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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從新公共服務觀點探討基隆市里辦公處的組織與功能 / A Study on Organization and Function of Neighborhood Affairs Office in Keelung City from perspectives of the New Public Service

王志峰, Wang, Chih Feng Unknown Date (has links)
2000年Denhardt夫婦提出了新公共服務理論,且於2003年及2007年出書,詳細論述此理論的7項核心理念:服務公民而非服務顧客、公共利益的追尋、重視公民精神更勝於企業精神、策略思維與民主行動、理解「課責」並非單純簡易的事、服務而非導航、重視人性價值而非生產力。而隨著民主的蓬勃發展,自我意識亦隨之高漲,對於公共議題的關注及公共利益的追求,伴隨著公民社會的形成,全球民主國家亦極力於促成公民社會的實踐。基於新公共服務及公民社會在時代的發展歷程中重要角色,國家之中央及地方各級政府組織應致力於運用與實踐,以落實地方治理,進而達成全球化下國家之競爭力。 村、里是政府地方自治制度中最基層的組織,地方制度法所明定之鄉、鎮、市、區內部編組。而村(里)長,受鄉村(鎮、市、區)長之指揮監督,辦理村(里)公務及交辦事項。本研究以基隆市里辦公處為個案,運用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,建立新公共服務與里辦公處的組織與功能兩者的關係,探討基隆市里辦公處如何本著為民服務之精神,運用新公共服務理念,繼續發揮其時代功能,進而順利達成最基層在地化的為民服務工作,並期能提供相關實務建議。 / In 2000, Robert B. Denhardt & Janet V. Denhardt put forward the theory of new public service and published books in 2003 and 2007 to discuss 7 core ideas in detail: serve the public but not the customers, pursue public interest, place more emphasis on civic spirit than enterprise spirit, strategic thought and democratic action, understand that accountability is not just a simple issue, serve but not navigate, value humanity but not productivity. With the prosperous development of democracy, self-awareness is also enhanced. As to the concerns on public issues and pursuit of public interest, together with the formation of a civil society, global democratic nations also try every effort to promote the implementation of a public society. Based on the important role played by public service and civil society on era development programs, the central and local governments and organizations should commit to application and put local governance into practice so as to achieve national competitiveness in the context of globalization. Villages and neighborhoods are the most fundamental organizations in the local autonomous system. The Local Government System Act specifies the sub-groups consisting of the villages, towns, cities and districts. Besides, the village (neighborhood) head is directed and supervised by heads of the towns, cities and districts to deal with the affairs of the village (neighborhood). This study, taking the neighborhood affairs office in Keelung City as the study case, applies literature review and in-depth interview methods to explore and establish the relationship between organizations as well as the functions of new public service and the neighborhood affairs office. It also aims to determine how the Keelung neighborhood affairs office employs the concept of new public service to continue its functions in the spirit of service, so as to successfully achieve the goal that the most fundamental organization serves the local people. This study is expected to provide related practical suggestions.

Les opérations scrutées sous l'angle de l'intérêt public par les organismes de réglementation des valeurs mobilières : entre efficience et duplicité

Gauthier, Bastien 04 1900 (has links)
Les organismes de réglementation des valeurs mobilières doivent veiller à la protection des investisseurs et à l'efficience des marchés financiers. Pour ce faire, ils ont été investis de larges pouvoirs discrétionnaires leur permettant de contrôler les opérations qui, quoique conformes aux prescriptions légales, sont susceptibles de porter atteinte à l'intérêt public. La notion d'intérêt public étant malléable et difficile à circonscrire, la discrétion conférée à ces organismes est étendue. Son exercice pouvant menacer la sécurité juridique des opérations et être associé à l'arbitraire, elle a été décriée par de nombreux observateurs qui ont demandé qu'elle soit limitée aux cas de transgression de la législation sur les valeurs mobilières. Le texte cherche à déterminer si les organismes de réglementation des valeurs mobilières ont fait preuve de l'ingérence appréhendée par certains en recourant à leur discrétion relative à l'intérêt public. Tout en faisant ressortir la portée large et flexible de cette discrétion, il cherche à cerner les types d'opérations susceptibles d'en entraîner l'exercice. Bien qu'il ne propose pas une refonte du cadre juridique actuel, il soulève des points de réflexion et suggère des avenues qui pourraient être envisagées afin de limiter les risques y étant associés. / Securities regulators must ensure the protection ofinvestors and the ejJiciency of capital markets. With this intention, they have been vested with broad discretionary powers enabling them to control the operations that, although in conformity with legal requirements, are likely to undermine public interest. The public interest notion being malleable and difJicult to circumscribe, the discretion conferred to these organizations has a wide scope. As its exercise can threaten the legal safety of operations and be associated to the arbitrary, it has been disparaged by many observers who required that it be limited to cases in which the securities legislation has been breached. The text seeks to determine if securities regulators have shown the interference dreaded by some by resorting to their public interest discretion. White emphasizing the broad andflexible range ofthis discretion, it seeks to determine the types ofoperations likely to lead to its exercise. Although it does not propose a revision ofthe current legal framework, it provides points for reflection and suggests avenues that could be considered in order to limit the risks being associated to it. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (LL.M) option droit des affaires"

Kaltinimo formos pakeitimo baudžiamajame procese teorinės ir praktinės problemos / Theoretical and practical problems of change of prosecution form in criminal proceedings

Stankevičienė, Monika 25 June 2014 (has links)
Teorijos bei praktikos analizė leido pažvelgti į kaltinimo formų pakeitimą probleminiu aspektu. Teisės doktrinoje kaltinimo formų pakeitimo baudžiamajame procese problemos nekeliamos, tačiau tiek praktinė medžiaga, tiek patys praktikai išduoda, jog šiai temai turėtų būti skiriamas dėmesys – pirmiausiai iškeliant problemas į dienos šviesą, o po to jas sprendžiant. Praverstų tiek šiuo metu galiojančių teisės normų, susijusių su privačiai viešo ir ypač su privataus kaltinimo institutais, peržiūrėjimas, detalesnis reglamentavimas ar bent jau išaiškinimas, tiek bandymas formuoti kitokią praktiką. Šiame darbe analizuojamos Lietuvos, Vokietijos, Norvegijos bei Rusijos baudžiamuosiuose procesuose įtvirtintos kaltinimo formos. Detaliai aptariami jų požymiai bei sąlygos, leidžiančios vieną kaltinimo formą pakeisti kita. Tokia teorinė analizė atveda prie praktinių problemų, kurios apribojamos Lietuvos baudžiamuoju procesu. Daug dėmesio skiriama „visuomeninio intereso“ neapibrėžtumui bei formuluotės „dėl svarbių priežasčių negali ginti teisėtų savo interesų“ traktavimui, svarstomas privačiai viešo bei privataus kaltinimo veikų tinkamumas ir vertinamas nuoseklus baudžiamojo proceso vykdymas dviem kaltinimo formomis. / Theory and practice‘s analysis let aproach to a change of prosecution form in a problematic aspect. In the law doctrine the problems of a change of a prosecution form are not imposed, but as a practical matter, both issued by practitioners themselves, that this topic should focus on - primarily by bringing problems to light, and then solving them. Useful for both the current law relating to private public and especially the private prosecution institutions review, more detailed regulation, or at least the interpretation, and attempt to shape a different practice. This work examines Lithuanian, German, Norwegian and Russian prosecution forms enshrined in criminal proceeding. Discussed in detail the characteristics and conditions for a change of prosecution form. This theoretical analysis leads to practical problems that are limited by the Lithuanian criminal proceeding. Much attention is paid to an uncertainty of "public interest" and treatment of "unability to defend one‘s legitimate interests for valid reasons". Public private and private prosecution acts are under consideration and the appropriateness of criminal proceeding in two prosecution forms consistently is assessed.

En gökunge i public service-boet? : Publikens roll i digitaliseringen av marksänd television / A cuckoo in the public service nest? : The audience role in digitalization of terrestrial television

Severson, Pernilla January 2004 (has links)
In a Swedish setting an audience orientation is applied to investigate public service TV in the ongoing development of terrestrial digital television. Focus is on institutionalized politics and public service TV companies Sveriges Television (Swedish Television) and Utbildningsradion (Education Radio). In a case study through a multitude of material, emphasizing policy documents and interviews but also including media coverage, it is explored how and why the audience is involved in public service digital TV development. Is it an operation in the public interest, and what does this mean for public service as a media policy principle? The empirical result indicates a complex and problematic audience, which is not constantly prioritized but always present. The audience legacy is threatened in public service TV by a consumer orientation. Concluding implications are on the one hand that feedback from the audience can not only be based in ratings and market analysis. On the other hand there is a need for an attitude towards public service legitimacy as utopian realism.

The Crystallization of Collective Bargaining with Wage Content in the Public Sector: the Transit from Prohibition to Reasonable Restriction in the Light of Budget Rules / La Cristalización de la Negociación Colectiva con Contenido Salarial en el Sector Público: el Tránsito de la Prohibición a la Restricción Razonable a la Luz de las Normas Presupuestales

Blume Moore, Iván 10 April 2018 (has links)
The right to collectively negotiate salaries afforded to Public Employees has been a longstanding controversy in our country. Especially, in the light of the prohibitions established by Budget Laws. However, this conflict has been recently resolved by the Constitutional Court. This decision marks a fundamental landmark for Labor Law because it crystallizes the right of public employee to collectively bargain salaries with the State. In this article, the author recount the path travelled by the Constitutional Court in this field, that is, from the absolute prohibitions to a reasonable restriction in the pursue to achieve balance between this right and the public interest at stake. / El derecho de los trabajadores públicos de negociar colectivamente sus salarios ha sido una controversia de larga data en nuestro país. En especial, a la luz de las prohibiciones establecidas por las normas presupuestales. Sin embargo, este conflicto ha sido resuelto recientemente por el Tribunal Constitucional. Esta sentencia marca un hito fundamental en el derecho laboral colectivo, pues ha cristalizado el derecho de los trabajadores de la Administración Pública a negociar colectivamente sus salarios con el Estado. En el presente artículo, el autor realiza un recuento del camino transitado por el Tribunal Constitucional en este campo, esto es, desde la absoluta prohibición hasta la restricción razonable de este derecho en su afán por conciliarlo con el interés público en juego.

The mandatory determination of the Corporate Purpose: An outdated rule / La determinación obligatoria del Objeto Social: Una regla anacrónica

Montoya Stahl, Alfonso, Loayza Jordán, Fernando 12 April 2018 (has links)
The authors discussed on the alleged utility as well as the drawbacks of the mandatory determination of corporate purpose. They analyze and criticize the required characteristics of the corporate purpose by the Peruvian corporate regulation as well as the alleged benefits of making mandatory its determination. The authors propose the elimination of the obligation to determine the corporate purpose in order to give corporations freedom to configure their economic activity without being limited by an outdated rule. / En el presente artículo, los autores discuten la presunta utilidad como inconvenientes de la obligación de determinar el objeto social. En ese sentido, se analiza las características exigidas al objeto social, como los supuestos beneficios que traería su regulación. Los autores proponen la eliminación de la obligación de determinar el objeto social a fin de permitir a las sociedades configurar libremente su actividad, sin verse limitadas por una norma rígida.

Reflexões críticas acerca do papel e significado do interesse público no direito administrativo brasileiro

Busatto, Carlos Ernesto Maranhão January 2011 (has links)
A investigação proposta no trabalho foi estimulada pela reduzida preocupação doutrinária e jurisprudencial em compreender o efetivo papel e o atual significado do “interesse público” no âmbito do Direito Administrativo Brasileiro, dúplice escopo do presente estudo. Estabelece-se, em um primeiro momento, breve análise dos fundamentos político-normativos que legitimam a atuação dos agentes públicos, reforçando a relevância das normas jurídicas produzidas por autoridades democraticamente investidas na construção das finalidades estatais que acabam por configurar o interesse público em perspectiva constitucional ou política. Como decorrência, aborda-se a necessária vinculação da atuação administrativa à lei e ao Direito no âmbito do Estado Democrático, condição imposta pelo princípio da legalidade para que a Administração Pública tenha sua atuação delimitada juridicamente, o que indica que no processo de concreção do interesse público (passando para uma perspectiva administrativa ou jurídica do conceito) a função da autoridade pública é integrativa, condicionada à concessão de certa margem de liberdade pelas normas jurídicas, por meio do emprego de conceitos indeterminados ou mediante asseguramento de discricionariedade. O trabalho ocupa-se, ainda, em ressaltar que o Direito Administrativo teve sua origem na busca pela regulação do conflito dialético entre as prerrogativas assecuratórias do exercício da autoridade estatal e as garantias de liberdade e direitos individuais dos cidadãos, o que acaba levando à abordagem do aventado caráter “supremo” do interesse público e sua contraposição aos interesses privados. Dessa forma, é feita a interpretação do polêmico “princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o interesse privado” em conformidade com a Constituição Federal de 1988, de modo a evidenciar que a função dessa norma-princípio acabou sendo incorporada na ordem constitucional atual por meio dos princípios apresentados no caput do art. 37, especialmente da legalidade e da impessoalidade, os quais atuam como parâmetros para o controle jurisidicional do interesse público, já que condicionam a atividade administrativa ao respeito dos limites formais impostos pela regra de competêcia (legalidade na forma da reserva legal) e à observância da espécie e grau de interesse público incorporado na previsão legal, evitando-se um possível desvio de finalidade (impessoalidade) no agir dos agentes da Administração Pública, imbricação que, inclusive, vem reconhecida no direito positivo pátrio, conforme se constata na redação dos arts. 1º e 2º da Lei nº 9.784/99. / The research was stimulated by the reduced concern of doctrine and jurisprudence in understanding the actual role and the current meaning of "public interest" under the Brazilian Administrative Law, wich is the twofold scope of this study. It’s established, at first, a brief analysis of the political-normative elements that legitimize the actions of public servants, reinforcing the relevance of the legal standards produced by democratically invested authorities on the State’s purposes definition that shapes the public interest in constitutional or political perspective. In consequence, it’s analized the necessary linkage of administrative action to the rules and the Law in a Democratic State, condition imposed by the principle of legality to juridically limitate Public Administration’s activities, indicating that the fuction of administrative staff in the concretion of public interest (in administrative or legal perspective) is posterior and integrative, especially in situations wich the rules allows a certain margin of freedom, like when there is an indeterminate concept to interpretate or the administrative discretion needs to be use. The dissertation seeks, furthermore, to emphasize that the Administrative Law had its origin by searching for the regulation to pacify the dialectical conflict between the prerogatives that ensure the authority’s exercise and the guarantees of freedom and individual rights, imposing the analisis of the alleged “supreme” character of the public interest and its opposition to private interests. So, it’s enphasized the controversial “principle of the supremacy of public interest over private interest” and its normative interpretation under the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 in order to show that the function of this principle was incorporated in the current constitutional order through the principles presented in the chapeau of article 37, specially the legality and impersonality, which act as parameters for the public interest’s judicial review, since they affect the administrative activities to respect the formal limits imposed by the rule that delegates power (legality in the legal reserve form) and the observance of the kind and degree of public interest incorporated into the legal provision, avoiding a possible deviation of objective (impersonality), overlapping that comes recognized in national positive law, as noted in articles 1 and 2 of Brazilian Statute Law n 9.784/99.

Zemská správa v Čechách ve vztahu k veřejnosti v letech 1900 - 1908 / Land Government in Bohemia in Relation to the Public between 1900 - 1908

Patočka, Jaromír January 2015 (has links)
Land Government in Bohemia in Relation to the Public between 1900-1908 Abstract At the beginning of the 20th century, the term Czech Kingdom referred to one of the crown lands forming the "West half" of the Habsburg monarchy, called Cisleithania. The Czech Kin- gdom was a public corporation which participated in implementing public administration. Its activities included mainly administrative tasks and to a limited extent also tasks related to exercising state power. The Czech Kingdom as a public body managed in the early years of the 20th century a very complex public agenda ranging from supervision and regulation of the subordinate self-governance bodies, significant activities related to public construction work, tasks related to education on the national level to tasks from the field of culture. Agricultural issues and tasks related to small scale business were of great importance. In 1890s, coalition of conservative nobility and Czech citizenship policy won a majority of parliamentary seats in the representative assembly of the Czech Kingdom. However, the coalition lost its position due to political changes in the civil bloc. The early years of the 20th century already saw long term escalation of the delicate Czech-German relations. This also impacted provincial politics in Bohemia. Despite complex...

The development of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) and reasons for juristic disagreements among schools of law

Ahmed, Shoayb 30 November 2005 (has links)
Islamic Jurisprudence comprises of the laws that govern a Muslims daily life. The Prophet Muhammad explained and practically demonstrated these laws. The jurists studied the Quran and the Prophet's life and they adopted a refined methodology which they used to extract legal rulings and verdicts. This methodology is known as the Principles of Jurisprudence. The jurists expanded on this methodology with some differences among them on the usage and the application of some aspects as acceptable forms of evidence. Eventually, the Muslim world was left with four schools of jurisprudence that are present to this day. There are differences between these schools on some issues but these differences never caused conflict, instead it provided us with a wealth of knowledge. We need to study these schools and its principles together with the objectives and intent of the Shariah and utilize this to find solutions to all new issues that arise. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M. A. (Islamic Studies)

Reflexões críticas acerca do papel e significado do interesse público no direito administrativo brasileiro

Busatto, Carlos Ernesto Maranhão January 2011 (has links)
A investigação proposta no trabalho foi estimulada pela reduzida preocupação doutrinária e jurisprudencial em compreender o efetivo papel e o atual significado do “interesse público” no âmbito do Direito Administrativo Brasileiro, dúplice escopo do presente estudo. Estabelece-se, em um primeiro momento, breve análise dos fundamentos político-normativos que legitimam a atuação dos agentes públicos, reforçando a relevância das normas jurídicas produzidas por autoridades democraticamente investidas na construção das finalidades estatais que acabam por configurar o interesse público em perspectiva constitucional ou política. Como decorrência, aborda-se a necessária vinculação da atuação administrativa à lei e ao Direito no âmbito do Estado Democrático, condição imposta pelo princípio da legalidade para que a Administração Pública tenha sua atuação delimitada juridicamente, o que indica que no processo de concreção do interesse público (passando para uma perspectiva administrativa ou jurídica do conceito) a função da autoridade pública é integrativa, condicionada à concessão de certa margem de liberdade pelas normas jurídicas, por meio do emprego de conceitos indeterminados ou mediante asseguramento de discricionariedade. O trabalho ocupa-se, ainda, em ressaltar que o Direito Administrativo teve sua origem na busca pela regulação do conflito dialético entre as prerrogativas assecuratórias do exercício da autoridade estatal e as garantias de liberdade e direitos individuais dos cidadãos, o que acaba levando à abordagem do aventado caráter “supremo” do interesse público e sua contraposição aos interesses privados. Dessa forma, é feita a interpretação do polêmico “princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o interesse privado” em conformidade com a Constituição Federal de 1988, de modo a evidenciar que a função dessa norma-princípio acabou sendo incorporada na ordem constitucional atual por meio dos princípios apresentados no caput do art. 37, especialmente da legalidade e da impessoalidade, os quais atuam como parâmetros para o controle jurisidicional do interesse público, já que condicionam a atividade administrativa ao respeito dos limites formais impostos pela regra de competêcia (legalidade na forma da reserva legal) e à observância da espécie e grau de interesse público incorporado na previsão legal, evitando-se um possível desvio de finalidade (impessoalidade) no agir dos agentes da Administração Pública, imbricação que, inclusive, vem reconhecida no direito positivo pátrio, conforme se constata na redação dos arts. 1º e 2º da Lei nº 9.784/99. / The research was stimulated by the reduced concern of doctrine and jurisprudence in understanding the actual role and the current meaning of "public interest" under the Brazilian Administrative Law, wich is the twofold scope of this study. It’s established, at first, a brief analysis of the political-normative elements that legitimize the actions of public servants, reinforcing the relevance of the legal standards produced by democratically invested authorities on the State’s purposes definition that shapes the public interest in constitutional or political perspective. In consequence, it’s analized the necessary linkage of administrative action to the rules and the Law in a Democratic State, condition imposed by the principle of legality to juridically limitate Public Administration’s activities, indicating that the fuction of administrative staff in the concretion of public interest (in administrative or legal perspective) is posterior and integrative, especially in situations wich the rules allows a certain margin of freedom, like when there is an indeterminate concept to interpretate or the administrative discretion needs to be use. The dissertation seeks, furthermore, to emphasize that the Administrative Law had its origin by searching for the regulation to pacify the dialectical conflict between the prerogatives that ensure the authority’s exercise and the guarantees of freedom and individual rights, imposing the analisis of the alleged “supreme” character of the public interest and its opposition to private interests. So, it’s enphasized the controversial “principle of the supremacy of public interest over private interest” and its normative interpretation under the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 in order to show that the function of this principle was incorporated in the current constitutional order through the principles presented in the chapeau of article 37, specially the legality and impersonality, which act as parameters for the public interest’s judicial review, since they affect the administrative activities to respect the formal limits imposed by the rule that delegates power (legality in the legal reserve form) and the observance of the kind and degree of public interest incorporated into the legal provision, avoiding a possible deviation of objective (impersonality), overlapping that comes recognized in national positive law, as noted in articles 1 and 2 of Brazilian Statute Law n 9.784/99.

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