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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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洪大慶 Unknown Date (has links)
『不動產證券化』是將投資不動產的行為轉變為投資證券,使投資人由原先的投資物權行為,轉為持有類似債權性質之有價證券。國內的『不動產證券化條例』於民國92年7月23日公佈實施後,不動產業者的籌資管道不再侷限於向金融機構借款或預售房屋,轉而向資本市場籌措資金,想要投資不動產的投資人,也不再需要直接購買不動產或買賣營建類股,而可利用較小額的資金獲取風險相對較低、報酬也相對較穩健的證券化商品。由於不動產證券化的實施,替不動產業者找到新的籌資管道,也為投資人增加投資不動產的途徑。 不動產投資信託是受託機構使用從投資人募集的資金投資不動產及不動產相關權利,並委託專業管理機構進行營運管理,再將收益分配給投資人的型態。目前REIT在台灣方興未艾,故本研究主要針對投資人挹注資金到不動產受益證券的績效是否優於投資大盤報酬進行研究討論。因此樣本選擇我國目前掛牌上市超過一年的5檔不動產投資信託證券,各由其發行日起至民國96年6月底時各檔報酬與大盤報酬之績效進行比較,再以夏普指標、崔納指標及詹生阿爾發指標來檢視我國5檔上市不動產信託證券與台股大盤績效之比較。研究結果顯示,我國5檔REIT現階段報酬績效較大盤報酬績效低,不過,研究結果也顯示出對於投資人而言,投資REIT是一項穩健保守,收益較為固定的投資工具,提供投資人投資組合之風險趨避之工具之一。 台灣的REIT自94年3月第一檔掛牌上市的富邦一號至今約已經過4年的時間,其市場發展及規模與日本、美國等市場相較下之規模為小,尚不足以形成特定類股(例如:金融類股、營建類股),隨著市場日益成熟,投資者更加瞭解不動產證劵化金融商品,再加上政府開放開發型不動產受益證劵後,依此類商品多元化及其發行特性可擴大不動產證劵化的市場規模,後續將可再以類股形式與大盤作績效比較。


陳鈺賢 Unknown Date (has links)
民國60年間,房地產介紹人開始出現不動產交易市場上,民國73年經濟部開放房屋介紹公司辦理登記。「經紀」即一般大眾所稱之仲介,「仲介」一詞係太平洋房屋引入日本三井公司的制度與技術後,才開始在國內被沿用。民國77年將不動產經紀業劃歸內政部地政司管理,同時經濟部也在民國76年修訂商業團體分業標準,增列房屋仲介商業,並核准設立公會。不動產經紀業自民國73年4月經濟部正式開放登記以來,成為一項人力密集且專業走向的典型服務業。 依照統計報告指出,從91年至95年中,國內許多企業雇員減少的情況下,卻有越來越多的勞動者投入不動產經紀業。可瞭解近年來不動產經紀業需要大量勞力投入,而91至94年不動產及租賃業勞動者之平均工時增加,至95年下降,工資為逐年下降。顯示出雖然勞動條件不斷的降低,從業人員卻不斷的增加;工時與工資對勞動者來說是最重要的勞動條件,勞動者更是賴工資以生存,故此,本文欲深入瞭解國內不動產經紀業從業人員之現況,瞭解其中之原因,願能對不動產經紀業從業人員之勞動現況有更深入的瞭解。 整體而言,我國不動產經紀人在勞基法的適用上尚有許多仍待調整的地方,而不動產經紀人之勞動權益也待改進,若法令難以彈性化,企業主則必須以其他手段來改善其適法之困難。如以商業保險來加強職業災害補償之不足。而政府之方面,由於在立法上難以同一法令適用於勞動型態繁雜之服務業,而若以特別立法之手段來因應服務業之各樣態則在程序上必須花費許多時間而無法及時的解決問題,因此,以加強集體協商之方式交由勞工群體與雇主團體自行協商或許可在制度繁雜的不動產經紀業中找到一個可統一的大方向,也可讓勞工與雇主不再無所適從。 / According to the statistical report , from 2002 to 2007 , a lot of enterprise's employees reduced, but more and more labourers throw into the real estate brokerage. The labourer's working time increased from 2002 to 2006, the salary were reduced year by year. Though the reducing with constant labour condition, and labourer's number increases continuously; Man-hour and salary are the most important labour condition to labourer , the labourer hangs on the salary in order to survive especially, so, this paper wants to understand the situation of brokerage's staff members of the domestic real estate in depth, understand the reason among them, wish to have deeper understanding to the real estate broker . This article will focus on the effects of labor rights consequence of Real Estate Brokerage by reviewing the existing literature and research,providing an overview of the Labor Standard Law , and using case study to understand more about the actual effects of labor rights. Roughly, real estate broker of our country have many things that need adjusting in laws. It is difficult in legislating to be suitable for all service trades , and legislating will spend a lot of time but cannot solve problems in time. Therefore, Transfered to labourer's groups and employer's groups to consult and perhaps can find the solution by oneself . KEYWORDS: real estate broker , protection of employeement , work-hour , wage .

銷售模式對商用不動產價格之影響 ─以台北市辦公室為例 / The Influences of Sales Mode on Commercial Real Estate Price: Evidence from Offices in Taipei City

方劭元 Unknown Date (has links)
不動產銷售模式可區分為兩種:議價銷售和拍賣銷售。關於兩種銷售模式間的價格差異,國內外已有不少研究,但在研究對象的選擇上集中在住宅市場,於商用不動產市場之討論則相對匱乏。而近年來在國內的商用不動產市場,拍賣銷售之使用已越來越廣泛,其交易量不但超過議價銷售,且銷售價格亦有屢創新高的現象。尤其商用不動產往往具有大面積、高總價的特性,如銷售模式不同對於商用不動產價格確有影響,則銷售總價就可能產生巨大的落差,對賣方之收益影響甚巨。此外,對不動產估價師而言,拍賣銷售案例因取得容易而經常被使用,但如不能區分銷售模式對不動產價格之影響,並給予合適的價格調整率,則可能導致對不動產價格之誤判。因此,了解不同銷售模式對於商用不動產價格是否有影響,實有其必要性。 本研究以台北市辦公室為研究對象,探討銷售模式對商用不動產價格之影響,以及不動產特性和拍賣競爭因素對拍賣價格的影響。實證結果顯示,採用拍賣銷售之辦公室,價格較議價銷售辦公室溢價約8.59%。而區位較佳、屋齡較新及全棟成交之辦公大樓,拍賣溢價效果則更為明顯。另外,標單數量對拍賣銷售價格亦具有顯著的影響;標單數量每增加1封,拍賣銷售價格將增加1.28%。故對賣方而言,在市場景氣階段或持有不動產品質較佳的情況下,可採用拍賣銷售以增加獲利;並可委託專業商仲公司協助行銷,以促使更多的潛在購買者參與投標。買方可視拍賣不動產的條件提高競標價格以增加得標機率,但亦應注意投資報酬率要求,避免落入嬴者詛咒之陷阱。最後,對不動產估價師而言,在採用拍賣案例時應考量市場景氣變動、不動產產品特性及拍賣過程中的競爭情況,決定適當的情況調整率,以避免估價結果之誤判。

不動產投資計畫以Outlet Mall開發為例 / Real Estate Investment- Outlet Development Plan

林欣樺, Lin, Hsin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis presents the business plan of starting a new outlet mall in Taiwan market. From the view of real estate development, the business plan includes the tenant mix, staffing plan, and finance statements including profit forecast. The IMBA Outlet will be located at Taichung business districts near Taichung station of Taiwan High Speed Rail in Taichung city. Since nowadays customers expect to buying products at lower price and do entertaining activities when shopping, the traditional department stores no longer can satisfy customers’ needs. Unlike a traditional department store or shopping center, an outlet mall can include both shopping and recreation facilities, and satisfy customers’ shopping desires. From the very beginning, an outlet mall is the last stop of all commodities which are out of season or unpopular stock. Outlet become a new trend in worldwide, most of brands even produce outlet line specifically purchased in outlet only. Luxury product is no longer untouchable, and many outlet brands offer different products with lower price to attract more customers. However, the concept of an outlet mall already changed. It can not only provide seasonal commodities at lower price, but also provide entertaining facilities like movie theaters or an amusement park. Outlet malls have been very popular in foreign countries, but the business model of outlet malls is just introduced into Taiwan market in recent years.


井上, 貴行, 原田, 裕司, 沖田, 実, 鈴木, 重行 20 April 2006 (has links)


井上, 貴行, 高橋, 裕司, 沖田, 実, 鈴木, 重行 20 April 2005 (has links)


鄭佩宜 Unknown Date (has links)
國內不動產投資信託發行至今已屆兩年,從各檔REITs上市造成大量的超額認購的盛況顯示,REITs顯然將成為一項重要的投資工具。但國內缺乏市場實際表現的討論,因此本研究針對國內施行狀況進行研究。在各檔績效表現方面,以富邦二號表現較佳,三鼎與基泰之星之表現則略顯較差,而且各檔REITs均無顯著的股價蜜月期。在整體REITs市場方面,透過T-REITs指數的建立與指數走勢,得知目前國內REITs整體呈上升的趨勢;而於流通情況方面大致在新REITs上市當日,有相對較高的成交量之外,整體而言國內REITs週轉率明顯低於大盤與營建股;在報酬與風險方面,顯示T-REITs是具有低風險、穩定報酬特性的投資標的。 本文檢驗T-REITs加入投資組合之可行性,由相關係數分析得知,T-REITs相較於其他股票提供較佳的避險能力,是具有對抗通貨膨脹與利率變動之規避風險功用的投資工具,且T-REITs與其他股票走勢的相關性低,乃是分散投資組合風險的有效途徑。另外,由共整合檢定結果顯示,T-REITs指數與大盤指數以及T-REITs與營建股價指數之間,均無共整合之均衡關係存在,表示投資人可達到投資分散風險之目的。整體而言,國內REITs是一項值得加入投資組合的商品。 / T-REITs has been launched for two years, and the oversubscribtion of all REITs demonstrates that T-REITs has become an important investment instrument. But due to the lack of study on the market performance in the domestic area, therefore derives the necessity of relative research. We find that Fubon No. 2 REIT REIT is better than the others, and none of the REITs have honeymoon period. Through the establishment of T-REITs index, we discover that T-REITs has been trending up; the turnover rates are relatively higher when T-REITs first goes public, but significantly lower than that of market index and property stocks overall. Moreover, our findings indicate that T-REITs is an investment instrument which provides stabile return at a low risk. In this study, We investigate if T-REITs is capable of hedging. From the correlation analysis, we discover that T-REITs provides a better hedge over other stocks as an investment instrument, which is effective against inflation and variation of interest rates. And also, the cointergration test shows that T-REITs, market index and property stocks are not cointergrated, suggesting that markets tend to behave differently during the time of our observation; hense the investment portfolio shares the benefit of diversification by including REITs, therefore worthy of investment.

我國壽險資金運用於不動產投資模式之研究 / A Study on the Real Estate Investment in Life Insurance Funds

蘇睿信 Unknown Date (has links)

我國信託法有關信託登記內涵之研究-以不動產信託為中心 / A study about trust registration in Taiwan Trust Law-focusing on the real estate trust.

李如婷, Lee, Ju Ting Unknown Date (has links)
現行我國與不動產信託有關之登記,分有不動產物權登記中之「以信託為原因的不動產權利變動登記」;以及信託法第4條第1項後段之「非經信託登記,不得對抗第三人。」(以下簡稱:後段信託登記)兩種。其中後者所指之「信託登記」意義為何,現行尚未有明確定義。 詳言之,於我國制度下,信託關係的成立生效,委託人應將不動產所有權移轉予受託人,亦即需先完成不動產物權登記。而在不動產物權登記的機制之中,藉由其公示力已能對外揭露一定程度的訊息。於此,在考量我國不動產物權登記之功能作用後,還剩下甚麼部分是有公示之必要,但卻不容於不動產物權登記,而必須留待於信託法第4條第1項後段信託登記之機制來處理?亦即後段信託登記之意義與目的為何?實仍待探究釐清。 本文將後段信託登記之意義與目的先分為:「信託財產的公示」、「信託條款的公示」二者,並從信託關係成立生效的二項要素切入,分析說明後段信託登記之義意與目的;於掌握其意義與目的後,再進一步探究應如何解釋適用該登記之對抗效力;接續再以所得之結論,說明與不動產信託登記內涵有關之登記問題如:現行土地登記規則中存有後段信託登記範疇之規定是否不適法、表示信託登記不生逾期登記罰鍰問題的函釋內容是否適法、登記簿上之「信託財產、委託人姓名或名稱,信託內容詳信託專簿」註記,是否為公信力之保護對象、不動產登記法草案施行後是否能解決上述問題或其本身是否有修正空間。 本文之研究企圖在於,希冀使固有之不動產物權登記與新進之信託法第4條第1項後段信託登記,兩者能夠相輔運作而又不致相互混淆,最終而令我國不動產信託登記機制能更臻完善。

開發型不動產證券化之研究 / The study on development-oriented real estate securitization

胥博懷, Hsu, Po Huai Unknown Date (has links)
開發型不動產證券化制度,定義上係以未開發完成之不動產之權利,透過特殊目的機構,在破產隔離之法律關係下,加以小口化、規格化,並發行有價證券表彰該權利且對外募集或私募有價證券之行為。在我國法規範之下,制度上則可包括「不動產投資信託基金投資於開發型不動產」以及「不動產資產信託以開發型不動產作為信託財產私募有價證券」二種型態。證券化對於不動產之開發而言,係一相當有利之融資管道,且同時亦提供了小額投資人投資大型不動產開發案共享獲利之機會。一般均認為開發型不動產係對於證券化需求最大之標的,然而,因開發性不動產本質上具有較已開發不動產更高之風險,故學說、實務及立法上之討論亦有眾多見解主張對於開發型不動產之證券化應予禁止或限制。 我國不動產證券化條例於民國92年公布施行時,對於開發型不動產納入規範係採所謂「分階段立法」之模式,而在民國98年1月6日始由立法院三讀通過不動產證券化條例之修正案,正式將開發型不動產納入我國不動產證券化之法制,惟現行法基於道德危險之防止、風險控管與投資人保護等考量,對於開發型不動產之證券化仍設有多數禁止或限制規範。然而,本文認為風險控管與投資人保護之並非不動產證券化制度唯一或絕對之考量;並且,制度上之限制或禁止應屬投資人保護之最後手段,若尚可透過主管機關之有效監理降低投資風險並保障投資人時,仍應儘量朝「興利同時防弊」之方向運作,不應過度限制該制度之適用範圍,否則反而將使制度之立法目的無法達成。 綜上所述,本文嘗試從開發型不動產證券化之本質、特性與優缺點出發,參酌國外相關立法例,並考量我國民情與資本市場之特色後,分析提出我國開發型不動產證券化制度之走向,主張應修法開放募集之不動產投 資信託基金得投資於一般開發型不動產。另外,針對都市更新及BOT等開發案適用不動產證券化條例之議題,本研究採取否定見解,認為應於各該法律另行立法規範此種特別法上之開發型不動產證券化,而不應以不動產證券化條例規範之。故本研究尚針對現行不動產證券化條例、都市更新條例、促進民間參與公共建設法等法律規範提出修正建議。期能提供開發型不動產證券化制度將來修法及運作上之參考。 / The “development-oriented real estate securitization” could be defined as an arrangement that subdivides and standardizes the right of real estate which is undeveloped or under development, into separate shares through a special purpose vehicle and the bankruptcy-remoteness structure, and the public offering or private placement of the real estate securities representing ownership of such shares. Under the Real Estate Securitization Act of Taiwan, R.O.C. (the “Act”), so called development-oriented real estate securitization could also be construed as either 1) fund investment of REIT into real estate(s) under development, or 2) entrusting real estate(s) under development or to be developed to a REAT. Securitization is a favorable way to finance the development project, also it provides opportunities for investors with limited fund to invest in and profit from the same. Generally, development projects have the strongest needs for securitization financing. However, due to the risks accompanied with development, there are opinions from researchers and legislators for the restriction of their securitization. Upon the Act’s promulgation in 2003, the Legislative Yuan also resolved the guidelines for future amendment that the real estate under development or to be developed shall be included upon the maturity of real estate securitization operation. However, due to legislators’ concerns on moral hazard, risk control and investor protection, the amendment promulgated in 2009 formally adapting the development-oriented real estate securitization was still quite restricted. It is held by this thesis that risk control and investor protection are not the only or supreme purposes of the Act. Meanwhile, the restriction shall be deemed the last resort of investor protection, it is to say, if the monitoring and supervision of competent authority is operable, we shall use them to protect investors instead of legislative restriction. Or some objectives of the Act would be therefore hindered. Based on the analysis of the nature, advantages, disadvantages, comparative law study of development-oriented real estate securitization, and also referring to the customs and capital market structure of Taiwan, this thesis has provided some thoughts and suggestions for other researchers and legislators’ reference. Firstly, it is held that the restriction on publicly offered REIT’s investment in development project shall be removed. Also, the urban renewal and BOT project shall not be applicable under the Act as which shall be exceptional types respectively legislated in Urban Renewal Act and the Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. It is expected that the issues, thoughts and opinions raised or provided by this thesis could encourage further discussions toward the subject to ensure the sound and stable development of real estate securitization in Taiwan.

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