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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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呂詠琪 Unknown Date (has links)
銀行業務儘管分為企業金融與消費金融兩大塊,但在亞洲,消費金融並未如同在歐美銀行中那般受到重視。然而,受到直接金融盛行、企業籌資管道多元化等因素影響,傳統的企業金融業務競爭日趨激烈,1997年亞洲金融風暴發生以及2000年美國景氣軟著路之後,由於企業倒閉頻傳,銀行壞帳快速上升,又導致原本獲利已經縮水的企業金融業務前景雪上加霜,迫使亞洲的銀行必須另覓賺錢的途徑。 相對於以公民營企業為主要對象的「企業金融」領域,「消費金融」領域就是以個人為主要來往對象的金融業務。這兩種業務除來往對象不同之外,主要差異在於相較於企業金融,消費金融業務金額較小、件數龐大、處理成本也較高,但其帶來的手續費、高利差的收益則較為吸引人。 台灣金融市場的逐漸開放,除了一般消費性貸款與信用卡預借現金外,現金卡儼然已成為時下流行的理財工具之一。現金卡利差大、市場潛力無窮加上風險分散,銀行業者紛紛加入戰場,外商銀競相加入搶食市場,一般預料,現金卡將成為目前金融市場上的當紅商品。過去的現金卡市場是處於一段衝刺的成長期(1999年開始),而目前的市場(2004年)正處於百家爭鳴的階段,每一家業者進行如此激烈的競爭,自然著眼於誘人的豐碩獲利。 由於日本現金卡已有四十年的發展歷史(1964年開始),相關的產品、制度與技術發展均已達一定的成熟階段,對於剛屬起步的台灣業者來說是一個相當重要的借鏡,因此初期台灣業者多向日本取經。由於現金卡的貸款方式及授信和銀行傳統貸款的精神差距甚大,而國內目前推動現金卡的業者大部份仍不脫傳統思維,因此發卡量與放款餘額均不易衝高。George & Mary彩色繽紛、輕快活潑的調性得到年輕族群的喜愛,成功擺脫其他現金卡業者訴求於貸款成本的泥沼戰。 本研究將藉由日本現金卡市場來看台灣現金卡市場將來面臨的挑戰,主要目的即在探究台灣現金卡業務的競爭情況,並探討台灣現金卡業者如何來保持競爭的優勢,當這個市場的競爭已呈現白熱化之際,誰還能找到生存的利基、獲得致勝的公式?


吳東昇, Wu,Tung Shen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業持續擴張規模及多角化成長,不同功能定位的事業群相繼產生,包括產品性質、發展成熟度以及市場競爭力也有所差異,傳統各事業群獨立的行銷模式對於企業集團整體效益而言已顯不足,本研究藉由文獻理論分析的回顧建構行銷整合平台的雛型,並且進一步透過產業專家訪談的結果歸納出行銷整合平台對於企業集團整體效益之優缺點;以某企業集團為例,驗證行銷整合平台模式並提出行銷整合平台發展模式以及分析行銷整合平台對於企業集團整體之價值。 企業外部就產業訪談各功能單位的結果歸納出關於顧客關係、供應商管理及Buyer對於行銷整合平台的優缺點看法。優點方面,對管理當局當局而言,行銷整合平台可以幫助管理當局與各事業群的策略聚焦,資源利用更有效率,且由於各事業群的累積加乘效果有助於拓展經濟規模;缺點方面,企業各部門及管理單位普遍認為溝通過程的時間冗長、溝通成本過高,而各事業群由於利潤中心制自負盈虧,使行銷整合平台因績效難以評估而影響合作意願。行銷整合平台之發展分三個階段,分別帶給企業在短中長期上的整體效益。對於企業內部的價值乃在於組織內部跨單位的資源整合;在企業整體競爭力提升的前提下,隨著行銷整合平台成功案例的持續增加,長期經營上將有助於增強客戶的信任感,對新事業群的客戶開發具有延伸效果,達到企業永續經營的策略目標。


陳海彬, CHEN,HAI-PIN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主旨,係探討中國透過改革、開放政策,為其社會主義市場經濟創造良好的國際和國內環境,以及未來20年,中國能否按照鄧小平制定的到2020年左右使國內經濟生產總值再翻兩番,達到人均國內生產毛額3,000美元的發展目標,建立中國共產黨十六大提出的全面小康社會,實現和平崛起。 本研究從中國改革開放、實現和平崛起的發展軌跡,探討了中國和平崛起的戰略意涵,而其核心問題是中國所面對的機遇與挑戰,以及對台灣的影響。本研究先從文獻的探討中,理解了中國和平崛起論述的相關時代背景及其歷史意涵,並從中國所面對的國際政治環境、亞太安全環境、所處國際關係中的安全意涵及其崛起的「和」、「戰」抉擇等四個面向的研析,檢證了中國領導人所建構「與全球化相結合的中國和平崛起新道路」的戰略思維,確實看到了中國在與世界各國所面臨的共同挑戰、共同利益和合作機制,轉化為各類型戰略夥伴關係的基礎後,已進而成為中國和平崛起的國際平台。藉由此一脈絡性的探討,再從中國和平崛起的過程中,其在經濟、政治、軍事、外交各領域所蓄積的能量,確實足以支撐其和平崛起。而中國在國際關係體系中,雖然瞭解現有國際格局是西方國家所建構的,但不認為需加以全盤否定,而是要積極融入改善之。面對區域安全,是要營造和平安全的外部環境,並提出「與鄰為善、以鄰為伴」的外交方針,並積極化解其與主要大國的關係,建立中國在國際關係的重要地位,為其和平崛起帶來助力。 本研究觀察到崛起壯大後的中國,為實現其21世紀面臨的三大歷史任務,必堅決實現其國家、領土、主權的完整統一。因此,對台灣在政治、經濟、軍事、外交等各層面均無所不用其極,以徹底圍堵與制約台灣在國際的生存空間。但也檢證了中國在未來20年,仍需面對內部結構與國際力量的挑戰,台灣身處美、中、台三邊關係中,仍有廣大的生存空間。因此,對推動兩岸經貿合作,解決台灣經濟困境;善用世貿組織平台,拓展兩岸直接三通;凝聚兩岸共識,推動和平發展;發展軟性國力,面對中國和平崛起等問題提出研究建議,期使政府各相關部門提出具體解決對策,以因應中國的和平崛起。


林佩君, Lin, Pei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在我國廣播頻道開放之後,以服務客家族群為訴求的客家電台紛紛出現,然而以人口數量、語言與文化活力來看,客家族群無疑是相對弱勢的,客家電台有著迴異於主流傳播的市場定位,並使用弱勢的客家語言,其經營環境具有何種特質,而客家電台又以何種策略來因應,是本研究所關切的重點。 本研究以財團法人寶島客家廣播電台,以及桃園新客家電台為分析個案,應用文獻探討、深度訪談及內容分析等方法,對客家電台的背景與現況、節目呈現、行銷活動及財務等方面進行瞭解,同時分析討論客家電台經營管理的架構與執行。 研究結果發現,在客家電台的經營環境上,有五個特色:一、客家意識抬頭,製造客語傳播有利環境;二、客家電台的聽眾群年紀較長、忠誠度高;三、客家電台面臨激烈的市場競爭;四、客語廣播不受廣告商青睞,客家電台需以其他營收來維持營運;五、客語廣播人才不足,節目品質難以提升。 在研究個案的分析上面,由於組織型態上的不同,非商業的寶島客家電台採用產品導向的策略來向聽眾推廣其理念;商業性的新客家電台則以市場導向的策略投合聽眾喜好,並藉此創造利潤。對於研究個案的建議,則包括有加強聽眾研究、提升節目品質、強化行銷活動等方面。


李亞屏, Lee,Annie Unknown Date (has links)
新文化衝擊下的成長--台灣學生赴美交換求學經驗 / The Acculturation Process and Influence of Taiwanese Exchange Students in the United States. Major Professor: Dr. Lienti Bei & Dr. Sharon A. DeVaney. With the increasing globalization of university education, the exchange programs among universities have become a hot topic that many students would be interested in. Every year thousands of exchange students from Taiwan select schools in the foreign countries, especial universities in the United States, as their exchange destination in order to learn foreign languages and to experience different cultures. Although the number of exchange students from Taiwan has been increasing annually, little research has investigated the acculturation process and reflections of exchange students in the host countries. The objectives of this research was to take a first step in exploring the impacts on Taiwan exchange students’ learning attitudes and socialization to the new culture that encountered during their study in the US. In addition, to understand the transition of students’ learning attitude and cross-culture adjustment that took place from their arrival in the United States to returning to their home countries. Therefore, three central questions was first generated to form the core of this study :1) What are the differences in class between the participants’ home universities and host universities? 2) What are the culture differences between the participants’ home country and host country? 3) How did the participants adjust themselves to fit into the different situations and how do they feel about the adjustment? The acculturation process and transition of exchange students’ learning attitude was examined here with a phenomengical and experimental research design. In order to understand thoroughly the exchange students’ learning and acculturation experiences in the US, this study arranged in-depth interviews with eight exchange student who had their exchange experiences in the US. Based on Hofestede’s four dimensions of culture and the differences between Socratic learning and Confucian learning, the study structured the research questions for the in-depth interviews. In addition, a questionnaire amended according to Hofestede’s four dimensions of culture was distributed to 26 former or prospective exchange students who selected for study at the universities in the US as a support data. Through the in-depth interviews and the analysis of questionnaire, the study found that interactions between professors and students in American classes are much higher than those in Taiwanese classes. This came from not only the differences of culture but also instructional arrangements of classes in American universities. The lower distance of American culture and the encouragement to the in class interaction did promote the exchange students’ participation in the US. In addition, given that the exchange students’ higher inclination and preferences to American or western culture and learning methods, they are more likely to have integrative or bicultural strategies to proceed their studies in the US. In sum, the study showed that exchange students rarely encounter problems of cultural adjustments, learning barriers or lack interpersonal communication that took place among students who pursue degrees in the US. Many of the exchange students maintained their original cultural identities and characteristics for expression in appropriate contests, such as collectivist relationship with classmates; however, they could also add a new behavioral repertoire to participate in American culture. Therefore, the study anticipates that exchange students integrated both the Confucian and the Socratic learning approaches and performed even better by American academic standards.

放空限制,價格發現與市場效率公正性-以台灣50ETF為例 / Short Sales Constraint, Price Discovery, Market Efficiency and Fairness-Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund

顏珮儒, Yen,Pei Ru Unknown Date (has links)
世界各證券市場對於放空交易都有放空限制,然而對於ETF則不作放空限制,此乃因為ETF透明度與流動性相較一般證券高,交易管理上可與指數期貨同。而ETF對於放空市場之所以重要,主要在於它本身豁免於放空限制,使市場多頭空頭結構完整,投資人有管道可以充分反映對於該股所掌握的消息,一但價格偏離基金淨值,投資人也可以透過申購買回策略進行套利,最終結果為ETF價格貼近於基金淨值,股價維持合理價位。當市場股價都能充分反應多空消息,市場效率性將提升,對健全台灣證券市場並往金融自由化前進的一大步,而主要關鍵點便在於完善的賣空機制。 本文主要以台灣50ETF本身豁免平盤以下不能放空這特殊優勢出發,並以台灣五十指數及台灣50ETF實際日交易資料及日內交易資料,運用「事件研究法」,期間以「台灣50ETF上市」及「台灣五十個股豁免融券放空」兩事件為主,觀察存在放空限制與解除放空限制前後期,在價格高估與價格效率性變化情形,此外,也觀察解除放空限制期間對台灣50ETF的影響,以及推估該限制對台灣50ETF放空交易者的放空行為在前後期變動。最後,也針對台灣50ETF本身豁免平盤以下放空限制主要原因在於流動性與透明度足夠,監理機構控管容易,進一步探討如何增加台灣證券市場個股資訊透明度,且該透明度足夠讓個股同樣可從事放空交易,進而促使股價合理化,台灣證券市場的公正度與效率性平衡發展。 / 主要研究結果摘要如下: 1.台灣50ETF法人放空交易者在2005年台灣五十個股豁免放空限制時積極從事實物申購買回套利動作,信用交易量值減少,相對較不活絡。主要原因以往只有ETF可以放空,五十個股豁免後,投資人更有管道從事放空交易。 2.個股豁免放空限制實施對台灣50ETF報酬變動影響在短天期較為顯著。 3.台灣50ETF在兩階段放空限制實施後,價格高估可能性均下降,存在放空機制使ETF市場價格效率提升,在短期間(三個月期)效果較為顯著。 4.放空限制的進一步放寬(2005年),台灣50ETF賣空交易張數比例(交易量)在事件過後沒有增加,表示放空交易者沒有增加對於交易的需求。此外,我們也沒有發現強而有利證據證明取消放空限制在尾盤會出現賣壓現象。 / To some extent, almost all stock markets locate short-sell constraints on the short selling transactions process; however, they never do so to ETF thanks to its higher transparency and liquidity making it an easy supervised equity. Further, ETF could be considered as a good implication for the stock market simply owing to its exemption from short sell constraints that brings a strong demand and supply structure In other words, if the ETF price is not equal to its fund NAV (net asset value), investors could make profits by buying back or selling ETFs; in the long run, the price will reverse to its NAV and maintain on a reasonable level. As a result, we could infer that if the price could fully reflect investors’ diversified opinions, the market will be more efficient, and we could expect Taiwan stock market to forge ahead soon. Hence, the key issue lies in a healthy short selling mechanism. This paper tries to figure out whether short sell constraints on Taiwan stock market have significant influence on stock price and price efficiency. We use Taiwan50 index and TW50 ETF daily and intraday data from TEJ database, employee Event Study Method, select two dates as our event date which are “the listed date for TW50 ETF,” and “Taiwan 50 stocks exemption from short selling regulations,” and try to examine the difference before and after the date. Additionally, by summarizing and analyzing the trading frequency changes before or after the periods, we try to understand and estimate how the short sellers trading behavior would vary due to the implementation of regulation. / The conclusion of this paper is summarized as follows: 1.Consistent with our assumptions, the institutional investors increased their TW50 ETF purchasing or selling transactions rather than credit transactions after the date when appointed 50 stocks has been exempted from short selling regulations, in other words, investors could only sell short ETF to express their negative opinion toward those 50 stocks and get partially reaction. 2.The exemption policy has a significant effect on TW50 ETF in short term. 3.The two stage of exemption policy has decreased the possibility of price overvaluation and increased the price efficiency of TW50ETF in the short term. 4. We find that the short sell transactions ratio (or the volume) decreased after the second stage of exemption, which means short sellers did not increase their transaction needs.

自有住宅與生育決策─台灣地區之實證分析 / The Influence of Home-Ownership on Fertility in Taiwan

吳閔鈺, Wu, Min-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣地區自有住宅與生育決策之間的關連性,利用1994年至2005年台灣地區23個縣市之自有住宅率與一般生育率作為實證研究的資料,欲說明一個家庭在面對預算限制式之下,自有住宅對於生育行為的影響,究竟兩者之間存在互補關係抑或競爭關係。本文參考簡單生育理論模型建立迴歸模型,再利用Panel Data實證模型,分析自有住宅與生育決策之間的關係。 根據台灣地區之官方資料所得出的實證結果,得出以下結論:當生育率遞延一期之時,住宅的持有對於生育行為存在負向關係,顯示出自有住宅於購買初期會延後生育決策的形成,兩者之間存在資源排擠效果;而當生育率遞延兩期時,兩者之間的資源排擠效果更為強大。此外,女性受教程度越高,隱含在工作中所獲得的報酬越高,養育子女的機會成本也就越高,與生育率為負向關係。家戶所得亦等同理論預期,與生育率為正向關係。其他變數,如:代表景氣循環的失業率與反應國情文化的龍虎年效應均與原先預期一致,生育行為有著順景氣循環的特性;台灣生育決策與龍虎年息息相關。 / The thesis presents the relationship between home-ownership and the birth of children in Taiwan. Housing factor might affects childbirth in complement or replacement way with limited budget in a family. In this study, general fertility rate represents decision of childbirth and homeownership rate means housing factor. This research uses 1994-2005 panel data from the statistic institutions in Taiwan to examine the factors which influence decision of having children, especially housing factor. The results of the empirical study are summarized as follows: If the decisions of childbirth are lagged a year and two years, they both suffer negative effects from home-ownership. The negative effect of the latter is larger that that of the former. This finding shows that the cost of home-ownership might compete with that of having children. This study also finds that there is a negative relationship between female education and the birth of children. Household income is significant to improve decision of childbirth. Both are consistent with the expectation of theory. Concerning the procyclical behavior of fertility, the study demonstrates that an increase in the unemployment rate generates a decrease in fertility. In addition, having children is correlated with the cultural factors.


倪浩軒 Unknown Date (has links)
Warr(1983)提出了中立性的說法。即私人提供公共財的數量不會因為所得分配而改變。而本研究便是分析台灣地區的私人捐贈行為是否符合中立性的假說。本研究利用台灣家庭收支調查報告為資料,以各縣市為樣本單位觀察捐贈是否會受所得不均影響。而本研究得到的結果則是台灣各縣市的平均家戶慈善捐贈金額似乎不會被所得分配影響。用來衡量所得不均的吉尼係數其迴歸係數對捐贈的影響雖為正向但並不顯著。從實證結果來看,本文支持Warr(1983)的看法,捐贈行為符合中立性的假說。 另外本研究得出的所得彈性和價格彈性其對捐贈影響的方向和一般的實證研究並無不同。所得彈性的大小和其他對捐贈行為的研究差異不大。其他會影響捐贈的特徵變數,教育程度和失業率對慈善捐贈都有顯著的關係。教育程度是正向的關係失業率是負向的關係。婚姻狀況在本研究中對慈善捐贈的影響則並不顯著。而九二一大地震發生的當年確實刺激了較多的捐贈,證明了突然的天災會誘發更多的捐贈。

策略與流程觀點下企業併購後資訊與作業整合之個案研究: 以台新大安銀行及中信萬通銀行之合併為例 / Managing Strategy and Process of Post-merger Integration of IT and Operations: Case Studies on M&A of Taishin-Dah An and Chinatrust-GCB

蔡明欽 Unknown Date (has links)
策略與流程觀點下企業併購後資訊與作業整合之個案研究: 以台新大安銀行及中信萬通銀行之合併為例 / Managing Strategy and Process of Post-merger Integration of IT and Operations: Case Studies on M&A of Taishin-Dah An and Chinatrust-GCB By Mark Tsai In view of highly competition in today’ banking market, the need of merger and acquisition has been significantly increasing nowadays in order to sustain and grow through non-organic growth approach. As a result, the success of post-merger integration becomes critical to ensure synergy will be generated after merger and acquisition. Through field research, this paper attempts to adopt two cases of banks’ integration to prove that clear strategies and a sound framework of managing post-merger integration is essential. There are Taishin International Bank acquired Dah An Bank in 2001 and Chinatrust Commercial Bank acquired Grand Commercial Bank in 2003. Both of these two cases completed integration of banks’ systems and most of operations within six months. By interviewing with executives of the banks and analyzing primary and secondary data, this paper tries to figure out strategies of the acquiring banks. The banks’ different branch models (i.e. full service or deposit-taking) are addressed. Furthermore, the differences of elapsed time of system migration against size of the banks are in-depth discussed. The KSFs (key success factors) of integration are proposed based on findings. At the same time, propositions are debated by using other cases of M&As in this paper. In the end, the author intends to provide practical managerial implications based on insight of this research. A diagnostic checklist of managing post-merger integration is proposed. Thereafter, a holistic process of managing operations and system integration is rendered by analyzing specific steps of post-merger integration of those banks. Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Post-merger Integration; Key Success Factors; Information Technology; Core Banking; Data Conversion; Business Process Re-engineering


姜博超 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來許多地方政府以「效率主義」的觀點裁併偏遠地區小校,以達縮減人事成本以及教育資源有效配置之目的。這樣的公共政策看似言之成理─不賺錢或沒效率的單位應予以裁撤,然而此項政策所影響的政策利害關係人不可謂少數,其影響之標的又屬於教育之範疇,對於孩童未來的發展更是影響深遠。因此,本研究希冀了解行政人員推行本項政策時是否重視「民主」與「社會公平」之目標;再者,探討政策利害關係人參與本項政策過程之情形;最後,試圖尋求偏遠小校未來發展的可行途徑。 綜上述,本研究將以台南縣為研究對象,探討該縣偏遠小校裁併之政策,希望藉由效率與社會公平之爭辯與民主行政理論下的相關分析架構,透過與政策主管機關與相關之利害關係人的深度訪談,對此項政策進行深入的探討及研究。 本研究經由理論探討、文獻檢閱以及深度訪談等方式,整理出研究發現如下: 一、裁撤偏遠小校之政策與縣政府之教育政策目標互相牴觸,形成政策弔詭之處。 二、「由上而下」之政策規劃與執行,民眾參與徒具形式。 三、行政人員角色似乎過於消極、卸責。 四、「學童數多寡」仍為主要裁併校之評估指標。 五、學校內部團隊之角色攸關偏遠小校裁併與否。 六、偏遠小校與社區兩者關係密不可分。 七、偏遠小校具有發展之潛力,裁併並非最後一條路。

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