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論我國證券投資信託基金與境外基金法制規範之衡平性 / The comparision between the laws of the securities investment trust funds and the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds朱清松 Unknown Date (has links)
最後結論除回覆前述問題並舉例說明外,並嘗試歸納本文之研究結果,對證券投資信託基金與境外基金之法制規範差異性比較,採見解扼要衡平重申外,並期對我國基金產業之整體發展提供建言。 / The securities investment trust fund is one of the important financial investment vehicles in Taiwan. Looking back on the history of Taiwan fund industry development, from the early days of fund launch to attract foreign investments to these modern days that funds become important investment tools for the investors. Soon later the offshore funds were open to the domestic consultants, they began to be a favored investment product for many investors. After the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act takes effect, the regulator prescribed the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds. The local investors may invest in the offshore funds that have obtained authorizations from the regulator, which contribute to not only the competition but also cooperation by and between the offshore funds and the securities investment trust funds in Taiwan.
The competition/cooperation between the offshore funds and the securities investment trust funds can be seen at not only the product innovation or domestic sales. More importantly, this thesis concerns more on what are the regulatory initiatives that have been taken for the securities investment trust funds due to the promulgation of the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds. Are there any requirements of the securities investment trust funds that will need adjustments or amendments after the implementation of Regulations Governing Offshore Funds? Also, what are the impacts on the current rules and regulations after the birth of offshore fund regulations? Of course, will the offshore funds managers need to adjust their operation and internal control system to be in compliance with the laws and regulations in Taiwan? Will any offshore funds domicile jurisdiction change their respective laws in order to meet the requirements set fort by the market and legal environment in Taiwan?
This thesis uses a comparative study of the related laws of the securities investment trust funds and the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds as well as the directives of UCITS, the original law of most of the offshore funds. To realize what is the specification of their difference and to explore the rationality of their difference. Moreover, to seek the balance of inquires among them, so as to contribute to the fund industry in Taiwan as the reference for legal development.
Finally, the thesis tries to summarize the results of this study in addition to replying to the above questions with some examples. After the comparison of the legal systems between the related laws of securities investment trust funds and that of offshore funds, this thesis briefly reiterates the opinion of the balancing and provides concrete and workable suggestions to further the development of the fund industry in Taiwan.
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強化國內基金治理監督機制之研究陳麗玲 Unknown Date (has links)
國際證券管理機構組織(IOSCO)給予基金治理之定義,係為尋求確保基金是以基金投資人的利益,所組織及運作的架構。基金治理之首要原則,為獨立監督(independent review and oversight)基金管理機構之忠實義務,包括大部分的利益衝突防範,而發展獨立監督功能,即應委由獨立機構(independent entity or entities)負責監督基金管理機構及基金的活動。
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估價師部分調整行為之研究-以不動產證券化重估價為例 / Appraiser partial adjustment behavior: evidence from T-REITs reappraisals賴靖雯 Unknown Date (has links)
估價平滑相關研究大多採取Quan and Quigley(1991)提出的理性行為解釋估價師的部分調整行為。然而財務行為學認為行為人通常具有非理性的行為,因此本研究以保守性心理偏誤解釋部分調整行為,探討非理性心理對於估價師之影響。為了捕捉估價師個體的行為資訊,本研究以台灣不動產投資信託的重估價結果作為研究資料,檢視估價師對市場新資訊和過去估值的處理行為。本研究首先應用部分調整模型進行實證分析,結果發現台灣估價師確實具有部分調整行為,相對較低估市場價值資訊的權重,而此類保守性偏誤即為總體估價平滑效果的展現。此外進一步以Tobit Model進行市場價值資訊權重的影響因素分析,結果發現市場資訊的權重會受到心理效果而改變,當估價方法價值差異率越大時,估價師會降低市場資訊的權重,展現了對模糊事件的趨避傾向。捷思法可以幫助估價師提升效率,但過度依賴捷思法亦有可能引發錯誤和偏差;本研究發現模糊趨避效果顯示估價師更重視市場資訊的可信度,似較符合估價證據之要求,故非理性心理偏誤對估價師言非全為負面影響。 / Previous appraisal smoothing studies were based on the appraiser rational behavior assumptions which developed by Quan and Quigley (1991) and found that appraisers do insufficiently react to market fluctuate. However, this paper starts with behavioral finance theory to investigate the partial adjustment behavior of Taiwan appraisers, using the reappraisals of Taiwan Real Estate Investment Trust (T-REITs) to show each appraiser’s behavioral intention at disaggregate level which could be diversified away at aggregate level. This study tests the partial adjustment model to observe the weights of new market information and previous estimates of the same property reappraisal. The results show that Taiwan appraisers more rely on the previous estimates, namely the conservatism bias, which will induce the appraisal smoothing at aggregate level. Further, the Tobit Model is employed to test the influence factors of appraisers’ weight on new market information, and the results show weights on new market information will be affected by appraisers’ heuristics. There is a negative effect to weights on new market information which stands for the ambiguity aversion of appraisers. It shows appraiser do concern about the reliability of market evidence which is much accord with the appraisal normative model.
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投資於巴拉圭新創企業之信託基金 / Trust to invest in early stage businesses in paraguay何凱平, Cañete, Hector Unknown Date (has links)
The “Trust to Invest in Early Stage Businesses” is a government project based in a public bank of Paraguay. This “Trust” aims to become the first and the best landmark of “Angel Investor” to foster entrepreneurial culture and help in the development of the stock market and the economy of the country.
There is no similar fund in the market, therefore there is no regulation about this type of investment; as a consequence, the “Trust” will start to work with the institutions in charge to establish the basis for this new industry.
The special purpose of the “Trust” is to target the most vulnerable of the businesses, the seed and the start-up stages. Those segments are not covered by the banks or any other financial institution.
This project is an opportunity for the government to foster the “Inclusive Economic Growth” that is one of the pillars of the “National Development Plan 2014-2030” because start-ups maybe are small companies but they can play a significant role in the economic growth.
I believe that the “Trust” will receive back his investment with profit, so, there will be more money to invest in early stage businesses and the cycle will continue.
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第三方支付與跨境支付管理業務的發展及因應策略-以台灣金融業為例 / The Development and Strategies to Cope with Third-Party Payment and Cross-border Payment Managing Services:A Case Study of Financial Industry of Taiwan吳俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,為提升金融業之競爭力,建議應強化電子商務技術能力,善用目前據點優勢,重視客戶反饋及增加創新服務,並積極爭取具有綜效之異業結盟,以爭取賽局有利條件。另建議主管機關為進一步保障消費者,短期宜修改《電子支付機構管理條例》相關子法,中長期宜研擬修改《信託法》。為解決跨境交易監理及課稅問題,則可利用跨境支付管理業務。 / As technology advances, payment systems grow diversity. Third-party payment has matured in China and USA. Facing the rise of third-party payment platform, and opening lead by the authority, what stategies should Taiwan's financial industry choose? The research has analyzed and compared Trust with Escrow in third-party payment, and found that Trust is a better way. As far as legal system is concerned, Taiwan values most on consumer protection. Since banks bear the risk of third-party payment company bankruptcy, they can also choose to develop their own third-party payment services.
Due to fierce competition in the domestic online market, online shopping companies dedicate to attract Internet users in China. The research has illustrated the development of cross-border payment managing service, and taken E. Sun Bank as an example. The research explored that financial institution and third-party payment company should cooperate rather than competite in the international market. Combined with high-quality manufacturers, Taiwan's financial institutions and the third-party payment companies could get more profit.
In addition, third-party payment industry is a highly competitive market, resulting in a competitive relationship with the financial industry . In particular, financial managing and loan services provided by third-party payment are very attractive. However, financial institutions and the third-party payment companies are forced to cooperate because of regulatory requirements and the value added by complement. Financial institutions should evalute carefully. According to the result of present study, it is co-opetition in this relationship.
To enhance the competitiveness, the research suggests that financial institutions strengthen the ability of e-commerce technology, make good use of the advantages of the branches, pay attention to customer feedback, establish innovative services, and actively seek alliance which makes synergy. On the other hand, the research recommend authority amend law. In order to supervise cross-border transactions and taxation, authority could use cross-border payments managing service.
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連動債券爭議之法律分析 / Legal Analysis on Linked Notes Dispute黃允暐, Hwang, Yeun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
美國雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.)在2008年9月15日向美國法院申請破產保護,宣告進入美國破產法第11章重組程序,此程序影響由雷曼兄弟公司擔任發行或保證機構之連動債券。國內不少投資人購買雷曼兄弟相關的連動債券,因該等連動債券到期返還本金如係由雷曼兄弟公司支付或提供保證,當雷曼兄弟公司發生信用事件時,該公司之信用風險將可能導致該等債券之到期本金無法償付,造成投資人極度恐慌。
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由美日立法例探討我國之私募制度劉孟哲 Unknown Date (has links)
□ 美國私募制度是以三三年證券法第四條第二項為起點,再透過章則D、RULE 144、RULE 144A、以及章則S等行政命令加以規範,由於其發展久遠,架構健全,因此屢為各國私募立法之參考對象。日本立法例則是以日本證券取引法第二條第三項為基礎,區分為「專業私募」與「少人數私募」G部分分別發展,再透L證券取引法施行令、還有關於第二條的定義府令加以補充。
□ 我國私募法制之架構係於證券交易法第四十三條之六到第四十三條之八訂有最基礎之私募規範。另包括公司法、金融資產證券化條例、不動產證券化條例,以及民國九十三年六月才通過的證券投資信託及顧問法中,對於私募制度也都針對個別法律的特性有所規範。而主管機關亦透過大量之行政命令對技術性、細節性之事項加以補充。對此,本文分別作解釋論之探討與立法論之分析。
□ 歸結我國實證狀況,可發現辦理私募的公司可分為財務艱困公司、組織調整公司以及亟需龐大資金公司三大類。且私募制度關於籌資時程的縮短以及成本的降低,均有一定助益。然我國較特殊之的情形乃,私募之應募對象以符合主管機關所定條件的自然人、法人或基金最多,機構投資人反而極少。此或與辦理私募的企業多為財務狀況不佳的公司,無法吸引機構投資人的興趣有關。
□ 最後,關於私募制度展望部分,本文探討私募與網際網路運用的配合,以及私募與海外籌資的關連。對私募制度而言,網際網路運用上的最大問題就是利用網路的優點卻剛好是私募法規的瓶頸,因網路之優點即可以無遠弗屆的接近各層面使用者,但私募制度卻禁止一般性廣告跟公開勸誘,故如何調配二者間的衝突,便有研究必要。而海外籌資是企業資金來源的延伸,在企業國際化與全球化的的趨勢下,將會越來越重要。私募也是海外籌資的一種手段。目e財政部已經以行政命令開放海外私募,但是海外私募還必須兼顧國外私募法規,故此亦為我國私募制度之發展可注意之方向。
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銀行合併對中基層員工之影響李郁亭 Unknown Date (has links)
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預售屋交易機制對消費者之安全保障—兼論新型態之使用權銷售 / The protection of trading mechanism of Pre-sale housing for the customers-The new mode for the sales of usufruct楊克成, Yang, Kecheng Unknown Date (has links)
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