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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Korelacija radioloških i strukturnih karakteristika građevinskih materijala / Correlation of radiological and structural characteristics of building materijals

Kuzmanović Predrag 18 September 2020 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljena je radiolo&scaron;ka i strukturna karakterizacija građevinskih materijala koji se mogu naći u upotrebi u Srbiji. Izvr&scaron;ena je radiolo&scaron;ka karakterizaicija ukupno 348 uzoraka: granita,&nbsp; fosfogipsa,&nbsp; sirovina&nbsp; u&nbsp; keramičkoj&nbsp; industriji,&nbsp; keramičkih pločica,&nbsp; betona,&nbsp; opeke,&nbsp; maltera,&nbsp; siporeksa,&nbsp; crepa&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih<br />građevinskih materijala op&scaron;te upotrebe.&nbsp; Radiolo&scaron;ka karakterizacija je&nbsp; sprovedena&nbsp; merenjem&nbsp; koncentracija&nbsp; aktivnosti 226 Ra,232 Th&nbsp; i 40 K metodom&nbsp; gama&nbsp; spektrometrije,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; ekshalacije&nbsp; radona&nbsp; iz selektovanih&nbsp; građevinskih&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; aktivnih&nbsp; uređaja RAD7,&nbsp; RTM&nbsp; 1688-2,&nbsp; AlphaGUard&nbsp; i&nbsp; AlphaE.&nbsp; Kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; Monte Karlo&nbsp; simulacija&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; procena&nbsp; jačina&nbsp; apsorbovanih&nbsp; doza<br />gama&nbsp; zračenja,&nbsp; uočena&nbsp; su&nbsp; odstupanja&nbsp; od&nbsp; teorijski&nbsp; procenjenih vrednosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; dati&nbsp; predlozi&nbsp; za&nbsp; korekciju.&nbsp; Izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; procena radijacionog&nbsp; rizika&nbsp; od&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenja&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; građevinskih materijala&nbsp; u&nbsp; enterijeru,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; za&nbsp; profesionalna&nbsp; lica&nbsp; pri&nbsp; radu&nbsp; sa sirovinskim&nbsp; materijalima.&nbsp; Ispitivane&nbsp; su&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; upotrebe fosfogipsa&nbsp; kao&nbsp; NORM&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; u&nbsp; proizvodnji gips-karton&nbsp; ploča&nbsp; i opeke&nbsp; uz procenu radijacionog rizika od upotrebe.&nbsp; Napravljeno je 8 uzoraka&nbsp; opeke&nbsp; sa&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; udelog&nbsp; fosfogipsa&nbsp; i&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je<br />radiolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; i&nbsp; strukturna&nbsp; karakterizacija&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; materijala. Ispitivane&nbsp; su&nbsp; varijacije&nbsp; koeficijenata&nbsp; emanacije&nbsp; radona&nbsp; iz građevinskih materijala tokom vremena, kao i uticaj efekata curenja i povratne difuzije koji dovode do tih varijacija. Ispitivan je takođe i uticaj strukture materijala u smislu mineralo&scaron;kog i hemijskog satava i&nbsp; poroznosti&nbsp; na&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; koeficijenta&nbsp; emanacije&nbsp; radona. Meneralo&scaron;ka&nbsp; karakterizacija&nbsp; uzoraka&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; metodom rendgenske&nbsp; strukturne&nbsp; analize&nbsp; (XRD),&nbsp; a&nbsp; hemijska&nbsp; metodom rendgenske&nbsp; fluorescentne&nbsp; analize&nbsp; (XRF).&nbsp; Merenje&nbsp; ukupne&nbsp; efektivne poroznosti izvr&scaron;eno je metodama apsorpcije vode i metodom živine porozimetrije.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; uspostavljene&nbsp; su značajne&nbsp; korelacije&nbsp; između&nbsp; pojedinih&nbsp; radiolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; i&nbsp; strukturnih parametara za analizirane uzorke građevinskih materijala.</p> / <p>In&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation,&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; radiological&nbsp; and structural characterization of building materials used in Serbia were presented.&nbsp; Radiological&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; total&nbsp; of&nbsp; 348&nbsp; samples was performed, including granite, phosphogypsum, raw&nbsp; materials&nbsp; in the ceramic industry, ceramic tiles, concrete, brick, mortar, siporex, tiles,&nbsp; and&nbsp; other&nbsp; materials&nbsp; frequently&nbsp; used&nbsp; as&nbsp; building&nbsp; materials.Radiological characterization was performed by measuring activity concentrations&nbsp; of 226 Ra,232 Th,&nbsp; and 40 K&nbsp; by&nbsp; gamma&nbsp; spectrometry method, as well&nbsp; as radon exhalation from selected building materials using active devices RAD7, RTM 1688-2, AlphaGuard and AlphaE.Using&nbsp; Monte&nbsp; Carlo&nbsp; simulations,&nbsp; the&nbsp; absorbed&nbsp; gamma&nbsp; dose&nbsp; rates were&nbsp; estimated.&nbsp; Furthermore,&nbsp; the&nbsp; deviations&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; theoretically estimated&nbsp; absorbed&nbsp; dose&nbsp; rates&nbsp; were&nbsp; observed,&nbsp; and&nbsp; suggestions&nbsp; for correction were given. An assessment of the radiation risk from the use&nbsp; of&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; building&nbsp; materials&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; interior,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; for occupational&nbsp; workers&nbsp; working&nbsp; with&nbsp; raw&nbsp; materials&nbsp; was&nbsp; conducted.The possibilities of using phosphogypsum as a NORM material in the production&nbsp; of&nbsp; gypsum&nbsp; plasterboard&nbsp; and&nbsp; bricks&nbsp; were&nbsp; investigated, with&nbsp; an&nbsp; assessment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; radiation&nbsp; risk&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; use&nbsp; of&nbsp; phosphogypsum as a component in the building materials. 8 samples of&nbsp; bricks&nbsp; with&nbsp; different&nbsp; proportions&nbsp; of&nbsp; phosphogypsum&nbsp; were&nbsp; made and&nbsp; radiological&nbsp; and&nbsp; structural&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; obtained materials was performed. Variations of radon emanation coefficients from building materials over time, as well as the influence of leakage and&nbsp; back&nbsp; diffusion&nbsp; effects&nbsp; leading&nbsp; to&nbsp; these&nbsp; variations,&nbsp; were investigated. The influence of the structure of the material in terms of mineral and chemical composition and porosity on the values of the radon&nbsp; emanation&nbsp; coefficient&nbsp; was&nbsp; also&nbsp; investigated.&nbsp; The mineralogical characterization of the samples was performed by the method&nbsp; of&nbsp; X-ray&nbsp; structural&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; (XRD),&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; chemical characterization&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; method&nbsp; of&nbsp; X-ray&nbsp; fluorescence&nbsp; analysis (XRF). The measurement of total effective porosity was performed by water absorption methods and mercury porosimetry method. Based on&nbsp; the&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; results,&nbsp; significant&nbsp; correlations&nbsp; were&nbsp; establishedbetween&nbsp; individual&nbsp; radiological&nbsp; and&nbsp; structural&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; for&nbsp; the analyzed samples of construction materials.</p>

Från papper till pixel : En studie om hur Boverkets förslag på föreskrifter gällande digitalisering av översiktsplan påverkar kommunerna / From Paper to Pixel : A Study on How the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's Proposed Regulations on the Digitalization of Comprehensive Plans Affect Municipalities

Rantatalo, Clara, Schyllert, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
I en tid av digitalisering kan det vara svårt att hitta rätt. Den sittande regeringen bedriver en digitaliseringspolitik med det övergripande målet att Sverige ska vara bäst i världen på att använda digitaliseringens möjligheter. I förlängningen innebär detta en ökad statlig styrning och kommunerna tvingas navigera bland styrsignalerna. I februari 2023 beslutade regeringen om en ändring i plan- och byggförordningen som innebär att alla nya översikts- och regionplaner som påbörjas från och med 1 januari 2027 måste vara digitala. Till följd av detta arbetar Boverket med att precisera kraven för att stötta kommuner i omställningen till digitala planer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur omställningen till digitala översiktsplaner påverkar kommuner samt de potentiella konsekvenser Boverkets förslag på föreskrifter kan innebära. Den valda metoden består av två kvalitativa metoder; dokumentstudier samt intervjuer. Vidare användes tre teoretiska angrepp för att analysera resultatet. Dessa är ‘statlig styrning över kommuner’, ‘urban norm’ och ‘översiktsplanens roll som strategiskt dokument’. I resultatet samlas studiens innehåll i fem teman som exemplifieras med hjälp av de kommuner som intervjuats. Dessa teman är ‘allmän syn på digitalisering’, ‘resurssvaga kommuner och ekonomiska utmaningar’, ‘skynda långsamt’, ‘föreskrifterna inte anpassade för alla’ samt ‘översiktsplanens syfte kan urholkas’. Vidare i analysen identifieras utmaningar som kan uppstå hos mindre kommuner när den statliga styrningen ökar. Boverkets förslag på föreskrifter för översiktsplan är svårt att applicera i många av landets kommuner och det finns även åsikter kring tidsplanen, att ‘skynda långsamt’ benämns som ett alternativ. Föreskrifterna bedöms även utgå från ett urbant perspektiv vilket kan skapa onödigt stora hinder för redan resurssvaga kommuner i rurala miljöer. Det framgår också att föreskrifternas nuvarande form riskerar att förändra översiktsplaneringen i sig. Syftet riskeras att urholkas till följd av att Boverket tycks lägga fokus på kartläggning, när kommunerna vill använda översiktsplanen som ett verktyg för framtida planering. Studien sammanfattas i att översiktsplanerna kommer att behöva ha ett digitalt format, men det är ännu oklart hur omställningen kommer att ske. Om Boverkets förslag fastställs i sin exakta form väntar troligtvis stora konsekvenser, men med tanke på den kritik som föreligger är den preliminära bedömningen att föreskrifterna får en ny utformning. / In a time of digitalization it can be hard to find the right way forward. The now ruling government in Sweden is running a digitalization policy with the overall goal that Sweden should be the best in the world to use the possibilities of digitalization. By extension, this means an increased state governance and that the municipalities of Sweden have to navigate amongst the governing signals. In February 2023 the government ruled for a change in the Planning and Building Ordinance which means that all of the new comprehensive and regional plans that are started as of 1st of January 2027 must be digital. Following this, the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is currently working on specifying the demands in order to support the municipalities in the adaptation to digital plans.  The purpose of the study is to investigate how this adaptation into digital comprehensive plans affects municipalities and also the potential consequences the proposal for regulations made by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning might have. The chosen method is two qualitative methods; document studies and interviews. Onward three theoretical approaches were used in order to analyze the result. These are ‘state governance over municipalities’, ‘urban norm’, and ‘the comprehensive plan’s role as a strategic document’. In the result the content from the study is gathered into five discourses that are exemplified with the help of the municipalities that were interviewed. The discourses used are ‘the general view of digitalization’, ‘resourcefully weak municipalities and economic challenges’, ‘rush slowly’, ‘the regulations not adapted to everyone’ and ‘the purpose of the comprehensive plan can hollow out’.  Furthermore in the analysis potential challenges that can arise with smaller municipalities when the state governance increases. The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning’s proposal for regulations for comprehensive plans are hard to apply in many of the country's municipalities and there are also opinions regarding the time plan for implementing the said regulations, where ‘rush slowly’ is mentioned as an alternative. The regulations are also deemed to proceed from an urban perspective which can create unnecessary large obstacles for already resourcefully weak municipalities in rural environments. It also appears that the regulations in its currently proposed form are at risk of changing comprehensive planning in itself, into a completely other form of planning process. The purpose of this type of planning is at risk of hollowing out following the fact that the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning seems to be putting a lot of focus on mapping, when the municipalities want to use the comprehensive plan as a tool for future planning.  The study summarizes that future comprehensive plans will have to take on a digital format, but it is still unclear regarding how this adaptation will happen. If the proposal from the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is determined in its current form, large consequences are probably to be expected. With regards to the critique at hand, the preliminary assessment is that the regulations will take on another shape.

Kunskapsproduktion kring fetischism : Att förhålla sig till sakorienterad sexualitet

Nilsson-Jatko, David January 2023 (has links)
Detta projekt söker efter vägledande principer för en kunskapsproduktion kring fetischistisk sexualitet. Detta har utförts genom diskursanalytiska och genealogiska studier av hur fetischism konstrueras i olika sociokulturella sammanhang. Analysen indikerar att fetischistisk sexualitet existerar i en marginaliserad position i ett maktrelationellt landskap, där yttre grupper har olika incitament till att återge fetischism på bristfälliga, sexualiserande och andrafierande sätt. Detta medför olika problem vad gäller kunskapsproduktionen kring fetischistisk sexualitet och kan antas bidra till upprätthållandet av nuvarande sexualnormer. För att minimera dessa kunskapsproduktionsproblem föreslås åtta vägledande principer: En ansvarstagande kunskapsproduktion som utgår från subjektet; medvetenhet om stereotyper och om patologins kvardröjande ok; användande av icke-andrafierande terminologi; medvetenhet om könsorienteringsnormen; medvetenhet om politiserade begrepp; undvikande av låsning i subkulturell identitetspolitik; en förståelse för den abjektas möjligheter att tala; samt bruk av intrasektionell analys. Dessa principer kan förstås bidra till ett tillgängliggörande av forskningsfältet kring fetischism samt bidra till en allmän förståelse för sexualitet bortom kön. / This project aims to find guiding principles for a knowledge production around fetishism. This has been conducted through discourse analysis and genealogical studies of the construction of fetishism in central contexts. The analysis indicates that fetishism is marginalised in a weave of power relations, where external interests have incitaments to vilify, sexualise and otherise fetishistic sexuality. This is understood to potentially cause various problems when it comes to knowledge production around fetishism. In order to minimise these problems, eight guiding principles are suggested: A knowledge production based in the subject; awareness of lingering pathological notions and stereotypes; usage of non-othering terminology; awareness of the sex/gender orientation norm; awareness of politicised definitions; awareness of subcultural identity politics; an understanding of the abject's ability to speak; and usage of intra-sectional analysis.

"--Dass einer mit sich selbst identisch wird" : zur Identitätsproblematik in Max Frischs Werk / The problem of identity in Max Frosch's work

Kohl, Martha Elisabeth Bärbel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Summary in English / Max Frisch's work centres around the question of authenticity of the individual, of true self-identity. It is difficult and problematic if ever possible to discover the true inner self. Stereotypical thinking, prejudice as well as societal demands, rules and norms are great obstacles in the way for attaining this goal. Frisch's protagonists fail in one or another way. The emphasis lies therefore not in the answer but rests on the questions as to why and how failure occurred and contemplate possible alternatives. The message is: the task is arduous, never completed. The goal lies in the process rather than in the end. It is a continuous struggle, appraisal and renewal resulting in raising awareness and consciousness and thus find more true and independent solutions. Frisch's work is an appeal to the public to take charge, to exercise one's choices wisely and to act with love and responsibility / Classics & Modern European Languages / M. A. (German)

Best constants in Markov-type inequalities with mixed weights / Kleinste Konstanten in Markovungleichungen mit unterschiedlichen Gewichten

Langenau, Holger 19 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Markov-type inequalities provide upper bounds on the norm of the (higher order) derivative of an algebraic polynomial in terms of the norm of the polynomial itself. The present thesis considers the cases in which the norms are of the Laguerre, Gegenbauer, or Hermite type, with respective weights chosen differently on both sides of the inequality. An answer is given to the question on the best constant so that such an inequality is valid for every polynomial of degree at most n. The demanded best constant turns out to be the operator norm of the differential operator. The latter conicides with the tractable spectral norm of its matrix representation in an appropriate set of orthonormal bases. The methods to determine these norms vary tremendously, depending on the difference of the parameters accompanying the weights. Up to a very small gap in the parameter range, asymptotics for the best constant in each of the aforementioned cases are given. / Markovungleichungen liefern obere Schranken an die Norm einer (höheren) Ableitung eines algebraischen Polynoms in Bezug auf die Norm des Polynoms selbst. Diese vorliegende Arbeit betrachtet den Fall, dass die Normen vom Laguerre-, Gegenbauer- oder Hermitetyp sind, wobei die entsprechenden Gewichte auf beiden Seiten unterschiedlich gewählt werden. Es wird die kleinste Konstante bestimmt, sodass diese Ungleichung für jedes Polynom vom Grad höchstens n erfüllt ist. Die gesuchte kleinste Konstante kann als die Operatornorm des Differentialoperators dargestellt werden. Diese fällt aber mit der Spektralnorm der Matrixdarstellung in einem Paar geeignet gewählter Orthonormalbasen zusammen und kann daher gut behandelt werden. Zur Abschätzung dieser Normen kommen verschiedene Methoden zum Einsatz, die durch die Differenz der in den Gewichten auftretenden Parameter bestimmt werden. Bis auch eine kleine Lücke im Parameterbereich wird das asymptotische Verhalten der kleinsten Konstanten in jedem der betrachteten Fälle ermittelt.

Arbeids- en bestuursetiek in metableties-andragogiese perspektief : 'n poging tot fundering

Fourie, Johan David 06 1900 (has links)
Die inhoud van die studie verklank 'n paging om vanuit 'n meta­ bleties-andragogiese perspektief 'n greep op die onloenbare werk­ likheid van 'n voortdurend veranderende arbeids- en bestuursmi­ lieu te verkry, deur tot die radix van die problematiek rakende die arbeids- en bestuursetiese-ageinsgebeure deur te dring. Die bevindinge waartoe gekom is, dui pertinent daarop dat ar­ beids- en bestuursetiese-begeleiding as gevolg van verskeie de­ struktiewe invloede vanuit die tegnokratiese bestel teenswoordig nie meer so vanselfsprekend en toereikend geskied nie. Inteen­ deel, die eietydse bestuurder se begeleidingsopgawe word al moei­liker en al hoe meer gekompliseerd en in baie gevalle selfs on­moontlik. Hierdie toedrag van sake gee dan oak daartoe aanleiding dat die hedendaagse bestuurder in sy handel en wandel nie meer altyd be­ treffende "etiese kwessies" 'n onderskeid kan tref tussen wat "reg" en wat "verkeerd" is nie. Sodanige gebeure hou verreikende gevolge in vir die begeleideling (ondergeskikte) se toereikende arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassewording, aangesien die bestuurder ten spyte van sy begeleideling se ageinsnood aan etiese-begeleiding, nie daartoe instaat is om 'n nastrewenswaar­ digevoorbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid te kan stel nie. Arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid kan derhalwe slegs be reik word aan die hand van die praktykwording van die normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid. In organisasieverband geskied sodanige praktykwording deur die vestiging en insti­tusionalisering van 'n etiese kultuur met 'n etiese gedragskode wat as meet- en rigsnoer dien ten opsigte van etiese en morele kwessies. Deur middel van hierdie etiese gedragskode kan die kriteria vir 'n normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid dan as norme binne die etiese kultuur van 'n bepaalde organisasie gevestig word. / The contents of this study represents an attempt to obtain a metabletic-andragogical perspective-grasp on the indisputable reality of an ever-changing labour- and management-milieu by penetrating to the radix of the problematic nature, regarding the labour- and managerial-ethical-agein occurrence. The resultant findings that were arrived at pertinently indicate that labour- and managerial-ethical-guidance is obviously at present not being sufficiently achieved as a result of various de­structive influences from within the technocratic dispensation. On the contrary, the present-day manager's guidance-role has become so much more difficult and complicated and in many cases even impossible. This state of affairs also gives rise to the fact that the modern-day manager cannot always distinguish the difference between what is "right" and "wrong" regarding "ethical issues" in his daily life. Such an occurrence has particularly far-reaching implications for the protege's (subordinate's) adequate labour­ and managerial-ethical-adulthood, since the manager, in spite of his protege's agein-need for ethical-guidance, is incapable of setting an example of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood worthy of emulation. Labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood could therefore only be attained by putting into practice the norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood. In organisational-context such implementation occurs through the establishment and institutionalisation of an ethical-culture with an ethical code of conduct as criteria for evaluating ethical and moral issues. These cri­teria for a norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adult hood could be established as norms within the ethical climate of a particular organisation by means of such an ethical code of conduct / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

事前訴訟風險對銀行聯貸特性之影響 / The Effect of Ex-ante Litigation Risk On Syndicated Loan Features

蘇庭葦 Unknown Date (has links)
公司發生訴訟將影響其價值與財務狀況,亦影響未來償債能力。本研究係探討公司的事前訴訟風險(ex-ante litigation risk)是否影響銀行對其之貸款條件,進而探討宗教信仰是否降低銀行對於訴訟風險的敏感度。本研究發現,當公司面臨較高的事前訴訟風險時,銀行將要求較高的貸款利率,同時主貸銀行持有較高貸款比例且參與貸款的銀行數量較少。此外,由於宗教信仰能抑止管理階層的不道德行為及提昇財報品質,故本研究以公司總部所在地之信仰宗教人數比例作為衡量宗教的代理變數。實證結果發現,公司若位於宗教程度較高的地區,能降低事前訴訟風險對於銀行貸款條件的影響,進而獲得較低的貸款利率、較大的貸款金額,並增加參與貸款的銀行數量。 / Lawsuits may deteriorate defendant firms’ financial position and lower their firms’ value. Moreover, it reduces the recovery rate in the event of default. This study examines whether banks price their borrowers’ ex-ante litigation risk in syndicated loan market and further investigates whether the relation between ex-ante litigation risk is conditioned on religiosity. The results suggest that banks tend to price in firms with higher ex-ante litigation risk by charging higher spread, and form more concentrated syndicate. In addition, strong religious social norm is seen as a mechanism to constrain managerial opportunism and improve financial reporting quality. Using the proportion of adherents where firms’ headquarters locate as a proxy for religious adherence, I find that the association between ex-ante litigation risk and syndicated loan features is alleviated. Firms with higher ex-ante litigation risk are associated with lower loan spreads, larger loan amounts and greater number of total lenders if borrowers are headquartered in areas with strong religious social norms.

Fibrés symplectiques et la géométrie des difféomorphismes hamiltoniens

Connery-Grigg, Dustin 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur quelques éléments de la théorie des fibrés symplectiques et leurs usages en étudiant la géométrie hoferienne sur le groupe de difféomorphismes hamiltoniens. En particulier en assumant un certain confort avec les notions de base de la géométrie différentielle et de la topologie algébrique on développe dans le premier chapitre les rudiments nécessaires de la théorie des G-fibrés et, dans la deuxième, tous les faits nécessaires de la topologie symplectique et les difféomorphismes hamiltoniens pour comprendre la théorie de base des fibrés symplectiques, à voir le morphisme de flux et ses liens aux isotopies hamiltoniennes. Le troisième chapitre présente les fondements des fibrés symplectiques se conclu en construisant la forme de couplage dans un langage invariant et en présentant la caractérisation des fibrés symplectiques, dont le groupe de structure réduit au groupe hamiltonien. Le mémoire se termine en présentant quelques applications des fibrés hamiltoniens à la géométrie de Hofer, en particulier une caractérisation de la partie positive de la norme de Hofer d'un lacet hamiltonien en termes du K-aire du fibré au-dessus de la sphère associé et une démonstration de la non-dégénérescence de la norme de Hofer pour des variétés symplectiques fermées. / This thesis presents a reasonably complete account of the elements theory of symplectic and Hamiltonian fibrations. We assume a familiarity and comfort with the basic notions of differential geometry and algebraic topology but little else. Proceeding from this, the first chapter develops the necessary notions from the theory of fiber bundles and G-fiber bundles, while the second chapter develops all the notions and theorems required to understand the later theory of symplectic fibrations. Most notably the second chapter includes a detailed account of the classical relationship between the flux homomorphism and Hamiltonian isotopies. The third chapter is where we develop the theory of symplectic and locally Hamiltonian fiber bundles, and in particular give an invariant construction of the coupling form on a symplectic fibration admitting an extension class. the third chapter ends with a proof of a structure theorem characterizing those symplectic fibrations for which the structure group reduces to the Hamiltonian group. In the final chapter, we present some applications of the theory of Hamiltonian fibrations by the way of characterizing the positive part of the Hofer norm of a Hamiltonian loop as the K-area of its associated Hamiltonian bundle over the sphere, and we finish by giving a proof of the non-degeneracy of the Hofer norm for closed symplectic manifolds.

Queer i grundskolan : En normkritisk studie baserad på en intervju med en elev i sjätte klass

Holmer, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka föreställningar och antaganden som ligger till grund för vår förståelse av begreppen kön, genus och sexualitet: hur sådana normer existerar och visar sig i skolan och undervisningen, samt hur lärare kan gå tillväga inom undervisningen för att synliggöra dessa normer. Analysen utgår ifrån det queerteoretiska perspektiv som granskar heteronormativiteten och dess antaganden om vad som är normalt eller inte. Som grund för arbetet ligger den intervju jag har gjort med M, en elev i grundskolan. M är 12 år och könsneutral. I intervjun framkommer att M ofta känner sig sårbar i förhållandet till vuxna, när det handlar om att vara öppen med sin identitet och sina pronomen. Vuxna i skolan behöver bli bättre på att låta elever komma till tals- och erkänna deras kunskaper om sig själva som giltiga. Genom kunskaper om maktförhållanden mellan barn och vuxna, och i arbetet med normkritisk pedagogik, närmar vi oss ett sådant mål. / The aim of this study is to investigate how gender and sexuality in the Swedish education system is understood and practiced by teachers, and in which ways they can highlight and illustrate norms in our everyday life. The study is based on queer theory, which main purpose is to study heteronormativity. As a basis for this study, an interview with M, a 12 years old gender neutral person was conducted. It appears that M often feels vulnerable when talking about their gender and pronoun to adults. In conclusion, broader knowledge about assymetrical power relations between adults and youths should narrow the gap, and be a step towards the right direction for a more tolerant school environment.

Le droit au respect des modes de vie minoritaires et autochtones dans les contentieux internationaux des droits de l'homme

Farget, Doris 07 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat réalisée en cotutelle avec la Faculté de droit de l'Université Aix-Marseille 3. / La présente recherche a pour objectif d’expliquer et d’évaluer le processus d’émergence du droit au respect des modes de vie minoritaires et autochtones, qui se manifeste devant deux juridictions et une quasi-juridiction : les cours européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l’homme et le Comité des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies, dont les jurisprudences feront l’objet d’une comparaison. Un tel sujet soulève plusieurs questions, dont celles de savoir à quel stade de ce processus nous en sommes, quel est le niveau de juridicité de la norme, mais aussi, quelle est la signification de ce droit, quels en sont les apports et comment se produit sa mise en œuvre. En proposer une interprétation éclairée suppose d’évaluer la référence au concept de mode de vie faite par les requérants, les juges et les experts. Cette démarche implique d’avoir recours à l’interdisciplinarité, plus précisément à certaines études anthropologiques. Cela requiert également un examen du discours des juges, des experts et des requérants pour en observer les convergences et les décalages. Quant aux résultats de recherche, le rôle de plusieurs acteurs au processus d’émergence de la norme nouvelle – les requérants, les juges ou les experts et les États – est souligné. Cela confirme la théorie de la polycentricité en matière de construction de certaines règles de droit international. La juridicité du droit au respect des modes de vie minoritaires et autochtones et sa force varient en fonction des systèmes, mais il possède toujours les caractéristiques propres à la norme juridique internationale. Cette dernière consacre un droit spécifique appartenant aux peuples autochtones et tribaux ou aux membres de peuples autochtones et minoritaires. Elle protège un rapport au territoire, soit un mode d’appréhension et d’exploitation, mais aussi de circulation et d’établissement sur celui-ci, ainsi que des activités. Les requérants roms, tribaux ou autochtones participent, bien qu’officieusement, à la définition juridique de leurs modes de vie, puisque les requêtes qu’ils déposent devant les juridictions supranationales constituent le fondement des interprétations judiciaires. Malgré ce processus de codétermination, certains décalages persistent entre les positions des divers acteurs impliqués dans la détermination du sens de la norme. Ils sont liés à l’impossibilité pour les juges d’appliquer au cas d’espèce une protection de leurs modes de vie, à l’éloignement entre la position des requérants et celle de l’État défendeur ou encore à la protection des droits des tiers. Une double surdétermination de la norme est donc constatée, par les conceptions des juges ou des experts, mais aussi par celles des requérants. Elle comporte certains risques d’essentialisation et d’idéalisation des modes de vie minoritaires et autochtones, de paternalisme, de victimisation ou de discrimination vis-à-vis des requérants ou de leurs communautés, sachant que ces risques sont tous à même de dénaturer le sens et la portée de la norme. Pour autant, cette dernière est porteuse d’avancées théoriques. Celles-ci ont trait à la coexistence, au sein de territoires identiques, entre groupes aux identités différentes, à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des requérants et au processus de reconnaissance. La place occupée par la volonté des États, l’importance pour les juges de préserver leur légitimité, de même que le caractère idéaliste ou dogmatique de l’interprétation proposée, en limitent les apports théoriques. Il ressort de cette réflexion que la bonne articulation des divers discours en présence et l’émergence d’une norme efficace tiennent d’abord à l’énonciation et à la clarté des revendications des requérants minoritaires et autochtones. Elles tiennent ensuite à la réceptivité des agents qui les reçoivent – juges et experts – ainsi qu’au contexte politique, social et culturel qui les entourent. Cette analyse met ainsi en évidence l’importance d’exploiter la marge de manœuvre dont dispose chaque acteur du processus d’émergence dans la détermination du sens et de la portée des normes. / This research aims to explain and evaluate the emergence of a right of minorities and indigenous peoples to the respect of their ways of life, appearing before the European court of human rights, the Inter-American court of human rights and the United Nations Human rights Committee. The decisions and communications stemming from these tribunals will be analyzed and compared. This topic raises several questions regarding the legality of this norm, its meaning, effectiveness and limits, but also its implementation. In order to offer an interpretation of the content of that right, we need to evaluate the references made to it by the claimants, the judges and experts, which implicates an interdisciplinary approach focused on anthropological studies of law. This leads us to examine the discourses of judges, experts and claimants, to compare them and to observe their confluences and discrepancies. The results of this study show us that the emergence of this new norm is dependent upon the intervention of several agents – the claimants, the judges, the experts of the Committee and the States. This observation therefore confirms the polycentric process of construction of international legal rules. As to the legality and the effectiveness of the right of minorities and indigenous peoples to their ways of life, they vary according to the legal system, even if this right always corresponds to a legal rule. This rule consecrates a specific right belonging to indigenous and tribal people or to the members of indigenous people and minorities. It protects a relationship to the territory, i.e. a way to comprehend and to exploit it, to circulate on it and to inhabitate it. It also protects some activities. The indigenous, tribal and romas applicants unofficially take part in the legal definition of their ways of life, as the requests they submit to the international tribunals are cornerstones of judicial interpretations. In spite of a process of co-determination of the norm, gaps are observed between the positions of the different actors participating to the determination of the norm. They are either related to the impossibility for some judges to apply the right to a way of life to the case, to the distance between the positions of the claimants and the states, or to the protection of third parties. Consequently, a process of double distortion of the content of the norm appears, due to the judges’ or experts’ conceptions, but also to those of the claimants. It leads to the emergence of several problems, such as essentialism and the idealization of minorities and indigenous ways of life, paternalism, victimization or discrimination towards the claimants or their communities. These problems can alter the meaning and the impact of the norm. Nonetheless, the right to the respect of those ways of life has some theoretical effects related first to the coexistence, on a same piece of land, of different groups possessing diverse identities. They are also related to the improvement of the applicants’ quality of life and to the recognition process. However, the State’s willingness still occupies a large space in international law, as does the importance, for judges, to protect their own legitimacy. Moreover, some decisions seem too ideal or dogmatic. Those factors limit the effect of the norm. Thus, the articulation of judicial discourses and the efficiency of the norm are first contingent to the enunciation and to the clarity of the claimants’ requests. They are dependant of the receptivity of the agents whose role it is to receive them (judges and experts) and to the political, social and cultural context within which they take place. This last factor brings to light the importance for each agent participating to the elaboration of the norm to use, as much as he can, the margins he possesses.

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