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以資訊科技改進蝴蝶蘭產業運銷之研究 / A Study of Improving Phalaenopsis Business by Information Technology

葉程佳, Yeh, Cheng-Jia Unknown Date (has links)
自從90年代以來,網際網路商業化的普及,打破了時間和空間的限制,使得諸多不合理的商業制度有了新的解決方案。雖然在蝴蝶蘭產業裡,我國蝴蝶蘭的出口量為世界排名第一位,占全球60%的產量,然而在國際市場上始終只是扮演的生產者角色,最終通路一直為國外中間商所把持。因而長久以來,我國的蝴蝶蘭栽培業者,獲取的利潤非常微薄,議價能力非常有限,風險更需自行承擔。面對即將加入世界貿易組織的壓力,必須及早為產業未來發展的方向做好準備。本研究運用網際網路及資訊科技輔以流程再造的理念來改善蝴蝶蘭運銷上遭遇的瓶頸,從而增進我國蝴蝶蘭產業在全球的競爭力,進而增加花農的利潤。 / The e-commerce is popular since 1990, it breaks the limit of the time and the distance, and it let unreasonable business models get new solutions. The exportation amount of phalaenopsis in Taiwan has sixty percent in the world, however, we have been playing the role of original supplier, and overseas importers have been monopolizing the marketplace. Therefore, the phalaenopsis planters of Taiwan gained slender profits, had limited ability of price negotiations, and should take risks by themselves. To come up against the pressure of joining World Trade Organization, it is necessary to plan a future business model as soon as possible. This paper tries to use Internet, information technology and take advantage of business process reengineering (BPR) to improve the phalaenopsis business, and then to strengthen the competition and to increase profits of planters.


曾慶昌 Unknown Date (has links)
從這一波「政府再造」(Reinventing Government)的潮流來看,「組織文化」與「組織效能」是其中兩個極為核心的課題。然而儘管從相關文獻中可探知組織文化與組織效能的重要性,但卻缺乏一個參考架構,可以幫助我們在政府部門中去分析診斷組織文化呈現出何種態勢,去衡量評估組織效能的表現主要側重在哪些面向。從市政管理的角度而言,實在需要有一個分析架構來幫助行政人員或專家學者去了解整個行政機關在組織運作上,組織文化的現況與組織效能的表現,並進而了解兩者未來應有的改進方向。職是之故,本文遂以競爭價值途徑(competing values approach,簡稱CVA)為分析架構,以組織文化與組織效能為研究焦點,以台北市政府為研究範圍,來從事實證調查研究。 研究結果發現,儘管市府在組織文化與效能間呈現高度正相關,顯示市府愈具有四類組織文化的特質,其組織效能相對的也愈高;反之亦然;然而從文化風貌與效能標準的內涵來分析,兩者顯然略有出入。首先就相同點而言,台北市政府無論是在組織文化或效能上大抵皆展現出內部過程模式的特質,相對地其在開放系統模式下的特色則最為薄弱。其次就相異點而言,市府在組織文化與效能上不一致的現象,主要表現在理性目標模式與人群關係模式的對立上。從競爭價值途徑的觀點而言,這種現象可能導致市府各機關在組織運作中產生衝突與矛盾的情況。此外,研究亦發現會影響組織文化與組織效能之認知的人口統計變項,主要為:年齡、教育程度、服務年資、機關層級與機關類型,且這些變項對組織文化與效能之影響在方向上有其一致性。 有鑑於市府在組織文化與組織效能上的不相一致,以及因此可能造成在組織運作上的衝突與阻力,本研究乃思之以競爭價值途徑所提示的「超然」(transcendence)立場,歸納出目前再造運動中所著重的政府組織形象與特質,以作為市府在行政管理上順應時勢潮流、減少衝突對立的努力方向。從相關文獻的探討中,本研究試著以三個對比的特色:成果導向VS. 過程導向、開放參與VS. 命令服從、尊重民意VS. 遵從上意,來突顯出政府再造運動所追求的政府典型與傳統的政府典型在組織運作上有著哪些差異。 基此,本研究主張未來市府在組織運作上,首要之務應積極加強開放系統模式的特質;並要改善人群關係模式與理性目標模式的運作;另外,則要消弱內部過程模式的色彩:不要過度自陷於行政程序的官樣文章中,而要以整體目標為考量、不要自我侷限於層級節制的命令服從,而應授能員工開放參與、不要讓上級的意見蓋過了民意的聲音。 立足於此一改革方向上,本研究認為可以透過市府組織文化的變革,來促進組織效能各面向的均衡發展,進而使得市府整體運作能更順暢,在行政效率、服務品質及各項工作績效上皆能有所提昇。為達成此一目標,本研究援以Schein所提出的文化層次觀點,作為市府在組織文化變革與管理時循序漸進的階段指引。 目 錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與方法 3 第三節 名詞界定 5 第四節 文獻回顧 11 第二章 分析架構與實證調查 第一節 競爭價值途徑的理論探討 15 第二節 研究架構 29 第三節 調查過程 32 第四節 樣本分析 29 第三章 台北市政府組織文化之分析 第一節 台北市政府組織文化之現況分析 42 第二節 人口統計變項對組織文化的影響 45 第三節 研究發現與討論 55 第四章 台北市政府組織效能之分析 第一節 台北市政府組織效能之現況分析 60 第二節 人口統計變項對組織效能的影響 63 第三節 研究發現與討論 76 第五章 台北市政府組織文化與組織效能之關係 第一節 組織文化與組織效能之相關分析 82 第二節 台北市政府組織文化與效能關係之探討 85 第六章 結論 第一節 研究發現綜述 91 第二節 管理實務上的建議 95 第三節 後續研究上的建議 109 參考書目 111 附 錄 一 A 附 錄 二 C 附 錄 三 G

顧客滿意導向之企業營運流程改善程序 / Customer Satisfaction-Oriented Improvement Approaches for Business Process

陳紹元, Chen, Jason Unknown Date (has links)
本研究認為創造顧客價值為企業之主要競爭來源,故以顧客為核心,結合顧客資源生命週期模式、價值說及企業流程改造觀點,提出顧客滿意導向之企業營運流程改善程序。同時,本研究認為:策略層次的顧客價值考慮因素與營運層次的決策因素及企業流程三個策略元素間,有著正向補強及反向削弱等不同的影響關係,故進一步藉著替代、抑制、補強、衝突、互斥及同向等六種基本結構及互補、互抑制、單方抑制等三種組合結構的搭配,探討策略要點與營運要點間的協同一致性,以追求企業營運的整體性績效。 本研究藉著建立顧客價值考慮因素、決策因素及企業流程間正向補強及反向削弱舟影響關係,整合企業策略層次及營運層次,進一步發展顧客滿意導向之企營運流程改善步驟,探討企業流程在傳輸及處理實體及資訊兩種物件下的五種流程負面效度:中判度、協調度、負荷度、重覆度及遲滯度。師納出流程改善主要在降低流程的總體負面效度,並據以發展流程改善的14項操作性原則及各項原則的適用歹機。 本研究與一般流程改善方法之主要不同處,便在分解企業內部流程的同時,也分解顧客資源流程,並辨識出兩者的接觸點,再鎖定顧客認知的關鍵路徑(Critical Path),作為各項流程改善原則及評估的標的。

以流程管理方法進行RFID導入之研究 : 以血袋處理流程為例

李耿賢, Lee,Keng hsien Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球性的激烈競爭,現代企業紛紛努力尋找新的資訊科技為企業武器,以求達到提昇作業績效,降低作業成本,縮短作業時間。而RFID是本世紀十大重要資訊科技之ㄧ,廣受企業青睞,舉凡門禁安全管理、貨物追蹤管理、醫療應用,甚至美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的後勤補給支援,都有其應用蹤影。 但些許企業廠商導入之後,其效果不彰,究其原因為企業在導入RFID技術往往忽略了流程整合的重要性,造成結果不如預期。這也代表,縱然導入RDID系統技術需要進行許多的IT 技術研究與規劃,但這不代表可以單純地用「IT 建置轉型」的角度來建置RFID系統,企業還是必須從商業營運的角度來思考RFID能夠創造什麼樣的營運模式。 本研究認為最重要的是企業需要一套具有系統的步驟,針對企業需求與導入RFID失敗之原因,提出以企業流程管理為基礎的RFID導入模式,期望借此一執行模式,幫助企業在導入RFID時,藉由審視目前作業流程,改善、改造作業流程,使RFID與應用流程更緊密結合,達到資訊科技與應用流程整合的最佳效益。 最後,歸納出本研究成果,有下列幾點: 1.以企業流程的觀點出發,建立一個以企業流程管理為基礎的RFID導入模式,詳細說明各步驟之作法以及與應用流程整合的重要性,以提供企業做為參考,降低企業在往後導入RFID的困難,以及獲得最佳效益。 2.採用BPMN為流程模式化標準以及BPMN/BPEL的模式化工具來進行本研究流程之模式化與分析。未來得以藉由BPMN與BPEL之規格對應描述以及使用Web Service的開發工具來建置符合SOA架構之資訊系統。 3.提供血袋處理流程前端之捐血中心未來在導入RFID技術時一個參考模式,以利進行導入。

地方政府推動績效評估制度之個案研究---「台北市政府101年度施政計畫機關績效評核試辦作業」之執行評估 / The Case Study of Local Government's Performance -Appraising System:The Implementation Evaluation of Taipei City Government's Performance Appraisal in 2012

賴沂君, Lai, Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以政策評估中的執行評估作為研究分析切入點,以學者Chen「執行環境評估架構」之若干評估構面,對「台北市政府101年度施政計畫機關績效評核試辦作業」進行探究,除欲了解制度建置的流程及設計內容外,重心在於執行環境評估構面相關資訊的探尋上,俾以呈現台北市政府績效評估制度在環境系絡、規劃推動及執行運作三大面向所遭遇的難題,並確定試辦作業實際執行情形與研考會原先目標的落差程度。 研究發現,不若中央作法明確區分機關績效評估與計畫績效評估兩者,台北市政府目前不論在名稱上抑或法規依據上,都顯示出傾向以計畫評核的方式呈現機關個別績效。具體而言,中央政府與其他地方政府之實施經驗僅為參酌之用,台北市政府主要還是靠著自身摸著石子過河,建置屬於自己的績效評核制度。其中,財政問題並非如同過去研究發現成為主要干擾因素,但人力資源上的匱乏的確成為規劃、推動績效評核制度的阻礙。在此過程中,身為監督者的台北市審計處對規劃制度的研考會形成監督與規制的力量,並在試辦作業的最終成果上,出現滿意度的落差,這是本文較為意外的研究發現。   至於規劃者與執行者的意向在不同面向上則有或多或少的落差,例如實施績效評核制度之原因、擇取三項關鍵策略目標據以評估之緣由等等,可以發現市政府局處仍無法充分理解研考會相關作法的初衷。縱然如此,規劃者意向與執行者意向在某些方面仍是有所共識的,例如中央經驗對制度規劃與指標訂定的參考性不足、研考會與各局處研考人員在績效評估過程中角色的重要性、執行組織特性對績效評估的實施造成影響等等。總體而言,自執行評估角度觀之,身為指標訂定與績效報告撰擬之執行者,各局處之執行情形,與身為規劃者的研考會預期中的成果,並未產生過多偏差。


陳宜敏 Unknown Date (has links)
「國民中小學組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」政策主要是為了配合九年一貫 課程實施,重視學校本位課程,期透過總量員額管制、調整國民小學組織與人力架構,促進教學與行政責任,期能減輕教師教學及行政負擔,並發揮教育經費使用效益。本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民小學參與國民小學組織再造與人力試辦規劃方案實施情形與成效、探討臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案之認知程度與支持度、瞭解臺北市國民小學教師對於學校滿意度與學校組織規劃之意見。採用文件分析法與問卷調查法二種研究方法。研究者蒐集臺北市國民小學參與「中小學組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」之相關文件資料,並自編「臺北市國民小學學校組織再造調查問卷」,受試者包括臺北市92至95學年度參與試辦方案之9所國民小學及未參與試辦方案之9所國民小學,普查該18所國民小學之1,000名教師,可用問卷回收率達70.6﹪。茲根據研究所得,做成結論如下。 壹、臺北市參與試辦方案之國民小學為提升學校效能等因素參與試辦後,由試辦小組進行宣導、規劃試辦與檢討,雖面臨配套措施尚未健全等困難,但以各種組織再造策略,期許達成預定目標。 貳、臺北市參與試辦方案之國民小學教師對於試辦成果普遍表示肯定滿意與支持,除達成教育部與臺北市政府教育局之四項預期目標外,並獲得學校成員、家長與學生之高度肯定。 參、臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案認知情形屬中等程度。 肆、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、最高學歷、現任職務、學校規模、學校地區、學校校齡、參與方案與否之臺北市國民小學教師對試辦方案認知情形達顯著差異。 伍、臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案支持度屬中上程度,且最支持「總量員額管制,彈性調整處室編制」。 陸、不同性別、服務年資、學歷、現任職務與學校地區的臺北市國民小學教師對國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案支持度達顯著差異。 柒、臺北市國民小學教師對於組織再造試辦方案整體認知程度與支持度相關情形 達顯著。 捌、臺北市國民小學教師對於「學校整體滿意度」屬中上程度。 玖、不同職務、學校規模、學校地區、學校校齡、參與試辦方案與否之臺北市國民小學教師對學校現況滿意度達顯著差異。 拾、臺北市國民小學教師強烈贊同「部分行政工作可視性質改由『一般行政』或『教育行政』專長之職員擔任,如總務處主任與組長」;同時贊成「學校控留部分教師員額改聘兼任人員」,並相當支持「與教學無關之行政工作採勞務外包」等組織員額彈性規劃之作法。 拾壹、五成以上臺北市國民小學教師同意小幅度調整學校組織架構。 茲根據以上結論,提出教育行政機關與學校執行「國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案」之建議如下。 壹、參與試辦方案學校實施成效良好,參與試辦學校數量值得逐年增加,教育部可考慮持續擴大試辦。 貳、安排訪視活動、舉辦成果發表會或成立校際策略聯盟,以瞭解學校試辦情形並分享交流經驗,以利檢討改進。 參、採取漸進式的學校組織再造,小幅度調整行政組織結構。 肆、調整不同學校規模之人員編制或擴大學校行政人員編制。 伍、妥適善用校內外人力資源並控留部分教師員額改聘兼任、代課、教學支援人員。 陸、非屬教學專業之固定項目委外辦理,由教育行政機關統一發包。 柒、依據學校特色與需求,彈性規劃整體組織再造及人力調整,並持續檢討改進。 捌、持續宣導與溝通組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案,並加強特定族群之宣傳,由下而上建立共識,擴大組織再造參與層面。 玖、教育行政機關在法令與經費上提供相關配套措施,增加學校的執行力與行動力。 拾、組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案的推動應由組織結構的調整邁向組織文化的 重塑。 拾壹、對未來研究的建議。 / “The Organization Restructuring and Human Resource Planning Project of the Elementary and Secondary School” policy is a complement to the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. It emphasizes school-based curriculum and hopes to expand the responsibility of teaching and administration, to alleviate the loads of teaching and administration, and to improves the costs-benefits of educational budgets through total personnel control and adjustment of elementary and secondary schools’ organization and human resource structure. The purposes of this study were to realize the implementation and effectiveness of the organization restructuring and human resource planning project of elementary and secondary schools in Taipei, to investigate the level of cognition and support of this project from the teachers of elementary schools in Taipei, and to understand their satisfaction levels toward school and their opinion regarding organization planning of schools. The research methods used in this study were document analysis and questionnaires. The researcher collected relevant documents regarding this project from elementary schools in Taipei and designed “The Organization Restructuring Questionnaire of Elementary Schools in Taipei”. The participants included 9 participating elementary schools and 9 non-participating elementary schools in Taipei from the academic year of 92 to 95. The questionnaires were sent to 1000 teachers from this 18 elementary schools. The valid rate of return is 70.6 %. The results of this study were as follows: 1.Due to the reasons of being appointed from the educational department, considering the needs of the schools, improving school effectiveness, and activizing school human resources, the elementary schools in Taipei which participating in this project first formed a committee to promote, plan, and evaluate.Although facing the difficulties of immature conceptualization and the void of corresponding interventions, five restructuring strategies including adjusting organization structure, re-designing job duties, re-allocating human resources, teaming the task forces ,and simplifying operation process were used. In addition to attain the four expected goals of the Ministry of Education, it was also hoped that certain goals regarding administration management, organization structure, teaching , learning, and parents’ service were be achieved. 2.The elementary teachers participating in this project expressed general satisfaction and support toward the results. Besides the four expected goals from The Ministry of Education and Taipei City Government Educational Department, highly recognition from the staff, parents and students were acquired. 3.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed medium cognition level toward this project. 4.There were significant differences in the cognition level toward this project between gender, age, seniority, education background, position, school scale, school area, and participation or not of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 5.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed medium to high support level toward this project and support “total personnel control and flexibly adjust the organization of units” the most. 6.There were significant differences in the support level toward this project between different gender, seniority educational background, position, and school areas of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 7.There was significant positive correlation between the cognition level and support level toward this project of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 8.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed a medium to high satisfaction level toward “the general satisfaction of school”. 9.There were significant differences in the satisfaction level toward the present status of school between different position, school scale, school area, school history, and participation or not of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 10.The elementary school teachers in Taipei strongly agreed that: (1)Some of the administration work can be took by staffs with normal administration specialty or educational administration specialty ; (2)School maintained certain personnel quatos and hire part-time employees . (3)Outsourcing the non-teaching relevant administration work. 11.Half of the elementary school teachers in Taipei agreed small-scale school organization restructuring. According to the above results, suggestions were provided to the administration institutions and schools which participated in the project: 1.The school participating in the project had good performance. Therefore, the Ministry of Education could consider expanding the participation to more schools gradually. 2.In order to share the experience and to benefit improvement, it is suggested to arrange visiting activities, to hold a results presentation, or to establish strategic alliances between schools. 3.Proceed school restructuring gradually and have small-scale administrative organization restructure. 4.Adjust the staffing of different school scales and expand the staffing of school administration personnel. 5.Using the human resources outside from the school more properly and maintain the teacher quotas to employ part-time, substitute teacher or teaching-supportive staff. 6.Outsourcing the non-teaching items through educational administration institutions. 7.According to the characteristics and demands of the schools, plan organization structure and human resources adjustment flexibly and evaluation continuously. 8.Promote and communicate the project continuously and reinforce the advertising to specific audience in order to expand the scope of organization restructuring. 9.In order to increase the execution of schools, educational administration institutions should provide corresponding interventions in laws and budgets. 10.The promotion of the organization restructuring and human resource planning project should move from the adjustment of organization structure to the re-shaping of organizational culture. 11.The recommendation to future research.

大陸地區中小型台商企業流程再造工程(BPR)應用研究 / BPR 企業E化

林振明, Lin ,Cheng Ming Unknown Date (has links)
中小型台商企業十餘年來一歨一腳印,在大陸總體經濟,社會及政治環境尚未成熟之際,身先士卒,孤身深入大陸打拼,一路走來披荊斬棘,愈挫愈勇,打落牙齒和血吞,三折肱而成良醫,從數百人至今數千人的工廠,也能亂中有序,管理日漸成熟. 數年前在無數台商與部分港商無數次的折衝與無私奉獻下,大陸總體經濟,社會及政治環境已日臻成熟而穩定.也因此吸引大批歐美大廠及台灣中大型企業大規模或擴廠或垂直整合,而內資企業在台資企業與港資企業的技術引導與政府大力協助下,快速瓜分中小型台商企業有限的市場資源與人力資源,而在中小型台商企業技術資源積累不易情況下,發展空間遭受嚴重的內外夾擊. 現今不確定時代的衝擊與微利時代再次悄悄的來臨,中小型台商企業再次面臨十餘年前產業外移大陸前的競爭困境,有幸的是中小型台商企業已積累了一定的資源與實力.然而,中小型台商企業究竟應如何提升總體競爭力以因應目前及未來日益嚴苛的內外在經營環境? 本研究從個人多年來實際輔導大陸地區中小型台商企業所積累之經驗及持續對於中小型台商企業內外在經營環境之觀察中,藉助在科技管理研究所EMBA三年來所受嚴謹的邏輯思維及個案研究中,進行反思與整理,並輔以國內外中大型企業流程再造工程(BPR)案例探討及流程再造工程(BPR)理論探討,歸納出中小型台商企業在面對目前及未來嚴苛挑戰之可能因應之道.研究發現: 一、 經由實際輔導中小型台商經驗及觀察其內外在經營環境之演化,並藉由SWOT分析, 流程再造工程(BPR),將有助於提升其總體競爭力. 二、 歐美企業與台商企業民族性不同,因此在流程再造工程導入方法論上存在高度差異. 三、 中大型企業與中小型企業組織規模不同,在流程再造工程導入方法論上存在高度差異. 四、 不同型態的中小型台商企業受限於企業文化及組織氛圍,企業主的經營理念及管理風格,管理團隊之管理素質與溝通及執行能力,甚至行業特性等,都將對於在應用流程再造工程(BPR)方法論上,存在高度差異. 流程再造工程(BPR)如何應用於中小型台商企業?本研究藉助修正歐美企業與大型台商企業對於流程再造方法論之應用,與根據以往之實務經驗及案例之描述與分析,試圖整理出一套對於中小型台商企業有用之流程再造工程(BPR)實用性架構. 流程再造工程(BPR)之應用,對於中小型台商企業間,存在高度差異性,本研究亦試圖從過去協助多家企業,規劃與導入流程再造工程之實務中,歸納及整理出一套,對於不同型態中小型台商企業在導入流程再造工程時,可以參考之實用性架構,已上種種僅希望對於中小型台商企業之未來競爭力有所助益. / For over the past ten more years, Taiwan’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) had been struggling with immature business environment in China, whatever on the aspects of macro economy, sociality or politics. However, the significant achievement that Taiwan’s SMEs had established in China is undoubtedly hard to be ignored. Thanks to early contribution of Taiwan’s SMEs and some Hong Kong’s companies, China has progressed step by step in all respects. Therefore, China attracts further capital injection from large-scale multinational companies and Taiwan big companies for the purpose of investment, factory expansion or business vertical consolidation. In addition, because of the full support of China government and the know-how transfer from Taiwan and Hong Kong’s enterprises, China’s companies have also grown to begin capturing most of the market and human resources originally owned by Taiwan’s SMEs. Thus, Taiwan’s SMEs have begun to face the survival challenges due to the severe market competition and easy to be copied technology resources that they have. In reflection of aforementioned uncertainty and squeezed profit in the current business environment, Taiwan’s SMEs in China are suffering the threat again, which is similar to the same situation when they were forced to move their business into China ten more years ago, or even worse. Fortunately, Taiwan’s SMEs in China have accumulated a certain capital and resources,which are solid enough to help them overcome the difficulties gradually. However, Taiwan SMEs still need to think and defend against a looming problem, i.e. how to enhance their overall competitiveness in order to face current and future more stringent business environment. This dissertation is issued based upon 1) my personal practical and consulting experiences at Taiwan’s SMEs in China, 2) continuous observation about the internal and external business environment faced by Taiwan’s SMEs in China, 3) the learning methodology and results of EMBA course, 4) deliberation upon the implementation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) theory at medium to large scale international and local companies. And according to my practical experience and many years of observation in China, I have summarized my research results from four dimensions as follows: 1. By way of SWOT analysis, it is found that the implementation of BPR theory is indeed able to help enhance overall competitiveness of Taiwan’s SMEs in China. 2. Due to cultural and national difference, there is high difference existing between western multinational and Taiwan’s companies in the implementation of BPR theory. 3. Due to economic scale difference, there is high difference existing between large and small to medium companies in the implementation of BPR theory. 4. Even for the SMEs as a whole, there is still high difference existing in implementing the BPR theory among different small to medium sized companies, which are due to the difference in the quality and style of management, communication and execution effectiveness of the organization, and corporate culture and industry characteristics of the company itself, etc. Through different case study analysis, the paper is intended to modify the current BPR theory applied at large scale western and Taiwan companies, and help to establish a concrete proposal to benefit different Taiwan’s SMEs in China. Finally, I sincerely hope that the paper could give Taiwan’s SMEs in China a practical reference guide and help them enhance their overall competitiveness in the future.


韓聖光, Sheng-Kang, Han Unknown Date (has links)
我國行政院之行政組織權,在中央法規標準法第五條第三款的規定下,長期以來由立法院藉法律保留「持有」這項權力。直到民國八十六年第四次修憲,受到政府再造潮流之影響下,憲法增修條文第三條第三、四項規定由立法院針對行政組織權限相關事項,進行「準則性立法」。同時,中央政府機關組織基準法草案也規定,讓三、四級機關可不受法律保留原則的拘束。然而這項規定是否打破長期以來的均衡態勢,又或只是訓示規定,就成為本篇論文研究的焦點。 本文藉由憲法解釋先尋覓出符合憲法文本體制的行政組織權歸屬方式,以判斷中央政府組織基準法草案,不讓行政院轄下的各部會--亦即所謂的二級機關--脫離法律保留原則,這項規定是否合憲。再區分「二級機關法定化」與「二級機關去法定化」兩項方案,藉由統治成本判斷,以目前的憲政環境,究竟採取何種方案能夠達成修憲者所要求的政府效能。


朱承平, Chu, Cheng Ping Unknown Date (has links)
企業為求成長與永續經營變革乃必須的歷程,而徵諸許多變革歷程的資料,人力資源管理所扮演的角色與功能已經日益突顯,從以往執行者角色,逐漸蛻化成推動變革者,策略夥伴的角色。   而全球化、新科技、人力市場結構的急速變遷以及市場回應速度,更使得人力資源管理在變革中所承擔的功能越趨複雜,實有必要深入探討。 1) 將變革人資與六標準差一並做研究,恐會備多力分,宜更加緊約,俾 能更邏輯。 2) 部分資料引用係次級資料宜加以改進。 3) 資料求證上因受到限制,致未能完全達到測試期求結果。 4) 應在財務成效外繼續研討組織變革與策略在變革上做更進一步研究。 5) 較偏重訓練對變革的影響,宜擴及至其他人資功能在變革過程角色 的研究。 / For the rapid growth and sustainable management purposes, Change has become an inevitable process in many businesses, however, the role of Human Resource to participate in managing change now is more prominent than ever from time to time, from the implementer in the earlier stage, gradually becomes the change facilitator and even now the partner during the strategic decision stage. Globalization, new technology, the fast changing of human market infrastructure, and the need of quick response for market situation, enable the function and role of Human Resource to be more complicated, and this is main purpose for this study, to study the role and function of Human Resource on managing change. 1) It was rather difficult to integrate change ,sigma and Human Resource together to complete this thesis, and more logic process should be address. 2) Some data and literature are from sub level, should be improved. 3) It was a little regret due to the condition and limitation during the survey process, the accuracy of some result are below the expectation, should be improved then as we make the similar study. 4) Most result are based on financial performance, should be expanded to the organizational development and strategy. 5) Too much emphasized and focus on the impact of training,and some other HR functions like performance management,moral and motivation should be further studied.


吳慧蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先經由文獻探討瞭解學校行政組織結構的意涵、學校組織再造的相關概念及臺北縣國民中學行政組織的現況,復以臺北縣國民中學校長、現任行政人員及曾兼行政現為教師的候用校長爲研究對象,並以自編之「臺北縣國民中學行政組織再造調查問卷」進行問卷調查,以瞭解其對臺北縣國民中學組織再造之各種策略實施的意見,最後再訪問九十二學年度臺北縣四所試辦國中的校長或承辦主任,以明瞭其試辦動機、執行過程及遭遇之困境等。期能透過問卷調查及訪談方式蒐集相關資料,以提供有價值的資訊,作為主管教育行政機關對於國民中小學進行組織再造之法令修訂與制度規劃,或學者進行相關研究之參考。 本研究根據文獻探討、問卷調查與訪談結果,歸納以下結論: 壹、 對學校行政組織各處組及基本職掌之調整意見 一 建議於教務處增設「研究發展組」或「課研組」等。 二 認同訓導處之設置,但建議更名為「學生事務處」。 三 認同「維持」總務處之設處分組。 四 除有建議將輔導處更名為「諮商中心」、「學生諮商中心」、「輔導事務處」外,亦有建議將其廢除,而將所屬各組業務分別依業務性質轉移至相關處室或併入相關組。 貳、 五成以上的受試者認同設備組長、資訊組長、註冊組長可由「專任學校行政人員擔任」。 參、 七成以上受試者認同「各校在總員額不變的前提下,彈性調整專任、兼任、委外與聘僱人力」。 肆、 五成以上的受試者認同學校在實施組織再造時,可以「檢視工作項目、精簡行政流程」、「依據學校需求,調整行政組織」、「爭取社會資源,改善辦學環境」、「依照教學需要,聘用支援人員」、「善用資訊網路,建構網路平台」之策略為之。 伍、 大多數受試者認同「與教學無關的行政工作,採勞務外包處理」。 陸、 約七成六的受試者不認同主計、人事合署辦公。 柒、 約八成受試者認同遴聘兼任教師;約六成九的受試者不認同遴聘巡迴教師;約五成二的受試者不認同數校共聘教師。 最後,根據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校行政及未來研究之參考。 / First all, this research adopts literature review to probe into the condition of school administrative structure, relevant concepts of school organizational reconstruction, and the current situation of administration of Taipei County junior high schools. Then research objects are school principal, incumbent administrators and people who were ever being concurrently administrative teachers before, and use author’s compilation, “Taipei County Administrative Organization Reconstruction Questionnaire” for survey to figure out relevant opinions of Taipei County junior high school organization reconstruction. Finally, visiting headmasters or directors of four testing Taipei County junior high schools in the academic year 2003 can try to understand the motivation of trial, the process of execution, and difficulties they have experienced etc. It expects that questionnaire and interview method of collecting the related data can provide valuable information to chief education administrative organization as a reference for revising regulation and system planning of junior high school organizational reconstruction, or scholar’s relevant research. According to literature review, questionnaire, the result of interview, conclusion are summarized as the followings: 1. Adjustment opinion for each location and section of school administrative organization and basic duty a. Suggest Dean's Office to add “Research Development Team” or “Course Research Team” etc. b. Recognize Education Guidance Section set up, but suggest changing name as “Student Affair Section”. c. Recognize to “keep” disciplinary section of general administration section. d. Besides suggestion of changing name as “Consultation Center”, “Student Consultation Center”, and “Guidance Affair Section”, it also suggests that abolishes it and transfers to the related section which bases on business character or merge into the related section. 2. There is more than 50% of interviewers cognize facility section director, information section director, registration office director that can replace by full-time school administrative personnel. 3. There is more than 70% of interviewers who think that “under the unchanged of total prescribed number in each school, it can be flexible to adjust as full time, part time, subcontracting, and hiring human resource”. 4. There is more than 50% of interviewers who recognize can “Evaluate task item, simplified administrative process”, “Adjust administrative organization according to school requirement”, “Get social resource and improve school establishment environment”, “Hire assistants according to teaching requirement”, “Cherish information network and set up network platform” etc policies when executing organizational reconstruction. 5. The majority interviewers recognize “Administrative task which is not related to teaching and apply labor service a process of contract”. 6. The majority interviewers don’t recognize that auditing department and human resource department shall be together in an office. 7. There is more than 80% of interviewers recognize to select or hire part-time teachers; around 69% of interviewers don’t think to select circulating teachers; and around 52% of interviewers don’t think to hire teachers together in several schools. In short, according to the above research result, it proposes concrete suggestions to provide education administrative organization, school administration, and the future research as a reference.

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