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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


鄭安峰, Andy Cheng Unknown Date (has links)

存託憑證之研究 / Depositary Receipts

黃勇富, Huang, yung fu Unknown Date (has links)
存託憑證基本上是由一本國境內之存託機構與外國發行人簽訂存託契約, 發行用以表彰外國發行公司有價證券所有數之憑證。其相關當事人有存託 銀行、保管銀行、外國發行人、證券承銷商、投資人;相關之契約有存託 契約、保管契約與承銷契約。根據發行公司參與發行存託憑證之程序與否 ,可分為「公司參與型」及「非公司參與型」兩種。這項業務之優點,對 投資人而言有可克服時空、語言、文字障礙,方便股務事項之處理;對發 行公司而言有可提高企業之國際知名度、增加原始股票之流動性;對本國 市場而言,可擴展本國證券市場規模、創造就業機會。以臺灣目前之狀況 看來,由於正處於證券市場開放之第二階段,以存託憑證之方式來達到間 接投資外國股票之目的,實乃良策。然推行之初,由於限制頗多,使得推 行成效不彰,外國發行公司至臺灣發行臺灣存託憑證之意願不高,故主管 機關應就現行措施再加以檢討,提高外國發行公司之意願。


林旺聲 Unknown Date (has links)
全球人口已在2011年10月間突破70億大關,人口老化的速度也加快,老人安養問題成為刻不容緩的議題。對於「窮得只剩下房子的老人」因為不符合救助標準,以致生活無著。於是發展出「在地老化,現宅照顧」的概念,高齡者以自有房屋設定抵押,按期取得資金,支應生活費、醫療費及其他支出,這就是本文所要探討的「反式房貸」。國內對於這樣的議題,相關的著作、期刊或論文較為缺乏,本文蒐集其他國家的文獻,並配合各機構推出的業務方案內容,就適用我國現行法時,可能會產生的問題加以研析,並試圖提出解決方案或方向。 關於反式抵押權定性的問題,本文認為反式房貸的性質雖與最高限額抵押權類似,但仍有其相異甚至矛盾之處,針對問題提出看法。在「無追索權」的部分基本問題是恰當與否的問題,主要是從契約自由原則切入,並對流抵契約之清算義務、剩餘財產分配請求權、成年監護制度等議題分別探討。最後,一般反式房貸在現行法下可能的問題,若以其他方式辦理(本文以信託為例)之可行性等,加以分析與討論。本文獲致之結論略述如下: 一、反式房貸抵押權應適用或類推適用最高限額抵押權規定,其他包括最高限額之決定、設定年限等技術性問題,應由主管機關政策考量加以解決。 二、原則上,無追索權條款仍有契約自由原則之適用,不過對於部分約定是否有違誠信原則致不符定型化契約相關規定,仍應個案審查,不宜一概認為無效。 三、反向抵押信託在運作上,確可解決包括流抵之清算義務、強制執行等問題,但實際業務運作模式仍待主管機關與相關業者共同規劃。 反式房貸對我國來說是一項新的金融產品,本文研究結果或所提出的建議或許不能解決全部的問題,其關鍵因素在於學術性的討論,要全面性的檢討有其限制與困難,可能只是一個方向,或集中在某些爭點上,甚至可能因而產生其他的問題,這可能就必須由政府相關部門或其他的研究者再去深入討論。


鄭佩宜 Unknown Date (has links)
國內不動產投資信託發行至今已屆兩年,從各檔REITs上市造成大量的超額認購的盛況顯示,REITs顯然將成為一項重要的投資工具。但國內缺乏市場實際表現的討論,因此本研究針對國內施行狀況進行研究。在各檔績效表現方面,以富邦二號表現較佳,三鼎與基泰之星之表現則略顯較差,而且各檔REITs均無顯著的股價蜜月期。在整體REITs市場方面,透過T-REITs指數的建立與指數走勢,得知目前國內REITs整體呈上升的趨勢;而於流通情況方面大致在新REITs上市當日,有相對較高的成交量之外,整體而言國內REITs週轉率明顯低於大盤與營建股;在報酬與風險方面,顯示T-REITs是具有低風險、穩定報酬特性的投資標的。 本文檢驗T-REITs加入投資組合之可行性,由相關係數分析得知,T-REITs相較於其他股票提供較佳的避險能力,是具有對抗通貨膨脹與利率變動之規避風險功用的投資工具,且T-REITs與其他股票走勢的相關性低,乃是分散投資組合風險的有效途徑。另外,由共整合檢定結果顯示,T-REITs指數與大盤指數以及T-REITs與營建股價指數之間,均無共整合之均衡關係存在,表示投資人可達到投資分散風險之目的。整體而言,國內REITs是一項值得加入投資組合的商品。 / T-REITs has been launched for two years, and the oversubscribtion of all REITs demonstrates that T-REITs has become an important investment instrument. But due to the lack of study on the market performance in the domestic area, therefore derives the necessity of relative research. We find that Fubon No. 2 REIT REIT is better than the others, and none of the REITs have honeymoon period. Through the establishment of T-REITs index, we discover that T-REITs has been trending up; the turnover rates are relatively higher when T-REITs first goes public, but significantly lower than that of market index and property stocks overall. Moreover, our findings indicate that T-REITs is an investment instrument which provides stabile return at a low risk. In this study, We investigate if T-REITs is capable of hedging. From the correlation analysis, we discover that T-REITs provides a better hedge over other stocks as an investment instrument, which is effective against inflation and variation of interest rates. And also, the cointergration test shows that T-REITs, market index and property stocks are not cointergrated, suggesting that markets tend to behave differently during the time of our observation; hense the investment portfolio shares the benefit of diversification by including REITs, therefore worthy of investment.

我國信託法有關信託登記內涵之研究-以不動產信託為中心 / A study about trust registration in Taiwan Trust Law-focusing on the real estate trust.

李如婷, Lee, Ju Ting Unknown Date (has links)
現行我國與不動產信託有關之登記,分有不動產物權登記中之「以信託為原因的不動產權利變動登記」;以及信託法第4條第1項後段之「非經信託登記,不得對抗第三人。」(以下簡稱:後段信託登記)兩種。其中後者所指之「信託登記」意義為何,現行尚未有明確定義。 詳言之,於我國制度下,信託關係的成立生效,委託人應將不動產所有權移轉予受託人,亦即需先完成不動產物權登記。而在不動產物權登記的機制之中,藉由其公示力已能對外揭露一定程度的訊息。於此,在考量我國不動產物權登記之功能作用後,還剩下甚麼部分是有公示之必要,但卻不容於不動產物權登記,而必須留待於信託法第4條第1項後段信託登記之機制來處理?亦即後段信託登記之意義與目的為何?實仍待探究釐清。 本文將後段信託登記之意義與目的先分為:「信託財產的公示」、「信託條款的公示」二者,並從信託關係成立生效的二項要素切入,分析說明後段信託登記之義意與目的;於掌握其意義與目的後,再進一步探究應如何解釋適用該登記之對抗效力;接續再以所得之結論,說明與不動產信託登記內涵有關之登記問題如:現行土地登記規則中存有後段信託登記範疇之規定是否不適法、表示信託登記不生逾期登記罰鍰問題的函釋內容是否適法、登記簿上之「信託財產、委託人姓名或名稱,信託內容詳信託專簿」註記,是否為公信力之保護對象、不動產登記法草案施行後是否能解決上述問題或其本身是否有修正空間。 本文之研究企圖在於,希冀使固有之不動產物權登記與新進之信託法第4條第1項後段信託登記,兩者能夠相輔運作而又不致相互混淆,最終而令我國不動產信託登記機制能更臻完善。

台灣企業實施員工持股信託計畫與公司績效的實證研究 / The Effect of Employee Stock Ownership Plans on Firm Performance in Taiwan

陳俊雄, CHEN CHUN HSIUNG Unknown Date (has links)
員工持股信託計劃(Employee Stock Ownership Plans,ESOPs)在美、日等國已行之多年,相關研究也相當多。反之,臺灣企業自實施員工持股信託計劃以來,少有專論持股信託之實證研究發表。本文即是想探討臺灣企業實施員工持股信託後對公司績效的影響。本文以在國內某家銀行承作持股信託二年以上的公司為樣本,探討企業實施員工持股信託計畫與公司績效的關連性,實證結果發現在企業實施員工持股信託計劃之後的前三年,其資產報酬率、淨利率及成長機會有明顯上升的趨勢,其中員工持股信託對公司有短期的激勵效果,但其效果會隨著時間遞減,再進一步加入控制變數之結果顯示,員工分紅持股信託對公司績效表現具有較正面的影響,對員工之激勵效果較佳。 / In the US and Japan, Employee Stock Ownership Plans(ESOPs)have been practiced for more than 30 years, and related empirical studies are also abundant . However, similar studies have seldom been conducted in Taiwan. The purpose of this paper to examine whether there is significant impact on corporate performance that adopted ESOPs in Taiwan. We choose firms which have adopted ESOPs for two years or longer in a specific bank as our sample. We find that certain measures of corporate performance such as ROA、PM、Tobin's Q, improve significantly within the first three years after the plans went into effect. In general, ESOPs have positive effects on firms in the short run. However, this positive effect decreases gradually. Our results suggest that firms adopting employee bonus trust have better performance in our sample.


劉昇昌 Unknown Date (has links)
公益信託係以慈善、文化、藝術、宗教、祭祀或其他以公共利益為目的之信託,其形式所有與實質所有分離之架構及無基金門檻之限制,較能達到責信功能與便利設立之優點,故應可發展成非營利組織之重要型態;惟我國公益信託制度直到2005年年終,信託法立法已近十年,2001年修正通過的各信託稅法,明訂在符合一定條件下,捐贈者享有稅賦減免,且國內外文獻對公益信託制度亦多有介紹,何以國外可以發展蓬勃之制度,在我國卻遲遲無法推展?因此本文主要研究公益信託無法推展之原因,與如何推展公益信託制度。 本文除介紹公益信託法制,另舉財團法人與公益信託作一比較,此外,以個案研究實例,說明公益信託實務之運作,並探討公益信託整體環境之發展。 公益信託型態之非營利組職,何以至今尚未普遍設立,本文以為原因如下: 一、捐助者與社會大眾,仍習慣於社團與財團等型態之非營利組織,對於公益信託之設立、運作與功能較不明瞭。 二、因稅法規定,為享受租稅減免,則受託人必須是信託業法所稱之信託業,為其必要條件之一,因此委託人將有下列幾項考慮: 1、受託人(信託業)執行信託事務時,是否會與委託人設立公益信託之理想不 一致? 2、受託人(信託業)是否有足夠的事務經營能力? 3、不可諱言,亦有部份人擔心受託人係信託業,以致其監督機制較嚴,而影響其設立意願。 三、 我國信託業就公益信託之業務,尚於發展階段,而不具經濟規模,因報酬、人才及法律責任之考量,亦降低其承接意願。 四、我國傳統社會價值觀念的影響,即使捐贈財產成立非營利組織,仍希望有控制權,因此對於公益信託由受託人,管理或處分財產,較不能接受。 五、成立公益信託必須符合各目的事業主管機關頒布之監督準則及許可,增加設立公益信託之困難。 本文最後認為,公益信託設立無最低基金門檻、支出不受達收入百分之七十以上之規定、基金及收入無運用與存放金融機構等限制,以上簡便與彈性之優點,若能妥善運用,對整體非營利事業之發展應有助益,當然其並非取代其他非營利組織,而係提供從事非營利事業者,另一型態之選擇。 / Public trust has the following purposes: charity, culture, art, religion, sacrifice offerings, and other public interests. It is relatively more capable of achieving accountability and convenient establishment because its structure separates real possessions from nominal possessions and it doesn’t have restrictions on funds. Therefore, it is a potential fundamental form for non-profit organizations. To the end of 2005, domestic trust laws have been established for nearly ten years. Amendment of trust tax laws in 2001 has specified that under certain conditions donators are eligible to tax reductions. There have also been many introductions to the public trust system in domestic and foreign documents. How is it then that a flourishing system overseas can’t be implemented domestically? Therefore, this article studies the reasons that public trust has been unable to be implemented and how it should be implemented. This article introduces the public trust legal system and also compares legal foundations with public trust. Furthermore, it uses case study to describe the operation of public trust practices and discusses the development of the overall environment for public trust. This article believes that the reasons for the uncommon establishment of non-profit organizations in the form of public trust are as follows: 1. Donators and the public are more accustomed to non-profit organizations in the form of a corporation and legal foundation and do not understand the operation and functions of public trust. 2. According to tax laws, the trustee must be a trust enterprise defined by the trust enterprise act in order to enjoy tax reductions. Therefore, the client should have the following considerations: 1) When executing trust affairs, will the trustee (trust enterprise) have the same ideal as the client for establishing public trust? 2) Does the trustee (trust enterprise) have sufficient business operation abilities? 3) The willingness for establishing public trust is influenced by worries that the trustee is a trust enterprise with strict monitoring mechanisms. 3. Domestic public trust affairs are still in the development stage and don’t possess economic scale, considerations for return, personnel, and legal responsibilities have also lowered the willingness of clients. 4. Due to the values of our traditional society, donators wish to have control over non-profit organizations established from their donations, which is why they are unable to accept public trust which allows the trustee to manage and handle assets. 5. The establishment of public trust must conform to the monitoring principles of supervising institutions and be approved of, which increases the difficulty of establishment. Finally, public trust has no restrictions on minimum funds, how funds and income are to be utilized, if funds and income are to be deposited in financial institutions, and whether or not expenses should exceed seventy percent of income; this article believes that the development of the overall non-profit business should benefit if the simple and flexible advantages listed above are thoroughly utilized. Of course this article is not saying that public trust should replace other non-profit organizations, it is merely providing another option for those who wish to enter the non-profit business.


徐士婷 Unknown Date (has links)
勞工退休金條例於民國94年7月1日正式施行。此制度最重要的特色為個人帳戶之確定提撥制度。企業退休金採行確定提撥模式,國外經驗多以信託模式運作,與我國強制勞工提撥儲蓄、配合保證收益規範之單一基金集體運作制度有所不同。 國外退休基金運作過程,主管機關多針對受託人、受委託之基金經理人、資產保管者等人之「忠實義務」加以規範。強調以忠實義務條款,將忠實義務人處理事務之方法標準化,以保障勞工大眾權益。但我國勞工退休金條例第四十二條條文內容,並未針對其所謂「管理人忠誠義務」作實質內容規範,同時在違反效果部份也附之闕如。 本研究以忠實義務之起源「信託關係」開始討論,進一步介紹英、美、香港信託法及退休金法中,相關忠實義務之實質內容與違反效果,並從「忠誠義務、謹慎投資注意義務、與授權義務」三方面探討忠實義務之相關規範。 最後本研究建議勞工退休金條例第四十二條應充實相關實質內容與違反效果,將管理退休基金之各忠實義務者行為標準化,同時建議我國未來基金經營架構可朝信託模式邁進,以金融機構或雇主為受託人,輔以成立補償基金或受託人購買專業彌償責任保險的方式,將企業退休金制度回歸自由經營本質,而政府權位則提升至監管機制。


曹資敏 Unknown Date (has links)
政府社會福利制度無法滿足多樣性的需求,社會福利預算成長亦有限,爰如何結合民間資源從事社會公益事業,為彌補政府資源有限之重要課題。依據行政院主計處「國民經濟動向統計季報」公告各國經濟成長率與平均每人GDP之比較,我國94年經濟成長率4.0%,分別較美國、日本及英國經濟長率3.2%、1.9%及1.9%為高,雖然我國公益信託發展遲緩,惟比較各國公益信託發展時程、公益信託件數與金額,如政府加強宣導,與私部門共同就法制面及實務面研議配套措施,公益信託績效可望顯著成長,致政府社會福利支出得有效移轉至私部門,撙節公部門福利支出預算。 目前有諸多財團法人面臨同質性組織募款競爭,其募款方向朝向研擬遺產、保險、負擔捐贈及公益信託等創新模式,例如:財團法人伊甸社會福利基金會,其亟須專業法律、稅務及實務案例之知識,以瞭解公益信託之設立程序等專業知識。我國信託法業於民國85年1月26日公布施行,嗣於89年公布實施信託業法;惟信託法制完備後,公益信託至今仍未被從事公益活動者廣泛利用,其原因為何,及如何推廣公益信託以提高社會福利水準,均為值得深入探討之課題。我國信託法制主要是參考日本信託法及韓國信託法為研擬草案之藍本,間接參考英美法之相關判例學說,是以,日本、美國、英國公益信託之介紹,亦是本文研究之重要課題。 公益信託與財團法人,均屬為提供一定財產從事社會公益活動而成立者,然其二者適合之型態互異,前者適合純粹以金錢給付為目的之公益;後者則適合直接從事經營事業類型之公益。就捐贈規模而言,前者不受額度限制,後者則受各主管機關規定不同。財團法人制度係屬大陸法制,公益信託制度則屬英美法制,惟二者在公益事業的推展應屬相輔相成之關係。再者,財團法人法源依據為民法,公益信託法源依據為信託法,惟公益信託既係信託之一種,爰解釋公益信託時,自無法由民法之概念加以解釋。綜上,本文擬以信託法為基礎介紹公益信託制度,進而比較公益信託與財團法人制度及稅制之差異及優劣,輔以各國公益信託之運作概況、制度與稅制之比較,提供有心從事公益活動人士一個參考,依其財力及需求選擇公益信託(Charitable Trust)或財團法人型態從事公益活動。 / The governmental system of social welfare can not meet the various demands. The budget growth of social welfare is limited, therefore it is an import issue for the authorities to combine civil resources to engaged public welfare activities. According to the statistics of the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) of Executive Yuan, the GDP growth rate is 4.0% in 1995, higher than America (3.2%), Japan (1.9%) and England (1.9%). Compared with global development of charitable trust, if the authorities strengthen advocating and study complete measures with private departments, the effects of charitable trust will develop obviously. Then the expenditure of social welfare will transfer to private departments successfully, and the governmental budget of social welfare will decline. Many nonprofit organizations are facing the homogeneous organization competition in raising funds. They are digging out and studying innovative ways of raising fund. Such as Eden Social Welfare Foundation, they desire to enrich law, taxes, and case studies to understand the procedure of setting up charitable trust. Trust Law and Trust Business Law had been stipulated and gone into effect in 1996 and 2000 separately, and other tax laws related trust has been put into practice. After completing trust law system, charitable trust had not been adopted popularly up to now. It is worthy to study the reason and to improve charitable trust so as to enhance social welfare criteria. Our trust law system refers to the trust law of Japan and Korea. It is related to American and England trust law systems indirectly. Therefore, it is an important issue to introduce the trust law of Japan, America, and England. Charitable trust and nonprofit organization are established by supplying certain property to engage in public welfare activities. The former is suitable for public welfare to sponsor money and not limited by amount; the latter is suitable for operating public welfare activities and amount is limited by different authorities. The nonprofit organization is continental system, and the charitable trust is common law. The former is resourced from the Civil Law; the latter is resourced from the Trust Law. We can’t explain the charitable trust by the Civil Law concept because the charitable trust belongs to trust. In short, I would like to introduce the system of charitable trust on the basis of the Trust Law, and compare the systems and taxation between charitable trust and nonprofit organizations. Moreover, it is essential to compare the operation, system, taxation globally. So as to provide thinking people some references to measure their financial resources and demand to do public welfare activities.


吳怡蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
國內發行REITs已逾一段時間,但卻缺乏發行後實際投資需求研究,然而為了促進REITs產業的穩定發展,有必要了解投資人的投資意願及考量因素為何,故本文延續翁偉翔、張金鶚、陳明吉(2003)之潛在需求研究,再次利用問卷調查方式,並建立二項式Logit模型進行實證,研究投資人對REITs的投資意願及投資考量因素。 實證結果發現,發行REITs後,一般投資者對REITs的相關資訊愈充分,且認為「分散風險」愈重要,及投資人屬性中投資金額愈大,投資工具數愈多,及投資經驗年期愈長,購買REITs機率愈大;法人投資者則認為「流動性」愈重要,及資金規模愈大與投資工具數愈多者,購買REITs機率愈大。在預期未來購買REITs與否,一般投資者預期未來對房地產景氣預期愈樂觀時,愈肯定REITs「小額投資不動產」特性,且具有投資REITs經驗的投資人,預期未來購買REITs機率愈高,但投資經驗年期愈長的投資人,則預期未來購買REITs機率愈低;法人投資者預期未來購買REITs與否,則將「分散風險」與「流動性」兩者皆視為主要投資考量因素。

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