Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TIES"" "subject:"[enn] TIES""
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The plastics crisis: responsible recycling in civil engineering and infrastructureStewart, Jason Howell 13 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
A global plastics crisis exists with around 400 million metric tons (MMT) of plastics production and 350 MMT of plastics waste generated annually around the globe. Plastics are durable and essentially non-biodegradable, so they accumulate in both terrestrial and marine environments as pollution and within landfills without breaking down over time. Plastics are ubiquitous in 21st-century society and culture, comprising essential elements in most industries including packaging, transportation, electrical/electronics, and building/construction. The role of civil engineering and infrastructure in addressing the plastics crisis was specifically explored. Responsible plastics recycling yields products with improved engineering properties, performance characteristics, marketability, and/or manufacturing costs, and it doesn’t force plastics recyclate into products at the expense of reliability, durability, safety, or usability. Military rail infrastructure was extensively explored, and performance challenges with recycled plastic (RPL) crossties (i.e. ties or sleepers or railroad ties) were documented. The biggest weaknesses of RPL ties identified were their insufficient high temperature lateral stability and thermal expansion, vertical stiffness, inherent ductility, and variable strength. Noted problems with maintaining gage, center cracking, and deformation of the recycled plastic ties are manifestations of these weaknesses. Other infrastructure items identified included pipes, lumber, and asphalt, and the potential impact of all these items on the plastics crisis was quantified. Absolute (and unrealistic) best-case scenario incorporation of recycled plastics into all these infrastructure elements would result in the consumption of 2.1% of the annual global plastics waste. This limited impact reveals that the global plastics crisis is larger than many seem to have comprehended, and it reveals the fact that civil engineering and infrastructure elements are not able to provide an avenue by which society can recycle its way out of the crisis. Market-driven solutions to the plastics crisis will incentivize all parties involved to address the crisis from production through applications and usage to re-use and recycling to waste disposal. A holistic approach to solving the plastics crisis is necessary to produce sustainable solutions, and responsible recycling in civil engineering and infrastructure will be only one of several crucial elements to that successful approach.
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Soutien social des collègues et stress au travail : une approche par l'analyse des réseaux sociaux / Co-worker social support and wordplace stress : a social network approachSader, Myra 16 November 2018 (has links)
La littérature sur le stress au travail considère souvent que les personnes dépourvues de soutien social tendent à avoir un taux de stress plus élevé. Si cette vision est confirmée empiriquement, elle a toutefois une portée limitée : elle ne tient pas toujours compte de l’inégalité d’accès au soutien, inégalité qui affecte la perception de ce soutien. Pourquoi certains salariés ont plus de facilité à accéder au soutien social ? Qu’est-ce qui fait que l’aide est plus disponible et plus variée pour une personne plutôt que pour une autre ? Ces interrogations nous amènent à situer le soutien social perçu, et plus précisément le soutien des collègues perçu, dans un modèle théorique plus large nourri par la théorie des réseaux sociaux. A l’aide d’un modèle explicatif, l’objectif de notre recherche est d’étudier l’impact du positionnement de l’individu dans le réseau social sur le stress au travail perçu. Les hypothèses de recherche ont été testées en utilisant les techniques de régression en moindres carrés partiels pour estimer les équations structurelles. A partir de données de type « réseau complet » collectées auprès d’une entreprise de services de taille moyenne (N=343), nous avons montré que la force des liens favorise l’accès au soutien des collègues et, par conséquent, réduit le stress professionnel. Les résultats indiquent que le soutien des collègues est médiateur total dans cette relation, et que le lien direct entre la force des liens et le stress perçu n’est pas établi. De plus, nous avons confirmé l’ambivalence des bridging ties (liens vers des personnes de départements différents) : ils influencent négativement la perception du soutien social (qui réduit le stress), mais ont aussi un effet négatif direct sur le stress au travail. En soulignant le rôle des relations informelles comme antécédent au soutien social, nous avons contribué à fournir un outil analytique susceptible d’être mis en œuvre dans la sphère managériale. / The literature on workplace stress often considers that people who lack social support tend to have higher levels of perceived stress. This is empirically confirmed, but it is not always taken into account and offers limited scope. Indeed, why do some employees have more access to social support? What renders support more available and more varied from one person to the other? These questions allow us to situate perceived social support, and more accurately the perceived support of colleagues, in a larger theoretical model, enhanced by social network theory. Through an explanatory model, the objective of this research is to explore the role of the positioning of the individual in the social network on perceived workplace stress. Based on a “complete network” data in a medium-sized IT services company, we used partial least squares to test our hypothesis (N = 343). The strength of ties affects stress through social support, such that people with stronger ties perceive more support and ultimately exhibit less stress. However, the direct link between strength and stress is not established. Bridging ties (supportive ties to other departments) negatively influence social support (a situation which increases stress) but also have a direct negative effect on stress. By stressing the role of social relationships as an antecedent of social support and stress, our results offer new potential managerial actions within organizations
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En studie om frivårdens insatser. : Före detta kriminella och handläggares upplevelser av dess stödinsatser. / A study of frivårdens efforts. : Former criminals and administrator perceptions of its assistance.Gadzo, Erna, Löfgren, Johanna, Le Magourou, Claire January 2012 (has links)
Mycket finns skrivet i ämnet frivård och återfall, varför det finns anledning att ytterligare se på hur frivårdens stödinsatser uppfattas av före detta kriminella, frivårdsanställda samt kamratorganisationen Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället, vilken frivården samarbetar med. Frivården har en tämligen hög återfallsstatistik hos de före detta kriminella som frivården fått i uppdrag att återanpassa till ett laglydigt liv. Särskilt hög är återfallsstatistiken hos de individer som haft kontakt med frivården mer än en gång efter att mer än en gång blivit lagförd för brott. Denna undersökning har sökt svar på hur frivårdens insatser uppfattas för att se på vad som eventuellt kan göras bättre i dagsläget. Frivårdsanställda och före detta kriminella, varav några medlemmar i KRIS, har intervjuats för att på så vis få en nyanserad bild av verklighetens uppfattningar. Resultatet visade att frivårdens stödverksamhet tycks sakna verktyg för att hjälpa till synes omotiverade individer. Det framkom också att i de fall de före detta kriminella kände sig negativt stämplade av handläggarna fungerade stödinsatserna sämre. Detta eftersom ett personligt bemötande enligt informanterna, ansetts viktigt för stödinsatsernas verkan. Personligt bemötande påverkar inte huruvida handläggare på frivården kan kontrollera brottsbelastningen fysiskt hos den stödbehövande, men har likväl upplevts som ett stöd av före detta kriminella individer. Lekmannaövervakare synes vara en insats väl värd att satsa på, visar denna undersökning.
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策略聯盟與租稅規避之關聯性 / A Study of the Association between Strategic Alliances and Tax Avoidance林穎真, Lin,Ying Jhen Unknown Date (has links)
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Efficacité des contrats de dette pour les clients individuels en microfinance : le rôle des liens de clientèle : étude dans des Institutions de microfinance ouest-africaines / Efficiency of the loan contracts for the individual customers in microfinance : the role of customer ties : study with the West African institutions of microfinanceKamalan, Angbonon Eugène 10 February 2010 (has links)
Notre thèse poursuit les réflexions sur la notion de lien en microfinance. Cependant, elle se démarque des recherches antérieures en suggérant le concept de lien de clientèle. Elle s’applique aux Institutions de microfinance en Afrique de l’Ouest. Le but est d'expliquer l'efficacité des contrats de dette pour les clients individuels. La démarche suivie s'établit en deux points. Premièrement, nous identifions et définissons les relations annexes dites "embarquées" aux contrats de dette; à savoir la relation de recommandation (ou parrainage) et la relation d'aval. Deuxièmement, nous montrons l'inférence statistique de ses relations annexes sur le comportement de respect des échéances de crédit et nous estimons leur effet sur la probabilité pour un client de payer ses dettes. Les résultats de notre recherche proposent une classification des comportements de respect des échéances de crédit par catégories de clients selon leurs relations annexes. Notre réflexion permet d'enrichir les connaissances de la notion de lien en microfinance. Notre recherche procède par la connaissance du modèle d'articulation d’un processus marchand (le contrat de dette) avec le corpus social des relations annexes, c'est-à-dire la financiarisation des rapports interpersonnels et des liens sociaux. Ensuite, notre recherche abouti à interroger le fondement de l'action économique du client au-delà du raisonnement de maximisation marginale proposé par l'économie orthodoxe. Ainsi, notre thèse s'inscrit dans la droite ligne de la théorie monétaire microéconomique qui analyse le marché du crédit en faisant appel à la théorie de l'information et des contrats et à celle des relations d'agence. Enfin, notre recherche permet de formaliser les analyses de la relation de crédit et le rôle des intermédiaires financiers et non financiers. / Our thesis extends the concept of ties in microfinance. However, it's dissociated from existing researches by suggesting the concept of customer ties which is more relevant compared to the concept of joint liability ties. It's dedicated to the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) especially in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries. The thesis aim's at explaining the efficiency of the microfinancial loan contracts for individual customers. Our approach takes in two points. First, we identified and defined the auxiliary relations "embarked" with the loan contracts such as sponsoring relations and approval relations. Secondly, we showed the statistical impacts of these relations while analysing the customer's probability of respect for the terms of the contracts. The obtained results of our research concern the specification of the behaviour of respect for the terms of contracts by categories of customers according to their auxiliary relations. Our contribution allows widening the knowledge of the notion of ties in microfinance beyond the joint liability ties. Our research proceeds by the model of embedding the trading process of the contract in the social corpus of auxiliary relations. Then, our thesis helps to question the foundation of the economic action of a customer beyond the marginal maximization reasoning which is proposed in the orthodox economics. So, our thesis joins completely in line with the microeconomic monetary theory which analyzes the credit market by appealing to the theory of the information and the contracts and to the theory of the agency relations. Finally, our research allows to formalizing the analyses of the loan relations and the role of financial and non-financial intermediaries.
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Rôle du leadership d'opinion dans la résistance du consommateur à la marque : approche multi-méthodes / Role of opinion leadership in consumer resistance to brand : a multi-method approachCambefort, Marine 22 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le rôle du leadership d’opinion dans un contexte particulier : celui de la résistance du consommateur à la marque. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, trois études sont menées. Une étude ethnographique permet de définir les caractéristiques et les rôles des leaders d’opinion dans un groupe de résistance. Les leaders se distinguent par leur statut, à la fois formel et informel. Ils présentent des caractéristiques socio-démographiques, psychologiques et relatives à leurs habitudes de consommation. Ils endossent trois types de rôles : l’influence sur la résistance des militants et des autres consommateurs, la transmission et le maintien des normes du groupe, et les relations hors du groupe. La deuxième étude qualitative, fondée sur une approche clinique, permet de comprendre l’exercice du leadership d’opinion contre la marque. L’analyse de contenu de 15 entretiens semi-directifs fait émerger des facteurs qui l’impactent, positivement et négativement. Ils sont de trois natures : contextuelle, individuelle et relationnelle. L’étude quantitative, basée sur une quasi-expérimentation (n=260), montre que le leadership d’opinion dans une cause a un effet indirect sur l’intention du consommateur de résister à une marque qui la transgresse, via l’expertise perçue du leader dans la cause. L’homophilie perceptuelle (similarité en matière de goûts, dégoûts, valeurs et expériences) et la force des liens (proximité affective) exercent un effet modérateur dans le modèle / This Ph.D. dissertation studies the role of opinion leadership in a particular context that is consumer resistance to brand. To this end, three studies are conducted. First, an ethnographic research helps to better define the characteristics and roles of opinion leaders in a resistance group. Results show that these leaders have particular status, both formal and informal. They also possess sociodemographic and psychological characteristics, as well as characteristics related to their own consumption habits. Finally they can take on three different roles: influencing militants and other consumer’s resistance, transmitting and maintaining group norms, and managing external relations. The second study draws from a clinical approach and uses 15 in-depth interviews to understand leaders’ actions against the brand. Data analysis emphasizes contextual, individual, and relational factors which all have consequences – whether positive or negative – on the opinion leadership process. Finally, a quantitative study based on a quasi-experiment (n=260) shows that opinion leadership in a cause has an indirect effect on consumer intention to resist against a particular brand (boycott, complaints, negative word-of-mouth), via leader’s perceived expertise in the cause. Perceptual homophily (similarity of tastes, distastes, values and experiences) and ties strength (affective closeness) have moderator effects in the model
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Democratic Governance and Conflict Resistance in Conflict-prone Societies : A Consociational Analysis of the Experiences of Ghana in West Africa (1992-2016) / Gouvernance démocratique et résistance aux conflits dans les sociétés enclines aux conflits : Une analyse consociationnelle des expériences du Ghana en Afrique de l'Ouest (1992-2016)Musah, Halidu 13 December 2018 (has links)
Résumé Les conflits font partie intégrante de toutes les activités de la société. Ces conflits, cependant, deviennent indésirables lorsqu'ils parcourent la ligne de destruction élargie des biens et des personnes. La démocratie est un mécanisme visant à réglementer les opinions dissidentes et à harmoniser les intérêts multigrades pour une coexistence réussie et un développement national. La littérature suggère que la démocratisation est très difficile, sinon impossible, dans les sociétés pluralistes ou à clivage multiple. Pour surmonter cette difficulté, le consociationalisme a été suggéré comme une panacée qui permet un partage équitable formel du pouvoir et des ressources publiques parmi les facettes reconnues de la société plurielle. Sans cela, on suppose que toute tentative de démocratie est susceptible de s'effondrer et d'échouer. Le Ghana est un pays multiethnique avec au moins 92 groupes ethniques différents qui défie apparemment le raisonnement fondamental de la démocratisation consociative, parce qu'il a pratiqué la démocratie avec succès depuis plus de 25 ans sans nécessairement adopter des modèles consociatifs formels. Cette thèse situe le Ghana dans ce contexte théorique et examine les raisons de son succès malgré l'écart théorique par rapport au consociationalisme. L'approche de la méthode mixte a été adoptée dans l'étude, et 542 répondants ont été choisis à dessein pour l'observation. Les données recueillies par l'administration des questionnaires des entrevues ont révélé que le Ghana n'a pas connu de conflits violents à l'échelle nationale malgré les conflits ponctués à travers le pays en raison de la nature même de ses conflits internes; donc circonscrits par les circonstances géographiques, les causes des conflits, et les l'acteurs impliqués. Deuxièmement, l'étude révèle que, malgré l'existence de multiples clivages sociaux au Ghana, l'interaction sociale entre les personnes met plus d’accent sur les liens transversaux qui existent parmi les individus que sur les clivages qui les divisent, même s’il existe une prise de conscience du clivage élevée dans la société ghanéenne. En outre, la disposition constitutionnelle pour la démocratisation au Ghana englobe préalablement l'intérêt national au-dessus des intérêts de clivage. Elle interdit aussi les organisations politiques basées sur les clivages sociales. L'étude recommande qu'une plus grande attention soit accordée à l'éducation à la paix dans tout le pays, en impliquant formellement dans ce processus les pertinentes institutions traditionnelles et modernes, toutes formelles qu’informelles, au niveau de base de la société. Il est également impératif d'aborder d'urgence les causes profondes de la myriade de conflits qui couvrent la longueur et l'étendue du pays pour leur résolution durable afin d'améliorer la démocratisation pacifique. Les politiciens devraient éviter de s'immiscer dans les conflits locaux et permettre aux dispositions institutionnelles établies par le système démocratique ghanéen de traiter de manière décisive avec les questions de conflit. / Abstract Conflicts are part and parcel of every societal endeavour. These conflicts however, become undesirable when they travel along the widening line of destruction of property and persons. Democracy is one mechanism aimed at regulating dissenting views and harmonising multi-group interests for successful, peaceful coexistence and national development. There is growing establishment in the literature that democratisation is very difficult, if not impossible, in pluralistic or multi-cleavage societies. To surmount this difficulty, consociationalism has been suggested as a panacea which allows formal equitable sharing of power and public resources among recognised facets of the plural society. Without this, it is assumed any attempt at democracy is most likely to crumble and fail. Ghana is a multi-ethnic country with at least 92 different ethnic groups which is seemingly defying the basic reasoning of consociational democratisation because it has successfully practised democracy for over 25 years without necessarily adopting formal consociational models. This thesis situated Ghana within this theoretical context and examined the reasons behind Ghana’s democratic success despite the theoretical deviation from consociationalism. Mixed-method approach was adopted in the study, and 542 respondents were purposefully selected for observation. Data gathered through interview and questionnaire administration revealed that Ghana has not experienced nation-wide violent conflicts in spite of the dotted conflicts across the country due to the very nature of its internal conflicts; thus circumscribed by the geographical, issue, and actor-based circumstances. Second, the study found that despite the existence of multiple social cleavages in Ghana, social interaction among the people places emphasis on crosscutting ties that exist among them, than on the cleavages that divide them even if cleavage awareness is high in Ghanaian society. In addition, constitutional framework for democratisation in Ghana formerly enshrines national interest above cleavage interests and prohibits political organisations based on cleavages. The study recommends that more attention be paid to peace education across the country by formally involving both relevant formal and informal traditional and modern institutions at the basic level of society in this peace education process. It is also imperative to address as a matter of urgency the root causes of the myriad of conflicts that span the length and breadth of the country for their sustainable resolution to enhance peaceful democratisation. Politicians should avoid meddling in local conflicts and allow the institutional frameworks established by the Ghanaian democratic system to deal decisively with conflict issues
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Reforço de pilares de concreto armado de seção transversal retangular mobilizando efeitos de confinamento / Strengthening of rectangular reinforced concrete columns mobilizing confinement effectsOliveira, Diôgo Silva de 06 April 2017 (has links)
Os Polímeros Reforçados com Fibras (PRF) são materiais compósitos constituídos por fibras unidas por uma matriz polimérica. São leves, não corrosivos, possuem alta resistência à tração e são de simples execução. O PRF em forma de tecido é utilizado para envolver o pilar de concreto armado promovendo a restrição das deformações laterais pelo efeito de membrana. Nos pilares com seção transversal circular, esse efeito de membrana é desenvolvido ao longo de todo o seu perímetro. Já para seções quadradas ou retangulares, esse efeito de membrana se desenvolve apenas nos cantos arredondados, reduzindo, assim, a eficiência do confinamento. Por conta dessa limitação, esta pesquisa propõe a utilização de um mecanismo auxiliar constituído por tirantes transversais de aço ancorados por perfis longitudinais, que juntamente com o PRF vão promover o confinamento nos maiores lados de seções de pilares retangulares. Foram realizados ensaios experimentais de dez pilares de concreto, cujos resultados confirmaram o maior incremento de força e ductilidade nos pilares devido à presença dos tirantes, verificando também que os perfis longitudinais contribuem diretamente com a força axial no pilar. Por meio da análise numérica em elementos finitos foi possível observar o acréscimo de regiões de concreto efetivamente confinado devido à presença dos tirantes. Com a análise paramétrica realizada foram identificados os parâmetros e como eles influenciam no comportamento dos pilares reforçados com a técnica: a relação entre os lados da seção transversal, a taxa de PRF; a taxa de tirantes de aço e a rigidez do perfil de ancoragem. Por fim, foi desenvolvido um modelo analítico que possibilita calcular a parcela de força resistida pelo concreto confinado e pelos perfis de ancoragem de modo independente, indicando boas correlações com os resultados experimentais e numéricos. / Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) are composite materials consisting of fibers bonded by a polymer matrix. They are lightweight, non-corrosive, have high tensile strength and simple to apply. The FRP jacket is used to wrap the concrete column and restrict the lateral expansion by the membrane effect. In columns with circular cross section, the membrane effect is developed along its entire perimeter. However, in square or rectangular sections this effect is only developed at the rounded corners, resulting in a decrease of the confinement efficiency. Due this limitation, this research proposes the use of an auxiliary mechanism made up of transverse steel ties anchored by longitudinal bars, which together with the FRP, promote confinement on the biggest sides of rectangular sections of columns. Experimental tests were carried out on ten concrete columns, whose results confirmed the greatest force increase and ductility due to the presence of the steel ties and that the anchor bars contribute directly with the axial force. Through the numerical analysis in finite elements methods it was possible to observe the effective confined concrete regions due to the presence of the ties. With the parametric analysis performed some parameters were identified and how they influence in behavior of columns reinforced with this technique: the relationship between the sides of the cross section; the PRF rate; the steel ties rate and the stiffness of the anchor bar. Finally, an analytical model was developed allowing calculate the force resisted by the confined concrete and the anchor bars forces independently, indicating good correlations with the experimental and numerical results.
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Sujeito e empresa capitalista contemporânea num impasse: entre o laço social neurótico e o perverso / Subject and contemporary commercial company in impasse: between the neurotic and perverse social tiesBarros Junior, Antonio Carlos de 31 August 2009 (has links)
O capitalismo e o mundo do trabalho vêm sofrendo transformações profundas desde a década de 1970. A pesquisa aqui descrita é uma investigação da relação inconsciente entre o sujeito e a configuração atual do capitalismo, no contexto de uma empresa multinacional do ramo hoteleiro. O método adotado foi qualitativo, sendo um estudo de psicanálise aplicada sobre a articulação fantasmática e institucional de prazer, sofrimento e gozo na empresa em questão: 1) pela análise do discurso produzido em entrevistas abertas com 6 de seus funcionários que trabalham em 4 hotéis da rede, localizados em São Paulo capital e em Campinas, realizadas entre outubro de 2007 e novembro de 2008; 2) pela análise de material impresso e on-line da empresa; 3) por um breve recorte sócio-histórico do capitalismo. Uma das conclusões a que chegamos é a de que os fundamentos de uma empresa comercial permanecem os mesmos, mas mudaram os mecanismos e os discursos adotados na sua execução. Agora, entidades abstratas externas a globalização, a competitividade, o mercado supostamente justificam a intensificação da apropriação do que é produzido, do conhecimento, do tempo dos funcionários; justificam a necessidade imperiosa de excelência produtiva, de lucros sempre crescentes; justificam as reestruturações, a adoção de políticas de verificação de competências e demissões. No caso analisado, a velha empresa-mãe, subjetiva nas escolhas, lenta nas decisões, está sendo substituída pela nova empresa objetiva e rápida nas escolhas dos que estão aptos e na implementação de mudanças que os resultados exigem. Mas isso tem sido feito mantendo-se a velha roupagem da mãe-protetora, num discurso quase uníssono sobre um laço social supostamente em grande harmonia, tanto na documentação oficial da empresa, quanto na fala de seus funcionários, da eleita mais de 10 vezes como uma das 10 melhores empresas para se trabalhar no Brasil; da que se preocupa com os filhos-funcionários, que oferece a eles muitas oportunidades de carreira. Entretanto, delineiam-se impasses e contradições nos discursos, que parecem oscilar entre o neurótico e o perverso. Porém, a faceta perversa fica, em geral, elidida. Perversa em termos de fantasia e vontade de gozo, na relação com o outro, no caso dos sujeitos, e, no caso da empresa, dos objetivos de lucratividade acima de qualquer preocupação com funcionários, de qualquer responsabilidade social ou de diversidade supostamente valorizada. Além disso, as questões pessoais de todos os 5 sujeitos ouvidos estão ligadas às questões centrais que permeiam a instituição. Questões que se referem ao lugar que cada um ocupa para o outro ser ou não ser reconhecido, ser ou não ser promovido, ser ou não ser demitido, ver ou não ver o outro ganhar uma oportunidade de carreira. / Capitalism and labour configuration have been changing deeply since 1970. The research here described is an investigation about the unconscious relation between the subject and the current capitalism configuration in the context of a multinational company in the hotel market. The method adopted was qualitative, being a study of applied psychoanalysis about the articulation between singular fantasy and institutional discourse as well as pleasure, suffering, jouissance forms in the company in question: 1) by the analysis of discourses produced in open interviews with 6 of its employees that work in 4 of its hotels located in São Paulo and Campinas, Brazil, held between October 2007 and November 2008; 2) by the analysis of printed and on-line corporate material; 3) by a short social-historical briefing of capitalism. One of the conclusions to which we have come is that basic principles of a commercial company are the same as ever. Nevertheless mechanisms and discourses adopted to implement them have changed. Now external abstract entities - globalization, competitiveness, market dynamics - supposedly justify the intensification of appropriation of what is produced by employees, besides their knowledge and time; justify such imperious demand for productive excellence and growing profits; justify restructuring actions, adoption of competence assessment policies and layoffs. In the analysed case, the old mother-company, subjective in selection processes, slow to make decisions, is being replaced by a new company, objective and fast to select competent people and to implement changes that goals associated with financial results require. However this has been done keeping the old image of a protective-mother painted through an almost homogeneous discourse about a social tie supposedly in great harmony. This is the case in both the official corporate documentation and the employees\' speech about the company which has been elected more than 10 times as one of the 10 best companies to work in Brazil; which is concerned about its children-employees; which offers several career opportunities to them. However, some contradictions and impasses are detected in discourses, which seem to oscillate between the neurotic and perverse ones. But the perverse dimension usually stays elided. Perverse in the sense of fantasy and will to jouissance in the relation with the other, in the case of the subjects, and, in the case of the company, in the sense of profitability goals above any concern towards employees, any social responsibility or any diversity supposedly appreciated. Furthermore, personal issues of all interviewed subjects are related to the institution core issues. Issues referring to the place that each one occupies for the other - to be or not to be recognized, to be or not to be promoted, to be or not to be laid off, to see or not to see the other getting a career opportunity.
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Mat- och tekniknytt : Kommunikation och informationsspridning för ökad innovation inom gotländska livsmedelsförädlingsindustrinAxner, Tom, Zetterlund, Philip January 2019 (has links)
Hållbarhet är ett ämne som konstant är på dagens agenda. Många länder gör idag omställningar föratt nå de uppsatta klimatmålen inom FN, EU och på en nationell nivå. Gotland Grönt Centrum är enaktör på Gotland som genom sitt projekt “Ökad livsmedelsförädling” drar sitt strå till stacken för att ökaden hållbara utvecklingen på ön. Gotland Grönt Centrum vill öka kunskapsspridningen ochinnovationsgraden inom den gotländska livsmedelsförädlingsindustrin genom att upprätta enFacebooksida där aktörer kan mötas. Forskningsfrågan för uppsatsen är därför fokuserad på hurkommunikationen bör se ut för att nå de uppsatta målen i GGC:s projekt. Genom en kvalitativ studieämnar denna uppsats besvara forskningsfrågan genom teorier om social network theory,sensemaking, strukturella hål med flera för att sedan mynna ut i en slutsats. Genom en kodning avempirin kunde analysen visa flera aspekter som är vitala för att GGC ska kunna föra en framgångsrikkommunikation för att nå sina mål. Svaret blev att genom att arbeta med sensemaking för att formasitt budskap efter målgruppen kan engagemanget gentemot projektet öka. Detta kan leda till eninstitutionalisering och gemensam förståelse, vilket kan leda till framtida samarbeten mellan aktörer.Innovationsgraden kan dessutom öka ifall GGC antar en roll som länk och gränsöverskridare inomnätverket för att överbrygga strukturella hål och således få in ny information i flödet. / Sustainability is a topic that is constantly on the agenda of today. Many countries today are makingadjustments to achieve the set climate goals within the UN, the EU and at a national level. GotlandGrönt Centrum is an regional actor on Gotland, which through its project "Increased food processing"aim to increase the sustainable development on the island. Gotland Grönt Centrum wants to increasethe dissemination of knowledge and the degree of innovation within Gotland’s food processingindustry by establishing a platform where players can meet. The research question for the essay istherefore focused on how the communication should be formulated to achieve the set goals in theGGC project. Through a qualitative study, this paper aims to answer the research question throughtheories of social network theory, sensemaking, structural holes, and more, in order to draw aconclusion. Through the coding of the empirical data, the analysis could show several aspects thatare vital for GGC to be able to conduct successful communication in order to achieve its goals. Theanswer was that by working with sensemaking to shape their message according to the target group,the commitment to the project can increase. This can lead to institutionalization and mutualunderstanding, which can lead to future collaboration between actors. The degree of innovation canalso increase if GGC assumes a role as a link and boundary spanner within the network to bridgestructural holes and thus bring in new information in the flow.
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