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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexualisation of girls in music videos and girls' magazine advertisements: prevalence and consequences

Vokey, Megan 12 January 2015 (has links)
Sexualisation occurs when a person’s value (a) comes only from his or her sexual appeal/behaviours; (b) is held to a standard that equates physical attractiveness with being sexy; (c) is sexually objectified; and/or when (d) sexuality is inappropriately imposed (e.g., children) (American Psychological Association, 2007). In 2007, the American Psychological Association created a taskforce concerning the sexualisation of girls in response to concerns that their sexualisation has become a broad, increasing, and harmful practice in our media-saturated culture. Evidence exists that regardless of media genre women are routinely sexualised; however, few studies have examined the prevalence of media sexualisation of girls. Research has shown sexualisation to have multiple negative effects on women including decreased mental and sexual health. Research examining the influence of sexualisation on girls is rare. Nonetheless, such results may well generalize to girls. Developmentally, girls may be even more affected than women because their identities are still being formed. The purpose of this research was to (a) assess the frequency with which girls are sexualised in two media forms; (b) determine if such sexualisation has increased over time; and (c) explore directly with girls the consequences of viewing sexualised images on them. First, a quantitative content analysis of magazine advertisements and music videos was conducted to assess the prevalence of sexualisation of girls from 1992-2008 and to determine if a higher proportion of images of girls (< age 18) in girls’ magazine advertisements and music videos have been sexualised in recent years than in previous years. Second, focus groups were held with girls to qualitatively assess how they are influenced by sexualised girl media messages. In magazine advertisements from 1992-2008, 64% of teenagers and 24% of children were sexualised. In music videos, 53% of teenagers and 13% of children were sexualised. Chi-square analyses indicated that the proportion of sexualised girls in advertisements and music videos has increased from 1992-2008. Girls’ reported that this media makes them feel negatively about themselves and that they feel pressured to imitate it. These studies provide evidence concerning the increasing prevalence of sexualised girls in the media and the negative effect this may have on them.

Mergaičių seksualizacija fotografijose instaliacija – fotografijų ciklas „Mažosios moterys“ / Sexualisation of girls in photography, installation – cycle of photographs „Little women“

Kibildė, Justina 31 August 2012 (has links)
Justina Kibildė – Mergaičių seksualizacija fotografijose, instaliacija – fotografijų ciklas „Mažosios moterys“: Audiovizualinio meno studijų bakalauro baigiamasis darbas / vadovas A. Uogintas; Šiaulių universitetas, Menų fakultetas, Audiovizualinio meno katedra. Šiauliai, 2012 m.. 56 p. / Kibildė Justina – Sexualisation of girls in photography, installation – cycle of photographs „Little women“: Closing Bachelor’s work of media art studies / lecturer A. Uogintas; Šiauliai university, Faculty of arts, Media art department. Šiauliai, 2012. 56 p.

“Every Body Has A Story” : A Multimodal Analysis on the Discursive Construction of the Athletic Form

Johansson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
This study sought to examine how the prototypical male athletic form and the prototypical female athletic form are discursively constructed when a sports magazine has full control of what material to produce and publish. What makes up the ‘athletic form’ involves all the various traits and characteristics that are attached to the notion of what it means to be an athlete and what it means to have an athletic figure. The theoretical foundation was built on theories about gender in the media with a strong focus on objectification and (hyper)sexualisation, and previous research on gender in sports reporting has shown evidence of a strong gender bias where women athletes are both objectified and sexualised while women’s sports in general is portrayed as significantly less interesting and valuable compared to men’s sports. In order to study the discursive construction of the athletic form, the material – the 2017 edition of ESPN Magazine’s The Body Issue – was analysed through the method of Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis. While there were several features and traits that were universal to both genders, such as toughness and strength, there were also differences of significant importance. There was a distinct clash between the notion of being athletic and being feminine as athleticism was not deemed a feminine trait, and efforts were even made to show how the women athletes are still “normal women” despite being athletes. Plus, a male athlete’s body was depicted as being purely about function with its appearance not a matter of concern. A female athlete’s body, on the other hand, was likewise about function but large emphasis was also focused on the notion of attractiveness and beauty, and that women athletes are not only tough and strong but also beautiful. Overall, the construction of the female athletic form contained a sexual aura that was forever present.

Kvinnor i datorspel; Att se upp till eller bara se på

Rydberg, Nora, Olsen, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Datorspel har växt i popularitet för vart år som gått och involverar idag flera miljarder aktiva spelare världen över. Idag visar statistik på en nästintill jämlik fördelning av män och kvinnor som spelar men ändå anses fortfarande den stereotypiska gamern som manlig. Detta har lett till att det finns problem med representativa kvinnliga spelkaraktärer i många spel då problem kring hypersexualiserade karaktärer, karaktärer i stereotypiska könsroller samt även exkludering av kvinnliga karaktärer har förekommit under många år. Detta kan till viss del tänkas vara på grund av att spelindustrin länge varit fylld av en majoritet av manliga utvecklare och arbetare som även utvecklar spelkaraktärer gentemot en manlig publik. Men i och med vikten av karaktärs identifiering när de kommer till en bra spelupplevelse är de viktigt att ta reda på var kvinnliga gamers anser är bra kvinnliga spelkaraktärer och vilka attribut som borde fokuserar på vid utvecklingen av kvinnliga spelkaraktärer. Genom en webbenkät som riktade sig mot kvinnliga gamers världen över och frågeställningen “Vad kännetecknar bra kvinnliga spelkaraktärer enligt kvinnliga gamers?” samlades kvalitativ data in som gav djupare insikt i vad som krävs i den framtida utvecklingen av kvinnliga spelkaraktärer. I resultatet finns trender om vikten av välskrivna, utvecklade och mångfaldiga karaktärer men även att karaktärernas personlighet och roll verkar ha större betydelse än dess utseende när det kommer till aspekter om vad som gör en bra spelkaraktär. Det uttrycktes många åsikter om att översexualisering av kvinnliga karaktärer inte är önskvärd. Däremot tyckte majoriteten att en förbättring skett inom spelindustrin de senaste åren när det kommer till kvinnliga representation men att det finns mycket som fortfarande måste göras på den fronten. Därför rekommenderas det med framtida studier inom området för att ytterligare navigera vad som kan göras för att förbättra spelindustrin i samband med spelkaraktärer. / Videogames grow in popularity every year and today there are several billion active users around the world. Todays statistics show an almost equal distribution between men and women that play videogames but the stereotypical gamer is still seen as male. This has lead to some representative problems for women in videogames where, for many years, many games have female characters that are oversexualised, in stereotypical gender roles or even exclude female characters all together.This can partially be because of the fact that the gaming industry have been dominated by male developers for many years and they develop games to a generally male audience. With the importance of character identification when it comes to a good gaming experience and the negative effects these representation issues can have on girls and women it is now important that we find out what female gamers considers make a good female game character and what attributes should be the focus when developing good female game characters. With the help of a web survey, a target of female gamers around the world and the research question “What characterizes good female game characters according to female gamers?” qualitative data was collected that gave a deeper insight into what it takes to develop good female game characters. The results show trends about the importance of well written, developed and diverse characters but also the fact that the characters personality and role is more important than their appearance when it comes to making good female game characters. Many opinions on oversexualisation were expressed and the fact that this was not a desirable trait for female characters. Many also expressed the opinion that the female representation in videogames has become better in the last couple of years but that there is still a long way still until it can be considered good. That is why future research within the field is encouraged so that we can navigate what it takes to improve the gaming industry when it comes to game characters.

Women, Animals and Meat : A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Approach to Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman and Michel Faber's Under the Skin / Kvinnor, djur och kött : En feministisk-vegetarisk läsning av Margaret Atwoods The Edible Woman och Michel Fabers Under the Skin

Drewett, Anne January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, Margaret Atwood’s The Edible Woman and Michel Faber’s Under the Skin are analysed from the perspective of feminist-vegetarian critical theory. Both texts deal with the idea of feeling like or being meat, but approach this idea from different angles. In The Edible Woman, the connection to feeling like meat is metaphorical and rooted in gender relations, while in Under the Skin, it is literal, related to the idea of being animal. What becomes clear through an analysis of these two texts is that they both deal with the interlocking oppressions of women and animals. In The Edible Woman, protagonist Marian loses her subjectivity and stops eating meat when, as a result of the dynamics of her relationship with her boyfriend (later fiancé), she starts identifying with animals that are hunted or eaten. In Under the Skin, the alien protagonist Isserley, as female, non-human and in her natural form looking like a kind of mammal, represents both women and animals in her objectifying returned gaze on human men. Examining these two texts together highlights the interlocking nature of patriarchy and speciesism, and shows how these oppressions are better understood in relation to each other.

Défier la sexualisation du regard. Analyse des démarches contestataires des FEMEN et du post-porn / Defying the sexualization of the gaze. An analysis of the dissenting approaches of FEMEN and post-porn movements

Aulombard, Noémie 13 September 2019 (has links)
La présente thèse vise à étudier deux différentes modalités de contestation de l'imaginaire dominant, à travers l'analyse des actions directes du mouvement FEMEN et des performances issues de la démarche post-porn. Ces deux démarches contestataires mettent en exergue et questionnent, chacune à leur manière, la sexualisation des corps, inhérente à certains schèmes de l'imaginaire dominant : les FEMEN la refusent ; la démarche post-porn propose d'autres façons de sexualiser les corps. Une comparaison approfondie de modes d'action des FEMEN et des acteur-ice-s de la scène post-porn implique de s'intéresser à deux façons différentes de retravailler les imaginaires sexuels dominants et de re-signifier les corps féminins, trans et/ou non hétérosexuels. A partir de la sexualisation des corps, je montre comment le regard sur les corps est verrouillé, structuré par un imaginaire traversé par les rapports de pouvoir : il y a des façons hégémoniques de raconter les corps des dominant.e.s et des dominé.e.s. En essaimant dans le monde social, les scripts corporels, ces fictions forgées par les logiques de domination, structurent le regard sur les corps, les pratiques corporelles et les interactions sociales. Mais ce verrouillage du regard contient en lui-même les conditions de son déverrouillage. Ce sont des modalités de ce déverrouillage qui seront interrogées, à travers les actions des FEMEN et des activistes post-porn. Proposer des narrations alternatives de corps déverrouille-t-il le regard sur les corps ? Quel rapport ces démarches contestataires entretiennent-elles aux fictions hégémoniques ? / This thesis aims to study two different approaches which dissent from the dominant imaginary, through the analysis of the FEMEN movement’s direct actions and performances derived from the post-porn approach. Both dissenting approaches highlight and question, each in their own way, the sexualization of bodies, which is inherent to certain schema of the dominant imaginary: the FEMEN movement refuses it, while the post-porn approach offers other ways of sexualizing the body. An in-depth comparison of FEMEN's modes of action with those of the actors and actresses of the post-porn scene entails engagement with two different ways of re-working the notion of dominant sexual imaginaries, and also the re-signification of trans and/or non-heterosexual female bodies. Starting from the sexualization of bodies, I show how the way we look at bodies is locked in, structured by an imaginary shaped by power relationships: there are hegemonic ways to narrate the bodies of the dominant and the dominated. By disseminating themselves into the social world, corporal scripts – these fictions created through logics of domination – shape the way we look at bodies, corporal practices and social interactions. However, this locking in of the gaze contains in itself the conditions of its own unlocking. These modes of unlocking will be questioned through the prism of actions by FEMEN and post-porn activists. Does suggesting alternative body narrations unlock the gaze brought to bear on the body? What relation do these dissenting approaches have with hegemonic fictions?

La pratique infirmière en milieu psycho-légal : vers une compréhension des rapports sociaux de genre

Paris, Nancy January 2017 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche est situé à l’interface des soins infirmiers et des pratiques sécuritaires en milieu psycho-légal. Il vise non seulement à situer la pratique infirmière dans un contexte de travail extrême, mais aussi à explorer une pratique professionnelle influencée par une forte présence masculine. Malgré les tensions que génèrent la cohabitation des aspects sécuritaires (voire disciplinaires) et des soins infirmiers, il reste que la dangerosité de la population à soigner intensifie les manifestations « hyper-masculines » des soins infirmiers. Bien que certains chercheurs aient abordé le sujet de façon superficielle, les rapports sociaux de genre en sciences infirmières, jusqu’ici sous-explorés, donc sous-théorisés, constituent une variable importante qui motive, la plupart du temps, la division « genrée » des rôles infirmiers au sein du dispositif de psychiatrie légale. Le milieu psycho-légal est le site souvent dramatique d’interventions musclées pour maintenir la sécurité des lieux. Un regard critique sur les rapports sociaux de genre nous fait comprendre comment ils peuvent (re)définir l’expression des soins infirmiers dans ce type de contexte. Le processus précis de cette division genrée en milieux psycho-légaux reste peu documenté dans les écrits scientifiques et nécessite une attention particulière. Parce que très peu de recherches en regard d’une telle problématique ont été effectuées, notre recherche essentiellement descriptive et compréhensive nécessitait une méthode qualitative permettant de décrire et comprendre les rapports sociaux de genre sur la pratique des soins infirmiers dans un contexte de psychiatrie légale. Afin de répondre à cette exigence, la théorisation ancrée comme méthodologie de recherche a été privilégiée ; puisque cette dernière se prête particulièrement bien à la description des pratiques infirmières en milieu de psycho-légal ainsi qu’à l’étude concomitante de la socialisation professionnelle du personnel infirmier dans un tel milieu. Pour assurer la collecte des données, des entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées. Plus de 128 heures de présence dans le milieu et 20 entrevues ont été essentielles pour achever ce projet doctoral. Notre analyse a permis d'identifier trois grandes catégories descriptives : 1) Risques de violence et contraintes sécuritaires ; 2) Socialisation professionnelle et 3) Souffrances et mécanisme d’adaptation. Nos résultats montrent que le personnel infirmier se trouve « coincé » entre une philosophie caritative associée aux idéaux infirmiers (éléments fondateurs) et une philosophie coercitive (sécuritaire) associée au milieu psycho-légal. Parallèlement, nous notons que les dynamiques de groupe sont des facteurs non négligeables au regard du sentiment de sécurité et de gestion des comportements violents. D’une part, on fait mention de l’expérience des hommes qui implique une vulnérabilité (souffrance) liée au maintien de sécurité et au besoin de protéger leurs collègues. D’autre part, les femmes se font reprocher leur souplesse – invoquant le manque de rigueur dans le renforcement de règles – empêchant ainsi, de part et d’autre, le déploiement d’une pratique professionnelle complète. Le but premier de cette thèse doctorale consistait à explorer les rapports sociaux de genre en milieu psycho-légal – un milieu typiquement masculin. Notre recherche a d’ailleurs souligné en quoi le maintien de la sécurité est un élément indispensable à la pratique infirmière. En effet, l’aspect sécuritaire du milieu nous a permis d’explorer comment les risques de violence polarisent les interventions selon le sexe biologique du personnel soignant, dans la mesure où ce dernier est lié à des caractéristiques/attributs stéréotypées. Le milieu psycho- légal encourage une virilisation des soins et ce discours sexué participe aux divisions genrées. Il est important d’apprécier l’impact des stéréotypes sexués sur la pratique infirmière et le fait que celle-ci soit partagée entre deux perspectives divergentes. Les rôles sexués entraînent selon nous une violence entre les sexes ce qui facilite l’instrumentalisation des deux sexes. L’effet du discours hétéronormatif sur les rapports sociaux de genre, a permis de comprendre comment les comportements sont modulés par la conception de l’homme fort et de la femme à risque dans un milieu potentiellement violent. Le cadre hétéronormatif jumelé au milieu psycho-légal facilite l’amplification des normes hétérosexuelles. Les résultats de recherche ont permis de mieux comprendre comment le personnel soignant est confronté à un ensemble d’injonctions et de mandats contradictoires. En dépit des stratégies déployées par le personnel soignant pour s'adapter au milieu, l’exercice des soins infirmiers demeure difficile vu les contraintes organisationnelles ; ces dernières représentent d'ailleurs un obstacle à la pratique et soulèvent des enjeux éthiques importants.

Kunskapsproduktion kring fetischism : Att förhålla sig till sakorienterad sexualitet

Nilsson-Jatko, David January 2023 (has links)
Detta projekt söker efter vägledande principer för en kunskapsproduktion kring fetischistisk sexualitet. Detta har utförts genom diskursanalytiska och genealogiska studier av hur fetischism konstrueras i olika sociokulturella sammanhang. Analysen indikerar att fetischistisk sexualitet existerar i en marginaliserad position i ett maktrelationellt landskap, där yttre grupper har olika incitament till att återge fetischism på bristfälliga, sexualiserande och andrafierande sätt. Detta medför olika problem vad gäller kunskapsproduktionen kring fetischistisk sexualitet och kan antas bidra till upprätthållandet av nuvarande sexualnormer. För att minimera dessa kunskapsproduktionsproblem föreslås åtta vägledande principer: En ansvarstagande kunskapsproduktion som utgår från subjektet; medvetenhet om stereotyper och om patologins kvardröjande ok; användande av icke-andrafierande terminologi; medvetenhet om könsorienteringsnormen; medvetenhet om politiserade begrepp; undvikande av låsning i subkulturell identitetspolitik; en förståelse för den abjektas möjligheter att tala; samt bruk av intrasektionell analys. Dessa principer kan förstås bidra till ett tillgängliggörande av forskningsfältet kring fetischism samt bidra till en allmän förståelse för sexualitet bortom kön. / This project aims to find guiding principles for a knowledge production around fetishism. This has been conducted through discourse analysis and genealogical studies of the construction of fetishism in central contexts. The analysis indicates that fetishism is marginalised in a weave of power relations, where external interests have incitaments to vilify, sexualise and otherise fetishistic sexuality. This is understood to potentially cause various problems when it comes to knowledge production around fetishism. In order to minimise these problems, eight guiding principles are suggested: A knowledge production based in the subject; awareness of lingering pathological notions and stereotypes; usage of non-othering terminology; awareness of the sex/gender orientation norm; awareness of politicised definitions; awareness of subcultural identity politics; an understanding of the abject's ability to speak; and usage of intra-sectional analysis.

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