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外資投入對大陸國有企業經營績效影響之實證研究李承信, Lee, Sueng-Shin Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:中國大陸、國有企業、經營績效、外資投入、外商投資、新制度經濟學、交易成本、組織再造 / This study mainly discuss about foreign direct investment (FDI) in mainland China, especially the influence of the joint venture (JV) of FDI and state-owned enterprises (SOE) on the change of management mechanism and management performance of SOE. New Institutional Economist Williamson (1991) said, when the institutional environment (including property right, politics, laws and uncertainty) is changed, the transaction cost of organization will be reduced. In this study, consider JV of foreign enterprises and SOE as a change of the property right which is the change of institutional environment. FDI can reduce the cost of enterprises’ reform and it causes the change of management system of SOE. After SOE and foreign enterprise’s JV, Chinese company will adopt a relatively advanced foreign company’s organization structure to build its’ organization structure that is effective for the management performance. And Reengineering theory is used to explain their adjustment of organization structure.
The result of regression analysis shows that the management performance of JV is much better than SOE without foreign investment. Therefore, we can infer the management system of JV is better than SOE’s management system. It shows that foreign investment can make property right of SOE more clearly and effective resource allocation which is helpful for resolving SOE’s low economic effectiveness.
The conclusion of this study is that FDI is remarkably effective for the improvement of SOE’s management performance. There are three reasons to this: first, SOE has a great amount of social responsibility; second, SOE has too much labor, so it has low effectiveness of human resource management; third, SOE has a bad management system. FDI can bring modern knowledge of management, new technology, and can build an effective management system, therefore we can say the management performance of JV is relatively good.
Key words: mainland China, state-owned enterprise (SOE), management performance, foreign direct investment (FDI), New Institutional Economics, transaction cost, Reengineering
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營建廠商組織變革個案研究陳啟斌, Chen, Chibin Unknown Date (has links)
個案研究之主要發現為:缺乏變革管理經驗的企業,初期嘗試推動組織變革,傾向於採用「基本策略」變革為主要取向;在習於服從權威的組織環境中,領導者的視野與意志貫徹,為企業進行組織變革的關鍵成功因素;成功的組織變革需要涵蓋全面,藉由系統化的策略思維,將各項變革作為加以互相連結;客觀、全面、正確而深入地檢視與診斷組織既有問題,是有效達成組織變革的必要手段;企業面對惡質化的市場競爭,需透過策略再思維重新定義經營領域,以提升經營效能;封閉產業廠商面臨產業環境國際化變局,需進行涵蓋較多層面的組織變革,以因應變局挑戰;對於採取「基本策略」變革而言,推動既深且廣、符合策略目標的企業流程再造,為達成變革目標的關鍵;明確、與變革策略相結合的績效管理,是推動「基本策略」變革的有效工具。 / For decades, the construction industry of Taiwan has undergone its underdevelopment, with its scale, technologies and managerial capabilities backward to the average of worldwide competitors. Such competition posture has turned severer as the local construction market opened to global competition since Taiwan entered WTO. This research studies the strategic thinking, contents, the process and performances of organizational changes initiated by a leading company (“The Company”) of Taiwan construction industry while facing the harsh impact on business environmental changes.
Reacting to industrial changes, in year 2000, CEO of The Company initiated to re-mold its corporate culture, to advocate new corporate values and to re-define business approaches. To execute rethinking approach of change management, The Company adopted the strategy of “selection & focus” to target on system integration of infrastructures, buildings and hi-tech factories as core business, with strategic competences of SI, risk management and fast-track skills to be cultivated.
To achieve strategic objectives, The Company facilitated business process reengineering, which centered on performance management mode and process reengineering, including management by objectives, organizational restructuring, adopting ERP for engineering planning & management, budget control and reestablishment of information system of human resource management, for the enhancing of operational efficiency. Such managerial effort has led The Company to financially outperform local competitors for the latest three years.
What this research reveals can be an inspiration to business execution. The overall commitment of the corporate is essential to the success of an organizational change since the change requires the comprehensive coverage. The leader’s vision and perseverance are critical to the fulfillment of organizational changes. It is pivotal to facilitate such changes with systematic strategic thinking. The subjective, comprehensive, extensive and precise survey and diagnosis on the existing problems of an organization is necessary to effectively reach the objectives of organizational changes. To set out suitable competition strategies in accordance with environmental factors and organizational conditions is indispensable to enhance business effectiveness. The performance management which aligns with strategic objectives is the important means to execute the organizational change.
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我國反恐機制中國軍角色之分析─以國防組織再造配合為例郭嘉範, Kuo , Hia Fan Unknown Date (has links)
另方面,我國政府在反恐行動架構中面臨實務操作上之窘境,導致地方政府與中央機關在反恐成效上難保統一行事;而以國軍參與反恐之角色與定位來說:在國防政策基本目標下之國防組織再造,國軍反恐怖協調體系呈現出組織扁平化之架構,且各特勤隊需具備學習型組織之性質,突顯出我國軍事部隊終生教育之必要。 / As the challenges of national security are being more globalized, the Ministry of National Defense of ROC has achieved remarkable success in benefiting the nation and people based on the responsibility under the Constitution. All these improvements and changes carried out in the national defense system are to keep the nation away from war and guard the homeland safely. The main policy still upholds the safeguarding of national interests and security targets as the highest criterion in order to achieve the basic objectives of “war prevention”, “homeland defense”, and “counter-terrorism and contingency response” through policy implementation and directives.
The main purpose of this research is to find out the definition and development of terrorism around the world, the international counter-terrorism cooperation, and the role of the R.O.C. in the international counter-terrorism system. Furthermore, this research also provides the patterns of the counter terrorist forces around the world that derives some useful adjustments for the ROC Anti-Terrorism Law.
This research discovered that since the political standpoint and the definition of terrorism of each country are different, the special forces of each country are still the main counter-terrorism power. Of course, the international cooperation of anti-terrorism brought each nation to revise its anti-terrorism law.
On the other hand, our government has been facing several challenges in bringing our anti-terrorism mechanism into practice. What should be improved now is to put our Anti-Terrorism Law into effect. In addition, as anti-terrorism is a very important issue around the world, further organizational transformation such as organization flattening and continuous education must be accomplished to improve the national defense system.
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由稽徵效率觀點檢視我國稅務行政組織-以臺北市國稅局與臺北市稅捐稽徵處為例 / An examination of Taiwan’s tax administrative organization from the viewpoint of tax-collection efficiency: the cases of Taipei national tax administration and Taipei revenue service廖浩學, Liao, Hao Hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
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中央與地方政府關係之歷史檢視與改革之道秦書彥, Chin, Shu-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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ERP系統開發與導入之策略研究-以某公司為例 / The ERP system developed and implement strategy research劉逸麗, Liu, Paty Unknown Date (has links)
在現今2010年的後金融海嘯時代,當金融海嘯衝擊以後, 各項國內外經濟評估報告均指出經濟已開始復甦,此刻正是企業重整旗鼓逆勢成長的最佳時刻。對於企業來說,企業資源整合管理的落實不僅是其永續經營的成功關鍵,甚至是其生存的命脈。這也是為什麼在經濟不景氣的環境下,仍有許多企業決心導入ERP系統,以及許多國內外調查報告預測ERP系統的需求與產值仍然會持續成長的主要原因。
本研究的動機之一,即是希望企業在經歷產業變化、策略變動與業務規模的改變之下,如果重新評估ERP系統的適用性,不論是ERP系統需做重新建置或階段性轉換,皆可從不同角度重新探討ERP系統開發與導入過 程的重要策略,而能建置一套對企業真正有效益的ERP系統。
本研究發現在個案公司開發及導入ERP系統的過程中,遇到許多的瓶頸,也面臨了很多問題,導入過程中對企業組織產生了很多影響,改變了原有的作業流程,導入實施後增加許多效益,但某些部份仍需持續改進,ERP系統應確保做到系統整合,需重視細部流程整合方面的分析與資料整合方面的分析。找出ERP系統資料與流程之Gap,並應做到變革管理。 / Nowadays, Facing the globalized competition situation, the emerging markets rise, the energy crisis and the financial storm, Taiwan's enterprises is now under the changing and unceasing environment, the only way to hold on the competitive advantage of Taiwan’s enterprises continuously is to find out the market development tendency, and to response to customer demand immediately, and to innovate product and service unceasingly.
The ERP system’s appearance had transformed along with the software technology breakthrough and industrial ecology change. Therefore ERP system is no longer only the enterprise computerize and management tools, ERP is even more the basis of the scientific technology innovation. Many company treat the ERP system as the basis of enterprise’s computerize, furthermore to integrate the ERP system with EC, SCM, CRM, KMS, BI…….
In the Late-2010s financial crisis time, after the financial crisis, each domestic and foreign economic appraisal report pointed out that the economy started to recover, It’s the best time to restart and grow up at this moment. The realization of the Enterprise resources integration is not only the key successful factor but also the survival life artery. This is why so many enterprises were still determined to implement the ERP System under the economical depression time, and as well as many domestic and foreign invested report forecast that ERP system's demand and the output value will still continue to grow up.
One of this research's motivation, is hopes to re-estimate the important strategy of the ERP implementation from the different point of view, hopes to establish the beneficial ERP system. To review the suitability of the ERP System when the enterprises under the industry change, strategy change and business scale changes, no matter to build a new ERP System or ERP system phase transforming,
Many enterprises plan the ERP project by the engineering and technical view, It will always occur the unexpected result. It needs to make the careful considering and plans to all the ERP involves, include the business flows, the stake holders, the implemented methodology, the influence, and the implemented strategy….
This research discovery that while the case company developed and implemented ERP system has meets many bottlenecks, and also has faced many problems. It has had many influences to the enterprise organize while implement the ERP system, It has changed the original business flow, and increases many benefits, But still need to continued improved, The ERP system should assured to realize the system integrated, to pay more attention to the analysis of micro process integration and data integration, find out the gap and do the changing management well.
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先進客戶管理資訊系統之設計與實作—以出版產業為例— / The Design and Implementation of Customer Management Information System—Case Study of Publisher Business劉濤, Albert T. Liu January 1991 (has links)
根據AMR Research的預估,全球的客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)市場規模,從1998年23憶美元,預估西元2003年將達到168憶美元。以及由2002年底Siebel推出的解決方案來看,CRM的趨勢將針對各種應用系統如何做好整合。
本研究之目的,旨在整合現有客戶關係管理相關文獻,與日商B公司多年來的經驗,以流程再造為出發點,從而設計出新的客戶管理資訊系統中之「銷售」、「行銷」以及「客戶服務」等機制,以解決舊系統不敷使用的問題,並且提供新商品線銷售與服務的機制,以及整合部份內外部系統。研究過程中實踐了系統開發生命週期(System Development Lifecycle)的理論進行新系統之分析、設計、開發、測試,並進一步分析與探討新系統實際上為B公司帶來的效益。以期對於國內企業因應快速發展的CRM趨勢,本系統的實現提供了國內其它產業進行CRM資訊系統建置過程的參考價值。 / According to the prediction of AMR research, the marketing scale of global Customer Relationship Management will be expected to rise from 2.3 billions in 1998 to 16.8 billions in 2003. Viewing the CRM solution of Siebel in the end of 2002, the trend of CRM will focus on how to integrate other hundreds of applications.
The objective of this study is to integrate the related references of present CRM and the publisher industry experiences within a Japanese company B. On the basis of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) theory, we design the Sales, marketing, and customer services in the new CRM system in order to solve the problems on the legacy system, to provide the new sale channels and services mechanism of new product line and to integrate parts of the inner and 3rd party information system. During the research process, we accomplished the theorem of System Development Lifecycle to analyze, design, develop, and test of the new system. And further analyze and discuss of the benefit to company B from the the new system. In order to match the trend of the rapid growth in the CRM market for local enterprises, this system supplied the referenced value during building the CRM information system for other local enterprises. / 目 錄
摘要……..………………………………………………………… I
目錄………….…………………………………………………… II
表目錄……………………………………………………………. IV
圖目錄………………….………………………………………… V
第一章 緒論………………….…………………………………... 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機……….……………………………… 1
1.2. 研究目的與範圍………………………………………. 3
1.3. 研究方法與論文結構………………………………….. 4
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………6
第三章 案例背景與解決方案………………………………..….15
3.1.1 舊系統功能……………………………………….…...17
3.1.2 舊系統業務流程………………………………………25
3.1.3 舊系統流程分析………………………………………27
3.2 解決方案……………………………………………………...29
3.2.1 新系統流程分析………………………………………30
3.2.2 新系統功能設計重點…………………………………31
3.2.3 預期效益………………………………………………33
3.3 技術需求分析………………………………………………...34
3.3.1 系統分析與設計方法…………………………………34
3.3.2 技術選用………………………………………………41
第四章 系統架構…………………………………..…………….44
4.1.1 業務流程圖……………………………………………45
4.1.2 Data Modeling………………………………………….50
4.2 系統設計……………………………………………………...57
4.2.2 MVC設計概念………………………………………...59
4.2.3 系統雛形……………………………………………....62
4.3 系統開發………………………………………………….…..71
4.3.1 Web功能模組……………………………………….....72
4.3.2 批次模組………………………………………………74
4.4 系統測試……………………………………………………...76
4.5 系統上線……………………………………………………...82
4.6 系統開發相關技術…………………………………………...86
4.7 效益評估……………………………………………………...91
第五章 結論與後續研究方向…………………………………..98
5.1 結論…………………………………………………………..98
表2-1 四大巨人CRM解決方案的銷售與趨勢分析表…………………………...8
表3-1 銷售系統功能簡述………………………………………………………….17
表3-3 契約(訂單)管理功能簡述…………………………………………………...20
表3-4 債權管理功能簡述………………………………………………………….22
表 3-12 系統建構模式與軟體品質評析表………………………………………..42
表3-13 J2EE與 .Net比較表……………………………………………………….43
表4-1 Table Schema 範例…………………………………………………………..52
表 4-2 系統測試分類表……………………………………………………………76
表4-3 Unit Test測試案例…………………………………………………………...79
表4-4 SIT測試案例………………………………………………………………...80
表4-5 上線計畫表執行細項……………………………………………………….84
圖3-1舊系統功能架構圖一(依子系統) ……………………………………………18
圖3-2舊系統功能架構圖二(依部門) ………………………………………………18
圖3-3 舊系統訂購/出貨流程……………………………………………………….26
圖3-4 新系統訂購/出貨流程圖…………………………………………………….31
圖3-5 ERD範例……………………………………………………………………..35
圖3-6 應用系統平行開發的方……………………………………………………..40
圖3-7 系統雛形設計流程圖………………………………………………………..41
圖4-1 B公司整體業務流程圖………………………………………………………45
圖4-2 客戶註冊/訂購流程………………………………………………………….46
圖4-4 訂單內容變更………………………………………………………………..47
圖4-5 信用卡入金流程……………………………………………………………..47
圖4-6 退款流程……………………………………………………………………..48
圖4-7 客戶服務……………………………………………………………………..48
圖4-8 物流再發送流程……………………………………………………………..49
圖4-9 名條列印與線上分析報表流程……………………………………………..49
圖4-10 Conceptual Data Model (E-R with Entity) ………………………………….51
圖4-11 Conceptual Data Model Sample(E-R with attributes)……………………….52
圖4-12 亞洲共通版系統設計概念圖………………………………………………58
圖4-13 各子系統功能概要圖……………………………………………………....59
圖4-14 i18n的技術應用範例……………………………………………………….60
圖4-15第一層級Prototype範例(訂單) ……………………………………………63
圖4-16第二層級Prototype範例(訂單) …………………………………………..64
圖4.17第三層級Prototype範例(訂單) …………………………………………..65
圖4-20 JDBC Connection Pooling Module………………………………………..88
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國立高中學校行政組織再造之研究-以臺中縣市為例呂培川 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 現行國立高中學校行政組織架構,各校設立之組別大致相似。
二、 各校現行之學校行政組織中較迫切需要再造之處,頗符合現況需求。加強專業養成訓練;採勞務外包制;員額採總量管制。
三、 各校現行之學校行政組織架構較類似甲方案。較傾向於傳統之處室分組架構。
四、 國立高中學校行政組織,多數的填答者認為國立高中之規模區分維持現狀無須調整。
五、 國立高中學校行政組織,教學組、試務組以及訓育組較適合由教師兼任組長。
六、 現行國立高中學校行政組織及運作之缺失︰教師兼任行政工作意願不高;行政工作勞逸不均;行政組織結構缺乏彈性。
七、 現行國立高中學校行政組織改進途徑︰加強行政人員的專業養成訓練;改善各組行政工作勞逸不均;教職員採總量管制。
八、 國立高中學校行政組織再造,可透過將非屬核心業務外包或場所委外經營的方式來提升行政效率。
九、 進行國立高中學校行政組織再造,可以朝著裁併處室、裁併組別或歸併的方向調整。
十、 國立高中學校行政組織架構調整,以維持現狀的甲案最為填答者支持,反映出普遍冀求安定,但亦有近半數認同再造。
八、 進行國立高中學校行政組織再造,建議裁併部分處室或組別。 / This study is researching the necessity of adjusting the administration organization in national senior school, and exhaustedly analyzing the condition that a teacher holds a concurrent administrative post. Meanwhile, we can understand the faults of the school administrative organization and its administrative operation, and then we can analyze the improving gateways used nowadays in national senior high schools. Furthermore, we can offer the skeleton of reengineering administration organization, and the references to schools and the managers of the educational administration institution. These researching methods which I used are including “questionnaire survey law” and “visiting discussion”.
The object personnel that I researched were senior high school teachers, concurrent administrators, full-time administrators and some educational administration personnel in manager educational administration institution. As to the questionnaire survey, we took national senior high schools in Taichung City and Taichung County as the matrix of lamination random sampling. We sent out about 500 “asks-the-volumes” and returned 411 “asks-the-volumes”. The recall “asks-the-volumes” were all effective, so the total returns-ratio reached 82.2%.
After literature discussion, investigation and visiting discussion, we come to the following conclusions:
1. The administrative organization skeletons of sections in national senior high schools nowadays are similar to one another.
2. The schools’ administrative organizations now needed urgently reengineering in national senior high schools are: strengthen the professional nurture training, the school services need adopting by “outside the service wraps”. And the specified number of personnel uses the total quantity control. These conform to the present situation demand.
3. The school administrative organization skeleton now traditionally tends to the way of “office room grouping”.
4. The majority of the answerers think that we needn’t adjust the present scale discrimination in high schools’ administrative organization and maintain the present situation.
5. The suitable concurrent posts for high school teachers are the Curriculum and Instruction Section, Examination Section and Extra-curriculum section in national senior high school administrative organization.
6. The demerits in high schools’ administrative organization and their operations nowadays are: teachers are not willing to be concurrent administrative personnel, the administrative affairs unbalance, and the administrative organization structures are lack of flexibility.
7. The ways of improving the schools’ administrative organization in national senior high schools are: strengthen the administrative personnel professional nurture training, balance the service work between sections, and teachers and administrators use the total quantity control.
8. As for the high schools’ re-engineering administrative organization, we may penetrate the outside agent to deal with the non- core business, or place request management in order to uplift the administration efficiency.
9. In proceeding the schools’ re-engineering administrative organization in national senior high schools, we can consolidate offices, or sections, etc., or combine some offices or sections.
10. In adjusting national senior high schools’ administrative organization skeletons, most answerers support to maintain the present situation.
According to the above conclusions, my proposals are as following: --supply the reference
1. The proposals for the educational authorities:
(a) To make the plans of re-engineering organization, be accordance to the future actual demand.
(b) To loose the administrative constitutive law, afford the autonomous flexibility in operation.
(c) To solve the demerits basically from the system surface that the teachers are unwilling to serve the part-time employment, suggest that some jobs unsuitable for teachers can be done by full-time administrative personnel.
2. The proposals for school authorities:
(a) To make the brief measure of working flow, reedit the rules and regulations of school affairs.
(b) To carry on what will be re-engineered positively and urgently.
(c) To transact all labor services done by outside agent to reduce the burden of internal personnel, and incorporate personnel to save the personnel funds.
(d) To afford the non-core business managed by outside agent, exploit the finance, lighten the administrative burden, will be advantageous of re-engineering organization. And proposal that school cafeteria, cooperative, and swimming pool can be managed by outside agent.
(e) To strengthen administrative personnel’s professional nurture training, encourage concurrently administrative teachers to attend the administrative thorough study.
(f) To divide each service labor rationally, avoid the unfair burden in assigning work.
(g) To brief the administrative affairs work flow, activate the school administrative operation mechanism.
(h) To be engaged in re-engineering administrative organization in national senior high schools, suggest consolidating some offices or sections.
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工業電腦技術支援服務流程之研究---以研華科技公司為例潘錫生, Pan, Shi-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
在整個研究架構方面,採用Davenport and Short(1990)的企業流程再造的五階段,乃因為此架構既具有完整的流程再造觀念,也稍具執行細節的考量,因此決定以該兩位學者所提的企業流程再造五階段作為本研究架構。
1. 業務工程師花費過多時間於技術支援服務上,使得他們缺乏時間開發與創造新的商機。
2. 客戶找業務請求技術支援並不會留下記錄。
3. 業務工程師與應用工程師有遺忘客戶需求的可能。
4. 業務無法隨時掌握顧客需求被滿足的狀況。
5. 應用工程師被動等待客戶跟催。
1. 使用「即時支援軟體」來讓客戶可以輕鬆解決自己的問題,並留下服務需求記錄。
2. 加強公司知識庫的完整性、豐富性及更新速度。
3. 使用新的技術支援服務流程以提升服務效率及反應速度。
4. 建立每日客戶需求未被滿足的清單之電腦自動回報機制。
5. 提供客戶即時查詢其需求處理狀況。
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高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之衡量:模式建立、構念驗證與資訊科技應用 / Measuring Service Capability Maturity Level for Advanced Health Checkup Businesses: Model Building, Construct Validation and IT Application張芳凱, Chang, Fang Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之結果,定義了高階健康檢查事業服務能力等級與成熟等級之表述方式,主動性的給予被評鑑機構一個品質提升的建議與參考的軌跡。本研究設計一套『高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之自我評鑑與改善建議系統』,協助高階健康檢查事業自我評量服務成熟等級,並提供透過資訊科技應用來提升等級的建議。透過階段性的資訊科技應用採納,可妥善配置資訊科技採納進程並編製預算執行順序,來強化醫療照護服務的能力成熟度等級。 / Core competitiveness of enterprise has long been recognized as the driver of profits and sustainability of a business. Service industry is certainly in no exception. In order to effectively survive in today's harsh business environment, services business must maintain its maturity of service capabilities, treat consumer as the core of the services and serve the consumer need as the basic of services. Such consumer-oriented strategy is the key to ensure the long term prosperity of business. It is also essential to Taiwan's service industry for her successful operations in international market.
With the extended human lifespan, as well as the rise of the middle class with concern about personal health, health checkup service has become a new national sport. In order to serve customers, who have health-conscious mind and favorable financial affordability, hospitals in Taiwan provide specialized clinics and health management centers. They offer soothing lights and good atmosphere as well as healthy meals and friendly services. Such reformation in health checkup business has seen vigorous market growth and received significant investment on both medical equipment and interior remodeling of examination facility.
This study suggests that in order to achieve a higher quality of advanced health checkup service, adequate business process reengineering should be carried out as per need. With constantly improving processes, the service unit would be able to respond and fulfill the customer needs, increase the customer service capacity of the enterprise, and continue to improve service quality. Therefore, this study adapts service business process model as research framework and chooses advanced health checkup business as the research subject. The main research questions are divided into three parts: first is developing a service capability evaluation model for advanced health checkup business; second is editing descriptions of process areas in line with practical terms; third is providing a roadmap of advanced health checkup business to improve their service quality.
Results of this study helps to define the capability level representations and maturity level representations for advanced health checkup business. It could proactively provide suggestions to and also be adopted as a reference roadmap for service quality improvement by the evaluated companies. This study also implements a “self-evaluation and improvement recommendation system for advanced health checkup service capability maturity level”, which assists advanced health checkup business to self-assess the maturity level of service capability, and provide recommendations to enhance the level through IT applications. Through the stage-wise IT application adoption, it could properly arrange IT adoption schedule, prepare budget execution order and strengthen the maturity level of health care services capability.
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