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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paratexter och spelupplevelsen : Hur kan digitala uppslagsverk påverka spelupplevelsen i överlevnadsspel? / Paratexts and the gameplay experience : How can digital encyclopaedias affect the gameplay experience in survival games?

Abrahamsson, Linnea, Almkvist, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Paratexter är verk som ger konsumenter en uppfattning om en produkt utan att interagera med själva produkten. Denna undersökning har studerat hur spelupplevelsen kan påverkas av en viss typ av paratext, digitala uppslagsverk, i överlevnadsspel. Spelupplevelsen är ett subjektivt fenomen, vilket ligger till grund för undersökningens kvalitativa ansats. En prototyp av ett generiskt överlevnadsspel, samt ett digitalt uppslagsverk för spelet, producerades. Därefter användes observationer och semistrukturerade intervjuer för att jämföra tio respondenters handlingar med deras åsikter. Resultatet bekräftade att det finns många olika attityder gentemot digitala uppslagsverk. Bland annat påvisades att dessa paratexter aktivt bidrar till att skapa mål för spelaren, och kan komplettera eventuella brister i spelets design. Spelupplevelsen kan också försämras, eftersom spelaren redan ”upplevt spelet” genom uppslagsverket. Framtida studier bör förslagsvis utnyttja denna introducerande studie för att skapa ett paratextuellt ramverk som spelutvecklare kan använda för att skapa så genomtänkta spelupplevelser som möjligt. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>

”While you're in /r/NoSleep, everything is true.” : När författare och läsare på ett publiceringsforum för skräcklitteratur tar sig an fiktionen som om den vore sanning / ”While you're in /r/NoSleep, everything is true.” : When authors and readers on a publishing platform for horror literature tackle the fiction as if it was the truth

Berlin, Robert January 2023 (has links)
R/Nosleep is a digital publishing platform for horror literature. A unique quirk that defines this platform is the common understanding between its authors and readers that any story published to the platform is to be treated as a recollection of actual events. In other words, the fiction is to be treated as plausible non-fiction, both by those who write the texts and those who comment on them. This collaborative performance is enforced by a series of rules that authors and readers need to abide by. In this thesis I examine what exactly it is that authors and readers on r/Nosleep engage in when they treat the fiction as plausible. To do this I have conducted two analyses. First I have done analysises of three different stories posted to R/Nosleep, where I examine paratextual and narratological elements in each text to find if they either make a claim for authenticity or fictionality. And second I have analyzed the top comments for each of these stories to determine what sort of readings the users of r/Nosleep engage in and whether or not these readings play along with the rules established by the platform and its performance. From my analysises of the literature as well as the reader response I come to the conclusion that the seemingly strict rules enforced by R/Nosleep still leave a lot of wiggle room for authors and readers alike to engage in a rich variety of creative expressions both when it comes to writing and interacting with works of fiction.

Définir la "langue bretonne" : discours concurrentiels d'origination et d'identification dans les paratextes des dictionnaires bretons / Defining breton language : concurrential discourses of origination and identification in breton dictionaries' paratexts

Morvan, Malo 28 March 2017 (has links)
Si l'on connaît les dictionnaires comme lieu des définitions, ils en fournissent une que l'on ne perçoit pas toujours : celle de la langue elle-même. Au sein de l'hétérogène et du mouvant des usages linguistiques quotidiens, ceux-ci en circonscrivent et délimitent un certain nombre, qui se verront alors consacrés, dotés d'une certaine officialité. Les critères de sélection par lesquels les éléments lexicaux sont retenus ou écartés dépendent, entre autres contraintes, des convictions de leurs auteurs concernant les usages linguistiques qu'ils considèrent comme plus représentatifs de la langue que d'autres. Souvent conscients tant du pouvoir social de tels ouvrages que de la sélection qu'ils impliquent, leurs auteurs s'en justifient parfois dans des paratextes introductifs où sont alors explicités leurs convictions linguistiques. Les discours que l'on y trouve peuvent se fonder sur des définitions, associations d'idées, et valorisations que les auteurs peuvent tenir pour acquis, ou au contraire les détourner, subvertir, contester ; quoiqu'il en soit, ils tentent souvent de fonder performativement une définition de la langue que la liste lexicale mettra ensuite en pratique. Dans certains contextes de conflictualité politique où la définition de la langue ne va pas de soi, les préfaces de dictionnaires peuvent alors devenir de véritables arènes où s'affronteront des définitions concurrentes de la langue que chacun tentera de faire reconnaître. En travaillant sur un corpus constitué des paratextes de dictionnaires bretons publiés de 1499 à 2015, nous analysons l'évolution des discours sur la langue en fonction des situations historiques, sociales, et politiques, où se trouvent les auteurs. Nous mettons l'accent en particulier sur différents processus discursifs, notamment ceux d'identification et de différenciation, par lesquels les auteurs délimitent les frontières entre les pairs et les autres, ainsi que ceux d'origination, par lesquels ils ancrent leur situation actuelle au sein de continuités et ruptures perpétuellement redessinées. Nous abordons ainsi en particulier la manière dont la définition des "Celtes" a évolué en fonction des différents contextes discursifs : désignant d'abord, dans le discours celtomane, une langue mère de toutes les autres dont la bretonne était la seule forme restée pure, l'usage du terme s'orientera progressivement vers une fonction distinctive envers leurs voisins français, ceci en accord avec l'émergence d'un cadre de pensée nationaliste. C'est à la même période, vers le XIXe siècle siècle, qu'apparaîtra l'interceltisme, comme thèse d'un cousinage ethnique entre les populations de certains territoires en petite et Grande-Bretagne. Nous étudions la manière dont ce discours, né de nécessités de différenciation politique, se transfère dans les catégorisations savantes, véhiculant en même temps son lot de concepts et méthodes implicites concernant la définition de la langue. Par ailleurs, les changements sociaux survenant au XXe siècle en Bretagne auront également pour conséquence un progressif clivage entre différents profils de locuteurs : à ceux pratiquant la langue dans un contexte surtout oral, pratique, et quotidien, dont le nombre diminue, se substituent progressivement des locuteurs l'apprenant dans une démarche volontariste et militante, à partir d'un rapport scriptural-scolaire à la langue. Cette cohabitation de locuteurs ayant appris et pratiquant la langue dans des situations différentes aura mettra en concurrence les définitions de la langue. Si les différents courants auront en commun une volonté de distinction envers le français héritée du discours différentialiste ayant émergé au XIXe siècle, chacun investira la nécessité de s'en distinguer dans des dimensions différentes de la langue, cohérentes par rapport à leurs modes de socialisation linguistique. (...) / Dictionaries are often seen a the place of the definitions, but very often the most important definition they give is not seen : the one concerning the language itself. Thus, while making their work, the authors have to make a selection of the words which will be retained and those which will not be taken in account. These choices rely on broader stances, related to their own convictions about what is "correct" language and what is not. The authors' convictions are themself influenced by the socio-historical context in which the dictionary is written, but they also shape the further definitions of the language, given the reliability granted to those kind of books. This work aims to seek the way in which the definition of breton language is given in the paratext (forewords, introductions, prefaces, postfaces) of breton dictionaries published between 1499 and 2015. In particular, we focus on some discursive processes such as identifications, differentiations, and originations, which are used by the authors in order to reconfigure the language's definition. A particular importance is given to the evolving use made of "Celts" in those definitions, and to the conflictuality in which they are set.

Le théâtre de Marguerite Yourcenar : Approches didactiques pour une classe de Français langue étrangère de niveau supérieur en Argentine / The theatre of Marguerite Yourcenar‎ : a didactic approach for an advanced course of FFL, in Argentina

Bogliotti, Amelia Maria 28 March 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse rédigée dans le cadre de la Didactique des Langues et des Cultures explore les potentialités du texte de théâtre en tant qu'outil pédagogique pour une classe de FLE de niveau avancé. Le texte de théâtre, matériau singulier, défini par son double aspect verbal et non-verbal, imopose des contraintes de lecture que nous nous occupons de dégager. Suivant les orientations genettiennes qur le paratexte, nous parcourons les autours de l'écrit théâtral comme autant de voies pour son approche et sa compréhension. Le théâtre yourcenarien, noyau de notre corpus, a été lu à l'appui des notions de réécriture et d'intertextualité en vue de proposer un cheminement qui permette à l'étudiant de français langue étrangère de construire le sens des textes tout en s'appropriant le contenu littéraire et mythique auquel ce théâtre renvoie. Aussi, avons-nous entouré ce corpus premier de documents autres, littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques, sur lesquels il se reflète, se complète et se redéfinit. Une place importante a été également accordé à différentes expressions du biographique, afin de situer l'écrivaine dans son contexte socioculturel. Un théâtre de texte et de parole comme celui de Marguerité Yourcenar, abordé pour être lu, dit et représenté par des étudiants étrangers, met l'enseignant au défi des adaptations et de la construction des itinéraires de lecture et de production écrite et orale qui lui sont spécifiques. Pour cela, un travail de recherche effectué en amont est indispensable. Ayant entrepris cette tâche, nous avons voulu au moyen de cette thèse en laisser la trace. / This thesis work, developed within the frame of the Languages and Cultures Didactics chair, explores the potentialities of the play's text as a pedagogical tool for an advanced course of FFL. The theatrical text, a singular material, characterized by its double aspect – verbal and non verbal, requires a reading effort that we try to clear up. Following "genettian" guidelines about paratext, we cover the surroundinges of the theatrical writing in as many possible routes so as to get closer and into the meaning. To read "yourcenarian" plays, the core of our corpus, we have used the notions of rewriting and intertextuality as support, aiming at providing the FFL student with an itinerary which would allow them to build the meaning of the texts, and to be able to gain insight about the literary and mythical content to which the play refers to, and make it their own. In order to accomplish that, we have drawn on other literary, artistic and media documents, where that initial corpus reflects upon and with which it is redefined and completed. A significant place has been similarly assigned to the distinct expressions of the biographic aspect, to situate the writer in her socio-cultural context. A theatre with words and texts as Marguerite Yourcenar's, undertaken to be read, spoken and represented by foreign students, faces the professor with the challenge of adapting and developing reading routes, as well as specific oral and written production itineraries. To do so, a prior research work is essential. Having accepted such challenge, we leave our trace by means of this thesis work.

A divulgação da história nos livros de Eduardo Bueno e Laurentino Gomes / The Historical divulgation in the works of Eduardo Bueno e Laurentino Gomes

Rodrigues, Leonardo Paiva do Monte 26 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como proposta analisar algumas obras de divulgação da história. Centraliza-se a pesquisa nos trabalhos dos mais bem-sucedidos jornalistas-historiadores brasileiros: Eduardo Bueno, autor da Coleção Terra Brasilis e Laurentino Gomes, autor de 1808, 1822 e 1889. Uma das hipóteses centrais da dissertação é que dentro do campo da história, essas obras participam de uma luta pelo monopólio das representações do passado. Por isso, investigam-se os distanciamentos e as aproximações entre a escrita histórica e a escrita jornalística, estabelecendo uma relação entre textos e paratextos para entender sua produção e as condições socioculturais que permitiram sua emergência. Além disso, analisam-se os papéis que são interpretados pela mídia, pela crítica especializada, pelas editoras e pelos próprios autores na composição e repercussão daqueles livros. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze some historical divulgation books. The research has focused on the most successful brazilian journalists-historians: Eduardo Bueno, author of the Coleção Terra Brasilis and Laurentino Gomes, author of 1808, 1822 and 1889. One of the most important hypothesis of this dissertation is that inside the fields of history, divulgation works have participated in a contest for monopoly of representations of the past. This study has been exploring the approach and the gaps between historical writing and journalistic writing. It establishes a relation between texts and paratexts to understand the production of those publications and the sociocultural conditions for their emergence. The roles interpreted by media, by experienced book reviews, by publishing companies and by the authors are analyzed in the composition and repercution of those books.

Le malentendu dans l'oeuvre d'Albert Camus / The misunderstanding in the Albert Camus work

Mezhoudi, Fayçal 15 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie dans l’oeuvre d’Albert Camus, les formes que prend un thème récurrent, le malentendu. Cette omniprésence pourrait s’expliquer d’abord par la vie de l’auteur, particulièrement par les traumatismes de l’enfance : une étude comparative des deux oeuvres autobiographiques montre bien le douloureux malentendu avec la mère. Mais l’incompréhension se situe aussi sur le plan politique et moral, car les positions ambiguës de l’écrivain sur la question algérienne ont suscité de violentes polémiques avec les intellectuels, alors que Camus n’a cessé de dénoncer l’injustice dont étaient victimes les autochtones. La réception de l’oeuvre n’a pas échappé à cette difficulté. Camus a été « mal-entendu » par la critique, tant en France métropolitaine qu’en Algérie, si bien qu’il met en place un imposant paratexte afin d’éviter toute « mauvaise » lecture. Ainsi, toutes les expériences vécues par l’auteur (le malentendu avec la mère, avec les intellectuels, avec les critiques…) nourriront son oeuvre qui sera marquée par l’incompréhension entre ses personnages, par un déchirement dans leurs relations dû à une différence au niveau de la pensée, de la culture, de la race. / The following thesis studies the forms that the recurrent theme of misunderstandingtakes in the writings of Albert Camus. This omnipresence could be explained first bythe author’s life, especially his childhood trauma: a comparative study of twoautobiographical works shows the painful misunderstanding with the mother. But themisunderstanding is also located on the political and moral levels, as the writer’sambiguous positions on the Algerian question started up violent controversies withintellectuals although Camus has always denounced the injustice whose victims werethe aboriginal. The reception of his writings has not escaped this difficulty. Camuswas "poorly understood" by critics, both in France and Algeria, so he sets up animposing paratext to avoid "bad" reading. Thus, all the author’s experiences of(misunderstanding with the mother, with intellectuals, with critics ...) feed up hiswritings - which will be marked by misunderstanding between the characters - with atear in their relationship caused by a difference at the level of thought, culture, race.

\'Più famoso che conosciuto\': panorama da recepção de I promessi sposi no Brasil (1843-2012) / Più famoso che conosciuto: panorama of reception of I Promessi Sposi in Brazil(1843 2012)

Ataide, Antonio Marcio 18 April 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo principal organizar a recepção do romance I Promessi Sposi (Os Noivos), de autoria de Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873), no Brasil. A narrativa tem como protagonistas os jovens Renzo e Lucia que enfrentam as maiores dificuldades de seu tempo (a carestia, a fome, o domínio estrangeiro, as guerras e a peste no norte da Itália durante o século XVII) para realizar seu matrimonio e é uma das obras-primas da literatura italiana e mundial. Este trabalho estuda as maneiras pelas quais o romance manzoniano aporta em terras brasileiras, é acolhido e permanece como argumento de debates críticos, desde o primeiro registro encontrado por esta investigação até o ano de 2012, data da publicação da última tradução brasileira. Neste sentido, estudaram-se as diversas traduções, edições e adaptações publicadas deste romance no Brasil, atentando seja para a forma como se dá o transporte do texto original italiano para a língua portuguesa, seja para as questões relacionadas ao paratexto, isto é, o cuidado editorial empregado nesses textos. Organizou-se a também a recepção da crítica brasileira a I Promessi Sposi que se deu em forma de livros, capítulos, artigos em jornais, revistas e periódicos científicos, verbetes de enciclopédias e nos Boletins do Instituto Brasileiro Estudos Manzonianos. Da coleta e análise desse material buscou-se traçar o perfil que a recepção a I Promessi Sposi conferiu a Manzoni e sua obra-prima no Brasil. / The present research has as the main objective of organizing the reception of the novel The Betrothed, from Alessandro Manzonis authorship (1785-1873), in Brazil. The narrative presents as protagonists the young Renzo and Lucia who encounter the greatest difficulties of their time (inflation, hunger, the foreigner domination, the wars and the plague in the north of Italy during the XVII century) to make their wedding happen and it is one of the masterpieces of the world and Italian Literature. This thesis studies the manners by which the Manzonian novel arrives in Brazilian lands, is accepted and remains as argument of critic debates, since the first record found by this investigation until the year 2012, the publishing date of the last Brazilian translation. In this sense, diverse translations, editions and adaptations published of this novel in Brazil were studied, noticing the way the original Italian text was transferred into the Portuguese language, and the issue related to the paratext, namely, the editorial care used in these texts. The Brazilian critic reception of the Betrothed that happened in book form, chapters, newspaper articles, magazines and scientific journals, encyclopedia entries and the newsletters of the Manzonian Studies Brazilian Institute were also organized. From the gathering and analysis of these materials we searched to outline the profile that the reception of The Betrothed granted Manzoni and his masterpiece in Brazil.

A divulgação da história nos livros de Eduardo Bueno e Laurentino Gomes / The Historical divulgation in the works of Eduardo Bueno e Laurentino Gomes

Leonardo Paiva do Monte Rodrigues 26 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como proposta analisar algumas obras de divulgação da história. Centraliza-se a pesquisa nos trabalhos dos mais bem-sucedidos jornalistas-historiadores brasileiros: Eduardo Bueno, autor da Coleção Terra Brasilis e Laurentino Gomes, autor de 1808, 1822 e 1889. Uma das hipóteses centrais da dissertação é que dentro do campo da história, essas obras participam de uma luta pelo monopólio das representações do passado. Por isso, investigam-se os distanciamentos e as aproximações entre a escrita histórica e a escrita jornalística, estabelecendo uma relação entre textos e paratextos para entender sua produção e as condições socioculturais que permitiram sua emergência. Além disso, analisam-se os papéis que são interpretados pela mídia, pela crítica especializada, pelas editoras e pelos próprios autores na composição e repercussão daqueles livros. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze some historical divulgation books. The research has focused on the most successful brazilian journalists-historians: Eduardo Bueno, author of the Coleção Terra Brasilis and Laurentino Gomes, author of 1808, 1822 and 1889. One of the most important hypothesis of this dissertation is that inside the fields of history, divulgation works have participated in a contest for monopoly of representations of the past. This study has been exploring the approach and the gaps between historical writing and journalistic writing. It establishes a relation between texts and paratexts to understand the production of those publications and the sociocultural conditions for their emergence. The roles interpreted by media, by experienced book reviews, by publishing companies and by the authors are analyzed in the composition and repercution of those books.

Romantic Mediacy, Self-Consciousness and the Ideologies of Authorship

Jon, Bumsoo 2012 August 1900 (has links)
How did Romantic poets react to Wordsworth's preoccupation with immateriality, an illusion of poetic experiences in which the form of poetry itself becomes ironically unnecessary? To what extent is Romantic poetry involved with a counter-tradition of self-exposure, with an awareness of literary experience and meaning as essentially inseparable from its physical form? To address these questions, my dissertation looks in three directions: first, at the evidence of contradictions in Coleridge's lyric poems and, second, at Keats's reflexive alertness to the techniques that Wordsworth often uses to achieve the lyric effects of immediacy and, third, at the changing nature of the Romantic notions of the self and the materiality of text in the wake of Charlotte Smith's experiment with paratext. Chapter I explores the critical implications of Wordsworth?s emphasis on the mind and individual subjectivity, which involves a myth of Romanticism that genuine poetry can be attained when its production and existence in the material world become paradoxically invisible. Examining the publishing history of Coleridge's poems of poetic failure, and his conflicting motives for re-writing them, Chapter II argues that Coleridge's self-conscious poems have been considered, erroneously, in terms of a deeply private genre in which the poet describes a moment of personal crisis involved with the breakdown of his creative power. In Chapter III, I show how Keats debunks Wordsworthian notions of solitary authorship in the Hyperion poems via his persistent references to the act, artifice and materiality of writing. Reading Beachy Head as a challenge to the Romantic fiction of a unified self, Chapter IV argues that Smith's preoccupation with print apparatuses and discursive modes highlights her refusal to integrate the competing voices and styles she displays in the poem, preventing readers from easily associating the hybrid poetic persona with her earlier lyric ethos. Chapter V builds on the concept of hypermediacy, an awareness and artistic representation of mediation, in order to argue that the ways in which Coleridge, Keats and Smith represent the act, process and materiality of writing indicate a counter-tradition in Romantic literary culture that challenges the predominant Wordsworthian logic of immateriality.

Paratexte des Films : über die Grenzen des filmischen Universums /

Böhnke, Alexander. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Siegen. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-191).

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