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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų socialinės rizikos šeimoms, vertinimas / Evaluation of social services that are provided to social risk families

Balevičienė, Šarūnė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Mokslinės literatūros analizė rodo, kad Lietuvoje dar nėra pakankamai sukurtas ir išplėtotas tinkamas socialinių paslaugų teikimo tinklas, trūksta kokybiškų prevencinių, reabilitacinių paslaugų vaikams ir jų šeimoms. O tai lemia probleminių šeimų skaičiaus didėjimą. Dauguma savivaldybių iki šiol labiau linkusios teikti socialinės rizikos šeimoms materialinę paramą, o ne socialines paslaugas. Socialinės rizikos šeimoms svarbu suteikti ne tik materialinę paramą, bet ir socialines paslaugas, didinti jų prieinamumą. Teikiant socialines paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimai, turi būti užtikrinamas ir socialinių paslaugų teikimas vaikams. Tik tokiu būdu galima tikėtis sėkmingos socialinės rizikos šeimų resocializacijos. Tyrimo objektas – socialinės paslaugos, teikiamos socialinės rizikos šeimoms. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti socialinės rizikos šeimoms teikiamas paslaugas ir jų prienamumą. Hipotezė - tikėtina, kad socialinės paslaugos soc.rizikos šeimoms yra iš dalies prieinamos. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad pasitvirtino iškelta hipotezė, jog socialinės paslaugos soc.rizikos šeimoms yra iš dalies prieinamos. Lyginant, ar skiriasi skirtingų amžiaus grupių asmenų, priklausančių rizikos šeimos grupei, pagalbos prieinamumas, gauti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai. Didžioji dalis tiriamųjų nežino, ar ta pagalba, kuri jiems reikalinga, yra prieinama. Prieinamiausia pagalba yra jaunų suaugusiųjų rizikos šeimos grupės asmenims. Didžiosios dalies asmenų, priklausančių rizikos šeimos grupei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The analysis of scientific literature shows that in Lithuania still there is not a sufficiently created and developed appropriate network to provide social services, there is a lack of good quality preventive and rehabilitation services for children and their families. And this influences the increase of problematic families. Many municipalities are inclined to provide material support for risk families than social services. It is important to provide not just material help for social risk families but also social services and increase their accessibility. When social services are provided to social risk families, social service provision to children has to be guaranteed. Just in such a case one can expect successful re-socialization of social risk families. Object of the research: social services that are provided to social risk families. Aim of the research: to evaluate provided services for social risk families and their accessibility. Hypothesis: it is likely that social services are partly accessible for social risk families. The results of the research show that the hypothesis was proven to be true, because social services for social risk families are partly accessible. When comparing whether help accessibility for people of different age group that belong to the risk family groups differ, one received statistically important differences. The bigger part of the respondents does not know whether the help they need is accessible. The most accessible help is for young... [to full text]

Socialinės rizikos šeimų gaunamos paramos subjektyvi suvoktis / Subjectiv conception of support for families under social risk

Pilypaitienė, Neringa 13 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe siekiama atskleisti socialinės rizikos šeimų požiūrį į gaunamą paramą, kaip ji vertinama, ar realiai prieinama ir reikalinga; kiek šeimos pačios įgalinamos pamatyti ir spręsti savo problemas, rinktis tinkamus pagalbos būdus; ką reiškia ir kokius jausmus sukelia socialinės rizikos šeimos statusas, ar turi įtakos didesnei paramai gauti. / This work tries to unfold the attitude of families under social risk to the support, how it is valued, if it is affordable and needful; how the families are able to notice and to solve their problems, to select appropriate ways of the support; what does it mean for them to be as a family under social risk, and if it is a way to get major support.

Šeimos įtaka 2-3 metų amžiaus vaikų muzikinių gebėjimų plėtotei ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje / Family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills in the preschool educational institutions

Povilaitienė, Eglė 13 June 2006 (has links)
Family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills in the preschool educational institutions In the master’s degree paper, family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills is analyzed. Not much attention is paid to the children early musical education in Lithuanian preschool educational institutions; it is also not really effective. How to organize the children early musical education in the preschool educational institutions, how to make it more effective, how to create appropriate conditions for 2-3 year-old children musical skills development, what approaches should be used to achieve unity in musical education in a nursery school and in a family - these are the questions that formulate the topical pedagogical problem. The subject of this study is the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills; the objective of the study is to examine the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills with their parents’ participation in the musical education classes. The goals of the study are to analyze pedagogical, psychological, musical literature that deals with this topic; to ascertain the parents and teachers’ attitude to music lessons together with 2-3 year-old children during the musical education classes in the preschool educational institution; to create a model for 2-3 year-old children musical skills development and to check the efficiency of this model during the experiment.. The hypothesis: the child... [to full text]

Šeimos, auginančios neįgalų vaiką, mokymosi poreikių ir motyvacijos analizė / Analysis situation of educational needs and motives of a family growing a disabled child

Levickienė, Jūratė 02 June 2005 (has links)
In the Master's work the main attention is given to lifelong studies and motivation of families growing a disabled child. The work raises a hypothesis that unsatisfied educational needs and insufficient motivation of families that grow a disabled child makes their enablement in society more difficult. In order to verify the hypothesis and seeking to reveal educational needs and motivation of families that grow a disabled child, by employing a half-standardised questionnaire, 20 families living in Kaunas town and growing disabled children were questioned.

Vaikų, gyvenančių globos institucijose ir globėjų šeimose, bendravimas su biologiniais tėvais / Communication of the children living in the guardianship institutions and in the guardians' families with their biologic parents

Einorienė, Marija 08 June 2005 (has links)
In Lithuania the problem of left and unkept children (with damaged primary parents-children social ties) guardianship is very acute. During the recent years forming the policy of the social protection of the children left without parents‘ guardianship the main attention is allotted to stimulation of guardianship in the family and of integration to the biological family. But the family policy in Lithuania is not organized on the regular basis and is not sufficiently supported financially. Every year the number of the children‘s guardianship institutions is growing. During the recent years the number of such children is around 13 thousand. Even more poor states have no such number of the children‘s guardianship institutions as Lithuania. This problem is not that acute both in Latvia and Estonia. It is not that easy to create the conditions not only for smooth but even for necessary development of the children‘s cognitive and emotional- social health. As many as 80 percent of children in the guardianship institutions have their biological families but they spend the whole period of their early and further development till they finish secondary school in the guardianship institutions. One of the main reasons why children lost the parents‘ guardianship was that they lived in the families of social risk. The children in the guardianship institutions face multiple separations, loses, their main primary and the most important parents‘ – children social ties are damaged... [to full text]

Aukštesniųjų klasių (XI - XII) moksleivių streso tyrimas / Stress study of the senior(11 - 12 forms) pupils

Bujevičiūtė, Rasa 10 June 2005 (has links)
Goal of the paper: examine and evaluate stress and stressors of the senior pupils (that attend the 11th-12th forms). Objectives: Identify stressors of the urban and regional pupils and evaluate possible territorial differences. Learn about pupils’ subjective evaluation of their health state. Set recommendations for the prophylaxis of pupils’ stress. Research material and methods: 521 senior pupils - 286 from Kaunas and 235 from Birzai - were selected at random and questioned. The stress-evaluating questionnaire covered two parts: scale of subjectively perceived stress (10 points) and stress-evaluating scale for the juvenile. The pupils were also questioned about the issues of smoking, use of strong drinks. They were asked to mark all the symptoms that bothered them through the past 12 months. The statistical data analysis was performed by means of a statistical package “SSPS 11.5”. Results: 29.9% out of 521 pupils that were questioned experience slight stress, 46.3 % - great stress, and 23.8%- enormous stress. The major stressors of the aforementioned pupils are lack of sleep (70.6%), arguments with family and friends (62.2%), problems at school (39.0%), use of alcohol and drugs (36.5%). Girls usually pinpoint arguments with family and friends, separation, alteration of living conditions. Boys distinguish more often the use of strong drinks and drugs or a misdemeanor. It has been noticed that the more pupils use strong drinks (starting with abstinence and continuing with... [to full text]

Mokyklą blogai lankančių mokinių šeimos ypatumai / Family Characteristics Of The Children Attending School Poorly

Černiauskienė, Rūta 15 June 2005 (has links)
The most significant factor in the child formation is the family, which takes the main responsibility for the child. Therefore, children education could not be accredited to the school only. The relevance of the paper subject is predicated on the determination of the causes of poor attendance that can be related to the family, also developing the family influence for nonattendance, the interaction of family and school is analyzed. The unconcern of the parents to the children and family problems incite children to tramp, miss classes, they start learning poorly, and the starting or deepening phenomena of dissociality may be noticed. Special institutions take care of such families, however, this wardship is not sufficient and it does not give the desirable results. The number of children who miss classes is increasing, pupils find themselves in the contraposition of family and school values. In the methodical part of the paper the family peculiarities of the children poorly attending school are theoretically motivated, a classified view of this phenomenon is structured. Empirical research of the family peculiarities of pupils poorly attending school reveals the feedback between the determinative theoretical statements, which could be the ground for the help intended for the school aged children in order to attend school properly. For this stage of the research, the direct questionnaire method was applied, the respondents being pupils and teachers. 604 respondents participated... [to full text]

Klasės auklėtojo vaidmuo ugdant probleminių šeimų vaikus, besimokančius 5-9 klasėse Šalčininkų rajone / The Role of a Class Master while Bringing up 5-9 Form Rural Children from Problematic Families in Šalčininkų District

Kosman, Valentina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Atkūrusi nepriklausomybę Lietuva ryžtingai žengė demokratinės visuomenės kūrimo ir rinkos ekonomikos keliu. Buvo ypač atkreiptas dėmesys į šeimą. Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos, priimtos 1992 metais, 38 straipsnyje skelbiama, kad ,,Šeima yra visuomenės ir valstybės pagrindas” (Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija, 1992). Mokykla, o ypač kaimo, yra viena iš svarbiausių vaiko gyvenimo socialinių institucijų, kurioje sukuriamos sąlygos, kryptingai ir intensyviai lemiančios mokinio intelektinio ir socialinio pažinimo plėtrą. Kaimo mokyklose didžioji dalis mokinių – socialiai remtini bei pedagogiškai apleisti, dalis jų dėl objektyvi�� priežasčių negali lankyti mokyklų. Klasės auklėtojas – tai ugdymo procese centrinė figūra, kuri koordinuoja ir kontroliuoja savo klasės mokinių, toje klasėje dėstančių mokytojų ir mokinių tėvų veiklą. Šiame baigiamajame magistrantūros darbe buvo tyrinėtas klasės auklėtojo vaidmuo ugdant probleminių šeimų vaikus, besimokan��ius 5-9 klasėse Šalčininkų rajone. Pasirodo, kad namų darbų neatlikimas, neadekvatus elgesys, bėgimas iš pamokų, necenzūrinių žodžių vartojimas, mokymo priemonių bei mokyklos turto nesaugojimas ir niokojimas, sudėtingas bendravimas su tėvais, tėvų nesidomėjimas savo vaikais, žalingi tėvų įpročiai - pagrindiniai sunkumai, su kuriais susiduria klasės auklėtojas, dirbdamas su probleminių šeimų vaikais. Beveik ketvirtadalis tyrime dalyvavusiųjų probleminių šeimų tėvų apie savo vaikų sunkumus nieko nežino. Pasirodo, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the present MA paper the role of a class master while bringing up 5-9 form rural children is being analyzed. School, especially rural, is one of the most important child’s social institutions, where some conditions are created in order to develop pupil’s intellectual and social recognition. The number of children from problematic families is constantly increasing in the rural areas. The effectiveness of the work with children from problematic families depends on the activities of a class master, who tries to facilitate life of children from problematic families with his/her professional efforts. The class master also helps to overcome difficulties in the class, at school and at home. That was the stimulation to investigate the present problem. There are several questions to which the present paper will try to answer: what problems does a class master have to face while working with children from problematic families; what are the causes of disagreements between a class master and children from problematic families; what is the help given by a class master; what are the corporation opportunities between a class master and parents; how do children from problematic families evaluate their class masters. The goal of the investigation is to disclose the role of a class master, who is working with 5-9 form children from problematic families. The object of the investigation is the work of a class master with the 5-9 formers from problematic families. The tasks of the... [to full text]

Šeimos įtraukimo į mokyklos veiklą prielaidos ir galimybės / Possibilities and assumptions of the family’s involvement into school work

Mitrulevičiūtė, Jolita 04 September 2008 (has links)
Pastebima, kad tėvai pasyviai dalyvauja mokyklos gyvenime, nesilanko mokykloje kuomet yra kviečiami, tuo labiau nesilanko savo iniciatyva. Siekiant sėkmingų ugdymo(si) rezultatų būtinas tėvų įtraukimas į mokyklos veiklą. Tik nuolat bendraujant tėvams ir mokytojams, bendradarbiaujant sprendžiant įvairius klausimus bei skatinant tėvus teikti pagalbą mokyklai, kuriama saugi mokiniui aplinka. Šio tyrimo objektas – šeimos įtraukimas į mokyklos veiklą. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti šeimos įtraukimo į mokyklos galimybes bei įvertinti klasės auklėtojo vaidmenį įsitraukimo proceso metu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) apibrėžti šeimos ir mokyklos sąveikos svarbą ugdymo procese; 2) apibūdinti šeimos įtraukimo į mokyklos veiklą galimybes bei aprašyti bendradarbiavimo problemų priežastis; 3) atskleisti tėvų požiūrį į mokyklos ir šeimos bendravimą, bendradarbiavimą, savanorystę bei įvertinti klasės auklėtojo vaidmenį bendradarbiavimo procese; 4) nustatyti dažniausiai naudojamas įsitraukimo į mokyklos veiklą formas bei bendradarbiavimo sritis. Buvo naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių apžvalga, anketinė apklausa (tyrimas atliktas VDU „Rasos“ gimnazijoje, apklausti 100 tėvų), statistinių duomenų analizė (tyrimo duomenys sisteminami ir analizuojami naudojant programa Microsoft Excel). Tyrimas rezultatai atskleidė, kad įsitraukimas į mokyklos veiklą vyksta: bendraujant, bendradarbiaujant bei teikiant pagalbą mokyklai. Tačiau galime pastebėti, kad ryšys pasyvus, kadangi tėvai nesijaučia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It is visibly, that parents passively participate in school life, don’t visit school when they are invited, and more they don’t come on theirs own initiative. Trying to reach successful results of education is needful to involve parents into school’s life. Safety environment for schoolchild is created constantly teachers communicating with parents, in participation of solving various questions also motivating parents to contribute school. The object of this research is family’s involvement into school work. The goal of research is to analyze possibilities of family’s involvement into school work, also to evaluate the role of class educator during involvement process. Tasks of research: 1) to define the interaction’s importance of family and school during education process; 2) to characterize possibilities of family’s involvement into school work, also to describe reasons of participation’s problems; 3) to open parents’ viewpoint into school’s and family’s communication, cooperation, volunteering, also to evaluate the role of class educator during the cooperation process; 4) to define mostly used forms of family’s involvement into school work and the areas of cooperation.. These research‘s methods were used: the review of literature source, questionnaire overview (the research was done in VDU “Rasos” gymnasium, were questioned 100 parents), statistic data analysis (findings are systemized, analyzed using Microsoft Excel program). Research results revealed that involvement... [to full text]

Socialinio darbuotojo veiklos analizė, dirbant su socialinės rizikos šeimomis / Analysis of activity of social worker dealing with families of social risk

Reišienė, Ligita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Visoje Lietuvoje nedarnios, asocialaus elgesio, socialinės rizikos šeimos yra viena skaudžiausių problemų, nes tokiose šeimose auga vaikai, kuriems reikalinga ypatinga apsauga ir priežiūra. Svarbu yra padėti vaikams, augantiems socialiai pažeistose šeimose. Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos socialinės rizikos šeimų problemos, nes jos itin skaudžiai išgyvena pokyčius ir atsiduria sudėtingoje situacijoje. Šis darbas aktualus, kadangi aptariama socialinės rizikos šeimoms ir jose augantiems vaikams teikiamos socialinės paslaugos socialinio darbuotojo veiklos kontekste. Darbo objektas – socialinio darbuotojo, dirbančio su socialinės rizikos šeimomis, veiklos analizė. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti socialinių darbuotojų taikytų metodų vertingumą. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Pateikti socialinės rizikos šeimų ir jose augančių vaikų sampratą, apžvelgti socialinės rizikos šeimoje kylančias problemas. 2. Atskleisti socialinio darbuotojo veiklai būdingus bruožus ir veiksnius. 3. Išanalizuoti Utenos rajono socialinių paslaugų centro socialinių darbuotojų veiklą. 4. Ištirti socialinių darbuotojų taikytų metodų vertingumą. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuota socialinės rizikos šeimos samprata; problemos (giminės tęsimo, jaunosios kartos auklėjimo ir socializavimo, šeimos ūkio tvarkymo, įgūdžių stokos ir kt.); aptartos socialinių darbuotojų funkcijos (prevencinė, paramos, diagnostinė, informacinė mokomoji); socialinio darbo metodai (individualus, darbo su šeima ir bendruomenėje); veikla, teikiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In all Lithuania uncoordinated, asocial, social risk families are one of severe problems, because these families have children, who need the special protection and care. It is important to help the children growing in socially affected families. In this work are analyzed the problems of social risk families, because they notably painfully experience changes and get into the complicated situations. This work is actual because there are discussed the social risk families and the social services given in the context of activity of social worker for children growing there. Object of work – analysis of activity of social worker dealing with social risk families. Purpose of survey – to analyze the value of methods applied for the social workers. Goals of work: 5. To give the conception of social risk families and children growing there, to view the problems rising in social risk families. 6. To open the characteristics and features specific for the activity of social worker. 7. To analyze the activity of social workers of The Center of social services of Utena region. 8. To survey the value of methods applied by social workers. In the theoretic part of work are analyzed the conception of social risk family; problems (family continuation, upbringing and socialization of junior generation, family economy management, lack of skills, etc.); discussed the functions of social workers (preventive, supportive, diagnostic, informational educational); methods of social work (individual... [to full text]

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