Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“nor”""
981 |
Psychological Antecedents of Academic´s Intentions to Participate in Last Chance Tourism: Applying value-belief-norm and cognitive dissonance modelWermelin, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
Last chance tourism (LCT) is defined as an endangered place due to climate change which creates motivations for tourists to travel to these places before they vanish. These trips also involve interaction with and observation of rare species that is about to disappear due to climate change. By integrating the Value-Belief-Norm and cognitive dissonance theory models, the main purpose of this research was to investigate psychological antecedents of engaging in LCT in higher educational institutions in Sweden. A survey was administered to 234 academics on seven universities in Sweden consisting of items measuring beliefs, pro-environmental personal norms, cognitive dissonance, and intentions to engage in Last Chance Tourism. The data was later analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation (PLS-SEM) approach. The results revealed a significant impact of cognitive dissonance on intentions to engage in LCT. These findings are important since they support the advantage of using cognitive dissonance theory within the context of LCT. The implications will hopefully spark an interest among academics to develop a sustainable tourism rescue plan and transfer this knowledge to a younger generation. For practitioners, this could be food for fought for organizations that are operating within the field of LCT.
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"Men han är väl snäll? Han är ju snäll tycker jag..." : En kvalitativ studie om framställandet av funktionsvariationen autism i en barnbok samt nio elevers uppfattningar kring bokens huvudkaraktär / "But he's kind, right? He's kind I think..." : A qualitative study on the presentation of the functional variation of autism in a children's book and nine students' perceptions of the book's main character.Hernhag, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Children’s literature that includes characters with functional variations is viewed as a tool to increase understanding in classrooms. However, this assumes that the characters are portrayed in a good light and present a positive image to pupils. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the functional variation of autism is portrayed in the book The Dog that Saved Christmas (2018) and whether there are any similarities or differences regarding student perceptions of the main character. Qualitative text analysis and semi-structured interviews with nine students constitute the essay method. The interviews are coded by using thematic analysis. The book content and student reasoning are both further analyzed from a norm-critical perspective. The result shows that there is no uniform image of the character with the functional variation of autism as only positive or negative. Instead, a combination of both these emerges. Where the student perceptions emerge most clearly is also where certain similarities and differences with the book's depiction can be discerned.
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Vad, hur, varför och för vem? : En kvalitativ studie om samspelet mellan lärares didaktiska val och elevers uppfattning om religionskunskapsundervisning med fokus på islamSköld, Jonna, Wahlström, Mårten January 2022 (has links)
The study aims to investigate the correlation between teacher’s didactical choices and the student’s interpretation of religious studies that focuses on Islam. The data consists of two surveys answered by both teachers and students. In total, 22 teachers participated in the survey, and 55 students. Both the teachers and the students answered questions regarding the choice of material and the choices made by the teachers both in- and outside the classroom. The analytical framework applied to the data was norm critique and intercultural religious literacy. The results indicate that there is a partial symbiotic relationship between the teachers and the students regarding the educational point of view. However, there is some dissonance between what some of the students’ experiences and the teachers’ intent. The teachers apply a norm critical approach to their education to some extent, but very little of the intercultural religious literacy.
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Voices that Bind: The Power of Civil Society Advocacy in Shaping State Solidarity : A Comparative Study of Spain and Italy's Display of Political Support in the Israel-Gaza WarFürst, Sophia January 2024 (has links)
Even though international conflicts often lead to varied responses from state actors, the reasons behind these differences remain underexplored, especially regarding political support for those who are harmed. This study investigates why some states express solidarity with those harmed in armed conflict, focusing on the Israel-Gaza conflict as a case study. I argue that the intensity of civil society advocacy significantly influences state actors’ solidarity behaviour. This argument is structured around a three-step causal mechanism: civil society advocacy raises public awareness, prompting public pressure on state actors, which increases costs of inaction, leading to solidarity expressions. By employing a structured, focused comparison of Spain and Italy, the study qualitatively assesses public solidarity manifestations and civil society advocacy intensity, using protest data and media coverage as indicators. The findings suggest that Spain’s intense civil society advocacy has resulted in significant public pressure and official solidarity displays, whereas Italy’s weaker civil society response led to less solidarity manifestations. These results highlight the crucial role of civil society in shaping state behaviour during conflicts, providing both theoretical and empirical contributions to the study of civic engagement and state’s conflict response.
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Får jag bestämma det...? : En kritisk diskursanalys av utbildnings- och metodmaterial till personal inom LSS, i frågor som rör sexualitet och kärleksrelationer / May I decide...? : A critical discourse analysis of method and education material for personnel within LSS in matters relating to sexuality and romantic relationshipsHjalmarsson, Henrik, Jendoubi, Ines January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka vilken möjlighet till självbestämmande personer med funktionsnedsättning som har insatser enligt LSS har, inom frågor som rör sexualitet och kärleksrelationer. Genom att genomföra en kritisk diskursanalys på utbildnings- och metodmaterial i ämnet har vi ämnat att kasta ljus på vad som uttrycks både explicit och implicit i materialet. Studien tar avstamp i socialkonstruktionismen och därutöver används teorin om sexuella script samt begreppet sexuell autonomi som analysverktyg. Studiens resultat visar att metod- och utbildningsmaterialet tillskriver brukaren en passiv roll i frågor om sexualitet och kärleksrelationer, medan personalen tillskrivs agens och förväntas ta en aktiv roll. Vidare framkommer att de identifierade diskurserna i materialet kan vara bidragande till att upprätthålla det ojämlika maktförhållandet mellan personal och brukare, där brukaren befinner sig i beroendeställning till personal. Det omsorgideal och de maktförhållanden som framträder i materialet kan därmed komma att påverka brukarnas självbestämmanderätt och sexuella autonomi. Samtidigt som materialet lyfter frågor om normkritiska och alternativa perspektiv på sexualitet, produceras och reproduceras normen, av brukaren som beroende av personalen för att utforska sin sexualitet och sina relationer. Följaktligen beskrivs brukaren, av materialet, som passiv mottagare av andras hjälp och stöd vilket gör det metod- och utbildningsmaterial som vi har studerat något motsägelsefullt. Materialet som ämnar att blottlägga och belysa personalens roll i frågor om sexualitet och kärleksliv uttrycker alltså en sak explicit, men håller således implicit rådande normer och maktstrukturer för sanna.
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Influence of Information Cues on Intentions to Visit a Green Restaurant: The Moderating Role of Social ClassLee, Hanjin 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
As the environmental problems worsen, green restaurants are an essential strategy for survival in the restaurant industry. Even though previous researchers have investigated the intention to visit a green restaurant with norm activation theory, they did not consider the characteristics of prosocial behavior and the green restaurant and the impact of other external factors, such as types of information cues and social class, was overlooked. Considering these points, the primary objectives of this study were to extend existing theory with perceived burdensomeness and social connectedness and to identify the difference in the impact of types of information cues and a moderating role of social cues. Using an experimental design with hypothetical scenarios, respondents were randomly assigned to one of two different scenarios (intrinsic cues vs. extrinsic cues). The results showed that the participants who received intrinsic cues responded lower than the participants who received extrinsic cues in the awareness of consequences, perceived burdensomeness, and social connectedness. Antecedents of personal norm in the extended norm activation theory had a positive impact on personal norm. In the case of the moderating role of social class, there were interaction effects between social class and information in every construct except perceived burdensomeness. Further discussion and implications are provided in the main body of this study.
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Genusmedvetenhet i idrottsundervisning : Blivande idrottslärares syn på inkluderad undervisning för icke-binära elever / Gender-awareness in physical education : Prospective Physical Education teachers’ views on inclusive education for non-binary studentsAmina, Fältmars January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie framhäver behovet av inkluderande undervisning inom idrott och hälsa med fokus på icke-binära individer. Målet i skolan är att skapa en rättvis och delaktig skolmiljö. Skolverket betonar vikten av inkludering, jämställdhet och normkritik i skolan. Detta arbete undersöker strategier för att öka medvetenheten om genusfrågor och motivera icke-binära elever inom idrott och hälsa undervisningen. Icke-binära personer möter utmaningar och fördomar, särskilt inom idrott där traditionella könsnormer fortfarande råder. Syftet med denna studien är att undersöka vad blivande idrottslärare upplever är utmaningen med att inkludera elever som idenifierar sig som ickebinär i idrott och hälsa undervisnignen. Denna studien utgår från två olika frågeställningar som betonar framtida lärares syn på inkluderande idrott och hälsa undervisningen för icke-binära. Studien använde kvalitativa metoder. Särskilt semistrukturerade intervjuer för att undersöka blivande idrottslärares syn på inkludering av icke-binära elever. Åtta respondenter i åldrarna 20-29 år, intervjuades. Insamling och bearbetning av data involverade transkriberingar och ljudinspelningar för att analysera. Resultaten pekar på problem med omklädningsrum, idrottsdagar och simlektioner. Åtgärder inkluderar dialog och anpassningar. Inkluderande undervisning betyder delaktighet oavsett kön. Respondenterna önskade mer utbildning om olika genus och föreslår ändrat ordval samt undvikande av uppdelning i tjejer/killar. Diskussionen belyser brister i förberedelser och kunskap. Resultaten betonar behovet av ökad utbildning och stöd för att hantera komplexiteten i inkluderingen för icke-binära. Metoddiskussionen framhäver användningen av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fortsatt behov av studier kring ämnet och att följa upp lärarnas praktiska arbete samt undersöka icke-binära perspektiv. / This study highlights the need for inclusive education in Physical Education with a focus on non-binary individuals. The goal in the school is to create a fair and inclusive school enviroment. The national Board of Education emphasizes the importance of inclusion, equality and critique of norms in school. This work examines strategies to raise awareness of gender issues and motivate non-binary students in physical education. Non-binary people encounter challenges and prejudice, especially in sports where traditional gender norms still prevail. The purpose of this study is to investigate what future Physical Education teachers experience as the challenge of including students who identify as non-binary in Physical Education. This is based on two different issues that emphasize future teachers’ views on inclusive in physical education for non- binary people. The study used qualitative methods. Specifically semi-structured interviews to investigate future physical education teachers’ views on the inclusion of non-binary students. Eight respondents aged 20 - 29 years old, were interviewed. Collection and processing of data involved transcriptions and audio recordings for analysis. The results point to problems with changing rooms, sports days and swimming lessons in school. Actions include dialogue and adaptations. Inclusive education means participation regardless of gender. The respondents wanted more education about different genders and suggest changing the choice of words and avoiding the division into girls/boys. The discussion highlights shortcomings in preparation and knowledge. The Findings highlight the need for increased education and support to address the complexities of non-binary inclusion. The method discussion highlights the use of semi-structured interviews. Continued need for studies around the subject and to follow up the teachers’ practical work and examine non-binary perspectives.
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Word Classes in Language ModellingErikson, Emrik, Åström, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
This thesis concerns itself with word classes and their application to language modelling.Considering a purely statistical Markov model trained on sequences of word classes in theSwedish language different problems in language engineering are examined. Problemsconsidered are part-of-speech tagging, evaluating text modifiers such as translators withthe help of probability measurements and matrix norms, and lastly detecting differenttypes of text using the Fourier transform of cross entropy sequences of word classes.The results show that the word class language model is quite weak by itself but that itis able to improve part-of-speech tagging for 1 and 2 letter models. There are indicationsthat a stronger word class model could aid 3-letter and potentially even stronger models.For evaluating modifiers the model is often able to distinguish between shuffled andsometimes translated text as well as to assign a score as to how much a text has beenmodified. Future work on this should however take better care to ensure large enoughtest data. The results from the Fourier approach indicate that a Fourier analysis of thecross entropy sequence between word classes may allow the model to distinguish betweenA.I. generated text as well as translated text from human written text. Future work onmachine learning word class models could be carried out to get further insights into therole of word class models in modern applications. The results could also give interestinginsights in linguistic research regarding word classes.
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Kreativa Processer & Normbrytande Design : Hur kreativitet och normbrytande idéer behandlas i produkt- och tjänsteutvecklingsprocessen / Creative Processes & Norm-Breaking Design : How creativity and norm-breaking ideas are managed in the product and service development processPersson, Erik, Svensson, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Samhället är under konstant utveckling och vi börjar sakta få upp ögonen för mångfald, jämlikhet och inkludering. Ack är det många normer som är djupt rotade i vårt samhälle. Dessa normer är helt oundvikliga. Kreativa arbeten som till exempel produktframtagning är inget undantag. Antaganden och förutfattade meningar begränsar oss och exkluderar individer trots att målet är att innovera och underlätta för människor. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka vilka angreppssätt organisationer har för att stimulerakreativitet samt hur de förhåller sig till normbrytande idéer i sin produkt- och tjänsteutveckling. Arbetet baseras på en litteraturstudie som bygger på ett urval av artiklar och tidigare studier. Dessa används som teoretisk referensram för hur olika metoder och processer appliceras för att uppnå innovation och vad som hindrar den. Användarinvolvering och personas beskrivs också i teorin och diskuteras i studien. Ytterligare redogörs hur normer existerar, påverkar och kan användas i produktutvecklingen kopplat till samhället. Denna teoretiska referensram kompletteras av en empirisk studie där fem respondenter från fem olika organisationer, alla i produkt- och tjänsteutvecklingsbranschen, intervjuats semistrukturellt. Datan som inhämtats i arbetet har analyserats, jämförts, diskuterats och sammanställts. Utifrån litteraturstudien och den empiriska studien kunde några slutsatser dras. När det gäller vilka metoder organisationerna använder för att främja kreativitet går det att dra slutsatsen att det är högst varierat. Gemensamt för alla organisationer var vikten av att ha högt i tak mellan de anställda för att möjliggöra och våga komma med nya idéer och innovationer. När det gällde normer så var de flesta respondenter medvetna om normer men förklarade att de inte hade möjlighet att förverkliga normbrytande idéer. Den främsta anledningen till detta var ekonomiska skäl. Organisationerna har inte alltid råd att satsa resurser på något som inte garanterat ger utdelning, därför gjordes snarare små förbättringar på tidigare produkter, så kallad inkrementell innovation. / Society is constantly evolving on all fronts. We are slowly starting to open our eyes to diversity, equality, and inclusion. However, many norms are deeply rooted in our society. These norms are completely inevitable. Creative work such as product development is no exception. Assumptions and preconceived notions limit us and exclude individuals even though the goal is to innovate and facilitate for people. The purpose of the work is to investigate what approaches organizations use to stimulate creativity and how they relate to norm-breaking ideas in their product and service development. The work is based on a literature study built on a selection of articles and previous studies. These are used as a theoretical frame of reference for how different methods and processes are applied to achieve innovation and what hinders it. User involvement and personas are also described in the theory and discussed in the study. It also explains how norms exist, affect, and can be used in product development linked to society. This theoretical frame of reference is complemented by an empirical study in which five respondents from five different organizations, all in the product and service development industry, were interviewed semi-structurally. The data obtained in the work have been analysed, compared, discussed, and compiled. Based on the literature study and the empirical study, some conclusions could be drawn. When it comes to the methods the organizations use to promote creativity, it can be concluded that it is highly individual which methods are suitable. However, all respondents stated that they emphasized the importance of having an open-minded atmosphere to enable and have the courage to welcome new ideas and innovations. When it came to norms, most respondents were aware of norms but explained that they did not have the opportunity to realize norm-breaking ideas. The main reason for this was financial reasons. Organizations cannot always afford to invest resources in something that is not guaranteed to pay dividends, so rather small improvements were made to previous products, so-called incremental innovation.
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Marketing Communication through AI : How AI in Marketing Communication Affects Customer Purchasing IntentionGustafsson, Erik, Hammarström, Lucas January 2024 (has links)
Companies are increasingly integrating artificial intelligence into their daily operation alongside as it seems, the development of artificial intelligence. The usage of artificial intelligence in marketing communication is allowing companies to streamline their operation and utilize objective data, but to evaluate these potentials they need information regarding consumer's attitude is towards their usage of AI. The purpose of this study is to uncover how consumer acceptance towards AI-generated marketing communication affects their purchasing intention. The theory of planned behavior is used alongside purchase intention and acceptance of AI to lay the foundation for our hypotheses. To gather primary data, a quantitative research approach in the form of an online survey was utilized. The survey’s content was designed using AI to gauge customer purchase intention. The survey was distributed using social media channels such as Instagram and Facebook, with the sample population being selected using non-statistical sampling methods. Answers from a total of 42 participants were collected, 30 deemed appropriate to analyze using SPSS. Our findings show that consumers' acceptance of AI does not significantly impact their purchase intention. This observation contradicts previous research within the field, indicating the importance of further research relating to the subject.
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