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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

都市商圈土地混合使用自治管理模式-以師大商圈為例- / The model of autonomous management in mixed use of land of urban business area : the case study of Shih-Da business district

趙元瑞, Jao, Ruan Ruzy Unknown Date (has links)
土地使用分區是否允許夜市相關業別的存在,是否違反土地使用分區規定,一直以來存有疑慮。現行臺灣法律中不論是土地法或都市計畫法,針對土地使用分區已訂定相關的規則與規章,主管機關亦頒布有管制準則及函令以資遵循,諷刺的是,夜市周邊的住戶與該夜市所撐起的商圈,為了個別的利益,爭吵、訴訟甚至於鬥毆的情況屢見不鮮。 本研究利用Ostrom (2014)所建立的自主管理理論,探討商圈內部在集體選擇過程,如何有效選擇管理既有住商混合商圈對環境的負面衝擊,並提出建立住商混合商圈街區管理模式之建議。透過文獻回顧、個案研究、與深度訪談,本研究成果顯示,師大商圈未來管理模式的策略有四個可能性:因地制宜模式的採用、社區居民與商圈商家共存共榮的期待、商圈組織自主管理運作機制的建立、以及公部門與商圈組織之間的協調溝通。 本研究在師大商圈土地分區管理機制上,為了同時增加土地使用效率及考慮社區居民的權益,平抑破壞商圈整體利益的個人利益,應可使用具彈性調整機制的土地分區管理,而彈性調整的依據,係可透過政府公部門、商圈內商家組織、社區組織三方面共同研擬,制定相關施行辦法。 / It is questionable for a long time that whether the permission of the business of night market within land zoning violates the regulations of zoning. Albeit relevant regulations of land zoning have been established and on acted, and enforced ironically, for pursuing individual profits and personal benefits, the residents and the vendors who inhabit in the business area have to face abundant disputes and litigations. The self-governance on common pool resource from Ostrom (2014) would be utilized to discuss the process of collective selection within business area, and to see how the effective management to deal with the negative impacts of mixed-use business area could be selected and eventually to raise a management model to cope with mixed-use business area. By literature review, case study, and interview, the four possible management models for NYNU commercial Area are: the management with local conditions, the collaborations between residents and vendors, the mechanism of self-governance in business organization, and the coordination and communication between the public and business organizations. Furthermore, basing upon the mechanism of the management of land zoning within NTNU Commercial Area, the elastic land zoning should be adopted to increase the effectiveness of land use and the rights and interests of residents. The basis of elastic management of land zoning can be established through the collaboration among the governments, business organization, and resident organization then.

向上影響策略能贏得主管的授權嗎?信任之中介歷程與權力距離傾向之調節效果研究 / Can Upward Influence Strategies Win the Delegation from Supervisors? The Mediating Effect of Trust and Moderating Effect of Power-Distance Orientation

鄭仲廷, Cheng, Chung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在如今高度競爭且變化快速的職場中,僅僅被動接受、完成主管工作指令的部屬,已不足以幫助自己在職涯中取得成功,如何有效的向上影響主管,建立良好的上下互惠關係,已成為所有員工的首要課題,也是支持組織永續發展的關鍵。 有別於傳統以領導者為主軸的管理研究,向上影響研究強調部屬可能反過來管理主管,透過特定手段與策略來改變主管的態度與行為。過去研究已對於向上影響策略的定義與分類建立了初步的共識,與策略效能有關的研究,則大多關注於對部屬所帶來的好處,鮮少從主管的角度探討其被影響的歷程,因此本研究將主管的角色納入考量,以訊息處理理論為基礎,探討部屬向上影響策略對於主管授權的影響效果,並試圖瞭解人際信任在其中的中介作用,以及主管權力距離傾向可能扮演的調節角色。 本研究採問卷調查法施測,共蒐集291對主管-部屬對偶樣本,研究結果顯示:部屬的向上影響策略對主管授權具有顯著的影響效果,且主管對部屬的人際信任會中介向上影響策略與主管授權之間的關係,此外,本研究亦發現主管的權力距離傾向會調節部屬向上影響策略(軟性策略、硬性策略)以及人際信任之間的關係。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並對理論貢獻、實務意涵、研究限制,及未來研究方向加以闡述。 / Upward influence strategy is a gradually concerned research topic, which is considered to be highly related to organization effectiveness and numerous job outcomes. However, most of studies explored this issue from subordinates’ perspective and focused on subordinates’ outcomes, such as job satisfaction, promotion and salary progression. The present study aims at investigating the dynamic process of upward influence strategy from the perspectives of the supervisor, examining the relationship among upward influence strategies, interpersonal trust, delegation and power-distance orientation. Results from over 200 supervisor-subordinate dyads in Taiwan generally supported the hypothesis. Supervisor-perceived subordinate’ s upward influence strategies, i.e. soft, hard, rational, had a significant impact on delegation through the mediating effect of interpersonal trust. In addition, supervisor’s power-distance orientation moderated the relationships between upward influence strategies (soft strategy, hard strategy) and interpersonal trust. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.


徐甄慧, Xu, Zhen-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟結構的轉型與教育機會的提昇等因素,已有越來越多的女性在各職場領域中一展長才,晉升至企業中高階主管之職位。本研究欲透過對以下諸問題的探討,瞭解女性擔任企業高階主管之個人與社會方面條件的配合與影響情形: 1.影響女性擔任高階主管之人格特質方面因素為何? 2.角色衝突情形對女性擔任高階主管之影響為何? 3.傳統社會價值觀對女性人格特質之形成有何影響? 4.傳統社會價值觀對女性角色衝突程度之影響為何? 5.個人任職公司之企業文化對女性擔任高階主管有何影響? 本研究以台灣地區之企業女性高階主管為研究對象,透過問卷衡量與訪談之方式,彙整出以下結論: 1.傳統社會價值觀會影響個人人格特質之形成。受傳統社會價值觀影響較小之女性,其性別特質之類型越趨向於男性化或兩性化,且會具有較高之個我取向成就動機。 2.傳統社會價值觀對個人之角色衝突程度有所影響。自我與重要他人對傳統社會價值觀之看法越相近時,其角色衝突之程度會越低。 3.個人之人格特質對女性擔任企業之高階主管有所影響。屬於內控取向、高度自我監控、男性化與兩性化性別特質與高度個我取向成就動機之女性擔任企業之高階主管比例較高。 4.角色衝突程度越低之女性,對其擔任企業高階主管越有正面影響。 5.個人任職公司之企業文化對女性擔任高階主管有所影響。任職公司之母國文化對女性越持有平等對待之看法時,對女性在企業擔任高階主管越有正面影響。 最後,本研究提出幾點建議以作為在職女性與企業界之參考: 1.對在職女性之建議 (1)突破傳統窠臼,追求自我實現 (2)事先做好職涯規畫,並積極尋求支援 (3)慎選投入之行業與企業 2.對企業界之建議 (1)塑造男女平等之企業共同價值觀 (2)透過人才延攬與升遷獎酬等制度之設計以落實男女平等之價值觀


王婉茲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以美國公司為樣本,探討高階主管獎酬結構與後續經營績效之關係以及高階主管獎酬結構與盈餘結構之關係。在高階主管獎酬結構與後續經營績效之關係方面,本文以營業活動之現金流量(CFO)、經濟附加價值(EVA<sup>R</sup>)與股票報酬率(RET)作為衡量公司經營績效之指標,並以會計績效指標之總資產報酬率(ROA)與普通股權益報酬率(ROE)作為敏感性分析。實證結果均支持預期之推論,即高階主管獎酬結構著重長期激勵之公司,其後續績效明顯優於獎酬結構著重短期激勵之公司。   在高階主管獎酬結構與盈餘結構之關係方面,本研究發現:(1) 盈餘結構之應計項目中,應收帳款變動數、應付帳款變動數、存貨變動數與高階主管短期激勵性獎酬呈正相關,而折舊費用則與高階主管之短期激勵性獎酬呈負相關;反之,應收帳款變動數、應付帳款變動數、存貨變動數則與高階主管之長期激勵性獎酬呈負相關,而折舊費用則與高階主管之長期激勵性獎酬呈正相關。如預期地,這說明較高的短期性盈餘應計項目會導致較高的短期激勵性獎酬,及較低的長期激勵性獎酬;而與長期性投資有關的折舊費用則與長期激勵性獎酬呈正相關。因此偏向短期激勵性獎酬之結構,易誘使高階主管利用該四項應計項目,以獲取短期激勵性獎酬;反之,若高階主管獎酬結構以長期激勵性獎酬為主,則高階主管會較重視長期獲利能力與績效,無形中減少操縱短期盈餘之誘因。(2)高階主管現金獎酬比例越高之公司,其盈餘結構中之流動裁決性應計項目比例亦越高,說明現金獎酬比例較高之獎酬結構會誘導高階主管調節流動裁決性應計項目,以達到預定之盈餘目標。   綜合以上研究發現,高階主管獎酬結構對於經理人之經營誘因,扮演極重要之角色。 / This study investigates the relationship between CEO compensation structure and components of earnings and that between CEO compensation structure and firm's long-term performance. The larger the proportion of long-term incentive compensation in CEO's total compensation, the better the firm's long-term performance which is measured either as CFO, EVA<sup>R</sup>, stock return, or accounting performance measures. On the contrary, higher proportion of short-term incentive compensation in total compensation can be obtained by manipulating accrual components. Firms with larger proportion of cash compensation have higher current discretionary accruals so that managers could be motivated toward managing discretionary current accruals to achieve target earnings. Such evidence suggests that compensation structure can be an important mechanism that induces manager's efforts towards shareholders' interest.

我國上市公司股權集中度,薪酬設計與公司經營績效關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship Among Top Executive Compensation Scheme, Ownership Structure and Firm Performance for Listed Companies in Taiwan

吳政穎, Wu, Cheng-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
高階主管薪酬計畫與股權結構是解決公司代理問題的重要機制,代理理論提出以績效決定酬勞的制度,可提供高階主管努力誘因,促使股東與高階主管之間的目標一致;同時股權結構也會影響高階主管的努力,進而對公司的。故本研究旨在探討我國上市公司股權集中度、酬勞計畫與公司經營績效之關係,並利用模式推導相關的命題與假說。 本研究利用混合迴歸就四年度主管薪酬資料加以分析,Scheffe檢定檢驗高階主管的持股比例與薪酬計畫的關係,實證結果整理如下: 1、董事長持股比例與薪酬無關,總經理持股比例與薪酬有關。 2、公司價值與董事會持股比例呈非線性的關係。 3、機構投資人偏向效率監督假說。 4、總經理薪酬計畫中的項目比薪酬水準的高低重要。 5、公司經營績效與高階主管薪酬呈正相關 / In agency theory, executive compensation contracts and ownership structures provide primary mechanisms for solving agency problems. Top executive compensation linked to performance can align the incentives of firms'' top executive with firms''stockholder. Ownership structure can influce the effort of the top executive. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan, and use modelling to develop related propositions and hypotheses. Pooling regressions using four years'' pool data and Scheffe test are performed to test hypothese, Empirical results are summarized as follows: 1.The holdings of chairman has nothing to do with the level of compsation and that of CEO has something to do with. 2.The non-linear relationship between firm value and holdings of board of directors. 3.The role of institution tends to be efficinet monitoring hypothesis. 4.Incentive component of CEO compensation scheme tends to be more important than level of that sheme. 5.Firm performance is positively associated with top executive''s cash compensation.


宋致皓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要針對目前企業績效不佳,董事會成員坐領高額董監酬勞之情況進行研究。本研究首先從權力與監督兩構面分析目前影響董監酬勞水準之因素,並進一步從權力與監督構面探討執行業務董監領取員工分紅產生之激勵或稀釋效果對公司價值與股東權益之影響。 實證結果顯示,董事會成員之權力擴張會導致較高水準之董監酬勞,尤其是執行業務董監之員工分紅部分,且執行業務董監領取員工分紅對於公司股東權益及公司未來價值具有負向之影響。家族企業之董監酬勞並不會隨著權力擴張而有較高的水準。在內部監督機制方面,獨立董監之監督效果較不明顯;在外部監督機制方面,主動機構投資人相較於被動機構投資人,具有抑制董監酬勞自利行為之效果。 / Based on a sample of Taiwanese companies listed in Taiwan Securities Exchange over the period of 1996-2004, this thesis examines the determinans of compensation of board directors from the power and monitoring perspectives. In addition, this thesis investigates the effect of equity-based compensation of executive directors on firm value and return on equity. The empirical result indicates that the entrenchment of managerial power determines the level of directors’ pay, especially on equity-based compensation. The more powerful the board of directors, higher the level of compensation, lower the company value and the return on stockholders` equity. However, as compared to non-family-controlled firms, the directors of family-controlled firms tend to have lower level of compensation. Moreover, we find that active institutional investors have greater monitoring effect on the compensation level of board of directors.

組織中的建言行為:員工目標導向與主管建言行為之探討 / The Voice Behavior in Organization: The Study of Employee’s Goal Orientation and Supervisor’s Voice Behavior

張宣苹 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今高度競爭的商業環境,員工建言行為的展現對於組織而言日顯重要。過往許多文獻即顯示員工建言行為對於組織有許多益處,包含增進組織決策品質、組織創新與提升團體績效表現。為了全面性瞭解組織中的建言行為,本研究目的為四:(1)了解不同目標導向員工對於建言行為之影響、(2)從主管、同儕與個體本身之角度,了解建言行為對個體之影響、(3)探討建言行為在不同目標導向與結果間所扮演之中介角色,以及(4)探討主管建言行為對員工建言行為之影響。 本研究採對偶的問卷調查,共蒐集157位主管與242位部屬資料,並透過階層迴歸進行資料分析。研究結果顯示:(1)證明目標導向及逃避目標導向皆與挑戰型建言及支持型建言有顯著正向關係、(2)挑戰型建言與支持型建言分別在證明目標導向與組織導向自尊具有部分中介效果、然而兩種建言對於目標導向與主管評價及目標導向與知覺職場排擠皆無中介效果,以及(3)主管建言行為對於目標導向與建言行為間並無調節效果。 根據研究結果,本研究證實目標導向與建言行為之間的關係,以及建言行為對證明目標導向與組織導向自尊的中介效果。最後,研究者進一步提出本研究之理論貢獻、管理實務意涵、研究限制與未來研究方向,以供業界及組織行為領域之學者參考。 / In today’s hypercompetitive business environment, employees’ voice behavior has become even more important to organizations. Many references also showed that employees’ voice behavior can bring benefits to organizations, such as improved organizational decision quality, innovation, and enhancing team performance. To build toward a comprehensive understanding of voice behavior in organizations, the purpose of this research are as follows: (1) to demonstrate how different goal orientations predict employees’ voice behavior, (2) to explore the results of employees’ voice behavior from the perspectives of the supervisor, co-worker, and individual, (3) to demonstrate the mediator role between different goal orientation and outcome variables, and (4) to demonstrate the influence of supervisors’ voice behavior on employees’ voice behavior. With data collected from 157 supervisors and 242 employees to examine the hypothesized relationships, the present study also utilizes the dyad approach. The results showed that (1) both prove goal orientation and avoid goal orientation are positively related to challenge voice and supportive voice, (2) both challenge voice and supportive voice mediated prove goal orientation and organizational based self-esteem respectively, but didn’t play mediators role neither on goal orientation and employee’s performance from supervisor’s view nor on goal orientation and workplace ostracism, and (3) supervisors’ voice behavior has no moderating effect on goal orientation and employee’s voice behavior. In conclusion, the present study showed that goal orientation have the influence on voice behavior, and both challenge voice and supportive voice mediated prove goal orientation and organizational based self-esteem respectively. Finally, theoretical implications, practical implications, limitations and future directions are discussed for managers’ and researchers’ reference.

我國上市公司股權集中度、薪酬設計與公司經營績效關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan

吳政穎 Unknown Date (has links)
高階主管薪酬計畫與股權結構是解決公司代理問題的重要機制,代理理論提出以績效決定酬勞的制度,可提供高階主管努力誘因,促使股東與高階主管之間的目標一致;同時股權結構也會影響高階主管的努力,進而對公司的。故本研究旨在探討我國上市公司股權集中度、酬勞計畫與公司經營績效之關係,並利用模式推導相關的命題與假說。 本研究利用混合迴歸就四年度主管薪酬資料加以分析,Scheffe檢定檢驗高階主管的持股比例與薪酬計畫的關係,實證結果整理如下: 1.董事長持股比例與薪酬無關,總經理持股比例與薪酬有關。 2.公司價值與董事會持股比例呈非線性的關係。 3.機構投資人偏向效率監督假說。 4.總經理薪酬計畫中的項目比薪酬水準的高低重要。 5.公司經營績效與高階主管薪酬呈正相關。 / In agency theory, executive compensation contracts and ownership structures provide primary mechanisms for solving agency problems. Top executive compensation linked to performance can align the incentives of firms' top executive with firms'stockholder. Ownership structure can influce the effort of the top executive. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among top executive compensation scheme, ownership structure and firm performance for listed companies in Taiwan, and use modelling to develop related propositions and hypotheses. Pooling regressions using four years' pool data and Scheffe test are performed to test hypothese, Empirical results are summarized as follows: 1.The holdings of chairman has nothing to do with the level of compsation and that of CEO has something to do with. 2.The non-linear relationship between firm value and holdings of board of directors. 3.The role of institution tends to be efficinet monitoring hypothesis. 4.Incentive component of CEO compensation scheme tends to be more important than level of that sheme. 5.Firm performance is positively associated with top executive's cash compensation.

領導風格對組織溝通與行政效能之調節效應-以中央研究院學術研究人員兼任行政主管之實證分析 / Organizational Communication and Administrative Effectiveness: An Empirical Analysis on the Moderating Effects of Leadership Style to Academic Researcher Concurrently in charge of Administrative Director in Academia Sinica.

虞令潔 Unknown Date (has links)
中央研究院被認為是我國最高學術機構,院內一級單位主管皆由研究人員兼任。本研究旨在探討中央研究院學術研究人員兼任行政主管的領導風格與所屬單位員工組織溝通與行政效能的關聯性,並採用問卷調查法中的配額抽樣方式,行政單位發出105份,研究單位則發出310份,合計為415份。問卷回收共計315份,其中有效問卷數為293份,可用率為93.01%。 經分析結果得出以下結論:中央研究院由研究人員兼任行政主管之所屬單位員工對於主管的領導風格、組織溝通與行政效能的感受平均得分分別為3.48、3.31、3.95,位於「李克特五點尺度法」的中上但未達同意程度。其次,組織溝通的「正式溝通」與行政效能之間具有顯著之正向關係。由此可知,中央研究院由研究人員兼任行政主管所屬單位員工的正式溝通感受程度愈高,其行政效能的知覺程度亦會愈高。最後,主管的「轉換型領導」與「交易型領導」對於組織溝通的「正式溝通」與行政效能之間具有正向之調節效果,但對於不同社會屬性特徵員工與行政效能之間則不具有調節效果。 根據研究結果,本研究提出四項實務建議,以增進單位員工的行政效能。包括:主管對於部屬應加強個別關懷及提供教育訓練、對待部屬應賞罰分明、強化與部屬之間的溝通管道以及兼任行政主管應善盡主管之職責。 / The Academia Sinica is considered the highest academic institution of the country. The researchers hold the concurrent post as the highest administration positions at the director level. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of the academic researcher with administrative director’s leadership style, organizational communication, and administrative effectiveness. The method of Quota Sampling is used to distribute questionnaires to the staff. There are a total of 415 questionnaires: 105 of which are given to the administrative staff and 310 are given to the research staff. In total, there are 315 questionnaires collected and 293 of them, 93.01%, are considered as valid. There are several conclusions drawn from the analysis of the research. First, the average score of the administrators’ leadership style, organizational communication, and administrative effectiveness is 3.48, 3.31, 3.95, is located to “Likert scale” in the upper but not agree with the degree. Secondly, there is a positive relationship between the formal communication and administrative effectiveness. Lastly, administrators’ transforming leadership and transactional leadership positively moderated the relationship between formal communication and administrative effectiveness, but there is no moderating effect on the relationship between the staff’s social and demographical background and administrative effectiveness. Based on the conclusions, four practical recommendations are proposed to further enhance the administrative effectiveness: (1) The administrative director should pay more attention to the individual subordinate, and provide training programs to the staff. (2) The administrative director should have a very clear award and punishment system. (3) The administrative director should better communicate with the staff. (4) Academic researchers with administrative responsibilities should fulfill his administrative responsibility.

能者多勞:主管青睞與組織誘因的調節效果研究 / All lay loads on a willing horse: the moderating effects of supervisors' liking and organizational inducements

李文陽, Lee, Wen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
「能者多勞」是指能幹員工在職場中做更多工作的現象。近年來,能幹員工對於組織的重要性獲得高度關注,儘管過往證據顯示這些員工在職場上有時會受到來自太多工作或是責任的負擔,目前仍很少有研究檢驗員工能幹程度與工作過荷的關聯,本研究即以實證方式檢驗此現象的存在與其對職場心理健康的衝擊,並將主管的角色納入考量,探討主管青睞可能扮演的調節角色,以及在工作要求-資源模式的基礎上,試圖了解組織誘因的緩衝效果。本研究採用便利取樣,並以對偶問卷進行資料蒐集,研究對象為一般企業之直屬主管及部屬,共回收紙本問卷188套及網路問卷33套,得有效問卷169套,有效回收率為76%。研究結果顯示,自評的部屬能幹程度能預測部屬之工作過荷感受,且工作過荷可以中介能幹程度至職場心理健康的負面影響;然而,主管青睞與組織誘因在能幹程度、工作過荷與職場心理健康的關聯中皆無發現預期的調節效果。最後,本研究針對結果進行討論,並說明研究貢獻、研究限制與未來研究方向。 / "All Lay Loads on a Willing Horse" refers to the phenomenon that high-competence employees do more work in the workplace. In recent years, the importance of high-competence employees in the organizations is highly valued. Although previous evidence supported that these employees are sometimes burdened with too much work or responsibility in the workplace. The relationship between employees' competence and work overload was rarely examined. This study aims to investigate the existence of this phenomenon and its impact on workplace mental health in an empirical way. Takes the role of supervisor into account, discuss the moderating role of supervisors’ liking. Meanwhile, tries to understand the buffering effect of organizational inducements on the basis of JDR model. Research data is collected by a dyadic questionnaire survey with convenience sampling. Subjects are paired supervisor and subordinate in general enterprises. 188 sets of paper questionnaires and 33 sets of internet questionnaires were returned. Totally get 169 sets of effective questionnaires, the effective rate is 76%. The result reveals that self-evaluation competence can predict the subordinates’ work overload, and work overload can mediate the negative impact on workplace mental health. However, supervisors’ liking and organization inducements do not have expected moderating effect in the relationship between competence to work overload and work overload to workplace mental health. Finally, research finding, theoretical contribution, research constraints and future research directions are discussed.

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