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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Servicio para la generación de firma digital y autenticación electrónica usando los certificados digitales contenidos en el DNI electrónico

Vega Caspa, Jessica Carmen, Portugal Vargas, Paulo Cesar 12 June 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto de tesis “SERVICIO PARA LA GENERACIÓN DE FIRMA DIGITAL Y AUTENTICACIÓN ELECTRÓNICA USANDO LOS CERTIFICADOS DIGITALES CONTENIDOS EN EL DNI ELECTRÓNICO” busca el desarrollo de un servicio que permita la generación de firma digital de los documentos PDF para que tengan el mismo valor legal que una firma manuscrita, así como también la autenticación electrónica para el ingreso a las aplicaciones web. Este servicio permitirá usar los certificados digitales contenidos en el DNI electrónico del Perú cumpliendo la normativa legal vigente y se podrá integrar de manera fácil, rápida y sencilla a cualquier aplicación web existente o nueva. Para realizar lo antes mencionado, se implementará un servicio para la generación de firma digital, tomando como base lo establecido en la guía de acreditación de aplicaciones de software del INDECOPI, que detalla los requerimientos funcionales que debe de cumplir una aplicación de software de clave pública, el cual interactúa con el DNI electrónico. Parte de estos requerimientos serán también implementados en el servicio de autenticación electrónica, de esta manera se va a asegurar que el servicio cumpla con los requerimientos necesarios para realizar las operaciones de firma digital y autenticación electrónica haciendo uso de los certificados digitales contenidos en el DNI electrónico. La implementación de la solución propuesta contará con el desarrollo de aplicaciones de PC que se ejecutarán en las computadoras, además el desarrollo de aplicaciones web que se conectarán a estas aplicaciones de PC y también se contará con una aplicación web de mantenimiento que gestionará la autorización del uso del servicio. / This thesis project "SERVICE OF GENERATION OF DIGITAL SIGNATURE AND ELECTRONIC AUTHENTICATION USING THE DIGITAL CERTIFICATES CONTAINED IN THE ELECTRONIC DNI” searches the development of a service that allows the generation of digital signature of the PDF documents, so that they have the same legal value as a handwritten signature as well as electronic authentication to enter to web applications. This service will allow the use of the digital certificates contained in the electronic DNI of the Peru complying with current legal regulations and might be integrated easily, quickly, and simply to any existing or new web application. To do the before mentioned, it will be implemented a service for the generation of digital signature, based on what is established in the guide of accreditation of software applications of INDECOPI, which details the functional requirements that must comply with a public key software application, which interacts with the electronic DNI. Part of these requirements will also be implemented in the service of electronic authentication. This way, it will be ensured that the service complies with the necessary requirements to perform the operations of digital signature and electronic authentication by using digital certificates contained in the electronic DNI. The implementation of the proposed solution will include the development of PC applications that will run on computers. Furthermore, the development of web applications that will connect to these PC applications, and there will also be a web application of maintenance that will manage the authorization of the use of the service. / Tesis

Trefaldig symbios: Teknologi, Organisation & Covid-19. : En deduktiv studie som undersöker resultatet av en accelererad digital transformering. / Threefold symbiosis: Technology, Organization & Covid-19. : A deductive case study that examines the results of an accelerated digital transformation.

Anderberg, Kim January 2021 (has links)
Organizations that adopt digital innovations are facing a digital transformation, which can cause complications if not implemented in a systematic and methodical way. Due to Covid-19 organizations have had to adapt their work structure to enable personal to work from home to ensure the health of staff and customers. Covid-19 also forced organizations to accelerate their digital transformation which have led to a stressful implementation of new technology. An accelerated transformation can result in minimal effects which in turn results in failure and the organization can suffer the loss of assets, skills, and income. This case study aims to investigate how an organization in the Swedish bakery market has handled an accelerated digital transformation due to external pressure from Covid-19. Also, the study aims to investigate which relationship in the model T-O-E has the greatest impact on the organization’s technology adaptation. Seven hypotheses and one null hypothesis were generated based on theory and previous research. To answer these, a web-based quantitative survey was conducted consisting of 59 questions, measuring 18-character traits, which in turn examine five dimensions, (1) the digital transformation process, (2) individual impediments, (3) the organization’s obstacles and opportunities as well as the competence and incompetence imbedded in the organization, (4) perceived usability and user-friendliness and (5) Covid-19. The questionnaire was then analysed to find mean, standard deviation, percentage, and correlation. The result show that the company has successfully accomplished the transformation and this despite that all theory goes against this accomplishment, and sates that an accelerated digital transformation would result in failure. Furthermore, the result show that external pressures (in this case Covid-19) in T-O-E had the greatest impact on the organization's success and was the reason that the implementation succeeded without major complications. It turned out that the degree of complexity of the technology played a big role in the company's success. Because if the technology had maintained a greater degree of complexity, the company would probably not have been as successful. In conclusion, the factor Organization played a crucial role in the adoption of the technology, because the management despite a forced accelerated digital transformation managed to generate a smart leadership and an ideal culture, that caused most of the staff to experience the transformation positively. The study shows that companies do not need strategic analysis to be successful in a transformation, but on the other hand, a threefold symbiosis of technology, organization & Covid-19 is required to succeed with a forced accelerated transformation. / Organisationer som anammar digitala innovationer står inför en digital transformering, vilket kan ge upphov till komplikationer om det inte införs på ett systematiskt och metodiskt sätt. På grund av Covid-19 har organisationer fått anpassa sin organisation till arbeta hemifrån, för att säkerställa personalens och kunders hälsa. Detta har lett till att organisationer stressar med transformeringen vilket kan leda till att effekten blir minimal, som i sin tur resulterar i ett misslyckande och organisationen går miste om tillgångar, kompetens och intäkter. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en organisation inom den svenska bagerimarknaden har hanterat en accelererad digital transformering på grund externa påtryckningar från Covid-19 och till att undersöka vilket förhållande i modellen T-O-E (technology-organization-environment) som har störst inverkan på organisationens framgång i transformationen. För att uppnå syftet skapades sju hypoteser och en nollhypotes utifrån teori och tidigare forskning. För att besvara dessa hypoteser och samla in data genomfördes en webbaserad kvantitativ enkät som bestod av 59 frågor, som mäter 18 karaktärsdrag, som i sin tur undersöker fem dimensioner, (1) den digitala transformeringsprocessen, (2) individuella mot-och medgångar, (3) organisationens hinder och möjligheter samt kompetens och inkompetens, (4) upplevd användbarhet och användarvänlighet och (5) Covid-19. Sedan analyserades enkäten för att hitta medelvärden, standardavvikelser, procentsatser och samvariationer. Resultatet visar att företaget har på ett framgångsrikt sätt lyckats med transformeringen och detta trots att all teori tyder på att en accelererad digital transformering inte skulle uppnå önskvärda resultat. Vidare visar resultatet att externa påtryckningar (i detta fall Covid-19) i T-O-E hade störst inverkan på organisationens framgång och medförde att implementeringen genomfördes utan större komplikationer. Det visade sig att teknikens grad av komplexitet spelade en stor roll i företagets framgång. Detta eftersom om tekniken hade erhållit en större grad av komplexitet hade troligen företaget inte varit lika framgångsrikt. Avslutningsvis spelade faktorn organisation en avgörande roll i adoptionen av tekniken, eftersom ledningen trots en påtvingad accelererad digital transformering lyckades generera ett smart ledarskap och en idealisk kultur som medförde att majoriteten av personalen upplevde transformeringen positiv. Studien visar att företag inte behöver strategiska analyser för att vara framgångsrika i en transformering men däremot krävs det en trefaldig symbios av teknologi, organisation & Covid-19 för att lyckas med en påtvingad accelererad transformering.

Känner du dig taggad att ”gå” till jobbet? : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av medarbetarskap i en digital arbetsmiljö / Do you feel excited to ”go” to work? : A qualitative study of the experience of employeeship in a digital work environment

Armborg, Dennis, Ögren, Markus January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Digitaliseringen är ett aktuellt fenomen som förändrar samhället, organisationer och hur människor organiserar sig och lever sina liv. När digitalisering förändrar organisatoriska processer och det sätt människor arbetar suddas gränserna mellan arbete och det övriga livet allt mera ut. För att hantera denna förändring behöver organisationer ett kollektivt initiativtagande där relationer mellan medarbetare, ledare och chefer måste hanteras, något som i en svensk kontext kallas medarbetarskap. Den digitala omställningen har accelererat till följd av Covid-19 pandemin där en omväxling till digitala hjälpmedel tagit plats. Uppfattningar om digitaliseringen kan anses vara positivt eller negativt för medarbetare är delade. Det finns en viss avsaknad av forskning inom medarbetarskap, synnerligt i en mer modern och digitaliserad kontext. Med mer digitaliserade organisationer finns det fortfarande frågetecken kring medarbetarskapet. Detta skapar ett intresse att undersöka medarbetares upplevelser av medarbetarskap i en digital arbetsmiljö. Problemformulering: PF1: Hur upplever medarbetare medarbetarskapet i en digitaliserad arbetsmiljö? PF2: Vilken betydelse har den digitaliserade arbetsmiljön för medarbetarnas upplevelse av engagemang och meningsfullhet? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka medarbetares upplevelser för att skapa en utökad förståelse kring medarbetarskap i en digital arbetsmiljö samt betydelsen detta har för engagemang och meningsfullhet. Metod: Då syftet med studien är att undersöka upplevelser har en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod använts. Detta har skett genom sju semistrukturerade digitala intervjuer med medarbetare från både privata och offentliga organisationer med hjälp av Zoom och Microsoft Teams. Resultat: Majoriteten av medarbetarna upplevde en effektivisering av arbetet och ett ökat deltagande, men till en förlust av den sociala kontakten. Det fanns även inslag av att den digitala arbetsmiljön skapat koncentrationssvårigheter och störningsmoment vilket minskar engagemanget. Medarbetarna upplever att arbetsuppgiften i sig, gemenskap och samhällsnytta är vad som ger arbetet mening. Den digitala arbetsmiljön underlättar vardagspusslet men till en bekostnad av förlorad social kontakt som upplevs minska meningsfullheten hos medarbetarna. Slutsats: Slutsatsen för studien är att upplevelsen medarbetarskapet i den digitala arbetsmiljön är skild, vilket kan liknas med ett tveeggat svärd. Den digitala arbetsmiljön för med sig såväl positiva inslag, som effektivisering och ökat deltagande, och negativa inslag som försämrad kommunikation och gemenskap. Betydelsen av engagemang och meningsfullhet är fortsatt stor men studien framhäver samtidigt vikten av att beakta gemenskap och samarbete för ett konstruktivt medarbetarskap i en digital arbetsmiljö. / Background: Digitalization is a contemporary phenomenon that is changing how the society, organizations and people live their lives and organize themselves. When digitalization changes organizational processes and the way people work, the boundaries between work and the ‘rest of life’ are being erased. To handle this change, organizations need a collective initiative where relationships between employees, leaders and managers must be handled, which is something that is called employeeship in a Swedish context. The digital transition has been accelerated as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, where a major shift to digital tools has taken place. Employees' conceptions about digitalization are divided and can be considered both positive and negative. There is a certain lack of research in employeeship, especially in a more modern and digitized context. With more digitized organizations, there are still questions about how it affects the employeeship. This creates an interest in examining employees' experiences of employeeship in a digital work environment. Research questions: RQ1: How do employees experience employeeship in a digital work environment? RQ2: Which importance does the digital work environment have for employees’ experience of commitment and meaningfulness? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine the meaning of employeeship in a digital work environment and value the importance of engagement and meaningfulness to gain an enhanced understanding. Method: Since the purpose of the study is to examine experiences a qualitative methodology has been used. This has been done through seven semi-structured digital interviews with employees from both private and public organizations through Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Results: A majority of employees experienced an increase in effectiveness and participation, however they also experienced a loss of social contact with their colleagues. A tendency of increased difficulties of concentration and new distractions was embossed when working in a digital work environment which lowered their commitment. Employees experienced meaningfulness from work duties, fellowship and contributing to society. The digital work environment eases the puzzle of everyday life however at a cost of lost social contact which employees experienced reducing the meaningfulness of work. Conclusion: The conclusion of the study is that the experiences of employeeship in a digital work environment are different and can be described as a double-edged sword. The digital work environment brings positive elements, such as efficiency and increased participation, as well as negative elements of impaired communication and fellowship. The importance of commitment and meaningfulness remains great, but the study also emphasized the importance of considering fellowship and cooperation for a constructive employeeship in a digital work environment.

Ein Klassifkationssystem auf dem Weg zum automatisierten Potenzial-Maßnahmen-Matching von intraorganisationale online Kollaboration

Heller, Anne, Weliki, Sascha, Reeb, Samuel 11 March 2022 (has links)
Die Globalisierung und digitale Transformation stellen wesentliche Treiber organisationaler Veränderungsprozesse von Unternehmen dar. Neue Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit und Arbeitsgestaltung für geografisch unabhängige Arbeit innerhalb eines Unternehmens entstehen (Kock, 2008). Die COVID-19-Pandemie wirkt hierbei als Katalysator und beschleunigt die Veränderung der Art der Zusammenarbeit innerhalb von Unternehmen (Kniffin et al., 2021). Damit Unternehmen neue Arbeitsweisen, wie die kollaborative Arbeit über online Medien, erfolgreich umsetzen können, bedarf es geeigneter Instrumente zur Erfolgsbewertung und Steuerung (Möller et al., 2020). Ein geeignetes Instrument stellen Reifegradmodelle (RM) dar (Reeb et al., 2021), wobei bereits unterschiedliche Modelle zur Steuerung von online, kollaborativer Arbeit existieren (Alonso et al., 2010; Boughzala & Vreede, 2012; Su et al., 2017). ... [Aus: Einleitung]

Habilidades del equipo de ciencia de datos en la empresa moderna

Loayza Castañeda, Flor de María Micaela, Rubio Rodríguez, Estefanía Yuvel 28 November 2021 (has links)
En esta investigación se presentan postulados que diversos autores exponen sobre las habilidades del equipo de ciencia de datos en la empresa moderna; por ello, es importante conocer los antecedentes de la ciencia de datos, sus características relevantes, las habilidades blandas y técnicas del científico de datos, y la productividad científica que aporta a las organizaciones y sociedad, a fin de entender cómo esta ciencia contribuye a la mejora de las relaciones en el nivel empresarial y social. El trabajo se divide en seis partes: en primer lugar, se presenta de manera detallada cuál ha sido el método de investigación utilizado para recopilar la información. En el segundo apartado, se aborda los puntos relacionados a la ciencia de datos. El tercer apartado describe los rasgos que componen al denominado científico de datos: sus roles y funciones. En cuarto lugar, se presenta a la empresa moderna como el principal receptor de la denominada 4a Revolución Industrial. El quinto apartado se muestran los análisis y resultados de la presente investigación. Por último, en sexto lugar, se expone las conclusiones a las que se han arribado luego de reflexiones y debates, tanto individuales como grupales. / In this work, postulates that various authors expose about the skills of the data science team in modern companies are presented. Therefore, it is important to know the background of data science, its relevant characteristics, soft and technical skills of the data scientist and the scientific productivity it brings to organizations and society, to understand how this science contributes to the improvement of relationships at the business and social level. This work is divided into six parts. In the first place, the research method used to collect the work information is presented in detail. In the second section, the points related to data science are addressed. The third section describes the traits that make up the so-called data scientist: their roles and functions. Fourth, the modern company is presented as the main recipient of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution. The fifth section shows the analysis and results of our research are presented. Finally, in sixth place, exposes the conclusions reached after reflections and debates, both individual and group. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Efectos de la digitalización en la aduana aérea para la exportación de espárragos durante los años 2019 y 2020 / Effects of digitization on air customs for the export of asparagus during the years 2019 and 2020

Choquemamani Cortez, Rebeca Inés, Ruiz Panduro, Jorge Luis 10 October 2021 (has links)
La transformación digital es una herramienta básica para el desarrollo del comercio internacional, es por ello la Aduana Aérea comenzó un proceso de modernización hace más de 20 años como una estrategia integral para el desarrollo del país. Sin embargo, la falta de recursos y mayor impulso a este proceso originó que no alcancen los niveles óptimos de competitividad. Cabe resaltar, en el año 2019, ante la presencia del Covid-19, se notaron más estas falencias ante la necesidad de hacer operaciones de manera virtual debido a que se buscaba evitar el contacto físico entre las personas. Por esta razón, la Aduana Aérea realizó múltiples esfuerzos en ampliar sus plataformas digitales, pero aún no es suficiente como para competir con los países vecinos. Por otro lado, la exportación de espárragos peruanos sufrió una caída del 5% en su volumen, y 4% en su valor en comparación con el 2019 debido a los problemas logísticos de falta de vuelos y falta de mano de obra en el campo. El objetivo principal de la investigación es comprender el efecto de la digitalización en la Aduana Aérea en el proceso de exportación de espárragos durante el periodo 2019 y 2020. La metodología aplicada será un enfoque cualitativo del tipo exploratoria-descriptiva. Finalmente, se buscará encontrar en las conclusiones, si la Transformación Digital de la Aduana Aérea logro impactar en el mercado agroexportador de espárragos en el Perú. / Digital transformation is a basic tool for the development of international trade, which is why Air Customs began a modernization process more than 20 years ago as a comprehensive strategy for the development of the country. However, the lack of resources and greater impulse to this process caused them not to reach the optimal levels of competitiveness. It should be noted, in 2019, in the presence of Covid-19, these shortcomings were more noticeable due to the need to carry out operations virtually due to the fact that it sought to avoid physical contact between people. For this reason, Air Customs made multiple efforts to expand its digital platforms, but it is still not enough to compete with neighboring countries. On the other hand, the export of Peruvian asparagus suffered a drop of 5% in its volume, and 4% in its value compared to 2019 due to the logistical problems of lack of flights and lack of labor in the field. The main objective of the research is to understand the effect of digitization in the Air Customs in the asparagus export process during the period 2019 and 2020. The applied methodology will be a qualitative approach of the exploratory-descriptive type. Finally, it will be sought to find in the conclusions if the Digital Transformation of the Air Customs managed to impact the agro export market of asparagus in Peru. / Tesis

Relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y la transformación digital en las sucursales de las entidades financieras en Lima Moderna, 2021

Cloke Pineda, Erika Julissa, Romero Caldas, Renzo Gonzalo 30 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre los estilos de liderazgo y la transformación digital en las sucursales de las entidades financieras en Lima Moderna, 2021. Con el fin de validar si los estilos de liderazgo transaccional, liderazgo transformador y liderazgo trascendental tienen una relación con la transformación digital realizamos este estudio para servir de base a las entidades bancarias y no pierdan su nivel de posicionamiento en el mercado. El diseño de la investigación es No experimental - Transversal. Para recolectar la información se aplicó una encuesta cualitativa tipo Likert con 5 niveles a una muestra de 349 colaboradores de los 4 bancos más representativos del Perú a nivel Lima Moderna: Banco de Crédito del Perú, BBVA Banco Continental, Interbank y Scotiabank; calculando el número de colaboradores a encuestar por banco según participación de mercado. Para determinar la fiabilidad del instrumento, se realizó el cálculo del coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach donde se obtuvo un valor de 0.804 en los estilos de liderazgo y 0.801 para la transformación digital, lo cual indica que nuestro instrumento es confiable al tener valores muy cercanos al 1. Finalmente se obtuvo un valor de 0.764, lo cual llevó a rechazar la hipótesis nula y aceptar la hipótesis general. Lo cual indica que la relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y la transformación digital en las sucursales de las entidades financieras en Lima Moderna, 2021 es significativa y positiva y corresponde a una correlación alta. / The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between leadership styles and digital transformation in the branches of financial institutions in Lima Moderna, 2021. In order to validate whether transactional leadership, transformational leadership and transcendental leadership styles have a relationship with digital transformation, we conducted this study to serve as a basis for banking institutions and not to lose their level of positioning in the market. The research design is non-experimental - Transversal. To collect the information, a qualitative Likert-type survey with 5 levels was applied to a sample of 349 employees of the 4 most representative banks in Peru at the Modern Lima level: Banco de Crédito del Perú, BBVA Banco Continental, Interbank and Scotiabank; calculating the number of employees to be surveyed per bank according to market share. To determine the reliability of the instrument, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was calculated, where a value of 0.804 was obtained in the leadership styles and 0.801 for the digital transformation, which indicates that our instrument is reliable as it has values ​​very close to the 1. Finally, a value of 0.764 was obtained, which led to rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the general hypothesis. Which indicates that the relationship between leadership styles and digital transformation in branches of financial institutions in Lima Moderna, 2021 is significant and positive and corresponds to a high correlation. / Tesis

Lethargic Medical Innovation Implementation Scene Awakened by COVID-19 : Identifying barriers and facilitators for medical innovations within prenatal care in Sweden

Kouvela, Christina January 2021 (has links)
Maternal health has been found to lag significantly behind in medical innovations compared to other branches of medicine such as radiology. Prenatal care, being part of maternal health, seems to be no different. Driven by this fact, this study first attempts to investigate the state of innovation implementation within the context of prenatal care in Sweden. Then, it continues with the identification of critical barriers and facilitators for the implementation of medical innovations within the same field and context as medical innovations are at some point necessary. Considering the nature of the issues at hand a qualitative study was deemed more suitable and hence was conducted. The overall work consists of a literature review alongside a planned and executed empirical study. The empirical study was conducted as a single case study comprising of three stakeholder groups that were of interest. These were: doctors, midwives, and healthcare managers. Participants were approached using a combination of convenience and snowball sampling. A series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with actors located throughout Sweden. With the help of thematic analysis, a holistic view supported by all three stakeholder groups was able to arise leading to multi-faceted insights. Results show that the medical innovation implementation state within prenatal care in Sweden could have been characterised as lethargic before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic as no significant medical innovations had emerged in the field until then. However, it is discovered that COVID-19 signalled the end of this reality and abruptly moved the existing innovation implementation climate. Furthermore, regarding the potential introduction of medical innovations in prenatal care, important barriers and facilitators were discovered. The findings of the study can be of use to actors attempting to implement medical innovations in the future within prenatal care or other clinical areas and contexts.

The Significance of Digital Transformation in the Supply Chain Management for Facilitating International Businesses : Cases from Emerging Markets

Haque, A K M Ezazul, Waqar, Khushbu, Dehkordi, Payam Koohi Habibi January 2023 (has links)
Technological advancements have altered all aspects of human life, undeniably impacting all domains of commercial entities. Current digital technologies have the most pre-eminent influence on the supply chain management of corporations, irrespective of their diverse industry and operations. Remarkably, emerging markets with rapid economic growth, becoming appealing for foreign investments, are transmuting their supply chains with innovative hi-tech for smooth, effective, and efficient business processes and operations.The commencement of supply chain alterations in developed countries for facilitating international business has been part of various erstwhile studies that need more information on emerging markets. This thesis contributes to the prevailing research concerning the cited phenomenon by pursuing and expounding the answers to the research questions; "Considering the challenges and opportunities, how do digital technologies (blockchain, Cloud, IoT, AI) affect supply chain management and logistics in emerging markets?" and "What role does the supply chain's digital transformation play for businesses operating in emerging markets engaged in international business?".Fundamentally, the prime purpose of this research is to provide in-depth comprehension regarding the impending gratuities of supply chain revolutions availed by emergent markets expediting their international business with significant hindrances in the process. Also, this study uses a modified theoretical framework created under the idea of dynamic capabilities theory by Teece (2007) to illustrate the pertinent concepts. Furthermore, qualitative case studies of the syndicates from countries Iran, Pakistan and Bangladesh were conducted through semistructured interviews using an inductive approach under the interpretive methodology concept.The study demonstrates that despite market and industry, human errors and manual processes resulting in extra cost, time and energy limiting a firm's overall capacity have been the crucial challenges optimised by supply chain renovations. Lastly, the research provides the theoretical and managerial implications to define the topic in future regarding comparative analysis across industries and mitigating risks in international supply chains due to hi-tech, along with future recommendations.

Intelligent Process Automation : Building the bridge between Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence / Intelligent processautomation: : Att bygga bron mellan processautomation och artificiell intelligens

Bellman, Markus, Göransson, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Process Automation has the potential to yield great benefits for companies and organizations, especially in the financial services industry where companies are information-intensive and experience rich data flows. This has mostly been done through Robotic Process Automation (RPA), but the increased maturity of Machine Learning algorithms has increased the viability of combining classic RPA with Artificial Intelligence, leading to Intelligent Process Automation (IPA). However, there is a set of challenges embedded in the transition from RPA to IPA. These challenges need to be dealt with in order to ensure that the benefits of the new technology can be harvested. The aim of this research was to identify this set of challenges that the companies will face, as well as provide guidance to what preparations that need to be made before IPA can be implemented in full scale. The research was conducted as a theory building case study at a large Swedish bank. An empirical study was conducted, consisting of interviews with researchers, as well as automation professionals and R&D at the case company. The findings of the empirical study and previous research on the area were combined and condensed into a guiding framework for organizations wanting to adopt IPA. / Processautomation har potentialen att ge stora fördelar för företag och organisationer, speciellt i finansbranschen där företag är informationsintensiva och har stora dataflöden. Detta har huvudsakligen gjorts med Robotic Process Automation (RPA) men den ökade mognadsgraden av maskininlärning har snabbt förbättrat möjligheten att kombinera RPA med Artificiell Intelligens (AI) för att därmed möjliggöra Intelligent Process Automation (IPA). I övergången från RPA till IPA uppkommer däremot en del utmaningar och problem som företag måste hanteras innan potentialen med dessa nya tekniker kan förverkligas. Den här forskningen ämnar att identifiera de utmaningar som företagen kommer ställas inför samt ge vägledning för vilka förberedelser som företagen måste genomföra innan IPA kan implementeras fullskaligt i organisationen. Forskningen genomfördes som en teoribyggande fallstudie på en stor svensk bank. Den teoretiska grunden samlades in genom en omfattande litteraturstudie och en empirisk studie bestående av intervjuer med forskare samt automationsutvecklare och FoU på banken. Resultaten från litteraturstudien och empirin kombinerades och kondenserades till ett vägvisande ramverk för organisationer som vill implementera IPA.

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