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Gender and test item-response formats.Krueger, Barry January 1999 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of the patterns of science achievement for 154 ninth-grade girls and boys on multiple-choice and short-answer constructed-response items. The study was guided by a model, developed from an extensive review of the literature, incorporating the dimensions of generalised self-efficacy, item- specific self-efficacy and worry. These variables were operationalised through selected or specifically developed quantitative and/or qualitative research methods, and a series of equivalent multiple-choice and short-answer constructed-response achievement items was constructed for two different unit tests. The participants in the study rated their item-specific self-efficacies on 5-point Likert-type scales immediately before answering each of the achievement items, and they completed a series of worry items from Spielberger's Test Anxiety Inventory halfway through each test. Qualitative data were collected by surveying all the students and by interviewing selected students. The quasi-experimental analyses revealed the absence of any practically important gender-related differences in achievement for the multiple-choice and the constructed-response achievement items. However, the boys reported more item-specific self-efficacy and less worry than the girls for each of these item-response formats, and each of these gender-related differences was judged to be practically significant. The qualitative data provided additional evidence that the girls' self-perceptions of their efficacy for answering multiple-choice and short-answer constructed-response items was lower than that of the boys. It also provided support for the model underpinning the study. Overall, there was no evidence of any practically important interactions between gender and item-response formats, for either item-specific self-efficacy, worry or achievement, ++ / indicating that neither of the item-response formats used in the study, with this group of students, advantaged one sex over the other. Additionally, the findings from this study suggested that sufficient time should be allowed during testing so that all students can complete tests to the levels of their capabilities and that, during tests, the influence of students' self-efficacies is mediated through the quality of their engagement with test items.
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Att göra kön på ungdomsgårdar : en kvalitativ studieEklund, Johanna, Rieder Lundkvist, Vanessa January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze how three leisure centers in Örebro county are working with gender issues. Our research questions are: What is Machofabriken? How do leisure centers in Örebro county work with equal treatment? In which way do leisure centers in Örebro county work with Machofabriken’s material? How come the recreation centers in Örebro don’t use Machofabriken’s material to any greater extent? We have focused on masculinity oriented gender projects at three leisure centers. We did semi-structured interviews with three recreation leaders who have all been educated in Machofabriken. The interviews were analyzed based on terms that are central in gender equality and masculinity research. The result demonstrates how they work with gender equality, how they use Machofabriken’s material and their thoughts and opinions about the material. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera hur tre fritidsgårdar i Örebro kommun arbetar med jämställdhet. Våra frågeställningar är: Vad är Machofabriken? Hur ser jämställdhetsarbetet ut på fritidsgårdar i Örebro kommun? På vilket sätt arbetar fritidsgårdar med Machofabrikens material? Varför används inte Machofabrikens material i någon större utsträckning på fritidsgårdarna i Örebro? Vi har fokuserat på tre fritidsgårdars jämställdhetsarbete, framförallt det riktat mot unga män. Vi har utgått från semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre fritidsledare som alla har gått en utbildning i Machofabriken. Intervjuerna är analyserade utifrån begrepp som är centrala inom jämställdhets- och maskulinitetsforskning. Resultatet visar hur de arbetar med jämställdhet, hur de använder Machofabrikens material och deras tankar och åsikter om materialet.
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Preservice Teachers' Images of Female Scientists, Male Scientists, and Teacher as Scientists: An Analysis of Stereotypical IndicatorsRendon, Netassha M 12 1900 (has links)
The role of depicting and analysing scientist images to reveal gender-science stereotypes among students in K-12 classrooms is an ongoing research trend in science education literature. The study reported here carries on this research trend but focuses on preservice elementary teachers' images of scientists. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between preservice elementary teachers' gender and ethnicity and their drawn images of a female scientist, male scientist, and teacher as a scientist, respectively and the similarities and differences among images. In this study, preservice elementary teachers were asked to draw a female scientist, male scientist, and teacher as a scientist, respectively. One hundred and fifty participants indicated their gender and one hundred and twenty-five indicated their gender and ethnicity. Five hundred and eighty eight images were analysed. The data was analysed using a modified Draw-A-Scientist-Test Checklist (DAST-C) and chi-square tests. The results of this study indicate that gender-science stereotypes held by preservice teachers exist among genders and ethnicities. Factors that contribute to diminish or promote stereotypical images of scientists are age, education, culture, role models, and inquiry-based instruction. Also, similarities and differences between images of a female scientist, male scientist, and teacher as a scientist show that preservice teachers know how to draw scientists with physical indicators but do not include a realistic environment or activities for the scientist.
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”Genusteorier och radikal ideologi maskerad som vetenskap” : En diskursteoretisk analys av förståelser av genusvetenskap i Genusdoktrinen och Om könets existens.Erlandsson, Rikard January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har en antigenusrörelse etablerats på allvar i Europa. En rörelse som motarbetar genusvetenskap och jämställdhetsarbete. I Sverige har vi hittills sett relativt lite av denna rörelse. Nu formulerar sig kritiken mot genusvetenskapen även i Sverige. Ordet genusdoktrin fogas till det engelska genderism och tyska Genderismus som beteckning på en konspiration mot samhället och dess institutioner. I denna uppsats har jag genomfört en diskursanalys av Ivar Arpi och Anna-Karin Wyndhamns bok Genusdoktrinen (2020) och Kajsa Ekis Ekmans bok Om könets existens (2021). Med hjälp av diskursteori enligt Laclau och Mouffe analyserar jag vilken syn på genusvetenskap, kön och jämställdhet som artikuleras i de två böckerna. En grundläggande fråga är om det handlar om en gemensam diskurs eller om artikulationerna skiljer sig åt på väsentliga punkter. De tecken som artikuleras i texterna analyserades med avseende på den vikt de har för diskursen och relationerna till varandra. I min analys framträder en gemensam grund i de två artikulationerna. Båda artikulerar en positivistisk vetenskapssyn. De menar att genusvetenskapen ifrågasätter den biologiska grunden för kön med hjälp av social-konstruktivism. De menar vidare att det är politiska beslut som lett till genusvetenskapens etablering och att ett binärt hierarkiskt kön är en förutsättning för jämställdhetsarbetet. De två artikulationerna skiljer sig åt på ett par punkter. Ekman menar i motsats till Arpi och Wyndhamn att jämställdhetsarbetet måste fortsätta. Där Arpi och Wyndhamn nöjer sig med att hävda ett binärt biologiskt kön som vetenskaplig slutpunkt menar Ekman att diskussionen fortgår och att alla feminister inte står bakom genus-vetenskapen. / There is a growing anti gender movement in Europe that fights gender science and gender equality. It has not been that prominent in Sweden. Recently a new word genusdoktrin has been added to the English genderism and German genderismus as a label for a conspiracy against society and its institutions. In this thesis I have carried out a discourse analysis of the two books Genusdoktrinen (2020) by Ivar Arpi and Anna-Karin Wyndhamns and Om könets existens (2021) by Kajsa Ekis Ekman. Using theory of discourse by Laclau and Mouffe I analyze what view of gender studies that is articulated in the two books. An important question is whether they differ or not. The articulated signs were analyzed with regard to the weight carried they in the discourse. The two books articulate a positivist science view and claim that gender science is unscientific. They argue that gender science question the biology of sex from a social constructivist point of view. Moreover, they claim that political decisions made the establishment of gender science possible in Sweden and that a binary hierarchic sex is a prerequisite for a continued gender equality work. The articulations differ in a couple points. Ekman argues contrary to Arpi and Wyndhamn that we have not yet reached gender equality and that the work must continue. Arpi and Wyndhamn says that a binary biological sex is an unquestionable scientific fact. For Ekman, the political discussion continues, and she argues that not all feminists support gender science. / <p>2022-06-02</p>
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Kunskapsproduktion kring fetischism : Att förhålla sig till sakorienterad sexualitetNilsson-Jatko, David January 2023 (has links)
Detta projekt söker efter vägledande principer för en kunskapsproduktion kring fetischistisk sexualitet. Detta har utförts genom diskursanalytiska och genealogiska studier av hur fetischism konstrueras i olika sociokulturella sammanhang. Analysen indikerar att fetischistisk sexualitet existerar i en marginaliserad position i ett maktrelationellt landskap, där yttre grupper har olika incitament till att återge fetischism på bristfälliga, sexualiserande och andrafierande sätt. Detta medför olika problem vad gäller kunskapsproduktionen kring fetischistisk sexualitet och kan antas bidra till upprätthållandet av nuvarande sexualnormer. För att minimera dessa kunskapsproduktionsproblem föreslås åtta vägledande principer: En ansvarstagande kunskapsproduktion som utgår från subjektet; medvetenhet om stereotyper och om patologins kvardröjande ok; användande av icke-andrafierande terminologi; medvetenhet om könsorienteringsnormen; medvetenhet om politiserade begrepp; undvikande av låsning i subkulturell identitetspolitik; en förståelse för den abjektas möjligheter att tala; samt bruk av intrasektionell analys. Dessa principer kan förstås bidra till ett tillgängliggörande av forskningsfältet kring fetischism samt bidra till en allmän förståelse för sexualitet bortom kön. / This project aims to find guiding principles for a knowledge production around fetishism. This has been conducted through discourse analysis and genealogical studies of the construction of fetishism in central contexts. The analysis indicates that fetishism is marginalised in a weave of power relations, where external interests have incitaments to vilify, sexualise and otherise fetishistic sexuality. This is understood to potentially cause various problems when it comes to knowledge production around fetishism. In order to minimise these problems, eight guiding principles are suggested: A knowledge production based in the subject; awareness of lingering pathological notions and stereotypes; usage of non-othering terminology; awareness of the sex/gender orientation norm; awareness of politicised definitions; awareness of subcultural identity politics; an understanding of the abject's ability to speak; and usage of intra-sectional analysis.
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