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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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保險業利用國外股價指數期貨避險策略可行性之研究 / The feasibility of insurance company use foreign stock index future for hedging

郭美美, Kuo,Mei Mei Unknown Date (has links)
壽險利用國外股價指數期貨來規避國內股票投資組合的特定市場風險,其 可行性為何,則是本研究的重點。本研究目的主要乃基於壽險業在欲達成 某目標報酬率的前提下,為了避免因股票投資組合價值下跌,而須利用股 價指數期貨來規避其溢額風險。首先經由文獻探討來得知壽險業股票投資 組合的特性,並針對台灣與美國、日本、香港股市相關性作實證上研究結 果的比較,然後再將股票指數期貨避險理論與運用做彙整,最後則將過去 有關股價指數期貨實證研究節果做一回顧。本研究結果發現 :(1)壽險業 在選擇國外股價指數期貨為避險工具時,以香港□生指數期貨為最佳 。(2)避險期間不宜過短, 以四週為宜。 (3)因本研究發現避險期間越 長,則避險比例越高, 且其避險績效亦越高,因此若在考慮交易成本的 情況下,則應以較長的避險期間為佳。 (4)迴模模型大致上皆能符合適合 度與假設檢定,故毋須再作修正。

企業購併與人力資源策略之研究-以南山人壽購併案為例 / M&A and human resources strategy: a study of Nan Shan life insurance co. ltd

江博煜 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以質化研究方式分析南山人壽購併案內的三個主體之人力資源策略,分別是南山人壽的人力資源策略、收購公司的人力資源策略以及利害關係人網絡中利害關係人所採取的策略,並經由整體性的個案分析來探求非經濟因素在此個案中影響購併決策的確實表現。   研究結果發現南山人壽長期以來的人力資源策略具防衛性,但購併風險的反應能力卻偏低,當購併發生時同時也將引發人才留用的挑戰。本研究從「導師制」以及「公積金制」進行分析,結果發現這兩個制度在南山人壽面臨外來壓力時留才的效果確實有限,此外公積金制甚至還會因為制度會員的恐慌而帶來員工牽制AIG轉讓股權的狀況,形成制度效果牽制母公司決策的尷尬事實。   另外在收購公司以及利害關係人網絡之人力資源策略部份,從資本的角度來看可以獲得南山人壽長期以來累積的豐沛資本是利害關係人網絡主動抵制外來勢力的研究結果。這個原因使得買家要想入主南山人壽前,得先證明自己有足夠的資本來滿足整體利害關係人社會網絡的期待,其效果有如南山人壽藉由整體利害關係人網絡來執行人力資源策略一般,呈現出以整體網絡來作為防禦機制的意涵。   最後,本研究詳細紀錄了南山人壽購併案過程中整體利害關係人社會網絡彼此之間的互動與牽制,從理論以及資料中探求各利害關係人所採取的行為之意義與影響,期望能對未來相關議題的研究盡一己之力。

保險業務發展基金相關問題之研究 / Study on Related Issues Concerning Insurance Development Fund

陳愷瑩, Chen, Kai-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
保險業務發展基金於民國59年成立,當時保險業資源稀少、人才匱乏,由保險業者每月自保費收入中提撥3‰至5‰至該基金,為健全保險業之發展為宗旨。40多年來,不論透過捐補助保險業相關單位,或專案補助之方式,該基金對保險業之發展有相當之貢獻。惟近年來,整體政治經濟環境變化劇烈,保險業之發展與當年亦不可同日而語,如何將此基金法制化,即為各方關切之重要課題。 本文以保險業務發展基金為中心,與金融市場中其他相關基金-財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會、財團法人台北金融研究發展基金會作比較,並參酌產、官、學界各方長期關注本基金發展之專家學者意見,做出法律層面之分析。先就保險業務發展基金之所有權歸屬,由來源、徵收過程、目的、運用等各方面探討其應歸屬於保險業者、保戶或政府;次就該基金之管理,應以管理委員會、信託基金、特別收入基金或財團法人之模式進行,探討其適法性與利弊得失;再就該基金未來之發展提出可能之方向。最後總結全文,期望本研究之結論與建議,能為該基金相關爭議之解決,俾供參酌。

從保險業務員的契約屬性論其於企業併購時之權利保障 / A study on the rights of insurance agents under the circumstance of merger and acquisition from the perspective of the nature of insurance agents employment contract

張采榛, Chang,Tsai Chen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來受到金融海嘯衝擊的影響,外商壽險公司面臨巨大的財務壓力,不得不出售海外資產以求自,民國97年起幾乎年年都有外商出售在台壽險公司持股或移轉部分業務的事件,而外商保險公司的出走,連帶影響的是在保險公司內的員工,不論是外勤業務人員或是內勤人員,每當有任何一家外商保險公司撤離台灣,民眾關心的是保險權利義務是否有承接,惟就保險從業人員及保險業務員的權利義務,工作年資及工作權相關議題,往往是最被忽略的。本研究有感由此等問題層出不窮,故就本議題研究之。 本研究首就我國現行保險業務員所簽定之各式勞務給付契約型態、民事判決爭議並就民國105年10月21日,司法院大法官以院台大二字第1050026814號公布740號解釋,其正面意見及不同意見進行研究。 再者,依據企業併購法其併購態樣之差易處,及勞動契約效力影響與企業併購後對於留用之保險業務員所生之影響,包含招攬佣金性質、其他獎金、津貼及年資、調職與退休金之相關討論。後輔以美國、歐盟及英國法上就事業或營業移進行探討,併同目前保險業界保險契約屬性進行說明。

壽險業企業風險管理制度之探討 / A Study of Enterprise Risk Management Systems of Life Insurance Industry

高美蓮, Kao,Mei Lien Unknown Date (has links)
壽險業作為經營風險的特許行業,承擔著穩定社會、資金的聚集和供給,以及促進經濟成長等重要功能。近年來由於低利率、匯率變動及國內外經濟環境日益惡化,保險業的本業利潤逐年降低,壽險業的經營面臨重大的挑戰。 保險公司倒閉在國外並不是新鮮事,根據統計,1978~1994年,不到20年間,全球共有648家保險公司破產。導致保險公司破產的原因很多,其中美國在2000~2001年破產的公司大部份是準備金不足;日本保險公司的破產原因則多為投資損失。此外,一些無法意料的天災及人禍之理賠,例如美國911恐怖事件以及卡翠那風災,使得各國保險公司對於企業風險管理更加重視。標準普爾信用評等公司於2006年起,正式將企業風險管理(ERM)制度列入保險業的信用評等項目,更加速保險公司執行企業風險管理的速度。目前國內保險業風險管理制度之實施,則仍屬於起步階段。 保險業屬於高度競爭及高度監理之行業,因此,如何在保持領先的競爭地位及提供優質的客戶服務的同時,亦能恪遵法令、落實內部控制制度及企業風險管理制度,進而創造出屬於自身的藍海策略,以期追求穩定持續成長的獲利,實為壽險業者必須重視的議題。 本研究探討目前保險業所面臨的風險及挑戰,分析金管會對保險公司重大裁罰之種類,並描述及探討個案公司實施內部控制、沙賓法案及企業風險管理制度之狀況與歷程,以及其可能遇到的瓶頸與障礙。本研究結果對於國內保險業實施內部控制、沙賓法案及企業風險管理的過程,可提供助益。 / Life insurance industry conducts business that requires approval from its regulatory authority. The industry provides an array of functions, such as managing risks, maintaining social stability, pooling and supplying funds, etc. In recent years, life insurance industry has faced with serious challenges due to its decreasing operating profit margin caused by low interest rates, volatility of foreign exchange rates, and deteriorating economic environment around the globe. The bankruptcy among insurance companies is nothing new over the world. There were as many as 648 companies going bankrupt during 1978 to 1994. The causes of the aforementioned bankruptcy were many. For example, Japan companies became insolvent mostly due to investment losses; those in the U.S. were caused by insufficient reserves. Huge insurance claims for unpredictable natural or man-made disasters, such as 9/11 terrorist attack, hurricane Katrina, and the subprime mortgage crisis in the U.S., have attracted most companies’ attention worldwide to “enterprise risk management (ERM)”. Hence, Standard & Poor’s started in 2006 to apply the ERM analysis to its credit rating for the insurance industry, and this measure propels insurance companies into the implementation of ERM. Nonetheless, Taiwanese insurance companies are just at the inception of ERM. Insurance industry must comply with stringent regulations while confronting keen competition. An insurance company must take a lead in competition, provide quality services to its customers, abide by regulations, and implement internal controls and ERM in an integrated fashion. In doing so, an insurance company can develop its own blue ocean strategy and maintain sustainable growth and profit. This research probes into the risks and challenges faced by Taiwan insurance industry in dealing with various risks and challenges, including the serious sanctions by the Financial Supervisory Commission. We present a case study of local life insurance company with respect to its process of integrating internal control systems, compliance to Sarbanes-Oxley Act and implementation of ERM. A number of deficiencies, bottlenecks and obstacles were identified and analyzed, followed by related suggestions. Our results provide insights and helpful suggestions to the integration of internal controls, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, and ERM for Taiwan insurance industry.


范千惠 Unknown Date (has links)
財富管理源起於私人銀行,服務對象為高淨值資產之客層。金融監督管理委員會為促進國內金融環境發展健全,於2005年2月間頒布「銀行辦理財富管理業務應注意事項」、2005年7月間頒布「證券商辦理財富管理業務應注意事項」、2006年1月核准「人身保險業辦理財富管理業務」。規範人身保險業從事財富管理業務之範疇,歸納為人身保險業針對高淨值客戶,透過人身保險業務員,依據客戶需求,提供資產配置或財務規劃等服務,而高淨值客戶之條件,由人身保險業自行依據經營策略訂定。 隨著人口老化、財富愈趨集中、經濟環境之變遷,金融控股公司資源整合與金融監理相關法規逐漸完備等因素,人身保險產業由擅長提供人身保險商品,延伸至理財規劃及資產管理諮詢服務,也延伸經營管理相關問題,本研究就國內人身保險業經營財富管理業務,針對人壽保險公司實施財富管理業務提出建議: 1、加強財富管理業務之風險管理:應加強經營財富管理相關業務的經營風險辨識,進而提出有效的風險管理制度與政策。 2、強化內部稽核制度有效性:在兼顧經營效率下,建立有效稽核制度,使企業成為一個有機體。 3、確實瞭解客戶並落實客戶風險告知:一套瞭解、認識、接近客戶並取得客戶信任整合流程,是發展財富管理業務的關鍵。 4、提升業務人員教育訓練及專業培養:專業知識、教育訓練、管理規範及資訊系統輔助,使人員服務品質提升,更可以有效傳遞並確保客戶權益。 5、強化保險商品創新與財富管理市場定位:以人壽保險產業深入服務優勢,搭配商品服務及通路創新,以獨特性及附加價值,奠定財富管理定位。 同時亦探討現行保險監理機關監管財富管理必須重視的議題,如何明確定義人壽保險業者經營財務富管理業務檢查要點,修正財富管理業務需有獨立權責部門規定及開放投資型商品設計及管理費議題。本文同時評估現行人身保險業者經營財富管理業務之效益評估,並作為監理機關監管財富管理業務時參考。 / The “Wealth Management” service was created by private bank. It is designed to serve the customers with high net worth. In order to improve the financial environment to be well managed and to be wealthy developed, the Financial Supervisory Commission Committee announced the terms of “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Banks” in February 2005, “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Securities” in July 2005. The “The Rules for Life Insurance Companies Hosting Wealth Management Business” had been permitted to be announced in January 2006. It defined the business scope for life insurance companies to promote the wealth management business. The purpose of the wealthy management service sold by life insurance companies is targeted to serve the life insurance customers with high net worth. Through the life insurance sales, the life insurance companies can offer the capital allocation, financial planning based on customers’ request. For the criteria of “High Net worth” customers, it can be defined by each life insurance company. Due to the average age of population is becoming higher, wealth is becoming to be concentrated, economic environment situation is changing intensively, the financial holding companies integrated the resources, the rules of financial supervision is becoming completed, such kinds of change offer the opportunity for life insurance companies to extend their business scope to the territory of the consultant service for financial planning and wealth management. Such kind of change creates some administration and management issues. So the purpose of this study is to survey the current situations of wealth management business of life insurance to try to find the suggestions for the below topics. 1.Empower the risk management for wealth management business: How to empower the risk identification capability to propose the effective rules and policies for risk management. 2.Improve the internal audit mechanism to be more effective: How to establish or improve the internal audit mechanism without affect the business and company operation. 3.Learn more about the customers and solid executing the risk notification to customers: How to establish an effective SOP for realizing the customers’ exact requirement, approaching the customers and getting the customers’ trust. 4.Enhance the sales education training to enhance the service quality and empower the business competition ability: By integrating the IT resources and business management to establish an organized/effective sales education training package for improving the sales knowledge and business domain know how. 5.The enhancement for life insurance product creativity and clear marketing positioning ability/core competence for wealth management business: Taking the advantage of the existing sales network, combining the creative product, service and channel profile to establish the specialty and core competence. Meanwhile, this study tries to highlight some key issues like “the important topics shall be focused by the insurance supervision institute”, “the definition of the check points for the wealth management business of life insurance companies”, “how to revised the relative rules to request the wealth management business must be performed by the independent department”, “release the permission for the designation of Investment-oriented merchandise and management fee”. This study also makes the performance evaluation for the wealth management business of life insurance companies. It would be the valuable reference data for the relative supervision institute of government.

人壽保險業務員通路於金控子公司共同行銷之風險管理 / The risk management of the cross-selling among the financial holding company’s subsidiaries by the channel of life insurance agents

高穎祥 Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構跨業經營已蔚為常態,金融機構利用不同的整併模式,積極進行跨業資源整合及業務推動。金融控股公司的設立加速跨業經營的腳步,如何利用強勢通路進行共同行銷以達成綜效,成為決勝的關鍵因素。人壽保險業務員通路利用關係行銷,掌握客戶需求,面對面進行顧客服務,滿足客戶一站購足的全方位商品服務,帶動金控集團業績,肩負舉足輕重的戰略地位。然而居高不下的壽險申訴率,引發我們對業務員進行共同行銷時是否也會發生不當行為風險的疑慮,並思考如何提前辨識及因應。 本研究嘗試以保險申訴類型與現行壽險業務員共同行銷模式進行模擬比對,以辨識風險來源,經歸納推導得知壽險業務員趨利避害思維模式及價值觀,若無適當管控,將會引發共同行銷不當行為的發生,並且將隨業務擴展逐漸浮現。為回應風險,本研究結合實務經驗,分別對相關不當行為態樣及有關單位提出風險管理建議(1)在壽險公司方面,可注意強化業務員跨業行銷專業及法令教育,嚴懲共同行銷的不當行為以敬效尤,並善用保險機制以分散風險;(2)在金控公司方面,則應建立跨業風險預判及預防機制,善用集團的資源管理風險,並進行子公司間效率運作經驗的複製及移植;(3)在主管機關方面,可思考調整產險業界業績計算方式,從制度面進行改變導正,另為配合跨業行銷爭議處理機構之設立規劃,可先從金控、公會組織逐級試行申訴運作模式,待未來正式設立時即可移轉經驗及制度,讓消費者保護沒有空檔。期能透過各方面的配合,讓共同行銷的運作能更為完善,以提升金控集團經營效率並充分保護消費者權益。 / Cross-selling seems to be a popular business model for most financial institutions. Various M&A are employed by financial institutions for the purpose of resources integration and business growth across different sectors. The establishment of financial holding companies has further accelerated the scope of business. It is very critical to leverage the advantage of strong channels to enhance synergy via cross-selling. Life insurance agents position themselves importantly for the performance of the holding company groups as they provide one-stop service, face to face interact, and satisfy the demand with their customers by leveraging the customer relationship. But the high customer complaint rations arose the concern with the appropriateness of cross-selling of the agents and the legacy risk, and encourage us to identify the related risk and figure out possible solutions. This research tries to simulate the genres of complaints and the patens of cross-selling of the agents for the purpose of identifying sources of risk. It is concluded that the agents should be well monitored and restrained because of their trade-off mind-sets and value. If not, mis-behaviors can happen along with the growth of business. In response to the related risk, this research based on operation experience leads to several suggestions according to the genres of mis-behaviors to the related entities. First, the life insurance companies should play attention to the enforcement of cross-selling skills and education of regulation of the agents, the punishment of mis-behaviors, and insurance mechanism to diversify related risks. Secondly, the holding companies should build the mechanism of identifying, measuring, and preventing the related risks, manage the risk by using group resources, and replicate the experience and know-how among the subsidiaries. Finally, the supervisory authority should consider the adjustment of performance measurement of the P&C insurance sector, try to guide the sector by change of rules, and try to set up the complaint process from the level of the holding companies and the business associations sequentially, first and then transfer these accumulated experiences and rules to the institution handling arguments about cross-selling after its official establishment in the future. Then the consumers can be well protected without any gap. It is expected that the cross-selling model can be run much better to enhance the operation efficiency of holding company groups and protection of consumers due to the cooperation of related entities.

金融海嘯期間公司治理與績效分析:台灣銀行業與壽險業探討 / Corporate governance and performance analysis in financial crisis:taiwan banking and insurance company

吳姿瑩, Wu, Tzu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文以2007 年至2008 年金融海嘯期間,台灣公開發行之銀行與壽險業為對 象,研究公司治理與經營績效是否有顯著相關性,並進一步探討其與經營績效下跌程度是否有顯著相關,同時納入2004 年及2005 年檢測此現象是否僅於金融海嘯期間存在。本研究發現金融海嘯前與期間的公司治理變數顯著項目與經營績效不同,金融海嘯期間公司治理對其當年度經營績效有顯著影響,也與期間的受損程度有顯著影響,董監事報酬與經營機效呈現負相關;董事長兼任總經理呈現正相關,表示不論是在一般時期或是系統性風險下的事件發生時,金融業的公司治理機制會對企業經營表現具有攸關性。 / Using data from publicly-traded Taiwan banks and life insurance companies before and during the financial crisis, this study analyze the relation between corporate governance and the performance of Taiwan banking and life insurance company. In addition, to research the relation between corporate governance and the performance change ratio of Taiwan banking and life insurance company. Obviously,performance decreases during the crisis. Furthermore, We find negative relation between performance and ownership structure and compensation of board of directors, but positive relation between performance and dual. Finally, we find there are different relations before and during the financial crisis.

投資營運中太陽能發電廠之評估研究 - 以H產險公司為例 / Assessment Research on Investing Operational Solar Power Station --- H Insurance CO., LTD.

羅祥恩, Lo, Hsiang En Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年再生能源蓬勃發展,全球新增的太陽能發電裝置量也持續上升,擁有高太陽能技術的台灣,更是在太陽能電池上不停成長及擴張,使台灣在太陽能產業有高度前景。但由於太陽能成本高且產業鏈冗長,許多太陽能源公司紛紛想售出發電廠或尋求投資者。另一方面,國內保險業受到市場趨於飽和及利率偏低等因素影響,獲利難以成長,保險業的另一部份獲利來自於投資,穩定的投資獲利讓保險業者可以脫離低利率的險境,但由於台灣法令對保險業者的投資限制,使保險業者欠缺投資管道。基於營運中太陽能電廠需要資金,而保險業者需要新投資項目的情況下,如何讓保險業者更明白太陽能產業之營運方式及潛在風險,給予保險業者更明確的方向做為評估模式,將是本研究之重點。 投資績效的準確度有賴於評估模式的準確性,而評估模式的準確性則取決於影響因子之準確性。故要算出較為準確的投資績效,理解與抓出適當之影響因子為本研究的研究基礎。最後,本研究將太陽能電廠之營運風險評估方式分為「營收面」與「成本面」兩個面向,「營收面」中包含環境因素、系統因素與太陽光電躉購費率三大類的影響因子;「成本面」則包含投資成本、租金成本、維修與管理成本與清潔成本四類影響因子。由以上影響因子來評估一間營運中太陽能發電廠的價值,並以20年來計算內部投資報酬率(IRR)作為評判基準。 / Due to the rapidly growth in renewable energy nowadays, the quantity of solar power systems rises sustaining. Taiwan, which has high solar technology, is still expending its capability on solar power systems. It makes Taiwan have a bright prospect of solar industries. However, the high cost and lengthy industrial chain of solar industries let solar power companies try to sell out their power systems or find investments. On the other side, based on the domestic saturated market and low interest rates, insurance industries in Taiwan are hardly to earn profit on their operation. Another way for insurance companies to obtain profit is investment. Therefore, a stable investing profit makes insurance companies out of the low-rate situation. But due to the investment restriction in Taiwanese laws, insurance companies are always lack of investment projects. Based on the short of capital funds in solar power system and the lack of investment projects in insurance companies, how to let insurance companies know more on solar industries and their potential risks, and how to assessment solar power system will be the key point in this paper. The accuracy of investment performance depends on accuracy of assessment model, and the accuracy of assessment model hinges on accuracy of impact factors. Therefore, in order to find an accurate investment performance, to realize and choose the appropriate impact factors will be the key process in this paper. Finally, to assess operational solar power station, this paper divided all the impact factors into two main categories: revenue and expense. Revenue includes 3 impact factors: environment factors, systems factors and feed-in tariff. Expense includes 4 impact factors: initial investment cost, rent expense, repair and managing cost and cleaning cost. According to these impact factors, we can assess the value of operational solar power station and evaluate internal rate of return (IRR) in 20 years.

我國保險業未來適用IAS 40續後評價方法之選擇及原因之探討 / Fair value or cost model? Drivers of choice for IAS 40 in insurance industry

廖雅芬, Liao, Ya Fen Unknown Date (has links)
我國在金融監督管理委員會2009年5月14日宣告全面採用國際會計準則後,所有公開發行公司即受到全面性的衝擊;而在眾多的IFRS中,IAS 40投資性不動產會計準則,是目前國內會計準則所沒有的規定,且此號公報最特別的規定,是允許投資性不動產的續後評價,企業可以擁有選用公允價值法與歷史成本法的彈性,這樣的特殊規定觸發筆者想瞭解,企業未來適用此號公報,其續後評價方法之選擇及影響選擇原因的動機。 相對於歐美,由於我國缺乏具有長期收益性與安全性的資金投資管道,造成我國保險業長期偏好將可運用資金投資於實體不動產,故IAS 40對我國保險業影響重大,因此筆者以我國保險業為研究對象,以問卷、個案分析及訪談來探討保險業者對未來適用IAS 40之看法與期待。 經過研究分析,本研究發現60.61%的保險業在未來實施IAS 40後會繼續延用歷史成本模式,對影響選擇的因素方面,受訪者認為「對盈餘數字高低的影響」、「所得稅金額大小的考慮」、「對不同年度的損益造成波動的關係」等三項因素最為重要,另外,受訪者最認同新會計準則方法規定允許公司選用歷史成本法或公允價值法「會增加公司間財務資訊比較的複雜性」,且60.6%受訪公司傾向不同意提前適用此號公報。 / After the Financial Supervisory Commission Executive Yuan, R .O.C. declaring on May 14, 2009 that adopt International Accounting Standard in an all-round way in our country, all the public company were totally impacted promptly; Among the IFRSs, IAS 40 investment property is not exist at our present domestic accounting regulations and the most special of this regulation is allowing the enterprises can have elasticity of selecting the cost method or fair value method for measurement after recognition. The special treatments induce me to understand the drivers of the reason in its choice. As to America and Europe, because our country lacks have long-term rentability and security fund investment channel, cause the insurance of our country prefer to invest in real estate for a long time, so the implemental of IAS 40 will influence our insurance industry very much, so the study use questionnaires, case analysis and interview to researching the determinants of insurance industry choice to use the cost or fair value model to account for their real estate. Researched and analyzed, originally discover that 60.61% of the insurances will continue to use the cost method after implementing IAS 40 in the future, to influencing the factor chosen, interviewees think ”the amount of earnings”, “the tax amount” and “the volatility of income in different years” three factors are most important. In addition, interviewees admit that IAS 40 permits enterprises to choose cost method or fair value method will increase the complexity of comparisons among the companies’ report, and 60.6% interviewed disagree earlier application with this criterion.

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