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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Discursive Shift on Migration Policy in Swedish Politics and Press Media : A Critical Look at Securitization of Migration in Sweden

Orhan Gül, Gözde January 2023 (has links)
The refugeecrisis was a turning point in Swedish exceptionalism a discursive shift has somehowoccurred within the Swedish policy debate and mainstream media whereby the '(im)migrant' isconstructed as a potential security threat. To achieve the goal of the 'security' concerns of thisthesis, a theoretical framework of the social constructivist perspective is to assess howsecuritization is discursively constructed within discursive power relations among differentsocietal actors an d to understand identifying conditions that potentially have enabled this shift.Herein, this research synthesizes media content and political opinion to analyze the shaping andchang ing of the discourse on securitizing migration between 2014 and 2017 by blending qualitativecontent analysis with critical discourse analysis. One of the conclusions reached is the analysishighlights discourses once propagated and shifted gradually in the political sphere and in a sensea certain group of immigrants is constructed as an existential threat within it.

Lastbilsindustrins anpassning till elektrifiering och autonomitet : En studie om utmaningar en bransch står inför vid teknikskiften / The truck industry’s adaptation towardelectrification and autonomy : A study of the challenges an industry faces in technology shifts

Engelbert, David, Mirgati, Violet January 2021 (has links)
En följd av såväl politiska beslut som den ökade medvetenheten hos kunder är att efterfrågan av grönare teknik har ökat. Idag står andelen av laddbara personbilar för ungefär en tredjedel av alla nyregistrerade personbilar i Sverige. Det är inte bara personbilstillverkare som går igenom detta teknikskifte mot grönare teknik och smartare självkörande bilar, samma trend ses i lastbilsindustrin. Även fast kunderna i detta fall är andra företag som t.ex. stora åkerier finns det även här en stor efterfrågan på den nya tekniken. Det kan tyckas motstridigt att tillverka ett elfordon som både ska klara av att transportera tung last samtidigt som det ska kunna erbjuda en lång räckvidd. Självkörande lastbilar är något som Scania tillsammans med flera stora lastbilstillverkare jobbar med att utveckla. De utmaningar som finns för lastbilstillverkare gällande det autonoma skiljer sig från personbilstillverkare. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur produktutvecklingsprocessen påverkas av teknikskiftet mot eldrivna, autonoma lastbilar. Inledningsvis genomfördes en litteraturstudie där tidigare kända teorier och studier inom relevanta områden undersöktes för att få en bättre förståelse för det nuvarande kunskapsläget. Därefter hölls tre stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer från olika avdelningar med olika kompetenser från företag inom dels lastbilsindustrin, men även personbilsindustrin. Intervjuerna syftade till att samla så mycket information som möjligt kring de utmaningar som lastbilsindustrin står inför ur ett produktutvecklings perspektiv. Även de förändringar som skett i samband med teknikskiftet var av intresse under intervjuerna. Efter intervjuerna gjordes en sammanställning och en analys av det resultat som framkommit under studien. Resultatet visar att det har skett en stor förändring inom industrin på flera områden. Nya arbetsmetoder har implementerats för att korta ned ledtiderna och öka kvaliteten på produkterna. Det finns ett ökat behov av nya kompetenser inom branschen och det blir allt vanligare att anställa personal från hela världen som kan arbeta på distans. Vidare satsas det allt mer på att omskola befintlig personal. Resultatet visar även att antalet samarbeten har ökat och att det sker ett stort informationsutbyte mellan företag som båda jobbar med autonom teknik. / An increasing demand for greener technology has been forced through by political decisions, but also as a result of growing awareness amongst customers. Today, the proportion of rechargeable passenger cars accounts for about a third of all newly registered passenger cars in Sweden. It is not just passenger car manufacturers who are experiencing this shift towards greener technology and smarter autonomous cars. The same trend can be seen in the truck industry, even if the customers in this case are large hauliers. It may seem contradictory to manufacture a vehicle that must both be able to transport heavy loads and withstand long range. Scania, amongst other big truck manufacturers, has come a long way in developing autonomous trucks. The challenges of truck manufacturers differ from those of passenger car manufacturers regarding autonomous technology. This study will investigate how the product development process is affected by the shift in technologytowards electric, autonomous trucks.Initially, a literature study was conducted where previous theories and studies in relevant areas were examined in order to gain a better understanding of the current state of knowledge. Subsequently, three semi-structured interviews were held with people from different departments and with various competences from companies in both the truck and car industries. The aim of the interviews was to gather as much information as possible about the challenges facing the truck industry from the product development perspective. The changes that have taken place as a result of the technology shift were also of interest in the interviews. Afterwards, an analysis summary was made of the results that emerged during the study. The results show that there has been significant change in several areas within the industry. New working methods have been implemented to shorten lead times and increase the quality of the products. There is a growing need for new skills within the industry and it is becoming increasingly common to employ staff from all over the world who can work remotely. At the same time, more and more funding is going towards further training of existing staff. The results also show that the number of collaborations has increased and that there is a large exchange of information between companies that are in the autonomous technology business.

Long-Term Trophic Shifts Among Fishes After Extensive Modification Of A Southeastern U.S. River System

Roberts, Matthew E 13 December 2008 (has links)
Regulation of the Upper Tombigbee River and its incorporation into the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway has resulted in main-channel flows that differ from the pre-regulation condition. Flows differ in (1) magnitude: higher base flows, damped peak flows, and (2) variability: the river rises and falls faster and the number of reversals has increased. A shift in the trophic ecology of the resident fish assemblage corresponded with the altered hydrology. Assemblage-level trophic plasticity manifested through dietary shifts in species present during both time periods are coupled with changes to the taxonomic structure observed previously. Species representing the contemporary assemblage feed on fewer taxa regardless of respective trophic ecologies and include taxa that are not characteristic of diets under pre-regulation conditions. More basal resources contributing to production resulted in a greater number of trophic pathways flowing through a decreased dietary breadth. Reduced foraging efficiency is inferred for riverine specialists, possibly resulting in lower fitnesses. Tributaries are highlighted as important in maintaining biodiversity in the regulated main-channel because flows and associated trophic ecologies of resident fishes are relatively similar to those observed under pre-regulation conditions. Materials and taxa exhibit unique interactions at “zones of confluence” where unregulated tributaries merge with the main-channel. Quantifiable characteristics of trophic ecology and ecomorphology, along with connectance to free flowing major tributaries, emerge as potential indicators of the vulnerability of fishes to hydrologic alteration.

Applications of nonequilibrium statistical physics to ecological systems

Guttal, Vishwesha 24 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Att spåra vägar : Hur de utvecklas, förändras eller försvinner. / To trace roads : How they develop, change or disappear

Lindblom, Peter January 2022 (has links)
This is a study of local roads in two villages in the interior of Småland to see how much of the older road network can be found by studying maps from the 19th century, today's digital maps with height shading and Fornsök's map service. The introduction will be a review of other people's studies and their results that are used to be able to answer three questions.1- How to distinguish older roads from newer ones?2 -Which method can be used to determine the age of roads using maps?3 -How can you distinguish older hiking trails or other guides in map material?Throughout the texts show that ancient monuments are often close to older roads and that our roads today go the same routes as before. Locally in the villages, the rural roads are fewer today than what is seen on the oldest map from 1814 and to get a grip on changes and events, a method used by Kalle Måhl used in Gotland villages will be used together with Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger phenomenology archaeological theory. The theory is based on the fact that we have the same spatial perception based on bodily experiences in terms of direction and scale. The method means that you look at today's roads and compare them with the 1843 map in my case, note changes and compare these with the older map from 1814. With facts from Fornsök, you can analyze the changes and get a result. The result in this case with Bodaryd, Uggleryd and their road network is that they existed at least in 1549 as two farms and that the emerging villages were split by law change 1814-1843 with a number of scattered farms and several smaller settlements in the forests that today only exist as ancient finds in Fornsök. In addition, the connection between a registered hollow road and the rural roads has been established, however, there is only a theoretical connection to an unregistered hollow road that is without connections on the maps.

Driving Autonomous Heavy Vehicles into the Future : A Business Model Perspective / Driving Autonomous Heavy Vehicles into the Future : Ett affärsmodellsperspektiv

Kitzler, Gabriel, Saibel, Anna January 2020 (has links)
In light of the many environmental challenges that the world currently faces, new sustainable solutions are called for. The concept of autonomous heavy vehicles (AVs) is considered to be one of the next megatrends within transportation and this technology shift is predicted to improve safety and logistics as well as to cut driver costs and reduce CO2-emissions. However, from a company's perspective, technology shifts are not without risks as technical disruptions can cause core competencies to become obsolete and radical technology innovation can be fatal to a company that does not innovate its business models simultaneously. Due to the complexity and novelty of the AV technology, business model innovation within the field has been lagging behind and there is an area of uncertainty regarding how a future business model for AVs could be formulated. In order to investigate potential business models for AV applications, this study has been carried out as an exploratory case study of two industry specific applications for goods transports within confined areas at the heavy vehicle manufacturer Scania in Södertälje, Sweden. The Business Model Canvas tool  developed by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) has been used to map the business models of these two cases with the purpose of combining them into a general model. Furthermore, four important capabilities at the company have been identified and determined as to whether they qualify as core competencies based on the criteria presented by Prahalad and Hamel (1990) and then discussed in relation to how they can be leveraged in a future business model. The findings of this study help to formulate a business model perspective for future AV goods transport applications that consists of a service-based model characterised by a focus on collaboration and value co-creation, an adaptable level of integration with the customers' systems, transfer of ownership of products to the manufacturer and a value-driven source of differentiation. Lastly, the study concludes that Lean production and modularity are two existing core competencies of Scania that could be leveraged dynamically in a future business model connected to this technology shift. / Mot bakgrunden av de många miljömässiga utmaningar som världen står inför idag krävs nya hållbara lösningar. Konceptet självkörande tunga fordon (eng. autonomous heavy vehicle - AV) anses vara en av de nästa megatrenderna inom transportindustrin och detta teknikskifte förutspås förbättra säkerhet och logistiksystem samt sänka förarkostnader och minska koldioxidutsläpp. Från ett företags perspektiv är teknikförändringar dock inte utan risker då tekniska disruptioner kan göra kärnkompetenser föråldrade och radikal teknisk innovation rentav kan innebära en dödsdom för ett företag som inte simultant innoverar sina affärsmodeller. Till följd av teknikens komplexitet och låga mognadsgrad har affärsmodellsinnovation inom fältet hamnat efter och det finns ett område av osäkerhet gällande hur en framtida affärsmodell för självkörande fordon skulle kunna formuleras. I syfte att undersöka potentiella affärsmodeller för AV-applikationer har denna studie genomförts som en utforskande fallstudie av två industrispecifika applikationer för godstransporter inom avgränsade områden hos lastbilstillverkaren Scania i Södertälje, Sverige. Verktyget Business Model Canvas, utvecklat av Osterwalder och Pigneur (2010), har använts för att kartlägga affärsmodellerna för dessa två applikationer i syfte att kombinera dem till en generell modell. Vidare har fyra viktiga kapabiliteter i företaget identifierats och fastställts huruvida de kvalificerar som kärnkompetenser baserat på kriterierna som presenteras av Prahalad och Hamel (1990) och sedan diskuterats i relation till hur de kan utnyttjas i en framtida affärsmodell. Resultaten av denna studie hjälper till att formulera ett affärsmodellsperspektiv för framtida AVgodsapplikationer som innebär en servicebaserad modell kännetecknad av ett fokus på samarbete och värdesamskapande, en anpassningsbar integration till kundernas system, överföring av ägandeskap av produkter till tillverkaren och en värdedriven differentiering. Slutligen dras slutsatsen att Lean produktion och modularitet är två befintliga kärnkompetenser hos Scania som skulle kunna utnyttjas dynamiskt i en framtida affärsmodell kopplat till detta teknikskifte.

Fjärranalys av vegetationen och trädgränsen i Sarek nationalpark : Klimatförändringarnas påverkan på ett svenskt fjällområde under 1990 – 2023, samt prognoser för framtiden / Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Tree Line in Sarek National Park : Assessment of Climate Change Impact on a Swedish Alpine Region from 1990 to 2023, Alongside Future Projections

Nilsson, Victoria, Öhrn, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
I takt med ett varmare klimat har behovet att kunna studera marktäckesförändringar, så som vegetationens utbredning och förändringar av trädgränsen i alpina klimat, ökat. Förändringar i vegetationen och trädgränsens förflyttning i den svenska fjällkedjan skulle kunna bidra till en negativ inverkan på de växter och djur som återfinns där, då deras utrymme att sprida sig minskas. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka vegetations- och trädgränsförändringar i Sarek nationalpark under perioden 1990 – 2023, samt undersöka förändringar av årsmedeltemperaturen i området. Vidare undersöks om resultaten går att applicera på temperaturökningar som presenteras i RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) scenarion. Indata för examensarbetet bestod av 18 Landsat-bilder tagna under perioden juni – augusti åren 1990 – 2023 och medeltemperatur- och vegetationsperiodsdata från SMHI:s väderstationer belägna i närheten av nationalparken. De satellitbilder som användes genomgick en förbearbetning i form av bandnormalisering då de var från tre olika Landsat-serier, 5, 7 och 8. Temperaturdata korrigerades för höjdskillnader mellan station och nationalparken, där temperaturen i snitt sjunker med 0,65 °C per 100 höjdmeter, vartefter medeltemperatur per år beräknades. De analyser som genomfördes under examensarbetet var NDVI-beräkningar, klassificering av NDVI och klassövergångsanalyser, analys av trädgränsen och den övre trädgränsekotonen, trendberäkning samt analys av klimatdata. Vidare beräknades en förväntad utveckling av medel-NDVI baserat på temperaturökningar från de fyra olika RCP-scenarierna. Under perioden 1990 – 2023 observeras ett signifikant högre medel-NDVI under perioden 2002 – 2023 jämfört med 1990 – 2001, vilket indikerar en ökning av vegetationen. Vidare observeras att områden med snö/vatten hade minskat med 46 % under hela perioden. Av de övergångar som observeras var den främsta förändringen under perioden 1990 – 2006 övergången från kalfjäll till låg vegetation, 7 % av totalytan. Under perioden 2006 - 2023 utgjorde övergången från snö/vatten till kalfjäll den största andelen (6 %). Trädgränsen och den övre trädgränsekotonen i området har förflyttats i snitt 118 höjdmeter respektive 16 höjdmeter under hela studieperioden.   Temperaturjämförelse mellan normalperioderna 1961 – 1990 och 1991 – 2020 visar på att den senare perioden var 1,51 °C varmare. Sambandet (r = 0,473) mellan stigande årsmedeltemperatur och medel-NDVI applicerades på de temperaturförändringar som presenteras i RCP-scenarion där en ökning av medel-NDVI kunde observeras i varje scenario. Resultaten i examensarbetet visar på att klimatförändringarna kan börjat ha en inverkan på vegetationen i Sarek nationalpark, där en ökande vegetation och förflyttningar kan observeras. Detta kan med en signifikant svag positiv korrelation härledas till stigande medeltemperaturer i området. / The period from 2011 to 2022 saw a 1.09°C increase in temperature compared to 1850-1900 (preindustrial time), highlighting the urgency to understand its impact on land cover changes, especially in alpine climates like Sweden’s mountain ranges. This thesis investigates vegetation and tree line dynamics in Sarek National Park from 1990 to 2023, alongside local temperature shifts. Utilizing Landsat imagery and weather station data, analyses encompass NDVI calculations, class transitions, and tree line ecotone assessments. Results show a notable rise in mean NDVI from 2002 to 2023 compared to 1990 to 2001, indicating increased vegetation, while snow/water coverage decreased by 46% over the whole period. Shifts in land cover types were observed, notably transitions from barren land to low vegetation. Tree line movements were also noted. Correlation analyses suggest a link between rising temperatures and vegetation changes. Overall, findings may suggest early signs of climate-induced vegetation shifts in Sarek National Park.

Propriétés spectrales et universalité d’opérateurs de composition pondérés / Spectral properties and universality of weighted composition operators

Pozzi, Élodie 14 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude d'opérateurs de composition pondérés sur plusieurs espaces fonctionnels sous fond du problème du sous-espace invariant. Cet important problème ouvert pose la question de l'existence pour tout opérateur sur un espace de Hilbert, complexe, séparable de dimension infinie, d'un sous-espace fermé, non-trivial et invariant par cet opérateur. La première partie est consacrée à l'étude spectrale et à la caractérisation des vecteurs cycliques d'un opérateur de composition à poids particulier sur L^2([0,1]^d) : l'opérateur de type Bishop, introduit comme possible contre-exemple au problème du sous-espace invariant. Les seconde, troisième et quatrième parties abordent ce problème sous un autre aspect : celui de l'universalité d'un opérateur. Ces opérateurs universels possèdent la propriété d'universalité : la description complète des sous-espaces invariants d'un opérateur universel permettrait de répondre au problème du sous-espace invariant. Déterminer l'universalité d'un opérateur repose sur l'établissement de propriétés spectrales fines de l’opérateur considéré (théorème de Caradus). Dans ce but, nous établissons des propriétés spectrales ad-hoc de classes d’opérateurs de composition à poids sur L^2([0,1]), les espaces de Sobolev d’ordre n, sur les espaces de Hardy du disque unité et du demi-plan supérieur, permettant de déduire des résultats d’universalité. Nous obtenons aussi une généralisation du critère d’universalité. Dans la dernière partie, nous donnons une caractérisation des opérateurs de composition rsid16415432 inversibles et une caractérisation partielle des opérateurs de composition isométriques sur les espaces de Hardy de l’anneau / In this thesis, we study classes of weighted composition operators on several functional spaces in the background of the invariant subspace problem. This important open problem asks the question of the existence for every operator, defined on a complex and separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space, of a non trivial closed subspace invariant under the operator. The first part is dedicated to the establishment of the spectrum and the characterization of cyclic vectors of a special weighted composition operator defined on L^2([0,1]^d) : the Bishop type operator, introduced as possible counter-example of the invariant subspace problem. The second, third and fourth part approach the problem from the point of view of universal operators. More precisely, universal operators have the universal property in the sense of the complete description of all the invariant subspaces of a universal operator could solve the invariant subspace problem. A sufficient condition for an operator to be universal (Caradus’theorem) is given in terms of spectral properties. To this aim, we establish ad-hoc spectral properties of a class of weighted composition operators on L^2([0,1]) and Sobolev spaces of order n, of composition operator in the Hardy space of the unit disc and of the upper half-plane, which lead us to deduce universality results. We also obtain a generalization of the universality criteria mentioned above. In the last part, we give a characterization of invertible composition operators and a partial characterization of composition operators on the Hardy space of the annulus

Nominalisierungen in medizinischen Fachtexten : Eine schwedisch-deutsche Übersetzungsanalyse

Ferch, Kirsti January 2020 (has links)
Scientific language, in contrast to general language, is characterised by its abstract and implicit style of expression, known as nominal style. A typical feature of this style is the frequent use of nominalizations which tend to be more common in German than in Swedish. This study will investigate whether these differences are also present in highly specialized medical texts. The quantitative and qualitative analysis is based on the translation of two medical articles from Swedish to German. The aim is to find out how often a nominalization in the source text corresponds to a nominalization in the target text, which structural shifts occur and how they influence the degree of nominal style. For this purpose, the concept of the “grammatical metaphor” was applied. The results show that the Swedish source text contains less nominalizations than the German target text. In 30% of the cases, less explicit and more metaphorical information was conveyed in the target text. In most of these cases a Swedish verbal construction was translated into a German nominalization. The metaphorization was often optional and guided by the conventions of medical texts. 65% of the occurrences showed the same degree of grammatical metaphoricity and were thus re-metaphorized. In the remaining 5%, the target text was less explicit and thus de-metaphorized. The Swedish source text proved to be less nominal than the target text.

Détermination théorique des paramètres RMN de métabolites et protéines / Theoretical determination of NMR parameters of metabolites and proteins

Harb, Zeinab 17 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail présente une étude théorique des spectres RMN de molécules biologiques. Dans la première partie, les calculs DFT des paramètres RMN (déplacements chimiques et constantes de couplage spin-spin) pour les protons liés à des atomes de carbone ont été réalisés pour quatre métabolites de la prostate: la putrescine, la spermidine, la spermine, et la sarcosine, et trois métabolites du cerveau: l'acétate, l'alanine et la sérine. Une étude théorique systématique, dans l'approche DFT, des paramètres de RMN des métabolites a montré que la méthode B3LYP/6-311++G** est un bon compromis entre la précision et les coûts. Les contributions du solvant ont été évaluées en utilisant le modèle PCM, les effets des isomères, pondérés dans l’approximation de Boltzmann, ont été pris en compte, et les corrections de vibration de point zéro ont été estimées en utilisant une approche perturbative au second ordre. La comparaison avec l'expérience a démontré que tous ces effets sont nécessaires pour améliorer l'accord entre les données calculées et expérimentales, aboutissant à des résultats de grande précision. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons développé un nouveau modèle, BioShift, qui permet la prédiction des déplacements chimiques des différents noyaux (H, N, C ...) pour des molécules biologiques (protéines, ADN, ARN, polyamine ...). Il est simple, rapide, et comporte un nombre limité de paramètres. La comparaison avec des modèles sophistiqués conçus spécialement pour la prédiction des déplacements chimiques des protéines a montré que Bioshift est concurrentiel avec de tels modèles. / The present work presents a theoretical study of the NMR spectra of biological molecules. In the first part, DFT calculations of the spin-Hamiltonian NMR parameters (chemical shifts and spin-spin coupling constants) for protons attached to carbon atoms have been performed for four prostate metabolites: putrescine, spermidine, spermine, and sarcosine, and three brain metabolites: acetate, alanine, and serine. A theoretical investigation, within the DFT approach, of the NMR parameters of metabolites has shown that the B3LYP/6-311++G** level of calculation is a good compromise between accuracy and costs. Contributions from solvent were evaluated using the PCM model, Boltzmann weighted isomer effects were calculated, and zero-point vibrational corrections were estimated using a second order perturbation approach. Comparison with experiment has demonstrated that all these effects are necessary to improve the agreement between calculated and experimental data. In the second part, we have presented a new model, BioShift, that allows the prediction of chemical shifts of different nuclei (H, N, C…) for biological molecules (proteins, DNA, RNA, polyamine …). It is simple, fast, and involves a limited number of parameters. Comparison with well-known sophisticated models designed especially for the prediction of chemical shifts of proteins showed that Bioshift is competitive with such models.

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