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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empowering Students with AI-based Chatbot Assistants: A New Era of Higher Education

Hummel, Sandra, Köhler, Thomas, Brouwer-Zupancic, Natasa, Egger, Rudolf, Rieger, Michael 04 September 2024 (has links)
Digital Education: AI A.4:1 Introduction 2 Developing a pedagogically meaningful AI-based learning assistant: Bridging the gap between technology and education 3 Outcomes and achievements of the VISION project 4 Outlook on the impact of AI-based learning assistants on Higher Education / The digital transformation has revolutionized higher education, ofering innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of students and teachers. Since the end of 2022, chatbots for learning, in particular ChatGPT, have been receiving signifcant attention and causing unrest. While didactics of virtual reality have been predicted conceptually since quite some time, this project-based contribution introduces the Erasmus+ supported VISION (Virtual Interface for Smart Interaction Online) measure, which is conducted by the University of Graz, the University of Amsterdam, TU Dresden, and Smart-Study from June 2020 to November 2023.:1 Introduction 2 Developing a pedagogically meaningful AI-based learning assistant: Bridging the gap between technology and education 3 Outcomes and achievements of the VISION project 4 Outlook on the impact of AI-based learning assistants on Higher Education

RPA inom sjukvården : En fallstudie kring möjligheter och utmaningar med RPA på Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus

Seilani, Nicolas, Ågren, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Dagens samhälle utvecklas i snabb takt och i samband med digitaliseringen uppstår nya tekniker som kan effektivisera, förbättra och förenkla arbetet inom verksamheter. En av dessa tekniker är Robotic Process Automation (RPA) som handlar om att automatisera enkla och monotona verksamhetsprocesser med tydliga regler. Implementeringen av RPA kan innebära både möjligheter och utmaningar som kan komma bli avgörande för tillvägagångssätt inom verksamheter. I nuläget existerar begränsad information kring hur RPA kan implementeras effektivt inom specifika verksamheter. Hälso- och sjukvården består i dagsläget av många processer som lämpar sig för automatisering, vilket kan frigöra tid för vårdpersonalen till mer kvalitativ vård. Samtidigt finns det utmaningar med att tillämpa ny teknik inom sjukvården, vilket inkluderar juridik, organisatoriskt motstånd och tekniska hinder. I syfte att undersöka fenomenet där RPA tillämpas inom sjukvården kommer följande studie undersöka frågeställningen: Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar förekommer vid implementering av RPA inom hälso- och sjukvården? I syfte att besvara studiens frågeställning har en kvalitativ ansats använts. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer samlades empiriskt datamaterial in och kompletterades även med övrig dokumentation från sjukhuset. Det analyserade resultatet medförde övergripande teman som präglade diskussionens utformning. Följande studie visar möjligheter och utmaningar som förekommer före, under och efter implementeringen av RPA inom ett svenskt sjukhus. Studiens slutsats visualiserar identifierade möjligheter och utmaningar, vilket bland annat belyser användarinvolvering, ökad digital nyfikenhet och prioritering av interna resurser. I och med den begränsade forskningen som existerar inom området förvä / Today's society is developing at a rapid pace and in relation with digitalisation, new technologies are emerging that can streamline, improve and simplify the work within organizations. One of these technologies is Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which is about automating simple and monotonous business processes with clear rules. The implementation of RPA can present both opportunities and challenges that may be crucial for business operations. Currently, limited research exists on how RPA can be implemented effectively within specific organizations. The healthcare sector currently consists of many processes suitable for automation, which can free up time for healthcare professionals to provide more quality care with patients. At the same time, there are challenges in applying new technologies in healthcare, which include law, organizational resistance and technical barriers. In order to investigate the phenomenon where RPA is applied within healthcare, the following study will investigate the issue: What opportunities and challenges exist when implementing RPA in healthcare? In order to answer the research question, a qualitative approach has been used. With the help of semi-structured interviews, empirical data material was collected and also supplemented with other documentation from the hospital. The analyzed result led to overall themes that characterized the design of the discussion. The following study shows opportunities and challenges that occur before, during and after the implementation of RPA within a Swedish hospital. The study's conclusion visualizes identified opportunities and challenges, highlighting, among other things, user involvement, increased digital curiosity and prioritization of internal resources. With the limited research that exists in the field, the study is expected to contribute to new information for future implementations within the same context.

"Hallå, hör ni mig nu?" : En studie om förutsättningar för demokratiskt deltagande under digitala årsmöten inom ideella föreningar / "Hello, can you hear me now?" : A study about conditions regarding democratic participation during digital annual meetings within non-profit organizations

Åhlström, Simon, Vikström Olsson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur demokratisk organisering i det svenska civilsamhället har påverkats av den hastiga digitaliseringen i samband med covid-19. Studien är av induktiv karaktär och syftar till att studera förutsättningarna för demokratiskt deltagande under digitala årsmöten i ideella föreningar. Den empiri som ligger till grund för undersökningen är kvalitativa intervjuer samt en kvantitativ enkätstudie. Urvalsgrupperna är personer som har suttit som mötesordförande under både digitala och fysiska årsmöten samt förtroendevalda och anställda som har arrangerat eller deltagit vid årsmöten under covid-19. Studien visar att det finns ett samband mellan demokratiska förutsättningar under digitala årsmöten och den digitala kompetensen inom organisationen. Vidare att förberedelser och organisationskultur är viktigare för de demokratiska förutsättningarna än om årsmötet arrangeras via fysiska eller digitala kanaler. Resultatet visar att lärdomar från digitaliseringen av årsmöten under covid-19 kan leda till ökade förutsättningar för deltagande och jämlikt inflytande. Empirin pekar på en framtida utveckling där majoriteten av organisationerna i studien kommer återgå till fysiska årsmöten eller hybridmöten. Hybridmöten, där vissa medlemmar deltar fysiskt och andra digitalt, rekommenderas inte då de kan skapa problem gällande jämlikt deltagande och inflytande under årsmötet. / This study examines how democratic organization of operations within Swedish non-profit organizations (NPO) has been affected because of rapid digitalization following covid-19. The study is inductive in nature and aims to study the prerequisites regarding democratic participation during annual meetings. The empirical data that creates the foundation for this research is based on qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey. The selection group studied comprises persons that have acted as chairman during both digital and physical annual meetings, as well as board members and employees within NPO's that have arranged or participated in annual meetings during covid-19. The study shows that there is a correlation between democratic prerequisites during digital annual meetings and the digital competence within the organization. Furthermore, preparations are shown to be more important regarding the democratic prerequisites than whether the annual meeting is conducted via physical or digital platforms. The results indicate that knowledge gained from the digitization of annual meetings during covid-19 could lead to better possibilities regarding participation and equal influence. Empirical data points out a possible future development where the organizations participating in the study will revert to using physical and hybrid meetings when conducting annual meetings. Hybrid meetings, where some participate physically and others digitally, are not to be recommended due to problems regarding equal participation and influence during the annual meeting.

CULTURA DEL LAVORO E ACADEMY AZIENDALI PER APPRENDERE NELLA QUARTA RIVOLUZIONE INDUSTRIALE / Working Culture and Company Academies to learn in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

FREGNAN, EZIO 09 February 2021 (has links)
La Quarta rivoluzione industriale e l’evoluzione tecnologica in atto stanno innescando significativi cambiamenti a livello culturale, sociale ed economico. Le rapide trasformazioni del mondo del lavoro portano in luce l’esigenza di coinvolgere i principali soggetti responsabili di guidare il cambiamento organizzativo e professionale all’interno di un percorso di ricerca partecipata e collaborativa, capace di esplicitare e descrivere diversi modi di affrontare le esperienze connesse ai mutamenti in corso. All’interno di questo contesto, il lavoro di tesi intende contribuire a delineare la nuova cultura del lavoro che sta emergendo da alcune pratiche innovative, presenti all’interno del nuovo ecosistema educativo e formativo. La ricerca scientifica, iniziata nel settembre 2019 e conclusa nel settembre 2020, si articola in quattro domande: Come sta cambiando il contesto nel quale viviamo e lavoriamo? Come si sta trasformando la cultura del lavoro? Quali Driver ne facilitano l’apprendimento? Gli elementi della cultura del lavoro sono utili anche alla luce di una nuova trasformazione radicale e improvvisa? Le risposte intendono fornire alcuni spunti di riflessione e un primo orientamento pratico per tutti coloro i quali sono coinvolti in prima persona nella costruzione di nuove soluzioni per l’apprendimento, volte a trasferire valore ai cittadini e ai lavoratori di domani. / The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the technological evolution in place are originating significant changes in culture, society and economy. Rapid transformations in the world of work revealed the need of involving the main subjects in charge of driving both organizational and professional change toward an engaging and collaborative research path, able to make clear and describe different ways to face the experiences connected with the undergoing changes. Within this context, the thesis aims at contributing in outlining the new work culture emerging from some innovative practices, present in the new educational and training ecosystem. The scientific research, started in December 2019 and concluded in September 2020, is articulated in four questions: How is the context in which we live and work changing? How is the work culture undergoing transformations? Which Drivers do facilitate its understanding? Are the elements of the work culture useful also in the light of a new radical and unexpected transformation? The answers intend to provide some points for reflection and a first practical guidance for all those who are directly involved in the creation of new learning solutions, aimed at transferring value to citizens and workers of tomorrow.

Emergent Learning in Digital Product Teams

Nagaraj, Varun 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] A Automação Robótica de Processos (RPA) surge como uma nova tecnologia advinda da indústria 4.0, focada na automação de tarefas humanas repetitivas, rotineiras e baseadas em regras. Ela promete eliminar esses processos que consomem mais tempo, sem substituir os sistemas de TI existentes. Consequentemente, reduziria custos e riscos operacionais; e melhoraria a eficiência, os processos internos e a experiência do cliente. Além disso, a RPA tem o potencial de revolucionar a auditoria tradicional, pois minimizaria as atividades tenocráticas, que apresentam baixo valor agregado, e permitiria que os auditores se concentrassem mais em atividades que exijam raciocínio analítico e julgamento profissional. Assim, levaria à ampliação da cobertura dos testes e do monitoramento de transações, aumentando a performance e a qualidade da auditoria contínua. Devido ao exposto, a RPA está sendo vista como um ativo estratégico para enfrentar os desafios da transformação digital. Por ser uma nova tendência, a literatura científica sobre o tema ainda é escassa, mas está crescendo rapidamente. E, nos últimos dois anos, foi amplamente adotada em muitas organizações e instituições financeiras com sucessos e fracassos. Portanto, considerando o modelo das três linhas de defesa, este estudo tem como objetivo propor um framework para implantação da RPA na auditoria interna de bancos brasileiros. / [en] Robotic Process Automation (RPA) emerges as a new 4.0 industry technology focused on the automation of repetitive, routine, rule-based human tasks. It promises to eliminate the most time-consuming processes without replacing existing IT systems. Consequently, reducing costs and operational risks as it improves efficiency, internal processes, and customer experience. Moreover, it has the potential to disrupt the traditional audit model as it minimizes mechanical low added value activities, enabling auditors to concentrate more on assignments that require thinking skills and professional judgment. Thus, it would lead to the expansion of testing and monitoring analytics coverage, enriching continuous audit quality and performance. Due to the above, RPA is being seen as a strategic asset to face the challenges of digital transformation. Since it is a new trend, there is limited literature on the subject, but growing fast. And, in the last couple of years, it has been widely adopted in many industries and financial organizations with successes and failures. Therefore, considering the three lines of defense model, this paper aims to propose an RPA framework for internal audit in Brazilian banks.

Applications of Digital Engineering Tenets to Naval Special Warfare Requirement(s) Definition

David Novotney (15360427) 28 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  The world continues to advance at a hastening pace towards a technology enabled, digital-centric future. Legacy organizations, not born in the ‘digital age’ are examining methods to adapt through Digital Transformation (DT). The US Department of Defense (DoD) is one such organization. The DoD emerged their 2018 Digital Engineering Strategy intending on transforming the enterprise from one with ‘engineering process [that] are document-intensive and stove-piped, leading to extended cycle times with systems that are cumbersome to change and sustain’ to one that is ‘transforming its engineering practices to digital engineering, incorporating technological innovations into an integrated, digital, model-based approach’. </p> <p>  The 2018 Strategy acknowledges that the integration of digital engineering will not be exclusive to the engineering communities of the DoD; rather, the integration will impact the ‘research, requirements, acquisition, test, cost, sustainment and intelligence communities’. While the Strategy is designed to explain the ‘what’ necessary to integrate digital engineering, the various DoD Services (and their subordinates) will need to develop the ‘how’ regarding implementation that is culturally appropriate to their commands.</p> <p>  The study sought to examine ‘how’ implementation of digital engineering tenets may be appropriated to the existent culture of one US Special Operations Command subordinate at the Echelon III level (namely Naval Special Warfare Group – FOUR). The results of this study are intended to provide understanding and illuminate meaning behind those themes in Digital Engineering that Subject Matter Experts within Naval Special Warfare view as suitably adaptable to their processes. The intent is to provide themes with utility towards further efforts and research aimed at phasing Digital Transformation initiatives at Naval Special Warfare Group – FOUR.</p>

Modelo de diagnóstico y metodología para la transformación digital de las PYMES y el uso de la innovación como ventaja competitiva.

Arjona Blanco, Betsabé Vimary 17 February 2023 (has links)
[ES] La transformación digital es un eje tractor para la competitividad de las empresas. Convierte a las compañías tradicionales en empresas digitales con fuerte capacidad de innovación y agilidad para adaptarse a entornos y mercados constantemente cambiantes. Pero es un proceso complejo que parece estar reservado solo para las grandes organizaciones. Actualmente la brecha digital entre las pymes y las grandes empresas representa un problema para el desarrollo económico de un país en el que el 99% del tejido empresarial está conformado por pequeñas y medianas empresas. Agrava la situación el desconocimiento que las pymes tienen sobre la transformación digital y la tendencia a confundirla con otros conceptos, como marketing digital o digitalización, que por sí mismos no habilitan las capacidades que debe tener una empresa digital para competir en los mercados actuales. Además, la mayoría de las modelos y metodologías de transformación digital que ofrecen las compañías consultoras requieren elevados recursos económicos y de tiempo que están fuera del alcance de la mayoría de las pymes. De este modo surge la necesidad de crear un modelo de diagnóstico de madurez digital orientado especialmente a pequeñas y medianas empresas y adaptable a cualquier sector de actividad. Asimismo, una metodología para elaborar un plan de transformación digital realista y alcanzable. Para resolver esta cuestión, se efectuó una revisión bibliográfica sobre métodos y modelos de diagnóstico de madurez digital e indicadores para su medición y evaluación, obteniendo muy pocos resultados. A partir de allí, la investigación se centró en identificar los elementos fundamentales para determinar la madurez digital de pymes y que son comunes a todas ellas.Se establecieron seis ejes de análisis: 1. Estrategia de negocio, 2. Gestión de clientes, 3. Talento humano, 4. Procesos, 5. Tecnologías y 6. Sostenibilidad; con sus respectivos componentes e indicadores. Asimismo, se diseñó una metodología para elaborar un plan de transformación digital que, más allá de elevar el nivel de madurez digital de la empresa, produzco el cambio cultural para lograr la transformación y la innovación continua. Ambos componentes de esta investigación, tanto el modelo de diagnóstico como la metodología del plan de transformación, en versiones iniciales simplificadas, fueron probados en el marco de operaciones de la Cámara de Comercio de València. Posteriormente, las versiones finales del modelo de diagnóstico y de la metodología para elaborar el plan de transformación digital se han convertido en una solución comercial de la empresa valenciana Metric Salad, con el nombre de HUMAN-DT, cumpliendo su propósito de ser de utilidad para cualquier pyme. / [CA] La transformació digital és un eix tractor per a la competitivitat de les empreses. Converteix a les companyies tradicionals en empreses digitals amb forta capacitat d'innovació i agilitat per a adaptar-se a entorns i mercats constantment canviants. Però és un procés complex que sembla estar reservat només per a les grans organitzacions. Actualment la bretxa digital entre les pimes i les grans empreses representa un problema per al desenvolupament econòmic d'un país en el qual el 99% del teixit empresarial està conformat per petites i mitjanes empreses. Agreuja la situació el desconeixement que les pimes tenen sobre la transformació digital i la tendència a confondre-la amb altres conceptes, com a màrqueting digital o digitalització, que per si mateixos no habiliten les capacitats que ha de tindre una empresa digital per a competir en els mercats actuals. A més, la majoria dels models i metodologies de transformació digital que ofereixen les companyies consultores requereixen elevats recursos econòmics i de temps que estan fora de l'abast de la majoria de les pimes. D'aquesta manera sorgeix la necessitat de crear un model de diagnòstic de maduresa digital orientat especialment a petites i mitjanes empreses i adaptable a qualsevol sector d'activitat. Així mateix, una metodologia per a elaborar un pla de transformació digital realista i assolible. Per a resoldre aquesta qüestió, es va efectuar una revisió bibliogràfica sobre mètodes i models de diagnòstic de maduresa digital i indicadors per al seu mesurament i avaluació, obtenint molt pocs resultats. A partir d'allí, la investigació es va centrar en identificar els elements fonamentals per a determinar la maduresa digital de pimes i que són comunes a totes elles. Es van establir sis eixos d'anàlisis: 1. Estratègia de negoci, 2. Gestió de clients, 3. Talent humà, 4. Processos, 5. Tecnologies i 6. Sostenibilitat; amb els seus respectius components i indicadors. Així mateix, es va dissenyar una metodologia per a elaborar un pla de transformació digital que, més enllà d'elevar el nivell de maduresa digital de l'empresa, produïsc el canvi cultural per a aconseguir la transformació i la innovació contínua. Tots dos components d'aquesta investigació, tant el model de diagnòstic com la metodologia del pla de transformació, en versions inicials simplificades, van ser provats en el marc d'operacions de la Cambra de Comerç de València. Posteriorment, les versions finals del model de diagnòstic i de la metodologia per a elaborar el pla de transformació digital s'han convertit en una solució comercial de l'empresa valenciana Metric Salad, amb el nom de HUMAN-DT, complint el seu propòsit de ser d'utilitat per a qualsevol pime. / [EN] Digital transformation is a driving force for business competitiveness. It turns traditional companies into digital ones with a strong capacity for innovation and agility to adapt to constantly changing environments and markets. But it is a complex process that seems to be a privilege of large organizations. Currently, the digital gap between SMEs and large companies represents a problem for the economic development of a country where SMEs represent 99% of the business industry. The situation is aggravated by the lack of knowledge that SMEs have about digital transformation and the tendency to confuse it with other concepts, such as digital marketing or digitization, which do not tap the capabilities that a digital company must have to compete in current markets. In addition, most of the digital transformation models and methodologies offered by consulting companies require high financial and time resources, which are out of the SMEs. This is how the need arises to create a digital maturity diagnosis model focused especially on small and medium-sized companies and adaptable to any sector of activity. Also, to develop a methodology to elaborate a realistic and achievable digital transformation plan. To resolve this issue, a bibliographic review was carried out on methods and models for diagnosing digital maturity and indicators for its measurement and evaluation, obtaining very few results. From there, the research focused on identifying the fundamental elements to determine the digital maturity of SMEs that are common to all of them. Six analysis axes were established: 1. Business strategy, 2. Customer management, 3. Human talent, 4. Processes, 5. Technologies, and 6. Sustainability; with their respective components and indicators. Likewise, a methodology was designed to develop a digital transformation plan that, beyond raising the level of digital maturity of the company, produced the cultural change to achieve transformation and continuous innovation. Both components of this research, the diagnostic model and the methodology of the transformation plan, in simplified first versions, were tested in the operations framework of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, obtaining satisfactory results and resulting in their implementation in other Chambers of Commerce of Spain. Subsequently, the final versions of the diagnostic model and the methodology to develop the digital transformation plan have become a commercial solution of the Valencian company Metric Salad, with the name of HUMAN-DT, fulfilling its purpose of being useful for any SME. / Arjona Blanco, BV. (2023). Modelo de diagnóstico y metodología para la transformación digital de las PYMES y el uso de la innovación como ventaja competitiva [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191962

Návrh podnikového trainee programu a jeho zavedení pomocí technik projektového managementu v organizaci / Corporate Trainee Program Design and Implementation into an Organization Using Project Management Techniques

Drápalíková, Jitka January 2021 (has links)
digitization, digital transformation, innovation, energy industry, HR, work with students, trainee program, trainee scheme, corporate culture, project management, onboarding, gen Z, generation Z


Zachary Brooks Smith (7659032) 04 November 2019 (has links)
Industrial revolutions bring dynamic change to industry through major technological advances (Freeman & Louca, 2002). People and companies must take advantage of industrial revolutions in order to reap its benefits (Bruland & Smith, 2013). Currently, the 4th industrial revolution, industry is transforming advanced manufacturing and engineering capabilities through digital transformation. Company X’s production system was investigated in the research. Detailed evaluation the production process revealed bottlenecks and inefficiency (Melton, 2005). Using the Digital Twin and Discrete Event Factory Simulation, the researcher gathered factory and production input data to simulate the process and provide a system level, holistic view of Company X’s production system to show how factory simulation enables process improvement. The National Academy of Engineering supports Discrete Event Factory Simulation as advancing Personalized Learning through its ability to meet the unique problem solving needs of engineering and manufacturing process through advanced simulation technology (National Academy of Engineering, 2018). The directed project applied two process optimization experiments to the production system through the simulation tool, 3DExperience wiht the DELMIA application from Dassualt Systemes (Dassault, 2018). The experiment resulted in a 10% improvement in production time and a 10% reduction in labor costs due to the optimization

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