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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

產業創新條例租稅優惠對資本市場之影響 / The effect of tax incentives for the industrial innovation act on capital market

陳劉羽, Chen, Liu Yu Unknown Date (has links)


薛伊琇 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業往全球化發展,產業環境也不斷的變遷,跨國購併已成為企業追求快速成長的手段之一,而近幾年新興國家的快速發展也使得開發中國家的企業逆向購併已開發國家企業的現象愈見普遍,因此,此議題特別值得加以關注,本研究欲針對中國和台灣的企業,探討在其在跨國購併上,是否能為公司股東創造價值。 本研究以2003年1月1日至2010年12月31日間,中國和台灣製造業之上市公司所從事的跨國購併交易案做為樣本,利用事件研究法及GARCH(1,1)的模型,對公司的股票報酬率進行衡量,檢測是否有顯著的異常報酬產生,並影響股東價值。 研究結果顯示,即使在購併宣告日之前,平均異常報酬率有顯著的正面效果,但在宣告日之後,卻轉而有顯著的負面效果,此一正一負正好抵消了購併預期應帶來的好處,因此當開發中國家的企業進行跨國購併時,對主併企業的股東價值並無顯著的正面影響。


湯智勝, Tang, Chih-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討兩項關於融券交易的議題。首先,本研究發現巨量融券與續後的股價反應呈現顯著的負相關。再者,進一步探究盈餘宣告前的融券信用交易是否與非盈餘宣告的時間存有差異。本研究是採用在台灣證券交易所上市之股票並觀察其盈餘宣告前五日之融券交易行為。實證結果發現盈餘宣告前的融券與盈餘宣告後的股價反應存在負向關係,顯示可能有私有資訊的交易者在盈餘宣告前進行融券交易。接下來本研究進一步使用基本財務比率中的帳面價值對市價比將樣本區分成價值型與成長型之股票,發現擁有較低比率之公司較受融券交易者之青睞。本研究希望研究成果能對證券市場主管機關在制訂法律與提供更即時、更廣泛的信用交易資訊揭露給投資大眾參考。 / This research examines two issues of short-selling transactions.First,we find a strong negative relationship between short interest and subsequent abnormal returns.The second is whether short-selling in the days leading up to an announcement differs from short-selling in times when no announcement is imminent.We examine short-selling behavior of investors in the five days prior to the earnings announcements of Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE)listed firms.The tests provide evidence that there might exist informed trading in pre-announcement short-selling because they reveal that abnormal short-selling is significantly linked to post-announcement stock returns.A high level of unusual pre-announcement short-selling is an indicator of future stock returns at earnings announcement.Also,the tests indicate that short-sellers typically are more active in stocks with low book-to-market ratio valuation.We believe that these results should encourage financial market regulators to consider providing more extensive and timely disclosures of short-selling to investors.

母子公司架構可否增進公司籌資彈性 / Does a Parent-Subsidiary Structure Enhance Financing Flexibility?

許心婷, Hsu,Shin-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究就台灣上市母子公司之現金增資發行與新股發行海外存託憑證進行事件研究與發行個體的選擇研究,是否在母子公司的架構下因為發行個體的選擇會為公司帶來不同的宣告效果影響,進而提升公司籌資彈性。 在事件研究上,宣告發行新股對發行公司而言在發行公司為母公司時有負向的效果,子公司則可能因為成長機會存在而不顯著為正;對非發行公司而言,則無顯著價格效果存在,可見宣告效果僅存在於發行公司。與國外Vijh (2006)的實證研究結果相符。但母子公司架構下,母公司的管理階層仍有就發行個體作選擇。管理階層傾向選擇前期股價高估程度較高之公司進行新股發行;在子公司有資金缺口時傾向以子公司作為發行個體,然而在母公司有資金缺口時則不一定選擇以母公司為發行個體,可能因子公司通常為成長型公司,此時選擇以子公司發行對子公司股價影響程度較低。 / This study examines if parent-subsidiary structure is capable of enhancing a company’s financial flexibility by influencing the announcement effects of issuing SEOs and DRs in Taiwan. The event studies under the parent-subsidiary structure in Taiwanese companies show that: 1) When issuing companies are the parent company, issuing companies have negative announcement effect. 2) When issuing companies are the subsidiary company, issuing companies have non-significant positive effect, probably due to high growth potential of subsidiaries. 3) For non-issuing companies under parent-subsidiary structure, the evidence shows that there are no significant effects. Yet under parent-subsidiary structure, the executives do choose the issuing entity between parent and subsidiaries. Executives lean to choose more overvalue entity as issuing companies. And choose subsidiary to issue stocks when subsidiary do have positive deficit. But when parent company has deficit executives are not significantly choosing parent company to issue stock. This may be due to the reason that subsidiaries are usually with higher growth potential and result in less announcement effect on the stock price.


洪翌芳, Hung , Yi-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討當公司員工認股權憑證發行時點不固定時,管理階層是否會傾向將認股權憑證發行時點安排於公司股價低點,藉以增加認股權憑證之價值。本研究以2001年~2006年219家國內上市櫃公司518個員工認股權憑證為樣本,採用事件研究法來計算標準化累積平均異常報酬率(SCAR),藉以判斷事件的發生對於股價的影響。 研究結果發現,員工認股權憑證發行日前存有股價下跌的現象,而在發行日到達了最低點,發行日之後股價漸漸回升,顯示公司的員工認股權憑證發行日確實有落在公司股價低點;此外,於員工認股權憑證發行日前宣告的季盈餘資訊內涵顯示出為壞消息的現象。然而,當董事長有權對認股權憑證發行日做決定,同時又取得認股權憑證者,會更有動機其將認股權憑證發行日訂在股價低點的現象並不顯著。

合理性意見書是否具有資訊意涵?-以台灣上市公司併購案為例 / Does Fairness Opinion Contain Useful Information? - The cases of M&A in Taiwan

林宇軒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002年至2012年台灣主併公司為上市公司的併購案件為樣本,探討合理性意見書評價內容和主併公司短期股價影響及併購後綜效之關聯性。研究結果發現,於意見書揭露日時,若獨立專家評估價格高於雙方約定交易價格愈多時,即評價溢酬愈大,或是評價報告由高聲譽獨立專家所出具,主併公司會有正向的累積異常報酬率;且在此情況下,主併公司併購後綜效亦會愈大。故本研究認為,合理性意見書中的評價資訊,於揭露時具有訊號發射效果,可以幫助外部股東及投資人判斷交易是否對其有利,降低內外資訊不對稱,同時亦具有認證併購後公司會產生合併綜效之功能。因此,併購時獨立專家所出具之合理性意見書確實具有資訊意涵。 / This study analyses the relation between target firm valuations disclosed in the fairness opinions and acquiring firm performances by using the samples of Taiwanese listed company in M&A transaction between 2002 and 2012. We find that the stock price reactions to the public disclosure of fairness opinions are positively related to the difference between target firms valuations contained in the fairness opinion and the merger offer price and the reputation of independent experts. Under these conditions, the synergy in the M&A may be higher than others. Therefore, we suggest that the information contained in the fairness opinions can not only reduce information asymmetry between management and stockholders, but also certify that the M&A transaction will produce synergy. We conclude that fairness opinion does contain useful information to market participants.

台灣上市公司總經理更換的宣告效果 / The Announcement Effect of CEO Turnover of Listed Companies in Taiwan

許可姍 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著公司治理議題逐漸受到注意,我國政府制定了許多相關規範以使董事會對於公司管理者的監督功能健全。故本研究希望能藉由股票市場對於公司宣告總經理更換之反應,了解董事會是否發揮監督功能,撤換管理表現不佳的總經理。 本研究以2007年至2011年於證交所公開資訊觀測站之重大訊息公告專區宣告更換總經理之台灣上市公司為研究樣本,透過事件研究法計算個別公司更換總經理的宣告效果。 本研究首先探討市場對公司更換總經理之整體看法為何,再透過複迴歸分析進一步探討更換總經理前公司經營績效的好壞、卸任總經理之在位期間長短、卸任總經理是否離開公司、卸任總經理之持股百分比、董監事持股百分比、獨立董事人數占董事總人數之百分比等因素對宣告效果的影響。 實證結果有以下發現:(一) 更換前公司營運績效好壞對宣告效果有顯著的影響。更換前營運績效佳之公司有負面的宣告效果,更換前營運績效差之公司有正面的宣告效果。(二)更換前營運績效佳的公司,若卸任的總經理在位期間越長,則宣告效果越負面。(三)更換前營運績效差的公司,若卸任的總經理離開公司,則宣告效果比卸任的總經理沒有離開公司還要正面。(四)更換前營運績效差的公司,若原總經理持股百分比越高,則宣告效果越正面。表示對於這些總經理持股百分比高的公司而言,造成公司績效不佳的原因是總經理能力不足,而不是因為存在代理問題。(五)董監事持股百分比對更換總經理的宣告效果沒有顯著的影響。(六)獨立董事占公司董事總人數之百分比越高卻使更換總經理之宣告效果越負面,表示本研究之實證結果不支持獨立董事對更換總經理有正面的影響。 / This research studies the announcement effects of CEO turnovers with a view to understanding the reactions of stocks market toward CEO turnovers, and whether the boards play their role to oversee managers and replace those managers who perform poorly. This research collected samples from Taiwan listed companies who announced CEO turnovers during year 2007 through year 2011 and then calculated announcement effects by event study method. This research first studied the overall viewpoint of the stock market to CEO turnovers and then tried to figure out whether and how corporate operating performance before CEO turnovers, tenure of ex-CEO, whether the ex-CEO leaves the corporate, stock holding percentage of ex-CEO, stock holding percentage of directors and the percentage of number of independent directors accounts for total number of directors influence the announcement effects of CEO turnovers. This research finds that: (1) Companies’ performances before CEO turnover significantly influence the announcement effects. Sub-sample of well-performed companies has negative announcement effects and the sub-sample of poorly-performed companies has positive announcement effects. (2) For well-performed companies, the longer the tenure of ex-CEO, the more negative the announcement effect is. (3) For poor-performed companies, the announcement effect of companies whose ex-CEO leaves the company is more positive than those whose ex-CEO does not leave the companies. (4) For poorly-performed companies, the higher the ex-CEO stock holding percentage, the more positive the announcement effect is. It means that for those companies whose ex-CEO stock holding percentage is high, it is not agency problem that causes CEO to perform poorly but the lack of the CEO’s ability does. (5) The stock holding percentage of directors does not significantly influence the announcement effect. (6) The higher the percentage of number of independent directors accounts for the total number of directors, the more negative the CEO turnover announcement effect is. This means that the result of this research does not support that independent directors have a positive impact on CEO turnover.

IFRS導入之市場反應 / Market reaction to the adoption of IFRS in Taiwan

林育正, Lin, Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討我國行政院金融監督管理委員會於2009年5月14日宣布台灣將於2013年全面接軌國際會計準則(IFRS)之市場反應,本文分別從導入IFRS對企業之淨效益以及財務報表使用者之資訊環境兩個觀點檢視資本市場之反應。實證結果顯示整體而言市場認為我國接軌國際會計準則是一項好消息,且金融業受益程度亦高於一般之產業。進一步的迴歸分析則顯示,越有增額吸引外資潛力(以一減外資持股比率衡量)、成長機會(以股東權益市價淨值比衡量)以及增資記錄(過去三年有增資記錄衡量)等因素之企業,股票市場對此事件的正向反應越強。此外,在財務報表使用者資訊環境方面,本研究發現異常應計數越高、應計品質越差與交易者間資訊越不對稱的公司,股票市場則對此事件正向反應較弱,其原因可能為以原則基礎導向之國際會計準則後,使得一般投資者運用財務報表需要的解讀能力與公司可能進行盈餘管理的空間也均提高,造成公司價值的變化與這些因素有關。具體而言,本文證據支持與主管機關對於導入國際會計準則的預期:造成促進國際資金流入以及降低資金取得成本。然而,本文的實證結果也同時顯示,股票市場對於國際會計準則係以原則基礎而非規則基礎之潛在疑慮。 / This study examines market reaction to the announcement of the IFRS adoption in Taiwan by 2003, and finds relationship between abnormal returns and both net benefits of enterprises and information environments of investors. The empirical results show that the announcement is a positive message to capital markets, especially financial services companies. Furthermore, this study finds incrementally positive reaction to enterprises which have one of the following characteristics may proxy of higher net benefit: more potential to gain foreign capital, growth opportunity and recent capital raising record; but companies with worse information environments indicate by higher abnormal accrual, lower accrual quality and higher information symmetry between investors exhibit lower abnormal returns in event periods. Conclusively, our empirical results are consistent with expectations of competent authority which enlarge foreign capital inflow and lower capital-raising cost, but it is worth to note the principle-based accounting standard faces potential concerns by stock markets.


陳財家 Unknown Date (has links)
當國際經貿日趨整合下,具相當爭議性的反傾銷制度,在貿易政策中扮演愈來愈重要的角色,如何在反傾銷制度中調和各方相關利益,已成為當前各國重要的議題。本文首先建構基本理論模型、接著實證檢測我國反傾銷個案,藉由相關經貿理論、制度、法律判例及實務的論證,評析反傾銷制度與公共利益。從理論與實務面探討台灣的應用與可行性,以作為制度修正的參考。 一、反傾銷、貿易移轉、學習效果與公共利益 反傾銷措施提供差異化的貿易限制措施,引發其他非受傾銷控訴進口品的趁機而入,產生貿易移轉效果。在邊際成本固定的情況下,非受反傾銷控訴進口品的貿易移轉效果將使得生產者剩餘減小、消費者剩餘獲得改善、公共利益變小。若非受反傾銷控訴進口品具有相當的成本優勢,本國同類產品廠商亦可能因提出反傾銷控訴而受到傷害。若本國同類產品具有相當的成本優勢,反傾銷措施在保護生產者的同時,消費者未必受到傷害,甚至可能將從反傾銷措施中獲益。當本國新興產業藉由第 1 期反傾銷措施的保護效果,調整經營體質,於第 2 期以學習效果再與進口品競爭。其中第 2 期學習效果於保護生產者的同時、消費者亦能從反傾銷措施的學習效果中獲益。而反傾銷措施的全期效果將使生產者剩餘及關稅收入因而增加、消費者剩餘則不確定。 二、反傾銷對台灣相關廠商市場價值的影響─資本市場事件研究法應用 綜合我國反傾銷制度自實施以來的鋼鐵、石化、紙業、紡織及半導體業等產業相關個案,實證結果發現我國反傾銷措施似有助於保護國內生產廠商,而反傾銷控訴若保護了上游廠商,其下游業者不必然受到傷害。此實證結果支持策略學派學者及第二章理論模型有關反傾銷政策的論點。主要的實證結論如下: 在國內廠商實際受到傾銷傷害時,反傾銷措施似有助於保護國內生產廠商。傾銷情況明顯之個案,反傾銷措施對於提出控訴案廠商股票報酬率通常有正面效應;而對於傾銷情況不明顯之個案,通常則沒有顯著影響。非受傾銷控訴進口品的貿易移轉效果影響反傾銷措施的保護效果。亦即本國同類產品廠商若欲採取反傾銷控訴應對所有傾銷進口提出控訴,才能獲取較佳的反傾銷效果。而新興產業藉助反傾銷措施似可獲致不錯的保護效果。反傾銷的保護效果因業者的不同經營型態而有所差異;而反傾銷對於競爭力較弱的產業有較佳的效果。 反傾銷措施對於提出控訴案廠商下游業者股票報酬率,不必然帶來負面效應,有時也可能出現正面效應。反傾銷控訴案若保護了上游廠商,其下游業者不必然受到傷害,須視國內外市場結構與廠商規模經濟等因素而定。 三、歐體反傾銷制度共同體利益條款研究─兼論台灣的應用與可行性分析 傳統理論認為反傾銷措施雖有保護生產者的功能,但卻會對下游構成傷害。然依理論模型與實證結果,反傾銷措施似有助於保護國內生產廠商,其下游業者亦不必然受到傷害。因此,我國反傾銷制度似乎需要「國家整體經濟利益」條款,用以評估及平衡相關利益。依民國 89 年 7 月 14 日核定的實施辦法修正條文第 16 條第 2 項已試圖納入公共利益條款,其雖係參酌歐體反傾銷制度共同體利益條款,但與歐體制度的強制性規範與明確的釋義實有相當的差距。「國家整體經濟利益」條款的設計係用以修正保護特定產業的效果,然於主管機關的裁量增加時,反傾銷程序的公開、透明化與監督則益加重要。而實施辦法修正條文亦未規定主管機關如何執行「國家整體經濟利益」條款,若財政部關稅稅率委員會與相關機關充份合作,綜合判斷相關利益,則可有效達成「國家整體經濟利益」條款的立法目標。其中,貿易調查委員會為主要的認定機構於執行產業損害認定調查時,透過嚴謹的問卷設計及公聽會程序,衡量反傾銷措施對於使用者產業與消費者利益的衝擊;並聽取公平會對於業者是否濫用反傾銷措施的評估,由財政部關稅稅率委員會綜合作成課徵反傾銷稅與否或降低反傾銷稅額的最終判斷。


張宗豪, Chang, Zong-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目標在探討有關員工認股選擇權租稅政策訊息之發布,是否對國內發行員工認股權憑證之上市及上櫃公司— 資訊電子業的股票報酬造成異常影響。在五個事件期間中,以第一、二及第五個事件期(即員工認股選擇權初步比照員工分紅入股依面額課徵所得稅、財政部初步擬定員工執行認股權時,須以執行價與當初認購價格間的價差,核課所得稅以及財政部在民國93年4月30日發布員工認股權證課稅行政命令,依照財政部當初的規劃,在執行日課徵員工認股權證的所得稅之兩事件期)中發現以面額或價差課稅之消息初步規劃和發布,確實對市場造成負向異常報酬。而有利員工之認股選擇權租稅政策消息發布(即財政部未對課稅政策做出最後決定)時,市場對資訊電子業股價產生正向累積異常報酬。 另外,研究亦發現,不利員工之員工認股選擇權課稅行政命令發布之特定事件時期,發行比例愈高及發行員工認股權之公司,過去研究發展支出愈高者,將產生較小之負向累積異常報酬。 相較於員工分紅入股制度,員工認股選擇權之激勵效果更能提供長期之誘因,但單就對工之課稅制度而言,收到的似乎是相對不利之懲罰效果。 / In this thesis, event study methodology is employed to examine the electronics industry’s stock market reaction to the announcement of tax policy changes of employee stock option. Market model and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) are adopted to estimate abcdrmal returns (AR) and accumulated abcdrmal returns (CAR) during event periods. A related issue also examined is the relation between the ratio of employee’s stock options and the CAR. Specifically, the effects of five events are examined. The first、second and fifth event (when Minister of Finance proposed to tax employee Stock options based on their par value. The second is when the Ministry of Finance announced that employee stock options would be taxed at the difference between the market price employee execute the option and the execute price.The fifth event is when Minister of Finance indeed announced an administrative decree) really show up the negative CAR. Findings concluded by the thesis are as follows: 1. When the Finance Minister proposed to tax employee stock options based on their par value or at the difference between the market price employee execute the option and the execute price, electronics companies on average had negative CAR. 2. During the fifth event period, companies with higher ratio of employee stock options and R&D expenses had lower negative CAR than those with lower ratio of employee stock options and R&D expenses.

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