Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] READERS"" "subject:"[enn] READERS""
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Komunikacinės skaitytojų medžioklės ypatumai vaikams skirtuose Lietuvos žurnaluose / Communication means that encourage readers’ loyalty in magazines for childrenJurgaitis, Raimondas 23 December 2008 (has links)
Lietuvoje mažėja vaikų skaičius, tačiau vaikams skirtų žurnalų kiekis auga. Pagal tokių leidinių kiekį Lietuva vejasi Europos šalis, turinčias keliasdešimt kartų daugiau gyventojų. Leidėjams pasidaro aktualu skatinti skaitytojų lojalumą. Tokią kovą dėl skaitytojų galima pavadinti skaitytojų medžiokle.
Apie žurnalų pardavimo skatinimą yra sukurta daug marketingo ir vadybos teorijų. Tačiau vaikams skirtų žurnalų tiražo dydį nulemia ne vien šių teorijų taikymas. Skaitytojų medžioklės sėkmę kur kas labiau lemia komunikacinės skaitytojų lojalumo programos. Šiame darbe tiriama, kokios komunikacinės priemonės yra naudojamos Lietuvos vaikų žurnaluose, siekiant išlaikyti esamus ir medžiojant naujus skaitytojus.
Teorinėje darbo dalyje apžvelgiama, kaip pasikeitė vaikams skirti žurnalai savo turiniu ir paskirtimi šiuolaikiniame globalizacijos ir vartotojiškos visuomenės pasaulyje. Paskojamąjį pasaulio suvokimą keičia vaizdinis ir todėl žurnalai tampa nebe skaitomi, o žiūrimi ir tik sustabdo informacijos sraute pralekiantį vaizdą.
Toliau aptariama vaikų kaip savarankiškos vartotojų klasės atsiradimas. Vartotojiškoje visuomenėje komercializacija paliečia ir vaikus, todėl dabar vaikai patys daro sprendimus jiems skirtų prekių pasirinkime. Jų nuomonė, pasirenkant spaudos leidinį vaidina pagrindinį vaidmenį, todėl ir skaitytojų medžiolės priemones leidėjai nukreipia į vaikus.
Skaitytojų lojalumą skatinančios komunikacines priemonės skirstomos į tiesioginio poveikio (įtaiga, tęstinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania the number of children is decreasing steadily but the number of magazines for children is increasing. According to the number of such publications, Lithuania is getting closer to those European countries whose population is tenfold bigger. Therefore for publishers it becomes relevant to encourage readers’ loyalty and attract new readers by using various means. Such struggle for readers can be called hunt for readers.
If we considered that magazines are one kind of items, then there are many marketing and management theories created about encouragement of their sale. However circulation of magazines for children is not determined only by rules of marketing theory. Success of hunt for readers is more conditioned by readers’ loyalty programmes implemented by communication means. In this work my aim is to analyze what communication means are used in Lithuanian magazines for children to retain the present readership and new readership who were hunted.
Theoretical part of a work reviews how magazines for children changed in their content and purpose in the present world of globalization and consumer society.
The appearance of children as an individual group of consumers is discussed further. In consumer society commercialization affects children as well, thus the present generation of children makes decision when choosing items that are produced for them. Their opinion on choosing press publication plays the main role, therefore publishers direct means for hunting... [to full text]
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Bloggare som varumärke : En kvalitativ studie om bloggares personliga varumärken – ur läsares, företags och såväl en bloggares perspektivBuhay, Rosanna, Ingberg, Emma January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Användningen av sociala medier har blivit väldigt populärt och är ett effektivt verktyg för att kommunicera, inspirera, publicera och dela med sig om sig själv vilket kan ske genom bland annat bloggar. Bloggandet har haft en snabb tillväxt och är idag ett enormt effektivt marknadsföringsverktyg. Företag har i allt större utsträckning börjat uppmärksamma bloggarna som ett kommunikationsverktyg då det anses vara ett tidseffektivt sätt att marknadsföra sig på. Eftersom bloggvärlden blivit så pass stor finns det idag flera olika typer av bloggare. Modebloggar är en av flera bloggtyper som blivit stora då de skiljer sig från de traditionella marknadsföringskanalerna på så vis att modebloggare kan skapa såväl intimitet med som förtroende hos läsaren vilket är något en vanlig marknadsföringskanal inte kan. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ett personligt varumärke skapas och vilka faktorer i omgivningen som påverkar synen på varumärket. Studien kommer baseras på hur bloggare själva ser på sitt personliga varumärke och även hur andra aktörer, så som företag och läsare, uppfattar bloggares personliga varumärke. Teori: Det valdes ut fyra teorier som handlar bland annat om en rätta tidpunkten att satsa på ett varumärke, vad som krävs för att ett äkta varumärke skall nås, definition om det personliga varumärket och slutligen varumärkestillgångar och mervärde som är kopplade till varumärket. Metod: En kvalitativ studie som består av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Empiri: Insamlad data har genererats genom intervjuer med respondenterna. Alla har koppling till bloggvärlden på ett eller annat vis då uppsatsen har fått med aspekten av hur både bloggare, företag samt läsare ser på bloggar och varumärken. Slutsats: Det krävs flera faktorer för att både skapa men även bibehålla sitt varumärke. Det krävs att ständigt sticka ut och vara annorlunda samt genomlysa en tydlig identitet för att på så sätt kunna vara attraktiv för läsare och företag. För bloggaren krävs det stort engagemang och en vilja att ta för sig, vilket bör synas i allt från bildkvalité till uppmärksamhet i sociala medier mer än bara bloggen i sig.
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讀者劇場對台灣國小學童英語口語閱讀流暢度和學習態度之影響:個案研究 / The Influences of Readers Theater on a Young EFL Learner’s Oral Reading Fluency and Learning Attitudes: A Case Study陳逸涵, Chen, Yi Han Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,在口語流暢度方面,無論是正確度、情緒和音量、斷句、流暢性以及速度等面向皆有所進步。另一方面,由於讀者劇場提供學生真實的表演機會,提高學生的自我效能感,給予學習者自主學習的機會,以及創造出合作學習的氛圍,學生在學習態度方面也因此有所提升。研究者根據這些發現,提出對讀者劇場應用於國小學童口語流暢度訓練和提升學習興趣的看法,及未來研究方向的建議,以期對英語教學能有更多建設性的研究貢獻。 / This case study attempts to investigate the influences of Readers Theater on an EFL young learner’s oral reading fluency and learning attitudes. To achieve the purpose of this study, qualitative methods were adopted to capture a holistic understanding of the young learner’s oral reading fluency development and changes of learning attitudes. The participant was a fifth grader who studied in a public elementary school in Taipei City. He has been in a remedial English class since first grade. Data was collected from March 2014 to May 2014. The video-recordings of classroom observation, the teacher’s journals, the student’s learning log, one semi-structured interview, and multi-fluency assessments were utilized as data for the analyses of the influences of Readers Theater on an EFL young learner’s oral reading fluency development and learning attitudes.
The results revealed that the participant improved his oral reading fluency and showed positive attitudinal changes while receiving the Readers Theater instruction. In terms of his oral reading fluency development, he first developed word recognition in accuracy; acquired prosodic reading ability gradually in expression and volume; learned to pause appropriately in phrasing; decreased hesitations while reading in smoothness; and increased reading speed in pacing. Moreover, his learning attitudes became positive, because RT provided authentic purposes for reading, increased his self-efficacy, and created an autonomous and cooperative learning atmosphere. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions were recommended for future research. It is hoped that this thesis will provide some insights into the dynamics of Readers Theater instruction as well as EFL young learners’ oral reading fluency development and attitudinal changes of learning.
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The literary clubs and societies of Glasgow during the long nineteenth century : a city's history of reading through its communal reading practices and productionsWeiss, Lauren Jenifer January 2017 (has links)
This thesis uses the minute books and manuscript magazines of Glasgow’s literary societies as evidence for my argument that the history of mutual improvement groups—including literary societies—needs to be re-written as a unique movement of ‘improvement’ during the long nineteenth century. In foregrounding the surviving records, I examine what it meant to be literary to society members in Glasgow during this period. I discuss what their motivations were for becoming so, and reflect on the impact that gender, occupation and social class had on these. I demonstrate that these groups contributed to the education and literacy of people living in the city and to a larger culture of ‘improvement’. Further, I argue that there is a case to be made for a particularly Scottish way of consuming texts in the long nineteenth century. In Glasgow, there were at least 193 literary societies during this period, which I divide into four phases of development. I provide an in-depth examination of two societies which serve as case studies. In addition, I give an overview and comparison of the 652 issues of Scottish and English society magazines I discovered in the context of a larger, ‘improving’ culture. I offer possible reasons why so many literary societies produced manuscript magazines, and show that this phenomenon was not unique to them. These magazines fostered a communal identity formed around a combination of religion, class, gender and local identity. I determine that societies in England produced similar types of magazines to those in Scotland possibly based upon the Scottish precedent. These materials substantially contribute to the evidence for nineteenth-century mutual improvement societies and their magazines, and for working- and lower-middle class Scottish readers and writers during the long nineteenth century, social groups that are under-represented in the history of reading and in Victorian studies.
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Rozvíjení čtenářské gramotnosti v předškolním a mladším školním věku / Development of reading literacy of preschool and early school ageTAUŠNEROVÁ, Olga January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the development of pre-readers literacy in pre-school and early school age. The main aim of the research is to methodologically specify the methods of literacy development of pre-school and school age children at selected nursery and primary schools in Luby. The theoretical part deals with the key concepts of the questions in research and discusses the methodological approaches suitable for working with this age group with an emphasis on the development of the key skills of literacy. The practical part presents in concrete examples a set of activities and worksheets suitable for developing literacy skills of pre-school and early school age children. Therefore one of the main aims of this thesis is to create a useful methodological material that would become a suitable tool for teachers working with children of this age group. Meanwhile I have been enquiring the way of continuing cooperation between nursery and primary school. The methods used for data collection include participant observation in two types of schools. i.e. pre-school class in Luby and the first grade at the primary school in Luby, in which I participate both as an observer and participant. Furthermore, there are standardized interviews with the teachers of pre-school education and primary school teachers of the 1st grade. The data are divided into the synoptic units, from which I took the final results of this research issue.
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As finalidades do jornalismo : o que dizem veículos, jornalistas e leitoresReginato, Gisele Dotto January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese mostra como os principais sujeitos participantes do contrato de comunicação jornalístico (veículos, jornalistas e leitores) percebem as finalidades do jornalismo. A metodologia utilizada é a Análise de Discurso. Os veículos selecionados são Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo e O Estado de S. Paulo, os três maiores jornais de referência brasileiros, cujo discurso foi mapeado em 38 documentos institucionais (princípios editoriais, manuais de redação, códigos de ética, editoriais). O discurso de 85 jornalistas brasileiros foi analisado em 40 documentos (biografias, livros, documentários, trabalhos acadêmicos e entrevistas). O discurso de 250 leitores foi encontrado em 279 comentários postados em sites dos jornais Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo e O Estado de S. Paulo e nas páginas desses jornais no Facebook. A tese chegou a dois tipos de resultados. Um, de caráter empírico, deriva da análise do material discursivo dos três sujeitos: o que veículos, jornalistas e leitores dizem sobre as finalidades do jornalismo. No discurso dos sujeitos, estão presentes as seguintes finalidades do jornalismo: a) fiscalizar o poder e fortalecer a democracia; b) informar; c) esclarecer o cidadão e apresentar a pluralidade da sociedade; d) verificar a veracidade das informações; e) selecionar o que é relevante; f) investigar; g) registrar história e construir memória; h) interpretar e analisar a realidade; i) defender o cidadão; j) fazer a mediação entre os fatos e o leitor; k) integrar e mobilizar as pessoas; l) divertir (finalidade só considerada por veículos e jornalistas, não por leitores). A tese traz diversas conclusões sobre como cada sujeito compreende essas funções. Outro resultado, de caráter teórico, se desdobra em dois: o primeiro é a elaboração de um quadro com a síntese das finalidades do jornalismo segundo os autores consultados; o segundo é a formulação de uma proposta das finalidades do jornalismo. Cheguei a uma proposta de que o jornalismo tem 12 finalidades a cumprir: a) informar de modo qualificado; b) investigar; c) verificar a veracidade das informações; d) interpretar e analisar a realidade; e) fazer a mediação entre os fatos e o leitor; f) selecionar o que é relevante; g) registrar a história e construir memória; h) ajudar a entender o mundo contemporâneo; i) integrar e mobilizar as pessoas; j) defender o cidadão; k) fiscalizar o poder e fortalecer a democracia; l) esclarecer o cidadão e apresentar a pluralidade da sociedade. / This doctoral dissertation shows how the main subjects participating in the journalistic communication contract (media companies, journalists and readers) perceive the purposes of journalism. The methodology that was used is Discourse Analysis. The media companies which were selected are Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo e O Estado de S. Paulo, the three major reference Brazilian newspapers, whose discourse was mapped in 38 institutional documents (editorial principles, writing manuals, codes of ethics, editorials). The discourse of 85 Brazilian journalists was analyzed in 40 documents (biographies, books, documentaries, academic works and interviews). The discourse of 250 readers was found in 279 comments posted on the websites and Facebook pages of the newspapers Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo e O Estado de S. Paulo. The research reached two kinds of results. One, of an empirical nature, stems from the analysis of the discourse materials from the three subjects: what the media companies, journalists and readers say about the purposes of journalism. In the discourse of the subjects, the following purposes of journalism are present: (a) watching over how power is exerted in society and strengthening democracy; (b) informing; (c) clarifying issues for citizens and providing them with a plurality of society; (d) checking the veracity of information; (e) selecting what is relevant; (f) investigating; (g) recording history and constructing memory; (h) interpreting and analyzing the reality; (i) defending citizens; (j) mediating between facts and readers; (k) integrating and mobilizing people; (l) entertaining (purpose considered by media companies and journalists only, not by readers). The dissertation reached a number of conclusions about how each subject understands these functions. Another result, of a theoretical nature, splits into two: the first outcome is a table that was designed aiming to present a summary of the purposes of journalism according to the authors who were consulted; the second is a proposal of the purposes of journalism. I present a proposal according to which journalism has 12 purposes to fulfill: (a) informing in a qualified sense; (b) investigating; (c) checking the veracity of information; (d) interpreting and analyzing reality; (e) mediating between facts and readers; (f) selecting what is relevant; (g) recording history and constructing memory; (h) helping to understand the contemporary world; (i) integrating and mobilizing people; (j) defending citizens; (k) watching over how power is exerted in society and strengthening democracy; (l) clarifying issues for citizens and presenting the plurality of society.
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The effect of using DVD subtitles in English second-language vocabulary recognition and recall developmentCarstens, Miranda 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of DVDs in enhancing student
vocabulary development in second-language contexts. To this end the study sought students’
perceptions of DVD subtitles and their level of vocabulary knowledge. It also examined the
extent to which watching a DVD with or without intralingual subtitles can improve students’
vocabulary recognition and recall. The literature review included a discussion on the variables
operant in second-language acquisition; the use of visual media on vocabulary learning; and
the effects of subtitling practices as a didactic tool for vocabulary recall and recognition. The
study adopted a mixed-method approach and data were collected through a survey and openended
questionnaire; a Vocabulary Levels Test; a Vocabulary Knowledge Scale Test; and
vocabulary intervention activities. The findings indicate that DVDs can enhance students’
vocabulary in second-language teaching and learning contexts. More importantly the study
confirms audio-visual images create greater sensory input that is, “words associated with actual
objects or imagery techniques, are learned more easily than those without” (Chun and Plass,
1996:183). / English Studies / M.A. (TESOL)
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Previous issue date: 2008-11-04 / This research aims to study the Christian publishing segment in Brazil, seeking to identify the practice of their production, marketing and selling, comparing it to the secular publishing segment. Comparing the profile of Christian reader with the profile of the general Brazilian reader, and the production and selling of the Christian publishing segment with the production and selling of the non-evangelical segment are also part of research. The methodology included literature search and
documentary and a holistic study of multiple cases involving the publishing houses Mundo Cristão and Agir. It was found that the practice of Christian book production is similar to the non-Christian book and that the Christian book market grows more than the non-Christian one. Another relevant
result of this research is that the Christian readers reads more than the common Brazilian reader, this result was obtained using the same methodology and database of official numbers.(AU) / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar o segmento editorial evangélico no Brasil, buscando identificar a práxis da sua produção, comercialização e marketing, comparando-a ao segmento editorial secular. Comparar o perfil do leitor evangélico com o perfil do leitor brasileiro em geral e,
ainda, a produção e venda do segmento editorial evangélico com a produção e venda do segmento editorial secular também fazem parte dos objetivos da pesquisa. A metodologia incluiu pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e um estudo de casos múltiplos holísticos, envolvendo as editoras Mundo Cristão e Ediouro-Agir. Verificou-se que a práxis da produção do livro evangélico é semelhante ao do livro secular e que o mercado editorial evangélico cresce mais que o mercado
secular. Outro resultado relevante desta pesquisa de dissertação foi a verificação de que o leitor evangélico lê mais que o brasileiro em geral, dados estes, obtidos utilizando-se da mesma metodologia e base de dados dos índices oficiais.(AU)
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Literatura juvenil e literatura canônica brasileira : entretenimento e aprendizagem na jornada do leitor adolescentePuchalski, Francine Bystronski January 2017 (has links)
A finalidade desta dissertação é compreender como romances direcionados ao público adolescente e obras apresentadas pela escola contribuem para a formação leitora dos jovens. Para isso, a reflexão foi elaborada em quatro seções. A primeira parte analisa a função da literatura na Grécia Antiga, relacionando-a ao tempo presente. Nessa direção, são abordados desafios da literatura na atualidade. A seguir, o estudo dirige-se à fase da adolescência e à importância da literatura juvenil para esse momento da vida. Após, busca-se pensar a educação literária como um processo que envolve o diálogo entre a literatura juvenil e a literatura canônica brasileira. Finalmente, o último bloco propõe uma visão sobre desafios da literatura no ensino médio brasileiro. A fim de promover o diálogo intertextual nesse contexto, é realizada uma análise dos romances Jogos Vorazes (2008) de Suzanne Collins e Senhora (1874), de José de Alencar, tendo como base a temática da jornada da heroína. A proposta desta parte final busca exemplificar, por meio de dois romances específicos, as reflexões teóricas desenvolvidas ao longo da dissertação. / The aim of this thesis is to understand how novels directed to teenagers and works presented by the school contribute to the reading formation of the young people. For this purpose, the reflection was elaborated in four steps. The first part analyzes the role of literature in Ancient Greece, relating it to the present time. In this direction, challenges of literature in contemporary times are addressed. Afterwards, the study approaches the phase of adolescence and the importance of young adult literature for such period of life. Then, it is sought to perceive the literary education as a process that involves the dialogue between young adult literature and Brazilian canonical literature. Finally, the last section proposes an overview on the challenges of literature in Brazilian high school. In order to promote intertextual dialogue in this context, an analysis of the works Hunger Games (2008) by Suzanne Collins and Senhora (1874) by José de Alencar is made, based on the theme of the heroine's journey. The approach of this last part seeks to exemplify, through two specific novels, the theoretical reflections developed throughout the thesis.
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Práticas de leitura e escrita na educação de jovens e adultos: como formar leitores e escritores? / Reading and writing practices in youth and adult education: how should learners be taught to read and write?Josilene de Souza Santos 27 March 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / No processo escolar de formação de leitores e escritores há um movimento ativo do sujeito com o texto, sendo o professor interlocutor e mediador desse processo. A presente pesquisa pôde verificar como a legitimação do conhecimento de mundo de sujeitos jovens e adultos com pouca ou nenhuma escolarização, em sala de aula, possibilitou o autorreconhecimento da condição de cada um como leitores e escritores. Para chegar a esse achado, investiguei práticas de leitura e escrita em uma classe de educação de jovens e adultos (EJA), buscando relacioná-las aos usos cotidianos da leitura e da escrita na vida dos sujeitos dessa classe. Busquei auxílio em contribuições teóricas de autores do campo da EJA, e de outros, cujos estudos são referência na área da leitura e da escrita e da formação de leitores e escritores, do mesmo modo que fui auxiliada na compreensão de como me valer de procedimentos metodológicos, para melhor capturar as revelações da prática pedagógica, durante o período de observação empreendido na classe. A abordagem teórico-metodológica adotada, de natureza qualitativa, contou com observações sistemáticas e instrumentos como o diário de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas e uma ficha perfil dos sujeitos da pesquisa. Dispondo desses diversos recursos, pude perceber o processo de formação de leitores e escritores em uma turma já alfabetizada do Programa de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PEJA) do município do Rio de Janeiro. Como reflexão final de meu estudo, arrisco afirmar que as práticas pedagógicas de leitura e escrita propostas pela professora na turma investigada rompiam com a lógica abissal (como nomeada por SANTOS, 2009), uma vez que as atividades levavam em conta a realidade e os conhecimentos dos sujeitos, não se restringindo a saberes escolares, considerados pela lógica hegemônica de hierarquia de mundo, como os únicos válidos. Outras questões, entretanto, nessas práticas de leitura e escrita puderam ser questionadas, como o fato de as atividades serem individuais, em maioria, apesar dos debates permanentes realizados no coletivo. Também o diálogo prioritariamente se dava entre professora e alunos, e não entre pares, o que restringia a horizontalidade da interlocução entre sujeitos. Por fim, reflexiono quanto à lógica escolar de organização do Programa, em que os avanços na aprendizagem têm sequência serial, o que põe em cheque concepções de continuum na EJA e, em última instância, do direito a aprender por toda a vida. / It is well known that there is an active movement of the subject towards the text, involving the training of readers and writers in school, the teacher being both interlocutor and mediator in the process. Through this investigation, it was possible to demonstrate how the knowledge of the world brought to the classroom by young and adult learners with little or no schooling is legitimized, enabling them to acknowledge their status as readers and writers. To take hold of this finding, a research in reading and writing practices in a youth and adult education classroom (EJA) was carried out, with the purpose of relating them to the practices of reading and writing in those learners daily lives. I have resorted to theoretical contributions from reference studies in reading and writing acquisition and also in the training of readers and writers, that were produced by authors in the field of EJA as well as other areas. Classroom observation also helped us to develop a better understanding of the importance of resorting to methodological procedures as a means to grasp the revelations of the pedagogical practice. The theoretical-methodological approach adopted is of a qualitative kind. It made use of instruments such as a field diary, semi-structured interviews and a profile card, i.e., a card meant to register each subjects profile, besides systematic observation. These instruments were useful to prompt us to perceive what was going on in the readers and writers education process inside a classroom which integrated the Youth and Adult Education Program (PEJA) in that particular municipality of the State of Rio de Janeiro. I dare say that the reading and writing teaching practices proposed by the teacher in the classroom under investigation represented a break from abyssal logic (as nominated in Santos 2009), since the activities carried out took into account the learners life conditions and their own knowledge, not restricting themselves to the school selection of contents, which are looked at by the hegemonic logic in the world hierarchy as the only legitimate knowledge. Nevertheless, other issues related those reading and writing teaching practices could be questioned. One of them is the fact that most of the activities were done individually, although debates were conducted permanently with the participation of the whole group. Furthermore, the dialogues involved primarily teacher and students, instead of students and their peers. This practice limited the horizontal interaction among subjects. Finally, I think that the organization of the Program was inspired in the school logic, which requires that the learning process advances along a serial sequence, thus questioning the concept of continuum maintained by EJA and, ultimately, the students right to lifelong education.
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