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柏拉圖的真理之路──從《巴曼尼德斯篇》出發 / Plato's way of truth---Starting from the Parmenides蘇富芝, Su, Fu Chih Unknown Date (has links)
在這樣的解決方式當中,柏拉圖證成了靈魂能夠認知真理的可能性,為自己的真理之路尋得一個合理的立足點。柏拉圖在這當中所奮力搏鬥的,主要並不是亞里士多德在《物理學以後諸篇》A 6.987a33-b10所提及的這些哲學家,而是歷史上的這位伊利亞哲學家---巴曼尼德斯:柏拉圖分離相論的核心來自巴曼尼德斯其毫無生滅變動的「完滿的是」,然而,柏拉圖拯救現象以及保全思考與知識的可能性的這個企圖,卻又是必須對巴曼尼德斯的「完滿的是」提出批判。而在柏拉圖藉由這兩個假設與八組推論來與巴曼尼德斯奮力搏鬥當中,柏拉圖所完成的不僅僅只是解決分離相論所可能引來的困境,而更是走上一條不同於巴曼尼德斯的真理之路,因為現象的拯救是柏拉圖所主要異於巴曼尼德斯的地方,而那使得現象得以被相所拯救的最具統馭力的原因與原理乃在於---宇宙父親的意願與叡智,而這乃作為柏拉圖自己的真理之路的最終磐石。
關鍵詞:相論,分離,分有,善,假設法,柏拉圖,巴曼尼德斯,〈未成書研究〉,《巴曼尼德斯篇》,《蒂邁歐篇》。 / Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to show that how Plato might deal with the possibility for soul of knowing the truth. The historical reason for Plato positing the invariable Forms, which are totally apart from the variable sensible things, is remarked by Aristotle that: on the one hand, having been agreed with Cratylus and the Heracllitean doctrines that all sensible things are always in a state of flux and that no science of them exists, yet on the other hand, taking into account the Socrates’ efforts to find general definitions of ethical terms, Plato, having been inspired by both views, thinks that there must be some invariable things, i.e. Forms, which are totally apart from the variable sensible things and could only be thought with logos(or reasonable account), as the causes of the sensible things. Therefore, the soul could recollect and think of Forms by perceiving these sensible things, which participate in the corresponding Forms. Hence, Plato saves the phenomena and secures the possibility for soul of thinking and knowing the truth by his theory of Forms.
However, there might be many problems that arisen from Plato’s theory of Forms. These problems are shown mainly by the three perplexities, which are encountered by the young Socrates in the Parmenides. First, the young Socrates is undecided about whether the base things could have their Forms, second, having been unable to solve the problem of the sharing between the sensible things and Forms, the young Socrates finally has to accept the impossibility of sharing, third, further, just owing to this totally separation that is between the sensible things and Forms, Forms finally could not save the phenomena and could not be known by anyone.
Actually, the three perplexities are the two topics of Plato’s way of truth, which is that how the lover of wisdom could know the Forms that are totally separate from the sensible things. The first topic is that, in what way the possibility of thinking and acquiring knowledge could be secured. That is, how the phenomena could be saved by Forms? The second topic is that, in what way the lover of wisdom could acquire the truth and becomes the real philosopher. As for the first, I think that Plato claims a kind of ontology, which has numerical character, in the second part of the Parmenides. This ontology provides deliberately the cosmogony of the Timaeus and the theory of the Principles in the Unwritten Doctrines that could justify the possibility of the phenomena that are saved by Forms. This possibility lies in the god’s nous and will, i.e. the world that has numerical character is fashioned by the god with Forms as model, and then the becoming phenomena that cling to the receptacle are saved and intelligible. Therefore, the god’s will is the supremely valid cause and principle of this possibility. As for the second, this exercise that can make the young Socrates as a real philosopher if he takes it into practice is the training, which takes Forms as its objects and be practiced in hypothetical method. I think the reason for Plato of using the hypothetical method is that this hypothetical method can make the lover of wisdom to cling to Forms when he is putting this exercise into practice, and in this upward process systematically, finally, he can fasten all the Forms with the final cause, i.e. the good. Therefore, when the lover of wisdom could show the real essence of each Form with reasonable account under the guidance of the good, he at that time is a real philosopher.
Under this solution, Plato justifies the possibility for soul of knowing the truth, and makes his way of truth possible. In this fighting, those with whom Plato fights are not those philosophers that are remarked by Aristotle in Metaphysics A 6.987a33-b10, but the philosopher of Elea, Parmenides. On the one hand, the key point of Plato’s theory of Forms is coming from Parmenides’ concept of Being, which is ungenerated and imperishable, yet on the other hand, the attempt for the possibility of saving the phenomena and for soul to know the truth is urging Plato to put Parmenides’ claim to the question. Then what Plato has done in this fighting, which mainly occurs in the second part of the Parmenides, is that as he is solving these perplexities, he at the same time is stepping upon another way of truth, which is different from Parmenides. In this fighting, saving phenomena is the main difference between Plato and Parmenides. The god’s nous and will is the supremely valid cause and principle of the saved phenomena and this most supreme cause is the coping-stone for Plato’s way of truth.
Keywords: Plato’s theory of Forms, separate, participate, the good, the hypothetical method, Plato, Parmenides, the Unwritten Doctrines, the Parmenides, the Timaeus.
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我國財政收支對所得分配之影響楊素玲, Su-Lin-Yung Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究方法與期間
第三節 研究限制
第四節 研究架構
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 國外文獻
第二節 國內文獻
第三章 理論介紹
第一節 吉尼係數的概念
第二節 Suits Index
第三節 Kienzie Index
第四節 本章小結
第四章 實證程序與估計方法
第一節 預算歸宿之概念
第二節 資料來源限制與處理過程
第三節 所得之定義
第四節 租稅與支出分類
第五節 預算歸宿模型
第五章 實證結果與分析
第一節 賦稅制度對所得分配之影響
第二節 公共支出對所得重分配效果之影響
第三節 財政收支制度對所得重分配之影響
第六章 結論與未來發展
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兩母體生存函數比較之研究 / To study about the comparing two population's survival functions傅鼎傑, Ting,Chieh Fu Unknown Date (has links)
對於生存時間的資料而言,通常我們所想要研究瞭解的是,至少存活到某特定時間點的機率,而這個機率亦即生存分析中的生存函數(survival function)。當有兩個不同的母體存在時,為了要知道這兩個母體的生存函數是否相同,在統計方法上,我們將進行一些檢定,常用的有Gehan-Wilcoxon和Cox-Mantel之兩樣本檢定,後來又有修飾型的Kolmogorov-Smirnov檢定。但是,前兩種檢定方法,只對此兩組生存函數呈現某特殊型式時,具有好的檢定力。因此,透過一些實證的研究,將上述檢定方法做有系統的整理,進而發展出一套簡單又有效率的檢定程序。再者,若檢定得此兩個母體之生存函數不相等時,如何利用Bootstrap方法,進一步對兩組生存函數之特定生存機率點或生存時間點所分別對應之生存時間或生存機率差距做推論與比較,本文將有詳細她說明;以提供研究人員更多有效的資訊,不再僅止於檢定虛無假設是否拒絕而已。最後,我們又藉由推廣上述Bootstrap方法,將其運用到檢定方法上,而另外發展出一種新的兩母體生存函數之檢定方法。 / When two different populations exist, we will take some tests by Cehan-Wilcoxon, Cox-Mantel or Modified Kolmogorov- Smirnov in satistical way. Therefore we develope a simple and efficient test process from arranging above test ways system- atically through some real study. How to use Bootstrap way to infer the difference of survival time or survival probability of specular point. We infer Bootstrap way on test work and then develope a new two populations survival function test way.
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心理傷害之刑法定位 / The position of mental harm in criminal law林記弘 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:傷害、心理傷害、負面情緒、情緒傷害、實質情緒傷害、正常範圍、人類經驗、假設因果關係、容許風險 / The researches of assault and battery may exist difference in specific issues between theories and practice, but in general, the researches have got some results and had conclusions, like the definition of body or health, or the area which assault and battery including. However, due to the developing of the society and the more desire to protect individual body, except the harm to the physical functions, if the harm to mind or emotion could be classified as the range of assault and battery may be worth discussing as well.
This thesis tries to start from the legal interest(Rechtgut), to talk about the possibility of mental injury included in the legal interest of body. If the legal interest of body include the mental harm, then how to explain the articles which are currently in effect. This is not a pure academic discuss, but a issue which close to every individual in society. The activities of individuals in society may cause mental or emotional unpleasantness. On the contrary, mental or emotional unpleasantness might be caused by other’s behaviors too. Those facts around us happen repeatedly everyday and the importance is whether we noticed the mental harm exist or not, and how to appraisal it.
After confirming the notion of mental harm or injury exist, if try to analyze more detailed, defining the mental harm notion is the first step we should take and looking for under what kind of situations the notion of mental harm will become meaningful in legal system. Specifically, which means the results of mental harm must conform with some standards. If lacking of standards, the notion of mental harm will be vague, and the result of the vagueness, it might broaden the range excessively. So if the results lack of substantial emotional harm, or didn’t make victims’ reactions out of normal range, then we don’t admit the result is a mental harm, but a negative emotion.
Because mental harm has special quality, the question is which behavior leads to the results of mental harm, and the causation between behavior and result is not clear enough. The reason is that in the situation of mental harm, if the specific behaviors surly cause the result of mental harm can’t be discovered obviously and objectively. As the result, the existence of a result of mental harm is caused by behavior A or B, or is caused by A and B, except we have clear facts and proofs to be reference materials, or we only can apply the accumulation of human experience to the construction of causation and we can not use condition theory(Bedingunstheorie) as the standard to determine the causation. Thus, the theory of hypothesized causation constructs the causation through the human experience seems more practical and reasonable standard.
When the causation have been constructed, after that, the question is that if the defendant should be blamed for the result should be considered as well. If the behavior is allowed in the society, then even if the behavior may bring about the risk of mental harm of the others, but the risk shall be allowed or endured and is an allowable risk(das erlaubte Risiko). And the relationships between people are not always as any others, if the relationship is closer, the common consensus of society will raise the line of allowable risk and broaden the range of allowable risk. In conclusion, although the behavior leads to the result of mental harm, the behavior companies the risk of the result of mental harm is recognized and allowed by society, so even the risk occur in deed, society will not punish the behavior.
Key Word: assault, battery, harm, injury, emotional harm, mental harm, emotional injury, substantial emotional harm, normal range, causation, allowable risk
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台灣地區垃圾焚化爐與掩埋場之不寧適質損廖宜彥 Unknown Date (has links)
此種不寧適的污染損害與賠償並不存在市場交易,無法藉由市場上的供給與需求來反應民眾所遭受的質損,因此本研究採用假設市場價值評估法(contingent valuation method)之問卷的方式,調查民眾願意改善環境品質的願付價值(willingness to pay)與願意接受環境惡化的情況下,願意接受的補償價值(willingness to accept),民眾的WTP/WTA可視為受損害的環境價值,即為廢棄物處理設施所可能產生的質損。 / The producing amount of the one’s rubbish was 0.901 kilograms every day in 2003 according to the statistics in the Environmental Protection Administration. Total output of rubbish is about 7,360,000 metric tons that year. The method of cleaning the rubbish is building landfills and incinerators in every county. But now it is hard to get the specific land to build landfill, and the government policy is that an incinerator substitute for the all landfills in a county. Though the public and private landfills decrease gradually every year, it still had several thousand landfills in Taiwan. Because of the existence of the rubbish treatment facilities, it always makes the living environment of the surrounding area at home not feel peaceful and lose amenity. The purpose of this research lies in investigating the damage that the rubbish treatment facilities cause non-amenity to people. These kinds of pollution damage and compensation do not exist the market. We can’t use the supply, demand and price in the market to response the non-amenity damage of the feeling of Residents. So our research takes the survey to investigate how much resident would be willing to pay for improving the environment amenity and willing to accept for worsening the environment amenity. The people's WTP/WTA can be regarded as the value of the environmental damage from the rubbish treatment facilities.
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醫療訴訟之舉證責任吳俊達, Wu,Chun Ta Unknown Date (has links)
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關係企業證券交易違法行為之研究-以股票流通市場為中心-陳峰富, CHEN,FONG-FU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文內容之參考文獻資料,包括學位論文(例如前輩先進之博碩士論文)、教授學者之著作書籍、著名期刊與國內外網站資訊。所參考資料則以我國與美國法制文獻為主,至於其他國家之部分,則略以要旨參酌。最後,再針對作者執業律師參與關係企業案例之辯護瞭解,提出若干防弊機制之建議,俾供各界參考。 / UNLAWFUL ACTS BY AFFILIATED ENTERPRISES RESPECTING SECURITIES TRANSACTIONS
Due to the impact of economic liberalization and trade internationalization, operations of enterprises have gradually become capital-intensive and technology-intensive. In order to increase production, expand product line, spread out investment risks, and develop international markets, enterprises have established new companies, merged with others, and purchased shares of other companies, or have engaged in cross-holding of shares between parent companies and subsidiaries. As a result, the formation of affiliated enterprises has become a popular trend. The economic development and business model of affiliated enterprises have likewise become important issues.
Affiliated enterprises have their unique attributes; their management organization, production planning, personnel policy, marketing, financial risks, profitability, public affairs, and social affiliation have significant impact on enterprises. Due to inadequacies in the regulations on affiliated enterprises in Taiwan’s Company Law, several affiliated enterprises were exposed to have engaged in fraudulent business operations as a result of the 1998 Asian financial crisis. Among these, most serious were cases involving unlawful securities transactions in the stock market.
An analysis of the factors leading to such anomaly shows that in addition to the Southeast Asian financial crisis and international economic slowdown, problems caused by of affiliated enterprises in the stock market, such as integrity and credibility issues on the part of the persons-in-charge and their swindling of company assets, resulted in corporate crises. Many incidents of business malpractices in public or OTC companies occurred, severely undermining the interests of companies, shareholders, and creditors, as well as those of the public investors and the overall economy. All these are worthy of further exploration and study.
This paper uses legal theories, comparative jurisprudence, and empirical studies to discuss the unlawful activities in securities transactions by affiliated enterprises. This paper focuses on the stock market to explain the major cases involving affiliated enterprises in recent years and to analyze the legal grounds in the court’s decision on punishment. The cases covered include market manipulation by enterprises, default of securities delivery, wash sales, matched order, manipulation of series of transactions, the unlawfulness of stock market intervention by affiliated enterprises, and insider trading by affiliated enterprises. In addition, this paper discusses the transaction anomalies resulting from overvalue or undervalue of intangible assets by affiliated enterprises. Regulations on the International Accounting Standards gazette are explained and supplemented by actual case studies. In addition, this paper explores the inter-relation between financial forecast systems in affiliated enterprises, unlawful activities in securities transaction, and investor protection.
Reference literature used in this paper includes academic dissertations, publications by professors and scholars, periodicals, and information from local and foreign Web sites. Reference materials are based primarily on literature on Taiwan and U.S. laws, supplemented by summary of information from other countries. Finally, recommendations of mechanisms to prevent malpractices are put forward, drawing on the author’s experience as defense lawyer for affiliated enterprises.
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