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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation des sources de bruit d'une éolienne et propagation à grande distance / Modeling of wind turbine noise sources and propagation in the atmosphere

Tian, Yuan 15 February 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de modéliser les sources et la propagation atmosphérique du bruit généré par les éoliennes afin de mieux comprendre les caractéristiques de ce bruit à grande distance et d'aider les fabricants d'éoliennes et les développeurs de parc à respecter la réglementation. En couplant des modèles physiques de source aéroacoustique et de propagation, nous sommes capables de prédire les spectres de bruit, ainsi que la directivité et les modulations d'amplitude associées, pour différentes conditions atmosphériques. Le bruit aérodynamique large bande, à savoir le bruit d'impact de turbulence,le bruit de bord de fuite et le bruit de décrochage, est généralement dominant pour les éoliennes modernes. Le modèle analytique d'Amiet est choisi pour prédire le bruit d'impact de turbulence et le bruit de bord de fuite, en considérant plusieurs améliorations par rapport à la théorie initial : 1, une correction empirique pour l'épaisseur du bord d'attaque est introduite dans le calcul du bruit d'impact de turbulence ; 2, un modèle spectral des fluctuations de pression pariétale proposé récemment pour un écoulement avec gradient de pression défavorable est utilisé dans le calcul du bruit de bord de fuite. Ces modèles sont validés par comparaison avec des mesures de la littérature en soufflerie avec des profils fixes.Le modèle d'Amiet est ensuite appliqué à une éolienne complète pour prédire le bruit émis en champ proche. L'effet de la rotation des pales et l'effet Doppler sont pris en compte. On utilise d'abord des profils de vent constant sans turbulence, puis l'effet du cisaillement du vent et de la turbulence atmosphérique sont inclus à l'aide de la théorie de la similitude de Monin-Obukhov. De bons accords sont obtenus avec des mesures sur site éolien lorsque l'on considère à la fois les bruits de bord de fuite et d'impact de turbulence. On retrouve à l'aide du modèle les caractéristiques classiques du bruit des éoliennes, comme la directivité et les modulations d'amplitude. Des comparaisons avec un modèle semi-empirique montrent que le bruit de décrochage peut être significatif dans certains conditions.L'étape suivante consiste à coupler la théorie d'Amiet avec des modèles de propagation pour estimer le bruit à un récepteur en champ lointain. On étudie dans un premier temps un modèle analytique de propagation en conditions homogènes au-dessus d'un sol d'impédance finie. On montre que l'effet de sol modifie la forme des spectres de bruit, et augmente les modulations d'amplitude dans certains tiers d'octave. Dans un second temps, une méthode pour coupler le modèle de source à un code d'équation parabolique est proposée et validée pour prendre en compte les effets de réfraction atmosphérique. En fonction de la direction de propagation, les niveaux de bruit varient car l'effet de sol est influencé par les gradients de vent et car une zone d'ombre est présente dans la direction opposée au vent. On discute pour finir l'approximation de source ponctuelle à l'aide des modèles de propagation analytique et numérique. / The purpose of this work is to model wind turbine noise sources and propagation in the atmosphere in order to better understand the characteristics of wind turbine noise at long range and to help wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm developers meet the noise regulations. By coupling physically-based aeroacoustic source and propagation models, we are able to predict wind turbine noise spectra, directivity and amplitude modulation in various atmospheric conditions.Broadband noise generated aerodynamically, namely turbulent inflow noise, trailing edge noise and separation/stall noise, is generally dominant for a modern wind turbine. Amiet's analytical model is chosen to predict turbulent inflow noise and trailing edge noise, considering several improvements to the original theory: 1, an empirical leading edge thickness correction is introduced in the turbulent inflow noise calculation; 2, a wall pressure fluctuation spectrum model proposed recently for adverse pressure gradient flow is used in the trailing edge noise predictions. The two models are validated against several wind tunnel experiments from the literature using fixed airfoils.Amiet's model is then applied on a full-size wind turbine to predict the noise emission level in the near field. Doppler effect and blade rotation are taken into account. Cases with constant wind profiles and no turbulence are used first, then wind shear and atmospheric turbulence effects obtained from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory are included. Good agreements against field measurements are found when both turbulent inflow noise and trailing edge noise are considered. Classical features of wind turbine noise, such as directivity and amplitude modulation, are recovered by the calculations. Comparisons with a semi-empirical model show that separation noise might be significant in some circumstances.Next, Amiet's theory is coupled with propagation models to estimate noise immission level in the far-field. An analytical model for the propagation over an impedance ground in homogeneous conditions is studied first. The ground effect is shown to modify the shape of the noise spectra, and to enhance the amplitude modulation in some third octave bands. A method to couple the source model to a parabolic equation code is also proposed and validated to take into account atmospheric refraction effects. Depending on the propagation direction, noise levels vary because the ground effect is influenced by wind shear and a shadow zone is present upwind. Finally, the point source assumption is reviewed considering both the analytical and numerical propagation models.

Spatial modelling of sustainable wind power development

Andersson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Measures to mitigate climate change has never been a more pressing matter thanit is today and the global debate over energy security, environmental decline andlimited resources is heated, which motivates decision makers and leaders to searchfor alternative energy sources, renewable sources. The Swedish government has seta goal to make its entire domestic electricity production 100 % renewable and phaseout energy production based on fossil fuels entirely by year 2040, where wind powerwill contribute largely to that goal. This study aimed to generally analyse where itwas suitable and not suitable to establish wind turbines with respect to ecological,social and economical values to achieve sustainable development.To do this, a multi-criteria analysis was conducted based on the analytical hierarchyprocess method with the extension of combining it with fuzzy triangular numbersand then comparing the two methods. Ecological values were set as protected areasand not suitable for wind turbine placement. Relevance of social and economicalvalues in relation to each other were differentiated by asking five experts in the fieldof wind power as renewable energy to perform a pairwise comparison between eightdifferent factors. This resulted in relative weights illustrating the importance ofeach factor. These weights were then brought into a GIS environment where theywere modelled for suitability along with areas subjected to formal protection andother land use acting as constraints in Ragunda municipality and Västernorrlandcounty. Different scenarios were modelled that did or did not include areas forreindeer husbandry as a constraint. The final suitability maps were then comparedto existing wind turbines as well as areas of national interest for wind power inSweden.Results showed that good wind conditions was the most prominent factor to consider when siting wind turbines. No significant difference was observed when fuzzyanalytical hierarchy process was used instead of the classic analytical hierarchy process when modelling suitable wind turbine placement in a GIS environment. Ananalytical methodology combined with multi-criteria analysis applied in this studyshow that potential suitable areas that has not yet been exploited by wind powerexists both in Ragunda and Västernorrland that takes into account ecological, socialand economic criteria to support sustainable development. / Åtgärder för att förhindra klimatförändring har aldrig varit en mer angelägen frågaän den är idag och den globala debatten om energisäkerhet, miljöförstöring och begränsade resurser har väckt intresset hos många världen runt att påverka beslutsfattareoch ledare att titta på alternativa energikällor, förnybara källor. Svenska regeringenhar som mål att göra hela sin inhemska elproduktion till 100 % återförnybar ochfasa ut energiproduktion baserad på fossila bränslen helt till år 2040, där vindkrafttill stor del kommer att bidra till det målet. Denna studie syftade till att översiktligtanalysera var vindkraft är lämplig och inte lämplig att lokalisera med avseende påekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska värden för hållbar utveckling.För att göra detta genomfördes en multikriterieanalys baserad på metoden ’analytical hierarchy process’ med förlängningen av att kombinera den med ’fuzzy triangularnumbers’. Ekologiska värden sattes som skyddade områden ej lämpliga för etableringav vindkraft. Relevans av ekonomiska och sociala värden i förhållande till varandradifferentierades genom att tillfråga fem sakkuniga yrkesutövare inom vindkraftsområdet att göra en parvis jämförelse mellan åtta olika faktorer. Denna jämförelseresulterade i relativa viktningar som illustrerar vikten av varje faktor. Dessa vikter fördes sedan in i en GIS-miljö där de modellerades för lämplighet tillsammansmed områden som har formellt skydd och annan markanvändning vilket fungeradesom begränsade områden i Ragunda kommun och Västernorrlands län. Olika scenarier modellerades som inkluderade eller inte inkluderade områden för renskötselsom ett begränsningsområde. De slutliga lämplighetskartorna jämfördes sedan medbefintliga vindkraftverk samt områden av riksintresse för vindkraft i Sverige.Resultaten visade att goda vindförhållanden var den mest framträdande faktorn attta hänsyn till vid placering av vindkraftverk. Ingen större skillnad observerades nären ’fuzzy analytical hierarchy process’ användes istället för den klassiska ’analyticalhierarchy process’ när lämplig lokalisering av vindkraftverk modellerades i en GISmiljö. En analytisk metodik med hjälp av multikriterieanalys som applicerades i denhär studien visar på potentiellt lämpliga områden som ännu inte har utnyttjats avvindkraft finns både i Ragunda och Västernorrland som tar hänsyn till ekologiska,sociala och ekonomiska kriterier för att stödja hållbar utveckling. / Vindval

Analysis and Optimization of Shrouded Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

Khamlaj, Tariq A. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Mohammadi, Mohammad Mehdi January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, machine learning applications have gained great attention in the wind power industry. Among these, artificial neural networks have been utilized to predict the fatigue loads of wind turbine components such as rotor blades. However, the limited number of contributions and differences in the used databases give rise to several questions which this study has aimed to answer. Therefore, in this study, 5-min SCADA data from the Lillgrund wind farm has been used to train two feed-forward neural networks to predict the fatigue loads at the blade root in flapwise and edgewise directions in the shape of damage equivalent loads.The contribution of different features to the model’s performance is evaluated. In the absence of met mast measurements, mesoscale NEWA data are utilized to present the free flow condition. Also, the effect of wake condition on the model’s accuracy is examined. Besides, the generalization ability of the model trained on data points from one or multiple turbines on other turbines within the farm is investigated. The results show that the best accuracy was achieved for a model with 34 features, 5 hidden layers with 100 neurons in each hidden layer for the flapwise direction. For the edgewise direction, the best model has 54 features, 6 hidden layers, and 125 neurons in each hidden layer.For a model trained and tested on the same turbine, mean absolute percentage errors (MAPE) of 0.78% and 9.31% are achieved for the flapwise and edgewise directions, respectively. The seen difference is argued to be a result of not having enough data points throughout the range of edgewise moments. The use of NEWA data has been shown to improve the model’s accuracy by 10% for MAPE values, relatively. Training the model under different wake conditions did not improve the model showing that the wake effects are captured through the input features to some extent. Generalization of the model trained on data points from one turbine resulted in poor results in the flapwise direction. It was shown that using data points from multiple turbines can improve the model’s accuracy to predict loading on other turbines.

Modellierung des Oberschwingungsverhaltens von Windparks mit probabilistischen Ansätzen

Malekian Boroujeni, Kaveh 22 April 2016 (has links)
Oberschwingungen als ein Merkmal der Elektroenergiequalität gewinnen durch die starke Netzintegration leistungselektronisch geregelter Anlagen wie Windenergieanlagen und nichtlineare Lasten zunehmend an Bedeutung. Bestehende Normen entsprechen nicht den zukünftigen Erfordernissen des Elektroenergiesystems und bedürfen diesbezüglich einer Überarbeitung. In der Arbeit werden wesentliche Einflussfaktoren auf das Oberschwingungsverhalten von Windparks identifiziert, beschrieben und modelliert. Dabei wird der stochastische Charakter der Oberschwingungen mithilfe von probabilistischen Ansätzen erfasst. Des Weiteren wird ein neuer Ansatz zur Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Windpark und dem vorgelagerten Netz entwickelt. Der Ansatz ermöglicht, die vom Windpark verursachte Änderung der Oberschwingungsspannung am Netzanschlusspunkt zu ermitteln. Diese Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung bestehender Normen für die Anbindung von Windparks. / Harmonics, as one of the power quality criteria, are increasingly gaining attention due to the progressive contribution of renewable energy resources and the application of the nonlinear load in the power system. Current standards do not conform to the future requirements of the power system, thus requiring a revision. In this work, main influence factors on the harmonic behavior of wind farms are identified, explained, and modelled. Thereby, the stochastic nature of harmonics is taken into account using probabilistic approaches. Moreover, a novel approach is developed to investigate the interaction between the wind farm and the upstream grid. With the aid of this approach, it is possible to determine the voltage change caused by the wind farm at the point of connection. This work contributes to improve the existing standards for the connection of wind farms.

Financing green energy projects : Funding possibilities, challange for change, and the integration of the private sector

Djerf, Rickard, Edblad, Solveig January 2023 (has links)
The world’s energy structure today relies 80 % on fossil fuels, contributing to rising temperatures and a changing climate. Society is built upon heavy energy usage and consumption is forecasted to increase rather than decrease. This implies that today’s energy mix needs thorough reconstruction where renewable energy sources must be a bigger part of the mix. There are well-known and developed green energy solutions that are not being fully exploited by society, where one explanation is the lack of funding possibilities. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate green energy projects to present further insight, integrate the private sector, and increase investments. This is done by interviewing Swedish economic associations investing in wind power to learn about concepts and experiences that can be applied by new investors when entering the green energy market. Our findings revealed that the permit process was the biggest obstacle in establishing wind turbines leading to fewer investing opportunities for private investors. Wind power in Sweden is self-sufficient with various returns hence are in no vital need for support schemes to be economically sustainable. This concludes that the government should focus on improving the permit process rather than promoting renewable energy support schemes to reach their climate goals.

Weight Optimization of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Blades constructed in Swedish Fossil Free Steel : With respect to fatigue life time

Hall, Johannes, Larsson, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Wind turbines have been utilized for centuries to harness energy from the wind. Commercial wind turbine blades are typically made from composite materials, which are difficult to recycle, leading to blades ending up in landfills at the end of their lifecycle. Additionally, these materials contribute to microplastic pollution. In response to growing environmental concerns, there has been an increased focus on addressing such issues. The Swedish company SeaTwirl AB develops offshore vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWT), and this study focuses on optimizing the weight of a blade from a new 10-15 MW VAWT concept using steel as the material. Steel has long been recyclable, making it an interesting material for wind turbine blades. The specific steel used in this study is the ultra-high-strength steel "Strenx 1300" from SSAB, which is not only extremely durable but is also expected to be fossil-free by 2026, by implementation of the manufacturing technology HYBRIT. The study found that a single blade made from Strenx 1300, when designed and optimized for 35 years of operational use, would weigh approximately 193.4 tonnes and would require 6016.8 meters of welds with a fatigue class of FAT 125. A rough estimation of the weight of a fiberglass VAWT of the same size resulted in approximately 300 tonnes. Therefore, this study concludes that it may be feasible to construct a commercially competitive VAWT blade using environmentally friendly, fossil-free steel. This approach would make wind energy a more sustainable energy source without the problems of recyclability and microplastic pollution. / Vindkraftverk har använts i århundraden för att utvinna energi från vinden. Kommersiella vindkraftverksblad tillverkas vanligtvis av kompositmaterial, vilket är svårt att återvinna och leder till att bladen hamnar på soptippar vid slutet av deras livscykel. Dessutom bidrar dessa material till mikroplastföroreningar. Som svar påväxande miljöproblem har det därför blivit ett ökat fokus på denna typ av frågor. Det svenska företaget SeaTwirl AB utvecklar vertikalaxliga vindkraftverk (VAWT) för offshore-användning, och denna studie fokuserar på att optimera vikten av ett blad från ett nytt 10-15 MW VAWT-koncept med stål som material. Stål har länge varit återvinningsbart, vilket gör det till ett intressant material för vindkraftverksblad. Det specifika stål som används i denna studie är det höghållfasta stålet "Strenx1300" från SSAB, som inte bara är extremt hållbart, men också förväntas bli fossilfritttill 2026, tack vare implementeringen av tillverkningsteknologin HYBRIT. Studien visade att ett enskilt blad tillverkat av Strenx 1300, när det är utformat och optimerat för 35 års driftstid, skulle väga cirka 193,4 ton och kräva 6016,8 meter svets med en utmattningsklass FAT 125. En grov uppskattning av vikten av en VAWT av samma storlek i glasfiber resulterade i cirka 300 ton. Därför drar denna studie slutsatsen att det kan vara möjligt att konstruera ett kommersiellt konkurrenskraftigt VAWT-blad med miljövänligt, fossilfritt stål. Detta tillvägagångssätt skulle göra vindenergi till en mer hållbar energikälla utan problemen associerade med återvinning och mikroplaster.

Retrofitting a Single-family Home with Increased Use of Renewable Energy

Ma, Chenwen January 2017 (has links)
Buildings account for up to 40% of the total energy use in the world. Directives from the European Union have pointed out the significance of increasing the energy efficiency in buildings. New regulation in countries like Sweden has established that new buildings should fulfil regulations of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB), providing the opportunity for renewable energy technologies to achieve these goals. In this paper, the retrofitting potential of renewable energy technologies for a single-family home in Sweden was investigated.The present work studied the characteristics of several renewable energy technologies and their applications for a single-family home in Sweden, including biomass, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, heat pump, and small-scale wind turbine. Three renewable energy technologies (solar thermal, heat pump and small-scale wind turbine) and one renovation method (window) were selected to investigate. The analysis was made of the current energy use and the potential energy (and cost) savings from each retrofitting of these facilities by means of simulation models using IDA ICE software. The study results show that the proposed renewable energy technologies are technically feasible and economically viable as a source of alternative renewable energy in order to produce clean energy and reduce electricity bills for an electric-heated single-family home located in Sweden. Moreover, the combined retrofitting scheme consist of solar thermal system and window renovation was also proposed and explored. As a result the energy performance of the single-family home would satisfy the nearly-zero energy building requirements and thermal comfort could be maintained at an acceptable level.

Ökad lokal nytta av förnyelsebar energiproduktion med hybridkraftverk

Beijner, David January 2018 (has links)
Förnyelsebar och miljövänlig elproduktion är en förutsättning för det mer eller mindre miljömässigt positiva värdet hos de produkter och processer som förbrukar elenergi. Det räcker inte med att dessa produkter och processer är effektiva i sitt användande av el om denna el är producerad med icke förnyelsebara metoder. Målet simuleringsprogram som kan simulera ett hybridkraftverk som använder sig av vindkraft och vattenkraft. Resultatet av detta projekt är ett simuleringsprogram som kan uppskatta storleken på ett pumpkraftverk i form av hur många megawatt dess vattenturbin behöver vara samt hur stor reservoar som behövs. Dessutom uppskattas hur många vindkraftverk som krävs i kombination med vattenkraftverket för att nå en önskad minskning av elektricitet från icke förnyelsebara källor.  med detta projekt är skapandet av ett / Renewable and environmentally friendly electricity production is a necessity for the relative positive value of the products and processes that consumes electricity. It is not enough that these products and processes in and of themselves are effective in their use of electricity if that electricity is produced with non- renewable means. The goal of this project is the creation of a simulation software that can simulate a hybrid powerplant composed of wind turbines and a hydro powerplant. The result of this project is a simulation software that is able is to approximate the size of a pumped-storage megawatts and the size of the reservoir needed. In addition, the software calculates the amount of wind turbines needed in combination with the hydro powerplant to achieve a desired decrease in non-renewable electricity.

Analysis to reduce ice-related production losses for wind turbines

De La Cruz, Jhason Paran January 2023 (has links)
In the rapidly growing wind energy market, regions with cold climates are currently in the spotlight owing to their abundance of wind resources. However, the operation of wind turbines in cold climate conditions is challenged by serious icing problems. Ice accretion on the rotor blades of a wind turbine results in a decline in power production, an increase in fatigue loads, and raises health and safety concerns. To mitigate these adverse effects, ice protection systems (IPS) are now widely being employed. These systems mainly rely on costly blade heating techniques, yet their efficiency is limited and they cannot effectively prevent or remove ice build-up under all ambient conditions. In this study, the performance of five identical wind turbines, each equipped with an electrothermal heating IPS, is analyzed over several icing events. All data are collected from an undisclosed wind park located in northern Sweden. Historical wind turbine data is studied to explore the extent of icing-induced losses and IPS activities, as well as the dependence of blade icing and IPS efficiency on meteorological conditions. Based on the results from the analysis, suggestions will be provided on how the control settings of the IPS can be modified to increase the de-icing effectiveness and reduce ice-related production losses. For the purposes of better understanding the performance of the wind turbines and their IPS in icing conditions, an analytic dashboard has been internally developed. To derive quantitative information about the IPS efficiency, a set of standardized metrics is utilized. An internal algorithm has been developed that classifies various forms of ice losses and different status codes of wind turbines. These ice losses and turbine status codes are monitored and analyzed using the analytic dashboard. Statistical analysis indicates that the most substantial source of ice losses is the stoppages caused by blade icing, whereas losses during de-icing operations are relatively insignificant. Results from the IPS performance analysis show that the icing-induced losses are further influenced by the inconsistency in the IPS behavior. The systems have shown to be inefficient even when operating under conditions of wind speed and ambient temperature that fall within their specified operational limits, indicating their dependence on external conditions. In the majority of icing events, a delay in IPS activation was observed, particularly when these events coincided with periods of high wind speeds. Moreover, the heating of the blades is not sufficient, as multiple attempts to melt the accreted ice are often required, yet success is not always achieved. The difficulty in validating whether the blades are free of ice stems from the fact that the heat is emitted only from the blade’s leading edge. The author suggests specific immediate measures to improve the control of the IPS, including changing the threshold values for IPS triggering and adjusting the duration and frequency of ice removal cycles. These measures are confined by constraints tied to Intellectual Property Rights, limiting the extent to which elements in the IPS control settings can be modified by the wind operator. Nevertheless, if these constraints are relaxed, there exists significant untapped potential for further optimizing the control of IPS. / På den snabbt växande vindkraftsmarknaden är regioner med kallt klimat för närvarande i fokus på grund av deras rikliga vindresurser. Driften av vindkraftverk i kalla klimatförhållanden utmanas dock av allvarliga problem med isbildning. Isbildning på vindkraftverkens rotorblad leder till minskad kraftproduktion, ökade utmattningsbelastningar och ger upphov till hälso- och säkerhetsproblem. För att mildra dessa negativa effekter används nu isskyddssystem (IPS) i stor utsträckning. Dessa system är huvudsakligen beroende av kostsamma tekniker för uppvärmning av bladen, men deras effektivitet är begränsad och de kan inte effektivt förhindra eller avlägsna isbildning under alla omgivningsförhållanden. I denna studie analyseras prestandan hos fem identiska vindkraftverk, vart och ett utrustat med en IPS för elektrotermisk uppvärmning, under flera nedisningshändelser. Alla data har samlats in från en icke namngiven vindkraftspark i norra Sverige. Historiska vindturbindata studeras för att undersöka omfattningen av nedisningsinducerade förluster och IPS-aktiviteter, samt beroendet av bladnedisning och IPS-effektivitet på meteorologiska förhållanden. Baserat på resultaten från analysen kommer förslag att ges på hur kontrollinställningarna för IPS kan modifieras för att öka avisningseffektiviteten och minska isrelaterade produktionsförluster. För att bättre förstå hur IPS-utrustade vindkraftverk presterar under isförhållanden har en analysverktyg utvecklats internt. För att få kvantitativ information om IPS-effektiviteten används en uppsättning standardiserade mätvärden. En intern algoritm har utvecklats som klassificerar olika former av isförluster och olika statuskoder för vindturbiner. Dessa isförluster och turbinstatuskoder övervakas och analyseras med hjälp av analysverktyget. Statistisk analys visar att den mest betydande källan till isförluster är de stopp som orsakas av isbildning på bladen, medan förluster under avisning är relativt obetydliga. Resultaten från IPS-prestandaanalysen visar att de isinducerade förlusterna påverkas ytterligare av inkonsekvensen i IPS-beteendet. Systemen har visat sig vara ineffektiva även när de arbetar under förhållanden med vindhastighet och omgivningstemperatur som faller inom deras angivna operativa gränser, vilket visar att de är beroende av yttre förhållanden. Vid de flesta isbildningstillfällen observerades en fördröjning av IPS-aktiveringen, särskilt när dessa händelser sammanföll med perioder med höga vindhastigheter. Vidare är uppvärmningen av bladen inte tillräcklig, eftersom det ofta krävs flera försök att smälta den ackumulerade isen, men man lyckas inte alltid. Svårigheten att avgöra om bladen är fria från is beror på att värmen endast avges från bladets framkant. Studien föreslår specifika omedelbara åtgärder för att förbättra kontrollen av IPS, inklusive ändring av tröskelvärdena för IPS-aktivering och justering av varaktigheten och frekvensen för isborttagningscykler. Dessa åtgärder begränsas av immateriella rättigheter, som begränsar i vilken utsträckning operatören kan ändra IPS-kontrollinställningarna. Om dessa begränsningar lättas finns det dock en betydande outnyttjad potential för ytterligare optimering av kontrollen av IPS.

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