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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張雪梅 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣圖書出版產業資金與技術的進入門檻低,出版社多是中小型企業的經營模式,近年,台灣圖書出版產業不斷出現的問題有:每年新書出版品過多;在書店通路陳列空間有限下,圖書的生命週期縮短;資訊交換不透通,上中下游都在重複建檔工作,形成資源浪費;帳款回收問題,部分出版社「以書養書」的惡性循環;圖書產業資訊化程度差異大,實際銷售資訊不易取得,形成出版社盲目出版新書與無法掌握暢銷書再版時機與數量;中游發行商與下游書店通路大量進出貨與節節高升的退書率;在2007年,相繼發生凌域事件、出版聯盟和發行聯誼會與金石堂連鎖書店的爭議事件等,種種跡象顯示台灣圖書產業供應鏈出現了問題。其中尤以退書率的攀升問題最為嚴重。 本研究以文獻探討、深度訪談台灣圖書產業高階主管與個案分析等研究方法,探討台灣圖書產業供應鏈中造成退書率攀高的問題與困境。並以從事圖書發行有二十八年經驗的A公司為案例,探討供應鏈協同機制的CPFR模型。本研究聚焦於A公司跨企業流程模式中的新書出版作業流程、再版書出版作業流程與補書、退書和調書作業流程等三大部分。A公司資訊平台應用系統架構建置也一併討論,包括圖書產業協同作業入口網站系統、圖書產業協同作業網路服務系統、協同出版規劃、預測和補貨系統和圖書產業協同系統PICS。該資訊平台主要進行A公司體系內上中下游的資源整合,降低圖書退書率與提高經營績效。 本研究之結論綜合如下:一、CPFR可以是解決台灣圖書產業供應鏈高退書率問題的解決方案,二、CPFR的推動與圖書產業資訊交換依賴A公司建置完善的資訊平台與系統達成,三、CPFR協同機制建立了A公司體系成員的競爭優勢和提升企業經營績效,部分A公司體系內出版業者之市場佔有率也因此增加。 最後,提出本研究對台灣圖書出版產業供應鏈降低退書率的作法,人才培育、國家政策推動等建議。對個案公司:利潤模式估算與營運模式複製等建議。以及未來可能的研究議題。


李佳芳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著環境保護以及永續發展意識的提高,使得綠色生產力議題漸漸受到重視,歐洲更是對綠色產品制定嚴格的法規,包括「廢電子電機設備指令 (Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment; WEEE) 」及「電子電機設備中危害物質限用指令 (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substance in electrical and electronic equipment; RoHS)」。對此,環境議題在供應鏈管理中造成很大的影響,綠色供應鏈管理 (Green Supply Chain Management) 也因此順應而生。 為尋求健全的綠色供應鏈,必須在現有的供應商管理機制上,加上永續發展的考量,也就是推動綠色供應商管理(賴義方,民92)。其範圍包括:夥伴及聯盟關係、追蹤與管制、技術合作、產品品質、定價及協商、資訊共享、環境績效評估以及綠色供應商評選,其中綠色供應商評選和其他議題息息相關,在綠色供應鏈中扮演舉足輕重的角色(施勵行、林琨翔,民92)。 在評選合適的綠色供應商之前,買方必須提出屬於自己產業需要的評選指標(李志隆,2004)。過去關於供應商評選指標的研究都只針對傳統的成本、品質與交期等因素進行討論,可是環境的風險可能經由供應商而來,除了考慮傳統的因素外,更應該考慮決策對環境帶來的衝擊 (Handfield et al., 2005)。因此有必要建立完整的綠色供應商評選指標。並且過去文獻多認為層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 最適合做為供應商評選之方法,但是層級分析法視各評選指標之間為獨立關係,然而,供應商評選指標之間應是具有相互影響與回饋關係,因此供應商評選的方法有必要進行修正,改採「分析網路程序法 (Analytic Network Process, ANP)」。在分析網路程序法中,有一關鍵步驟為建立指標之網路結構,當網路結構不一樣時,所得結果也有所不同,所以網路結構的正確性就變得相當重要,對此,將使用詮釋結構模式 (Interpretive Structure Model, ISM) 以有系統的方式建立評選指標之間的關係,進而提高網路結構的正確性,因此本研究將結合詮釋結構模式與分析網路程序法來建立綠色供應商評選模式。 / Before evaluating and selecting green suppliers, buyers must offer evaluation criteria according to the requirements of their industries. In the past, the researches about supplier evaluation criteria mostly focused on the traditional issues of cost, quality and delivery. However, the environmental risk can be caused by suppliers. Besides considering about the traditional issues, the buyers should even pay attention to the impact to environment by their policies, hence it is necessary to build completed green supplier evaluation criteria. According to the literature, Analytic Hierarchy Process was the best method for supplier evaluation. Analytic Hierarchy Process is defined that each evaluation criterion is independent. However, supplier evaluation criteria should be interdependence and feedback. Therefore, the evaluating and selecting methods are needed to be revised into Analytic Network Process. In Analytic Network Process, there is a crucial step that is to create a network of criteria. Because different network leads to different result, the correctness of the network is very important. For this issue, Interpretive Structure Model will be used to build up a relation between evaluation criteria in a systematic way to increase the correctness. In this research, Interpretive Structure Model and Analytic Network Process will be combined to create a green supplier evaluation model. Keyword : green supplier、Interpretive Structure Model、Analytic Network Process


黃靜萍, Huang, Ching Ping Unknown Date (has links)
半導體產業隨著科技的日新月異與製程的不斷更新,在產業的規模經濟以及市場發展程度,已經成為競爭激烈的白熱化市場。半導體製造廠商在思索如何強化自身的技術,及經營能力以降低生產成本之時,通路商也需要思考如何提升產品與服務的優勢,以順應各式各樣不同的客戶需求。半導體通路商位於產業供應鏈的中間位置,是扮演產業中對於市場動態敏感度最活躍的角色。半導體通路商如何在瞬息萬變的產業中,優化運籌管理系統,加上運用自身所擁有的強項及優勢,開發新的商機,發揮在產業鏈中的存在價值,增加競爭優勢,是本研究主要探討的方向。 本研究以文獻探討及個案研究方式進行,藉由產業的分析中,來檢視半導體通路商產業目前的發展狀況以及未來發展趨勢。透過研究者於個案公司與外部專業顧問公司合作規劃,及建構運籌管理系統設計的過程,探討運籌物流平台的籌畫及未來發展狀況,並分析電子商務平台對半導體通路商,在面臨電子產業的快速變化及不確定性時,如何有效地將供應鏈的連結做得更完整,達到提高服務,節省企業成本,以提高競爭力。在對半導體通路商在運籌管理系統設計探討後,本研究認為儘管ERP等系統已在企業界e化的過程中成為必備的資訊架構,而對半導體通路商而言,在資源有限及資訊多元的狀態下,強而有力的電子商務協同平台的設立,對運籌管理系統的設計,有其發展的必要性。 本研究的結論在於半導體通路商在半導體產業網絡系統中,如何扮演好在供應鏈的中間份子的角色,在運籌管理系統設計所應規劃的因應之道,並且在半導體供應鏈優化的趨勢中商如何運用運籌管理系統的設計來強化自身優勢。

透過銷售與營運規劃達成供應鏈轉型─電線電纜產業之個案研究 / Achieving supply Chain transformation through sales and operations planning - A case study for wire & cable industry

王元星, Wang, Starsky Unknown Date (has links)
電線電纜產業之個案研究 / The importance of supply chain management continues to grow as managers increasingly understand how effective supply chains enhance the ability to compete effectively in the market place. This paper presents a case study of a wire & cable manufacturing firm in China that undertakes its journey of supply chain management (SCM) transformation through Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) project implementation. The aim was to provide a real-life case example of a supply chain improvement process as presented from a practitioner’s perspective. A supply chain division was just newly established in the case study company and its supply chain journey was still in its infancy, and that made the company’s transformation process become very challenging. Unlike a traditional case study report focusing on a single project implementation only, this paper describes the whole improvement cycle starting with underlying supply chain issues identification and prioritization throughout the processes of project selection and implementation. This study exemplifies how a company finalized and realized its supply chain strategic direction through a systematic approach. Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model was used in the beginning to conduct a high-level assessment on supply chain opportunities and various brainstorming tools were applied in order to identify the issue with the greatest impact to the organization. Sales and Operations Planning or S&OP is another key element, and a thorough literature review supplemented with practical application is demonstrated in this paper. Little information technology application is presented. Instead, this case focuses more on change management and business process engineering.

藥妝連鎖業供應鏈商業智慧之研究-以Y公司為例 / The study of supply-Chain business-intelligence for the drug & cosmetic Chain store

黃瓊玉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著大者恆大的營運觀念,很多企業邁向連鎖體系,藥妝業亦是。根據MBA智庫百科(2015)指出,現代企業比任何時候都更依賴供應鏈的有效管理方能成功。而藥妝連鎖業的營運品項比任何產業都廣,其供應商更是多類與複雜,如何運用資訊化之力,尤其是日臻成熟又能快速掌握營運與競爭資訊的商業智慧,以提升供應鏈運作效能,而利於決策分析與競爭力,已是藥妝連鎖業當務之急。 有鑑於此,本研究首先針對研究主體之Y公司藥妝連鎖業營運及其供應鏈現況等進行個案研究,次而針對連鎖經營業、供應鏈及其管理、商業智慧與相關議題進行文獻探討,再者採行IDEF0與IDEF3進行Y公司供應鏈流程分析與資訊系統探討,並規劃與設計其商業智慧運作之資料倉儲的觀念模型、邏輯模型、實體模型、系統雛型及應用模型,最後綜整上述研究所得而分析與歸納個案公司供應鏈發展商業智慧重要與注意事項,其結論與建議如下: 結論方面,藥妝連鎖業供應鏈商業智慧之發展,現況是配銷缺乏統籌、供應鏈資訊化低、決策資源不足。而所需是建立基本藥品供應模式與資料倉儲,以收集大量資料發展商業智慧。而個案公司欲發展供應鏈商業智慧,需要了解產業現況與所需、掌握供應鏈商業智慧運作流程與模式、改進資料倉儲模型設計、奠立資訊化基礎、促進運作人才培養。 對Y公司的建議,可從1商業智慧發展之系統化、合理化 、標準化 、配送中心作業整合化投入,2品類管理發展之整合個案公司資訊系統,供應商和第三方資料投入,3企業整體營運面-資源配置優質化、提高市場占有率、提高市場占有率、提高競爭力、降低經營費用、引導生產領域、保護消費者權益投入。而對未來研究的建議是研究資料的增加、研究方法的改變與研究方向的拓展等。 / It becomes an important trend that firms invest to develop chain-operation. The drug & cosmetic also invest to develop chain-operation. Based on MBA encyclopedia (2015), firms much more depend on effective SCM now. And commodities of the Drug & Cosmetic are much more & complicated than any industry, they much more invest computerization to develop business-intelligence (BI) and improve SCM performance. Therefore, the study based on Y firm to explore the operation & supply-chain of the drug & cosmetic, invested to the chain-operation, SCM & BI literature review, then used IDEF0 & IDEF3 to analyze the supply-chain process & information system of Y firm, and plans concept model, logical model, physical model, system prototype & application model of Yfirm. In the end, the study obtained the following conclusion & suggestion: Conclusions: To BI development of the drug & cosmetic supply-chain: 1.distribution was lacking of integration 2.computerization level was too low 3.decision recourses was enough. Y firm wanted to develop supply-chain BI, it had to master needs of the industry and process & model of supply-chain BI, improved design of data-mining, built computerization base, invested train & education of human-recourse. Suggestions: To Y firm: 1.to develop BI system 2.to develop category management 3.to improve operation performance. To future research: 1.to add the research data 2.to change the research method 3.to expand the research direstion.

台灣數位相機代工產業的供應商涉入新產品開發模式之研究-以兩家上市公司為例 / The Research of Supplier Involvement Model of New Product Development of Taiwan Digital Camera Industry

廖雲娥, Liao, Grace Yun Er Unknown Date (has links)
台灣數位相機代工業出貨量穩居世界第一, 2011年渴望突破五成,毛利率維持10%以上,堪稱台灣代工業的典範,除了具備一向擅長的低廉製造成本優勢,數位相機沒有共同平台與主流設計可以依循,如何兼具「低成本」、「創新」與「速度」,並掌握市場終端消費者的需求,成為核心競爭力,這對於一向習慣於大量複製的台灣電子代工業而言,是很大的挑戰。 本研究的宗旨在於探討台灣數位相機代工業的供應商涉入新產品開發模式,以廠商內部因素與供應商條件考量兩個構面,透過個案研究的方式,深入訪談個案公司的研發高階經理人,探討影響數位相機廠商的供應商涉入產品開發的因素,研究對象是台灣數位相機代工業中的經營卓越的兩家上市公司,不論在公司規模、市佔率與產品開發成熟度上都具備代表性,透過個案訪談與個人參與觀察,輔以次級資料蒐集與相關文獻的學理驗證結果,提出以下的研究發現與建議,期望能提供其他台灣電子產業與後續研究參考與建議。 1. 經營卓越的台灣數位相機代工廠商會透過產業鏈上游垂直整合的方式,與關鍵元件供應商建立密切的合夥關係並視為企業的延伸,共同解決問題,以降低交易成本,穩定供貨,掌握品質。 2. 台灣數位相機代工廠商非常重視關鍵零組件供應商的研發能耐與其技術規劃是否符合品牌客戶的需求以及市場趨勢,是產品生命週期短的消費性電子代工業能夠建立兼具「創新」與「速度」兩種核心能耐的關鍵。 3. 台灣數位相機的產業鏈互賴結構密切,代工廠商與供應商合夥程度高,對代工廠商短期生產力的提升與長期策略優勢有相當大的幫助。 關鍵詞:數位相機代工,供應商涉入,新產品開發,垂直整合 / Taiwan digital camera shipment has been ranking worldwide first these years. Acoording to authoritative research, Taiwan is forecasted to take more than 50% of worldwide digital camera production market share in 2011. The major difference between digital camera and computer for OEM companies is that digital camera does not have common platform and design to follow. Except the Taiwan OEM industry’s strength, low production cost, how to establish and remain the core competenace of low cost and fulfill innovation and speed simutaniousely and know end-customer’s requirements are seriouse challenge for Taiwan electronic OEM industry. This research adopts “Case Study” research method to study the supplier involvement model of new product development of Taiwan digital camera OEM industry. Frame work is consisit of digital camera manufacturers and suppliers. Target compaies are two listed and big scaled companies of Taiwn stock market which have outstading performance in market share and marketplace, product research and development.There’re three findings of this research: 1. Taiwan outstanding digital camera OEM companies establish close partnership with key component suppliers and take suppiers as extension of their firms to decrease transation cost, stabilize supply and product quality. 2. Taiwan digital camera OEM companies pay much attention to whether the product research and development capability of key component suppliers could meet branding companies’ requrirements and fulfill market trend. This is very ctrical factor for consumer electronics industry which is well-known for short product life cycle could establish their two core competencs: innovation and speed. 3. The interdependence of Taiwan digital camera supply chain between OEM manufactures and suppliers is very close. Their strong partnership helps OEM manufactures increase their shot-term productivity and establish long term strategy. Keywords: Digtial Camera OEM, Supplier Involvement, New Product Development, Vertical Integration


紀岱玲 Unknown Date (has links)
供應商績效評估一直都是供應鏈管理重要的課題,企業中的採購部門必須定期的評估供應商的績效,以期望供應商能達到企業的需求。在進行供應商評估時,必須同時考慮多個指標及決定指標的權重,由於指標間具有相依及回饋的情形,因此權重的決定也較為複雜,此外,由於績效指標有互相影響的情形,指標間的關連度也是評估供應商時必須考慮的問題。本研究提出一個新的供應商績效評估方法,結合分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)及決策實驗室法(Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory, DEMATEL)建構評估模式,以達到正確的評估供應商績效,及可回溯績效表現找出關鍵改善原因之目的。 在進行供應商績效評估時,利用分析網路程序法求出各指標的權重,量化指標並求得供應商的總分;另外利用決策實驗室法得知各指標的因果關係及關連度大小,當檢視供應商績效時,可從權重大或關連度大但表現差的指標回溯,以提供供應商改善的方向。最後以模擬的方式進行驗證,結果顯示本研究對指標之排序符合模擬之結果,因此可供企業參考使用。 / Supplier performance evaluation for some time now has been receiving increasing importance as a supply chain management component. Purchasing managers need to periodically evaluate supplier performance in order to retain those suppliers who meet their requirements. Buyers usually consider multi-criteria and must determine the relative weights of the criteria when evaluating suppliers. Because of these performance criteria usually exist interdependence and feedback, the weights of the criteria are hard to obtain. In addition, performance criteria usually affect each other, so the direct and indirect effects are also a crucial problem when evaluating suppliers. This paper proposes a model which combines the methods of the analytic network process (ANP) and the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) to evaluate supplier performance accurately and can find out which criterion is the key factor to improve performance. When evaluating a supplier, ANP are used to determine the weights of performance criteria and can get the total performance of the supplier. DEMATEL are used to compute the effects between criteria. The model can propose the criterion which is the most important or affects other criteria the most, so buyers will know which criterion can improve the performance the most and can ask suppliers to modify it. Finally, a simulation is employed to verify our model. The result through the simulation is complied with our model, so it can provide the information for making decision concerning suppliers performance.


洪維謙, Hung ,Wei-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來環保意識興起,越來越多國家、政府開始重視環境保護,隨著越來越多相關環保法令規章的通過,企業不得不將環保因素納入企業營運考量。考量到環保因素許多的原料不能再使用,有些原料則是必須回收後再使用來達到環境保護,所以企業不能再獨善其身,企業必須負責將自己售出的產品回收再處理,因此逆向物流(reverse logistics)漸漸地受企業重視。近幾年來越來越多學者投入逆向物流相關議題的研究,但大部份都是針對某單一供應鏈管理策略做探討,例如:楊昭峯(2002),”製造策略對逆向供應鏈績效之影響”。張嘉恆、蘇純繪、林君維(2005),”綠色供應鏈模擬存貨採購策略之研究”。郭文清(2004),”逆向供應鏈製造策略之探討”。本次的研究便是探討比較全面性的供應鏈策略組合造成的影響,希望找出在逆向物流下這些供應鏈管理策略組合對成本之影響?研究目的有二點: 一、 逆向物流下不同策略組合對成本的影響度。 二、 建議企業在哪種逆向物流環境下該採用何種策略組合。 本次的研究方法主要是透過模擬的方式來達成,藉由模擬的方式得知各種供應鏈管理策略組合對成本所造成的影響,而主要的策略架構於供應鏈協會(Supply Chain Council, SCC)所發展的SCOR Model,SCOR Model提供了供應鏈管理中的參考流程如Source(採購)、Make(製造)、Deliver(配送)、Return(回收),這次研究的策略主要分成這四大區塊,再探討相關策略文獻應用於本研究。決定了相關策略後,再建立成本項目用來評估每一種組合所產生的影響,最後建立實驗模型與流程進行模擬實驗。 關鍵字﹕逆向物流、供應鏈管理、策略組合

供應鏈風險管理策略運用之研究 / The Research on Applying Risk Management Strategies in Supply Chains

吳昀峰 Unknown Date (has links)
企業為有效提高生產效率、降低成本與找尋最佳解決方案,促成專業高效率、有彈性與低成本合作夥伴遍及全球各地的現象。而當前產業趨勢為專業化分工、企業全球化,此情況也使企業、顧客與供應商等合作夥伴形成關係極為複雜的全球化供應鏈網路,但伴隨而來是發生機率大幅提高之供應鏈風險等相關問題。2011年3月日本發生芮氏規模8.9地震,且併發如海嘯等災害造成日本企業減產停工、並出現供應鏈中斷的情況,使蘋果公司產品i-Devices、波音七八七客機、美國汽車廠商都受其影響。2011年7月泰國發生水災,除造成電腦產業硬碟短缺,亦造成相關電腦資訊產業鉅額損失。近年來關於供應鏈風險管理文獻研究也指出,全球化使供應鏈網路錯綜複雜,使供應鏈網路更容易受政治及經濟變化影響而出現混亂、崩潰,進而產生更大的風險。因此對企業而言供應鏈風險管理議題是非常重要的。有鑑於此,本研究將針對「如何有效減低供應鏈風險發生之衝擊」為主要議題進行研究。 本研究使用陳有慶(2013)相互影響關聯之供應鏈風險因子表,且從文獻蒐集相關風險因子之供應鏈風險管理策略,並運用系統動態模擬方法(System Dynamics; SD)建立以SCOR流程模式為整體框架基礎架構的供應鏈風險管理策略評估模擬模式。藉由此模擬模式可評估測試供應鏈風險管理策略對不同風險因子的影響,驗證各策略降低風險的有效性,並觀察不同策略對各風險因子的控制及降低對供應鏈衝擊的效果,最後針對各風險因子策略彙整並分析出對應之最佳風險管理策略。 / To reduce cost, increase productivity enterprises, and find the best solution. Enterprises cooperate with professional efficiency, flexible, and low-cost partners all over the world. Industry specialization, corporate globalization is the current trend of the times. The phenomenon also contributed to the enterprise, customers and suppliers, and other partners to form a highly complex relationship between global supply chain networks, it is accompanied by the occurrence of risk related issues. The earthquake happened on Japan in March 2011, it caused related subsequent disaster also caused Japanese companies cut downtime or the disruption of supply chain situation. In recent years, research on risk management of the supply chain literature also prove that the globalization cause the supply chain network complexity, and it have a greater risk happen because of political and economic environment changes. Therefore this research concentrates on a topic: how to effectively mitigate risk impacts in supply chain. About the topic, the System Dynamics (SD) method and the risk factor framework of supply chains by Chen&Lin (2013) will be used to construct a risk management strategy evaluation simulation model to evaluate the performance of risk management strategies. The risk management strategies will be examined by the proposed simulation model, and the proper strategy for each risk factor will be found. The risk assessment and risk management strategy evaluation simulation model proposed in this research could be as useful tools for managers to assess risks and to select proper risk management strategies in supply chains.


張吳傳, Zhang, Wu-Zhuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之目的係探討軍公教福利品供應中心成立後,由於零售通路結構的改變,對 於國內廠商行銷策略之影響,並嘗試以產品之知覺風險為測變數,探討對知覺風險 不同的產品,消費者籠顧此一機構的程度。 本論文之研究方法分為廠商及消費者兩部份分別敘述:廠商部份係以人員配合問卷 方式對廠商作實地訪問;消費者部份採取問卷調查之方式在台北地區為之。兩項問 卷的結果,均以電腦作統計分析。 本論文希望將實地實地調查之結論,預測此機構日後發展的情況,並據以推論其對 國內零售業者,在經營型態上可具有涵義。 #2810562 #2810562

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