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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medialisering av Allsvenskan - en konsekvens av covid-19? : En kvalitativ studie om mediers ökade inflytelse i svensk elitfotboll

Lindgren, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Hur resonerar allsvenska klubbar om medialiseringens inflytelse och vilken roll har covid-19spelat i den utvecklingen? Ur ett konstruktivistiskt perspektiv har jag utfört kvalitativa intervjuermed kommunikationsansvariga från sju olika allsvenska klubbar. Med ett institutionellt teoretisktperspektiv söker studien belysa medialiseringens inflytelse på svensk elitfotboll i en covid-19kontext. Intervjupersonernas upplevelser visar att mediernas relevans ökar inom allvenskan.Pandemin har accelererat medialiseringsprocessen, där klubbarnas kommunikation tillsupportrar, sponsorer och intressenter idag är genomsyrad av medier. Jag argumenterar även föratt klubbarnas karaktär, funktion och struktur har ändrats som en konsekvens av covid-19.Klubbarna agerar idag både som underhållningsbolag, vinstdrivande företag och idrottsförening.Studien belyser allsvenska klubbars speciella situation i den moderna fotbollen. Där de dels slåssmed internationella giganter och samtidigt drivs av lokala arbetskrafter. / How does football clubs in Sweden's highest league reason about mediatizations influence andwhat role has covid-19 played in this development? I have conducted qualitative interviews froma constructivist perspective with communication managers from seven clubs. With aninstitutional theoretical perspective, this study has the ambition to show mediatization's influenceon Swedish elite football in a covid-19 context. The interviewees experience that the relevance ofmedia has increased. Which is a consequence of change in the society on one hand and covid-19on the other hand. The pandemic has accelerated the mediatization process, where the club'scommunication with supporters, sponsors and other stakeholders have been influenced by themedia. I argue that the clubs have changed character, function and structure as a consequence ofcovid-19. Today they act both as an entertainment company, commercialized company and alsoa sports association. The study demonstrates swedish football clubs' special situation in relationto modern football. Where they partly compete with international gigants while still being drivenby a local workforce.

Digitization of the hydraulics - uniform semantics only allows interoperability

Hankel, Martin 25 June 2020 (has links)
Machine builder integrate products from different suppliers in their machines or production lines. Today, most of the information is supplier-specific. The major challenge is to extract the necessary information from all products from different suppliers. [... aus dem Text]

Forum Loci Solutionis for Software Contracts : a Technology Neutral Application of Article 7 (1) of the Brussels Ibis Regulation in Light of the Digitalization of Goods and Services

Jin, Victoria Aurélie January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze whether the alternative EU forum loci solutionis of Article 7 (1) of the Brussel Ibis Regulation is applicable to Software Contracts. This is done by analyzing and accounting for the structure, purpose and problems of the application of BIbis Article 7 (1) to Software Contracts, by using a fictive case to highlight the particular problems regarding these types of contracts. Since two types of contracts are specifically stated in Article 7 (1) (b): sale of goods and provision of services, the thesis finds that Software Contracts may be characterized as either of these with the autonomous criteria established by CJEU case-law, or as another type of contract under Article 7 (1) (a). In the second step of localization in the method established by CJEU case-law, the four identified places of performance for Software Contracts are: (i) the place of the upload; (ii) the place of the download; (iii) the place to which the service provider has a special connection; and (iv) the place to which the buyer has a special connection. By approaching this issue de lege ferenda, a technology neutral method is first proposed for resolving the issue of characterization. This technology neutral method is further proposed for the following localization issue of identifying the place of performance for Software Contracts under the forum loci solutionis provision in BIbis Article 7 (1), where the place of performance for Software Contracts characterized as sale of goods is the place of download. Respectively, the place of performance for Software Contracts for provision of services under BIbis Article 7 (1) (b) is the domicile of the service provider.

Att designa för digitaliseringens emotionella påverkan på människan : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på redovisning- och revisionsbranschen / Designing for the Emotional Impact of Digitalization on the Human Being : A Qualitative Study Focusing on the Accounting and Auditing Industry

Petersson, Felipe, Theodorsson, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen är en förändring som genomsyrar dagens samhälle och är inte bara enIT-fråga utan en utvecklingsfråga för hela samhället. Ny teknik ger möjligheter menskapar också utmaningar. Redovisning- och revisionsbranschen är en av de branschersom digitaliseras och förändringen påverkar tjänsteutbudet, yrkesrollen menframförallt människan. Teknik används i allt större utsträckning, arbetsuppgifterautomatiseras och kompetens kompletteras eller ersätts av teknik, vilket får enemotionell påverkan på människan. Denna studie undersöker vilken emotionellpåverkan digitaliseringen har på redovisningsbranschen, vilka känslor och faktorersom påverkar människan och undersöker om emotionell design av deras vardagligasystemstöd kan bidra till att främja den fortsatta digitaliseringen inom branschen. Först genomförs en teoretisk undersökning för att se vad tidigare forskning ochanvändarundersökningar säger samt analys av sekundärdata. Resultaten frånanvändarundersökningarna och sekundärdatan analyseras utifrån ett fritt tankesätt ochdetta summeras sedan genom faktorer som påverkar och känslor som uppstår hosmänniskor som arbetar inom branschen, i samband med digitaliseringen som sker.Dessa utvärderas sedan i den empiriska delen av studien där kvalitativa intervjuergenomförs. Inför intervjuerna genomfördes en workshop tillsammans med företagetsom vi samarbetade med, där syftet var att brainstorma och ta fram lösningar somsedan ligger till grund för de designförslag som under intervjuerna används för attexemplifiera emotionell design. Under intervjuerna utvärderades design-förslagenutifrån om en känslomässig reaktion kunde skapas. Intervjuerna avslutas med attverifiera om emotionell design kan ha en positiv inverkan på de känslor och faktorersom uppstår vid digitaliseringen, samt om emotionell design kan främja denkommande digitaliseringen. / Digitalization is a change that permeates today's society and is not just an IT issue buta development issue for the whole society. New technology provides opportunities butat the same time creates challenges. The accounting and auditing industry is one ofthe industries that is being digitized and the change affects the services that they offer,it affects the role of the accountants and auditors, but especially the effect on theindividual. Technology is being used to an increasing extent, tasks are automated, andskills are supplemented or replaced by technology, which has an emotional impact onthe human being. This study examines the emotional impact that the digitalization hason the accounting industry, the emotions and factors that affect the individuals andexamines if applying emotional design when developing their everyday used systemcan contribute to promoting the continued digitalization in the industry. First a theoretical study is done to examine what previous research and user surveyssay and an analysis of secondary data. The results from previous research are analyzedwith an open mind and the results are summarized in factors that affect and emotionsthat arise in individuals in the industry in connection with the digitalization that takesplace. The data is then evaluated in the empirical part of the study where qualitativeinterviews are conducted. Prior to the interviews, a workshop was conducted togetherwith the company we collaborated with, where the purpose was to brainstorm anddevelop solutions that form the basis for the design proposals and was used during theinterviews to exemplify emotional design. During the interviews, the design proposalswere evaluated based on whether an emotional reaction occurred. The end of theinterviews focused on verifying whether emotional design can have a positive impacton the individual's feelings and factors that arise during digitization, and whetheremotional design can promote future digitization.

Empowered E-patient : A phenomenological investigation of patients capabilities in a mediatized healthcare

Pinheiro, Daphne January 2021 (has links)
This study explores the digitalization of healthcare phenomenon in relation to patient empowerment. Because digital environments change the way individuals interact with healthcare providers, there are consequences for patients’ ability to act and determine their health outcomes in a digital health ecosystem. An assessment of the mediatization of healthcare was therefore conducted through a critical phenomenological analysis of patients’ lived experiences. This methodology facilitated an investigation of their descriptive and subjective reflections on health structures and the means of entering into capabilities that can, but not necessarily do, emerge from specific technical artifacts. Through in-depth interviews, I accessed patients’ perspectives and narratives to phenomenologically enter into their consciousness intentionalities. These revealed that mediatized healthcare certainly affects, possibly enables, and risks constraining health agency. In theoretical terms, this study was based on structural dimensions within the theories of mediatization (Couldry & Hepp, 2017) and health lifestyles (Cookerham, 2005), combined with the individual dimensions of patients’ capabilities (Oosterlaken, 2015) represented by empowerment constructs (Palumbo, 2017), where it elaborates on matters of structure and agency as interrelated and negotiated concepts. The thesis concludes with a critical discussion of the avoidance of technological determinism of the phenomenon: digital tools were incorporated in some of the capabilities of participants, and indeed sometimes contribute to their empowerment, but not always and not for everything. Empowerment must be seen as a process rather than an outcome and, concerning digitalization processes, must be investigated by scrutinizing individual initiatives embedded in a long chain of interconnectedness.

Implementing digital cancer diagnostic innovation in healthcare : A qualitative study of barriers and facilitators

Marasanapalli, Sai Charan, Ravichandra, Gowthami January 2021 (has links)
Digital technology has greatly revolutionized the field of health care and medical practices. Digitalization has significantly excelled the operational efficiency and standards of medical care enhancing the overall experience for both medical professionals and patients. Despite its overwhelming advantages, Health care sectors have been lagging in adopting and implementing new digital technology innovations. Deciding and shifting towards digitalization would require adopters to have a flexible and open mindset.  However, health care has a great shortage of pathologists, and implementation of digitalization seems to be very limited in this area of healthcare. Most of the pathologists today work with manual cancer diagnosing techniques indicating an acute need for digitalization. This thesis is aimed at identifying the barriers and facilitators for the implementation of a digital prostate cancer diagnostic innovation in health care. A literature review provides a detailed outline of various aspects related to prostate cancer diagnosis. It provides a detailed description of different frameworks and theories in relation to existing barriers and facilitators in implementing innovation in health care. The methodological approaches applied in this study have also been described in the methodology chapter. Based on the data gathered from semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, three main themes were identified, and corresponding to these, possible barriers, and facilitators for implementing the digital cancer diagnostic innovation were developed.  Finally, the findings of this study concluded that implementation of digital cancer diagnostic innovation faces several barriers and facilitators. Some of the crucial barriers are financial barriers, time constraints, political conflicts, ethical policies, technology limitations, limited knowledge, skepticism towards new technology. Similarly, facilitators are Identifying key decision-makers, highly effective and cost-efficient technologies, high technical accuracy, openness in trying new technology.

Medborgardeltagande i kristid : Om medborgardeltagandets omställning i samhällsplaneringen under covid-19-pandemin. / Public participation in times of crisis : A study on the public participation and its readjustments within urban planning during the covid-19 pandemic.

Olsson, Wilma, Rundh, Kenny January 2021 (has links)
I spåren av covid-19-pandemin har det på global såväl som lokal nivå debatterats om pandemins konsekvenser och inskränkningar på demokratiska principer. Demokratiska rättigheter för medborgardeltagande som demonstrationer, politiska debatter och att rösta i val har genom pandemin begränsats och genomförs i största möjliga mån på distans genom digital teknik. Även inom samhällsplaneringen är medborgardeltagandet viktigt för den representativa demokratin och har likt andra verksamheter tvingats till omställning för att fungera på distans. Frågan är bara hur den här omställningen ser ut och vad den innebär för medborgardeltagandet inom samhällsplaneringen. I den här studien undersöker vi därför hur omställningen i kristid ser ut på kommunal nivå ur ett styrningsperspektiv. I studien berörs även vilka konsekvenser omställningen resulterat i för medborgardeltagandet. Den tidigare forskning som presenteras berör framförallt digitaliseringens inverkan på medborgardeltagandet och kommer tillsammans med studiens resultat ligga till grund för den kommande analysen. Metoden som använts i studien är av kvalitativ art och i form av intervjuer med kommunala tjänstemän.  Baserat på den tidigare forskningen resulterar vår analys av det empiriska materialet i att det framför allt är i den interaktiva kommunikationen mellan planerare och medborgare som omställningen är som störst. Analysen visar också att omställningen från en fysisk till en digital deltagandeprocess främst handlar om ett byte av kommunikationskanaler snarare än några direkta förändringar i arbetsprocesser. En slutsats av detta är alltså att större strukturomvandlingar krävs för att processerna för medborgardeltagande och graden av medborgarinflytande ska förändras. Baserat på detta kan man även dra slutsatsen att de demokratiska rättigheter som omfattar medborgardeltagande inte har äventyrats som en konsekvens av covid-19-pandemin. / In the wake of covid-19, consequences of the pandemic and restrictions on democratic principles have been debated on a global as well as local level. The democratic rights for public participation such as demonstrations, political debates and voting in elections have been limited by the pandemic and are instead implemented as far as possible through digital technology. Public participation in community planning is an important aspect for representative democracies and like other municipal services it has been forced to change in order to function remotely. The question we raise is what this change looks like and what it means for citizen participation in community planning.In this study, we therefore examine what the transition in times of crisis looks like on a municipal level from a governance perspective. The study also touches on the consequences of the readjustments for citizen participation. The previous research that is presented primarily concerns the impact of digitalisation on citizen participation and will together with the results of the study form the basis for the forthcoming analysis. The method used in the study is of a qualitative nature and in the form of interviews with municipal officials.Based on previous research, our analysis of the empirical material shows that it is primarily in the interactive communication between planners and citizens that the change is greatest. The analysis also shows that the transition from a physical to a digital participation process is primarily about a change of communication channels rather than direct changes in the working process. One conclusion from this is that major structural changes are required for citizen participation and the degree of citizen influence to change. Based on this it can also be concluded that the democratic rights that include public participation have not been jeopardized as a consequence of the covid-19 pandemic.

Är det nödvändigt? Måste man kunna allt det här? : En studie om de faktorer som påverkar äldres digitala inkludering / Is it necessary? Do you have to know all this? : A study of the factors that influence the digital inclusion of the elderly

Mann, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Digitalisering är ett ämne som är ständigt aktuellt och det verkar inte avta. För att kunna vara delaktig i samhället idag ställs höga krav på medborgare att klara av att använda internet och hantera digitala enheter. Men det är långt ifrån alla som har förmågan av att leva upp till de krav som ställs på dem, speciellt de äldsta i vårt samhälle. De hamnar i ett, vad man skulle kunna kalla, digitalt utanförskap. Syftet med denna studie är att försöka ta reda på vilka faktorer personer, som är äldre än 65 år, tror bidrar till äldres digitala inkludering. Tidigare forskning har kommit fram till att personer äldre än 65 år lider högre risk av att hamna just i ett digitalt utanförskap. Därför är det intressant att försöka ta reda på vilka faktorer personer som är 65 år och äldre tror antingen kan ligga till grund för eller öka äldres digitala inkludering.För att kunna ta reda på vilka faktorer personer äldre än 65 år tror bidrar till äldres digitala inkludering har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi tillämpats. Sju intervjuer har genomförts med personer i åldrarna 65–84 år och personerna har haft varierande erfarenhet av att använda digitala enheter. Resultatet visar att flera respondenter känner sig digitalt exkluderade och att de inte känner sig som en del av den utveckling som sker i samhället. Flertalet respondenter använder till exempel inte mobilt bank-ID och att det är en viktig del för att kunna ta del av flertalet av de e-tjänster som erbjuds idag. Det har också framkommit att det saknas utbildningsmöjligheter för äldre att utveckla sin digitala kompetens. En följd av detta är att de, som inte har erfarenhet av att använda digitala enheter, oftare är beroende av att en nära anhörig har möjlighet att hjälpa dem för att klara av sin digitala vardag. / Digitalization is a topic that is constantly relevant and it does not seem to be declining. In order to be able to participate in society today, high demands are placed on citizens to be able to use the internet and manage digital devices. But it is far from everyone who has the ability to live up to the demands placed on them, especially the oldest in our society. They end up in what might be called digital exclusion.The purpose of this study is to try to find out what factors people, who are older than 65, believe contribute to the digital inclusion of the elderly. Previous research has concluded that people older than 65 years suffer a higher risk of ending up in digital exclusion. Therefore, it is interesting to try to find out what factors people who are 65 years and older believe can either be the basis for or increase the digital inclusion of the elderly.In order to find out which factors people over the age of 65 believe contribute to the digital inclusion of the elderly, a qualitative research strategy has been applied. Seven interviews were conducted with people aged 65–84 and the people had varying experience of using digital devices.The results show that several respondents feel digitally excluded and that they do not feel part of the development that is taking place in society. The majority of respondents use e.g. not mobile bank ID and that it is an important part of being able to take advantage of most of the e-services offered today. It has also emerged that there is a lack of educational opportunities for older people to develop their digital skills. A consequence of this is that those who do not have experience of using digital devices are more often dependent on a close relative having the opportunity to help them cope with their digital everyday life.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på redovisningsekonomer i en kris

Hjerpe, Amanda, Öhman, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens överträffar alltmer mänsklig arbetskraft och detta skapar oro över att redovisningsekonomernas arbetsuppgifter kommer ersättas helt. Covid-19 har tvingat organisationer till distansarbete och i samband med det har implementeringen av digitala verktyg har ökat. Frågan är hur detta har påverkat redovisningsekonomer? Studier syftar till att undersöka och skapa förståelse för hur redovisningsekonomernas yrkesroll förändrats. Studiens syfte har besvarats genom ett samspel mellan teori och insamlad empiri från 12 redovisningsekonomer samt tre experter inom digitalisering. Studiens resultat visar att krisen har tvingat redovisningsekonomerna till ett mer digitalt arbetssätt i samband med att distansarbetet ökat. Resultatet visar att redovisningsekonomerna uttrycker osäkerhet inför den framtida rollen och rädsla för att bli av med sitt arbete. Studien konstaterar att osäkerhet och rädsla grundas i okunskap eftersom redovisningsekonomerna inte är medvetna om digitaliseringens fördelar. Automatisering av arbetsuppgifter leder till att nya mer kvalitativa uppgifter skapas och dessa karaktäriseras av högre komplexitet. Förändringarna kräver engagemang och eget intresse att utvecklas mot en ny och betydligt mer omfattande roll. Den nya yrkesrollen kräver högre social kompetens, analys- och problemlösningsförmåga samt mer systemkunskaper. Studien konstaterar att utbildade redovisningsekonomer har bättre förutsättningar att ta sig an de mer komplexa arbetsuppgifterna. Den ökade digitaliseringen är därför till större fördel för utbildade ekonomer än outbildade. Resultatet visar att större organisationer i högre grad är mogna inför att ta till sig nya digitala lösningar och har således en högre grad av teknikmognad. Dessa organisationer har även i större utsträckning antagit en tydlig identitet inom teknologi. Större organisationerna frigör mer resurser i form av tid och pengar till både digitaliseringsprojekt och utvecklingsstrategier. Redovisningsekonomer verksamma inom större organisationer är mer positiva och engagerade i digitaliseringsfrågor. Resultatet i examensarbetet visar att större resurser för nya ansvarsområden inom digital utveckling är fördelaktigt för organisationen och redovisningsekonomernas personliga utveckling. / Artificial intelligence is increasingly surpassing the human labor and this creates concerns among the accountants that their tasks will be completely replaced. Covid-19 has forced organizations to convert their business to remote work and this has led to increased implementation of digital solutions in the accountants working methods. The question is how this has affected the accounting profession? To answer this question, the study aims to investigate and create an understanding of how the accountants professional role has changed. The purpose of this study has been answered through the interplay between theory and collected empirical data from 12 accountants and three experts in digitization. The results show that the crisis has forced accountants to take on more digital working methods due to the circumstances of social distance. The results show that accountants express uncertainty about the future role and fear of losing their jobs. Results of the study shows that the accountants uncertainty and fear are based on deficiencies in their knowledge about the digitalization benefits. Automation with artificial intelligence contributes to new and more qualitative work tasks that are characterized by higher degree of complexity. Changes of the accounting role requires commitment and self-interest to develop towards a new and more comprehensive role. The new role of accounting requires higher social skills, analytical and problem-solving skills as well as the demand for computer system knowledge increases. The study states that educated accountants are in a better position to take on the more complex tasks. The increased digitalization is therefore to a greater advantage for educated accountants than uneducated ones. The results show that larger organizations are more mature for adopting new digital solutions and therefore have a higher degree of technological maturity. These organizations have also taken on a distinct technology-identity. Larger organizations also spare more resources such as time and money for digitization projects and development strategies for the accountants. Accountants who work in larger organizations have a more positive attitude to and are more involved in questions regarding digitization. The result of the study shows that digital development responsibilities that are allocated given resources are both beneficial for the organization and beneficial for the accountants personal development.

Marketers are Watching You : An exploration of AI in relation to marketing, existential threats, and opportunities

Lindström, Sofia, Edemalm, Sebastian, Reinholdsson, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Background: As of today, it is apparent that with the ever-changing demands and needs of customers, companies are facing enormous pressure to deliver the right value, on time, in the right way, and proper manner. To realize the full potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a careful plan and method need to be established in the development and deployment when incorporating the technology with marketing. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be found in a variety of applications. AI in marketing can provide valuable data clusterization and insights for personalized recommendations, customer segmentation, or even advertising optimization.  Problem:  To date, a few studies have been made due to the rapid development of AI which has shown an opportunity for marketers. From this hype, companies are looking into speedy implementation where one can forget that this technology comes with risks and threats. “The problem is that everybody has unconscious biases and people embed their own biases into technology” (Kantayya, 2021). Although machines can deliver personalized numerical information, it cannot deliver new solutions such as products and services, nor classify different outputs with a cognitive mindset which could result in biased results. The objective of this research is to utilize the information and insights gathered from experts in the field of engineering and marketing to gain a holistic view of the current and future capabilities of AI in marketing.  Purpose: The focus of this bachelor thesis is to provide additional insights in regards to Artificial Intelligence in relation to marketing, taking into consideration bias, personalization, the black box, along with other possible implications of AI systems, also referred to as the dark side. To fulfill the researchers’ objective, qualitative interviews with practitioners and employees with different roles within the field of AI and Marketing were conducted. The paper will be focusing on concepts, theories, secondary data, and interviews which will be further discussed and give opportunities for future research.   Method: To perform this research, a qualitative research design was applied, and 12 structured interviews were conducted with those who have knowledge and experience with AI, marketing, or both.  Results: The study elucidates the potentials and fallbacks of Artificial Intelligence in marketing. Where the findings suggest a mixture of human intervention and technology is needed to work against the perceptions, bias, and manipulation the technology can possess. The aims then guide towards the conclusion presenting the important cognitive and emotional skills that humans obtain that are currently lacking in AI.  This study finds several key areas both in terms of opportunities and risks. Such key areas involve the possibility of delivering new, unique personalized content to a mass audience at lightning-quick speed and at the same time presenting a handful of risks by giving machines the permission to make human decisions. Risks found in this study presented as the dark side include the bubble, bias, manipulation, fear of losing jobs, lack of transparency creating the black-box phenomena. Therefore, this research is interesting especially for marketing managers in how AI could be used both from an opportunity perspective and possible risks to consider.

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