plantes accélère la décomposition de la matière organique du sol (MOS) au travers de l’apport de composés riches en énergie (rhizodépôts et litières) stimulant les microorganismes ; un phénomène appelé « rhizosphere priming effect » (RPE). Une augmentation de la photosynthèse, activité pourvoyeuse d'énergie rhizodéposée, pourrait augmenter le RPE et l’offre du sol en nutriments. Récemment, le modèle SYMPHONY couplant activités photosynthétiques et microbiennes du sol suggère un ajustement de l'offre du sol en nutriments (delta minéralisation-immobilisation) à la demande des plantes. Cependant, le rôle clé de la photosynthèse sur cet ajustement offre-demande reste à étudier expérimentalement.L’objectif général de la thèse est d'étudier le rôle des interactions des activités photosynthétiques et microbiennes du sol dans les régulations des flux de carbone (C) et d'azote (N) des écosystèmes. Trois écosystèmes types ont été étudiés : la prairie, la monoculture de blé et un nouveau système de culture (NSC) associant blé et plantes pérennes de la prairie. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que les plantes pérennes, via une activité photosynthétique pourvoyant les microorganismes en énergie tout au long de l'année, sont essentielles à l'ajustement offre-demande en N. De nombreux défis techniques ont été relevés afin de construire une plateforme expérimentale de 40 mésocosmes sous éclairage et température naturels. Cette plateforme permet de coupler marquage 13C des plantes, mesures continues des échanges de CO2, du RPE, de la production végétale, du stockage de C du sol, le taux de minéralisation-immobilisation d'N et du lessivage d'N. Ce dispositif nous a permis de déterminer la contribution du RPE dans les flux de C des écosystèmes comprenant la production nette de l’écosystème (NEP), la production primaire brute (GPP) et la respiration de l’écosystème (RE) exprimées en g C m-2 24h-1. Nous avons montré une relation positive linéaire entre (1) RPE et GPP et (2) RPE et biomasse aérienne (AGB) (g C m-2). A partir de ces relations, le RPE peut être prédit en utilisant les équations suivantes : (...). Nous montrons un ajustement offre-demande de l’N au cours des saisons : une forte activité photosynthétique (printemps) est liée à un RPE et un delta minéralisation-immobilisation d’N élevés alors qu’une faible activité photosynthétique (automne) est liée à un RPE et un delta minéralisation-immobilisation d’N faibles. Cet ajustement était observé dans la prairie et dans le NSC mais pas en monoculture de blé. Logiquement, la lixiviation d’N était importante en monoculture de blé alors qu’elle était quasi nulle en prairie et dans le NSC. Après deux années de maintien des trois écosystèmes types, la production aérienne totale du NSC était équivalente à la prairie, tous deux étant supérieurs d’environ un facteur deux à la monoculture de blé. Ces résultats confirment l’importance des plantes pérennes dans la synchronisation offre-demande de l’N. L’ensemble de ces investigations souligne l’importance des activités des plantes et des processus rhizosphériques dans la régulation des cycles CN des écosystèmes. Ces régulations pourront être étudiées in situ et à l'échelle globale grâce aux proxys de ces processus rhizosphériques (RPE, ajustement offre-demande) déterminés dans la thèse. Des activités photosynthétiques et rhizosphériques tout au long de l'année sont essentielles à l'ajustement offre-demande en nutriments conduisant à une forte production primaire, à la fermeture des cycles des nutriments et au stockage de MOS. Ces découvertes offrent l'opportunité de construire de nouveaux systèmes de culture, à l'image de l’association blé-plantes pérennes étudiée, à hautes performances agro-environnementales. / The presence of plants accelerates the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) through the supply of energy-rich compounds (rhizodeposits and litter) stimulating microorganisms; a phenomenon called rhizosphere priming effect (RPE). An increase of photosynthesis, supplying soil with rhizodeposited energy, could increase the RPE and soil nutrients offer. Recently, the SYMPHONY model coupling photosynthesis and soil microbial activities suggested an adjustment of the soil nutrient offer (delta mineralization-immobilization) to plant demand. However, the key role of photosynthesis in this offer-demand adjustment needs to be investigated experimentally.The general objective of the thesis is to study the role of interactions between photosynthesis and soil microbial activities in the regulation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fluxes of ecosystems. Three ecosystem types were studied: grassland, wheat monoculture and a new cropping system (NSC) where wheat and perennial grassland species were intercropped. We hypothesize that perennial species, through a continuous photosynthetic activity supplying microorganisms with energy over the year, are essential for offer-demand adjustment.Many technical challenges were overcame to build an experimental platform of 40 mesocosms under natural light and temperature. This platform allows to couple 13C labeling of plants, continuous CO2-exchange measurements, RPE, plant production, soil C storage, N mineralization-immobilization turnover and N leaching.This experimental platform allowed us to determine the contribution of RPE to C fluxes of ecosystems including net ecosystem production (NEP), gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) expressed in g C m-2 24h-1. We found positive linear relationships between (1) RPE and GPP and (2) RPE and aboveground biomass (AGB) (g C m-2). Using these relationships, the RPE can be predicted with the following equations: (...).We show an adjustment of soil N-offer to plant N-demand across seasons: a high photosynthetic activity (spring) is linked to high RPE and delta mineralization-immobilization of N whereas a low photosynthetic activity (autumn) is linked to low RPE and delta mineralization-immobilization of N. This adjustment was observed in grassland and NSC but not in wheat monoculture. Consistently, N leaching was high in wheat monoculture while it was almost null in grassland and NSC. After two years of establishment of the three ecosystems, the total aboveground production of the NSC was equivalent to the grassland, each being about twice as high as the wheat monoculture. These results confirm the importance of perennial species in the offer-demand adjustment of N.Our findings underline the importance of plant activities and rhizosphere processes in the regulation of ecosystems C N cycles. Using the proxies of rhizosphere processes (RPE, offer-demand adjustment) provided in the thesis, further studies could investigate these regulations in situ and at the global scale. The presence of photosynthetic and rhizospheric activities over the year are essential for offer-demand adjustment of nutrients leading to high primary production, closing nutrient cycles and SOM storage. These findings offer the opportunity to build new cropping systems such as the wheat-perennial species studied, with high agro-environmental performances.

La formation des formateurs aux technologies éducatives comme vecteur d’amélioration de la qualité de l’offre de formation professionnelle et technique au Sénégal : cas du Lycée d’enseignement technique et de formation professionnelle de Thiès

Thiam, Souleymane Simele 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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