Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PROXY"" "subject:"[enn] PROXY""
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Assessing Knowledge Management Values by Using Intellectual Capital to Measure Organizational PerformanceNguyen, Thuan L. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Measuring knowledge management performance was one of, if not the most challenging knowledge management activities. This study suggested using intellectual capital as a proxy for knowledge management performance in evaluating its impact on organizational performance. The Value Added Intellectual Coefficient model was employed to measure intellectual capital. Although being used widely in research, the model had its limitations. Also, for intellectual capital measurement, there was a lack of guidelines supported by empirical evidence or best practices. The present study aimed to test the classic and a modified version of this model, and based on the results, shed light on whether the classic version was good enough or the modified one should be highly recommended. The financial fundamental and market data of 425 randomly selected publicly listed firms were collected, and the structural equation modeling technique was employed to test the models. Chi-square difference test was performed to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference between these two models. The results of the tests indicated that the difference between them was insignificant. Therefore, it was concluded that the classic model is adequate, and it can be used effectively to measure intellectual capital. Adding two new efficiency elements – research and development efficiency and relational capital efficiency – in the model did not provide any significant benefit.
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Impact d'un panache salin sur les propriétés de confinement de matériaux poreux naturels : Approche expérimentale et numérique pour aller au-delà de la loi de Archie / Impact of saline plume on containment properties of natural porous materials in geological disposal context : An experimental and REV simulation approach to go beyond Archie’s lawRajyaguru, Ashish 22 October 2018 (has links)
Plusieurs pays tels que la France, la Belgique et la Suisse prévoient de confiner leurs déchets radioactifs de moyenne et haute activités à vie longue dans des installations souterraines sises au sein de formations argileuses profondes. Ces formations constituent en effet de très bonnes barrières ultimes contre la dispersion des radionucléides, de par leur grande capacité de rétention et leur très faible perméabilité. Néanmoins, la dégradation de certains colis de déchets devrait libérer d’importantes quantités de sels nitratés et sulfatés solubles. Ainsi, ces panaches salins en déséquilibre chimique avec l’encaissant devraient conduire à des phénomènes de dissolution/colmatage, faisant évoluer localement la structure porale de la roche argileuse. Aussi, pour estimer la performance de telles installations souterraines, l’évolution des propriétés de confinement de ces roches en réponse à ces processus physicochimiques se doit d’être étudiée, et ce, sur des échelles de temps et d’espace représentatives du stockage. Cela est réalisé à l’aide de codes couplés chimie-transport basés sur une approche continue, avec la définition de volumes élémentaires représentatifs (VER). Cependant, ces codes s’appuient pour leurs simulations sur des relations empiriques, telles la relation d’Archie, utilisée pour décrire l’effet de rétroaction de la chimie sur les propriétés de transport diffusif. De ce fait, il est primordial, avant les simulations long-termes de tester la robustesse de ces relations. Dans ce cadre, le présent travail de thèse s’est intéressé au développement d’expériences de diffusion réactives pour estimer (i) l’impact de la précipitation de minéraux sur les propriétés de confinement de matériaux poreux “modèles” et (ii) la capacité des codes de chimie-transport à reproduire ce jeu de données expérimentales.La mise au point de ces expériences simplifiées a nécessité de se focaliser sur trois matériaux poreux « modèles », de la craie, de la kaolinite et de l’illite, choisis pour décrire une propriété spécifique des roches argileuses (charges de surface des argiles ou structure du réseau poreux). Par ailleurs, deux minéraux sulfatés, gypse et barytine, ont été sélectionnés comme minéraux susceptibles de précipiter car ils représentent deux extrêmes vis-à-vis de leur cinétique de précipitation et de leur solubilité. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés initiales de chaque matériau « modèle » ont été déterminées (distribution de taille de pores, coefficient de diffusion effectif (De) des traceurs de l’eau (HTO ou HDO) ou d’un traceur des anions (36Cl-)). La précipitation de la barytine a été étudiée sur les trois matériaux « modèles », tandis que celle du gypse uniquement au travers des échantillons de craie. Durant ces expériences de diffusion réactives, l’évolution des concentrations des réactifs dans les deux réservoirs enserrant l’échantillon poreux a été suivie, et, après un temps t, le 36Cl- et/ou les traceurs de l’eau ont été injectés dans le réservoir amont pour diffuser au travers des échantillons déjà impactés par la précipitation. En complément des essais de diffusion, des caractérisations des échantillons par micro-tomographie X (µCT) et par observation au Microscope électronique à Balayage (MEB) ont permis de préciser le rôle joué par la structure porale initiale du matériau « modèle » et celui des propriétés intrinsèques du minéral précipitant. Enfin, l’estimation de la robustesse des codes de chimie transport a été réalisée à l’aide de deux codes, HYTEC et CrunchTope, à l’aide de simulations 1D et 2D. / Several countries such as France, Belgium and Switzerland have proposed to host a deep geological facility to confine high and mid-level long lived radioactive waste into argillaceous formations. Such formations are considered as a potential host-rock, because of their very high containment properties, i.e. high retention capacity and very low permeability. However, decay of some radioactive waste are expected to release large amount of soluble salts of nitrate and/or sulfate nature. These saline plumes should generate physicochemical imbalance and, by enhancing mineral dissolution/clogging, could make evolve the local rock porous network. Thus, for safety assessment of such facility the evolution of rock containment properties in response to these physicochemical phenomena over large time and space scale needs to be investigated. This can be done by using diffusion-reaction numerical simulators based on equivalent (macroscopic) continuum approach considering representative elementary volume (REV). But, these codes rely on empirical relationships, such as the Archie’s law used to describe the feedback of chemistry on the diffusive transport properties. Thus, prior to long-term prediction, it is essential to create a data to test and improve the description of the feedback of chemistry on transport. In this view, this thesis work dealt with developing such reactive diffusion experiments to estimate mineral precipitation impacts on containment properties of porous materials under diffusive transport regime and the capability of REV chemistry transport codes to reproduce such an experimental dataset.In order to design these simplified experiments, three proxy porous materials (micritic chalk, compacted kaolinite and compacted illite) were chosen to address specific property describing claystones (clay surface charge, pore size distribution). Two sulfate-alkali minerals, namely barite and gypsum were selected as precipitating minerals, since they present two extremities in reference to their kinetic rate of precipitation and solubility. In a first step, intact properties of each proxy material were determined (pore size distribution, effective diffusion coefficient (De) of water tracers (HTO & HDO) and anionic tracer, 36Cl-). Barite precipitation was studied in all the proxy materials and gypsum precipitation was studied in chalk only. During these through diffusion experiments, we monitored the reactant concentration evolution in the reservoirs at both ends of the sample and, after a known experimental time, 36Cl- and/or water tracers were allowed to diffuse through the porous samples impacted by precipitation. In addition to diffusive testing, the combined impact of pore structure and intrinsic property of mineral (solubility and kinetic rate of precipitation) on final evolution of mineral in each proxy material was also quantified using X-ray tomography (µCT) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Finally, to test the robustness of chemistry transport codes, the results from the reactive diffusion experiments where barite or gypsum precipitated in chalk were numerically described in 1D and 2D using two codes namely HYTEC and CrunchTope.
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Le refus de soins anticipé : une décision impossible ? / The advance refusal of care, an impossible decision to make?Guyon, Gaëlle 14 December 2015 (has links)
Contexte : Qu’ils soient parlementaires, sociétaux ou judiciaires, les débats actuels relatifs à la fin de vie font ressortir de vives préoccupations sociales, éthiques et politiques en France et dans le monde. L’affaire « Vincent LAMBERT » illustre parfaitement les enjeux de situations médicales à la frontière de la vie et de la mort et montre ainsi les limites de l’encadrement législatif des situations de fin de vie. Les rebondissements juridictionnels successifs intervenus dans cette affaire font observer à quel point la prise de décision médicale est complexe, tiraillée entre les volontés, parfois opposées, du patient, de ses proches, voire des professionnels de santé. Objectif : L’objectif de notre recherche était d’identifier les barrières rencontrées lors de la prise de décision médicale devant mettre en œuvre un refus anticipé de traitement. Il convenait de répondre à la question suivante : un refus de soins anticipé est-il une décision impossible ? Méthodes : La première partie des travaux présentés a consisté à recueillir l’avis et évaluer les connaissances des patients et de leurs accompagnants sur les moyens qui permettent à un patient d’exprimer sa volonté par anticipation. La deuxième partie a consisté dans l’identification des critères d’efficacité et d’inefficacité des directives anticipées à travers une analyse de la littérature scientifique et une recherche en droit comparé. La troisième partie présente les difficultés rencontrées dans la mise en œuvre des décisions de limitation et d’arrêt des traitements sur les plans pratique et judiciaire. Conclusion : L’ensemble des questions soulevées au cours de cette recherche suggère la nécessité de développer, en France, des mécanismes efficients d’expression anticipée de la volonté des patients et de promouvoir leur diffusion. Les personnes désirant rédiger des directives anticipées devraient pouvoir avoir accès à un dispositif garantissant le respect et l’effectivité de leur droit à refuser un traitement. Une personne dans l’incapacité d’exprimer sa volonté devrait pouvoir exercer les mêmes droits de refuser un traitement et de voir ce choix respecté qu’une personne capable de s’exprimer. / Context: The current debates concerning the end of life deal with legal, judicial and social issues. What is clear is they all highlight some serious social, ethical and political concerns in France and in the world. The case « Vincent Lambert » shows exactly the difficulties of medical situations between the life and the death of patients, which puts in evidence the limits of the legal framework. Indeed, several judicial reversals happened in this case and illustrate well how difficult it is to make a right medical decision when the patient, their relatives and medical staff have conflicting views. Objective: The objective of our research was to identify which are the difficulties when medical staff has to make a decision applying an anticipated refusal of treatment. As a consequence, the challenge was to answer the following question: is an anticipated refusal of treatment an impossible decision? Methods: Our work was divided into three parts. The first part aimed at asking patients’ opinions as well as assessing their knowledge of the different ways to express their will in advance. Then, the second part had to determine which criteria ensure a good application of advance directives. This study was based on an analysis of the scientific literature and a work in Comparative Law. In the end, the third part presents both practical and judicial problems regarding the application of a decision whose the goal is to withhold and withdraw a life-sustaining treatment Conclusion: This research has raised several issues and it draws our attention on the need to devise effective ways to give an anticipated consent about the end of life. If people want to write advance directives, they should have the possibility to do so and make sure their right to refuse a treatment is respected. In addition, even though someone is unable to give their consent because of their condition or disease, they should be able to use the same right to refuse a treatment and should be sure their decision is respected.
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A Performance Analysis of TCP and STP Implementations and Proposals for New QoS Classes for TCP/IPHoll, David J. 01 May 2003 (has links)
With a new United States Army initiative to exploit commercially developed information technology, there is a heightened interest in using Internet protocols over the military's geosynchronous satellite links. TCP is the dominant Internet protocol used for reliable data exchange, but its own design limits performance when used over long delay network links such as satellites. Initially this research set out to compare TCP with another proposed protocol, the Satellite Transport Protocol (STP). However through a series of tests, we found that STP does not fulfill its claims of increased throughput over TCP and uncovered a flaw in STP's founding research. In addition, this thesis proposes and demonstrates novel performance enhancing techniques that significantly improve transport protocol throughput.
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Plans prédictifs à taille fixe et séquentiels pour le krigeage / Fixed-size and sequential designs for krigingAbtini, Mona 30 August 2018 (has links)
La simulation numérique est devenue une alternative à l’expérimentation réelle pour étudier des phénomènes physiques. Cependant, les phénomènes complexes requièrent en général un nombre important de simulations, chaque simulation étant très coûteuse en temps de calcul. Une approche basée sur la théorie des plans d’expériences est souvent utilisée en vue de réduire ce coût de calcul. Elle consiste à partir d’un nombre réduit de simulations, organisées selon un plan d’expériences numériques, à construire un modèle d’approximation souvent appelé métamodèle, alors beaucoup plus rapide à évaluer que le code lui-même. Traditionnellement, les plans utilisés sont des plans de type Space-Filling Design (SFD). La première partie de la thèse concerne la construction de plans d’expériences SFD à taille fixe adaptés à l’identification d’un modèle de krigeage car le krigeage est un des métamodèles les plus populaires. Nous étudions l’impact de la contrainte Hypercube Latin (qui est le type de plans les plus utilisés en pratique avec le modèle de krigeage) sur des plans maximin-optimaux. Nous montrons que cette contrainte largement utilisée en pratique est bénéfique quand le nombre de points est peu élevé car elle atténue les défauts de la configuration maximin-optimal (majorité des points du plan aux bords du domaine). Un critère d’uniformité appelé discrépance radiale est proposé dans le but d’étudier l’uniformité des points selon leur position par rapport aux bords du domaine. Ensuite, nous introduisons un proxy pour le plan minimax-optimal qui est le plan le plus proche du plan IMSE (plan adapté à la prédiction par krigeage) et qui est coûteux en temps de calcul, ce proxy est basé sur les plans maximin-optimaux. Enfin, nous présentons une procédure bien réglée de l’optimisation par recuit simulé pour trouver les plans maximin-optimaux. Il s’agit ici de réduire au plus la probabilité de tomber dans un optimum local. La deuxième partie de la thèse porte sur un problème légèrement différent. Si un plan est construit de sorte à être SFD pour N points, il n’y a aucune garantie qu’un sous-plan à n points (n 6 N) soit SFD. Or en pratique le plan peut être arrêté avant sa réalisation complète. La deuxième partie est donc dédiée au développement de méthodes de planification séquentielle pour bâtir un ensemble d’expériences de type SFD pour tout n compris entre 1 et N qui soient toutes adaptées à la prédiction par krigeage. Nous proposons une méthode pour générer des plans séquentiellement ou encore emboités (l’un est inclus dans l’autre) basée sur des critères d’information, notamment le critère d’Information Mutuelle qui mesure la réduction de l’incertitude de la prédiction en tout point du domaine entre avant et après l’observation de la réponse aux points du plan. Cette approche assure la qualité des plans obtenus pour toutes les valeurs de n, 1 6 n 6 N. La difficulté est le calcul du critère et notamment la génération de plans en grande dimension. Pour pallier ce problème une solution a été présentée. Cette solution propose une implémentation astucieuse de la méthode basée sur le découpage par blocs des matrices de covariances ce qui la rend numériquement efficace. / In recent years, computer simulation models are increasingly used to study complex phenomena. Such problems usually rely on very large sophisticated simulation codes that are very expensive in computing time. The exploitation of these codes becomes a problem, especially when the objective requires a significant number of evaluations of the code. In practice, the code is replaced by global approximation models, often called metamodels, most commonly a Gaussian Process (kriging) adjusted to a design of experiments, i.e. on observations of the model output obtained on a small number of simulations. Space-Filling-Designs which have the design points evenly spread over the entire feasible input region, are the most used designs. This thesis consists of two parts. The main focus of both parts is on construction of designs of experiments that are adapted to kriging, which is one of the most popular metamodels. Part I considers the construction of space-fillingdesigns of fixed size which are adapted to kriging prediction. This part was started by studying the effect of Latin Hypercube constraint (the most used design in practice with the kriging) on maximin-optimal designs. This study shows that when the design has a small number of points, the addition of the Latin Hypercube constraint will be useful because it mitigates the drawbacks of maximin-optimal configurations (the position of the majority of points at the boundary of the input space). Following this study, an uniformity criterion called Radial discrepancy has been proposed in order to measure the uniformity of the points of the design according to their distance to the boundary of the input space. Then we show that the minimax-optimal design is the closest design to IMSE design (design which is adapted to prediction by kriging) but is also very difficult to evaluate. We then introduce a proxy for the minimax-optimal design based on the maximin-optimal design. Finally, we present an optimised implementation of the simulated annealing algorithm in order to find maximin-optimal designs. Our aim here is to minimize the probability of falling in a local minimum configuration of the simulated annealing. The second part of the thesis concerns a slightly different problem. If XN is space-filling-design of N points, there is no guarantee that any n points of XN (1 6 n 6 N) constitute a space-filling-design. In practice, however, we may have to stop the simulations before the full realization of design. The aim of this part is therefore to propose a new methodology to construct sequential of space-filling-designs (nested designs) of experiments Xn for any n between 1 and N that are all adapted to kriging prediction. We introduce a method to generate nested designs based on information criteria, particularly the Mutual Information criterion. This method ensures a good quality forall the designs generated, 1 6 n 6 N. A key difficulty of this method is that the time needed to generate a MI-sequential design in the highdimension case is very larg. To address this issue a particular implementation, which calculates the determinant of a given matrix by partitioning it into blocks. This implementation allows a significant reduction of the computational cost of MI-sequential designs, has been proposed.
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股東會電子投票制度改進之探討 / Electronic shareholder voting in Taiwan: A comparative study馬薏雯 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於94年6月22日公布修正後之公司法,正式賦予公司召開股東會時,得採行書面或電子方式供股東行使表決權之法律依據,期能使我國之公司治理與股東權益維護能與國際接軌;惟「股東會電子投票」制度,歷經元大京華證券股份有限公司、台灣總合股務處理股份有限公司及台灣集中保管結算所股份有限公司三個平台之建置,仍然未被各上市、櫃公司廣為採用,即使偶有採用者,其投票總權數占總股份之比例多數未及1%,顯示成效不彰。另2010年10月的亞洲公司治理協會(Asian Corporate Governance Association)年會,提出了最新一份的「CG Watch」報告,在這份報告中,ACGA指出我國推動股權權益的狀況上較前次調查類似,並未有太大改善,比如公司對國外投資人「通訊投票」、「分割投票」權益的行使,相關法規及配套仍不夠完備,而針對「通訊投票」得分,在歷次的評分中,我國都是敬陪末座,可以說,這幾年來此一核心問題並未被重視並獲得具體的改善。
此外,針對美、日、台三國股東會通訊投票制度分別由法規制度面、股東權益面、公司執行面及電子投票實務面進行比較,最後並提出對相關主事者之建議及對後續研究者未來研究方向之建議,以期經由各界之腦力激盪,共同為我國的資本市場國際化而努力。 / The amendment of Taiwan Company Act in June 22nd, 2005, upon its release, granted each shareholder the legitimate right to cast his/her vote by both written and electronic means in shareholders’ meetings. This amendment is menat to bring Taiwan’s corporate governance and shareholder rights in line with the international practice. However, with the limited use of no more than 1% voting rights of most listing and over-the-counter (OTC) companies on the three voting forums established by Yuanta Core Pacific Securities Co., Ltd., Taiwan Integrated Shareholder Service Company and Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation, the attempt has been proven unsuccessful. In addition, the latest “CG Watch” report, submitted during the 2010 Asian Governance Association annual conference held in October, has suggested that, similar to the previous reports, shareholder rights of Taiwan-based companies have not been improved outstandingly. For instance, the exercise of “postal voting” and “vote splitting” upon foreign investors of Taiwan-based companies has been restricted due to the flaws in the domestic voting system and regulations. Also, in the report, a constant low rating in “postal voting” for the Taiwan-based companies simply hints that the core issue has never been properly valued nor concretely improved.
Based on the suggestions in the previous paragraph, this research paper provides an overview of the laws and the regulations of the postal voting system. The paper also includes opinions on practical needs and comparison from foreign experiences. By means of analyzing our current issues, the research draws an outline of the propositions for trends of the future development. Apart from analyzing the basic concepts of shareholders’ meetings held by some Taiwan-based companies, exercise of voting rights, and use of proxy forms, the research also peeks into the current situation around the globe and the future trends by consulting the system and the practical needs of shareholders’ meetings in the U.S. and Japan. As for the postal voting system and the current situation in Taiwan, the research provides a background illustration by introducing the structure and the current status of printed ballot voting and electronic voting under our postal voting framework. In conclusion, the paper points out the reasons for limited use of electronic voting in Taiwan.
Finally, the research measures postal voting systems in the U.S., Japan and Taiwan from aspects of the laws and regulations, the shareholder rights, the corporate execution and the practical needs. In the end, in order for the effort of internationalization upon domestic capital market, the research eventually proposes the solutions for the related personnel in charge and the follow-up research direction for future researchers.
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Caching Techniques For Dynamic Web ServersSuresha, * 07 1900 (has links)
Websites are shifting from static model to dynamic model, in order to deliver their users with dynamic, interactive, and personalized experiences. However, dynamic content generation comes at a cost – each request requires computation as well as communication across multiple components within the website and across the Internet. In fact, dynamic pages are constructed on the fly, on demand. Due to their construction overheads and non-cacheability, dynamic pages result in substantially increased user response times, server load and increased bandwidth consumption, as compared to static pages. With the exponential growth of Internet traffic and with websites becoming increasingly complex, performance and scalability have become major bottlenecks for dynamic websites.
A variety of strategies have been proposed to address these issues. Many of these solutions perform well in their individual contexts, but have not been analyzed in an integrated fashion. In our work, we have carried out a study of combining a carefully chosen set of these approaches and analyzed their behavior. Specifically, we consider solutions based on the recently-proposed fragment caching technique, since it ensures both correctness and freshness of page contents. We have developed mechanisms for reducing bandwidth consumption and dynamic page construction overheads by integrating fragment caching with various techniques such as proxy-based caching of dynamic contents, pre-generating pages, and caching program code.
We start with presenting a dynamic proxy caching technique that combines the benefits of both proxy-based and server-side caching approaches, without suffering from their individual limitations. This technique concentrates on reducing the bandwidth consumption due to dynamic web pages. Then, we move on to presenting mechanisms for reducing dynamic page construction times -- during normal loading, this is done through a hybrid technique of fragment caching and page pre-generation, utilizing the excess capacity with which web servers are typically provisioned to handle peak loads. During peak loading, this is achieved by integrating fragment-caching and code-caching, optionally augmented with page pre-generation.
In summary, we present a variety of methods for integrating existing solutions for serving dynamic web pages with the goal of achieving reduced bandwidth consumption from the web infrastructure perspective, and reduced page construction times from user perspective.
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Micro analyse quantitative des éléments traces dans la calcite de la coquille Saint Jacques (Pecten maximus) par Ablation Laser ICP-MS: une archive journalière de la biogéochimie des environnements côtiers tempérésBarats, Aurélie 28 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le couplage de l'Ablation Laser et de la Spectrométrie de Masse à Plasma Inductif Couplé (LA-ICP-MS) a été mis en œuvre pour la détermination quantitative des éléments traces dans des matrices de carbonate de calcium (CaCO3) grâce à l'utilisation de pastilles étalons de CaCO3 (concentrations en éléments traces: 0-500 µg.g-1). L'analyse quantitative des éléments traces le long des stries journalières de calcite des coquilles Saint Jacques Pecten maximus a conduit à la définition de profils chronologiques et à haute résolution temporelle. La signification de ces profils a ensuite été évaluée particulièrement pour la Rade de Brest (France). Les concentrations coquillières de fond sont directement liées aux concentrations de l'eau de mer en phase dissoute et aux constantes de solubilité dans les carbonates, traduisant ainsi les conditions environnementales et hydro climatiques moyennes. Des enrichissements récurrents, transitoires et/ou saisonniers ont été observés pour le molybdène (Mo), le baryum (Ba) et le manganèse (Mn). Les enrichissements du Mo et du Ba dans la coquille sont identifiés comme des indicateurs de la dynamique phytoplanctonique dans les environnements côtiers tempérés. Les enrichissements du Mn, observés spécifiquement pour les coquilles de la Baie de Seine, traduisent les apports fluviaux de la Seine et les oscillations des conditions rédox dans la colonne d'eau et à l'interface eau/sédiment. La micro chimie des éléments traces de la coquille est donc établie comme une archive à haute fréquence des changements des environnements côtiers tempérés, et permet aussi de mieux comprendre le cycle biogéochimique des éléments traces à l'interface eau - sédiment.
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Securing Network Connected Applications with Proposed Security ModelsKonstantaras, Dimitrios, Tahir, Mustafa January 2008 (has links)
<p>In today’s society, serious organizations need protection against both internal and external attacks. There are many different technologies available that organizations can incorporate into their organization in order to enhance security for their networking applications. Unfortunately, security is way to often considered as an afterthought and therefore implemented as an external part of the applications. This is usually performed by introducing general security models and technologies.</p><p>However, an already developed, well structured and considered security approach – with proper implementation of security services and mechanisms – different security models can be used to apply security</p><p>within the security perimeter of an organization. It can range from built into the application to the edge of a private network, e.g. an appliance. No matter the choice, the involved people must possess security expertise to deploy the proposed security models in this paper, that have the soul purpose to secure applications.</p><p>By using the Recommendation X.800 as a comparison framework, the proposed models will be analyzed in detail and evaluated of how they provide the security services concerned in X.800. By reasoning about what security services that ought to be implemented in order to prevent or detect diverse security attacks, the organization needs to carry out a security plan and have a common understanding of the defined security policies.</p><p>An interesting finding during our work was that, using a methodology that leads to low KLOC-values results in high security, though low KLOC-values and high security go hand-in-hand.</p>
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公司治理體系下控制權市場之定位 / The Role of Control Market in the Framework of Corporate Governance林俊宏, Lin ,Chun-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討公司治理體系下控制權市場所發揮之功能,內容大致上分為四個部分。第一部分先就公司治理理論以及不同體系加以介紹,從Ronald H. Coase交易成本理論、Berle & Means五種公司類型,以及代理理論說明公司治理的理論基礎,再分別介紹OECD以及World Bank的公司治理架構,而控制權市場則是公司治理體系下,外部治理機制的一項重要工具,最後就美國、日本與我國的公司治理體系加以介紹。
最後比較公開收購制度與委託書徵求制度二者,分別從所需資金、成本風險控制、實施之便宜性以及公司治理角度,希冀我國未來公開收購制度能善加運用,發揮公司治理之功效。文末並提出相關建議,以供將來之研究或主管機關作為參考。 / This dissertation mainly discusses the role of control market in the framework of corporate governance. It is composed of four parts. The first part introduces relevant theories of corporate governance, including Ronald H. Coase’s “transaction cost theory”, Berle & Means’ “five types of corporation”, and agency theory. Then the diverse frameworks of corporate governance including OECD, World Bank, in which control market is indicated as a significant external mechanism, are illustrated. At last, the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan's frameworks of corporate governance are introduced respectively.
The second part explains that the merges & acquisitions (M&A) is one of the major activities that make control market operate effectively. Then the general situations of the M&A in the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan are introduced. Taken as a main mechanism of control market, hostile takeover not only strikes inefficient managers but menaces the incumbent from fraud. Two major feasible approaches of hostile takeover are purchasing stocks and soliciting proxies. The rules of tender offer and proxy contest are relevant.
The third part discusses the legal institution of hostile takeover. The rules of tender offer of U.S., Japan, and Taiwan are introduced. Then the similarities and dissimilarities between the rules from the definitions of tender offer, equal treatment to shareholders, and anti-takeover strategies are detailed. At the end of this part, different points of view about mandatory tender offer and its relation with corporate governance are discussed.
The fourth part explores (investigates) the rules of proxy contest of the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan. They are similar in the disclosure principle, but only Taiwan set limitations on the qualification of solicitors and the amount of proxies. In addition, the incumbent in Taiwan have the control over the manufacturing and delivery of the tokens for shareholders in annual meetings. What’s more, regulations force the institute-investors to support the incumbent. In conclusion, the proxy rules in Taiwan favor the incumbent. Also, the arguments over proxy purchase and its relation with corporate governance is mentioned.
At last, this paper compares tender offer with proxy soliciting in several aspects: the fund needed, risk control, convenience, and corporate governance. In the end, the conclusion provides some suggestions for legislators and future studies.
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