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選舉制度改革前後日本聯合政府組成轉變之研究(1993-2000) / The Formation and Conversion of Japanese Coalition Government Before and After Electoral Reform (1993-2000)李軍翰, Lee, Chun Han Unknown Date (has links)
為了進一步分析選舉制度改革對1990年代的日本聯合政府、乃至於日本政壇造成何種影響,本研究將以1996年小選舉區比例代表並立制首度實踐於眾議院選舉作為分水嶺,將1996年以前成立的細川、村山聯合政府定義為「選舉制度改革前的聯合政府」,1996年到2000年成立的橋本、小淵與森聯合政府定義為「選舉制度改革後的聯合政府」,並從政黨規模、意識形態、政黨穩定狀況與政治資金規正法修正案的實施等角度進行觀察與比較。本研究發現,選舉制度改革後的聯合政府在政黨規模上已形成一個大型政黨加上兩個小黨的合作模式,意識形態也趨向右派主導而多元。就政黨穩定狀況而言,經過選舉制度改革所帶來的政黨重組,使日本政黨正走向稍無定型的一強,或是二強n弱體制。而在政治資金規正法修正案與選舉制度改革雙管齊下實施後,日本選舉也已由過去的派閥主導,開始向政黨主導模式邁出了第一步。 / After the end of World War II, SNTV-MMD system (single non-transferable vote with multi-member district system) was adopted by the Lower House in Japan since 1947. However, the electoral system of Lower House has been adapted after the Japanese general election in 1993. The Liberal Democratic Party, generally abbreviated to “LDP,” has been the ruling party of Japan since it was founded in 1955, but the LDP lost its overall majority after the Japanese general election in1993. A coalition government was created by seven opposition political parties, and Morihiro Hosokawa, the leader of Japan New Party, was elected prime minister. Hosokawa promoted electoral reform, he adapted the electoral system of Lower House for single member district with proportional representation system, because he promised to eradicate the plutocracy in Japan. The new electoral system causes several conditions, including the major parties are superiors in election, but it’s difficult for them to win the majority seats in Lower House. Besides, it’s difficult for the minor parties to win the seats in single member district, but there is an opportunity for them to win seats in proportional representation. Those conditions cause that Japanese political parties form coalition government become normality. Therefore, the electoral reform and the forming of coalition government are complementarity in the 1990s.
In this research, the coalition governments in the 1990s are divided into two groups by the executing of single member district with proportional representation system in Japanese general election of 1996. The Hosokawa government and the Murayama government are defined as “the coalition governments before the executing of new electoral system.” The Hashimoto government, the Obuchi government and the Mori government are defined as “the coalition governments after the executing of new electoral system.” Those two group are contrasted with each other from the scale of political parties, the ideology, the stability of political parties, and executing of the Political Funds Control Law.
There four major findings in this research. The first one is the coalition governments after the executing of new electoral system are formed by one major party and two minor parties. The second one is even the coalition governments after the executing of new electoral system are leading by the right-wing parties, the ideology of them is multivariate. The third one is electoral reform causes the party realignment and the Japanese political party system become one unstable major party or two major parties with several minor parties. The last one is the leader of Japanese election is turning to the parties from factions, because the new electoral system and the Aamendment to the Political Funds Control Law are executed.
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臺灣兵役制度改革之研析 / A study of military service refrom in Taiwan胡書蓉, Hu, Su-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
This study sought to examine those factors that make voluntary enlistment feasible among most advanced industrial countries nowadays. Also aims to find out actors that lead Taiwan to follow the global trend to change from conscription to voluntary enlistment, the intention behind such a policy, challenges or problems has occurred or might emerge in the future, and how to deal with them. In order to answer the questions, this study used literature analysis and comparative method to collect related materials to analyze global trend and development of military service, make comparison of different types of military service systems and study policies of Taiwanese military service and reform in detail. Analysis of this study shows that on the way of changing from conscription to voluntary enlistment, Taiwan faces several limitations such as low recruitment rates of professional soldiers, poor military discipline, a lack of public interests,
rigid legal regulations, threats to national security, insufficient supporting programs, uneven distribution of military spending and workloads. This study comes up with some policy suggestions such as the government should raise social status of the military and public trust in the military,prolong service length of four-months military training, improve supporting programs and welfare of voluntary enlistment, improve balanced allocation of national defense spending on military personnel and
weapons, adjust patterns of military training to improve specialization in the military, and evenly distribute the number of soldiers supply (according to college calendar) to smoothly realize military service reform in Taiwan.
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官僚制改革の条件―新制度論による日英比較笠, 京子 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(法学) / 乙第13228号 / 論法博第200号 / 新制||法||166(附属図書館) / 京都大学法学研究科政治学 / (主査)教授 曽我 謙悟, 教授 待鳥 聡史, 教授 建林 正彦 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM
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現貨市場交易制度改革對期貨市場外溢效果之研究-以TAIFEX為例萬幸真, Wan, Janet H. Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本研究探討證交所實施盤中撮合取消兩檔限制、盤中瞬間價格穩定措施、收盤改採五分鐘集合競價、揭露未成交五檔的買賣委託價量等措施後,是否對期貨市場的績效指標,包括流動性、波動度與市場效率等產生變化,亦即考量台灣交易制度與市場結構與國外的差異性後,市場間是否存有外溢現象(spillovers);此外,本研究亦檢視期貨對現貨的領先關係是否隨著現貨市場的交易限制減少及市場透明度增加而出現變化,本研究劃分研究期間為五個區段,分別是91年4月1日 ~ 91年6月30日、91年7月1日 ~ 91年7月26日、91年7月29日 ~ 91年9月30日、91年7月1日 ~ 91年9月30日與92年1月1日 ~ 92年4月09日,以探討這些新措施本研究的主要發現與研究結論如下:
1. 市場成交量與波動度均出現先增後減的現象,在假設總體經濟情勢無重大變化的前提下,現貨市場制度改革會對期貨市場造成影響,適度的透明度有助於提高市場一般流動性交易者的交易動機,但當市場的透明度提高到某一種程度時,反而會降低資訊內部人在公開市場的交易意願。
2. 傳統流動比率(ALR)與變異數比率在研究期間不存有顯著差異,顯示現貨市場的制度改革,並未對期貨市場的整體市場效率帶來改變。
3. 在領先落後關係上,期貨市場受現貨市場的影響力逐期減小,主要有以下可能解釋,分別是衝擊市場訊息屬於全面性(market wide),台灣現貨市場有平盤以下不得放空的規定限制現貨市場對壞消息的反應能力、期貨市場自從開市以來就已有揭露最佳未成交五檔買賣價量資訊的措施、以及現貨市場後期由於缺乏這些資訊內部人的參與而使其對新資訊的反應仍然不如期貨市場快速。
4. 現貨市場受期貨市場的影響呈現先增後減,表示投資人在制度實施初期對新制度尚不熟悉,導致現貨市場出現短暫無效率的現象,但在2003年1月的揭示未成交最佳五檔買賣價量制度實施後,現貨市場變的更加透明化,使其對期貨市場前期新資訊的依賴程度已大幅減少。
5. 期交所於2002 / 07 / 29更改盤中之撮合方式,將由原本每十秒集合競價撮合一次之方式改為逐筆撮合,對期貨的市場市場並未造成顯著特殊的影響。
關鍵字:外溢效果、領先落後、交易制度改革、市場績效指標、VECM-GARCH、衝擊反應函數、Granger因果關係檢定、Johansen共整合 / Abstract
The Taiwan Stock Exchange adopted four main trading mechanisms. (elimination of the two up/down tick, intra-day volatility interruption, 5-min closing call auction, and disclosure of the best five bid/ask price and volume) This paper investigates the spillover effects on TAIFEX after considering the special market microstructure and trading systems in Taiwan. The major findings are as follows:
1. Trading volume and return volatility increase first and then decrease, under the assumption that ‘ no significant macroeconomic changes ’, spillover effects exists.
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英國文官制度改革之研究(1979∼2003)范祥偉, Fan, Syang-wei Unknown Date (has links)
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轉型經濟下的中國城市住房改革-以重慶為例 / Transitional urban housing reform in China-the Chongqing case吳欣純, Wu, Hsin Chun Unknown Date (has links)
重慶的住房模式在短短幾年間引起學界關注,主因在於近年中國城市面臨高房價的困難,雖自1998年即開始推動各種保障性住房,但在各城市的運作中面臨許多困難,對社會弱勢保障效果有限。重慶近年在住房制度設計上形成住房保障與商品住房雙重運作體系,透過各種推動公共租賃住房及其他保障性住房,為中國各城市乃至世界各國面臨居住問題者所關注。有鑑於目前尚未有完整探討重慶住房制度改革的文獻,對住房的重慶模式也未有完整的討論,因此本文以中國住房制度改革做為背景脈絡,探討重慶住房改革歷程,分析重慶保障性住房政策與商品房市場的政策設計,進一步聚焦住房的「重慶模式」運作內容,整理分析重慶住房制度超越其他城市建立雙軌制的因素,並探討重慶住房保障體系能在幾年內快速建設的關鍵,為後續研究中國住房改革及重慶住房雙軌制者提供研究發現。 / As China went through the progress of economic reform during late 1980’s, the housing policy also started to change. It was used to be welfare housing distribution system in the past years, however, many problems raised in practice, such as insufficient charge in rent, unfair distributions, or insufficient housing units. Therefore, the housing policy started to practice commercialization and marketization, in order to resolve the old problems. Chinese government officially stopped the welfare housing policy in 1998. During the transformation to commercialized housing market, the Chinese government also developed indemnificatory apartments with multilayer protections, including the construction of low-rent housing, affordable housing and public housing accumulation fund. The government attempted to provide dual housing system by investing constructions, providing land for housing and other policies. The most well known case is the “Chongqing model” The goal of their policy is to realize “the socialism market economy with Chinese characteristics”.
The “Chongqing model” drew a lot of attention in academia in very few years. The main reason is the rising housing price in the cities in China. Although indemnificatory apartments project formed since 1998, the practical operation is problematic with limited protection for people with lower social status. By having public rental housing and other secured housing, the city government of Chongqing has developed a dual system with both secured housing and commercialized housing. Their achievement is known by other Chinese cities and the rest of the world. This thesis will address the background of the reform of Chinese housing policy, the progress of the reform of the housing policy in Chongqing , the analysis of the policy design and the operation of their policy. The reason why the “Chongqing model” is better than other cities in China will be discussed as well. We hope that we will provide the key of the fast and growing development of the Chongqing’s housing system, to people who are interested in reform of Chinese housing policy and the dual housing system in Chongqing.
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新制度理論之研究-以瑠公農田水利會為例 / A Case Study of Liou-Gong Irrigation Association謝偉智, Shie, Wei Ji Unknown Date (has links)
近來公共行政學術與實務朝向多元的發展與範圍的擴大,就前者而言,學術上的多元雖引起學科認同危機的疑慮,卻開啟了學派與科際交流的大門,為行政學術注入活水,也為理性論辯提供制度性的基礎;就後者而言,在有效治理與解決社會問題的要求下,政府必需尋求非政府部門組織與行動者的合作以共同承擔公共責任。另方面,在經過行為主義的浪潮後,社會科學界再度對「制度」(institutions)在人類社會中所扮演的角色重新審視,這主要表現在「制度」界定並影響社會互動的過程及結果。這股研究風潮在「新制度理論」(new institution)的名稱下並無一體系性的研究立場與策略,但都分享了對制度研究的高度興趣的共識,值此時刻,上述公共行政學術與實務的趨勢,提供了新制度理論引介的契機。基此,本論文乃針對新制度理論內涵作一引介,並提出一多元制度分析架構以為個案分析用。第一章部分:提出本文之研究架構與方法,並對多元分歧的〞制度〞定義作一說明與界定,此外,針對現行農田水利會的性格與特質作一簡述。第二章部分:在於對社會科學領域中新制度理論的發展作一歷史性的分析,分別探討其科際發展背景,並引用核心假設、主要論題、政策意涵與相關問題四個面向來對此思潮內部分歧的二大研究途徑:理性選擇途徑與社會文化途徑的差異作一比較,並進而探討二者是否有共量與對話的可能。第三章部分:有鑑於新制度理論內部的分歧,學者們曾提出不少理論模式以為整合,本文則分別從知識旨趣、理性概念與行動邏輯的概念探討提出另一研究途徑--溝通理性途徑,加上前述二途徑而成為多元的制度分析架構。而在分析層次方面,在就制度論制度的前提下,根據其活動範圍大小、時間歷程、客觀強制力大小而區分為制度變遷、制度改革與制度設計三層次,彼此以鑲鍖的方式存在而具有內在連繫性。第四章部分:本章依多元制度分析架構對塯公農田水利會作一個案分析,從灌溉系統的問題本質、系絡特性、與實際運作規則對其制度的源起、發展維持、轉型替代作一說明。而在農田水利會制度改革過程中,相關行動者彼此的策略性結盟、隱喻使用及論証的提出等各項行動,不僅有其自利的動機,更有其象徵意義。最後分別由交易成本、社會文化與溝通對話面向,對於改革過程中所提出的改制案、現行案及水利聯盟案作一比較分析,而塯公水利會的組織特色又適合何種制度架構亦有必要探討。第五章部分:在於對新制度理論目前發展作一評估,探討其在社會科學領域中〞進步的意義,及水利會的改革歷程所透露出的訊息為何?最後,則是對新制度理論未來研究方向提出一說明。
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我國有價證券承銷制度暨承銷商法律責任之探討龔怡傳 Unknown Date (has links)
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水産加工品産業の成立と発展 複合的視点によるノリ産業の考察日隈, 美朱 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第22226号 / 経博第614号 / 新制||経||293(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 彰, 教授 黒澤 隆文, 教授 塩地 洋 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DGAM
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