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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

School Building Conditions' Influences on Student Behavior in a Medium-Sized Division in Virginia

El-Nemr, Khaled Walid 08 March 2022 (has links)
The study examined the relationship between building conditions and overall student behavior as well as the relationship between building conditions and the behaviors of student subgroups that include Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, and Students with Disabilities (SWD). The study controlled for over-crowdedness, socioeconomic status, and attendance. The study included 10 school facilities in a medium-sized school division in Virginia. Building conditions were determined through facility engineering and educational condition. Facility Condition Indexes (FCIs) described facility engineering conditions. The Revised Commonwealth Assessment of Physical Environment (CAPE) instrument initially developed by Cash (1993) and revised by Cash and Earthman (2019) assessed facility educational conditions. The CAPE instrument provided overall, structural and cosmetic facility condition scores and was administered to principals. Student behavior was determined by student overall behavior indexes as well as subgroup-based behavior indexes representing the ratio of discipline incidents divided by student population. School-specific over-crowdedness indexes were utilized. Free and reduced lunch percentages were used as a measure of socioeconomic status. For attendance, the study used attendance indexes described by the percentage of students who were absent for at least 10% of the academic year. To establish the potential relationships between building conditions and student behavior in each student subgroup, the study used quantitative analysis utilizing hierarchical multiple-variable regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The researcher conducted individual single-predictor and multiple-variable hierarchical regression models. ANOVA was utilized to explain the total variance in the regression model, and the variance due to each predictor. The researcher identified regression relationships, their statistical significance, and interpreted results to reach a conclusion addressing each research question. Potential relationships between building conditions and student behavior were highlighted. The study identified that higher numbers of disciplinary incidences were related to higher absenteeism rates within all student groups. Further, lower numbers of Hispanic student disciplinary incidences were associated with poorer student populations. In terms of facility conditions, lower numbers of Hispanic student and SWD disciplinary incidences were associated with improved cosmetic facility conditions and lower numbers of SWD disciplinary incidences were associated with improved overall facility conditions. / Doctor of Education / The study examined the relationship between building conditions and overall student behavior as well as the relationship between building conditions and the behaviors of student subgroups that include Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, and Students with Disabilities (SWD). Over-crowdedness, socioeconomic status, and attendance were mediating factors. The study included 10 school facilities in a medium-sized school division in Virginia. Building conditions were determined through facility engineering and educational condition. Facility Condition Indexes (FCIs) described facility engineering conditions. The Revised Commonwealth Assessment of Physical Environment (CAPE) instrument initially developed by Cash (1993) and revised by Cash and Earthman (2019) assessed facility educational conditions. The CAPE instrument provided overall, structural and cosmetic facility condition scores and was administered to principals. Student behavior was represented by the ratio of discipline incidents divided by student population for overall students and student subgroups. School-specific over-crowdedness measures were utilized. Free and reduced lunch percentages were used as a measure of socioeconomic status. For attendance, the study used the percentages of students who were chronically absent. To establish the potential relationships between building conditions and student behavior in each student subgroup, the study used quantitative analysis utilizing hierarchical multiple-variable regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The researcher assessed the impact of each facility condition individually as well as collectively on student behavior. ANOVA was utilized to explain the total contribution attributed to each predictor. The researcher identified relationships, their statistical significance, and interpreted results to reach a conclusion addressing each research question. Potential relationships between building conditions and student behavior were highlighted. The study identified that higher numbers of disciplinary incidences were related to higher absenteeism rates within all student groups. Further, lower numbers of Hispanic student disciplinary incidences were associated with poorer student populations. In terms of facility conditions, lower numbers of Hispanic student and SWD disciplinary incidences were associated with improved cosmetic facility conditions and lower numbers of SWD disciplinary incidences were associated with improved overall facility conditions.

The Distribution of National Board Certified Teachers in Virginia

Kassner, Laura Danielle 03 May 2012 (has links)
This study provides a descriptive analysis of the distribution of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in Virginia, which offers financial compensation to these educators regardless of teaching assignment. Most localities provide additional incentives to recruit and retain NBCTs, again, not targeted or structured in any way. Given the impact of high quality teachers on student learning and the well-documented disparities in access for subsets of the student population, it is important to obtain a baseline measure of NBCT distribution in Virginia upon which leaders might build a plan for reform. Three research questions were addressed: How are NBCTs distributed across Virginia with regards to divisions' ability to pay? In school divisions with a high concentration of NBCTs, what incentive structures do these divisions offer to either support teachers while they apply to NBPTS or to recruit and retain previously successful NBCTs? What are the characteristics of the schools in which NBCTs serve with regards to the race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status of their student populations? The researcher determined NBCTs were distributed unequally across Virginia's divisions and schools based on divisions' ability to pay and student demographics. Formal support structures were found in most high concentration divisions. / Ed. D.

Statut socioéconomique familial à l’adolescence et les symptômes dépressifs au début de l’âge adulte : rôle médiateur de la détresse psychologique parentale et des conflits familiaux

Larose, Carol-Ann 07 1900 (has links)
La dépression représente un enjeu de santé publique majeur au début de l’âge adulte en raison de ses nombreuses répercussions à long terme. Les jeunes adultes provenant de familles ayant un faible statut socioéconomique (SSE) sont particulièrement susceptibles de développer des symptômes dépressifs. Selon le Modèle du stress familial (Conger et al., 1993), les difficultés économiques et financières exerceraient des effets directs sur la santé mentale des parents et sur la qualité de la relation conjugale qui auraient ensuite des répercussions sur la santé mentale des jeunes. Cette étude visait à étudier le rôle médiateur de la détresse psychologique parentale et des conflits familiaux à l’adolescence dans l’explication du lien entre le SSE familial à cette même période et les symptômes dépressifs au début de l’âge adulte. Cette relation a été testée auprès d’un échantillon (n = 350) d’adolescents âgés de 14 à 19 ans provenant majoritairement de milieux défavorisés de Montréal et de régions avoisinantes et surreprésentant les élèves ayant abandonné leurs études avant d’obtenir leur diplôme. Un lien direct a été observé entre les conflits familiaux et les symptômes dépressifs au début de l’âge adulte. Toutefois, contrairement aux hypothèses, aucun lien indirect n’a été observé entre le SSE et les symptômes dépressifs via les processus familiaux. Des analyses supplémentaires impliquant d’autres aspects de la vie ont, par ailleurs, démontré un lien indirect entre la structure familiale et ces symptômes via les conflits familiaux. Des enjeux méthodologiques et des pistes d’explication théoriques seront discutés pour tenter d’expliquer les résultats. / Depression represents a major public health issue in early adulthood due to its many long-term repercussions. Young adults from families with low socioeconomic status (SES) are particularly susceptible to developing depressive symptoms. According to the Family Stress Model (Conger and al., 1993), economic and financial difficulties have direct effects on the mental health of parents and on the quality of the marital relationship, which in turn impact the mental health of young people. This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of parental psychological distress and family conflicts in adolescence in explaining the link between family SES during this same period and depressive symptoms in early adulthood. This relationship was tested with a sample (n = 350) of adolescents aged 14 to 19 coming mainly from underprivileged backgrounds in Montreal and surrounding regions and overrepresenting students who had dropped out of school before obtaining their diploma. A direct link has been observed between family conflicts and depressive symptoms in early adulthood. However, contrary to hypotheses, no indirect link has been observed between SES and depressive symptoms via family processes. Additional analyzes involving other aspects of life have, moreover, demonstrated an indirect link between family structure and these symptoms via family conflicts. Methodological issues and theoretical explanations will be discussed to try to explain the results.

Möjliggöra idrottsdeltagande för barn och unga oavsett ekonomiska förutsättningar : En kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker hur idrottsföreningar arbetar för ett jämlikt deltagande

Ahlström, Evelina, Norrman, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Bland barn och unga är det endast två av tio som uppnår rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet, skillnader i fysisk aktivitet utgörs främst av socioekonomisk status. Barn och unga med låg socioekonomisk status är mindre fysiskt aktiva och är likaså underrepresenterade i idrottsföreningar. Idrottsrörelsen är landets största folkrörelse och skildras vara tillgänglig för alla som vill delta. Kostnader för idrottsdeltagande har däremot ökat senaste åren och beskrivs vara en av faktorerna till att barn och ungas deltagande skiljer sig åt. Gemenskap och tillhörighet i föreningsidrotten skapar Känsla av sammanhang (KASAM). Med denna bakgrund syftade studien till att undersöka företrädare för barn- och ungdomsidrotts upplevelser av föreningens arbete för jämlik inkludering utifrån ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv. Studien har använt en kvalitativ metod med sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Informanterna valdes utifrån ett målstyrturval med kriterierna att ha en styrelseposition inom en idrottsförening i Västmanland. Insamlad data transkriberades och därefter analyserades med hjälp av en manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys som i studiens resultat mynnade ut i två kategorier; Möjliggöra ett jämlikt deltagande och Idrottsföreningars strukturella förutsättningar. Resultatet synliggjorde idrottsföreningars aktiva arbete med att möjliggöra ett varaktigt deltagande för både befintliga och nya medlemmar. Samt hur föreningars arbete förhåller sig till riktlinjer för beviljat bidrag för verksamheten och betydelsefulla resurser för ett utvecklat arbete med jämlikhet. Arbetet med att möjliggöra deltagande utifrån ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv varierar bland föreningarna, däremot tydliggörs svårigheter med att nå ut till de socioekonomiskt svaga grupperna. Föreningarna försöker möta medlemmarnas förutsättningar och hitta alternativa lösningar för att möjliggöra medlemskap. / Among children and adolescents, only two out of ten achieve the recommendations for physical activity, differences in physical activity are mainly related to socioeconomic status. Children and adolescents of low socioeconomic status are less physically active and are also underrepresented in sports associations. The sports movement is the largest social movement in Sweden and is described as available to everyone who want to participate. However, the cost of sports participation has increased in recent years and described as one of the factors why children and adolescents’ participation differs. Fellowship and solidarity in sports associations create Sense of coherence (SOC). With this background, the study aimed to investigate the experiences of representatives of children's and adolescents' sports with regard to the association's work for equal inclusion from a socio-economic perspective. The study used a qualitative method with six semi-structured interviews. The informants were selected based on a purposive sampling with the criteria of having a board position in a sports association in Västmanland. Collected data was transcribed and then analyzed using a manifest qualitative content analysis which contributed to the study´s results with two categories; Enabling equal participation and structural conditions of sports associations. The results show the active work of sports associations to enable lasting participation for both existing and new members. As well as how associations' work relates to guidelines for approved grants for activities and significant resources for developing work with equality.  The work to enable participation from a socioeconomic perspective varies among the sports associations, although it clarified that it is difficult to reach out to the socioeconomically weak groups. The associations try to meet the conditions of their members and find alternative solutions to enable membership.

Den orala hälsan hos flyktingbarn : En allmän litteraturstudie / The oral health of refugee children

Hussein Ali, Shida, Norouzi, Sadaf January 2024 (has links)
Tusentals människor tvingas fly sina hemländer på grund av bland annat krig, förföljelse och våld. Under 2015 migrerade 60 miljoner vuxna och barn och ungdomar under 18 år. Syfte: Att beskriva den orala hälsan hos flyktingbarn. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie. Litteratursökningen utfördes i tre databaser: CINAHL, DOSS och MEDLINE. Totalt valdes 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som var publicerade mellan åren 2014–2023. Resultat: Resultatet visar att de mest förekommande orala sjukdomarna bland flyktingbarn är karies och gingivit. Riskfaktorer för den orala hälsan identifieras som tillgång till tandvård och munhygienartiklar, socioekonomisk status och kost. Barn på flykt under en längre tid anses vara mer benägna att ha högre antal kariesskador jämfört med de motsvarande barnen på flykt under en kortare tid. Slutsats: Karies och gingivit är de mest förekommande orala sjukdomarna hos flyktingbarn. Riskfaktorerna som svårigheter med tillgång till tandvård och munhygiensartiklar, kost och socioekonomisk status är vanligt förekommande vilket påverkar förekomsten av karies och gingivit. / Thousands of people are forced to flee their home countries because of war, persecution and violence. In 2015, 60 million adults, children and adolescents under the age of 18 emigrated. Aim: To describe the oral health of refugee children. Method: Literature review. The literature search was performed in three databases. 16 scientific articles were selected that were published between 2014-2023. Results: The results show that the most prevalent oral diseases among refugee children are caries and gingivitis. Risk factors for oral health are identified as access to dental care and oral hygiene items, socioeconomic status and diet. Children on the move for a longer period of time are considered to be more likely to have higher rates of dental caries compared to their counterparts on the move for a shorter period of time. Conclusion: Dental caries and gingivitis are the most common oral diseases in refugee children. Risk factors such as difficulties in accessing dental care and oral hygiene products, diet and socioeconomic status are common and influence the prevalence of caries and gingivitis.

Barnfetma och övervikt kopplat till låg socioekonomisk status / Child obesity and overweight connection to low socioeconomic status

Nalukenge Kakande, Khadeejah, Mohammed, Nimo January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Barnfetma och övervikt är växande folkhälsoproblem där var femte barn iSverige lider av det. Barn som tillhör svaga socioekonomiska grupper drabbas i störreutsträckning än andra barn. Detta förklaras av föräldrarnas låga utbildningsnivå, lågayrkesstatus och låga inkomstnivåer. Enligt WHO led 340 miljoner barn i åldrarna 5–19 år avövervikt eller fetma globalt år 2016. Obehandlad övervikt och fetma hos barn kan leda tillkroniska följdsjukdomar i vuxenlivet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilkafaktorer inom områdena inkomst, utbildningsnivå och yrke som har störst bidragande orsak tillövervikt och fetma hos barn i familjer med låg socioekonomisk status. Metod: En kvalitativsystematisk litteraturöversikt. Analys av fynd gjordes med tematisk analys. Totalt inkluderades20 artiklar och tre databaser användes till studien; PubMed, CINAHL och Academic SearchPremier. Resultat: Föräldrars utbildningsnivå skapar de hälsoförutsättningar som barnet får.Låg utbildningsnivå var förknippat med sämre förutsättningar, sämre arbetsmöjligheter och eninkomst som inte täcker mer utöver de basala behoven. Låg utbildningsnivå resulterar även ibristande kunskaper om hälsosamma matvanor hos föräldrar. Detta påverkar hur de och derasbarn konsumerar mat som är mer energirik och näringsfattig. Flera studier visar att främstmoderns övervikt, lågutbildning och låga yrkesstatus är en riskfaktor för barnfetma. Slutsats:Högre utbildning är en skyddsfaktor som innebär bättre arbetsmöjligheter samt bättrekunskapsunderlag om hälsan och positiva hälsobeteenden. Insatser för att angripa den ojämlikahälsan i samhället bör prioriteras. Satsningar på att öka utbildningsnivån hos utsatta grupper,förbättra arbetsmöjligheter framförallt för mödrar. / Introduction: Childhood overweight and obesity are growing public health problems whereevery fifth child in Sweden suffers from it. Children belonging to weak socio-economic groupsare affected to a greater extent than other children. This is explained by the parents' low levelof education, low occupational status and low-income levels. According to the WHO, 340million children aged 5–19 years suffered from overweight or obesity globally in 2016.Untreated overweight and obesity in children can lead to chronic diseases in adulthood. Aim:The aim of this study was to investigate which factors in the areas of income, level of educationand occupation have the greatest contributing factor to overweight and obesity in children infamilies with low socio-economic status. Method: A qualitative systematic literature review.Analysis of findings was done with thematic analysis. A total of 20 articles were included andthree databases were used for the study: PubMed, CINAHL and Academic Search Premier. Result: Parents' level of education creates the health state that the child develops. Low level ofeducation was associated with poorer conditions, poorer job opportunities and an income thatdoes not cover more than the basic needs. Low levels of education also result in a lack ofknowledge about healthy eating habits in parents which affect how they consume foods that aremore energy-rich and nutrient-poor. Several studies show that mainly the mother's overweight,low education and low occupational status are a risk factor for childhood obesity. Conclusion:Higher education acts as a protective factor and means better job opportunities as well as abetter knowledgebase about health and positive health behaviors. Health interventions to tackleunequal health in society should be a priority. Efforts to increase the level of education ofvulnerable groups, improve job opportunities, especially for mothers are needed.

幼兒就學準備度相關因素之研究 / The factors influencing young children school readiness

施玠羽, Shih, Chieh Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於瞭解幼兒就學準備度之內涵,並以實證方式進行幼兒學前教育經驗、幼兒園品質、家庭背景、家長參與的現況瞭解,以及與幼兒就學準備度之間的差異情形、相關情形、預測情形。依隨機抽樣方式,以問卷調查進行兩階段實施,第一階段,抽取632位文山及萬華區小ㄧ學童為研究對象,進行幼兒就學準備度的施測,可用率為75.5%,共477位學童;第二階段根據學童分布的141家公私立幼兒園(幼稚園或托兒所),進行幼兒園品質調查,可用率為51.8%,共計73家幼兒園。本研究採用量化方法,以SPSS 14.0套裝軟體進行分析,包括獨立樣本t考驗、卡方分配、單因子變異數分析、Scheff’e事後比較、皮爾森基差相關、多元逐步回歸等方式做資料的處理。 研究結果顯示:1、幼兒園屬性及類型對就學準備度有顯著差異,就讀私立幼兒園者其就學準備度高於就讀公立幼兒園者;就讀不同幼兒園類型的孩子其就學準備度有顯著差異。2、幼兒就讀幼兒園年數與學準備度呈現正相關。3、幼兒園品質與就學準備度的無顯著相關。4、家庭背景中的「每月收入」、「父母教育程度」、「父母職業類型」、「父母社經地位」皆與幼兒就學準備度有顯著差異。5、幼兒園與小學時期家長參與呈正相關,兩時期的家長參與與就學準備度也呈現正相關。6、「家庭每月收入」、「幼兒園時期家長參與」、「就讀幼兒園年數」對就學準備度達顯著預測性。 另外其他研究發現部分:1、幼兒園及小學時期家長參與度中偏高。2、幼兒就讀幼兒園類型與家庭環境及區域分佈有關,且家庭背景會影響幼兒園類型選擇。3、幼兒進入小學後就學準備度「學業成績」方面表現不錯,「生活適應」方面表現中等。4、家長參與和家庭背景因素呈現正相關,父母教育程度、職業、社經地位、家庭每月收入月高的家庭,家長的參與程度會越高。5、各類型的幼兒園其幼兒園品質有顯著差異。 本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供家長、學校、政府機關以及未來研究者之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to understand the concept of school readiness, and examine the experience of early childhood education, the educational quality in ECE (early childhood education), the background of family, parents participate, and the relationships of these items. This study adopts literature analysis and questionnaire investigation to achieve the goal. This study are 2 steps, the first step, 632 first grade elementary school students in Wenshan district and Wanhua district of Taipei City, and 477 samples were received, making the return rate of 75.5%. The second step, basing on 141 early childhood education centers the children attended in last year, and 73 samples were received, making the return rate of 51.8%. The sample results were analyzed by means, standard deviations, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Depending on the result, the conclusions are as fallows: 1. The children study in private center is better than in public. And the school readiness of children in different types childcare centers has obvious different. 2. The correlation analysis found that there is moderate positive relationship between “How long are children in childcare centers” and “early childhood school readiness”. 3. The correlation analysis found that there is no moderate relationship between “the educational quality in ECE” and “early childhood school readiness”. 4. There were significantly different perceptions towards school readiness to different background family. 5. The correlation analysis found that there is moderate positive relationship between parents participate in early childhood time and elementary school time. “The parents participate in two step” and early childhood school readiness” also show positive relationship. 6. The income of the family per month, the participation of parents in early childhood time and how long children in childcare centers are were appropriate indicators in predicting early childhood school readiness. Otherwise, there are other researches results are discovered as follows: 1. The participation of parents in early childhood time and elementary school time are obviously high. 2. Family backgrounds can affect the choice of the type of the early childhood centers, and the type of the early childhood centers are concerned with family backgrounds and which areas they are in. 3. After children enter the elementary school, their school readiness in” study achievements “are good, and in “live hood adaption” show average. 4. There were moderate positive relationship between “the participation of parents” and “the factors of family backgrounds”, the higher level of education of their parents, their occupations, their position of social and economics and the income per month, the participation of parents show higher. 5. There were significantly different perceptions between types of early childhood centers and their qualities. According to previous conclusions, the researcher proposes some suggestions for parents, school, administration and researchers in the future.

Relation entre statut socio-économique et incidence du cancer du poumon dans le contexte d’une étude cas-témoins montréalaise

Matukala Nkosi, Thomas 03 1900 (has links)
Des études ont observé que le statut socio-économique (SSE) est inversement associé avec le risque de cancer du poumon. Cette thèse approfondit différents aspects de la relation entre le SSE et le risque de cancer du poumon afin de contribuer à la compréhension des facteurs influençant le risque de cette maladie. Son objectif général consiste à étudier les associations entre le SSE et le risque de cancer du poumon en fonction à la fois : 1) de l’indicateur du SSE ; 2) des types d’ajustement pour le tabagisme, et ; 3) des facteurs de risque intermédiares potentiels de l’association entre le SSE et le cancer du poumon. Les données d’une vaste étude cas-témoins menée à Montréal entre 1996 et 2002 et portant sur l’identification de facteurs environnementaux impliqués dans l’étiologie du cancer du poumon ont été utilisées. L’échantillon analysé était constitué de 1203 cas (738 hommes et 465 femmes) diagnostiqués en 1996-1997 dans les 18 principaux hôpitaux du Grand Montréal et 1513 témoins (899 hommes et 614 femmes). Les témoins, recrutés au hasard à partir de la liste électorale, ont été appariés aux cas selon l’âge, le sexe et le district électoral. Les sujets ont été interviewés afin de colliger de l’information entre autres sur les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et économiques, les habitudes de tabagisme, l‘histoire professionnelle et l’alimentation. Une collecte de données additionnelle a été effectuée spécifiquement pour la présente thèse. En effet, l’évaluation foncière de la résidence correspondant à l’adresse de chacun des sujets à l’entrevue a été obtenue à partir des bases de données publiques de la ville de Montréal. Le premier article portait sur la comparaison de différents indices de disponibilité financière chacun en 5 catégories: un indice de valeur résidentielle, le revenu médian issu des données du recensement et le revenu familial auto-rapporté. En comparant au revenu familial auto-rapporté, une très bonne concordance a été obtenue pour 73% et 64% des individus respectivement pour l’indice de valeur résidentielle et le revenu du recensement. Le Kappa pondéré était plus élevé pour la comparaison du revenu familial auto-rapporté avec l’indice de valeur résidentielle (Kappap=0.36, IC 95%: 0.31-0.40) qu’avec le revenu médian issu du recensement (Kappap=0.22, IC 95%: 0.17-0.27). Le choix d’un indice dépend toutefois des objectifs et de la faisabilité de son utilisation dans la population étudiée. Le deuxième article présentait les associations entre les trois indices de disponibilité financière et le risque de cancer du poumon. Les fortes associations observées initialement sont disparues après un ajustement pour plusieurs dimensions du tabagisme. Ce dernier jouait un rôle de grande importance dans la relation entre le SSE et le risque de cancer du poumon. Finalement, les facteurs de risque intermédiares des associations entre trois différentes dimensions du SSE – éducation, revenu, classe professionnelle – ont été étudiés. Les résultats ont suggéré que les 3 facteurs de risque intermédiares potentiels étudiés: tabagisme, consommation de fruits et légumes riches en caroténoïdes, expositions professionnelles avaient un effet médiateur indépendant dans la relation entre le SSE et le cancer du poumon. Le plus important médiateur était le tabagisme, suivi de l’alimentation et à un degré moindre, les expositions professionnelles. Il nous paraît particulièrement pertinent d‘évaluer différents indicateurs du SSE lorsque possible, et d’effectuer un ajustement détaillé pour le tabagisme lorsque la relation entre le SSE et le risque de cancer du poumon est étudiée. Une bonne connaissance et la prise en compte des facteurs de risque intermédiares sont essentielles à la formulation des mesures de prévention du cancer du poumon. / Several studies have reported that socioeconomic status (SES) is inversely associated with the risk of lung cancer. This thesis investigates different aspects of the relationship between SES and lung cancer risk in order to improve our understanding of the factors influencing the risk of this disease. Its overall objective is to explore associations between SES and risk of lung cancer according to: 1) different indicators of SES, 2) types of adjustments for smoking, and 3) potential intermediate risk factors of the association between SES and lung cancer. Data from a large case-control study conducted in Montreal between 1996 and 2002, and assessing the role of environmental factors in the etiology of lung cancer, were used. The sample analyzed consisted of 1,203 cases (738 men and 465 women) diagnosed in 1996-1997 across 18 major hospitals in the Greater Montreal and 1,513 controls (899 men and 614 women). Controls, recruited randomly from the electoral list, were frequency-matched to cases by age, sex and electoral district. The subjects were interviewed to collect information on a wide range of factors, including socio-economic and demographic characteristics, smoking and occupational history, and diet. Additional data collection was conducted specifically for this thesis. Indeed, property value assessments were obtained from the public database of the City of Montreal using the participants’ addresses provided at the time of interview. The first article compares how different indices of financial availability, i.e., an index based on residential values, the median income from census data, and the selfreported household income, each recoded into 5 categories, classified study participants. When compared to the self-reported household income, very good concordance was observed for the residential value index and the census income (73% and 64%, respectively). The weighted kappa was higher when comparing selfreported household income with the residential value index (Kappap=0.36, IC 95%: 0.31-0.40) than with the census income (Kappap=0.22, IC 95%: 0.17-0.27). The choice of the financial availability index, resides, however, on the study objectives and feasibility aspects in the study population. The second article describes associations between the three indices of financial availability and the risk of lung cancer. The strong associations observed initially with crude models disappeared after adjustment for the multiple dimensions of smoking. Smoking therefore played an important role in the relationship between SES and risk of lung cancer. Finally, potential intermediate risk factors of the association between three different dimensions of SES - education, income, occupational class - were studied. The results suggest that the three potential intermediate risk factors examined, i.e., smoking, intake of carotenoid-containing fruit and vegetables, and occupational exposures, had an independent mediating effect on the relationship between SES and lung cancer. The most important mediator was smoking, followed by diet, and, to a much lesser extent, occupational exposures. Future studies on the relationship between SES and lung cancer risk would benefit from considering various SES indicators when possible, and should apply a detailed adjustment for the different smoking dimensions. A better understanding of the various intermediate risk factors is essential for formulating preventive measures for lung cancer.

L’incidence de la relation maître-élève sur la motivation d’élèves du primaire provenant de milieux défavorisés

Lemire, Isabelle 09 1900 (has links)
Cette étude avait pour but de vérifier l’incidence de la relation maître-élève sur la motivation des élèves particulièrement en milieux défavorisés. Notre hypothèse stipulait que meilleure est la relation maître-élève, plus grande est la motivation de l’élève. Nos objectifs étaient d’analyser la valeur prédictive de la relation maître-élève sur les déterminants de la motivation scolaire afin d’identifier quels aspects de la relation maître-élève, dans une perspective d’attachement (chaleur, soutien ou conflit), prédisent le mieux chacune des variables motivationnelles retenues. Aussi, nous voulions identifier quelles variables motivationnelles sont les plus affectées par la qualité de la relation maître-élève. La motivation scolaire a été évaluée à deux niveaux soit général et spécifique au français et aux mathématiques. Certains des déterminants retenus sont en lien avec les modèles Attentes-Valeur (le sentiment de compétence, l’intérêt et la perception de l’utilité de l’école en général ainsi qu’en français et en mathématiques). Les autres déterminants retenus sont en lien avec la théorie des buts d’accomplissement (le but de maîtrise, le but de performance et le but d’évitement du travail). Nous avons aussi vérifié l’effet modérateur du sexe dans les relations entre les variables d’attachement et la motivation. Nos résultats montrent que la relation maître-élève prédit avec assurance l’intérêt général envers l’école, l’intérêt spécifique au français et aux mathématiques ainsi que la présence de buts d’évitement du travail. Nous avons aussi été en mesure de déterminer qu’une relation soutenante serait l’aspect de la relation maître-élève qui prédirait la présence du plus grand nombre de déterminants de la motivation scolaire. Il a aussi été surprenant de constater l’effet de la relation chaleureuse sur les trois dimensions en lien avec l’intérêt (général, en français et en mathématiques). De son côté, l’intérêt général fut aussi remarqué comme étant le déterminant motivationnel étant le mieux prédit par la relation maître-élève. Nous avons aussi fait ressortir que la perception de conflit serait l’aspect de la relation maître-élève qui présenterait la plus grande valeur prédictive de certains déterminants de la motivation. Par contre, nos résultats ne permettent pas de supporter que le sexe de l’élève a un effet modérateur dans les relations. / The objective of this research was to assess the impact of the teacher-student relationship on students’ motivation, particularly within low income families. The study conducted was based on the hypothesis that better teacher-student relationship lead to a higher level of motivation for the student. In order to verify this hypothesis, our objectives were to analyse the predictive value of the teacher-student relationship on school motivational determinants in order to identify which aspects of teacher-student relationship, in an attachment perspective (caring, supportive or conflictive), could better predict each of the motivational variables. Also, we wanted to identify which of these motivational variables are most affected by the quality of the teacher-student relationship. Some of the determinants come from Expectancy-Value models (perceived competence, interest, perceived utility of school in general, and for French and Mathematics). Other determinants come from goal orientation theory (mastery goal, performance goal and work avoidance goal). We also verified the moderator effect of gender in the attachment variables and the motivation. Our results show that the student-teacher relationship can predict interest in schooling in general, specific interest in French and Mathematics, and the presence of avoidance goal. We also showed that a supporting relationship could be the aspect of teacher-student relationship which mostly predicts the motivational variables. It was also surprising to see the impact of a caring relationship on the three dimensions of interest (general and subject related). Interest in general was also the motivational variable best predicted by the teacher-student relationship. We also showed that the perception of conflict is the aspect of the teacher-student relationship which could best predict some of the motivational determinants. However, our results could not support the moderator effect of gender on the relationship.

Facteurs socioenvironnementaux associés à la prévalence des limitations d’activités au Québec

Philibert, Mathieu 02 1900 (has links)
Objectifs : Cette thèse porte sur l’association entre les caractéristiques socioenvironnementales des voisinages (milieux locaux) et la prévalence des limitations d’activités (ou handicap) dans la population québécoise. Elle a trois objectifs principaux : (1) clarifier les enjeux conceptuels et méthodologiques relatifs à l’étude des déterminants socioenvironnementaux des limitations d’activités; (2) décrire les contributions respectives de la composition socioéconomique des voisinages et de facteurs contextuels à la variabilité locale de la prévalence des limitations d’activités; (3) évaluer la présence d’interactions entre la santé fonctionnelle des personnes (incapacité) et des caractéristiques des voisinages en lien avec la prévalence des limitations d’activités. Méthodes : Une analyse de la littérature scientifique a été effectuée en lien avec le premier objectif de la thèse. En lien avec le deuxième objectif, des données pour le Québec du recensement canadien de 2001 (échantillon de 20% de la population) ont été utilisées pour estimer l’association entre la prévalence des limitations d’activités et des caractéristiques des voisinages : classification urbain-rural, composition socioéconomique (défavorisation matérielle et sociale) et facteurs contextuels (qualité des habitations, stabilité résidentielle et utilisation des transports actifs et collectifs). En lien avec le troisième objectif, des données pour la population urbaine du Québec issues de l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes (2003, 2005 et 2007/2008) ont permis de tester la présence d’interaction entre la santé fonctionnelle des personnes et des caractéristiques des voisinages (défavorisation matérielle et sociale, qualité des habitations, stabilité résidentielle et densité des services). Pour les analyses associées aux deux derniers objectifs, l’analyse des corrélats de la prévalence des limitations d’activités a été effectuée à l’aide de régressions logistiques multiniveaux. Résultats : Différents éléments conceptuels et opérationnels limitent la possibilité de faire une synthèse des analyses épidémiologiques portant sur les influences socioenvironnementales sur les limitations d’activités. Les résultats des analyses empiriques suggèrent que : (1) la variation géographique de la prévalence des limitations d’activités s’explique en grande partie par la composition socioéconomique des voisinages; (2) des facteurs contextuels sont associés à cette variation géographique; (3) les mesures relatives d’inégalités sous-estiment les disparités contextuelles dans la distribution des nombres absolus de personnes ayant une limitation d’activités; et (4) l’association entre la prévalence des limitations d’activités et la défavorisation sociale pourrait varier selon la santé fonctionnelle des personnes. Conclusions : Différentes caractéristiques socioenvironnementales sont potentiellement associées aux variations géographiques des limitations d’activités au Québec. Le développement d’indicateurs socioenvironnementaux favoriserait une connaissance plus précise de l’influence de ces caractéristiques socioenvironnementales sur les limitations d’activités et des mécanismes par lesquels s’exerce cette influence. L’établissement d’un système national de surveillance des aménagements territoriaux est proposé afin de soutenir la recherche et la prise de décision. Des indicateurs locaux d’accessibilité aux transports, aux espaces publics ainsi qu’aux services de proximité devraient être priorisés. Ces aspects de l’aménagement du territoire sont susceptibles de rejoindre plusieurs enjeux de santé publique et ils ont comme autre avantage d’être inclus dans différentes orientations québécoises ciblant le vieillissement en santé et la réduction des limitations d’activités. / Objectives: This thesis explores the socioenvironmental features of neighbourhoods (local areas) associated with disability prevalence in Québec. It has three main objectives: (1) clarify conceptual and operational issues relevant to the study of socioenvironmental determinants of disability; (2) describe the particular contribution of neighbourhoods’ socioeconomic composition and contextual features to the local variability in disability prevalence; (3) test for interactions between individual-level functional health and neighbourhoods’ characteristics in relation to disability prevalence. Methods: A literature review of the epidemiological literature was undertaken in relation with the first objective. Analyses of correlates of disability prevalence were conducted using multi-level logistic regressions. Per the second objective, data for Québec from the 2001 Canada census (sample of 20% of the population) were used to estimate the associations between disability prevalence and neighbourhoods’ characteristics: urban-rural classification, socioeconomic composition (material and social deprivation) and contextual features (housing quality, residential stability, and collective and active commuting). In relation with the third objective, data for the Québec urban population from the Canadian community heath survey (2003, 2005 and 2007/2008) were used for assessing the presence of interactions between individuals’ functional health and neighbourhoods’ characteristics (material and social deprivation, housing quality, residential stability, and density of services). Results: Various conceptual and operational aspects prevent a straightforward synthesis of epidemiological studies analysing socioenvironmental influences on disability. Results from empirical analyses suggest that (1) geographic variability of disability prevalence is largely attributable to neighbourhood composition; contextual factors are associated to such variability; (3) relative measures of inequality under-estimate the contextual disparities in the distribution of absolute numbers of disabled individuals; and (4) the association between disability prevalence and social deprivation could vary according to individuals’ functional health. Conclusions: Various socioenvironmental characteristics are potentially associated with local variability of disability in Québec. The development of socioenvironmental indicators could contribute to a refined understanding of neighbourhood characteristics’ influence on disability as well as how their influence operates. The creation of a local land-use planning surveillance system is recommended for supporting research and decision-making. Local indicators of access to transportation, to public spaces as well as to proximity services should be prioritised. These features of territorial planning are likely to be associated with many public health issues and they are common to initiatives undertaken in Québec to promote healthy aging and to reduce disability.

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