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各國主權債務之比較分析 / A Comparative Study of Sovereign Debt何菁華, HO, Chin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣人口老化對儲蓄率的影響 / The Impact of Population Aging on Saving in Taiwan吳仁雍 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺北市人口老化衍生需求與問題之研究 / The study of population aging demand and problem in Taipei City蔡名娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以研究者自行編製之問卷量表作為研究工具,共發出680份問卷,回收有效問卷662份,所得之資料以SPSS for Windows Version 17.0統計軟體進行敘述性統計分析及t檢定、單因子變異數分析、事後檢定法及皮爾森積差相關統計分析,以獲得實證結果。
五、而在人口老化衍生問題與需求間有著顯著正相關。 / The present paper focuses on examining the demand and problem of population aging in Taiwan, conducting a research survey on employees of the 12 district household registration offices and middle-aged and elder persons in Taipei, with the intention of understanding the differences in views regarding demand and problem caused by population aging as a result of variations in personal background variables. In addition, the present paper also probes the relationship between demand and problem of population aging, making related policy suggestions to government authorities based on the results of the study.
In the study, researchers used a questionnaire that they had compiled as the research tool, distributing 680 copies of the questionnaire in total and recovering 662 valid copies of the questionnaire. Using the SPSS for Windows Version 17.0 software, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, post hoc tests, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation were carried out to analyze the data obtained in order to acquire empirical results.
According to results of analyses, the findings were as follows:
1. Among the various dimensions of problem derived from population aging, the score for the care resources problem was the highest.
2. Among the various dimensions of demand derived from population aging, the score for the life planning need was the highest.
3. Among the personal background variables, significant differences were shown in problem like care resources, environment, and mental adjustment.
4. Among the personal background variables, the majority of them showed significant differences in demand like employment, long-term protection, and life planning.
5. Problem and demand derived from population aging demonstrated a significant positive relationship.
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「未富先老」——中國人口老化的動力分析 / “Getting old before getting rich” – the effect of demographic dynamics on China’s population ageing鮑宇辰 Unknown Date (has links)
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人口老化對於所得分配之影響―以臺灣二十三個縣市為例俞哲民 Unknown Date (has links)
根據實證結果發現,人口老化與所得分配為顯著並且呈現正相關,亦即當人口老化更加嚴重時,將會導致較大的吉尼係數,造成所得不均之惡化。 其他解釋變數為顯著者分別有:平均每人可支配所得、平均每人可支配所得平方項、婦女勞動參與率以及各區域變數,且除了平均每人可支配所得平方項為負相關外,其餘皆與吉尼係數為正相關,其中所得方面之變數顯示出台灣中存在著Kuznets曲線;婦女勞動參與率的擴張則會導致所得分配更加惡化;中部、南部以及東部地區相對於北部區域來說其所得分配之狀況皆較不平均。而其他解釋變數如社會福利變數、教育變數以及工業變數所得之結果皆不顯著,顯示上述三個變數對台灣各縣市所得分配之影響在本研究中無法確定。 / This research discusses the relationship between aging population and income distribution, and examines how the aging population affects income distribution. The independent variables were acquired from the Statistical Yearbook of the Interior, The Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, the Statistical Yearbook of Labor Force and the Statistical Yearbook from each twenty-three counties and cities in Taiwan to construct a data set from 1998 to 2005. Using the ordinary least squares method and choosing the gini coefficient as a dependent variable to observe the relationship between income distribution and aging population.
According to the result of the empirical study, we discover that the effect of aging population is significant and has a positive relationship with income distribution. Income inequality is worse when the aging population increases. Other significant independent variables are disposable income per person, the square of disposable income per person, female labor participation rate and the regional dummy variables. Besides the square of disposable income per person, all variables have a positive relationship with the gini coefficient. In addition, the variable of income shows that Kuznets curve appears in Taiwan. The expansion of the female labor participation will cause the income distribution to change into inequality. Also the north region has the worst income distribution in Taiwan. The results of the social welfare variable, the education variable and the industry variable are insignificant so that in this article we can not observe how the three variables effect the income distribution in Taiwan.
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老人的分布狀況與居住安排選擇-「在地老化」探討 / The distribution of the elderly and the living arrangments of elderly choose-to discuss 「aging in place」陳亮言 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要假設為,老年人的健康狀況和年齡為最主要影響老人分布狀況不同的因素,使得在年輕老人的分布狀況是分散,而越到老老人階段時,其分布情形越趨於集中在台北、台中和高雄的趨勢;之後再依據三個老人群體的地理分布狀況,來推斷各群體老人因為受到年齡增長以及健康狀況衰退的關係不但分布情形改變,其居住安排的選擇也跟著變動,最主要是往都市地區與子女同住。從研究結果以及參照Litwak和Longino (1988)所歸納出的老人三階段遷徙,證實了健康狀況影響了老人分布狀況,是從分散逐漸往都市地區集中的趨勢,而老人分布情形的改變主要可能是為了往都市地區尋求子女的協助幫忙,因而與其同住。「在地老化」主要強調的是老人應在其社區中自然老化,然而依據本研究結果,台灣老人的分布以及居住安排的慣性上是與「在地老化」概念有所衝突的,因此在未來政府在推廣「在地老化」上是必須要注意且克服這樣的情況。
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針對新加坡人口老化課題之公共衛生服務雲端運算系統的隱喻學研究 / A metaphorical study on usage of public health service cloud computing system to counter issues of aging population in Singapore蕭意卉, Xiao, Yi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
This study attempts to investigate the issues of aging population in the context of Singapore through metaphorical approach and the potential of tapping on the collaborative characteristics of a health service cloud computing system to meet the needs in elderly care, hence allowing active aging. The use of electronic health records (EHR) in various countries, particularly the meaningful use of EHR in USA is examined to understand its current features and usage. By employing conceptual mapping and blending of metaphorical study, the concepts in cloud computing are probed to gain better understanding on the characteristics of the technology. Similarly, with concepts drawn from an eco-system blended with concepts in a health service system, the characteristics of EHR and finally the characteristics of a health service cloud computing system are illustrated. With understanding in aging population, present usage of EHR and potential of cloud computing in Singapore, multi-methods research consisting of intensive interviews and archival document collations are employed. Triangulation amongst the datasets collated using open coding via ATLAS.ti resulted in 6 issues of concern in aging population pertaining to the Singapore context to arise, namely (i) primary care, (ii) familial support, (iii) awareness in health maintenance and transparency in information, (iv) improved efficiency and accuracy in healthcare with seamless transfer of care and (v) intermediate care and (vi) collaboration between stakeholders. Further analysis of the results draws up the possibilities for enhancing meaningful use of health service cloud computing system for active aging, which criteria are: (i) empowerment and ownership, (ii) sustainable homecare and (iii) seamless transfer of care. Finally, a conceptual mapping of health service cloud computing system and the criteria for effective aging give rise to a model framework that is set for active aging. / This study attempts to investigate the issues of aging population in the context of Singapore through metaphorical approach and the potential of tapping on the collaborative characteristics of a health service cloud computing system to meet the needs in elderly care, hence allowing active aging. The use of electronic health records (EHR) in various countries, particularly the meaningful use of EHR in USA is examined to understand its current features and usage. By employing conceptual mapping and blending of metaphorical study, the concepts in cloud computing are probed to gain better understanding on the characteristics of the technology. Similarly, with concepts drawn from an eco-system blended with concepts in a health service system, the characteristics of EHR and finally the characteristics of a health service cloud computing system are illustrated. With understanding in aging population, present usage of EHR and potential of cloud computing in Singapore, multi-methods research consisting of intensive interviews and archival document collations are employed. Triangulation amongst the datasets collated using open coding via ATLAS.ti resulted in 6 issues of concern in aging population pertaining to the Singapore context to arise, namely (i) primary care, (ii) familial support, (iii) awareness in health maintenance and transparency in information, (iv) improved efficiency and accuracy in healthcare with seamless transfer of care and (v) intermediate care and (vi) collaboration between stakeholders. Further analysis of the results draws up the possibilities for enhancing meaningful use of health service cloud computing system for active aging, which criteria are: (i) empowerment and ownership, (ii) sustainable homecare and (iii) seamless transfer of care. Finally, a conceptual mapping of health service cloud computing system and the criteria for effective aging give rise to a model framework that is set for active aging.
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全球地理社群網站之創新經營模式 – 以銀髮族之旅遊需求為目標市場 / An innovative business model on worldwide geographic social network – based on the initiative of senior travelling demand洪杰琛, Hung, Jason Unknown Date (has links)
Aging becomes one of the urgent topics in Taiwan, therefore new product and services must be established in respond to this issue. In recent years, online social network have been one of the most accelerative business model spreading across internet. Facebook has been one of the most influential role model among all. An opportunity gap is identified within these two phenomenon. The present paper is to initiate an innovative business model on worldwide geographic social network – based on the target market of senior travelling demand. This innovative business model will be satisfying the discovered gap.
The establishment of this innovation business model is based on the process of Innovation SCREW: (1) Search; (2) Combination; (3) Re-search, Re-Combination; (4) Experiment, Evaluation; (5) Work, Weigh. Through this framework, it brings to the possible establishment of this platform. In addition, by using of secondary datasets that lead to comprehend further to consumer behavior and market demand.
As the result, based on this innovative platform, it is hoping to create a new online worldwide geographic social network that can improve services on senior’s travelling demand.
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以全民健康保險資料庫探討癌症的發生與死亡 / The Study of Cancer Incidence and Mortality via Taiwan National Health Insurance Database陳昱霈 Unknown Date (has links)
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以全民健保資料庫探討長期照顧需求 / Using Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to Explore the Need of Long-term Care鄭志新 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,本文以全民健保資料庫的重大傷病資料庫為基礎,挑選八類引發長照的重大傷病,作為規劃長期照護保險的參考。本文以這些傷病的發生率、罹病後死亡率、罹病後存活率等,結合國發會所人口推估的結果,利用年輪組成法(Cohort Component Method)推估長期照顧的未來需求。研究發現:未來需求人口從2013年約10萬人,迅速增加至2060年的21萬人,增加速度相當快。而參考「長期照顧保險法」草案的給付內容,若聘請一名外籍看護每月20,000元計算,每人分擔將從2012年的$530元/月升至2060年的2,728元/月;若不調整保費且以隨收隨付計算,每人每月繳交400元長照保費,長照給付將從2012年每月13,353元降至2060年每月3,556元,由此可知壽命延長、人口老化將造成長照保險的財務問題。另外,本文考量的八項重大傷病較為保守,沒有加入老化、遺傳等因素的長照需求,預期將不足以因應實際需求,未來有必要引入商業保險來彌補社會保險的不足。 / In recent years, with the sustainable growth of the life expectancy in our country, population aging becomes more apparent. Taiwan’s population of ages 65 and over will exceed 20% within 10 years, before 2025. (Source: National Development Council - Population Projection on 2014). The population aging an prolonging life incurs a big demand for caring the elderly, such as the economic need after the retirement, medical cost, and long-term care. Among these needs, the demand of long term care was under-estimated and is only recognized recently.
Thus, this study focuses on predicting the need of long-term care in Taiwan. Specifically, the definition and standard (as well as types and amounts of subsidy) for juding whether one needs long-terma care is not yet determined, although Taiwan’s government passed the long-term care law (Long-Term Care Insurance Law) earlier this year. We should adapt the notion of catastrophic illness (CI) and use certain CI categories, which are related to long-term care, to design the long-term care insurance.
Catastrophic illness (CI) is one of the key features of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI), and the definition and process of evaluating if one is with the CI is quite complete. We choose eight categories of CI and use the NHI database to obtain their incidence rates, mortality rates, and survival probability. Together with the population projection from National Development Council in 2014 and the cohort component method to predict the long-term care demand in Taiwan. The syudy result shows that the population needing long-term care will rise from about 100 thousands in 2013 to about 210 thousands in 2060. Moreover, if the long-term care insurance is funded via pay-as-you-go, the individual premium required will rise 5 times from 2012 to 2060. This indicates that the long-term care might be too expensive and the commercial insurance can play an important role as a supplement.
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